Thin free-standing liquid films manipulation: device design to turn on/off gravity in flow regimes for thickness map control and for material structuring†
The manipulation and control of free-standing liquid film drainage dynamics is of paramount importance in many technological fields and related products, ranging from liquid lenses to liquid foams and 2D structures. In this context, we theoretically design and introduce a device where we can reversibly drive flow regime switch between viscous-capillary and viscous-gravity in a thin free-standing liquid film by altering its shape, allowing us to manipulate and stabilize the film thickness over time. The device, which mainly consists of a syringe pump, a pressure transducer, and a 3D-printed cylinder, is coupled with a digital holography setup to measure, in real time, the evolution of the local film thickness map, revealing characteristic features of viscous-capillary and viscous-gravity driven drainage regimes. By using polyvinyl alcohol/water concentrated solutions, we are also able to produce viscoelastic membranes after manipulation and water evaporation, which presents manipulation history-dependent geometrical properties. Furthermore, using a system composed of carboxymethyl cellulose, water, and rod-like zinc oxide nanoparticles, we show a clear effect of film manipulation on particle rearrangement. We believe this device could represent a starting point for the development of a useful and practical tool to study thin liquid film dynamics and to produce novel (patterned) 2D structures for the numerous scientific and technical fields where they are of use.