Issue 3, 2025

A review on bio-inspired nanoparticles and their impact on membrane applications


Incorporation of nanoparticles into the membrane matrix plays a pivotal role in water purification and treatment. In this review, the recent advances in coupling green nanoparticles, encompassing diverse materials, such as metallic-, metal oxide-, and carbon-based nanoparticles, for tailoring NPs for specific membrane applications are elucidated. The green approach involves the synthesis of nanoparticles using plant extracts, enabling precise control over the size, shape, and surface properties of NPs. The incorporation of NPs improves the underlying hydrophilicity, antifouling properties, mechanical strength, and selectivity of the membrane matrix for various separations, including water purification, desalination, and wastewater treatment. This review also addresses the potential challenges in utilizing green-synthesized nanoparticles in membrane technology for targeted applications. Factors such as scalability, stability, and long-term environmental impact are assessed to ensure the practical viability and sustainability of this approach. In conclusion, the integration of green-synthesized nanoparticles in membrane applications represents a sustainable and innovative paradigm in the field of membrane technology. This approach not only augments the performance of membranes but also aligns with global efforts towards eco-friendly and sustainable practices in synthesis of materials and environmental remediation. This review encourages further research and development in this area, paving the way for greener and more efficient membrane-based separation processes.

Graphical abstract: A review on bio-inspired nanoparticles and their impact on membrane applications

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Article information

Article type
Critical Review
08 Oct 2024
14 Jan 2025
First published
16 Jan 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Sustain., 2025,3, 1212-1233

A review on bio-inspired nanoparticles and their impact on membrane applications

S. Puri, S. Divakar, K. Pramoda, B. M. Praveen and M. Padaki, RSC Sustain., 2025, 3, 1212 DOI: 10.1039/D4SU00460D

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