Issue 1, 2025

High-performance, ambient-processable organic solar cells achieved by single terpene-based entirely eco-friendly process


Conventional processing solvents for organic electronics pose significant health/environmental risks, prompting the search for greener/safer alternatives. Herein, we develop organic solar cells (OSCs), processed from a single terpene solvent, eucalyptol (Eu), with almost no environmental hazards and toxicity. Notably, a record-high power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 15.1% is achieved without any additive, which is particularly significant given the low PCEs (0.1–3.0%) of previous OSCs using a single terpene. First, we design a small-molecule acceptor (MYBO) with optimized side-chains, offering sufficient solubility while maintaining excellent optoelectronic properties. Second, we develop a processing technique which controls the film-formation kinetics to independently tune the aggregation of polymer donor and MYBO. This enables the formation of well-developed MYBO crystallites embedded within interconnected polymer fibrillar structures. And, all the solution processing can be performed in air without using a glove box, thanks to the eco-friendly Eu process. The devices also exhibit excellent air-stability, retaining more than 92% of the initial PCE after 2300 h in air. This work provides important guidelines for material designs and processing methods to achieve eco-friendly processed, high-performance OSCs.

Graphical abstract: High-performance, ambient-processable organic solar cells achieved by single terpene-based entirely eco-friendly process

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Article type
10 Oct 2024
12 Nov 2024
First published
13 Nov 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025,13, 230-242

High-performance, ambient-processable organic solar cells achieved by single terpene-based entirely eco-friendly process

H. Jeon, J. Lee, K. Bae, T. Ngoc-Lan Phan, C. Lim, J. Choi, C. Wang, S. Lee and B. J. Kim, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, 13, 230 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA07223E

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