Issue 10, 2025

Design and analysis of a vertically extended gate field effect transistor (VEG-FET)-based hydrogen gas sensor: a comprehensive modeling and simulation approach


In this study, a novel vertically extended gate field effect transistor (VEG-FET)-based hydrogen (H2) gas sensor with a look-up-table (LUT) based modeling and simulation approach is presented. The gate area is extended vertically without affecting the intrinsic parameters to provide a larger area for the adsorption of H2 molecules without increasing the sensor footprint. The gate electrode was vertically extended by depositing platinum (Pt) over a channel created in Parylene-C polymer. An analytical model was constructed for the interaction of H2 gas with platinum (Pt) to determine the change in the work function (ΦM). The Pt work function lowered by 16% for input hydrogen gas pressure (PH2) of 0 to 0.5 torr. The Pt–H2 interaction information is passed to a technology computer-aided design (TCAD) tool for VEG-FET design and simulation. The drain current (IDS) of the VEG-FET varies from 150.7 mA without H2 gas to 310.3 mA at 0.5 torr hydrogen gas pressure at gate to source (VGS) and drain to source (VDS) voltage of 3 V. Both bioreaction and TCAD results are passed to Cadence Virtuoso for a complete gas sensor with read-out circuit simulation using the LUT method. A VEG-FET based common source amplifier with resistive load was designed and simulated, and the output voltage (Vout) varied by ∼40% for PH2 = 0.5 torr.

Graphical abstract: Design and analysis of a vertically extended gate field effect transistor (VEG-FET)-based hydrogen gas sensor: a comprehensive modeling and simulation approach

Article information

Article type
27 Oct 2024
06 Jan 2025
First published
07 Jan 2025

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025,13, 5110-5118

Design and analysis of a vertically extended gate field effect transistor (VEG-FET)-based hydrogen gas sensor: a comprehensive modeling and simulation approach

P. Martha, M. Kohli, R. Kumar and S. K. Behera, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2025, 13, 5110 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC04574B

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