de and
aRuđer Bošković Institute, Bijenička 54, Zagreb, Croatia. E-mail: igor.djerdj@irb.hr; Fax: +385 (0) 1 4680 114; Tel: +385 (0) 1 4561 111
bInstitute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Jadranska 19, 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia
cFaculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Jamova 2, 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia
dInstitute Jožef Stefan, Jamova 39, 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia
eFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Jadranska 19, 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia
fDepartment of Materials, ETH Zürich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 10, 8093, Zürich, Switzerland
First published on 22nd May 2010
Diluted magnetic semiconductors with a Curie temperature exceeding 300 K are promising candidates for spintronic devices and spin-based electronic technologies. We review recent achievements in the field of one of them: Co-doped ZnO at the nanoparticulate scale.
![]() Igor Djerdj | Igor Djerdj studied physics at the University of Zagreb, Croatia where he also received his Ph.D. degree in 2003. He completed his first postdoctoral study at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany. Afterwards he moved to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ), Switzerland where he did his second postdoc. Since 2009 he has been a Scientific Associate at the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia. His research interests include the structural characterization of a variety of materials with targeted applications, theoretical modelling of the electronic structure, liquid-phase synthesis of novel materials particularly inorganic–organic hybrids, diluted magnetic semiconductors, magnetic nanoparticles, and gas-sensing materials. |
![]() Zvonko Jagličić | Zvonko Jagličić obtained his Ph.D. in solid state physics in 1996 at the University of Ljubljana. He has a research position at the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics and is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering in Ljubljana, Slovenia. His research interests include magnetic, electronic and structural properties of complex metallic alloys, nanoparticles and multiferroics. |
![]() Denis Arčon | Denis Arčon received his Ph.D. degree in physics at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1998. He then took a postdoctoral position at the University of Sussex, UK. In 2000 he became a group leader at the Institute “Jožef Stefan” and an assistant professor at the Faculty of mathematics and physics of the University of Ljubljana where he is now a lecturer. His broad research interests include magnetic systems, superconductivity and inorganic nanostructures and he applies nuclear magnetic resonance, electron paramagnetic resonance and muon spin relaxation techniques to study these systems. In particular, he is focused on semiconducting nanostructures as well as on fulleride and pnictide superconductors. |
![]() Markus Niederberger | Markus Niederberger studied chemistry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich, where he also received his Ph.D. degree in 2000. After a postdoctoral stay at the University of California, Santa Barbara, in 2002 he became group leader at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces at Potsdam. Since 2007 he has been Assistant Professor in the Department of Materials at ETH Zürich. His research interests include the liquid-phase synthesis of inorganic functional materials, investigation of formation and crystallization mechanisms, particle assembly and organic–inorganic hybrids. Targeted applications are in the field of lithium ion batteries, chemoresitive gas sensors, photocatalysis, and transparent conducting oxides. |
Here we briefly review recent achievements in the field of Co-doped ZnO from the magnetic ground state point of view during attempting RT ferromagnetism. We restrict ourselves to the subclass of nanoparticulate materials, highlighting the complex role of nanoscale dimension in determining the final magnetic properties. We focus on both numerous theoretical models for the elucidation of an intrinsic origin of the ferromagnetism, as well as on various experimental synthetic approaches in obtaining Co-doped ZnO nanoparticles. In this context, we will also settle our contribution to the field. Due to the large number of publications, it is not possible to provide an exhaustive overview of this topic. Instead, we have chosen just a representative number of instructive literature examples to elucidate some of the major aspects of Co-doped ZnO. In addition, we will present theoretical physical models, which describe and explain conditions in obtaining RT ferromagnetism.
The second principle says that the exchange integral between d shells of adjacent atoms has always the same sign as in the H2 molecule. The direct interaction between d shells of adjacent atoms leads to an antiferromagnetic configuration of the d shell spins.
Finally, the third principle means that the spin of an incomplete d shell is strongly coupled to the spin of the conduction electrons. This coupling tends to align the spins of the incomplete d shells in a ferromagnetic manner. As a consequence, three types of spin coupling govern the magnetic properties of the transition metals. The relative magnitudes of these three types of coupling in a particular metal determine the type of its magnetic behavior. Ferromagnetism will be observed in all systems for which the neighboring incomplete d shells are sufficiently far apart so that the indirect ferromagnetic coupling through the conduction electrons dominates over the direct antiferromagnetic coupling. Among the pure transition metals this condition is most likely to occur in the last elements of the first transition group.40
Later on, in the theory of magnetic metals, the Zener model was abandoned, as neither the itinerant character of the magnetic electrons nor the quantum Friedel oscillations of the electron spin polarization around the localized spins were taken into account. Both features show to be critical parameters in the theory of magnetic metals. However, in the case of semiconductors, the effect of the Friedel oscillations averages to zero, because the mean distance between the carriers is greater than that between the spins. In such a case, the Zener model becomes equivalent to the second description of ferromagnetism developed by Ruderman, Kittel, Kasuya, and Yosida (RKKY model), which was shown to be responsible for the carrier-induced ferromagnetism in IV–VI compounds (Pb, Sn, Mn)Te. RKKY interaction, as originally proposed by Ruderman and Kittel, refers to a coupling mechanism of nuclear magnetic moments in explaining unusually broad nuclear spin resonance lines that had been observed in natural metallic silver.43 The theory describes an indirect exchange coupling, where the nuclear spin of one atom interacts with a conduction electron via the hyperfine interaction. This conduction electron then interacts with another nuclear spin, thus creating correlation energy between the two nuclear spins. Alternatively, a scenario has been proposed based on the localization of inner d or f shell electron spins that couple to conduction spins in a metal via the exchange interaction. One prediction of the RKKY theory in a system consisting of thin magnetic layers separated by non-magnetic spacer material is ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic oscillations as a function of the distance between the layers.
Let us focus now on the main subject of this Minireview, namely Co-doped ZnO nanoparticles. For the simplification of the problem, we will temporarily put the nanocrystalline nature of the Co-doped ZnO aside, and simplify the investigated system in such a way that it consists of randomly distributed magnetic impurities (Co atoms) within a ZnO matrix. Incorporation of the Co ions into the ZnO host either involves the replacement of ZnO atoms/ions on regular Zn sites, or positioning of Co on non-regular (i.e., interstitial) sites. But the magnetic properties of the final system depend on many more parameters including the concentration and distribution of the cobalt, type and concentration of defects, n-type doping, p-type doping, etc. Although they did not investigate exactly Co-doped ZnO, Dietl et al.42 have predicted possible realization of RT ferromagnetism in DMS based on ZnO and GaN as host materials. They used the Zener description of hole-mediated exchange interactions and theoretically predicted a Curie temperature above room temperature in p-type ZnO with 5% Mn atoms as dopants and a carrier concentration of 3.5 × 1020 holes cm−3. But such an assumed p-type doping is in conflict with the n-type doping in native ZnO. Nevertheless, they claimed that even higher values of TC are possible for materials with higher concentrations of holes and magnetic ions or consisting of lighter elements.
Using Monte Carlo simulations, Jalbout et al.44 studied the RKKY indirect exchange interaction of doped magnetic Co ions in ZnO films. They showed that the RKKY interaction in Co-doped ZnO is long ranged and its magnitude is inversely proportional to the distance R from a central Co2+ ion. The sign oscillates with a frequency that depends on the concentration of the carrier. The long-distance sum of the RKKY indirect exchange energies is positive, indicating that these materials are ferromagnetic.
Sato and Katayama-Yoshida45 have argued the possible stabilization of ferromagnetism by electron doping in Co-doped ZnO. Analyzing the density of states, they suggest that the ferromagnetism originates from the competition between the ferromagnetic double exchange interaction and the antiferromagnetic super exchange interaction. Based on ab initio calculations within the local density approximation using the Korringa–Kohn–Rostoker method combined with coherent potential approximation,46 they found that the ferromagnetic state was stabilized by electron doping in the case of Fe-, Co- and Ni-doped ZnO.47 As an illustrative example of their ab initio calculation, we show a comparison between ferromagnetic and spin-glass state of Co-doped ZnO, where the concentration of magnetic Co ions is in the range from 5 to 25% (step 5%). The system was examined under the conditions of electron (n-type ZnO) or hole doping (p-type ZnO) with the same concentration values as Co.
To create electron carriers, they introduced one more component of Ga at the Zn site, while the hole carriers were created by introducing N at the O site. Illustratively, the electron-doped Co-doped ZnO can be described as (Zn1−x−yCoxGay)O, while its hole-doped counterpart can be regarded as (Zn1−xCox)(O1−yNy). Based on these configurations, the total energies were calculated for the spin-glass state and for ferromagnetic ordering, and their difference is plotted in Fig. 1 as a function of magnetic Co ion and carrier concentration. The key message which can be extracted from Fig. 1 is that the ferromagnetism in Co-doped ZnO might be attainable with electron doping. It is also deducible that higher concentration of magnetic Co ions as well as higher concentration of electron dopants lead to higher stabilization of ferromagnetism as a ground state. At this point it might be appropriate to mention several considerations of magnetic ground states for Co-doped ZnO from first principles. Lee and Chang considered different geometries of Co ion accommodations on Zn regular sites in a ZnO supercell.6 They investigated the magnetic interactions between the Co ions, particularly the interaction range and dependence on the crystal directions. The interesting finding is that the ferromagnetic state is more stable than the antiferromagnetic one when Co ions are continuously aligned along the c-axis, whereas the opposite is true for an alignment along the a1 direction. The difference in the stability of magnetic states between these two alignments of Co atoms originates from the hexagonal symmetry of the wurtzite structure affecting thus the magnitude of the superexchange interaction. Another interesting result is related to the Co–Co distances and the range of magnetic interactions. By inspecting different supercell sizes (variation of Co–Co distances), they found that couplings between two Co ions are negligible for distances larger than 4.6 Å, suggesting that magnetic interactions are of rather short range. Finally, including electron doping the stability of the ferromagnetic state is drastically enhanced. Considering the electron doping effect related to the alignment of magnetic ions in the wurtzite cell, they found that in the case of continuously aligned Co ions the ferromagnetic state is greatly stabilized when electrons are doped above 0.5 electrons per Co atom. For Co pairs formed along the a1-axis, the stabilization of the ferromagnetic state is significantly increased after doping with 1 electron per Co atom, while the stability of the antiferromagnetic state is almost unaffected for Co pairs along the c-axis direction.6 The most likely mechanism for stabilizing the ferromagnetic state is double exchange interactions induced by carriers as originally proposed by Zener. A similar finding was reported by Hu et al. who employed LDA + U calculation for the band structure of Co0.25Zn0.75O. They obtained a semiconducting band structure and predicted an antiferromagnetic order between nearest-neighbor magnetic ions via the middle O ion for a configuration free from intrinsic defects such as O vacancies and Zn interstitial.48 Writing about first-principle considerations about Co-substituted ZnO, one should mention the contribution of Sluiter et al.49 who developed a simple and general picture based on hybridization, superexchange, and double exchange that captures trends for the transition metal series in the short- and long ranged magnetic interactions in DMS. Long-range interactions necessary for ferromagnetism in DMSs can be mediated by defect induced states. According to their prediction both hole doping and electron doping promote ferromagnetism in Co-doped ZnO, which is in contrast with previously issued DFT predictions where only electron doping enhances ferromagnetism in Co-doped ZnO. Co has the best potential as a Zn substitutional dopant in ZnO for producing DMS when combined with a hole dopant such as LiZn or an electron dopant such as CuZn or interstitial Zn.49
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Fig. 1 Stability of the ferromagnetic state in Co-doped ZnO as a function of carrier concentration. The vertical axis is the energy difference between the ferromagnetic and the spin-glass state. A positive energy difference indicates that the ferromagnetic state is more stable than the spin-glass state. The horizontal axis represents the concentration of additional dopants N and Ga which are used for creating charge carriers. Reproduced from ref. 47 with permission of the Japan Society of Applied Physics. |
So far we reviewed several theoretical models and considerations describing the stability of the FM ground state in Co-doped ZnO. A recipe for obtaining ferromagnetism with TC exceeding RT is to increase the number of itinerant d electrons, which is sufficient for the ferromagnetic coupling to prevail against the AFM superexchange interaction. The second requirement that enables ferromagnetic ordering is a large amount of Co ions incorporated in the ZnO matrix to reduce the Co–Co distances and thus to meet the short-range characteristics of FM interactions.
We finally come to the point where we take into account the nanoparticulate nature of Co-doped ZnO. The surface-to-volume ratio in nanoparticles is high in comparison to the corresponding bulk material, and therefore the surface effects are more pronounced with decreasing particle size. For the magnetic properties, the influence of uncompensated surface spins on the saturation magnetization plays a crucial role. Sanchez et al. investigated the local magnetic order at the polar (0001) oriented surface of ZnO.50 Using first principles calculations, they showed that the surface enhances the spin polarization induced by Co atoms, and even in the absence of magnetic ions, it promotes the formation of p-derived extended magnetic states, which are missing in the bulk counterpart. In this way, the surface may show uncompensated spins ferromagnetically ordered, even for an antiferromagnetic alignment of Co impurities.
Finally, we proceed to the model suggested by Coey et al.,51i.e. spin-split impurity-band exchange or more often called shallow donor model. Double exchange mechanism, which has been proposed to explain ferromagnetism in Zn1−xCoxO, from the transition metals results in deep impurity band states.52 In contrast to that, the Coey model deals with shallow donor impurity bands. Without going too deep in Coey's assumptions, development and arguing, we will just mention the main features and consequences of the idea behind it. They discussed the ferromagnetic exchange coupling and magnetic moments in dilute n-type oxides in terms of tendencies of these materials to form shallow donors. Starting with the assumption that in magnetic cation substituted oxides, e.g., ZnO (Zn1−xMx), there are additionally donor defects (O□δ, where δ denotes the defect concentrations). An electron associated with a particular defect will be confined in a hydrogenic orbital of radius rH. For ZnO the value of rH amounts to 0.76 nm. The binding energy of the electron donor in a 1s orbital (depth of the electron traps) is of the order of a few tenths of electron volts. As the donor concentration increases, the 1s orbitals overlap to form an impurity band. Firstly, the electrons remain localized due to the influence of correlations and potential fluctuations in a narrow band, until reaching the critical donor concentration at which the impurity band states become delocalized causing metallic conduction. The interaction between the magnetic cations and the hydrogenic electrons in the impurity band results in the formation of magnetic polarons, coupling the 3d moments of the ions within their orbits (magnetic polaron impurity-band model). The magnetic cations present an extra random potential, extending the localized region when their concentration increases. When the radius of the hydrogenic orbital is sufficiently large, an overlap between the hydrogenic electron and the cations within its orbit leads to ferromagnetic exchange coupling between them (s–d exchange).53 In that paper,51 Coey et al. also estimated the Curie temperature and proposed conditions for obtaining ferromagnetism with high TC (higher than room temperature). As a result of their calculation assuming that the modeled system is analogous to a Néel two-sublattice magnet (dopant cations and donor electrons), in the case of Co-doped ZnO (10% Co doping, 1% donor defects) TC = 18 K. Of course, such a value is certainly too low particularly for any practical purposes and in contradiction with many experimental reports about Co-doped ZnO. Therefore, they suggested that the only way to boost TC significantly is to increase the donor electron density in the vicinity of magnetic impurities. Matching the experimentally observed Curie temperatures would require 15% of the donor charge density to be redistributed over the impurity sites. In order to transfer around 1–2% of an electron from the donor states to each magnetic cation, empty 3d states have to hybridize with the donor states at the Fermi level. In conclusion to this model, the recipe for obtaining high Curie temperature requires hybridization and charge transfer from a shallow donor-derived impurity band to unoccupied 3d states at the Fermi level. It implies that the Coey model as well as Dietl's interpretation of the Zener model for hole-mediated ferromagnetism depend critically on three general factors: (a) concentration of the dopant x, (b) concentration of the carriers δ, and (c) strength of the interaction between them parameterized by . The cation radius scaling parameter
accounts for enhanced hybridization of the magnetic dopant with the donor defects; Jsd represents the s–d exchange parameter. The sources of shallow donor in ZnO are defects which provide n-type conduction like oxygen vacancies and/or Zn interstitials.
At the end of this part of the review, we have to stress that we discussed different physical models that try to fit the observed ferromagnetism in DMS, particularly focusing on TM-doped ZnO, whereas TM is mainly Co. In particular, we mentioned the Zener model, the RKKY model, Dietl's application of the Zener model, the approach of Sato and Katayama-Yoshida, different first-principles calculations and finally the Coey model giving a prescription for achieving RT ferromagnetism in DMS. The main common feature of those contributions is the importance of an exchange interaction between the charge carriers introduced in the ZnO host through specific point defects and magnetic cations. In the following section of this Minireview, we will focus on the reported experimental achievements in the preparation of Co-doped ZnO at the nanoparticulate scale, reviewing the obtained final materials, the magnetic ground states. Additionally we try to put the obtained ferromagnetism in context with the described physical models.
Preparation method | Obtained morphology | Magnetic state | Important remark |
Polymerizable precursor method | Agglomerated irregular nanoparticles (20–100 nm) | RTFM | Specific magnetization varies with particle size and lattice parameter c.58 |
Hydrothermal method | Spherical nanoparticles (50–100 nm) + nanorods (D = 100–200 nm, L = 200–500 nm) | RTFM | Interfacial defects of particle interfaces acts as large volume magnetic polarons which couple the spins.59 |
Hydrothermal method | Nanorods (D = 200 nm, L = 1–6 μm) | Weak RTFM | Ref. 60 |
Modified microemulsion route | Single-crystalline nanorods (D = 80–100 nm, L = 1.5–2 μm) | RTFM (TC > 380 K) | Ref. 10 |
Surfactant-assisted hydrothermal technique | Nanorods (D = 200–500 nm, L = several μm) | Weak RTFM + paramagnetic contribution | The origin of the ferromagnetism is probably due to the presence of mixed cation valence via d–d double-exchange mechanism.1 |
Thermal hydrolysis | 10 nm nanoparticles | RTFM | Oxygen vacancies as a donor impurity within the Coey model.61 |
Sol–gel | Nanocomposite | Paramagnetic behavior | The paramagnetism is interpreted as a result of the low effective doping and the lack of oxygen vacancies.62 |
Sol–gel | 20 nm spherical nanocrystals | RTFM | RTFM induced by hydrogenation.13 |
Sol–gel | Not reported | RTFM | Annealing of the material at higher temperatures yields larger ferromagnetism.29 |
Sol–gel | 140 nm nanoparticles | Paramagnetic behavior and low-temperature (150 K) FM | The magnetic observations are explained by mean-field Zener model.16 |
Modified sol–gel | Nanorods (D = 100–200 nm, L = 200–1000 nm) | RTFM | Ref. 7 |
Solvothermal synthesis | Faceted core-shell 50 nm nanocrystals | RTFM | Ferromagnetic core + paramagnetic shell; RTFM is interpreted in the frame of bound magnetic polaron model based on the presence of doubly occupied oxygen vacancies or zinc interstitial.21 |
Solvothermal synthesis | Nanoparticles, nanorods, nanowires | RTFM or AFM | The obtained morphology as well as magnetic coupling strongly depends on the solvent used.63,64 |
Solvothermal synthesis under 12 T magnetic field | Single-crystalline nanorods (L = 50–200 nm) | 0 T-paramagnetic behavior 12 T- RTFM | External magnetic field influences the growth and the final magnetic behavior.12 |
Autocombustion method | Nanoparticles (15 or 40 nm) | Paramagnetic or RTFM | RTFM attributed to the presence of metallic Co impurities.27 |
Autocombustion method | 40 nm nanoparticles | FM imbedded in paramagnetic matrix25or paramagnetic behavior22 | Ref. 22,25 |
Vaporization–condensation method | Tetrapod-like morphology | Ferromagnetic (p = 10 Torr), paramagnetic (p = 70–100 Torr) | Magnetic properties can be tuned by the proper control of the preparation conditions. The defective microstructure favors the formation of Co enriched areas inside ZnO matrix, therefore decreasing Co–Co distances and promoting AF interactions.19 |
Hydrothermal + electrochemical process | Hexagonal ring-like superstructure composed of nanorods (100–400 nm in thickness) | RTFM | The experimental evidence of oxygen vacancies which stabilize the FM state.11 |
Alkaline-activated hydrolysis and condensation | 20 nm spherical nanoparticles | Paramagnetic behavior | Spinodal decomposition cannot be solely responsible for the appearance of FM.26 |
Thermal decomposition | Nanowires (D = 45 nm, L = 2–6 μm) | RTFM | The FM ordering is induced by the Zn vacancy-derived impurity band and enhanced by the 1D size effect.8 |
Thermal decomposition | 6 nm nanocrystals | RTFM | Ref. 33 |
Thermal decomposition | Nanowires (D = 35 nm, L = 2–6 μm) | Weak FM behavior | Ref. 65 |
Acrylamide polymerization method | 40 nm nanoparticles | RTFM + paramagnetic component | The annealing under N2/O2 atmosphere can switch on/off ferromagnetism in Co-doped ZnO.17 |
ZnO nanorods were synthesized using a simple and straightforward non-aqueous sol–gel method, based on benzyl alcohol as a solvent. Details about the synthesis and structural characterization were published elsewhere.32
TEM images of 3% Co:ZnO nanorods displayed in Fig. 2(a) and 2(b) point to a nanorod-like morphology with the sizes measured along and perpendicular to their axes. The average length is 129 nm and average diameter 44 nm for 3% Co:ZnO, while 5% Co:ZnO exhibiting rather irregular shape with the appearance of polyhedral crystallites measures around 170 nm in length. The HRTEM image (Fig. 2(c)) shows a good crystallinity with clear resolution of lattice fringes.
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Fig. 2 (a) TEM image of 3% Co:ZnO nanorods; (b) higher magnification; (c) HRTEM image of 3% Co:ZnO nanorod. |
In Fig. 3(a) the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility χ(T) measured after a zero-field cooling (ZFC) and field cooling (FC) procedures are shown. Over most of the studied temperature interval, it shows only weak temperature dependence. The susceptibility χ(T) is systematically larger under FC conditions when compared to the values obtained after the ZFC procedure. The enhanced difference between ZFC and FC susceptibilities below ≈140 K may reflect the blocking temperature TB of the assembly of superparamagnetic particles. A relatively “flat” ZFC curve without a pronounced maximum indicates a broad distribution. To prove the magnetic ground state, we measured an isothermal magnetization at 2 K and at room temperature. In Fig. 3(b) the magnetization curves M(H) are displayed for undoped ZnO nanorods and both Co-doped samples. The Co-doped samples show “S”-shaped curves typical for a ferromagnet with magnetizations that saturate almost completely at 50 kOe at Msat = 3.5 emu g−1 and 6.3 emu g−1 for 3% and 5% doped samples, both values at T = 2 K. If all Co2+ (S = 3/2 in the high-spin configuration) moments were ferromagnetically ordered, the expected saturation magnetizations would be 6.2 emu g−1 and 10.3 emu g−1. The lower experimental values point to the fact that the final doping levels in Co-doped ZnO are below the nominal values of 3% and 5%.
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Fig. 3 (a) The temperature dependence of the susceptibility and; (b) hysteresis loops measured at T = 2 K and 300 K. For comparison the small signal of undoped (pure) ZnO is shown, too. Reproduced from ref. 32 with permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry. |
The room temperature saturation magnetizations are lower than the corresponding values at 2 K. The result suggests that the samples, in addition to the ferromagnetic contribution with temperature independent magnetization as described above, also exhibit a paramagnetic part with Curie-like susceptibility dependence (notice the Curie upturns at low temperatures in Fig. 3(a)). The coercive field is also detected and is around 0.3 kOe for both dopant levels at 2 K. The M(H) curves were fitted with the Langevin function, where the average magnetic moment per particle was obtained μ ≈ 12 μB and 18 μB for 3% and 5% doped samples. If the Co2+ ions are distributed homogeneously, then the average particle size would be around 26 nm. We notice here that our particle size estimation coincides very well with the reported value, and thus allows a good comparison.19
The EPR signal was measured at several temperatures up to 635 K, which is well above room temperature. A very broad signal with an irregular line shape is observed. The obtained spectra reproduce neither the paramagnetic resonances,66 nor the resonance measured in ferromagnetic Co-doped ZnO.67 It is very probable that the broad EPR signal is a ferromagnetic resonance. The open question is related to the physical model which is best suited to our observed RTFM in Co-doped ZnO prepared by the benzyl alcohol route. Within the frame of the bound magnetic polaron model and the Kittilstved study of the electronic structural origin of polarity dependent RTFM, we may suggest that the coupling between Co cations and shallow donor electrons at the Fermi level is responsible for the observed RTFM. However, the origin of point defects is still unclear and would require a further study. For sure, we can state that the oxygen vacancies are precluded in our system based on EPR results, making zinc interstitials possible candidates for a shallow donor source.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2010 |