D. L.
S. J.
CSIRO Process Science and Engineering, Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre, Locked Bag 2005, Kirawee NSW 2232, Australia. E-mail: pavel.yaroshchyk@csiro.au
First published on 27th October 2011
The objective of the current research was to compare different data-driven multivariate statistical predictive algorithms for the quantitative analysis of Fe content in iron ore measured using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). The algorithms investigated were Principal Components Regression (PCR), Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS), Multi-Block Partial Least Squares (MB-PLS), and Serial Partial Least Squares Regression (S-PLS). Particular emphasis was placed on the issues of the selection and combination of atomic spectral data available from two separate spectrometers covering 208–222 nm and 300–855 nm ranges, which include many of the spectral features of interest. Standard PLS and PCR models produced similar prediction accuracy, although in the case of PLS there were notably less latent variables in use by the model. It was further shown that MB-PLS and S-PLS algorithms which both treated available UV and VIS data blocks separately, demonstrated inferior performance in comparison with both PCR and PLS.
The use of multivariate data analysis algorithms to interpret LIBS data sets has recently received a great deal of attention. In particular, such techniques as Principal Components Analysis (PCA) have been applied to material classification and identification,4–6 while Principal Components Regression (PCR)7,8 and Partial Least Squares Regression (PLS)5,6,9 have proven successful in quantitative analysis. As LIBS data normally spans a spectral range of tens or hundreds of nanometres recorded with the use of a Czerny–Turner or an Echelle spectrometer, it is logical to seek a data-driven analysis algorithm that optimally utilises all the available spectral bandwidth to establish the strongest possible correlations between the spectral data and elemental composition. This is generally done by formulating a predictive model based on reducing the dimensionality of a data set of input raw spectral variables to a limited number of latent variables (or principal components in the case of PCR) in a spectral matrix X in such a way that they robustly correlate with the known concentrations y of the species analysed. It has been demonstrated that the use of data-driven multivariate statistical analysis techniques makes possible robust quantitative elemental analysis of species which LIBS normally struggles with, such as phosphorous,8 and even the prediction of material physical parameters which are not directly related to single species' elemental composition, for example, loss on ignition.10
The question of selecting the most suitable data-driven multivariate statistical analysis algorithm from a number of available options remains. Generally PLS is expected to perform slightly better than PCR, as the former is able to better cope with the problem which arises when significant changes in the analyte concentration give rise to only small variations in X, and also if there is a high degree of spectral interferences in the data. In an extreme case some important information can be interpreted by PCR as noise11 and discarded. Further it is not necessarily clear which method should be chosen if there is data available from multiple spectrometers, especially if the spectra differ by dimensions, resolution and recorded intensity levels. It is expected that if two datasets (based on measurements of the same material with different spectrometers) are available for analysis, it is best to add them together to form an extended spectral matrix X, than, for example, use a multi-block regression analysis.12 However, there is no guarantee that a combined block will provide better results compared to one of the single original blocks. For instance, the improvement can be compromised by the increased noise coming from the additional X matrix (block), or there simply may not be much useful information contained in it relative to the analyte. Also, it has been recently demonstrated that S-PLS, a multi-block analysis technique, is nevertheless capable of achieving the same or better results as PLS when analysing a combination of MIR and NIR spectra.13,14
The LIBS data used in this study consisted of two blocks, which are referred to as UV (covering the range from 208 nm to 222 nm) and VIS (covering the range from 300nm to 855nm), which were collected using a Czerny–Turner spectrometer and an Echelle spectrometer respectively. Both spectrometers were fitted with intensified multichannel detectors. As PCR and PLS both use a single X block, three different analysis options were investigated. In the first case the data available from two spectrometers were put together to form a single extended X matrix. In other two cases the X matrix contained the data originating from only one of the spectrometers, taking either the UV or the VIS data as the X matrix.
MB-PLS is an extension of the standard PLS method and it is similar to PLS except that MB-PLS contains all measured variables into several blocks according to some predetermined criterion or a priori knowledge of the measurement or process.15–17 Unlike the standard PLS, the MB-PLS operates with super scores and super weights obtained from multiple blocks and uses those for modelling and subsequent prediction. With S-PLS the data is treated as multiple X blocks separately in a serial mode, allowing the use of a different number of latent variables for modelling each data block.18
The aim of this present study was to compare the accuracy of analysis for Fe content in an iron ore matrix by applying the PCR, PLS, MB-PLS, and S-PLS algorithms to LIBS data sets. The emphasis is made on finding the optimal analytical strategy for the case when the spectral data is available is numerous blocks, which may or may not come from separate spectrometers. While the first two algorithms have been extensively used in LIBS for elemental analysis of a range of species, to our knowledge there are no reports of the use of the S-PLS or MB-PLS to analyse atomic spectral data. As the PCR, PLS, MB-PLS and S-PLS multivariate statistical algorithms have already been successfully applied to the analysis of NIR and MIR spectra, it seemed useful to investigate whether MB-PLS and S-PLS are useful for analysis of LIBS data
X = TPT + E | (1) |
In this case n is the number of samples measured and p is the number of pixels corresponding to the LIBS spectra. E is the matrix of residuals, the columns of matrix T are the scores and the columns of P are the loadings that linearly relate the principal components to the ‘raw’ spectral data. The scores and loadings are subsequently used to compute regression coefficients b for prediction of the unknown response vector ŷ (n × 1), in this case being the predicted concentration of the species of interest in each sample:
ŷ = Xb | (2) |
A training data set is used to generate the model in a calibration phase and a separate validation data set is used to evaluate the performance of the predictive model. Details of the implementation of PCR including the SVD factorisation and NIPALS algorithm are given by Jørgensen and Goegebeur.11
X = TPT + E | (3) |
y = TqT + f | (4) |
ŷ = Xb | (5) |
Separate training and validation data sets are used for calibration and evaluation of model predictive performance. Details on the implementation of the SIMPLS PLS algorithm used in this study are given by deJong.19
X1=TPT1 + E1 | (6) |
X2=TPT2 + E2 | (7) |
y = TqT + f | (8) |
Two variations of MB-PLS algorithms have been reported in literature. One version uses the block scores to calculate the loadings and residuals,15 while the second version uses the super-scores.17 The algorithm used in the present study was based on the latter version. In the calibration phase, block loadings and weights as well as super weights were computed from X1, X2, and y, and stored for prediction. The predicted response ŷ was estimated from the predictor data X1 and X2 corresponding to the unknown samples as well as the calibration loadings and weights, see Westerhuis et al.17 and Chong and Lee20 for implementation details.
X1=T1PT1 + E1 | (9) |
X2=T2PT2 + E2 | (10) |
y = T1qT1+T2qT2 + f | (11) |
ŷ = X1b1 + X2b2 | (12) |
The major difference between the S-PLS and the MB-PLS algorithms is that in the former method decomposition of the predictor blocks (reduction of data dimension) is performed in a serial mode, and it is thus possible to use a different number of latent variables for blocks X1 and X2. Details on the implementation of the S-PLS algorithm used in this study are given by Felicio et al.13 and Berglund and Wold.18
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. |
The UV and VIS components of the LIBS plasma emission were collected by two sets of imaging optics and delivered to two separate spectrometers. A combination of two fused silica 100 mm FL, 25 mm diameter plano-convex lenses was used to collect, collimate and deliver UV emission to the triple Czerny–Turner spectrometer (Spex 1877C). This spectrometer was tuned to cover the 208 nm to 222 nm spectral range. The Spex spectrometer was equipped with a gated and intensified linear photodiode array detector (PDA, 1024 pixels long) which was controlled using an optical multi-channel analyser (OMA, Princeton Instruments ST-120 controller) and a PG-200 gate pulse generator.
A 100 mm FL plano-convex lens of 25 mm diameter sampled and collimated the VIS LIBS plasma emission and a second similar lens was used to focus the light into a 200 μm core optical fibre. The fibre was connected to the Echelle spectrometer (Spectra Pro HRE Echelle, Princeton Instruments) equipped with gated intensified CCD detector (1024 × 1024 pixel array, PI-MAX Princeton Instruments). The spectrometer nominally covers the 200–1000 nm range; however, due to the limitations of the optical components used in the experiment reported, the interval from 300 nm to 855 nm was used for the analysis. Both the PDA and ICCD detectors were externally triggered by the laser and set to 0.8 μs gate width and 2 μs gate delay between the laser Q-switch and acquisition start. The data has been collected simultaneously with the two detector systems. The detectors were triggered independently and not synchronised with each other.
(13) |
(14) |
The remaining subset yval was used to provide an independent validation of the model with the metric of validation being the estimated root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP):
(15) |
1) UV data → X
2) VIS data → X
3) Concatenated UV and VIS data → X
For each of the three cases, the optimal number of principal components was found using the procedure described in section 4.1 and was equal to 8 (UV), 18 (VIS), and 13 (UV and VIS combined) respectively, see Table 1 for details. It was demonstrated that all three combinations of spectral data are capable of providing adequate calibration with goodness-of-fit R2 in the range of 0.96–0.99. However, the use of concatenated UV and VIS data for the X block resulted in the best prediction. Fig. 2 exhibits the MSECV plot for the UV and VIS data→ X case as a function of number of principal components. Generally there is a danger of over-fitting the data by taking a large number of principal components however, as may be seen in the figure, MSECV comes to a minimum with the choice of 13 PCs. Fig. 2 also shows the corresponding calibration and validation plots.
Algorithm | Data set | Opt. Num. of LV (PC) | Calibration R2 | Validation R2 | RMSEP/wt (%) |
PCR | UV | 8 | 0.96 | 0.94 | 3.1 |
VIS | 18 | 0.99 | 0.90 | 3.8 | |
UV and VIS | 13 | 0.99 | 0.97 | 2.2 | |
PLS | UV | 6 | 0.96 | 0.94 | 3.0 |
VIS | 11 | 0.99 | 0.90 | 3.9 | |
UV and VIS | 6 | 0.99 | 0.97 | 2.2 | |
MB-PLS | UV(X1) and VIS(X2) | 3 | 0.96 | 0.94 | 3.1 |
S-PLS | UV (X1) and VIS(X2) | 3 and 1 | 0.89 | 0.83 | 5.1 |
VIS(X1) and UV (X2) | 5 and 5 | 0.95 | 0.87 | 4.5 |
Fig. 2 Results of the PCR analysis: MSECV corresponding to the 10-fold cross-validation (left), calibration plot (centre), and validation plot (right). |
Fig. 3 Results of the PLS analysis: MSECV corresponding to the 10-fold cross-validation (left), calibration plot (centre), and validation plot (right). |
Fig. 4 Results of the MB-PLS analysis: MSECV corresponding to the 10-fold cross-validation (left), calibration plot (centre), and validation plot (right). |
1) UV → X1; VIS → X2
2) VIS → X1; UV → X2
The calibration procedures described in section 4.1 were applied for both cases above acknowledging that the optimal number of latent variables, LV1, used to decompose X1 and y is not necessarily equal to the optimal number of latent variables, LV2, used to decompose X2 and y.
Indeed the number of latent variables found to be optimal for combination one differed quite significantly for those required for combination two, see Table 1. Taking into account that the UV data block resulted in better performance when used by the standard PLS method, it was somewhat surprising that the X1 = VIS and X2 = UV combination demonstrated better prediction results compared to the alternative as the serial nature of the analysis would see the UV X2 block fine tuning the VIS X1 PLS outcome. We also note that S-PLS demonstrated much stronger dependency on the number of LVs used for cross-validation computations, which resulted in significantly higher errors achieved for models that used a far from optimal number of LVs. Fig. 5 and Table 1 show that the S-PLS with VIS data in block 1 provides better Fe abundance prediction results with calibration R2 = 0.95, validation R2 = 0.87, and RMSEP = 4.5%.
Fig. 5 Results of the S-PLS analysis: MSECV corresponding to the 10-fold cross-validation (left), calibration plot (centre), and validation plot (right). |
The regression coefficients corresponding to the best performing S-PLS (bottom) and PLS (top) models are demonstrated in Fig. 6. When comparing the two, it is seen that the VIS components have a range of common features, however the values corresponding to the S-PLS case are generally up to a factor of 5 larger. The most noticeable difference is perhaps seen in the UV channel. In contrast to the PLS, for which some of the stronger correlating peaks are located in the UV region, the values of the same coefficients calculated using the S-PLS are relatively small. This difference seems fair considering that these coefficients correspond to the calibration case when the UV spectra were used in a secondary data block. The regression coefficients as such are not used for prediction in the case of the MB-PLS calibration, and therefore not shown in the manuscript. The regression coefficients obtained for the PCR model are very similar to the ones demonstrated in Fig. 6 (top).
Fig. 6 Regression coefficients corresponding to the PLS analysis (top) and to the S-PLS analysis (bottom). |
Two data blocks recorded using the Czerny–Turner and Echelle spectrometers fitted with gated and intensified detectors and covering spectral ranges from 208 nm to 222 nm and 300 nm to 855 nm respectively were analysed. When the combination of UV and VIS data was used for analysis, PCR and PLS provided superior performance for Fe determination with validation R2 of 0.97 and RMSEP of 2.2%.
The sole use of the VIS or UV data was found less precise in predicting iron content with validation in the range of R2 = 0.90–0.94 and RMSEP in the range of 3.0–3.9% for PCR and PLS. As expected, PLS required significantly less latent variables for calibration compared to PCR.
Results produced by the MB-PLS algorithm which treats the two spectral data blocks separately in a parallel mode were third best, with validation R2 = 0.94, and RMSEP = 3.1%. S-PLS algorithm which treats the two data blocks in a serial mode, demonstrated relatively weak performance with validation R2 = 0.87 and RMSEP = 4.5%. In both cases these results did not compare favourably with the outcome of the standard PLS and PCR analysis on combined data sets.
The present study shows that in general multivariate data analysis techniques are very well suited for quantitative elemental analysis in iron ore using LIBS spectra. With a range of commercial instruments available for LIBS comprising several compact spectrometers, it seems reasonable to put all available spectral data into a single X block and consider PLS and PCR as first candidates to be used for calibration.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 |