*ab and
Andrew S.
aCNRS, LCC (Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination), 205, route de Narbonne, BP 44099, F-31077 Toulouse Cedex 4, France. E-mail: michel.etienne@lcc-toulouse.fr
bUniversité de Toulouse, UPS, INPT, LCC, F-31077 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
cDepartment of Chemistry, Chemistry Research Laboratories, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3TA, UK. E-mail: andrew.weller@chem.ox.ac.uk
First published on 10th September 2013
In this comprehensive review the developments in the synthesis, characterization and reactivity of complexes (s-, d- and f-block) in which a C–C single bond interacts with a metal centre are discussed: so called C–C⋯M agostic complexes. Such species are of significant interest with regard to structure and bonding, the activation of C–C single bonds and, thus, catalytic methods of C–C bond formation (or activation). Examples of C–C agostic complexes of early and later transition metals, actinides and group 1 metals are discussed, along with C–C agostic interactions in metallacyclobutanes. Examples of Si–Si⋯M, B–C⋯M and B–B⋯M agostic interactions are also presented. Throughout, the structural, spectroscopic and computational markers that indicate the likely presence of a C–C⋯M agostic interaction in a complex are highlighted.
The intramolecular 3-centre 2-electron (3c-2e) C–H⋯M interaction (Scheme 1) was originally defined as an agostic interaction by Brookhart and Green as: “…agostic will be used to refer specifically to situations in which a hydrogen atom is covalently bonded simultaneously to both a carbon atom and a transition metal atom.”2 Although this definition has subsequently been refined to include other (e.g. main group) metals,3 under rigorous use it does not include other intramolecular 3c-2e E–X⋯M interactions, such a C–C⋯M, or intermolecular interactions such as sigma-alkane (X = H, E = C),12–15 sigma borane (X = H, E = B)16,17 or sigma-silane complexes (X = H, E = Si);17,18 although these interactions can be grouped together under generic electron counting classification schemes.19 In this review that concentrates on the interaction of saturated C–C bonds with metal centres, to avoid the cumbersome, but ultimately rigorous, use of “sigma-interaction” for all C–C⋯M interactions when the community now recognises the concept of “agostic” interactions in the broadest sense to encompass all intramolecular X–E⋯M interactions, we chose to use the term “C–C agostic” when discussing intramolecular C–C⋯M, and related, interactions. Others have recently discussed the usage of the term agostic in a broader sense than originally defined.20–22
As far as we are aware all the examples of complexes where C–C⋯M interactions have been characterised are intramolecular (i.e. the C–C bond under scrutiny might be considered to be a part of a chelating ligand). However intermolecular interactions, that is to say “true” C–C sigma-complexes, have been proposed on the basis of computational and kinetic studies in C–C activation processes. For example Zeise's dimer, [PtCl2(η2-C2H4)]2, is proposed to react with cyclopropane via a σ-C–C⋯M intermediate,23 σ-cyclopropane complexes have been suggested as intermediates in olefin cyclopropanation reactions,24 and calculations on the interaction of the C–C bond in ethane with Pt in the model complex [PtMe(PH3)2(η2-C2H6)]+ suggest a σ intermediate.25 Calculations on C–C cleavage in acetonitrile complexes of Rh suggest an intermediate with a Rh⋯C–C interaction;26 while Bergman27 and Jones28 have presented mechanistic data, derived from kinetic studies, that show that such intermediates are important in the rearrangement of rhodium cyclopropyl hydrido complexes to metallacyclobutanes.
In this review we discuss the developments in the synthesis, characterization and reactivity of complexes (s-, d- and f-block) in which a C–C single bond interacts with a metal centre. Such species are of significant interest with regard to structure and bonding, the activation of C–C single bonds and, thus, catalytic methods of C–C bond formation (or activation).6,9,11 We do not cover C–C activation processes in detail, unless they are directly connected to an observable C–C agostic intermediate.
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Fig. 1 (a) Asymmetric unit in the X-ray crystal structure of [LiOC(Me)(c-C3H5)2]61 highlighting the Li⋯C–C close contacts. (b) The DFT optimized model Li+(c-C3H6). Key structural parameters are included. Adapted with permission from ref. 29. Copyright (1996) American Chemical Society. |
In 1998 Gleiter, Ernst et al. described a formally 14-electron titanium(II) complex resulting from the coupling of the cyclooctadienyl ligand in CpTi(C8H11)(PEt3) with three PhCCSiMe3 units, CpTi{C8H11(PhCCSiMe3)3} 2.30 The solid-state structure of 2 as determined by X-ray crystallography revealed a somewhat congested and constrained hydrocarbyl ligand and coordination sphere around the titanium atom (Fig. 2). As a consequence of this at least one saturated carbon atom was found to be in close proximity to the titanium center [Ti–C 2.293(7) Å], and one of the associated C–C bonds was also significantly elongated [C–C 1.596(8) Å] suggesting an agostic C–C interaction. By use of 13C-labelled alkyne it was possible to determine the magnitude of 1JCC for several C–C bonds in 2, and a low 1JCC of 17.9 Hz was measured for the C–C bond that is proposed to engage in the agostic C–C⋯Ti interaction. Other JCC coupling constants in the hydrocarbyl ligand were also lower than expected. As a general guideline, 1JCC in unstrained alkanes is ca. 35 Hz (e.g. 34.5 Hz for ethane) and decreases in cycloalkanes as ring strain increases, e.g. 28.4 and 29.1 Hz in methylcyclobutane; 12.4 Hz in cyclopropane.31 Due to the topology of the hydrocarbyl ligand, no C–H bonds in 2 are oriented towards titanium, meaning that any C–H⋯Ti agostic interactions are likely to be relatively weak, at best. The nature of the interaction between the hydrocarbyl ligand and titanium was further probed by an NPA/NBO (natural bond orbital) analysis, which revealed a significant interaction between the long C–C bond (and its associated C–H bond) orbital and an empty orbital on titanium. Other saturated C–C bonds within the complex interacted more weakly with the titanium centre. This bonding analysis has been questioned on the basis of an in-depth QTAIM analysis of the topology of the electron density.32 No bond paths were identified between the saturated carbons close to titanium and the titanium itself using this methodology. No charge concentration directed to Ti from these close contact carbons was noted, and the electron density, Laplacian of the electron density and energy density for the hydrocarbyl ligand could be interpreted without hint of an interaction with Ti. Related titanium and zirconium complexes, which also result from oligomerization of alkynes such as PhC
CSiMe3, show similar metric parameters to 2,33–35 although no additional support for the presence of C–C⋯M interactions was presented from either solution NMR spectroscopy or computational investigations. Another well characterized titanium complex related to 2, CpTi{C8H11(PhCCSiMe3)2}(PMe3) 3 (Fig. 2), also exhibited low JCC values for some C–C bonds, most prominently those adjacent to a coordinated C
C bond (an allylic like fragment).36 In addition to the allylic unit, an elongated C–C bond is connected to the tertiary carbon attached to the α-carbon that is σ-bonded to titanium. This bridge-head β-carbon is in proximity with the titanium [Ti–C 2.539(3) Å] and the authors comment that these structural data point to a developing metallacyclobutane structure, much like those involved as intermediates in alkene metathesis. Such species will be described in more detail in Section 4.
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Fig. 2 Diagrammed X-ray molecular structures of C–C agostic complexes 2 and 3 resulting from alkyne oligomerization at titanium centres, showing some key structural parameters. |
In both Li and Ti cases, whatever the intimate nature of the interactions between the metal and the hydrocarbon fragment, it is striking that these electrophilic metals appear to interact with C–C rather than C–H bonds. In the titanium cases there are very few C–H bonds present in the vicinity of the metal and, due to the topology of the ligands, they are not spatially well located to contribute to the bonding. Consequently the saturated C–C bonds come into close proximity to a titanium centre that has little choice but to interact with them. In the lithium case 1, it is a heavily strained and hence relatively destabilized C–C bond of a cyclopropyl group that is the preferred partner despite the presence of several C–H bonds. These two examples demonstrate that C–C⋯M agostic structures are likely to be observed in situations of steric confinement or electronic activation.6 This is the case for virtually all C–C agostic structures known to date, as we will show. Additionally, and depending on the need of the unsaturated metal centre, the surrounding C–H bonds may also contribute to the interaction with the metal, for example in a η3-C–C–H type interaction with the metal centre.26,37
The crucial impact of a distortion or constraint to induce a C–C rather than a C–H agostic structure is exemplified by a series of cyclopropyl complexes of niobium. Complexes of the type TpMe2NbClR(η2-alkyne), 4 (Fig. 3), exhibit a wealth of agostic interactions that could be defined in both the solid state and in solution, and additionally by computational studies.38 When R is a linear primary n-alkyl group α-C–H⋯M agostic structures are observed exclusively, whereas secondary straight-chain sec-alkyl sec-CnH2n+1 groups lead to equilibrium mixtures of alkyl rotamers exhibiting α- or β-C–H agostic structures, the β-C–H agostic structures being lower in energy.39 When a cyclic secondary c-alkyl group is considered, the preferences for either α- or β-C–H agostic structures are altered but an equilibrium that depends on the ring size between the moderately strained C4 cyclobutyl to the unstrained C6 cyclohexyl is still observed.40,41 In this system the agostic site is uniquely defined as being in the immediate vicinity of the Cl–Nb–Cα plane, and one alkyl substituent is located in the wedge between two pyrazole rings for steric reasons. However for a C3 ring, i.e. for a cyclopropyl group in TpMe2NbX(c-C3H5)(η2-MeCCMe) (X = Cl, 4a; Ph, 4b), the agostic site is not occupied by a C–H bond but rather by a Cα–Cβ bond.40,42,43 With X = Cl, this Cα–Cβ bond is a significantly longer than the other one [Cα–Cβ 1.539(4), 1.490(4) Å], and the cyclopropyl group is distorted towards the niobium [Nb–Cα–Cβ 109.7(2)°, 131.4(2)°]. With X = Ph, an X-ray diffraction experiment was unable to differentiate between the two CαCβ bonds, while for X = Me, 4c, the solid-state structure was disordered.43 Definitive assignment of C–C⋯M agostic structures comes from JCC measurements (natural abundance INADEQUATE NMR sequence) and DFT structural optimizations in concert with the computation of JCC.44Fig. 3 shows the example of TpMe2NbCl(c-C3H5)(η2-MeCCMe), 4a, and summarizes the experimental and computational results that probe the C–C⋯Nb interaction for this complex. It was found that the measured JCC for one of the C–C bonds of the cyclopropyl group was reduced to such an extent that it was less than the inherent line-width of the INADEQUATE experiment (ca. 3 Hz), and this was confirmed by computation to be the C–C bond involved in the C–C⋯Nb agostic bonding. Taking into account the difficulties inherent in the measurement of JCC it is gratifying that computation yields not only reliable trends in the variation of JCC but also interpretable absolute values.
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Fig. 3 TpMe2NbCl(c-C3H5)(MeCCMe) 4a and its X-ray molecular structure with selected structural parameters, JCC (solution INADEQUATE), and DFT computed parameters in italics. |
The combination of two types of C–C⋯M agostic structures is observed in the heterobimetallic lithium yttrium complex Cp*2Y(μ-c-C3H5)2Li(thf) 5.45 In solution, the complex undergoes a fluxional process, and thus shows time-averaged C2v symmetry. However the complex is clearly non-symmetric in the solid-state (Fig. 4a), with one cyclopropyl group being tilted toward the yttrium (group B) and the other towards the lithium (group A). The X-ray crystal structure is accurately reproduced by DFT optimization, and both experiment and computation indicate an elongation of the C–C bonds oriented towards Li or Y (Fig. 4b).
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Fig. 4 (a) X-ray molecular structure of Cp*2Y(μ-c-C3H5)2Li(thf), 5. (b) Experimental (blue), computed (black/red) structural parameters and JCC (italics) of the core of Cp*2Y(μ-c-C3H5)2Li(thf), 5. Adapted from ref. 45. |
This fluxional behaviour of 5 prevents the informative measurement of JCC for the cyclopropyl groups. However, for those C–C bonds that are oriented towards the metals, the computed coupling constants indicate a considerable lowering of the JCC for these bonds on benchmarking with cyclopropane. For cyclopropyl group A (Fig. 4b), the situation is reminiscent of that found by Schleyer et al. for the lithium compound [LiOC(Me)(c-C3H5)2]6, 1.29 Indeed revisiting the computed model complex Li+(c-C3H6) confirmed that the C–C bond interacting with Li+ had a low JCC (−0.27 Hz), similar to both 4a and 5.
An NPA/NBO analysis further reveals that the geometrical distortions of the cyclopropyl groups in complex 5 have different origins (Fig. 5). It is found that the C–C agostic distortion of cyclopropyl group A towards lithium has a marked electrostatic contribution, which is perhaps not surprising given the closed shell nature of Li+: Li+ bears a 0.911 au charge whereas C3, the closest β-carbon, bears a higher negative charge than distal C2 [−0.537 vs. −0.463 au, respectively]. This is also reminiscent of the interaction present in 1, as discussed above. For the cyclopropyl group B, the two β-carbons C5 and C6 bear the same negative charge and there is a second-order perturbative stabilization between the σ-CαCβ and a d orbital on yttrium, suggesting a significant covalent character for this interaction. The NBO analysis reveals that the α-C–C interaction is partnered by a weaker β-C–H interaction giving an η3-C–C–H agostic structure. The bonding scheme in 5, together with the observation of α-C–H, β-C–H and α-C–C agostic rotamers in the Nb systems discussed above, suggests there is a continuum of situations ranging from purely C–H or C–C agostic structures depending on the requirements of these electrophilic metals i.e. their nature and coordination sphere. Indeed, early computational work on the model cation [TiCl2(C(CH2CH3)CH2)]+ revealed such interactions, in as much as there is a β-C–C⋯Ti agostic interaction accompanied by two γ-C–H agostic interactions.46
The importance of higher energy, strained, C–C bonds in promoting C–C agostic interactions is exemplified in the deltate uranium complex formed from CO reduction by Cp*(COT#)U(THF) [COT# = 1,4-bis(triisopropylsilyl)cyclooctatetraenediyl] to give [Cp*(COT#)U]2(μ-κ1,κ2-c-C3O3) 6.47 The molecular structure as determined by X-ray crystallography (Fig. 6) reveals an elongation of a C–C bond [1.436(7) Å] that is in close contact with a formally U(IV) centre [U–C = 2.654(4), 2.670(4) Å]. Evidence for a 3c-2e C–C⋯U agostic interaction comes from a DFT computational study that both reproduced the distortion of the {C3O3}2− fragment and provided a fragment analysis for the bonding. This latter analysis shows in-plane bonding interaction of the C–C lobe of the HOMO − 2 of the organic fragment with an empty f orbital on the uranium. The HOMO − 2 is also C–O antibonding and U–O bonding (Fig. 7).
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Fig. 6 (a) Structure of [Cp*(COT#)U]2(μ-κ1,κ2-c-C3O3) 6, R = Si-i-Pr3 (b) selected structural metrics (Å). |
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Fig. 7 (A) Fragment orbital of the C3O3 core of 6, (B) molecular orbital describing the C–C agostic interaction. From ref. 47. Reprinted with permission from AAAS. |
Before closing this part, there is at least one example where “non-classical” bonding could be described C–C agostic.48 The alkyne complexes (C5Me5−nHn)2Ti(η2-Me3SiCCSiMe3) (n = 3, 4, 5) react with R2Si(CCSiMe3)2 (R = Me, Ph) to give 1-titana-4-sila-3,5-bis(trimethylsilyl)cyclohexa-2,5-dienes 7 (Fig. 8). The short Ti–Cα bonds [1.981(4)–1.998(3) Å depending on the substituents] and short Cα–Cα contacts [1.821(4)–1.933(2) Å] suggest an unusual bonding situation. According to a molecular orbital description, the HOMO is a 3c-2e bond delocalized on Ti and both Cα that the authors coin a “Δ bond”. This is somewhat reminiscent of complex 6.
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Fig. 8 (a) Structure of (C5Me4H)2Ti{CCSiMe3}2SiMe2 (Cp′ = C5Me4H) 7. (b) Pictorial view of the HOMO highlighting the 3c-2e interaction. |
TpMe2NbMe(c-C3H5)(η2-MeCCMe), 4c (Fig. 9), reacts with benzene to yield first methane and the cyclopropyl phenyl complex TpMe2NbPh(c-C3H5)(η2-MeCCMe) 4b, which subsequently, and more slowly, loses cyclopropane to form the diphenyl complex TpMe2NbPh2(η2-MeCCMe) 8.43 An experimental and computational mechanistic study indicated that both reactions occur by rate determining intramolecular β-H abstractions yielding highly reactive unsaturated η2-cyclopropene TpMe2Nb(η2-c-C3H4)(η2-MeCCMe) A and η2-benzyne TpMe2Nb(η2-c-C6H4)(η2-MeCCMe) B intermediates for the first and second reactions, respectively (Fig. 9).49 These unsaturated intermediates then activate the C–H bonds of benzene via a 1,3-addition to give the products. Whereas the reaction of unsaturated benzyne derivatives is known, that with η2-cyclopropene or η2-alkene is much less common as early transition metal complexes tend to activate hydrocarbon C–H bonds via α-H abstraction/1,2-addition pathways. It has not been possible to demonstrate the link between the existence of the C–C agostic interaction and the reactivity of the cyclopropyl complexes. Instead, the strength of the Nb(η2-cyclopropene) interaction was suggested to be the key to the observed reactivity.49
The competition between benzylic and aromatic C–H bond activation in several methylbenzenes (mesitylene, xylenes) by the unsaturated η2-cyclopropene TpMe2Nb(η2-c-C3H4)(MeCCMe) intermediate A have been studied.50 Aromatic C–H bond activation is preferred provided there is no ortho methyl group otherwise benzylic C–H bond activation occurs. Accordingly a 3:
1 mixture of aryl TpMe2Nb(c-C3H5)(3,5-C6H3Me2)(MeCCMe) and benzylic TpMe2Nb(CH2-3-C6H4Me)(c-C3H5)(MeCCMe) complexes is observed upon reaction of TpMe2NbMe(c-C3H5)(MeCCMe) with 1,3-C6H4Me2. Evidence for steric effects in this selectivity came from computational studies.
Fig. 11 shows the solid-state structure, key structural metrics and selected NMR data for the iPr complex, 9a. The structure of the cation shows a Binor-S fragment that has formally undergone a C–C bond activation of one cyclopropyl group in Binor-S to form a rhodametallacyclobutane (Rh/C11/C16/C15). There is a weak agostic C–H⋯Rh interaction [Rh–C2 2.901(3) Å] and, crucially, a close approach of the C–C single bond of the cyclopropane unit in the Binor-S fragment [Rh–C: 2.352(3) Å, 2.369(3) Å]. This C–C bond is lengthened from that found in a close analogue of free Binor-S [1.604(4) Å versus 1.497(6) Å] indicative of an interaction with the Rh centre. Complexes 9b–e also show very similar motifs.52,53 Formally these cationic metal centres can be formulated as being 16-electron Rh(III) d6, with four of these valence electrons coming from C–H⋯Rh and C–C⋯Rh agostic interactions. In solution, at low temperature, the 13C{1H} NMR spectrum of 9a reveals a coupling between 103Rh and the carbon atoms involved in the agostic interaction [J(RhC) = 9 Hz] which is considerably smaller than that associated with the Rh–C 2c–2e bonds in the metallacyclobutane [J(RhC) = 22 Hz], indicative of a weak but significant interaction between the Rh-centre and the C–C bond. Due to the symmetry (Cs) present in the molecule JCC for the C–C agostic bond could not be measured.
DFT calculations, combined with a computational topological analysis of the electron density in 9a using Bader's Atoms in Molecules approach, demonstrates that there is a weak covalent interaction between a C–C bond of the cyclopropane and the Rh(III) centre by the presence of both bond and ring critical points between salient atoms.51 A more detailed combined experimental and computational charge density study on the [HCB11Me11]− salt of 9b54 confirms this, and also demonstrates a weakening of the C–C bond in the σ-interaction and a distortion of the charge concentration associated with this bond towards the Rh. A curved bond path from the C–C bond to the metal centre is also characteristic of the contribution of a covalent, delocalised, 3c–2e bonding interaction (Fig. 12). Overall, four key markers, assembled from solution (NMR), structural metrics (X-ray) and electron density analysis (experiment and computation), point to these complexes being genuine agostic C–C complex of Rh: (i) a close approach of the C–C bond to Rh; (ii) a lengthening of this C–C bond; (iii) coupling being observed between the carbon atoms in the C–C unit and the metal; (iv) experimentally and computationally determined charge density that shows both bond and ring critical points, a weakening of the C–C bond involved in the interaction and bond ellipticity profiles that are suggestive of an electron density shift from the C–C bond to Rh.
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Fig. 12 (a) Laplacian of the electron density drawn in the plane of the Rh and the C–C sigma interaction (C1/C7) for 9b; (b) bond paths between Rh and C1/C7; (c) calculated electron density, critical points and bond paths. Reprinted from ref. 54 with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry. |
The mechanism by which these complexes are formed has been investigated using DFT methods using PMe3 models of the Rh and Ir (vide infra) complexes.55 Although the overall process is a simple 4+4 cyclodimerisation of the two NBD ligands, the calculated pathway (Fig. 13) involves oxidative C–C bond formation to give D, followed by two rearrangements, viaE, to give the final product F. The rate determining step calculated for Rh (C to D) is considerably lower in energy than that calculated for Ir (C to D and E to F are almost isoenergetic and ∼25 kJ mol−1 higher in energy than for M = Rh) consistent with the experimental observations that C is not observed when M = Rh, but can be isolated for M = Ir (vide infra).51,56 The higher barrier for the Ir-congener presumably reflects the stronger Ir–C bonds that need to be manipulated in this transformation. For M = Ir the equivalent complex to C transforms onto the C–C agostic complex (F) on gentle heating.
As pointed out in the introduction, complexes that show C–C agostic interactions are of direct relevance to C–C activation processes, that formally arise from oxidative cleavage of the C–C bond. Complexes 9 undergo rapid, and reversible, C–C activation in solution, which can be frozen out at low temperature. This process makes the two sides of the Binor-S fragment equivalent at room temperature, and calculations (on a PH3 model) suggest that this proceeds through a Rh(V) tetraalkyl intermediate, rather than a Rh(I) complex that contains two C–C⋯Rh agostic interactions (Fig. 14). The activation barrier has been determined experimentally for this process, ΔG‡(298 K) = 44.8 ± 4 kJ mol−1 ΔS‡ = −18.2 ± 4 JK−1 mol−1, which correlates reasonably with that determined from the computational model.52 This barrier is lower than other activation energies experimentally determined for C–C activation,57,58 consistent with the strained C–C bond in the cyclopropyl unit.
It is well established in the organometallic chemistry of sigma complexes that for heavier members of a triad the products of oxidative cleavage are more accessible.59 For example [Rh(η5-C5Me5)(PMe3)H(H2)][BArF4] is formulated as a Rh(III) hydride–dihydrogen complex,60 while [Ir(η5-C5Me5)(PMe3)H3][BF4] is an Ir(V) trihydride.61 Having established the synthetic routes and coordination chemistry of the Rh(III)–Binor S complexes it was thus clearly of interest to study the Ir-congeners as such a complex might show increased C–C activation of the agostic bond. In contrast to the Rh-chemistry, the bis-NBD complex 10 that is a precursor to the Binor-S complexes can be isolated for M = Ir, as predicted by computational methods (Fig. 13 and 15).55,56 Although 10 does proceed slowly to form the corresponding Binor-S complex 11, that shows a C–C⋯Ir agostic interaction, both 10 and 11 decompose at a similar rate in solution, meaning that isolating pure material is difficult. Instead, by simply performing the reaction in the solid-state complex 11 can be produced pure, allowing for its characterisation by both solution techniques and X-ray crystallography. The molecular structure of 11 as determined at 100 K is very similar to that determined for 9a (Rh), with the major difference being that the C–C agostic bond distance is significantly longer for 11 than in 9a [1.704(5) Å and 1.610(2) Å respectively]. Unexpectedly, complex 11 showed a progressive lengthening of this C–C bond when the solid-state structures were determined at increasingly warmer temperatures, so that at 250 K it is 1.833(13) Å. The equivalent distance in 9a is essentially unchanged over this temperature range. This was interpreted as being due to dynamic disorder in the solid-state for 11 that establishes a temperature dependent equilibrium between agostic C–C⋯Ir [Ir(III)] and bis alkyl [Ir(V)] complexes (Fig. 16). Calculations show that the barrier to C–C activation to form a M(V) complex is much lower for Ir than for Rh, consistent with that only the Rh(III) complex is observed in the solid-state. Consistent with this, in solution 11 is fluxional even at low (200 K) temperature while for 9a the higher energy of the Rh(V) intermediate means that this process can be arrested at 200 K.
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Fig. 16 Disorder models for the molecular structure of 11 in the solid-state: ball-and-stick representations of the individual disordered components (a) and (b), the combined model (c), and an ORTEP plot (thermal ellipsoids drawn at the 50% probability level) without disorder modeling (d). Modified from ref. 56. |
The Rh–Binor complexes, 9, are also useful, and readily available, synthons for the delivery of a {Rh(PR3)}+ fragment, as addition of an exogenous Lewis bases results in reductive elimination of the Binor-S fragment. Although these C–C agostic complexes undergo a fluxional process that invoke a Rh(V) intermediate they react as if a latent source of Rh(I). This suggests the fluxional process and onward reactivity do not proceed through a common intermediate, and calculations support this.55 Examples of the use of these complexes as synthons for Rh(I) {Rh(PR3)}+ include (Fig. 17): addition of cyclooctadiene/benzene to afford 12;51 amine–borane addition leads to the novel Rh2 dimer 13 in which B–H activation has occurred;62 addition of tris-isopropyl phosphine gives a 14-electron complex, 14, that has an agostic C–H interaction, that itself undergoes C–H activation (dehydrogenation);63 pincer ligands add to form Rh(I) complexes such as 15 that are themselves synthons for the generation of dihydrogen complexes;64 a rare example of a Rh(I) tricarbonyl species 16 form on the addition of CO;51 and H2 adds to form Rh(III) dihydride species, 17, which is trapped by fluorobenzene solvent.51
Braunschweig and co-workers have reported that B–C single bonds can also partake in agostic interactions with Pt metal centres, i.e. complex 25 in which an unsupported borirene ligand interacts with the metal centre through a B–C single bond (Fig. 20).81 Similar to 23, calculations, NMR evidence, electrochemistry and X-ray crystallography suggest 25 is best represented as a Pt(0) metal centre in which donation from a B–C σ bond is supported by Pt to B dative bonding, leading to significant activation (although not cleavage) of the B–C bond. A sigma interaction between a Mo–Si single bond and a Pt(II) centre in a disilamolybdenocenophane complex with the {Pt(PCy2)} fragment, complex 26, has been suggested on the basis of a structural and computational analysis (e.g. square planar Pt centre, elongated Mo–Si distance, Wiberg bond indices).82 This structure is suggested to lie on the pathway to oxidative cleavage of the Mo–Si bond to form a Pt(IV) centre. Himmel and co-workers have recently reported on late transition metal complexes (Rh and Cu) of doubly base-stabilised diborane(4) [HBhpp]2 (hpp = 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-2H-pyrimido-[1,2-α]pyrimidinate) that have dominant unsupported B–B⋯M sigma interactions, e.g. RhI(COD)(HBhpp)227. These complexes have been characterised on the basis of DFT [topological analysis of electron density, AIM], X-ray crystallography [lengthened B–B distances], Infra Red [B–H stretching frequencies that are very similar to free ligand], NMR spectroscopy [especially δ(BH) that shows only a small chemical shift change on coordination]. Interestingly, for complexes of earlier transition elements (e.g. Cr) the dominant interaction is from B–H⋯M agostic interactions.83 Related B–B⋯Fe agostic interactions in a {Fe(CO)2} complex with a catenated FeB4 unit has recently been reported.84 The bonding in the five membered FeB4 “inorganometallic”85 species is also reminiscent of the bonding in organometallic metallacyclobutanes, discussed next.
Complexes in which there is a close approach of a Si–C bond to a metal centre are widespread, especially rare-earth and early transition metals, and are not covered in this review.46,86–88
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Fig. 22 A general scheme for alkene metathesis showing the involvement of metallacyclobutanes A as intermediates. |
The NMR data for group 4 metallacyclobutane complexes in the metallocene family Cp′2M(CHRCHR′CHR″) (Cp′ = Cp, C5H5Me, Cp*; M = Ti, Zr, Hf; R, R′, R″ = H or hydrocarbyl) show distinctive high field shifts of Hβ and Cβ relative to those for Hα and Cα. Although there are some variations due to different substitutions at carbon, the resonance for Hβ occurs around δ 0 when that for Hα is observed in the range δ 1.8–2.5. In the 13C NMR spectra, Cβ is shielded by ca. 10 ppm [reaching δ −12 in Cp2Ti(CH2CH2CH2)] whereas Cα typically resonates above δ 65. This difference in chemical shifts between Cα and Cβ is commonly higher than Δδ 50 ppm and can be up to 80 ppm. 1JCH do not vary significantly, being in the range 125–137 Hz. More recently, 1JCαCβ have been measured for representative complexes. Cp2Ti(CH2CMe2CH2) 28, Cp*2Ti[CH2CH(i-C3H7)CH2] 29 and Cp*2Zr[CH2CH(i-C3H7)CH2] exhibit 1JCαCβ of 22.0, 24.2 and 20.7 Hz respectively.36 Along with geometrical data, this parameter has been used to assign C–C⋯M agostic interactions in comparison with related group 6 metallacyclobutanes that show higher, and normal magnitudes of JCC.92 Experimental electron density studies also support the C–C agostic interpretation.92 Free cyclobutanes have 1JCC values of ca. 27–30 Hz,31 with lower values being observed for highly strained molecules or when an electropositive substituent is present like in dimethylsilacyclobutane where 1JCC is 24.6 Hz.93 Therefore caution must be exercised when interpreting the JCC data. Structural data, and high resolution electron density measurements in particular, together with computational analyses point to the presence of an α,β,α′-CCC agostic interaction (vide infra). In contrast 18-electron group 6 metallocyclobutanes are not expected to have C–C (or C–H) agostic interactions. 13C NMR data for Cp2Mo[CH2CH(CH2-i-C3H7)CH2] (shielded Cα, δ −7.7, 1JCH 133 Hz; deshielded Cβ, δ 50.4, 1JCH 124 Hz) and Cp2W[CH2CH(CH2C3H5)CH2] (Cα, δ −23.7, 1JCH 130 Hz; Cβ, δ 52.7, 1JCH 125 Hz) with normal 1JCαCβ of 32.1 and 31.2 Hz, respectively, clearly indicate the absence of agostic interaction. This is confirmed by unremarkable metrical parameters in the solid-state.36
The NMR data for group 5 and 6 metallacyclobutanes that are not metallocenes are more diverse due to the existence of geometrical isomers for five coordinate species that can be trigonal bipyramid (TBP) or square planar (SP).89 In both series, the SP complexes show Hβ and Hα resonances at relatively close chemical shifts to one another, with Hβ observed at slightly higher field than Hα for tantalum complexes [viz. the tris(alkoxo)tantalum complex Ta[CH2CH(t-Bu)CHPh](O-2,6-C6H3-i-Pr2)3, δ 2.17–3.10 for Hα; δ 1.57 for Hβ],94 and Hβ downfield of Hα for tungsten complexes based on the W(NAr)(OR)2 motif [viz. W(CH2CH2CH2)(N-2,6-C6H3-i-Pr2)[OCMe2(CF3)]230-SP, δ 2.29 for Hα; δ 4.30 for Hβ; W[CH2CH(t-Bu)CH2](N-2,6-C6H3-i-Pr2)[OCMe2(CF3)]2, δ 1.12–2.36 for Hα; δ 2.62 for Hβ].95 In the 13C NMR spectra, Cα is observed downfield of Cβ with Cα at ca. δ 80 and Cβ ca. δ 40 for the tantalum complexes (Δδ 40 ppm), whereas for tungsten complexes Δδ is typically 20 ppm with Cα observed at ca. δ 45 and Cβ at δ 25. For both metals, 1JCH values are not significantly different for Cα and Cβ being measured in the range 125–135 Hz. 1JCαCβ have been obtained for five metallacyclobutanes based on W(NAr)(OR)2.96,97 They are found to lie in a narrow range of 28–33 Hz, e.g. for 30-SP and W[CH(t-Bu)CH2CH2](N-2,6-C6H3-i-Pr2)(O-t-Bu)2 respectively, a normal range for cyclobutane derivatives.31 For the TBP complexes, the NMR data are strikingly different.89 Hβ and Cβ are significantly shielded as compared to Hα and Cα. Typical chemical shifts ranges for tantalum complexes are δ 0 and δ 4 for Hβ and Hα respectively, and δ 0 and δ 100 for Cβ and Cα respectively. 1JCH appear in a normal range 125–135 Hz. For tungsten complexes these ranges extend to δ −1 and δ 5 for Hβ and Hα respectively, and 13C NMR chemical shifts remain similar to the tantalum case. 1JCH values appear slightly higher in the tungsten complexes (ca. 150 Hz). Remarkably, addition of 13C2-ethylene, *C2H4, to the neopentylidene complex W(CH-t-Bu)(N-2,6-C6H3-i-Pr2)[OCMe2(CF3)]2 yielded an interconverting mixture of SP and TBP isomers of W(*CH2*CH2*CH2)(N-2,6-C6H3-i-Pr2)[OCMe2(CF3)]2, 30-SP and 30-TBP, resulting from alkene metathesis.96,97 The TBP isomer exhibited resonances at δ 98.8 and 3.6 for Cα and Cβ, respectively, with a conspicuously low 1JCαCβ of 13 Hz attributable to an α,β,α′-CCC agostic interaction. These observations are summarized in Fig. 23.
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Fig. 23 Summary of 13C NMR data for tungstacyclobutanes (Rf = CMe2(CF3), o-DIPP = 2,6-C6H3-i-Pr2) emphasizing the low 1JCC for the TBP isomer. |
Similar observations have been made on Mo(*CH2*CH2*CH2)(N-2,6-C6H3-i-Pr2)[OCMe2(CF3)]2.98 A TBP structure is deduced from the low temperature NMR data (1H NMR), Hβ (δ −0.26, −1.13) downfield of Hα (ca. δ 5.0); 13C NMR, Cβ (δ −2.28) upfield of Cα (δ 104.1). There is a low 1JCαCβ of 11 Hz that can be ascribed to an α,β,α′-CCC agostic interaction. The complex Mo[*CH2*CH2CH(t-Bu)](N-2,6-C6H3-i-Pr2)[O-2,6-C6H3-i-Pr2]2 exists as a mixture of SP (95%) and TBP (5%) at low temperature. The SP isomer exhibits 1JCαCβ of 49 and 55 Hz while the TBP isomer shows a low 1JCαCβ of 22 Hz.98 Similar observations are available for chiral diolatomolybdenum complexes.99,100
Overall, the NMR parameters for these early transition metallacyclobutanes are directly connected to structural data. Early on,89 it was recognized that some unsaturated metallacycles were kite-shape four-membered rings with short M–Cα bonds, long Cα–Cβ bonds, wide Cα–Cβ–Cα′ angles and short M⋯Cβ contacts, viz. the TBP isomers of the tantala,89 tungstacyclobutanes95–97,101 and the group 4 metallocenes,36,102,103 and related complexes.104 They are indeed associated with low 1JCαCβ values and are C–C agostic. Those metallacycles having more regular, less distorted metrical parameters, viz. the SP isomers of the tantala, molybda and tungstacyclobutanes or 18-electron metallocenes of molybdenum or tungsten,36 have normal 1JCαCβ and are not CC agostic. A comparison of selected early transition metallacycles structures is provided in Fig. 24 for metallocenes and in Fig. 25 for other metallacyclobutanes.
A topological analysis of the experimental electron density using the AIM approach has been carried out on (η5-C5H4Me)2Ti(CH2CMe2CH2) 28-Me, a C5H4Me analogue of 28 (Fig. 26).92 Both elongated Cα–Cβ bonds [1.5723(3); 1.5772(3) Å] show lower electron densities and less negative Laplacian at their bond critical points than other single C–C bonds. The ellipticity along the Cα–Cβ bond paths is strongly asymmetric at the bond critical point and it shows maxima on the Cα side of the bonds. At maximum ellipticity, the electron density is distorted towards the titanium (black arrow in Fig. 26c). DFT calculations at the B3LYP and 6-311++G** basis set for Ti reproduced the experimental data. No distortion of the ellipticity profile is computed for a related non-agostic molybdacyclobutane complex.
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Fig. 26 (a) Experimental density in the TiCαCβCα′ plane, (b) ellipticity profile along CαCβ bond paths and (c) contour map of the electron density at maximum ellipticity along a CαCβ bond path of (η5-C5H4Me)2Ti(CH2CMe2CH2) 28-Me. Adapted with permission from ref. 92. Copyright (2009) American Chemical Society. |
Similar NMR data were obtained for ruthenacyclobutanes that are intermediates in alkene metathesis by Grubbs type catalysts. Treatment of [(IH2Mes)Cl2RuCHPCy3][B(C6F5)4] with two 2 equivalents of 13C-labeled ethylene, *C2H4, at −50 °C yielded [*CH2
CHPCy3][B(C6F5)4] and the 14-electron ruthenacyclobutane complex (IH2Mes)Cl2Ru(*CH2*CH2*CH2) 31. The NMR data for 31 are summarized in Fig. 27: in the 1H NMR spectrum Hα (δ 6.62) appears downfield of Hβ (δ −2.65) whereas in the 13C NMR spectrum, Cα (δ 94.0) is deshielded with respect to Cβ (δ 2.30) with a large chemical shift difference. JCHα and JCHβ of 165 and 155 Hz, respectively, are high and a low 1JCαCβ of 15.0 Hz supports the presence of an α,β,α′-CCC agostic interaction.90,105
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Fig. 27 13C NMR and structural data for ruthenacyclobutanes 31 and 32: experiment (top) and computation (below). |
Similar chemistry using dimethylcyclopent-3-en-1,1-dicarboxylate in the presence of ethylene produced an unsymmetrical ruthenacyclobutane 32 (Fig. 27).106 Analysis of the spectroscopic data indicates the more substituted Cα–Cβ bond would be the most weakened. Indeed evidence is provided that a secondary alkylidene complex with an η2-vinyl end group is formed, not an alkene methylidene complex, when ring opening occurs, i.e. ROM would be easier than RCM. The structures of 31 and 32 were optimized using DFT and the NMR parameters computed (BP86/QZP).107 They emphasize the characteristic features of a kite-shape metallacycle with a close Ru⋯Cβ contact as expected from spectroscopic data. Reasonable absolute values and very good trends (differences) are observed for the chemical shifts and the JCC. Correlation of long CC bonds with reduced JCC is noted. This also correlates with the ease of ring opening of the unsymmetrical ruthenacyclobutane 32. Computation confirms the preferential formation of the product arising from ROM rather than RCM.
Remarkably a unified description of the bonding scheme in all the agostic metallacyclobutanes has been reached with the use of DFT calculations.49,50,91,107 Most calculations build upon the study of the electronic structure of models of Grubbs' first and second generation ruthenacyclobutanes. Details vary with the structural models, the functionals and basis sets used in the DFT calculations but suffice to say here that overall geometries exhibit the characteristic short M–Cα bonds, long Cα–Cβ bonds and markedly obtuse Cα–Cβ–Cα′ angles resulting in short M⋯Cβ distances. When X-ray structures are known, most significantly for agostic metallacycles of Cp′2Ti and TBP-W(NR)(OR′)2 but also for non agostic counterparts or isomers, i.e. metallacycles of SP-W(NR)(OR′)2, the structural parameters are reproduced reasonably well. Two key molecular orbitals (MO) involved to describe the α,β,α′-CCC agostic interaction are depicted in Fig. 28 where L can be PH3 or PMe3 (as models for PCy3) or IMe (as a model for IMes). A first MO (a) involves the interaction of a dz2 orbital on Ru with an in-phase combination of p-type orbitals on the propane-1,3-diyl. This MO accounts for a direct interaction between M and Cβ. Another MO (b) involves the interaction of a dxz-type orbital on M with an antisymmetric σ-Cα–Cβ–Cα orbital i.e. a formally four-center-2e interaction (4c,3e). Qualitatively similar metrical data (viz. a short M–Cβ distance, a large Cα–Cβ–Cα′ angle) and fully comparable interactions (apart from a π component) have been computed for the highly electron-deficient titanacyclobutadiene CpTi(CHCHCH) as well as in the tungstacyclobutadiene WCl3(CHCHCH),108 a realistic model of WCl3[C(tBu)CMeCMe],109 a potential intermediate in alkyne metathesis.
These interactions are responsible of the short Ru⋯Cβ distance and the long Cα–Cβ bonds in 31 and 32. Although no BCP was found,110 bond orders between Ru and Cβ are in the range 0.20–0.32 depending on method and model emphasizing the direct Ru⋯Cβ interaction when those for the interaction between Cα–Cβ are smaller (0.09). Similar interpretations are valid for other metallacycles.110,111 As seen experimentally for the titanium complex 28-Me (see above),92 computed electron density at the M–Cα BCP is high when that between Cα–Cβ is low. Ellipticity at Cα–Cβ BCP is accordingly large with a distortion towards M. A decreased covalent character for Cα–Cβ is seen from a modestly negative Laplacian at BCPs. By comparing agostic and non-agostic counterparts, upper limits for the strength of the agostic interaction in the metallacycles was estimated to be as high as 154 kJ mol−1 for Grubb's systems (M = Ru), 120 kJ mol−1 for Schrock's systems (M = W) and down to 57 kJ mol−1 for systems with M = Ti.110
α,β,α′-CCC agostic interactions stabilize metallacycles that are involved in alkene metathesis. In the case of ruthenium, such complexes have been observed at low temperatures. Exchange of α- and β-carbons occurs without loss of ethylene via a proposed ethylene methylidene complex (ΔG = 51 kJ mol−1 at −50 °C).90,105,112 A much slower exchange with free ethylene is also observed as an associative process where ring opening is not the rate-limiting step. As mentioned above, the preferential formation of the product arising from ROM rather than RCM was observed and computation indicated this occurred at the most activated Cα–Cβ bond.106,107 For tungsten, it has been proposed that an alkylidene alkene intermediate would be more accessible from the agostic TBP isomer.97 Loss of an olefin would not be possible from a non-agostic SP isomer. TBP isomers are favored by electron-withdrawing alkoxides whereas steric effects lead to ring distortion. Both effects would be important for easy exchange with free olefin and for minimizing energy differences between different 5-coordinate structures thereby leading to active catalysts.
(i) A close approach of the C–C bond to the metal;
(ii) A lengthening of this C–C bond as determined by X-ray crystallography or computation;
(iii) A reduced JCC coupling constant for the bond in question;
(iv) Additional coupling being observed between the carbon atoms in the C–C unit and the metal, where appropriate;
(v) Computational evidence for an interaction between the C–C bond and the metal. In particular, experimentally and computationally determined charge density that shows both bond and ring critical points, a weakening of the C–C bond involved in the interaction and bond ellipticity profiles that are suggestive of an electron density shift from the C–C bond to the metal.
As the area develops, through the efforts and ingenuity of new synthetic and catalytic approaches, it will be interesting to see if C–C agostic interactions can be harnessed in the same manner that metal dihydrogen, C–H agostic, silane and borane complexes have been used to promote catalytic bond activations.56
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 |