Joshua M.
Małgorzata A.
Mateusz L.
Rachel D.
Christopher J.
Robert J.
Jen Jen
defgh and
Steven A.
aDepartment of Chemistry, UNC-Chapel Hill, NC, USA. E-mail:
bDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, UNC-Chapel Hill, NCSU, Raleigh, NC, USA
cDepartment of Chemistry, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
dDivision of Surgical Oncology, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
eDepartment of Surgery, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
fSchool of Medicine, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
gDepartment of Pharmacology, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
hLineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
iUlsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
First published on 12th July 2013
The need to activate thermoplastic surfaces using robust and efficient methods has been driven by the fact that replication techniques can be used to produce microfluidic devices in a high production mode and at low cost, making polymer microfluidics invaluable for in vitro diagnostics, such as circulating tumor cell (CTC) analysis, where device disposability is critical to mitigate artifacts associated with sample carryover. Modifying the surface chemistry of thermoplastic devices through activation techniques can be used to increase the wettability of the surface or to produce functional scaffolds to allow for the covalent attachment of biologics, such as antibodies for CTC recognition. Extensive surface characterization tools were used to investigate UV activation of various surfaces to produce uniform and high surface coverage of functional groups, such as carboxylic acids in microchannels of different aspect ratios. We found that the efficiency of the UV activation process is highly dependent on the microchannel aspect ratio and the identity of the thermoplastic substrate. Colorimetric assays and fluorescence imaging of UV-activated microchannels following EDC/NHS coupling of Cy3-labeled oligonucleotides indicated that UV-activation of a PMMA microchannel with an aspect ratio of ∼3 was significantly less efficient toward the bottom of the channel compared to the upper sections. This effect was a consequence of the bulk polymer's damping of the modifying UV radiation due to absorption artifacts. In contrast, this effect was less pronounced for COC. Moreover, we observed that after thermal fusion bonding of the device's cover plate to the substrate, many of the generated functional groups buried into the bulk rendering them inaccessible. The propensity of this surface reorganization was found to be higher for PMMA compared to COC. As an example of the effects of material and microchannel aspect ratios on device functionality, thermoplastic devices for the selection of CTCs from whole blood were evaluated, which required the immobilization of monoclonal antibodies to channel walls. From our results, we concluded the CTC yield and purity of isolated CTCs were dependent on the substrate material with COC producing the highest clinical yields for CTCs as well as better purities compared to PMMA.
For microfluidic systems designed for in vitro diagnostics, surface functionalization and immobilization of biologics must, in most cases, be undertaken. For many non-functional surfaces, passive adsorption of the biologic to the surface is used, which can result in high loss of activity of the adsorbate.21,22 Alternatively, activity may be retained using covalent coupling chemistry, which requires surface functional groups on the substrate. An example would be a substrate containing surface confined carboxylic acids and reacting these with EDC/NHS reagents forming an ester intermediate that subsequently reacts with primary amine bearing biologics.22–24
Many thermoplastics do not contain surface functional groups, and therefore, activation protocols are employed to create the appropriate surface scaffolds. For example, devices using positive selection of CTCs require the attachment of monoclonal antibody (mAb) to appropriately prepared surfaces. A typical thermoplastic chip production and assembly pipeline using thermoplastics involves: (i) Forming the fluidic network on the appropriate substrate by molding; (ii) UV irradiation of exposed surfaces (cover plate and substrate) to generate functional scaffolds via photo-oxidation reactions; (iii) thermal fusion bonding the irradiated cover plate to the substrate to enclose microfluidic channels; and (iv) covalent coupling of biologics to the surfaces of the enclosed channels.25,26
The UV activation process is more accurately described as UV/O3 treatment using a quartz Hg lamp, which continually generates and destroys O3 yielding a steady-state concentration of strongly oxidizing atomic O. At sufficiently high energy, both UV exposure and oxidative stress can generate radicals within the polymer, which may break or scission polymer chains into smaller fragments, crosslink polymer chains, cause intramolecular rearrangements, and/or react with water or oxidative species to form carboxyls or other O-containing species.27–39 Thus, polymer surfaces are exposed to both intense UV light and highly reactive oxidizing species; we will refer to this UV/O3 process as UV activation in this manuscript.40
Even though there has been extensive work characterizing UV-induced functionalization of thermoplastics, most of these studies assessed the activation performance using planar substrates or thin films as models.27–37 For microfluidics, microchannels of various aspect ratios require surface functionalization, and it is not clear if the observations made for planar surfaces are applicable to microchannel surfaces.38,39,41 Several variables are implicitly different between planar surfaces and microstructured surfaces: (i) The bulk polymer's optical transmissivity may affect the flux of radiation reaching the interior of microchannel surfaces; and (ii) the channel's geometry may determine the uniformity of the activation protocol throughout the channel's cross-section, especially for high aspect ratio structures.
UV irradiation of polymer surfaces may result in the formation of photo-fragments due to scissioning of the polymer backbone and these photo-fragments can be more thermally mobile compared to the native polymer due to their lower molecular mass. Thus, thermal fusion bonding, which is accomplished near the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer, may bury generated surface functional groups.42 Such effects have been indirectly observed for the long-term aging of appropriately modified thermoplastics.38 Therefore, the surface accessibility of functional groups could differ dramatically before and after thermal processing depending on the polymer substrate's tendency to fragment upon irradiation.
In this manuscript, we determined the extent and uniformity of the UV-induced generation of surface-confined carboxyl groups within thermally fusion bonded microchannels of different aspect ratios using UV-Vis spectroscopy, a uniquely adapted colorimetric assay, and imaging fluorescent dye-labeled oligonucleotides covalently immobilized to surface-generated functional groups. We also employed an array of surface characterization tools, including water contact angle measurements, atomic force microscopy (AFM), attenuated total reflectance Fourier-transform infrared (ATR-FTIR), Raman, and X-ray photoelectron (XPS) spectroscopies to assess thermal processing effects of UV-modified plastics. Poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA, cyclic olefin copolymer, COC, and polycarbonate, PC, were evaluated. PC’s poor optical properties did not permit CTC evaluation via fluorescence imaging.43 Therefore, the CTC assay was abandoned using this polymer; however, surface characterizations of functionalized PC are presented in the ESI.†
The importance of high surface loading of a biologic to the appropriate high aspect ratio micro-structured thermoplastic device was demonstrated using the covalent attachment of mAbs directed against the epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) to UV activated, high aspect ratio thermoplastic microchannels. Anti-EpCAM has been used extensively for the positive selection of CTCs from whole blood using microfluidics.23,24,44–53 Performance metrics such as the recovery and purity of isolated CTCs were evaluated, both of which depend intimately on the proper surface activation protocol of microchannel walls. Comparison of PMMA and COC for the isolation of CTCs was evaluated using clinical samples to select the appropriate thermoplastic substrate for maximizing the CTC clinical yield and purity.
Two patients with advanced melanoma and two with colorectal cancer were recruited according to a protocol approved by the University of North Carolina's IRB. All blood specimens were collected into BD Vacutainer® (Becton-Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ) tubes containing the anticoagulant EDTA and were processed within 3 h of the blood draw.
For CTC analysis from patient derived xenografts, a 0.5–0.85 mL volume of whole blood was infused, and for clinical samples, 2 mL of blood was infused directly into the CTC chip at 1.6 mL h−1, or a linear velocity of ∼2.5 mm s−1.23 Following infusion of the blood sample, a post-selection rinse was performed with 2 mL of 150 mM PBS/0.5% BSA (pH = 7.4) at 3.2 mL h−1 (∼5.0 mm s−1). Selected cells were analyzed and identified via immunostaining by: (i) treating with Fc blocker (IgG); (ii) incubation with anti-mouse or anti-human CD45-FITC Abs for 30 min; (iii) cell fixation with 2% PFA; (iv) poration with 0.1% Triton-X100; and (v) incubation with CK8/19-PK Abs and the nuclear dye, DAPI. Images of stained cells were obtained using an Olympus IX71-DSU Spinning Disk Confocal inverted microscope controlled via MetaMorph software and furnished with 10x, 20x, and 40x dry objectives, a mercury arc lamp illumination source, two cameras (high sensitivity Hamamatsu EMCCD and high resolution Hamamatsu ORCA-03G CCD), and DAPI, FITC, TRITC, and Cy5 filter sets. CTCs from clinical samples were also enumerated with an impedance sensor. As the CTCs traversed through the impedance sensor, an electrical signal was recorded for single cells using electronics designed and built in-house as described previously.23 The raw output data was subjected to a 1000 point adjacent averaging algorithm to establish the baseline for the measurement without generating signal bias. Baseline was then subtracted from the data in order to correct for signal drift. Impedance responses were counted as CTCs when the signal-to-noise threshold exceeded 3:
It has been documented that the surface density of mAbs on selection channel walls determines the adhesion force between the mAbs and a CTC. This adhesion force (FA) can be calculated from;
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We first evaluated the transmissivity of 250 μm thick polymer films before and after UV activation (Table S1, ESI†). Native PMMA's 1.5% transmissivity at 254 nm was reduced to 0.5% after UV activation. Native COC showed a transmissivity of 53.8% that changed to 36.8% after 15 min UV irradiation. Due to the low transmissivity of PMMA, the flux of the UV radiation reaching surfaces of high aspect ratio structures will be damped, whereas this is less likely for COC microstructures.
We determined the carboxyl group surface densities for various aspect ratio microchannels using a colorimetric assay with the cationic TBO dye that binds electrostatically (1:
1 ratio) to deprotonated carboxylic acid functionalities.60,61 Thermally fusion bonded microchannels were incubated with a TBO solution, then washed, and the remaining TBO molecules were released using acetic acid and the effluent evaluated spectrophotometrically. As a note, the TBO assay employed not only probed surface functional groups, but also could probe molecules in underlying layers due to photo-fragmentation of surfaces. Photo-fragmented surfaces were essentially porous to the small TBO molecules. Consequently, absolute carboxyl surface densities were biased by the extent of surface photo-fragmentation.
As the microchannel's aspect ratio increased, the carboxyl surface densities in both PMMA and COC microchannels decreased (Fig. 1). Even with an aspect ratio of 0.5, the carboxyl surface densities for PMMA decreased from 12.4 ± 1.8 nmol cm−2 to 3.5 ± 0.1 nmol cm−2 relative to UV-activated and thermally treated, planar substrates. Similarly, the respective values were 9.5 ± 2.3 nmol cm−2 to 2.6 ± 0.3 nmol cm−2 for COC microchannels. Further decreases in these signals due to increasing aspect ratio were likely caused by optical filtering of UV light, even in the more transparent COC substrate; however, it is unknown whether decreased UV flux would lead to less surface carboxyl formation or reduced efficiency of photo-fragmentation processes.
To specifically assess the surface densities of carboxyl groups that are accessible to biologic macromolecules on the microstructures, we coupled fluorescently-labeled (3′ end) oligonucleotides containing a pendant amino group on their 5′ end to accessible carboxyl groups in microchannels. Results indicated that PMMA's background corrected fluorescence was 25% of COC's fluorescence intensity, 503 ± 72 cps vs. 2357 ± 218 cps, respectively (Fig. 4G–H). These observations match spectroscopic evidence (see below) that show more efficient carboxyl formation on COC surfaces, likely due to highly competitive scissioning pathways leading to more photo-fragmentation for PMMA.
In microchannels cut along their lengths to expose oligonucleotides immobilized onto the sidewalls, we observed non-uniform coverage of Cy3-labeled oligonucleotides on the PMMA channel wall (Fig. 2), where the top third of the microchannel showed significantly higher levels of fluorescence (384 ± 81 cps) compared to the bottom two thirds of the same channel (112 ± 55 cps). However, this was not observed for COC microchannels, which showed both higher oligonucleotide loading based on higher fluorescence intensity irrespective of the vertical position along the channel wall (2233 ± 310 cps over entire depth).
The water contact angles (WCAs) for native PMMA and COC substrates were 76.4 ± 1.4° and 95.5 ± 1.9°, respectively. Because COC is composed entirely of saturated hydrocarbons, this polymer is more hydrophobic than PMMA, which contains ester moieties producing a lower water contact angle for native PMMA. Neither of these native polymers should generate significant TBO colorimetric signals because the positively charged TBO molecules electrostatically bind only to negatively charged functional groups (see ESI† for a thorough description of the TBO assay).60,61 At pH = 10.5, only carboxylic acids are deprotonated and thus available for TBO association. The small signal (0.2–0.3 nmol cm−2) observed for the native surfaces (Table 1) was most likely due to non-specific adsorption to the surface.62 All values discussed henceforth have been corrected for this background signal.
Substrate | Treatment | Water contact angle (°) | RMS roughness (nm) | COOH surface density (nmol cm−2) | O/C ratio | COOH C 1s (%)a | FTIR peak area (a.u. cm−1) | |
C![]() |
O–H | |||||||
a % COOH of total C 1s signal. | ||||||||
PMMA | Native | 76.4 ± 1.4 | 1.4 | 0.2 ± 0.1 | 0.32 | 0.0 | 21.4 | 3.1 |
UV | 36.7 ± 0.9 | 8.6 | 14.7 ± 2.6 | 0.38 | 1.9 | 25.2 | 13.9 | |
UV + 102 °C | 63.9 ± 1.2 | 9.0 | 12.4 ± 1.8 | 0.32 | 1.0 | 24.8 | 8.5 | |
COC | Native | 95.5 ± 1.8 | 4.8 | 0.3 ± 0.2 | 0.01 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
UV | 43.1 ± 1.9 | 17.9 | 19.0 ± 2.9 | 0.27 | 8.9 | 11.2 | 13.4 | |
UV + 130 °C | 80.0 ± 3.0 | 12.0 | 9.5 ± 2.3 | 0.10 | 3.0 | 10.5 | 7.8 |
Upon UV irradiation, activation of the surfaces was apparent as the wettability increased; water contact angles decreased by 52.0 ± 1.6% (from 76.4 ± 1.4° to 36.7 ± 0.9° after modification) and 52.8 ± 2.5% (95.5 ± 1.8° to 43.1 ± 1.9° after modification) for UV-modified PMMA and COC, respectively (Table 1). The TBO signals for these surfaces corresponded to carboxyl functional group densities (see calibration curve in Fig. S1, ESI†) of 14.5 ± 2.6 nmol cm−2 and 18.7 ± 2.9 nmol cm−2, respectively. As noted, while these TBO signals are indicative of relative changes in the degree of activation through generation of carboxyl groups, they cannot be interpreted as absolute surface densities.
The carboxyl group densities on UV-treated polymers determined by the TBO assay were higher than theoretically possible for a carboxylic acid monolayer on either surface (0.83 nmol cm−2).63 This anomaly can be explained by scissioning and fragmentation of the surface polymer chains upon UV irradiation.37,64 The photo-damaged surface may be porous to the TBO molecules, increasing the apparent probed surface area several-fold.37 We provide thorough evidence for this photo-fragmentation in the ESI† including microscopy images of ablated surfaces (Fig. S3, ESI†).
After the UV-activated PMMA surface was washed with IPA, the RMS roughness decreased by 90% (Fig. S2, ESI†), and the TBO signal decreased to 1.5 ± 0.5 nmol cm−2, which agreed with previously reported values.37,65 These changes likely occurred due to dissolution and removal of carboxylated surface photo-fragments (Fig. S2, ESI†).66 Consequently, these surface fragments can confound the TBO results. For example, even though ablation and fragmentation were substantial for UV-irradiated PMMA (Fig. S3, ESI†), the UV-COC surface gave the greatest TBO signal (18.7 ± 2.9 nmol cm−2). This signal is likely due to more efficient carboxylic acid formation rather than increased fragmentation of the UV-activated COC surface, which is in accordance with our spectroscopic observations (see below).
These carboxylated photo-fragments have a lower molecular mass and higher thermal mobility than the native material, making them critical effectors of thermally-induced changes on the surfaces' carboxyl functional group densities.42 With this in mind, it is not surprising that the UV-activated PMMA surfaces would remain porous after heating, as evident by only a slight decrease in its TBO signal, whereas the less fragmented UV-activated COC surface showed larger decreases in its TBO signal. Accompanying these losses, the water contact angles for these surfaces returned to near their native values following thermal treatment (see Table 1),67 and there was a change in the UV-activated PMMA surface's morphology (see AFM images, Fig. S4, ESI†) that was not observed for the UV-activated COC surface. These observations may be attributed to rearrangement of hydrophilic functional groups away from the surface due to the interfacial energy with hydrophobic air, thereby becoming inaccessible.38 This rearrangement would explain the losses in wettability for the thermally treated UV-activated PMMA and COC substrates and should be independent of the starting material's molecular weight and purity when substantial fragmentation occurs (Fig. S5, ESI†).
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Fig. 3 (A,B) Carbonyl regions of the ATR-FTIR spectra, (C,D) hydroxyl regions of the same spectra, and (E,F) C 1s XP spectra for PMMA and COC, respectively. Shown are spectra for native substrates (solid grey lines), UV-activated (dotted black lines), and UV/thermal (solid black lines) surfaces. General peak positions are labeled on the XP spectra corresponding to deconvoluted functional groups, where R generically represents carbon or hydrogen. See the ESI† for detailed XPS deconvolution methods and data. |
There were changes in the carbonyl region of the UV-activated PMMA ATR-FTIR spectra (Fig. 3A). The native substrate's ester CO stretch at 1719 cm−1 broadened to include stretches with higher and lower energy (an increase in peak area of 3.8 au cm−1 integrated from 1650–1850 cm−1) that corresponded to the formation of carboxyls and aldehydes/ketones, which comprised only 1.9% and 7.0% of the XPS C 1s signal, respectively.71 Hydroxyl groups were abundant in the XPS data, 8.5% of UV-activated PMMA's total C 1s signal (Fig. 3C, Table S2, ESI†). Taken together, these data strongly suggest that carboxyl formation is only a minor product of PMMA's UV activation, with scissioning and aldehyde, ketone, and hydroxyl formation serving as competing reactions.
Strong signals from carboxyl containing functionalities were observed spectroscopically for UV-activated COC. Native COC did not contain either carbonyl or hydroxyl peaks, but after UV activation, a CO peak at 1711 cm−1 and a 3430 cm−1 hydroxyl peak were observed with relatively large peak areas of 11.2 au cm−1 (1520–1850 cm−1) and 13.4 au cm−1 (3075–3700 cm−1), respectively. In an effort to deconvolute the C
O peak and isolate carboxyl formation, we first disproved the supposition that the small shoulder at 1637 cm−1 (Fig. 3B) was due to alkene formation after scissioning of COC's norbornane ring because no changes were observed in the Raman spectra of UV-modified COC (Fig. S7, ESI†). Rather, aldehydes/ketones generated this stretch along with 7.1% of the deconvoluted C 1s spectrum, as compared to 8.9% carboxyl (Fig. 3F, Table S2, ESI†). These data are the first detailed spectral information to be published with regards to the UV/O3 activation of COC and showed that carboxyl groups can be directly generated on a COC surface by this simple activation modality.40,72 Moreover, this activation method is clearly more efficient at producing carboxyl groups on COC than PMMA.
Besides quantification of the formation of surface-confined carboxylic acids, of great interest was whether the ATR-FTIR and XPS results support or reject the hypothesis that photo-fragments have a propensity to thermally rearrange and thus bury carboxyl moieties into the bulk polymer. In general, ATR evanescent waves penetrate from hundreds of nanometers to tens of micrometers, but penetration depth is linearly dependent on the wavelength of light passing through the ATR crystal and inversely dependent on the wavenumber.73 Therefore, hydroxyl peaks are more surface specific, with a penetration depth roughly half that of carbonyl signals. Decreases in the UV and thermally treated PMMA and COC surface CO peak areas were only 11% and 6.2% as compared to larger change closer to the surface in the O–H peak areas, 50% and 42%, respectively. Secondly, the carboxyl C 1s signals, which are highly surface specific probing only 9 to 12 nm into the bulk,54–56 decreased by 47% and 66% after heating UV-activated PMMA and COC, respectively, and the corresponding decreases in the O/C ratios were 100% and 63%. This data supports the generation of hydrophobic surfaces by thermal migration of hydrophilic functional groups present on photo-fragments, including carboxylic acids, away from the surface during thermal processing.
To illustrate the consequences of the heating effects detailed above, we covalently tethered Cy3-labeled oligonucleotides to substrates that were UV-activated and subsequently thermally treated (see Fig. 4). The background-subtracted fluorescence intensity on UV-activated COC presented higher signal (1978 ± 229 cps) compared to UV-activated PMMA (282 ± 98 cps). The oligonucleotide load on UV-activated COC was ∼5 times greater than on UV-activated PMMA and indicated that surface-accessible carboxylic acids generated on the UV-activated PMMA surface must be less than an oligonucleotide monolayer. After heating the UV-activated PMMA surface, the fluorescence of PMMA's oligonucleotide load decreased substantially (61 ± 98 cps), matching the substantial losses after heating observed in the FTIR and XPS data.
The oligonucleotide load on UV-activated COC increased after thermal treatment (Fig. 4D). However, we speculate that this observation was an artifact of the surface's increased hydrophobicity after heating, which could have improved the kinetics of oligonucleotide immobilization by hydrophobic interaction with the partially unfolded oligonucleotide.74,75 This is supported by the fluorescence of immobilized NL493-streptavidin on both UV-activated COC and thermally treated UV-activated COC surfaces (Fig. 4E–F), which yielded signals that were not statistically difference at the 95% confidence level.
The CTC selection device utilized herein employed an array of 50, curvilinear, high-aspect ratio microchannels with nominal dimensions similar to ones previously reported by our group (30 μm × 150 μm × 30.6 mm, w × d × l).23,24 The depth of these channels increased the throughput as well as provided reduced pressure drop throughout the selection channels, especially when occupied by captured CTCs.23,57 SEM indicated that the widths of the top and bottom of the channels were 27.8 ± 1.0 μm and 19.7 ± 0.5 μm, respectively (aspect ratio of ∼6.3).77 On average, the widths of these microchannels are only slightly larger than the average CTC diameter (12–20 μm) but much larger than the average leukocyte diameter (7–15 μm). Channel width plays a critical role in maximizing the probability of cell/wall interactions and allows for achieving high CTC yield but lower probability of interactions with smaller cells.23 For even smaller cells, such as erythrocytes, the likelihood of approaching the channel wall is very limited due in part to the formation of a marginal cell-free layer.78,79
Fluidic addressing of the microchannel array was achieved using a z-geometry, in which large cross-section inlet and outlet channels were poised orthogonal to the curvilinear microchannels (see Fig. 5). This geometry was recently introduced by our group as a replacement for our previous CTC isolation device and offers a smaller overall footprint, retains uniformity of the flow between all selection channels thus ensuring optimal recovery throughout the device,23 and demonstrates a reduction in the formation and persistence of air bubbles formed during blood infusion. Additionally, the z-geometry addressing is easily scalable to isolation beds comprised of larger number of microchannels, which allows for high throughput processing of relatively large input volumes (<45 min for 500 selection channels and 7.5 mL input volumes).57
For both PMMA and COC substrates, hot-embossed microfluidic devices and cover plates were UV-irradiated and thermal fusion bonded prior to EDC/NHS coupling of mAbs to the microchannel surfaces. Between 500 and 850 μL of whole blood, acquired from PDX models that were engrafted with tumor tissue biopsied from human patients with metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), were infused through UV-activated PMMA (n = 5) and UV-activated COC (n = 4) devices. After cell selection and rinsing, cells were stained on-chip and counted, and the devices' figures-of-merits were evaluated. White blood cells were scored as DAPI(+) and FITC-CD45(+), but PE-CK8/19(−). CTCs were DAPI(+), PE-CK8/19(+), and FITC-CD45(−) (see Fig. 5C–D). Purity was defined as the ratio of PE-CK8/19(+) cells to the total number of nucleated cells (PE-CK8/19(+) and FITC-CD45(+)) captured within a device.80Fig. 6 provides a summary of the CTC results for PMMA and COC devices.
COC devices provided higher clinical yields of CTCs compared to PMMA devices. We observed a 37 ± 20% increase in the number of selected CTCs from PDX models for UV-activated COC versus UV-activated PMMA devices. For the high aspect ratio channels, higher loads of covalently coupled mAbs throughout the channel wall depth were observed for the COC device compared to the PMMA device. In the PMMA device, a portion of mAbs may have been physisorbed to the selection surfaces, especially towards the bottom of the channel, leading to decreased antigen-binding activity.22 The higher load of active mAbs to the COC microchannel surfaces (effective increase of NL in Eq. (1)) would improve the adhesion force of selected CTCs, especially for CTCs with low EpCAM expression that are expected in clinical samples, and provide higher yields consistent with Eq. (1).57 Two melanoma and two colorectal cancer patients blood were also analyzed using UV-activated and mAb functionalized COC selection devices using anti-EpCAM mAbs; we detected an average of 29 ± 17 CTCs and 30 ± 6 CTCs in 2 mL of blood (negative control CTCs = 3 ± 3 in 2 mL).
We determined the purity level of the selected fractions from PDX mouse model samples and found these to be 78.3 ± 19.7% and 98.8 ± 2.4% for the UV-activated PMMA and UV-activated COC devices, respectively. Furthermore, the purities of the isolated CTCs from clinical samples were >90%. Studies using the CellSearch® system have reported much lower purities, approximately 0.01 to 0.1%.81
The improvement in purity for COC devices can be explained by more efficient surface activation and mAb immobilization. Interfering leukocytes can be activated by various properties of a surface, including surface polymer chain mobility, surface chemical composition, hydrogen bonding properties, charge density, and hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity.83,84 Within short periods of time, a polymer's hydrophobic domain can lead to leukocyte adsorption. Due to less efficient activation, the presence of these hydrophobic domains was likely more prevalent in UV-activated and thermally fusion bonded PMMA devices as compared to COC devices.
We conducted three-dimensional, computational simulations of the dynamics of fluid flow through the microfluidic selection channels (details given in the ESI† and Fig. S10, ESI†) and observed average shear stresses of 3.4 dynes cm−2 for buffer and 13.3 dynes cm−2 for blood, which matches well with analytic expressions and is approximately an order of magnitude larger than comparable devices.43,85–87 In such flow conditions, the high shear stress along the high aspect ratio microchannels (see Fig. 5E) can disrupt associations with low FA (Eq. (1)). Thus, a high percentage of weakly associated leukocytes should be removed.23,85 This may not be the case for the designs utilizing microposts or herringbones as they possess low velocity regions behind posts and within herringbone grooves.44,87 Leukocytes in these regions will likely not experience strong shear forces to remove them from the surface. Even though we observed an increase in purity of isolated CTC fractions for UV-activated COC devices, the purities for both materials are the highest reported for CTC analysis.44,80,88
We are currently in the process of evaluating CTCs using our UV-activated COC CTC device from other epithelial cancers as well, such as ovarian, prostate, and pancreatic cancers, and will be reported in subsequent work.57 In addition, a critical comparison of the performance metrics using the CellSearch® system and the CTC technology reported herein, such as capture efficiency, purity, and the ability to enrich cells with low EpCAM expression levels, are on-going and will be the subject of a future publication.82
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c3lc50618e |
‡ These authors contributed equally. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 |