Jinghua Wu,
Ting Jin,
Fenghua Liu,
Jianjun Guo,
Yuchuan Cheng* and
Gaojie Xu*
Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo, 315201, P.R.China. E-mail: yccheng@nimte.ac.cn; xugj@nimte.ac.cn; Fax: +86-574-86685163; Tel: +86-574-86685162
First published on 23rd June 2014
TiOx-based nanospheres modified by formamide (FA) as dielectric particles for electrorheological (ER) fluids were successfully synthesized through simple sol–gel hydrolysis and self-assembly. The suspension containing TiOx–FA displays superior ER activity, with a yield stress of 148 kPa (at 5 kV mm−1) under a DC electric field, which is 10 times that of ER fluids containing pure TiOx nanoparticles. More importantly, comparison between the FA and N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) as the shell structure indicated that the ER performance was positively correlated with the dielectric constant of the polar molecule shell. The result represents a critical step towards an in depth understanding the enhancement effect of polar molecules. This study can afford a new strategy to achieve optimal performance in ER fluids.
The discovery of giant ER (GER) fluids effect in some types of ER fluids, revealed that polar molecules or polar groups with a high dipole moment play a crucial role in ERF exhibiting a high yield stress.17,18 Unfortunately, ER fluids modified with some polar molecules or polar groups did not deliver high ER performance, implying that the molecular dipole moment is not the only key factor.19 There may be other factors contributing to the high ER activity than the dipole moment. In almost all of the ER fluids, the presence of water can effectively strengthen the ER activity. Orellana et al. reported that the ER activity is rather sensitive to the moisture content of the particles, which could be used to control the strength of the response of the ER fluid. Additionally, previous results have shown that water molecules on the surface of the particles can take on the role of the permanent dipoles used in GER fluids.20 In addition, Wen et al. also demonstrated that the presence of water molecules could effectively enhance the mechanical ER response by analyzing the frequency dependence of ER performance and dielectric properties with different water contents.21 Despite the superior ER activity, the water has underperformed as a practical dipole molecule due to its volatility and corrosivity to the ER device. However, the properties of water provide us with a useful inspiration: as a polar molecule, water possesses a rather high dielectric constant. It is possible that the synergy of the dielectric constant and molecular dipole moment promotes the ER performance. Therefore, the choice of polar molecules with high dielectric constant may be a prerequisite for obtaining ER materials with high ER activity.
Herein, to verify this concept, we evaluated the effect of polar molecules with different dielectric constants. Formamide (FA) was selected to modify the TiOx due to its high dielectric constant. N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) has a similar dipole moment and a markedly lower dielectric constant and was thus selected as a contrast. The results demonstrated that FA could enhance the ER activity more effectively than DMF could. Hence, the feasibility of the idea of employing polar molecules with a high dielectric constant to enhance ER performance was demonstrated.
The TiOx nanoparticles were dispersed in a dilute solution of APTS in toluene (5 vol%) and stirred for 4 h at 25 ± 5 °C. The amino-coated TiOx nanoparticles were centrifuged and washed with ethanol. The precipitates were then dried in a vacuum at 60 °C for 12 h. Half of these amino-coated TiOx nanoparticles were dispersed in a dilute solution of FA in ethanol (5 vol%). After stirring for 4 h, the suspensions were centrifuged and washed with ethanol to obtain the FA-modified TiOx (TiOx–FA). The remaining amino-coated TiOx particles were dispersed in a dilute solution of N,N-dimethylformamide in ethanol. After stirring for 4 h, the suspensions were centrifuged and washed to obtain the N,N-dimethylformamide-modified TiOx (TiOx–DMF). The schematic shown in Fig. 1 illustrates our concept. The traditional sol–gel method was introduced to prepare TiOx particles. Next, the groups on the surface of the uniform TiOx nanospheres were charged by coating with homogenous APTS. This step is advantageous because it enhances the weight fraction of the FA or DMF on the surface of the TiOx particles due to the affinity of amino groups to the FA and DMF.
The rheological properties were measured by a circular-type rheometer (Haake RS6000) with a circular-plate system (15 mm in diameter and a gap width of 1.0 mm). To obtain the dynamic yield stress, a stress–strain measurement was carried out at a very low shear rate, and the stress value at which the viscosity decreases abruptly is defined as the dynamic yield stress. The flow curves of the shear stress–shear rate were measured under controlled shear rate (CR) mode within a shear rate range of 0.1 to 100 s−1. Each shear rate was maintained for 10 s to obtain an equilibrium structure before collecting data. The maximum voltage of the DC high-voltage generator was 8 kV (SL 300 Spellman, USA). Experimental data were collected with the help of the software package Rheowin. All of the measurements were carried out at room temperature.
Fig. 3 shows the FTIR spectra of the as-prepared and modified TiOx samples. The broad band at approximately 3400 cm−1 is assigned to the stretching vibration mode of the structure (or surface) hydroxyl groups bonding to titanium atoms. For the TiOx particles, the band between 500 and 800 cm−1 corresponds to the Ti–O stretching vibration mode. Compared to the spectrum of naked TiOx, some new bands are found in the spectra of modified TiOx (curve b and c). The bands at 1420 and 1470 cm−1 can be attributed to the alkyl group distortion vibration. The bands at 1530 and 1216 cm−1 correspond to the amide II and amide III mode, respectively.
The band at 1620 cm−1 can be assigned to the CO stretching mode. The emerging of these bands proves that the TiOx particles are indeed modified by the FA and DMF molecules. These polar molecules play a key role in the improvement of the ER effect. Being a strong hydrogen bond donor, the hydroxyl group can participate in inter-polymer hydrogen bonding interactions,22,23 which link the ER particles together effectively and create high yield stress without greatly enhancing the zero-field viscosity. Furthermore, the carbonyl group and amide group on the surface of the hybrid particles would promote surface activity and enhance the polarization.24,25
Leaking current density, leading to energy consumption, is another evaluation criterion for the application of ER fluid. Fig. 5 shows the current density as a function of applied electric field for three types of TiOx-based ER fluid. It can be seen that the leaking current densities of the TiOx–FA ER fluids and TiOx–DMF ER fluids were lower than that of the naked TiOx ER fluids. This can be attributed to the electrical insulating effect of the thin layer of organic molecules. Furthermore, a prominent feature is the near-linear dependence of the logarithm of the current density on E1/2, indicating the mechanism of activation over the Coulomb barrier.28
The relationship between the shear stress and the shear rate was also investigated. Fig. 6 shows the steady shear stress–shear rate curve under various electric fields for the TiOx–FA and TiOx–DMF ER fluids. In the absence of an electric field, both suspensions behave as Newtonian fluids, with shear stress increasing linearly with shear rate. When the electric field is applied, the suspensions exhibit strong increases in shear stress and act as plastic materials presenting yield stresses. It is known that the rheological behavior of an ER suspension under an electric field is the result of the change in the fibrous-like structures. The structural change is mainly dominated by the competition between the electric-field-induced electrostatic interaction and the shear-field-induced hydrodynamic force. The electrostatic interactions were responsible for the reorganization of ER structures and hinder the flow, while the hydrodynamic interactions tended to destroy ER structures and promote the flow.29 The large polarizability and sufficient polarization response of ER particles are important for producing strong and fast electrostatic interactions that can keep the structures and rheological properties stable under shear flow.30 When the strength of the electric field was enhanced, the shear stress of both TiOx–FA and TiOx–DMF suspensions increased due to an enhanced interaction force between particles. Relative to the TiOx–DMF-based ER fluids, the TiOx–FA-based ER fluid exhibited a higher shear stress at the same electric field strength, indicating that the electrostatic force between the TiOx–FA particles is larger than the interaction force between the TiOx–DMF particles.
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Fig. 6 Shear stress of TiOx–FA (a) and TiOx–DMF (b) ER fluids (46 wt%) as a function of shear rate under various electric fields. |
It is known that electric-field-induced polarization in the contact region of neighboring particles causes their aggregation into fibers aligned along the electric field under an applied electric field. The high and stable shear stress over a wide shear rate region for the TiOx–FA suspension indicates that its polarizability is high and that the polarization response is proper. Thus, the TiOx–FA ER fluid can be greatly solidified by the electric field, and the particles aggregate into chains and columns fast enough to keep up with the destruction rate of the fibrous structure, maintaining stable rheological properties in the shear rate range of 1 to 100 s−1. A decrease in the shear stress is observed at low shear rates, and the flow behavior of the suspensions departs from Bingham fluid behavior. However, the Cho-Choi-Jhon (CCJ) model, a constitutive equation proposed for this special type of ER fluid, shows advantages in the analysis of a special type of ER phenomenon.31,32 This phenomenon indicated that as the shear rate increases, the destruction rate of the fibrils exceeds the reformation rate. Because of the higher volume fraction of GER suspensions and/or the high shear rate, the suspensions were actually expelled from the central region of the parallel-plate electrode, leading to a net decrease in the measured shear stress.
Dynamic tests using an oscillatory shear stress were performed to study the viscoelastic properties of the solidified ER fluid under an external electric field. The results of the stress sweep, which is sinusoidal in amplitude at a constant frequency, for the TiOx–FA and TiOx–DMF materials are shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that both the storage modulus (G′) and the loss modulus (G′′) increase and that the linear viscoelastic region becomes wider as the electric field strength increases. The ER fluids exhibit solid-like behavior: G′ is substantially larger than G′′, and G′ remains nearly unchanged over a broad stress range. The plateau of the stress-dependent curves of the storage modulus is a characteristic of chain-like structures that are not destroyed under electric fields, which demonstrates that the elasticity is dominant in the linear viscoelastic region. When the applied stress exceeds a certain value, the storage modulus decreases sharply, revealing that liquid behavior is becoming dominant and the chain structure has been destroyed. The storage modulus and the loss modulus of the TiOx–FA suspension are larger than those of the TiOx–DMF suspension under the same electric field, reflecting its greater solidification (rigidity). This finding indicates that the stronger force between the TiOx–FA particles makes the structure more stable to shear stress, which is accordance with its higher yield stress.
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Fig. 7 Stress dependence of storage modulus (G′, solid symbol) and loss modulus (G′′, open symbol) for the TiOx–FA (a) and TiOx–DMF (b) suspensions (56 wt%). |
Dielectric analysis of the pure-TiOx- and modified-TiOx-based ER fluids was conducted, and the dielectric spectra are shown in Fig. 8. In can be seen that the Δε′ values of pure TiOx ER fluids are very small, and no clear dielectric relaxation peak is observed between 100 Hz and 100 kHz. It generally believed that fast ionic or atomic polarization dominant in pure titanium oxide cannot supply optimal dielectric or polarization properties for high ER activity.34,35 After coating the surface of the TiOx particles with FA and DMF, the ε′ of the TiOx–FA and TiOx–DMF ER fluids exceeded that of the naked TiOx ER fluids, and a clear dielectric relaxation peak is observed. These findings clearly show the contributions of the FA and DMF shells. It can be concluded that the incorporation of polar molecules or polar groups on the surface of TiOx particles evidently enhanced the interfacial polarization. As a result, the larger Δε′ and proper polarization response induce stronger interactions between particles for high ER activity. Moreover, the presence of the dielectric loss peak is attributed to the orientation and the interaction of the polar molecules.36 Generally, the dipole is more difficult to reorient in the interior of solid particles than on the surface. The polar and dangling bonds on the particle surfaces and interfaces are less bounded by the interior lattice. In addition, the local electric field in the gap between the particles is much higher than the applied electric field. Thus, the orientation of the skin-deep polar molecules is more likely. The interaction between polar molecules begins at the substrate, with magnitude scaling within the interfacial area. Therefore, the interaction between the particles can be considered to be an interfacial phenomenon.37 Compared with other core/shell-structure ER materials, a thin layer of polar molecules could improve the dielectric properties effectively.38 Similarly, theoretical calculations have also shown that in polar-molecule-dominated ER fluids, particles with thinner shells yield larger yield stresses.39
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Fig. 8 Dielectric spectra of different samples: dielectric constant (solid symbols) and dielectric loss factor (open symbols) (46 wt%). |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: XRD of the TiOx and modified TiOx, dielectric constant and dipole moment of the water, FA and DMF. See DOI: 10.1039/c4ra04469j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 |