Adriana Cambón‡
Edgar Figueroa-Ochoa‡b,
Mateo Blancoa,
Silvia Barbosa*a,
José Félix Armando Solterob,
Pablo Taboadaa and
Víctor Mosqueraa
aGrupo de Física de Coloides y Polímeros, Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, 15782-Santiago de Compostela, Spain. E-mail:
bLaboratorio de Reología, Departamento de Ingeniería Química, CUECI, Universidad de Guadalajara, Blv. M. García Barragán 44430, Jalisco, Mexico
First published on 28th October 2014
Triblock polyethyelene oxide–polybutylene oxide-based block copolymers overcome some of the synthetic drawbacks of commercially available Pluronic block copolymers as well as providing a more hydrophobic environment to solubilise poorly aqueous-soluble compounds. These facts can be exploited to use this class of copolymers as efficient drug delivery nanocarriers (A. Cambón et al., Int. J. Pharm., 2013, 445, 47–57), and their interactions with biologically relevant entities and biological performance should be regulated by the nature, conformation and state of the copolymeric chains. For this reason, in this work we investigated the self-assembly process of two of these reverse triblock poly(butylene oxide)–poly(ethylene oxide)–poly(butylene oxide) block copolymers, BO8EO90BO8 and BO20EO411BO20, to obtain a clear picture of their self-assembly behaviour in order to correlate it with their biological performance. As a consequence of their particular structure, BO20EO411BO20 possesses a rich rheological behavior characterized by the formation of flower-like micelles (ca. 10 to 30 nm in size) and intermicellar bridging at low copolymer concentrations, as shown by atomic force microscopy and rheology data. Conversely, BO8EO90BO8 displays a behaviour more similar to that observed for diblock EOmBOm and direct triblock EOmBOnEOn copolymers, with single non-associated micelles at low concentrations, and a flow behaviour typical of mesoscopic ordered cubic structures. Strikingly, the relatively wide Poisson distribution of the copolymeric chains makes the present copolymers behave also rather distinctly to conventional associative thickeners.
Conventional triblock copolymers with hydrophobic end blocks, in particular triblock poly(oxyalkylene)s, offer a different synthetic route with the potential for interesting differences in properties and potential applications, as reported for POnEOmPOn,8,9 BOnEOmBOn10–13 and SOnEOmSOn,14,15 where EO, PO, BO and SO denote ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, butylene oxide and styrene oxide blocks, respectively. Amongst them, POnEOmPOn copolymers have been the most extensively studied due to their commercial availability in a range of compositions. However, these copolymers present several drawbacks as, for example, their inherent polydispersity after oxyanionic polymerization as a consequence of the transfer reaction from hydrogen abstraction during the polymerization of the PO blocks,16 which results in an important diblock component in the synthesized material. This gives rise to variations in their physico-chemical properties from batch to batch which can preclude their use in different applications where an accurate reproducibility of the physico-chemical properties is required such as, for example, in drug delivery since these copolymers are amphiphilic and are able to self-assemble into nanoscopic core–shell micelles. The micellar core may serve as a reservoir for hydrophobic cargos while the corona provides stability and stealthiness into the aqueous biological medium.
An alternative to POnEOmPOn copolymers is BOnEOmBOn ones provided that transfer is not a problem in the laboratory polymerization of butylene oxide and, hence, the chain distributions are much narrower. In addition, the larger relative hydrophobicity of BO blocks compared to PO (six-fold as estimated from the ratio of the logarithms of the cmcs)17 allows the formation of polymeric micelles and of transient micelle clusters and/or networks by bridging of extended chains between micelles13,18 at much lower concentrations than POnEOmPOn do. This may enable their use as nanocarriers to solubilize much higher concentrations of poorly aqueous soluble drugs in a reproducible manner19 in the form of injectable solutions, oral suspensions and/or sub-dermal gelling depots19–21 provided that these copolymers have been proved to be biocompatible.22 However, a detailed and complete characterization of the physico-chemical properties of this class of copolymers is still lacking: a deep knowledge about the correlations between copolymer structure and reflected properties must be key to explain, for example, the biological activity of some of these copolymers, for example, as enhancers of drug toxicity to cancerous cells by inhibiting the P-glycoprotein P efflux pump mechanism,19 which seems to be regulated by the nature, conformation and state of the copolymeric chains.
Hence, in this work we analyze the physico-chemical behaviour in aqueous solution of two BOnEOmBOn block copolymers: BO8EO90BO8 and BO20EO411BO20, which largely differ in the hydrophilic block length. This should result in large differences in the micellization process, intermicellar interactions and, thus, solution behaviour. In particular, as a result of its long BO blocks and extremely lengthy EO ones copolymer BO20EO411BO20 clearly shows the formation of micellar clusters formed by micellar bridging as observed from dynamic light scattering (DLS), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and rheometry. Due to their shorter EO and BO blocks, copolymer BO8EO90BO8 behaves more similarly to a solution of interacting micelles, which pack in a mesoscopic structure (a gel) at large concentrations, although some extent of bridging could be also detected. The differences in the copolymer structures allows us then to observe the effects of both the collapse of longer BO blocks in solution of reverse copolymeric structures and the splitting of BO units number between two blocks, especially in dilute solution since the range of hydrophobicity has been much restricted for these copolymers i.e. from BO4 to BO12, 8 to 24 BO units per molecule.17
To obtain the micellar molecular weights and aggregation number, Debye plots i.e. plots based on
(1) |
For DLS, the correlation functions were analyzed by the CONTIN method to obtain the intensity distributions of decay rates (Γ).24 From the decay rate distributions the apparent diffusion coefficients Dapp = Γ/q2, q = (4πns/λ)sin(θ/2) were derived, being ns the solvent refractive index. Values of the apparent hydrodynamic radius (rh,app, radius of the hydrodynamically equivalent hard sphere corresponding to Dapp) were calculated from the Stokes–Einstein equation
rh,app = kT/(6πηDapp) | (2) |
Fig. 1 (a) Clouding temperatures for BOnEOmBOn triblock copolymers as a function of concentration: () BO8EO90BO8 and () BO20EO411BO20. For comparison, structurally-related copolymers () BO5EO91BO5 and () BO10EO410BO1011 are also shown. (b) Minimum clouding temperatures copolymers as a function of BO/EO block length ratio for BOnEOmBOn triblock with () BO < 10 and () BO > 10. The present BO8EO90BO8 and BO20EO411BO20 copolymers are shown in green and red, respectively. |
Provided that the cmc values of the present copolymers were previously found to be below 0.35 mg mL−1 (see Table 1),10 the cloud point behavior would represent the phase transition of a copolymer micellar solution which phase separates at a temperature well above the Tcl. On the other hand, plotting Tcl values against EO/BO ratio at fixed copolymer concentration (1 wt%) an empirical correlation for BOnEOnBOn copolymers with short (≤10) and long (≥10) BO blocks could be observed (Fig. 1b). The lowest values of Tcl are directly dependent on copolymer hydrophobicity, that is, Tcl at the minimum decreases as the EO/BO ratio does (Table S1†).
Owing to the special chain architecture of BOnEOmBOn-type block copolymers, the formation of flower-like micelles involves the bending of the hydrophilic EO blocks while keeping the two-end BO blocks in the same micellar core, which is an entropically-loss process. Another possibility is that the two BO blocks in one polymer chain can reside in two adjacent micelles while the EO block is used as a bridge. This kind of cross-linking among the micelles can finally promote an open network structure (the so-called micellar clusters), which is reflected in the DLS population distributions.
Copolymer BO20EO411BO20 possessed a similar behaviour as BO8EO90BO8 except that sizes of micelles and micellar clusters become larger due to the lengthy EO blocks of this copolymer. At this respect, it is worth mentioning that micellar cluster sizes for this copolymer reaches ca. 900 nm, and even a third much larger population at ca. 3000–4000 nm can be observed probably being a result of the formation of insoluble aggregated material as a consequence of cluster aggregation (Fig. 2a). For both BO8EO90BO8 and BO20EO411BO20 the micellar shape was nearly spherical as observed by TEM and AFM, with their diameters (ca. 22 ± 4 and 32 ± 5 nm for BO8EO90BO8 and BO20EO411BO20 as calculated from TEM, respectively), in fair agreement with those obtained from DLS in spite of the usual dehydration of the copolymer corona and subsequent shrinking of the copolymer structure upon solvent evaporation during sample preparation (Fig. 2b). From AFM images a deformation of the EO corona can be observed as a result of bridging and subsequent formation of micellar clusters (Fig. 2c).
Intensity-average values of 1/rh,app were calculated for micelles by integrating over the micelles peak in the intensity distributions of decay rate. Since the dissymmetry ratio was found to be near unity, the values obtained were essentially z-averages. Micellar hydrodynamic radii (rh) were obtained as the intercept of each curve at c = 0 (Fig. 2d and Table 2) from plots of 1/rh,app against copolymer concentration. 1/rh,app is proportional to the apparent diffusion coefficient, Dapp, but without the influence of temperature and solution viscosity. It can be observed that the average values of rh,app increased as concentration did, i.e. the apparent diffusion coefficient (Dapp = kT/6πηrh,app) decreased (Fig. 2d). Also, micellar sizes become smaller as the temperature decreases. This was as expected provided that water becomes a better solvent for micelles as the temperature is lowered and, hence, micellar bridging (and hence clustering) was reduced.
Polymer | T (°C) | 105 MW (g mol−1) | rh (nm) | Nw | 10−4 A2 (mol cm3 g−2) |
BO8EO90BO8 | 10 | 1.4 | 9.7 | 25 | −8.3 |
25 | 2.1 | 13.0 | 38 | −19.7 | |
BO20EO411BO20 | 10 | 2.4 | 10.6 | 11 | −10.7 |
25 | 3.8 | 18.9 | 17 | −60.2 |
The negative slopes of plots in Fig. 2d and, hence, the negative second virial coefficients (A2) derived as reported previously (Table 2, see ESI† for additional details)29 implies a substantial attractive contribution to their intermicellar interaction, resulting in small excluded volumes for the micelles of BOnEOmBOn copolymers, especially for BO8EO90BO8 due to its shorter EO corona which, in turn, results in small values of A2. This is consistent with the micelles having a fraction of their BO blocks extended into the solvent and available for interaction, either with BO blocks protruding from a second micelle or by entering the core of a second micelle, as confirmed visually (Fig. 2c and d), and considering that Van der Waals attraction and polymer depletion forces would not play significant roles in the present relatively dilute micellar systems.18,23 In either case, the effect results in transient micellar linking, which implies a second equilibrium in the system:
NA ↔ AN (molecule/micelle equilibrium) |
MAN ↔ (AN)M (micelle/linked-micelles equilibrium) |
Both BO and EO block lengths will affect these interactions: longer BO-end blocks imply that the intermicellar interaction can become stronger, while central EO blocks can make the BO blocks to be more or less extended into the solution.30 The smaller (more negative) A2 values for copolymer BO20EO411BO20 compared to those of BO8EO90BO8 might be a consequence of the longer BO and EO blocks of the former copolymer which favoured direct contacts between micelles even at very low concentrations. Also, A2 coefficients increases (become less negative) as temperature raises as a consequence of water becoming a worst solvent for micelles; this would make EO coronas to be less hydrated and shrunk, and it would decrease the extent of bridging in agreement with static light scattering data (see below).
In summary, the present data would support the view that for molecules of this type limited open molecular association accompanies closed association to micelles. This means (in a simplified model) that several components are in equilibrium: molecules, micelles, and micellar associates (bridged micelles).
Fig. 3 Debye plots for (a) BO8EO90BO8 and (b) BO20EO411BO20 copolymers at 10 °C (open symbols) and 25 °C (filled symbols). |
Values of Mmw were obtained by simply applying the Debye equation for copolymer BO8EO90BO8 and by linear extrapolation of experimental data at c < 5 mg mL−1 and by for BO20EO411BO20, respectively, and calculated from Nw = Mmw/Mw (Table 2). The almost ideal behavior of the BO8EO90BO8 system at low concentration is attributed to counter-balanced attractive and repulsive interactions of micelles in the dilute solution range and the polymer ability to pack in single micelles at low concentrations due to its much shorter blocks, as commented previously (see Fig. 2a).
Association numbers for copolymer BO8EO90BO8 were larger than those of BO20EO411BO20 as corresponds to a copolymer with a lower EO/BO ratio and much shorter EO block length: the increment of Nw due to the presence of longer BO blocks for copolymer BO20EO411BO20 was counter-balanced by the Nw decrease expected by their longer EO blocks, as observed for other poly(oxyalkylene)s copolymers.16 Also, Nw values for these copolymers slightly increased as temperature rose provided that water becomes a poorer solvent for the poly(oxyethylene) blocks, as previously mentioned.17 Association numbers of copolymer BO20EO411BO20 are similar to those obtained for the structurally related copolymer BO10EO410BO10 despite its larger BO block length, and are lower than those of other BOmEOnBOm with lengthy EO blocks such as BO14EO378BO14 (Nw = 18),29 BO12EO270BO12 (Nw = 28)30 and BO12EO260BO12 (Nw = 29).18 In this regard, it is worth mentioning that BOmEOnBOm copolymers possessing EO < 300 units exhibit an increase in Nw as their hydrophobic block length increases as observed for BO5EO91BO5, BO6EO46BO6,30 BO7EO40BO7,18 BO10EO271BO10 and BO12EO270BO12,30 for example. Conversely, BOmEOnBOm copolymers with EO > 300 units decrease their Nw values as the BO block length increases as, for example, from 18 to 9 for BO14EO378BO14 and BO21EO385BO21, or from 8 to 7 for BO10EO410BO10 and BO20EO411BO20, respectively. This trend is a consequence of steric restrictions of the lengthy EO corona to efficiently pack more hydrophobic chains inside the micellar core nuclei.17
On the other hand, Fig. 4a shows the dependence of Nw on BO-block length for different BOmEOnBOm reported so far.17 Values of Nw were adjusted for differences in n (the EO block length) using the scaling exponent Nw ∼ (n′)1.07, where n′ (n′ = n − ncrit, ncrit = 4 is the effective hydrophobic block length, that is, the minimum hydrophobic block length in reverse BOmEOnBOm for micellization) is the effective hydrophobic block length. The line through the data points of log(Nw/n′1.07) against log(m) has a slope of −0.84. Attwood et al. previously obtained an exponent of −0.63,17 whilst Föster et al. derived an exponent of −0.71 for short CnEOm copolymers with n = 8–16 and m = 4–23.31 The difference may arise from introducing BOmEOnBOm copolymers with extremely lengthy EO blocks (EO > 375 units) and long BO blocks (BO > 14) in Fig. 4a, which possess relatively low aggregation numbers due to their very long chains. On the other hand, Fig. 4b effectively verified that data points plotted as log(Nw/m0.84) against log(n′) do indeed fit satisfactorily to a straight line of slope 1.0 with evident correspondence with scaling exponents of Nw as a function of the EO block length (ca. 1.07) derived from diblock and non-bridging triblock copolymers.
To perfectly define the boundaries of the phase diagrams and to further characterize the flow behaviour of semi-dilute and concentrated copolymer solution, rheometry measurements were also performed.
Once determined the linear viscoelastic region, temperature scans in the range 1–90 °C of log(G′) at f = 1 Hz for copolymers BO8EO90BO8 and BO20EO411BO20 were performed. The dependence of G′ on concentration and temperature is provided by the examples shown in Fig. 6. At 1 wt%, copolymer samples are unstructured fluids (sols, with G′ < 10 Pa and G′′ > G′). At 2 wt% copolymer BO8EO90BO8 was a viscous complex fluid characterized by 10 < G′ < 1000 Pa and G′ > G′′ (i.e. a soft gel adopting Hvidt's et al. notation),32 in the temperature range 16 to 63 °C, and it became a sol below and above such temperature interval (Fig. 6a). In particular, the observed decrease in G′ at high temperatures and, thus, the transition from a viscous fluid to a sol can be associated with a worsening solvent environment compressing the EO-block corona. In the concentration range from 3 to 5 wt%, this copolymer was a viscous fluid in the whole temperature range analyzed above 5 °C. At 6 wt% copolymer BO8EO90BO8 became a gel (arbitrarily defined by G′ > G′′ and G′ > 1000 Pa at f = 1 Hz, a hard gel adopting Hvidt's et al. notation) within the temperature range 5–20 °C and above it becomes a viscous fluid. The gel region subsequently expands within a broader temperature range as the copolymer concentration increases (from 0 to 27 °C, at 8 wt% and until 70 °C at 10 wt%); above the upper limit temperature the copolymers becomes a soft gel. Hence, despite their reverse structure, copolymer BO8EO90BO8 displayed a behaviour similar to diblock EOnBOm and triblock EOnBOmEOn copolymers, in which micellar packing determines the moduli behaviour as the polymer concentration increases.
Despite possessing longer hydrophobic and hydrophilic blocks, the larger EO/BO ratio and the existence of bridging which may difficult effective cubic packing makes copolymer BO20EO411BO20 to remain in a sol state up to a concentration of 3 wt% (Fig. 6b). At 4 wt% it already became a viscous fluid between ca. 30 and 50 °C and 5 and 6 wt% in the whole temperature range. At 7 and 8 wt% this copolymer is a gel between 24–45 °C and 14–57 °C, respectively and a viscous fluid in the remaining temperature interval. At 10 wt%, the copolymer is a gel above 20 °C and in the whole temperature range at 12 wt%. All the above data allowed a more exact definition of the phase diagram, as shown in Fig. 5. On the other hand, maximum values of G′(T), G′max of copolymer BO20EO411BO20 are similar to those of structurally related copolymers with EO blocks ∼400 units such as BO21EO385BO21 and BO14EO378BO14; in addition, copolymer BO8EO90BO8 possesses G′max values larger than the latter copolymers despite having much lower BO and EO units as a consequence of a better cubic packing of micelles with shorter solvated EO coronas. Despite de observed differences, both BO8EO90BO8 and BO20EO411BO20 copolymers G′ values increased markedly with concentration, with a predominant elastic behavior (G′ > G′′) in most of the temperature and concentration ranges analyzed, as occurred for other reverse BOnEOmBOn copolymers with lengthy EO blocks (Fig. S2†).
As discussed elsewhere33 for aqueous micellar gels of copoly(oxyalkylene)s of different block architectures, the onset of gelation and the associated increase in G′ with T at low temperatures for copolymer BO20EO411BO20 is associated with an increase in the extent of micellization and, in the present case, with the extent of bridging. This is in contrast with the behavior observed for BO8EO90BO8 whose G′ values in the gel region (at 10 wt%) are fairly constant until relatively high temperatures (>70 °C) at which then decrease. This observed decrease in G′ at high temperatures can be associated with a worsening solvent environment compressing the EO-block corona and, thereby, with a decrease in the effective micellar volume fraction. This viscous fluid after the immobile gel phase has been shown to be composed by small micellar domains with the same structure as the gel phase as observed by SAXS and SANS;34 hence, it can be characterized as a defective cubic structure, as previously observed for related EOmBOn and EOmBOnEOm copolymers.33
(3) |
For copolymer BO20EO411BO20 G′′ is consistently larger than G′ in the whole frequency range analysed in the concentration range 2–4 wt% at temperatures below 50 °C except at very frequencies (f > 10 Hz) where a moduli crossover takes place. At larger temperatures, the moduli crossover can be observed at much lower frequencies corresponding to a Maxwell fluid showing, at most, localized cubic order (Fig. 7b).33 This effect must be a consequence of the attraction of micelles at temperatures at which water is a poor solvent for micelles, and favored by micellar bridging too. A similar behavior can be observed at larger copolymer BO20EO411BO20 concentrations (5–7 wt%) and for copolymer for copolymer BO8EO90BO8 in the concentration range 2–5 wt% but only at temperatures below room temperature (Fig. 7c). Then, as the concentration is further increase for both copolymers (>8 wt% and 6 wt% for BO20EO411BO20 and BO8EO90BO8, respectively) an immobile gel with relatively high G′ values (>1 kPa) existed typically below 70 °C depending on copolymer type and concentration, as commented previously. Above such temperature threshold, a viscous fluid was observed (Fig. 7d). This type of viscous fluid at temperatures and concentrations relatively near the gel boundary can be assigned as defective versions of cubic packed gels as mentioned previously; they are characterized by a constant value of G′, the shallow minimum in G′′, and both moduli do not show a crossover point in the measured frequency range as observed in Fig. 7d. Nevertheless, the G′ values for the viscous fluid are much lower compared to those of a pure gel phase, which well exceeded 1 kPa and possessed the characteristic features of immobile gels constituted by cubic packing of spherical micelles completely independent on temperature and frequency.35 The plateau behavior of G′ and the minimum in G′′ have been also observed for colloidal hard spheres near the glass-fluid transition,36 and is also characteristic of the cubic phase in block copolymer melts.37 The frequency-independent regime took place at lower concentrations for copolymer BO8EO90BO8 than for BO20EO411BO20 due to its larger BO/EO ratio, which favored micellization.
Plots of G′ and G′′ vs. frequency presented in Fig. 7 show a wide variety of characteristics from purely viscous to highly elastic fluids. The observed behaviours seems to confirm the formation of a dynamic network for both copolymers, but specially for BO20EO411BO20, which becomes more and more robust as the concentration is increased, as observed for other BOmEOnBOm copolymers with very lengthy EO blocks as BO12EO114BO12,13 BO10EO227BO10,26 BO12EO227BO12,28 BO10EO410BO10,11 BO21EO385BO21 and BO14EO378BO14.27 The existence of slow relaxation processes as the copolymer concentration increases also seems to corroborate this point. For BO8EO90BO8 micelle packing as effective hard spheres in the gel phase becomes the predominant response at much lower concentrations than for copolymer BO20EO411BO20, which agrees with that previously mentioned.
On the other hand, copolymer BO20EO411BO20 showed rather different behavior to that observed for other structurally related copolymer, BO10EO410BO10. For this copolymer typical values of G′′ exceed those of G′ over a similar accessible frequency range, as also observed for other classical associative thickeners.38 Despite the similar EO length and larger BO blocks compared with BO10EO410BO10, the larger polydispersity of BO20EO411BO20 (as also occurred for copolymers BO14EO378BO14 and BO21EO385BO21) can broad the Poisson distribution of BO block-lengths (assuming ideal polymerization),39 which involves a wider temperature range for micellization. Hence, this copolymer effectively behaves as having lower effective BO block lengths with a behavior more related to that observed to BO12EO114BO12, BO10EO227BO10 or BO10EO227BO10 copolymers. Also, both BO8EO90BO8 and BO20EO411BO20 do not behave as classical colloidal suspensions interacting through weak short-range attractive forces, that is, G′ being frequency-independent and increasing with concentration, and G′′ being concentration-independent and increasing linearly with frequency. All these facts allow to scale the moduli against frequency to give smooth master curves,40 which allows to gain access to sample's behaviour under frequencies that are not accessible using common instrumentation (see below).
The Arrhenius plot of −log(aT) against 1/T (Fig. 8b and S4†), which has a slope equivalent to a plot of log(relaxation rate) against 1/T, gave activation energy values (the energy related to the relaxation mechanism in crosslinking or bonding processes) through the application of the Williams–Landel–Ferry equation41
logaT = −C1(T − Tr)/(C2 + (T − Tr)) | (4) |
Ea = 2.303RC1C2T2/(C2 + T − Tr)2 | (5) |
Activation energies of Ea = −11 and −41 kJ mol−1 were obtained for copolymers BO8EO90BO8 and BO20EO411BO20, respectively, as an average value over all components of the copolymer solutions. The negative values imply that the relaxation time increases as temperature rises, which is in agreement with the progressive hardening of the gel in the temperature range analyzed.11 As can be seen in Fig. 8b, the obtained slope for copolymer BO20EO411BO20 (and hence, activation energies) is rather to other BOnEOmBOn copolymers having EO bock lengths >350 units, as for example, BO10EO410BO10 (Ea = −40 kJ mol−1) or BO21EO385BO21 (Ea = −50 kJ mol−1).11,27 In fact, there is a slight increase in the slope net value obtained for the BEB block copolymers as the BO/EO ratio increases.
Also, the negative activation energy values indicate that both the disengagement of chain ends from micelles (a positive contribution) and micellization (a negative one) can contribute in contrast to alkyl-ended copolymer solutions, where only disengagement is important provided that their extent of micellization is low over the temperature range of interest and, hence, positive activation energies are obtained.42,43 This behaviour is confirmed when analyzing the dependence of storage modulus with temperature by plotting 1/bT against T (see Fig. 8c). Copolymer BO8EO90BO8 at 8 wt% exhibits an important decrease of 1/bT (or storage modulus) with temperature. This decrease is much greater in the low temperature range in agreement with the progressive shrinkage of the cubic mesoscopic structure of packed micelles and the increased tendency as temperature is increased for the copolymers to loop in a single micelle rather than to bridge between micelles.43 Conversely, for copolymer BO20EO411BO20 a slight increase of 1/bT against T can be observed, which points to an increase in the high-frequency storage modulus in the temperature interval analyzed compatible with an increase in the extent of micellization and, then, of bridging. This temperature dependence is greater than that predicted by the kinetic theory of elasticity for a fully formed network.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c4ra10176f |
‡ These authors contribute equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 |