Christoph A.
a and
Petra. S.
aETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 3, 8093 Zürich, Switzerland. E-mail: petra.dittrich@bsse.ethz.ch; Fax: +41 44 632 1292; Tel: +41 44 633 6893
bDepartment of Surgery, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
First published on 24th October 2014
Here we present a stage perfusion incubation system that allows for the cultivation of mammalian cells within PDMS microfluidic devices for long-term microscopic examination and analysis. The custom-built stage perfusion incubator is adaptable to any x–y microscope stage and is enabled for temperature, gas and humidity control as well as equipped with chip and tubing holder. The applied double-layered microfluidic chip allows the predetermined positioning and concentration of cells while the gas permeable PDMS material facilitates pH control via CO2 levels throughout the chip. We demonstrate the functionality of this system by culturing C2C12 murine myoblasts in buffer free medium within its confines for up to 26 hours. We moreover demonstrated the system's compatibility with various chip configurations, other cells lines (HEK-293 cells) and for longer-term culturing. The cost-efficient system are applicable for any type of PDMS-based cell culture system. Detailed technical drawings and specification to reproduce this perfusion incubation system is provided in the ESI.
Several strategies are available to tackle these challenges. The simplest solution is to directly place the entire microfluidic device inside a conventional cell culture incubator maintaining a constant humidified environment at 37 °C and equilibrated with CO2.8,9 The drawback of this strategy, however, is that live cell imaging is significantly hampered. Whereas temperature control is relatively straight forward to achieve and various solutions are available,7 pH regulation commonly relies on the use of buffers with implicit biochemical limitations, such as HEPES.10 Moreover, for the monitoring of certain biological processes, such as transmembrane channel dynamics, the use of particular buffers should be restricted as they may modulate the response.11,12 Furthermore, HEPES possesses the serious drawback of generating reactive oxygen species when exposed to light.13 To overcome these limitations, custom-made concepts have been developed for the specific control of pH that inherent to this requirement often restricts the device design and needs to be technically adapted for each new task.14,15 CO2-independent medium is available for the growing of cells, but is limited in the amount of time that cells can remain viable. A few commercially available systems also provide well-established incubation chambers for microscopes. They provide stable conditions for which to set basic parameters, allow live cell imaging and can occasionally be modified to the user's specific needs. Yet, these systems are expensive, bulky and restricted in use with only one type of microscope setup. More flexible commercially available stage incubation chambers have been developed within the last years that are comparable in performance to the much larger microscope-housing models as well as compatible with standard multi-well plates or cell culture dishes. Only a few of them, however, are amenable for use with common microfluidic devices including their necessity for multiple-port tubing access.16 In addition, a small and microscope-independent incubation system would be required in applications where the microchip requires transportation for use in the field.17 The recent appearance of publications featuring stand-alone stage incubation chambers for microfluidic devices reflect the perceived requirement by the scientific community for such systems.18
Herein we report on a stage perfusion incubation chamber that can be used in conjunction with common microfluidic devices for the cultivation of mammalian cells (Fig. 1). The system is adaptable to any x–y stage of a conventional inverted microscope and regulates temperature and medium pH. It allows long-term observation of cultures on chip and provides gas tight tubing access for media perfusion as well as pressure lines used for the actuation of chip incorporated valves and other features that are based on flexible membranes.19–21 The pH regulation is achieved by the introduction of a CO2 containing gas mixture compatible with buffer free medium. The circular shaped chamber is composed of an aluminium alloy for effective heat transfer originating from incorporated resistance heaters for temperature control. Closable cutouts in the lid and the bottom of the chamber are amenable for bright field and fluorescence microscopy. Tubing ports are supplied along the sidewall of the chamber, granting access for multiple perfusion or pressure lines. The temperature is regulated by a closed loop control system and gas-tight sealing is achieved using either o-rings or flat gaskets between the lids and the chip. A gas stream is introduced via a high accuracy pressure regulator, supplying a constant CO2 feed at low flow rates. The diffusion of CO2 gas into cultivation sites on the chip was assured with the use of the elastomer, PDMS, in chip fabrication. PDMS is frequently used in microfluidic technology for its biocompatibility and gas permeability.22 The material costs for the portable incubation chamber summed to approximately 500 Euro (in 2014).
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Fig. 1 (a) A schematic of the assembled stage perfusion incubation system. (b) An exploded view of the incubation chamber showing all essential parts. (c) Photograph of the open chamber including the embedded chip with tubing connections shown in the middle. Specifically marked are the liquid reservoirs that account for the humidified atmosphere inside the chamber and the gas supply tubing. Tubing access ports that are not to be used will be sealed by blind caps. The outer diameter of the main body is 11.9 cm. Detailed technical drawings (Fig. S1 and S2†) and CAD files are available in the ESI.† |
A defined gas mixture (7% CO2, 93% synthetic air, Pangas, Switzerland) is applied for the control of the pH of the cell culture medium. The gas flow into the incubator is controlled by a high accuracy single stage diaphragm pressure regulator (Beswick, Greenland, NH) equipped with fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) tubing of specified length, accurately regulating the gas supply to a predefined pressure of 25 mbar. The gas mixture is sterile filtered (0.22 μm) prior to entering the incubation chamber through a FEP tubing of 200 mm length and 0.25 mm ID. A final gas mixture flow rate of 4.23 ml min−1 is achieved into the incubator chamber based on the following equation:
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To compensate for liquid evaporation from the open chip reservoir as well as to prevent the formation of air bubbles inside the microfluidic device, the incoming gas is first introduced into a reservoir containing 1 ml ddH2O that also serves to generate a humidified atmosphere inside the chamber. A stable gas flow through the chamber is enabled by opening one tubing port in the sidewall of the main body, allowing the heated air mixture to pass through the chamber while also preventing the diffusion of colder atmospheric air into the system, which would lead to reduction of CO2 levels.
A thorough description of the stage perfusion incubation system is given in the (ESI†) as well as detailed technical drawings (ESI, Fig. S1 and S2†). Furthermore, all individual components of the incubation system are listed in table S1 in the ESI† and separate Inventor CAD files are available for download.
Fluorescent measurements were taken using 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (HPTS) as a pH indicator at 1 μM in phosphate buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.4, Life Technologies, Switzerland) and cell culture growth medium (GM). The HPTS stock solution was prepared in ddH2O at 10 mM. Measurements were taken at 37 °C in a humidified environment under non-regulated (no CO2 supply, PBS, GM) and regulated conditions (7% CO2, GM). For regulated measurements, the chip device was additionally incubated in a standard cell culture incubator over night in a humidified atmosphere at 37 °C and 7% CO2 prior to the experiments. Images were taken with an EMCCD camera (iXon, Andor Technologies, Ireland) and a 20× objective. Data readout was analysed using imageJ.23
The inlet channel of the fluid layer branches stepwise into eight cultivation chambers of 400 μm width and 2 mm length. The channel height is 40 μm. The control layer is comprised of eight separate channels used for physical manipulation of the cells and cell capture. Six lines of horseshoe-shaped pillar structures account for the localised collection and deposition of cells within the fluid channel. Upon pressurisation of the control layer the deformable PDMS membrane intervening between the two layers is depressed into the fluid layer allowing cell collection (Fig. 3a). After sufficient time has been allowed for the collected cells to attach to the fluid layer substrate, the control membrane is withdrawn into its original non-deflected state; cells are then free to migrate onto the channel surface (Fig. 3b). In this manner cell migration studies can be conducted within the device. Two control channels located at the first fluid channel branch point enable regulated cell supply to either the upper or the lower 4 cultivation chambers (ESI, Fig. S4†). We further analysed the performance of the pressure control layer in relation to the induced pressure. Details are provided in the ESI,† the results are depicted in Fig. S5 (ESI†).
For the culture of HEK-293 cells a single-layered chip design with a channel height of 100 μm was used. The chip design is similar to the one used for the culture of C2C12 cells except that the longer culture chambers in the middle of the chip were replaced by two shorter culture chambers in series. A micrograph of this design is depicted in Fig. S6 (ESI†).
All details on the wafer and chip device fabrication are provided in the ESI.†
Human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293) were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC; LGC Standards, France). Cells were grown in DMEM (Life Technologies, Switzerland) containing 1.0% glucose, 1 mM sodium pyruvate, 2 mM L-glutamine, 1% non-essential amino acids (PAA, Austria), 1% penicillin–streptomycin (Life Technologies, Switzerland) and supplemented with 10% FBS (Life Technologies, Switzerland). Cells were passaged twice a week into 25 cm2 culture flasks (TPP, Switzerland) prior full confluence was reached. For passaging, cells were trypsinised, centrifuged at 700 × g for 5 min and seeded at an initial confluence of 20% after re-suspension in fresh medium.
For perfusion of C2C12 cultures on chip, the open bottom area of the perfusion chamber was closed with an aluminium lid. Fresh growth medium was supplied every 0.5 h at 0.01 μl min−1 for 5 min, regulated by an automated syringe pump script.
For cell counting images of growing cultures were taken every 2 h by a CCD camera (UK-1117, EHD, Germany) via a 10× objective. The bottom lid of the perfusion chamber was removed for imaging only. Cell number at each time point was normalised to the original seeding density.
For long-term culturing of HEK-293 cells, the cell suspension was added into the reservoir and flushed into the chip at 1.2 μl min−1 until 20 to 30 % confluence was reached. Medium was renewed twice a day at 0.333 μl min−1 for 1 h. The flow speed was chosen to keep the induced shear force at a minimal level, i.e. ≤0.1 dyn cm−2, a rate that is considered unproblematic for most perfusion cultures.7
Next, a defined gas mixture is fed into the chamber to establish a constant pH of the medium inside the open chip reservoir before being fed into the chip. Due to the gas permeability of PDMS, the pH of the medium inside the chip is controlled, allowing on-chip cell cultivation over longer time periods. We verified the constancy of the pH inside the chip with the pH-sensitive dye 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (HPTS) (Fig. 2b). Comparing uncontrolled conditions (no CO2 flow) to CO2-equilibrated conditions demonstrates that pH regulation of the cell culture medium within physiological range is clearly possible with this approach.
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Fig. 3 (a and b) Schematics (left) and micrographs (right) of newly captured (above) and adhered cells (below). Upon depression of the membrane cells are trapped between the substrate and the descending pillar (a). Upon adhesion to the substrate, the membrane pillar is retracted back to its original position and the cells can freely migrate and divide over the smooth surface without geometric obstacles (b). Image (b) was taken 14 h after cultivation start. Scale bars: 100 μm. Movies of cell capturing and cell migration and division are available in the ESI.† (c) C2C12 proliferation rates on chip and in a conventional cell culture flask. Example of representative growth curves obtained from 5 on-chip C2C12 cultures (grey scale). Cell growth in a conventional 75 cm2 cell culture flask is shown in red (mean values of 4 counts). Growth rates were independently calculated for 24 hour periods. For the on-chip cultures all doubling times are briefer than 24 h, consistent with cell culture results cited in the literature.27,28 The mean doubling time for the presented on-chip populations was 16.9 h ± 3.0 h (n = 5), correspondent to a specific growth rate of μ = 0.0409 ± 0.007. The presented conventional cell culture doubling time is 13.3 h ± 2.1 h with a specific growth rate of μ = 0.0523 ± 0.008. |
It should be noted that the presented approach of removable traps could also be employed for reversible capture or sorting purposes for the selection of suspension cells or particles based on size. Additionally, reversible trap motifs have been previously used for the patterning of cells20 as well as could potentially be applied to the building of multi-layered cell sheets for tissue engineering purposes.26
Fig. 3c illustrates C2C12 growth rate in our microfluidic device compared to cell growth rate in a conventional cell culture flask. Representative growth curves obtained from five independent C2C12 cultures grown on-chip are depicted (grey scale) along with their respective calculated values of growth rate. For comparison, an example of the growth rate observed in a conventional tissue culture flask (75 cm2) is shown in red. C2C12 myoblasts cultured on-chip doubled once during the 24 hour observation period.
The mean calculated growth rate was 16.9 h ± 3.0 h (i.e. μ = 0.0409 ± 0.007), only slightly longer than that cited for cells under conventional tissue culturing conditions, i.e. 14 h, yet significantly faster than that for cells grown while mechanically-unloaded, i.e. 30 h (simulated microgravity).27 In general, rapid cell growth rate at the onset of plating was observed, followed by a slowing in growth rate upon the establishment of cell–cell contact, a process known as contact inhibition and associated with the down-regulation of key components of the cellular mechanotransduction apparatus.28,29 Mechanical stimulation of myoblasts increases their proliferation,30 whereas mechanical unloading stalls their proliferation.27 A subset of the myoblast on-chip cultures exhibited relatively rapid growth rates during the first few hours of plating likely due to the mechanical stimulation afforded by intermittent fluid flow (feeding) that was not available in the tissue culture flask (cf. Su et al. 2013).31 An abrupt reduction in proliferation, however, could also signify that myoblasts on-chip reach confluence earlier and withdraw from the cell cycle sooner than the myoblasts maintained in the tissue culture flasks. In support of this interpretation it was apparent that cells on-chip underwent a deceleration of proliferation before myoblasts grown in standard tissue culture plastic. C2C12 cultures could be cultured on-chip for up to 26 h before significant contact inhibition was apparent. Although plating myoblasts at lower density would prolong how long they would maintain proliferative on-chip before undergoing contact inhibition, they would also run the risk of going quiescent due to low cell density. By necessity, robust proliferation must segue into differentiation, otherwise tissue regeneration would be short-circuited. Longer culturing periods allowing for the fusion of myoblasts into differentiated myotubes were not conducted here, but it is anticipated that cell viability and differentiation would not be compromised as long as media exchange was provided for up to one week, a feature that as we have shown is achievable with this system as the incubation chamber provides stable cell culturing conditions as long as media exchange is maintained.
Fig. 4a summarises the results of the long-term cell culture experiment. The on-chip cultures grown on stage demonstrated similar viability to that achieved in the tissue culture flask control grown within an incubator (∼98% to 99%), whereas the viability of cultures having undergone oxidative stress and maintained with the incubator was significantly decreased (∼85%). The viability of cells cultured on-chip, but maintained inside a conventional cell culture incubator was also similar to that from either the flask-incubator or chip-stage condition. Generally, cultures on-chip reached full confluence at around the same time as the cultures in flasks (Fig. 4b). This fact is also reflected by the microscopy images depicted in Fig. 4c here shown for day 2 and day 5 of the culture time.
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: A detailed material and methods section including further referred to figures, CAD files of the incubation chamber and movie files of cells on-chip are available. See DOI: 10.1039/c4an01758g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |