Andrew T.
Philip J.
e and
a405 Whirlowdale Road, Sheffield S11 9NF, UK. E-mail:
b8 Burgess Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JT, UK
cVienna University of Technology, Atominstitut, Stadionallee 2, 1020, Vienna, Austria
dFaculty of Science, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
eFlemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol, Belgium
First published on 20th July 2015
This review describes advances in the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) group of techniques published approximately between April 2014 and March 2015 and is therefore restricted to a selection of papers featuring developments in the XRF armoury. An active topic during this review period was that of imaging techniques and, more particularly of micro XRF spectrometry. Silicon-based semiconductor X-ray detectors such as SDD and Si(PIN) continue to reflect the maturity and widespread routine use of such devices. The significant expansion in studies evaluating the field use of portable XRF instrumentation in geological applications, often still proving the quality of the data, rather than adopting the technique in routine applications. New synchrotron beamlines offer previously unavailable spatial resolution and throughput for the characterisation of advanced energy materials and devices under varying temperatures and gas atmospheres. Nanomaterials feature extensively this year such as the use of nanoparticles in cancer imaging and therapy. Synchrotron radiation has become a preferred technique for the analysis of a wide range of archeological samples, artwork, museum specimens and environmental studies. There has been a substantial rise in the number of Chinese researchers investigating objects of cultural heritage, especially porcelain, glazes and glass. Advances in TXRF and related techniques continue to feature with studies on thin films and nanomaterials. Feedback on this review is most welcome and the review coordinator can be contacted using the email address provided.
Imaging techniques feature extensively this year with applications for studies related to micro- and nanotechnology. Thus Adams7 provided a review of developments over the last 50 years from straightforward measurements within a narrow wavelength range to complex higher-order interactions within multispectral and hyper-spectral imaging methods that produce massive amounts of data. This so called “data deluge” may occur not only from studies using large scale facilities such as synchrotron sources but also from laboratory analytical instrumentation. Such imaging applications suggest a need for increasingly complex data evaluation tools based on reliable statistics and chemometrics. The Denver X-ray Conference in 2013 celebrated the 100th anniversary of X-ray spectroscopy with a number of retrospective oral presentations including that by Mantler whose subsequent paper8 summarised the development in electronics with focus on (mainly) energy-dispersive X-ray detectors and related data processing that find use in many fields including environmental, medical, archaeological, space, arts and industry. Also in 2013, the 15th International Conference on total reflection TXRF Analysis and Related Methods was combined with the 49th Annual Conference on X-ray Chemical Analysis (TXRF) as described by Misra9 in an overview of recent laboratory activities in India. Two important features of TXRF: requirements of very small amounts of sample (ng level) and multielement analytical capability were discussed in relation to handling nuclear samples. Micro-XRF with brilliant and micro-focused excitation sources were described for measurements on reactor fuel pellets that did not involve any sample preparation. New nuclear facilities in China and their analytical applications were described by Zhang et al.10 in a review covering a wide range of projects from life sciences to deep-space exploration. A critical review was offered by Wiedenbeck et al.11 concerning analytical developments since 2012 in geo-standards and geo-analysis. Improvements in analytical hardware and innovative approaches to data acquisition and/or its interpretation were described in this biennial publication. Section 3.1 of this update features many other advances in applications for geological materials. Anzelmo et al.12 published their second in a series of “Atomic Perspectives” that described the educational components and processes necessary in teaching and learning methods for sample preparation prior to analysis by the XRF range of techniques. Requirements for handling gases and liquids were discussed but the focus was mainly on solid samples and powders.
Other developments in portable XRF instrumentation included a description by Figueroa and colleagues18 of a robust large area (up to 10 × 10 cm2) XRF imaging system, demonstrated in recording 2D elemental distributions in some biological samples. Guerra et al.19 described a combined portable XRF and Raman spectrometer for in situ analysis with examples of application in the fields of cultural heritage, geological and biomedical studies. Commenting on the fact that 57Co radioisotope-excited portable XRF instrumentation has been available for over 30 years for the determination of Pb in paint with few reports documenting performance, Guimaraes et al.20 evaluated ten units used in the State of New York, using NIST SRM 2579 (lead in paint) to assess precision and accuracy. On average, absolute bias was found to be within ±20% with a threshold value of 1.0 mg cm−2 Pb. Incorrect positioning was claimed to contribute discrepancies reported by operators in the performance of some devices.
In the field of planetary science, Athiray and colleagues21 reported the first unambiguous evidence of enhanced levels of Na on the lunar surface, remotely sensed from the Chandrayaan X-ray spectrometer (which used X-ray emissions from the Sun as the excitation source). The authors presented abundances of the rock-forming elements, Al, Ca, Mg and Si (as well as Na) and provided a detailed description of analytical techniques, including the derivation of XRF line fluxes and the conversion to elemental abundances. From the same mission, Narendranath et al.22 reported elemental abundances in the Solar Corona using the Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Solar monitor. Turning now to the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover, Campbell et al.23 reported changes to the basalt calibration target flown on the mission and used to monitor the performance of the alpha particle excited XRF spectrometer. These changes were caused, the authors believed, by a layer of dust (about 100 nm thick) deposited from surface fines mobilised by the engine plumes during the lander's terminal descent. The same mission has an observation tray made of titanium onto which Martian samples either drilled or scooped from the surface could be delivered for analysis by the alpha particle-excited XRF spectrometer. Berger et al.24 undertook experiments in their laboratory with the flight equivalent instrumentation to evaluate limitations in the analysis of thin particulate samples deposited on this tray and reported that apart from a drop in Fe and Mn signals, no significant compositional differences were observed compared with surface measurements, except for a slight increase in Cl and S levels. Results from the Messenger X-ray spectrometer on the composition of Mercury's surface were reported by Weider et al.25 during fifty-five large Solar flares. Results for the Fe/Si intensity ratio were presented with the expectation that the Fe was contained in sulfide phases and metallic iron, rather than within silicates (as on Earth). Terrestrial analogues of Martian rocks and minerals were of interest to Gazquez et al.26 to better understand the formation of hydrated minerals that have recently been found on Mars and their characterisation using various portable instrumentation, including a combined XRD/XRF instrument. They reported that caves and mines in Spain and in the mining district of Iglesias-Carbonia (Sardinia) contained hydrated minerals, most of which have been detected on Mars, and which were suitable for the characterisation of instrument response. The authors considered that a Raman-LIBS combined instrument appeared to be the most powerful tool in this application. A number of multiauthor papers were published during the current review period presenting results of the analysis of stellar dust fragments collected by the Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector project. As an example of this research output, Flynn and a large number of colleagues27 reported results from XRF mapping on six ‘interstellar candidates’. Enrichment of various elements was described as well as discrimination of secondary particles thought to originate from the space craft itself.
Once again, on-line applications of XRF spectrometry are restricted to a few contributions, including the publication from Choi et al.28 who reported the use of a pilot-scale X-ray monitoring system for the on-line and real-time analysis of moisture in activated carbon powder, with measurements based on the total X-ray scattering intensities. Escarate and colleagues29 presented a technique for the rapid and accurate XRF determination of Cu in minerals engineering applications. Measurement times were reported to be reduced from hours by current laboratory procedures to 30 s. In the on-line analysis of industrial raw materials, Gaft et al.30 set out to prove that LIBS offered advantages over the XRF and prompt gamma NAA approaches, citing the ability of LIBS to give analytical results based on the surface rather than volume characteristics of the sample as one advantage of the technique, accepting that this surface would be affected by ablation.
Although mainly used for clinical studies, developments continued during the review period on XRF Computed Tomography (CT) systems, analysis and simulation. A group at Stanford University (CA, USA) claimed an order of magnitude improvement in S/B for the benchtop XRF-CT of gold NP nodes in a water phantom.42 The authors developed a model for the prediction of sensitivity and background and used that in their MC prediction code for 3 different sources used for the excitation of Au and Pt K lines in gold NP and cisplatin respectively. The key improvement was to select detector positions with scatter angles >110°, which was high enough to shift the scattered Compton and Rayleigh peaks away from the analyte XRF peaks of interest, a common practice in the design of EDXRF instruments. Spectrum regions of interest were set to 1 keV and additional improvements in the reconstruction algorithms helped maintain the impressive improvements in S/B. Unsurprisingly, the highest S/B was obtained with a monochromatic source with an energy of 82 keV, which was optimum for the Au K edge, closely followed by a narrow Gaussian peak and then the broadband spectrum from a tungsten target X-ray tube operated at 110 kV. The authors showed good agreement between their MC model data and acquired CT images and suggested a way in which a further order of magnitude improvement in S/B might be achieved. Such a development would be sufficient to detect and image the typical concentration of tumour targeting agents such as gold NP and cisplatin used in chemotherapy. A similar finding was reported by Sjolin and Danielsson43 who measured a six-fold improvement in S/B for Au and Pt K lines in XRF-CT by increasing the detector takeoff angle from 90 to 150° when using conventional X-ray tube pencil beam excitation. An order of magnitude improvement was obtained when the excitation was by means of a monochromatic source just above the Au K edge energy. Useful although unsurprising, the authors recommended that the designers of future XRF-CT systems bear in mind this conclusion. A MC simulation study was performed by Manohar and co-workers44 into the optimisation of the incident X-ray spectrum from a conventional X-ray tube used in a benchtop XRF-CT system. The X-ray tube output spectrum was simulated at six settings in the range 81 to 110 kV and its cone beam was modified using foils of lead or tin with thicknesses in the range 1 to 3 mm. The authors reported that the best S/B and best overall performance was obtained with the highest kV of 110 kV and when using tin rather than lead of any given thickness. It seems obvious to this reviewer that such excitation improvements should continue, perhaps with compound primary filters or even secondary (detector) filters, and that higher resolution detectors, enabling narrower ROIs should be used to further improve S/B in XRF-CT systems, as was achieved over the years with EDXRF spectrometers. In a study also using MC simulation and actual XRF-CT measurements,45 XRF was induced by means of a 7 mm wide incident 220 MeV proton beam and the Au K lines from gold NPs were detected by a 3 × 3 mm2 CdTe ED detector at a takeoff angle of 90°. A simple linear calibration curve was observed of Au concentration vs. Au K line intensity in both experimental and MC simulation data and the authors claimed the first successful proton induced XRF-CT of aqueous solutions containing 3–5% m/v Au in vials within a small animal-sized water phantom, although vast improvements in sensitivity and S/B would be needed to reach the normal range for human clinical studies. The richness of data sets produced in 3D XRF mapping and particularly XRF-CT can be a problem to visualise in a user friendly manner. A new and very feature-rich software suite for spectrum analysis and composition imaging was described in detail46 and its features explored briefly with a synthetic brass metal alloy and a water phantom containing insertions of barium, gadolinium and gold.
An interesting XRF imaging setup and application was described by Halls and co-workers47 who used XRF spectrometry to determine tracer elements in two fluid jets in order to establish the nature of fluid mixing in binary liquid jets when optical techniques were no longer suitable due to the complex geometry and large effects caused by refractive index gradients. Due to the need for high sensitivity XRF and X-ray absorption measurements, the authors used high intensity SR from the APS (Argonne, IL) 7-BM bending magnet beamline that was tuned to a single energy in the range 5.1 to 12 keV by means of a double multilayer crystal monochromator. In order to observe the details of the mixing, the beam was focused to dimensions of 5 × 6 μm2 FWHM, the transmitted X-ray signals being measured by a Si(PIN) diode detector and the XRF signals by an SDD mounted at a takeoff angle of 90°. The images were built up by scanning the jet across the beam and a spatial resolution of 25 μm was limited by the size of the raster steps. The authors described in detail their spectra and simple matrix correction procedures, as well as providing the details of the image reconstructions applied and recommended the technique for improving the understanding of mixing in liquid jets and for validating models describing the processes involved. Finally, Egan and colleagues48 described the use of a CdTe sensor in a direct imaging, full field XRF colour camera. The X-ray imaging spectrometer consisted of a 1 mm thick CdTe single crystal pixellated detector (20 × 20 mm2) bump bonded to a large area ASIC packaged with a high performance data acquisition system. The detector was cooled to approximately 8 °C and the sensor had 80 × 80 pixels with a pitch of 250 μm and an energy resolution of around 800 eV at 59.5 keV. In the case of radiographic transmission (absorption) measurements a microfocus X-ray tube was operated at 80 to 100 kV and up to 3 W power, the detector being positioned behind a pinhole and with acquisition times of 2 minutes. For the XRF measurements, a medium power (200 W) X-ray tube was used and the detector was placed at a takeoff angle of 90° behind a 500 μm diameter tungsten pinhole that could be translated along the beam axis to provide an appropriate field of view and spatial resolution. The authors described in detail the spectrum processing and image reconstruction that was used to generate impressive 3D colour maps of simple, well-defined samples with image acquisition times of only a few minutes. The authors commented that faster and/or more-detailed XRF imaging could be performed by using either a higher power X-ray tube or SR.
Synchrotron radiation was applied to various samples together with specific scientific questions such as the fascinating research experiment performed at APS presented by Harris et al.56 The authors described degradation effects on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) after exposure to μg g−1 levels of hydrogen sulfide at elevated temperatures. Performing SR based X-ray nano-CT and XRF techniques on a section of a SOFC Ni-YSZ (yttria-stabilised zirconia) anode, the XRF results provided elemental identification and coarse spatial mapping, further the nano-CT was used to map the detailed 3D spatial distribution of Ni, YSZ, and a nickel sulfur poisoning phase. The nickel sulfur layer was found to form a scale covering most of the exposed nickel surface, blocking most of the fuel reformation and hydrogen oxidation reaction sites. The results provided strong evidence of the detrimental effects of 100 μg g−1 hydrogen sulfide on typical Ni-YSZ anode materials. The advantages of using SR for studies in fluid dynamics in many flowfields and especially multiphase flows was presented in a review by Kastengren and Powell.57 The relevant properties of SR and merits, such as tuneability to a monochromatic X-ray beam with high flux plus types and capabilities of typical X-ray optics were discussed. Four major diagnostic techniques were described in detail: (1) X-ray radiography providing quantitative measurements of density in variable-density flows, (2) X-ray phase contrast imaging was used to visualise multiphase flows with high spatial and temporal resolution, (3) μ-XRF spectrometry showed significant promise to study mixing in single-phase and multiphase flows and (4) SAXS representing a powerful technique to examine small scale particles in flows. Wang et al.58 introduced a versatile framework to identify targeted cellular structures from datasets, too complex for manual analysis like most XRF microscopy datasets. This approach allowed locating, identifying and refining positions and whole areas of cell structures based on element contents measured by XRF microscopy. It was shown that by initialising with only a handful of prototype cell regions, this approach could obtain consistent identification of whole cells without training by explicit annotation, even when cells were overlapping. Kashiwabara et al.59 used the high energy SR at SPRING 8 (Harima, Japan) and determined by XAFS and μ-XRF spectrometry the host phase of La in deep sea mud, rich in REE and yttrium. The great advantage to excite the K-edge of La lay in the fact that the severe interferences of co-existing elements such as vanadium and titanium in XAFS and XRF were avoided. It was revealed for the first time that La was accumulated in apatite in this type of sediment. Micro-SRXRF beamline of Indus-2 in Indore, India was used by Misra et al.60 to assess the distribution of U and Th in O2 pellets covering the composition of advanced heavy water reactor fuel pellets prepared by powder metallurgical compaction (PMC) and coated agglomerate pelletisation (CAP) routes. The study revealed that the U distribution in pellets prepared by the PMC route was uniform, whereas the pellets prepared by the CAP route had a wide range of compositional variations. Although the CAP route of fuel pellet preparation required less exposure of personnel to high radiation doses, the non-uniformity in the fuel pellet must be considered when using them in reactors. An important study was made by Moini et al.61 using SR from the SOLEIL synchrotron in France, who investigated the impact of SR to cause damage on proteinaceous specimens at macro and molecular levels. The importance was recognised since SR has become a preferred technique for the analysis of a wide range of archeological samples, artwork and museum specimens. For the investigation on the molecular level four parameters were considered: (1) sample type irradiated e.g. silk, wool, parchment and rabbit skin glue, (2) SR energy, (3) beam intensity and (4) irradiation time (proportional to total dose). At the macroscopic level, colour change, brittleness and solubility enhancement were observed for several samples within only 100 s of irradiation time. At molecular levels the method allowed the authors to quantify significant amino acid modifications, which were ascribed to energy and time of irradiation. With the help of the results and their quantification by SRXRF spectrometry the change induced at the molecular level on proteinaceous specimens, thresholds to minimise the probability of damage occurring to cultural heritage objects were established.
De Jonge et al.62 from the Australian Synchrotron in Clayton Victoria reported that X-ray nanoprobes require coherent illumination to achieve optic-limited resolution, and so would benefit directly from diffraction-limited storage rings. The authors explained that XRF-CT is one of the most voracious demanders of coherent photons, since the signal detected is only a small fraction of the incident flux. Considering alternative schemes for beam delivery, sample scanning and detectors, the steps before and after the experiment, typically sample preparation and examination conditions and analysis complexity due to minimum dose requirements and self-absorption must be respected. By understanding the requirements and opportunities for nanoscale XRF-CT, the authors gained insight into the R&D challenges in optics and instrumentation needed to fully exploit the source advances that diffraction-limited storage rings offer.
A study of a fundamental topic was presented by Fittschen et al.64 who addressed the problem of absorption effects and the impact of specimen shape on TXRF analysis. Model calculations indicated that a ring-shaped specimen should give better results in terms of higher counts per mass, compared with a filled rectangle or circle shaped samples. One major reason for the difference in signal was the shading effect, thus absorption of the excitation radiation on the path through the sample from different morphology. It was expected that sample material first encountered by the primary beam shades material behind it. The generation of the tailored specimen was achieved by drop-on-demand technology, allowing the generation of uniform, microscopic deposits of elements in the desired geometry for these studies. An optimisation study was presented by Misra et al.,65 who compared the trace element determination of low Z atomic number elements (Al, Ca, K, Mg, Na, P) in air, helium and in vacuo by varying the excitation source with the respective characteristic energies of Cr Kα, Mo Kα, W Lβ. The best results were achieved in the ideal combination Cr Kα together with a vacuum environment and the UTW detector yielding detection limits for of Na 7048 pg and for Ti of 83 pg.
The analysis of nanoparticles (NPs) is of growing interest. A report by Romero et al.66 described the trapping of Hg and Se vapours using silver NPs immobilised on quartz reflectors prior to their determination by TXRF spectrometry. The authors described in detail how the quartz reflectors were prepared and how the NPs were immobilised on the surface. The characterisation of the NPs on the surface was carried out by SEM and TEM measurements. The different parameters involved in both the silver NP synthesis and the continuous flow system for vapour generation and preconcentration were optimised. Detection limits were reported as 0.18 μg L−1 for Se and 0.55 μg L−1 for Hg and the obtained enrichment factors were 265 and 175 for Se and Hg, respectively. This new method was successfully validated against a CRM and applied to several seafood samples. The same group67 described a novel TXRF method for the analysis of metal hydride vapours immobilised on a surfactant-free catalyst. An ethanol water mixture was used as the reducing agent. Ethanol was added in large excess to reduce the ionic Pd and stabilise the resulting palladium NPs. Freshly prepared palladium NPs were immobilised onto quartz substrates modified with 3-mercaptopropyltri-methoxysilane. Different parameters affecting the synthesis of palladium NPs and their immobilisation on the quartz were evaluated. TXRF spectrometry was applied in order to evaluate their catalytic activity for solid-gas reactions. Quartz substrates coated with nanosized palladium served as a novel sampling platform for TXRF and for example As was detected in situ in natural water with an impressive limit of detection of 80 ng L−1.
The following papers described technical and instrumental developments for modern TXRF spectrometers. An interesting approach to create a laboratory TXRF instrument for the analysis of low concentration samples was suggested by Hampai et al.68 using X-ray optics. For samples with concentration levels of ng mm−2, a very bright SR source in total reflection geometry was required. Combining a conventional source with a polycapillary half-lens provided a quasi-parallel beam which was intense enough for a desktop TXRF spectrometer for low concentration samples containing less than 1 ng mm−2. From the COPPE nuclear instrumentation laboratory, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the group of da Costa et al.69 presented the use of two perspex™ parallel plates constituting a waveguide, a Si(PIN) detector and a 15 W X-ray tube with a gold anode and a quartz optical flat to establish a portable TXRF spectrometer. With this low cost compact and easy to handle instrumentation, absolute detection limits of 450 ng for P down to 3.5 ng for Zn were achieved. The X-ray source was rather unconventional comprising a liquid metal jet anode tube where the liquid gallium was pressed through a hole of 200 μm diameter producing a 75 m s−1 high speed stream of gallium representing the anode. With an electron gun directing electrons on to the surface of the liquid gallium stream, the operating conditions were 70 kV with a maximum of 2.8 mA limited by the small size of the electron spot. The brilliance could be changed by adjusting the focal size of the electrons ranging from a few μm to 100 μm diameter. Maderitsch et al.70 from the Atominstitut Vienna group described their application of a liquid jet anode source to a versatile TXRF spectrometer with vacuum chamber. The beam coming from the source was collimated by a 50 μm slit and directed to the multilayer monochromator selecting the intensive Ga Kα radiation. From the monochromator there was only a short distance in the chamber to the samples on quartz or silicon reflectors where the excitation was performed. Excellent results regarding geometric beam stability, high fluorescence intensities and low background were achieved leading to detection limits in the high fg range for Ni. A SDD with 80 mm2 active area was used to collect the XRF radiation contributing to the high sensitivity and excellent detection limits for a laboratory scale instrument. The last contribution concerning instrumentation dealt with another variant of TXRF based on the inversion of the physical principle, leading to grazing exit XRF (GE-XRF). Ashida and Tsuji71 from the Osaka City University Japan, presented a compact GE-XRF spectrometer developed in their laboratory. An aluminium cylindrical collimator for the primary X-rays was placed just above the sample stage serving a dual role, that of the collimator but also the exit slit to detect the fluorescent X-rays at small grazing exit angles. The compactness of this instrument was impressive, being only 80 × 200 × 170 mm3. The background was drastically reduced at grazing exit angles, enabling trace element analysis. A detection limit for Ga was extrapolated to the impressive value of 20 ng g−1.
Turning now to results from applications, Dhara et al.72 determined low Z elements, such as Al and Mg in uranium oxide samples in a TXRF spectrometer equipped with a vacuum chamber. The challenging task was to find measuring conditions for light elements in a heavy element matrix. Not surprisingly, it was found that the analysis of elements like Al or Mg required an almost complete removal of the uranium matrix. Two CRMs containing uranium and trace elements in different concentrations were dissolved in a minimum amount of high purity nitric acid. The uranium matrix was separated by solvent extraction using tri-n-butyl phosphate as reagent. The determination of Al and Mg used Sc as an internal standard and values for Mg were found to be in good agreement with the certified values. However, the Al values differed from the reference values, most probably due to interference from the U M escape peak with the neighbouring high intensity Si K line from the substrate. Using an alternative reflector material and a higher resolution detector this problem could be much reduced. The absolute determination of P and S in organic samples was of growing interest during the review period, as the ratio of P and S in proteins allowed the determination of the degree of phosphorylation of proteins. Rauwolf et al.73 used the low Z TXRF spectrometer at the Atominstitut Vienna to analyse the P and S content of proteins. In comparison to ICP-QMS this TXRF method took less effort and allowed easy quantification. Although the sample preparation proved to be more difficult than expected, the lower limits of detection (1000 s) for P and S in proteins, were 34 pg and 19 pg respectively. One technical note and one article dealing with an interesting problem in TXRF spectrometry were presented by Vander Hoogerstraete et al.,74,75 for the determination of halide impurities in ionic liquids. The detection of halide ions in solution by TXRF has been problematic because volatile hydrogen halide (HX) compounds are formed and lost when the sample was mixed with the acidic metal calibration solution. The authors developed a new method based on the preparation of a stable copper halide, Cu(NH3)4(NO3)2 for the determination of Br, Cl, and I in ionic liquids. Results validated this method successfully. An extremely informative article was presented by Klockenkamper and von Bohlen,76 who carried out a survey of users and manufacturers of TXRF instrumentation in order to demonstrate the worldwide distribution of TXRF equipment and the different fields of application. The TXRF instrumentation was identified in more than 50 countries on six continents and at about 200 institutes and laboratories. The number of desktop operating instruments comprised nearly 300 units, about 60 beamlines use TXRF and about 300 floor mounted instruments were in use in the semiconductor industry. A total of 13 different fields of applications could be identified.
During the review period papers on related techniques exclusively dealt with GI-XRF and GE-XRF spectrometries. Nowak et al.77 performed GI-XRF and GE-XRF experiments to characterise periodic structures on silicon and silica surfaces. Apart from the characteristics, which were typical for particle- and layer-like samples, the measured angular intensity profiles showed additional periodicity-related features. A novel theoretical approach based on simple geometrical optics considerations was used to explain the latter. The authors claimed their new calculations yielded results in good agreement with experiment and also in cases where other theoretical approaches were not successful, e.g., periodic particle distributions with an increased surface coverage. Brucher et al.78 investigated nanoscale elemental distributions at surfaces with GI-XRF. In this paper a comparative characterisation of different instrumental concepts was investigated. Angle scans recording the fluorescent signal with a TXRF spectrometer were compared with data obtained using SR. The structures investigated included gold on silicon surfaces in the form of layers and particles, sub-micrometre-sized droplets, a liquid film, and ions implanted into a Si wafer. Ingerle et al.79 combined the evaluation of GI-XRF and XRR data for improved profiling of ultra-shallow depth distributions. The authors emphasised that both techniques used similar measurement procedures and data evaluation strategies, i.e., optimisation of a sample model by fitting measured and calculated angle curves. Moreover, the applied sample models could be derived from the same physical properties, such as atomic scattering/form factors and elemental concentrations; a simultaneous analysis was therefore a straightforward approach. This combined analysis in turn reduced the uncertainties of the individual techniques, allowing a determination of the dose and depth profile of the implanted elements with significantly increased confidence levels. Silicon wafers implanted with arsenic at different implantation energies were measured by XRR and GI-XRF spectrometry. The data were processed using a self-developed software package “JGIXA”, designed for simultaneous fitting of GI-XRF and XRR data. The results were compared with depth profiles obtained by SIMS and agreement was found to be good. The same group published their combined measurements80 from one table-top spectrometer for the improved characterisation of thin layers and implants on/in silicon wafers. As the GI-XRF spectrometer already used an X-ray beam impinging under grazing incidence with the ability to vary the angle of incidence, it was adapted with an XRR unit to obtain data from the angle-dependent XRF radiation as well as data from the reflected beam. A theta-2 theta goniometer was simulated by combining the translation and tilt movement of a SDD, which enabled detection of the reflected beam intensity over 5 orders of magnitude. Hafnium oxide layers, as well as As implants in silicon wafers in the nanometre range were characterised using this new setup. The combined approach of JGIXA was used when fitting the experimental data from both GI-XRF and XRR, with the simulated data. A significant discrepancy was observed for values within the range of 0.5 nm, highlighting the high sensitivity of the presented method.
The low number of publications available for review this year on silicon-based semiconductor X-ray detectors such as SDD and Si(PIN) continues to reflect the maturity and widespread routine use of such devices. Improvements to their so-called Swept Charge Device (SCD) were reported by Smith and co-workers89 in which these soft X-ray detectors, suitable for the energy range 0.5 to 10 keV, had been increased in active area from a few tens of mm2 to 20 × 20 mm2. These SCDs were based on CCD technology but have no real pixels and are not suited to X-ray imaging applications. The authors fully characterised the quantum efficiency of these devices, which had a depletion depth of only around 50 μm, using the facilities at the PTB beamlines at BESSY II in Berlin. The data were expected to be invaluable for spectrum data integrity when used on the proposed Indian Chandrayaan-2 and Chinese HXMT spacecraft. Also designed for use in X-ray spectrometers for space exploration, a very large active area (18 × 70 mm2) linear SDD, was described by Rachevski et al.90 This device had many interesting design features, including 256 readout anodes but was not specifically used for X-ray imaging. Full design details of the module were provided along with details of how the anode pitch and operating parameters affected spectroscopic and physical performance. Great care was taken to optimise the sensor and readout systems to minimise the power requirements to make them suitable for use in spacecraft X-ray instruments. The reported energy resolution was impressively <200 eV at 6 keV and the design was specially suitable for tiling many such modules together to create very large X-ray detector arrays that the authors indicated would provide the highest sensitivity and widest view X-ray detectors available for future space missions. Finally, returning to routine of laboratory XRF spectrometry, Cornaby91 briefly described the performance of a typical, run-of-the-mill Si(PIN) ED detector connected to a standard digital pulse processor. Such systems have been largely supplanted by larger, faster and higher resolution X-ray detectors although the Si(PIN) still has a place at the least expensive end of the XRF semiconductor detector market.
The experimental determination and theoretical modelling of energy dispersive X-ray detector response characteristics remain important for new types of detectors and applications. A mathematical model for the response function of a Si(PIN) detector was proposed92 in which there were four components: a Gaussian peak; a truncated shelf; an exponential tail and a Gaussian silicon escape peak. The proposed model was used in a MC simulation of spectra from a number of pure elements and one of those was compared to experimental measurements on a copper sample. Such a model and parameters are already well-known and are widely used and this one was only validated using a single measured Cu K spectrum. A study by Mulware and colleagues93 used PIXE and a number of pure element RMs to establish the detector efficiency of a commercially available 100 mm2 HPGe detector over the energy range 1.25 to 20 keV. Interestingly, the authors used a calibrated particle detector to measure the proton backscatter and establish the effective charge deposited. A method for establishing the energy response function of Si-strip photon counting detectors used for XRF-CT was reported by Ding et al.94 who used a tungsten target X-ray tube operated at 80 kV, various beam filters and samples containing Ag, Ba, Gd or I. The measured XRF data were used to establish a detector response model, which used four parameters, and also the gain factor for each pixel in the strip. The authors reported an average charge sharing of 36% although good agreement was obtained between simulated spectra using the new model and the experimentally measured XRF spectra. A similar method was used by Cho et al.95 for the energy response calibration of a CZT ED photon counting X-ray detector. In this study, the XRF signals from 11 samples containing elements with XRF lines in the 20–45 keV energy range were detected by a small (3 × 3 mm2) single pixel CdTe detector in order to verify the methodology and MC simulations performed. An investigation of geometric positioning was performed using the CZT detector and the optimum XRF peak to background ratio was established to be when the detector was placed at an angle of 120° to the incident beam. The authors claimed that this method provided a simple and reliable method for the calibration of this type of detector for use in XRF-CT instruments. Taking spectrum simulation one step back in the detection chain, Zeng and colleagues96 described an electronic spectrum generator for use in optimising signal processing electronics. The system used a reference spectrum then provided an analog signal stream on a ramp that simulated the output of a Si(PIN) or SDD preamplifier. Given the wide commercial availability of reliable plug and play Si(PIN) and SDD detectors with compatible digital pulse processes it seems unlikely that such a simulator will be widely needed.
Ultra high resolution cryogenic X-ray detectors remained at the margins of X-ray spectrometry during this review period although Carpenter and co-workers97 described their recently developed pixellated tantalum STJ-based detector designed for experiments at SR facilities. This impressive cryogen-free system used an ADR coupled to a two-stage pulse tube cooler capable of maintaining sensor temperatures below 100 mK. The detector array comprised 36 tantalum-based STJ sensors, each 208 × 208 μm2, chosen for their greater stopping power and better energy resolution than niobium-based STJ sensors. The energy resolution achieved was 9 eV at the 525 eV oxygen K line. The sensor array in this modern user-friendly set-up was in a 42 cm long shielded snout, making it only suitable for experiments where very high intensity X-ray excitation was available, such as at the newer SR beamlines. A 100-pixel STJ-based detector was described98 in which the claimed sensor active area was an impressive 1 mm2 and the measured energy resolution was 12 eV at 400 eV. The detector was used for XAFS studies and was able to clearly separate the weak N K line from the dominant C K line in the spectrum of a compound semiconductor (4H–SiC).
An interesting paper99 on the passivation of CdZnTe detector chips using two popular chemical treatments, hydrogen peroxide and a mixture of ammonium fluoride and hydrogen peroxide, studied in detail the surface leakage current and the long-term stability of the resulting surface. The chemical species formed were investigated in detail using XPS and surface homogeneity of the material was measured using μ-XRF spectrometry. The sensors were characterised for their electronic response and then as X-ray detectors and both treatments were found to give lower leakage current but the effectiveness of both deteriorated over time.
Although FP methods are well advanced and have been in use for many years, there is still space for semi-empirical correction models as concluded by Esbelin104 in the case of the challenging but well-defined determination of transuranic elements in nuclear processing liquids. The author described their custom-built EDXRF instrument that used a collimated 3 kW rhodium target X-ray tube operated at 50 kV whose output was made quasi-monochromatic by means of a rhodium foil primary beam filter of 200 μm thickness. The XRF beam from the sample passed through a custom annular graphite monochromator tuned to pass energies in the range 13 to 15 keV through to the HPGe detector. This system was optimised for the measurement of the transuranic element L series lines but had the disadvantage that the useful Compton and Rayleigh scatter peaks were no longer available to assist in matrix corrections. That being the case, the author developed a useful semi-empirical correction algorithm, which required straightforward calibration and data fitting and provided accurate and reliable determinations of U and Pu in aqueous and organic process liquids.
In the area of chemometrics, Scapin et al.105 used WDXRF spectrometry to measure major and minor analytes in U3SiO2 samples and compared results obtained by a conventional FP method to those from a multivariate calibration method. The latter method used spectrum scans and concentration data from seven RM samples and applied PCA to establish that a single principal component (PC) was sufficient to describe the system and used that component in a Principal Components Regression (PCR) model. The authors reported that the PCR approach yielded better accuracy than the FP method although both provided adequate LOQ values for the highly regulated nuclear application. The results from the chosen PCR method were found to be comparable with those from conventional volumetric analysis or ICP-OES spectrometry, leading the authors to conclude that the proposed PCR-WDXRF method would enable laboratories to be in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 for the determination of U and impurities in nuclear fuel samples and with the significant advantages of being non-destructive and of producing minimal hazardous waste. In a study of the heavily overlapping Na K and Zn L lines in the WDXRF spectrometry of mineral samples, Ghasemi et al.106 used the chemometric approaches of PLS, PCR and support vector machine (SVM). Results from these multivariate calibration methods were compared to the on-board FP standardless software on their commercially available WDXRF spectrometer. Spectra from WDXRF scans of 80 s each over the 2θ range 18 to 60° were collected from pressed pellet samples under typical WDXRF spectrometer settings. The authors used mixtures of pure compounds to produce 35 calibration samples with concentrations of Na2O and ZnO in the range 1–5% m m−1 and used PCA to establish that only 2 PCs were needed to give reliable calibrations for Na with the heavily overlapping Zn L lines present. The results showed that all three chemometric methods gave more accurate results than the instrument's FP correction algorithm using overlap factors and that the PCR and SVM methodologies gave the best performance. The best accuracy was observed when using the SVM algorithm and that was attributed to the fact that it incorporated a non-linear regression model, unlike the linear one of their PCR and PLS methods. Working with EDXRF spectrometry, Akbulut,107 used the FP software on a commercially available EDXRF spectrometer and compared results to those using PLS and PCR methods for the determination of 10 trace elements in 76 soil RMs. The author reported that only 1 PC was needed for the elements Co, Cu, V and Zn but that 7 PLS and 10 PCR components were needed for Rb, an element that often needs only a simple linear regression empirical model when a rudimentary Compton corrected intensity is used. It was concluded that the PLS model provided better accuracy than the PCR and FP methods and required the fewest PCs although the use of 76 calibration samples is a daunting prospect for those wishing to follow this approach.
A novel application of MC simulation was described by Brunetti and Golosio,108 who developed a new MC code for the simulation of spectra from irregular-shaped sample surfaces such as those typically encountered in the analysis of precious artworks or cultural heritage artefacts. The authors described fully the theoretical basis of their model and showed the equations used to describe the effects of surface roughness on the detected spectrum in a typical EDXRF setup. The effectiveness of their model was shown using two examples: a lead single layer and a copper–gold alloy two-layer system. Measurements were made on an EDXRF system whose X-ray tube was operated at 50 kV, 5 mA and provided a 20 mm diameter spot on the sample, in conjunction with an SDD coupled to a polycapillary optic at a takeoff angle of 90°. Each simulation took about 10 minutes and the early results indicated promise although the interfacial roughness in the copper–gold multilayer sample was particularly challenging. The authors intended to apply their new approach to other sample types where surface roughness can be a significant contribution to inaccuracy, such as when lower energy lines are measured. The problem of surface topography affecting XRF measured intensities was also the subject of a paper by Geil and Thorne109 in the field of 3D XRF imaging and CT. The authors proposed a new correction procedure that was suitable for the determination of trace elements in a uniform matrix. With the increasing importance of confocal XRF measurements and the number of instruments being made available, it is pleasing to see the report110 by researchers at Atominstitut (TU Vienna) on the modelling of the measurement of layered structures in a benchtop confocal μ-XRF system. A particular benefit of this simulation tool, which used analytical functions rather than MC simulation, was that it allowed the authors to optimise the instrument setup prior to making measurements, thereby improving data quality and greatly reducing instrument time. The proposed calculation method was very fast and the experimental and simulation data agreed well, enabling the authors to conclude that the confocal volume diameter must be smaller than the investigated layer (high spatial resolution) and that the layer must be smaller than the information depth of the investigated element in the sample. The challenge of long computation times for MC simulations of XRF measurements, particularly when XRF imaging is concerned was confronted by Golosio and co-workers111 who used variance reduction techniques to reduce computation times by a claimed several orders of magnitude compared with general purpose MC codes. The software and associated data were made available to potential users and the simulation was suitable for use with monochromatic and polychromatic excitation sources. Execution times were in the impressive range of <1 s to a few minutes. Similarly concerned by lengthy computation times, Tickner112 sought to reduce the times, particularly when arbitrary and small changes of operating parameters or geometry were needed for such tasks as instrument optimisation. The author provided the mathematics behind both his perturbation methods and the modified Woodcock neutral-particle tracking algorithm that was used. Notwithstanding this new approach, a single computation still took 500 minutes, although that was much better than the several computations, each of 250 minutes that would otherwise have been needed without the proposed modifications. A useful online software routine was provided113 for the construction of a Compton–Rayleigh ratio vs. sample mass attenuation coefficient, which should prove useful to those not wishing to establish their own curve empirically. The authors claimed the new simulation tool provided coefficients that agreed to within a worthy 15% of literature values. An extension to the EGS4 MC code used for simulations in XRF-CT was described114 that incorporated corrections for photon transport through the sample and the instrument components. Simulations of Pt in head and neck tumours gave Pt Kα intensities within 2.3% of measured peak intensity and for the Compton scatter peak a difference of 2.5% was observed.
Many of the foregoing chemometric and MC methods embody within them either explicit or non-explicit algorithms for spectrum processing to yield net peak intensities. While many algorithms take into account spectrum background in a non-specific way, Sanchez and Leani115 studied in detail the contribution from resonant Raman scattering to the background immediately under the photopeak of interest. In the cases of trace Mn in iron and 1% m m−1 V−1 in 99% m m−1 titanium, the authors established that the resonant Raman contribution could cause a distortion in the wings of an XRF peak and could in specific cases be of greater magnitude than secondary fluorescence and hence should not be ignored. A rediscovery was made116 of the use of cubic splines fitting to model and remove the background in EDXRF spectra while Zeng et al.117 applied a chemometric genetic algorithm approach to spectrum processing in EDXRF spectrometry. The authors claimed the GA approach to be suitable for EDXRF spectra although they only applied it to a very low resolution (8%) NaI (Tl) scintillation counter, so its wider adoption in EDXRF spectrometry is particularly unlikely.
Finally, the important matter of estimating limit of detection was considered by Borkhodoev118 who recommended the repeat measurement of samples in which all elements but the analyte were present or at least only a very small amount of the analyte was present. The author provided the mathematical background to this proposed approach, which appears to be much the same as that proposed by Currie as long ago as the mid-1970's. Of course, both approaches have the same interesting dilemma of finding suitable materials that contain everything but the analyte of interest!
A number of other geological applications of portable XRF instrumentation were reported during the current review period. Weindorf et al.124 used field-portable XRF spectrometry to investigate the influence of ice on the elemental characterisation of soil affected by permafrost in central and northern Alaska, comparing in situ measurements with measurements on soil refrozen in the laboratory, melted water/soil in the laboratory and moisture-corrected soil. The elements examined were Ba, Ca, Cr, Fe, K, Mn, Pb, Rb, Sr, Ti, Zn and Zr and results showed that the majority of readings from in situ, refrozen and melted samples significantly underestimated compositions compared with oven dried samples, owing to the expected influence of the moisture content. The authors found that measurements on the group of samples with <40% moisture performed better than those with >40% moisture. Shuttleworth and colleagues125 assessed the performance of in situ measurements for Pb in surface peat samples from the South Pennines (UK) by field-portable XRF spectrometry, and undertook a comparison with measurements by the same technique on dried samples in the laboratory and with ICP-OES determinations. Field and laboratory measurements were reported to be directly comparable when corrected for moisture, making the in situ technique cost effective for the determination of Pb in contaminated peat land. Moisture content also influenced the in situ XRF measurements of Lemiere et al.,126 whose interest lay in the determination of As, Cu, Pb and Zn in dredged waterway sediments to facilitate their safe reuse or treatment. Measurements were made on site on raw wet sediments containing 50–70% water and although the results were 2 to 3 times lower than laboratory analyses, data was found to relate sufficiently closely to absolute concentrations to allow samples to be ranked. The authors developed a technique for using a hand press to reduce the water content and produce a pellet containing 30–50% water. Results from these materials were found to be less than 20% lower than laboratory measurements for As and Pb, although higher differences were observed for Cu at concentrations approaching the detection limit. This simple partial dehydration procedure clearly has potential application for field XRF measurements of other types of ‘wet’ sample. A less sanguine report of the performance of portable XRF instruments was made in a paper by Brand and Brand127 who undertook a comparison of commercial instrumentation, reporting that although repeatability was typically very good, accuracy was generally poor to very poor. To demonstrate this point, the authors provided examples of measurements on NIST SRM 2709a (agricultural soil) for Al and Si elements that in this reviewer's experience suffer serious air and window attenuation of their low energy fluorescence X-rays when measurements are made in situ and require careful sample preparation and reliable matrix correction if determinations are to approach the reliability of conventional WDXRF measurements, for example. The authors also reported that a deterioration in the performance of the portable XRF instruments evaluated was observed during a routine battery pack change (a problem that may be instrument specific). Following an evaluation of field-portable XRF for exploration lithogeochemistry, Piercey and Devine128 considered that the technique should be considered as a preliminary screening tool for sample selection and not a substitute for laboratory-based XRF methods, as well as fusion ICP-OES and ICP-MS, particularly when important economic decisions were to be made using such data. Analytes reported to have very good to excellent correlation between portable XRF and conventional laboratory data were As, Ba, CaO, Co, Cu, Fe2O3, K2O, MnO, Mo, Nb, Pb, Rb, S, Sr, TiO2, U and Zr.
Turning now to developments in the XRF technique, Ling et al.129 described a lithium borate fusion technique for the preparation of sulfide ores for XRF analysis, which involved the addition of silica to ensure the glass disk was stable and homogeneous and lithium nitrate as a pre-oxidising agent to prevent the degradation of platinum–gold crucibles. The proportion of added silica varied from 1:
5 to 1
20, depending on the sulfur content and the combined sample-to-lithium tetraborate ratio was 1
14. It is useful to revisit a scheme for the fusion of sulfide samples, versions of which have been described several times previously in the literature. Cooper et al.130 were interested in the time resolved monitoring of fluvial suspended particulate matter and described a combined XRF and diffuse reflectance FTIR method to estimate various elemental and organic concentrations trapped on quartz fibre filters at masses as low as 3 mg. Pereira et al.131 determined Au in ore samples by EDXRF spectrometry after separation and preconcentration on polyurethane foam. Technique evaluation was undertaken using appropriate ore RMs and the detection limit for the direct EDXRF measurement on the solid polyurethane sorbent was reported to be 1.36 mg kg−1. An instrumental investigation of the WDXRF performance of pentaerythritol (PET) crystals was undertaken by Kato and Suzuki.132 Their interest was to study the drop in intensity (‘background holes’) that occurred at certain specific 2 theta diffraction angles. Reference materials have a key role to play in demonstrating the quality of analytical data and Bedard and Neron133 used a μ-XRF instrument to measure the homogeneity of selected RMs to contribute to a model that better characterised the grouping and magnitude of heterogeneities and provide information necessary to define the minimum mass of a test portion.
In addition to the above developments, core scanning by XRF spectrometry continued to make significant contributions to this field of study, especially in the analysis of sediment cores. Thus, Poto et al.134 undertook a cross calibration of XRF and ICP-MS spectrometry for the high resolution analysis of ombrotropic peat cores for palaeo-climatic studies from the Danta di Cadore, northeastern Italy. Perfect positive correlations were reported for Cd, Cr, Pb, Sr, Ti and Zn, high positive correlations for Ba, Cu and Fe and moderate correlations for Ca and Ga. Finne et al.135 asked (and then answered) the question: can XRF scanning of speleotherms be used as a non-destructive method to identify palaeo-flood events in caves? They concluded that in certain cases, individual flood layers (identified from petrographic thin sections) had a distinctive geochemical signal suggesting the possibility of distinguishing individual flood layers based on their geochemistry. Rodriguez-Germade et al.136 investigated the capabilities of an XRF core scanner to detect trace Cd and Hg in the Ala de Pontevedra harbour, Northwest Spain, making comparisons with ICP-OES and CV-AAS to evaluate performance. The presence of organic material was also evaluated from the incoherent/coherent X-ray scatter ratio and from the Br:
Cl ratio and the instrument was considered to be an efficient and fast option for monitoring trace Cd and Hg pollution.
One of the most popular applications of XRF spectrometry continues to be contributing to studies of environmental and climate change over geological time scales. These studies often involve XRF scanning of lake or ocean sediment cores in combination with other techniques usually related to the dating of sediment layers by fossil characterisation or isotopic techniques. Rather than review the large number of contributions available during the current review period, a few examples are featured here to demonstrate the contribution of XRF data. Stuut et al.137 were interested in the record of aeolian activity near the North West Cape, Australia and used the XRF technique for scanning deep-sea sediment cores recovered from the off-shore continental slope to reveal the history of climate change over the last 550 ka. Two Aeolian and one fluvial input to sediments were identified and XRF log concentration ratios of Zr:
Fe and Ti
Ca were used to indicate those sediments of terrigenous origin. The palaeo-environmental record of the evolution of the Sokli Ice Lake, Finland, was reconstructed by Shala et al.138 by examining the sediment succession in Lake Loitsana, a remnant of this lake. The XRF-core scanning data was used to show changes in the influence of regional catchment geochemistry (involving Precambrian crystalline rocks) versus local catchment geochemistry (involving Sokli Carbonatite Massif rocks). These results, together with other data, demonstrated the value of this approach in reconstructing environmental conditions in North East Finland directly following deglaciation in the early Holocene period. In a publication by Kumpan et al.,139 XRF spectrometry contributed Zr
Al, K
Al, Sr
Al and Mn
Al concentration ratios in the characterisation of sedimentary sequences associated with three Devonian-Carboniferous boundary sections in shallow-water carbonate rocks in the Namur-Dinant Basin (Belgium-France). The aim of this work was to describe the sea level and environmental changes associated with this section and identify regional and inter-regional influences. Li and Piper140 contributed to an understanding of the influence of melt water on the Labrador Current during Heinrich event 1 (about 16 ka BP) and the Younger Dryas during the last deglaciation period. The XRF contribution was in the analysis of relevant sediments from Flemish Pass, about 560 km East of the coast of Newfoundland. Lenz et al.141 used high resolution SR EXAFS and XANES combined with LA-ICP-MS and μ-XRF spectrometry to investigate the nature of the Mn enrichments in sediments from the Holocene Thermal Maximum (8000–4000 years BP) at a site in the northern Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea). Their particular interest was in the redox conditions in the bottom waters during this period. Schittek et al.142 used an XRF core scanner to measure the inorganic geochemistry of high altitude peat samples from the western Andes of southern Peru to elucidate changes in climatic and environmental conditions over the last 8600 years; sufficiently recent to have archaeological as well as geo-environmental implications. A link to the local archaeological record was also made by Unkel and co-workers,143 who used a high resolution XRF core scanner to analyse sediments from the Asea Valley in the central Peloponnese, Greece. Their results extending back over a 6500 year period and provided evidence of climatic conditions going back to the Late Bronze Age.
The use of XRF spectrometry in classical geochemical studies is still popular, and the diversity of contributions is illustrated by the work reviewed here. Ulrich et al.144 investigated dissolution–precipitation processes governing the carbonation and silicification of serpentine from the New Caledonian ophiolite, using μ-XRF images performed on a cm scale to describe relationships between serpentinite and alteration products. In contrast, μ-SRXRF was used by Dyl et al.145 to undertake quantitative trace element mapping of carbonaceous chondrites (Allende and Vigarano) with the ultimate aim of understanding both nebular and parent-body processes within meteorites. Their work was undertaken at the Australian SR facility using a detector array called Maia, which allowed data to be collected from a 2 μm spot with very short dwell times (0.1 to 0.5 ms), facilitating the recording of a map from an entire thin section in about 5 hours. The identification of the chemical form of sulfur compounds in Japanese pink coral was the topic of interest to Tamenori et al.146 using μ-XRF spectrometry combined with soft X-ray photoabsorption speciation mapping. Results showed that sulfate was the primary species in the coral skeleton with minor amounts of organic sulfur and the authors described their mineral and skeletal associations. Both XANES and EXAFS were used by Kashiwabara et al.147 to understand the chemical processes involved in the extreme enrichment of Te in marine ferromanganese oxides. Mechanisms for the scavenging of the dominant TeVI species from seawater were described. Kelly et al.148 investigated a submarine volcanic vent site (Foerstner, Pantelleria, Italy) which, during an eruption in 1891, produced lava balloons that carried gas to the surface before sinking to the sea floor. The XRF and ICP-MS techniques were used to analyse samples and contributed to a petrographic and geochemical description to explain the evolution of such features and to allow a comparison with other known Strombolian eruptions. Deseta et al.149 undertook a study of rocks from the Eocene Schistes Lustres Complex in Corsica to provide insights into the mechanism of intermediate-depth earthquakes using analytical contributions from both XRF spectrometry and EPMA. Microtextural and geochemical results from this study confirmed that the presence of abundant H2O-rich minerals in the slab exerted a strong rheological control during high strain deformation, facilitating thermally-triggered and localised shear instabilities. The Burgess Shale is well known for its exceptional preservation of soft tissue from the middle Cambrian period and Pushie et al.150 reported the first chemical evidence of blood in the invertebrate fossil record. Data for this interpretation came from SRXRF imaging of fossil specimens that revealed a black stain commonly preserved with the arthropod Marrella splendens, which was preferentially enriched in Cu, noting that modern-day arthropods generally use a copper-containing hemocyanin in their blood for oxygen transport. Wynn et al.151 worked at the ESRF in Grenoble, France to map Zn and SO42− seasonal patterns in speleothem calcite. Delivery of Zn to the speleothem was found to be dependent upon the presence of excess water, the condition of any overlying snowpack and soil solution pH as controlled by microbial activity. The current analytical resolution achieved at the Grenoble facility was thought to be capable of providing some of the first evidence linking event-based meteorological (temperature and precipitation) records to trace element content of speleothem calcite, building towards reconstruction of indices of climatic change.
Environmental geochemistry is potentially a broad topic illustrated by a variety of topics in this review. Over the years, the toxic effect of fluorine in ground water has been the subject of a number of studies, continued by Mondal et al.,152 who elucidated the controls on fluoride concentrations in groundwater from the alluvial aquifers of the Birbhum District, West Bengal, India. Data from XRF and XRD techniques and total F− analysis of sediments from the aquifer zone revealed that intercalated zeolitic clay within the aquifer sand was the main source of F− which was mobilised by sorption and desorption at different pH levels as well as ion exchange in the pre-and post-monsoon seasons. The effectiveness of absorption materials (high aluminium bauxite ore, fabricated zeolite and activated neem seeds) designed to reduce the high fluoride levels in drinking water derived from groundwater wells in northern Ghana were investigated by Buamah et al.153 High aluminium bauxite ore was found to have the highest fluoride removal capacity and XRF results showed that its principal elemental components were Al, Fe, Si and Ti (with C and O). Alternative materials for the removal of fluoride from ground water were characterised by a range of techniques, including EDXRF spectrometry by Mohan et al.154 These materials were corn stover biochar and magnetic corn stover biochar (corn stover is the leaves and stalks of maize, left in the fields after harvest) and both were considered to be an effective substitute for expensive commercial absorbents. The way in which clayey materials in river basin water could enhance microbial contamination of river water often resulting in the formation of biofilms was studied by Fosso-Kankeu et al.155 using the XRF and XRD techniques to determine their mineralogical composition. The authors considered that the attachment of micro-organisms could be ascribed to the presence of muscovite, which facilitated adhesion. In a similar vein, As and Fe speciation and distribution in organic flocks from the streambed of an area of arsenic-enriched peat land at Gola di Lago, Switzerland were studied by ThomasArrigo et al.156 Mössbauer and SR (μ-XRF, AS, XRD) techniques were used to characterise the species present and the authors concluded that the floc bio-organics primarily served as nucleation sites for the precipitation of nanocrystalline FeIII-(oxyhydr)oxides, rendering these flocks as effective absorbents for metals and metalloids. Turning to another geochemical application, Ohsawa et al.157 studied the brownish colouration that occurred in the summit crater of Mount Shinoe-dake, Kirishima Volcano, Japan using the XRF and FTIR techniques to show the presence of schwertmannite (Fe8O8(OH)6SO4), probably formed by iron-oxidising bacteria that use pyrite (FeS2) as an energy source. Geothermal energy is often generated in volcanic regions and XRF, XRD and SEM instrumentation were used by Demir et al.158 to characterise the type of scaling formed during the extraction of geothermal brine at 173 °C in the Tuzla area, north western Turkey. Down the brine extraction well, scaling was found to be mainly composed of galena (PbS) and aragonite or calcite (CaCO3); however, along the surface pipeline, a heterogeneous mixture of saponite-like amorphous structures, and sub-μm sized amorphous silica particles, layered double magnesium and iron hydroxide and NaCl were found.
Sediments can be collected and analysed for a number of reasons, sometimes related to topics such as climate change covered in previous paragraphs, sometimes related to environmental and anthropomorphic investigations, as the following examples will show. Thus, Cooper et al.159 addressed two developing issues in research associated with identifying the source of fluvial sediments, namely improving the temporal resolution in sediment sequences (whilst minimising analytical costs) and consistently quantifying all perceived uncertainties associated with the sediment mixing model procedure. The first issue was addressed using direct XRF spectroscopy and diffuse reflectance FTIR in the analysis of suspended matter on filter papers used in conjunction with automatic water samplers. A realistic assessment of uncertainty was achieved using a Bayesian mixing model procedure to provide full characterisation of spatial geochemical variability, instrumental precision and residual error. These procedures were applied to the River Wensum catchment, UK and allowed the apportioning of sediment contributions to eroding arable topsoils, damaged road verges and combined channel bank and agricultural field drain sources at 60 to 120 minute intervals during five precipitation events. Schreiber et al.160 were interested in applying pattern recognition methods to data from two sediment cores taken from an urban freshwater lake in Copenhagen. A PCA of XRF scanning results allowed the identification of a geogenic component in the sediment (Si, Fe, K, Rb) and a contamination component (Cu, Pb, Zn) with a temporal variance in contamination whereby Pb was superceded by Zn. In a completely different field of study, Liu et al.161 used XRF as one of the techniques to identify storm surge deposits in a coastal wetland along Lake Pontchartrain, southern Louisiana, USA caused by Hurricane Isaac in August 2012. Analysis of core and surface samples allowed the identification of two distinct sedimentary signatures for Hurricane Isaac deposits. Naquin et al.162 were also interested in storm deposition induced by hurricanes, this time associated with a marsh adjacent to a back-barrier lake along the Gulf of Mexico Coast of Louisiana (USA). Loss on ignition and XRF analysis were used to construct lithological and geochemical core profiles that resulted in the identification of three distinct sand layers deposited by recent hurricanes. The geochemical behaviour of coastal surface sediments offshore of the Cauvery Delta, Southeast India were studied by Silva et al.163 using conventional XRF analysis to determine the major and trace elements in 16 surface sediment samples. The presence of enrichment and/or contamination by elements such as Cr, Cu and Zr was reported and a correlation between Cu and Zn with CaCO3 was interpreted as showing the role of carbonates in precipitating these elements from the overlying water column, possibly related to agricultural pollution. Bataillard et al.164 investigated As and Fe speciation in marine sediments following a re-suspension event, using the XRD, μ-XRF, ED-SEM, Raman and XANES techniques. They analysed sediment from L'Estaque Marina in France located near an industrial plant that had processed arsenic-bearing ores for several decades. The authors reported that unperturbed sediment was anoxic, retaining As in the 3+ state. After oxidation during a re-suspension event, As was present in the 5+ state. However, in the presence of a bacterial mat which consumed oxygen so preserving the sediment from total oxidation, both oxidation states of As could be present in the top of the sediment. A high temporal resolution record of pollution in recent sediments from Lake Windermere in the English Lake District was reported by Miller et al.165 Core scanning XRF, radiochronological techniques and lead isotope measurements were used to identify a significant increase in Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations since the 1930s and three major sources of anthropomorphic lead were identified: gasoline Pb, coal combustion Pb (from coal-fired steam ships) and Pb derived from Pb–Zn mining activities. Care was recommended by Schillereff et al.166 in the interpretation of μ-XRF core scanning due to variable down core water and organic content affecting X-ray attenuation, in a review of the use of lake sediment data to elucidate the frequency and magnitude of flooding events over centennial and millennial time scales. As part of this review, the authors presented a protocol illustrating the analytical techniques available to palaeoflood researchers.
The analysis of soils is another classical application of XRF spectrometry, this year exemplified by the work of Di Giuseppe et al.,167 who used WDXRF data coupled with multivariate statistics to characterise the alluvial soils of the eastern-most Po Plain in Italy. The resultant data base was interpreted to develop a soil classification method that could be used to constrain the depositional environment of the alluvial sediments. Jayawardana et al.168 used XRF spectrometry to measure the major and trace elements in agricultural soils from North-central Sri Lanka in a study designed to identify whether there were any links between the presence of contaminants and health hazards (such as chronic kidney disease) found in the area. Their results indicated that there was no significant threat from As and most other trace elements, but that there was a potential environmental risk from Pb and V due to their significant enrichment in soils. Challenges in developing sensors for the in situ quality assessment of soil to contribute to precision agriculture, for example, was discussed by Kaniu and Angeyo.169 These authors described a chemometrics procedure based on EDXRF measurements as a ‘point of care’ sensor that inferred soil properties and intelligently modulated precision agriculture. The assessment of soil cation exchange capacity was the topic of interest to Sharma et al.170 using portable XRF spectrometry. A large number (450) of soils from California and Nebraska, USA, were analysed and multiple linear regression was used to establish the relationship between laboratory-determined cation exchange and portable XRF elemental data, demonstrating that this approach was capable of the accurate prediction of soil cation exchange capacity. Acid sulfate soils, which arose when several elements in a sediment were mobilised, were investigated by Proske and co-workers171 based on measurements on two sediment cores from Western Australia. Their work demonstrated how XRF core scanning together with detailed sediment descriptions could be used to assess different zones of acid sulfate soils in areas where this phenomenon is suspected to occur. Portable XRF instrumentation was used by Badia et al.172 to determine total CaCO3 in quaternary soils on the terraces of the River Alcanadre in the semi-arid Ebro Basin, Northeast Spain. Comparison of results with calcimetry measurements in the laboratory showed a sufficiently good correlation to confirm the efficiency of the in situ XRF approach for measuring this species.
As a contribution to other geological applications, in the Strandflat area of Nordland, northern Norway, Olesen et al.173 argued that there was a causal link between deep weathering and increased seismic activity. They used XRF analyses to show leaching of the major elements, which, with a detailed analysis of geophysical measurements, contributed to this study. Regmi and colleagues174 studied the weathering and mineralogical variations in gneissic rock and their effect in the Sangrumba Landslide, Nepal, one of the largest and most active landslides in the Nepal Himalaya. Elemental data on rock and soil samples by XRF spectrometry contributed to this study, which concluded that the mechanical strength of rock/soil was drastically decreased as the weathering intensity increased; the latter being dominantly influenced by rainfall than by rock type. As a contribution to regional geochemical mapping, Cheng and colleagues175 presented a new QC method (‘visualised standard mapping’) to determine mean and background values and present the distribution of 76 elements in southern China, determined on stream sediments by XRF and ICP techniques. Dantu176 presented the spatial distribution and geochemical baselines of major and trace elements in soils of the Medak district, Andhra Pradesh, India, partially to establish background values for future soil surveys. In a project to map bedrock lithologies in the Agnew-Lawlers area, Western Australia, Barnes et al.177 reported that by taking advantage of the potential to determine several elements of interest with adequate precision and accuracy using portable XRF technology, new opportunities were available for the rapid geochemical mapping of bedrock in residual terrains. Portable XRF instrumentation was also used for mapping weak geochemical anomalies by Cheng178 to obtain data from drill holes into Mo–W and Mo–Ag deposits in eastern Inner Mongolia in a project designed to evaluate the way elements associated with mineralisation decay in concentration with increasing distance from underlying rocks or saprocks. The author presented a new non-linear differential equation to model this trend. Gazley et al.179 used elemental data from portable XRF analyses of core and underground working face samples from the Plutonic gold mine in Western Australia to develop a scheme for objective data logging. In their scheme, a mineralisation code was allocated based on the K:
V concentration ratio (degree of alteration) and As + 12Cu (the degree of sulfide enrichment). In a different geological application, Edwards and co-workers180 used SRXRF elemental mapping and XAS to characterise fossil leaf material from the Green River Formation (USA). Results showed that the fossils contained organometallic and organosulfur compounds that had been preserved in situ for 50 Ma. The performance of hand-held XRF instrumentation for the bulk analysis of iron meteorites was described by Gemelli et al.,181 analytical precision and accuracy being evaluated against metal alloy CRMs and iron meteorites of known chemical composition. The authors reported that most elements of higher atomic number than Mg could be determined accurately and that this technique represented a valuable tool for identifying extra-terrestrial origin of metallic samples rapidly and reliably. This would allow a preliminary classification of iron meteorites, identify mis-labelled or unlabelled specimens in museum or private collections and assist in the determination of the bulk composition of iron meteorites.
XRF spectrometry continues to play a significant role in the assessment of hazards from mining activities. Thus, Lortzie et al.185 used XRF as one of the techniques to investigate the long term environmental impact from a gold–silver enrichment plant and associated mining activities in Mitsero, Cyprus, which was abandoned 70 years ago without remediation. Tailings samples were found to contain high levels of the leachable metals, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn with high concentrations of cyanide. With the potential for acid runoff mobilising these contaminants, the authors suggested that there was a compelling argument for the remediation of legacy sites. Smith and co-workers186 investigated mercury pollution associated with calcined samples from a closed mine in San Benito County, California, USA, using optical microscopy, μ-XRF, μ-AS and Hg isotope analysis to characterise the different layered structures in these samples. Their main observation was that incomplete roasting of mercury sulfide ores could cause extreme mass-dependent mercury isotopic fractionation, an important property for use as a tracer for the release of mercury from closed mercury mines. In another speciation study, Yang et al.187 used the EXAFS and XANES techniques to determine Cu in soil associated with a mining site that was contaminated since the 1950s. Results showed that Cu was associated with iron oxides, not organic matter, an observation that facilitated the prediction of the reactivity and environmental fate of this contaminant. Tuovinen et al.188 used portable XRF spectrometry for the in situ determination of Th and U in ores and mill tailings from a former pilot-scale phosphate mine in Sokli, northern Finland and a nickel mine at Talvivaara and undertook comparisons with laboratory methods of analysis (including gamma and alpha spectrometry and ICP-MS). They reported that the portable XRF technique gave comparable results for Th, even without prior sample preparation. The effect of wind-blown contamination originating from an abandoned manganese mine in the arid Metropolitan Las Vegas, Nevada, USA was of concern to Park et al.189 XRF determinations were used to show high concentrations of the toxic elements As, Mn and Pb in tailings samples, with the furthest distance before levels were considered to reach background being 4.8 km. Perlatti et al.190 used the XRF and XRD techniques as part of a multitechnique study to evaluate the geochemical speciation and dynamics of Cu in tropical semi-arid soils that were exposed to metal-bearing mine wastes associated with an open pit copper mine in Brazil. Their interesting conclusion was that the use of plants and organic amendments in mine sites with wastes containing high concentrations of copper carbonate should be viewed with caution as the practice might enhance the mobilisation of copper due to an increase in the rate of dissolution of the carbonate.
A number of contributions during the current review period investigated the use of minerals for the remediation of acid mine drainage and other forms of pollution. For example, Vadapalli et al.191 investigated the use of fly ash to neutralise acid mine drainage with a particular interest in the effect of particle size distribution. XRF spectrometry was used to demonstrate that the fine fraction was most effective in reducing the Mn content of acid mine drainage and that contra-intuitively, it was the coarse fraction that tended to increase the viscosity of the resultant suspension. Iakovleva and co-workers192 tested the properties of two limestones and two solid wastes for the removal of Cl− and SO42− from synthetic and real alkaline process mining water, analysing the composition and surface structure using EDXRF and a number of other techniques. For these two ions, absorption efficiency was found to be 96% and 99% respectively for synthetic solutions and 74% and 85% respectively for real process waters. The potential of crushed seashells as an absorbent for treating acid mine drainage was investigated by Masukume et al.193 and after characterising absorption parameters using the XRF and FTIR techniques, the authors concluded that this material had great potential as an alternative low cost medium for the treatment of these drainage waters. The remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbons was the topic of interest to Rosales et al.194 and especially the delivery of active nanoscale zero-valent iron particles to contaminated hot-spots. The authors used μ-XRF spectrometry to investigate the sub-surface behaviour of these NPs and the parameters that effected their transport in clay. Alshameri et al.195 investigated the role of TiO2/Yemeni natural zeolite for the enhanced removal of phosphate ions from water. XRF data contributed to this study which concluded that a TiO2/zeolite composite was a highly efficient and economical material in this application with good regeneration properties. Geopolymers made from kaolin from the Sinai in Egypt, activated with blast furnace slag were reported by El-Naggar196 to be a highly efficient material for the immobilisation of radioactive waste containing 60Co. The XRF, XRD, FTIR and SEM techniques were used to characterise the raw materials used in this study and their alkali activated products.
It goes without saying that the properties of minerals dictate their industrial use, as illustrated by the work of de Menezes et al.,197 who used XRF spectrometry and XRD to investigate the parameters that affected the colour and shade of ultramarine zeolite pigments that were synthesised from kaolin waste. Colour additives (sulfur and sodium carbonate) were calcined with zeolite A and the authors reported that the cooling rate after calcination was important in inducing changes in the colour of the product. Musyoka et al.198 reported on the conversion of South African clays into high quality zeolites. The authors used XRF as one of the techniques for characterising the as-received clays as well as the resulting zeolitic phase. The influence of pH on the membrane behaviour of bentonite amended clay from Fa, China was investigated by Tang et al.199 using the techniques of XRF, XRD and SEM to measure membrane properties. The relevance of this work is the use of this material as liners for landfill sites to provide a barrier against the migration of contaminants. Both XRF and XRD analyses were used by Picanco et al.200 to characterise Portland cement activated with pozzolanic zeolite sandstone from the Parnaiba Basin, Brazil. This study was designed to evaluate the ideal amount of thermally activated zeolitic sandstone to be incorporated into the Portland cement to improve its mechanical and mineralogical properties (10% was recommended). Sutcu201 investigated the influence of expanded vermiculite on the physical properties and thermal conductivity of clay bricks, using analytical data obtained by the XRF, XRD, TGA and SEM techniques. The results showed that brick samples, with the addition of vermiculite, were suitable as insulating material in construction applications. Measurements by XRF spectrometry contributed to a study by Engidasew and Barbieri202 of the properties of basaltic rock from Termaber, Central Ethiopia as a stone construction material and as an aggregate in concrete and asphalt. Although deleterious constituents were found within the middle basaltic flow layers, distinct flow layers were found to be suitable for this application. Baker and Strawn203 coupled experimental and analytical data (by Fe K-edge XAFS) and field observations to better understand the conditions for the formation of ferric smectite nontronite, comparing data from synthetic material with natural samples collected from weathered Columbia River basalt flows. They concluded that natural nontronite crystallisation in this region must have occurred at ambient near-surface temperatures over timescales of up to millions of years.
Minerals have many industrial uses such that here it is possible to feature only a small selection to illustrate the role of XRF techniques in their characterisation. Gliozzo et al.204 undertook the first review of the ceramic properties of thirty clays from Tuscany, Italy, and included measurements of their geochemical (XRF) and mineralogical (XRD) properties. Results distinguished Ca-poor clays suitable for the production of red stoneware and dense and frost-resistant masonry materials from Ca-rich clays suitable for the production of red earthenware as well as hard and porous masonry materials. Morsy et al.205 studied the modification of low quality Egyptian kaolinite to make it suitable as a pigment for the coating of paper. The modification methods were sedimentation, chemical bleaching, the preparation of organo-kaolinite and of nano-kaolinite. The XRF, XRD, FTIR and SEM techniques were used to characterise products and showed that paper coated with nano-kaolinite had a higher print density and higher print gloss than coatings formed from the original and commercial kaolinite. West et al.206 provided a practical guide for the assessment of glass-making limestones and dolomites providing practical advice and methodologies for the chemical analysis by XRF spectrometry, ICP-OES and chemical methods. A form of industrial mineralisation that is unwelcome was described in a report by Nitschke et al.,207 who used the XRF, XRD and SEM techniques to investigate the formation of alternating layered scaling comprising (Ba,Sr)SO4 and PbS in a geothermal plant at Soultz-sous-Forets, Germany. The authors concluded that bacterial sulfate reduction occurred, initiating sulfide precipitation from sulfate-rich fluids and that the layered structure correlated with the operating state of the power plant. Sulfate layers were precipitated during normal operating conditions and sulfides during the start-up and shut-down phases. Particle size analysis, XRF spectrometry and XRD were used by Azdarpour et al.208 to study the direct carbonation of red gypsum (a waste product of titanium dioxide production) to produce solid carbonates. The authors reported that this mineral carbonation technology could potentially contribute to a reduction in CO2 emissions and the remediation of waste material of environmental concern. Mohapatra et al.209 investigated the use of bastnasite ore as a phosphor material, with EDXRF results revealing the presence of Th and traces of Sm in the CeO2 mineral matrix. Overall optical emission from this material was in the magenta region of the visible spectrum.
Selected from a number of contributions considering coal mining, the processing of coal products and the environmental legacy, Chen et al.210 investigated the response of a coal deposit at the Pansan Mine in the Huainan coalfield (Anhui, China) to an igneous intrusion using a battery of techniques, including XRF. The authors provided a detailed assessment of the changes that occurred, caused by contact metamorphism, interaction with hydrothermal fluids, volatilisation and interaction with groundwater. Kelloway and co-workers211 demonstrated the benefit of automated EDXRF core scanning for profiling the abundance of inorganic elements through exploration cores of coal seams using samples from the Goonyella Middle seam, northern Bowen Basin (Queensland, Australia). Calibration was achieved using pressed powder pellets of reference coal samples and the validity of measurements confirmed by comparison with conventionally-determined chemical and mineralogical data for a representative core. A high pressure pelletising technique for coal was used to prepare samples for WDXRF analysis by Li et al.212 Coal samples were directly briquetted without binder at a pressure of 1400 kPa, producing a more compact and smooth surface that produced lower detection limits than a pellet produced by the routine process. XRF was one of the techniques used by Tremain et al.213 to analyse char created from coal tailings sourced from two Australian coal mines. Their interest was to investigate the effects of different pyrolysis conditions as part of a novel waste management strategy for this type of waste material. Wang et al.214 investigated the recovery of vanadium by flotation from low-grade stone coal, measuring the mineral composition and microstructure of the source material using the XRF, XRD and SEM techniques. The influence of coal spoil tips on Tetraena mongolica, a Chinese nationally protected plant, was published by Wang et al.215 using data from the XRF, AFS and ICP-MS techniques. They reported that the elements As, Cu, Mo and Pb were highly enriched in soil, coal and coal gangue, with leaching and volatilisation being the two main pathways whereby spoil tips affected the environment. Jablonska-Czapla et al.216 researched the long term impact of the mine waste stored at the coal waste dump at Halda Ruda on the heavy metal content of bottom sediments of the Bytomka River, Poland. EDXRF spectrometry was used to determine total element content and sequential extraction was used to measure geochemical fractionation of the elements As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn. The elements Mn, Pb and Zn were considered to be the most hazardous, because of their high total concentration and because they were associated with the most mobile fractions (ion exchange and carbonate) of the sediment. Duane217 reported on a major hazard associated with 19th century lignite mining around the cities of Halle and Leipzig, Germany, installing XRF as one of the techniques that contributed to a mobile laboratory used to investigate soil-gas and liquid samples and other complex samples from sub-surface waste pits and water basins. The conclusions of this investigation were that the clay layer liners containing contaminants had been breached over time due to overloading of the pits and/or structural damage, allowing chemical materials to permeate into the environment and into aquifers. Concerning a related topic, Mumford et al.218 were concerned about the potential for acidic leachate from pyrite-bearing gravel pads that are required to elevate workings in the exploration of sub-arctic oil shales above the heaving effects of ground ice. They used the TXRF technique to analyse small liquid samples withdrawn from the pads and reported that there was significant potential for the leachate to contain Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, S and Zn.
TXRF spectrometry was used to determine the residual metal content in metallurgical slag after sulfuric acid extraction.223 Slurry sampling was evaluated as a simple sample preparation procedure for the determination of major (Ca, Fe, K and Si) and trace elements (As, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, Ti and Zn) in two certified reference materials (lake and river sediments). The precision calculated from three replicates was usually lower than 10% and the detection limits were in the range from 1.1 to 1079 μg g−1. A two-element internal standard (Ga + P) was employed to determine all the elements. It was found that after sulfuric acid treatment As and Pb remained accumulated in the slag, whereas Cu, Fe and Zn were extracted at a percentage >90% from the slag. Bernal et al.224 performed nanoprobe SRXRF mapping to show, for the first time, that discrete iron-rich, titanium-rich and manganese/silicon-rich particles were present in blast furnace slag grains, and it was observed that these particles remained intact when the slag was used as a precursor for alkali-activated slag binders. However, there was no evidence of chemical interaction between these particles and the alkali-activated slag binder, which mainly comprised calcium silicate hydrates. Wu et al.225 studied the separation of a phosphorus-containing phase from modified basic oxygen furnace slag using XRF spectrometry among other analytical techniques. The results reflected that, compared with the original slag, the modified slag not only contained a phosphorus concentrating phase with a phosphorus content three times higher than in the original slag, but also that the separation performance improved when undertaken in a weak magnetic field by precipitation of the spinel-ferric carrier mineral.
Although the analysis of alloy samples using the XRF technique is well established, still new progress is made in this field. Gorewoda et al.226 improved the sample preparation method for the analysis of tin-lead solder by WDXRF spectrometry, to overcome the problem of smearing and to obtain the smallest and most reproducible microstructures. The optimal method involved melting the sample at a temperature of 350 °C, quenching it immediately with distilled water, followed by a washing step with acetone and the preparation of a flat disc with a diameter of 30 mm using a hydraulic press. Bouchard et al.227 simplified the ISO 9516-1 standard method describing the borate fusion method for iron ore with WDXRF analysis. A method applicable for a wide range of samples from different origins could be implemented by using selected CRMs instead of preparing pure oxide standards and applying the same automated fusion method. Validation of the adapted method was conducted, by comparing results with data from the ISO 9516-1 method, and all deviations from the prevailing standard method parameters were pointed out. Sieber and Mortensen228 prepared validation RMs, applicable for XRF as well as ED-SEM measurements, by evaporative deposition of thin films of NIST SRM 1729 Tin Alloy (97Sn–3Pb). Films were created on high-purity nickel foil to mimic some typical electronics structures and prevent charging during ED-SEM measurements. Maximum thickness of these films was kept below approximately 1 μm to ensure that the entire thickness could be probed by the primary X-ray or electron beam and that measured X-rays originated from the entire thickness of all films. The authors indicated that this approach would enable a laboratory to demonstrate competence in a controlled manner. Barriobero-Vila et al.229 combined laboratory EDXRF and μ-SRXRF analysis to trace the microstructural distribution of alloying elements during heating. Microstructural evidence of the role of V during the alpha–beta phase transformation kinetics of a bimodal Ti–6Al–6V–2Sn alloy was found. This approach provided an advance in the current knowledge of the phase transformation kinetics of the alloy.
Analytical techniques to determine rapidly hazardous substances for verification of the prescribed limit values of these hazardous substances in different EU regulations remains popular. In the recycling industry, methods for the rapid determination of the concentration of Br and subsequently of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in WEEE plastics is definitely of interest. Taurino et al.230 proved the effectiveness of XRF spectroscopy in combination with μ-Raman spectroscopy as an effective tool for the rapid detection of BFRs in plastic materials. These two techniques in combination were considered as a promising method for QC applications in the recycling industry. Gallen et al.231 also successfully developed a rapid and effective non-destructive testing strategy to identify BFRs in the plastics of consumer products. Non-destructive XRF analyses of 1714 samples rapidly identified bromine in 92% of products later confirmed to contain BFRs. Surface wipes of 137 products identified tetrabromobisphenol A, c-octa polybrominated diphenyl ethers (BDE) congeners and BDE-209 with relatively high accuracy (>75%) when confirmed by conventional destructive chemical analysis (n = 48). A relationship between the amount of BFRs detected in surface wipes and subsequent destructive testing showed promise in predicting not only the types of BFRs present but also estimating their concentration. Miller and Harris232 used a hand-held XRF spectrometer to quantify the hazardous metal content in vintage plastic toys. Lead and Cd was found in 67% of these toys, frequently at concentration levels exceeding the current US and European limits, while As was detected at levels of concern in 16% of the samples. Thankfully, none of the contemporary vinyl toys contained detectable As, Cd and Pb concentrations. Given that vintage toys remain in widespread use by children in homes and other locations, the results illuminated a potential source of heavy metal exposure for children. An interesting study was presented by Hillyer et al.,233 who combined a multitechnique approach for the quantitative analysis of As, Cd and Pb in children's toys and toy jewelry, that included FAAS and XRF spectrometry. The results showed socioeconomic considerations, indicating that the origin of purchase, rather than cost, was a significant factor in the risk assessment of these materials with 57% of toys/toy jewelry items from bargain stores being non-compliant or suspect compared with only 15% from retail outlets and 13% if only low cost items from the retail stores were compared. While jewelry was found to be the most problematic product (73% of non-compliant/suspect samples), Pb (45%) and As (76%) were the dominant toxic elements found in non-compliant/suspect samples. The discrepancy between bargain and retail children's products, along with growing numbers of bargain stores in low-income and urban areas, exemplified an emerging socioeconomic public health issue. Fellin et al.234 also underlined the need for a fast method to quantify the elemental content of solid wood and wood-based materials in order to trace polluted (e.g. with chromated copper arsenate) samples. In a sampling study carried out mainly in north Italy, 336 wood waste specimens were collected and analysed with the EDXRF technique, implementing a method with short scan time. Roughly 84% of the specimens complied with the EU decision (Ecolabel) on heavy metals. Most detected heavy metals originated from furniture and building materials, whereas packaging and specimens of unknown origin presented no major concern. Very high concentrations of Cl, Cr and Pb were found.
On a regular basis, the impact of industrial discharges to the environment is studied. The XRF technique is routinely implemented to conduct these studies, as demonstrated by Ali and Ateeg,235 who evaluated soil polluted with heavy metals for 24 surface soil samples (0–10 cm in depth) from various locations that covered an industrial area in Omdurman city, Sudan. It was found that Cd, Cr and Cu concentrations at almost all studied sites were higher than the normal values, while most of the As, Co, Ni, Pb and Zn concentrations were lower. Using the Pb poisoning crisis in small-scale communities in Zamfara State, Northern Nigeria as an example, where more than 400 children have already died as a result of ongoing Pb poisoning since early 2010, Bartrem et al.236 reviewed the common toxic risk factors of the major heavy metals to advance the understanding of co-exposures and their common pathologies. Environmental contamination in Bagega village, examined by the XRF analysis of soils, included As, Cd, Hg and Mn. Co-exposure risk was explored by scoring common toxic risk factors and hazard indices to calculate a common pathology hazard risk ranking of Pb > As > Hg ≫ Cd > Mn. Although Zamfara presented an extreme picture of both Pb and multiple heavy metal mortality and morbidity, similar situations have become increasingly prevalent worldwide. Dutta et al.237 used the EDXRF and INAA techniques for two cases; (a) enrichment of Zn levels in the soil (1080 ± 76 mg kg−1) and Zn uptake ranging between 40 and 628 mg kg−1 in edible plants and cereals grown in agricultural fields near an active zinc smelter, Rajasthan and (b) the depth-profile distributions of Cr, Pb and other metals in the sediment core samples from the Sundarban wetland, West Bengal, associated with waste discharges from tanneries and other industries. The extent of contamination in sediments in the Balanagar industrial area, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India was studied by Machender et al.,238 who analysed sediment samples by XRF spectrometry. High concentrations of Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, V and Zn were found, attributed to some pharmaceutical and metal industries in the study area. These data were valuable in defining suitable remedial measures such as phytoremediation and bio-remediation for the reduction of heavy metals in sediments. As well as monitoring the impact of industrial pollution, it is also of importance to reduce the environmental impact by, for instance, the stabilisation of Pb by the addition of P to contaminated soils and mine spoil materials, as was studied by Baker et al.239 The authors hypothesised that differences in the efficacy of Pb stabilisation in contaminated soils following fluid or granular P addition was due to different P reaction processes in and around fertilizer granules and fluid droplets. A combination of several SR-based techniques (i.e., μ-XANES and μ-XRF) was used to measure the speciation of Pb over two incubation times in a smelter-contaminated soil after the addition of several fluid and granular P amendments. The results indicated that all fluid and granular P sources were able to induce Pb phosphate formation, but fluid phosphoric acid and triple super phosphate were the most effective. Nevertheless the authors recognised that caution needs to be exercised when adding large amounts of soluble P to the environment. Hayes et al.240 also described a study dealing with a reduction of the environmental impact by a Tailings Management Facility (TMF) with respect to the uranium ore processing operation. Their philosophy was based on the idea that elements of concern, such as Mo, would be controlled in the very long term through equilibrium with supporting minerals. To understand how these reactions evolved toward an equilibrium state, samples for Mo speciation were taken from the TMF during the 2008 sampling campaign and were analysed by XRD, μ-XRF spectrometry and XANES. These results showed, as could be expected, that only XANES was effective in measuring the speciation of Mo in the tailings samples, because it was both element-specific and sensitive enough to detect the low concentrations of Mo present.
Some interesting contributions extend the applicability of XRF instrumentation. The development by Hutton et al.241 of a novel analytical technique, electrochemical-XRF, was described and applied for the quantitative detection of heavy metals in solution, achieving sub ng mL−1 limits of detection. Electrochemical pre-concentration of a species of interest onto the target electrode was achieved by cathodic electrodeposition. Unambiguous elemental identification and quantification of metal concentration was then made using the EDXRF technique, resulting in an improved LOD by 4 orders of magnitude. During electrodeposition it was possible to vary both the deposition potential (Edep) and deposition time (tdep). For the metal ions Cu2+ and Pb2+ the highest detection sensitivities were found for Edep = −1.75 V and tdep = 4000 s with impressive LODs of 0.05 and 0.04 ng mL−1, respectively. Herzog et al.242 studied the ability of angle-resolved XRF analysis to detect non-destructively Ga concentration gradients in Cu(In, Ga)Se2 solar cells, relevant for their performance. The authors presented the effect of different Ga concentration gradients on fundamental parameter-based calculations of the XRF spectra in comparison with their influence on the solar cell efficiency as derived by device simulations.
Nowadays, the XRF technique, often in combination with other analytical methods, is routinely applied for the characterisation of a huge diversity of materials, covering catalysts, recycling waste, construction materials, fly ash, alloys, glass, oil, etc. The obtained results always serve as a basis for the development or evaluation of different kinds of industrial processes. Some typical examples are presented in this review, but not all could be included. Kumar et al.243 used the XRF technique to analyse fly ash and determine the main elements and small quantities of As2O3, BaO, Br, Cr2O3, CuO, MnO, NiO, Rb2O, SrO, TiO2, ZnO and ZrO2 as active ingredients. This fly ash, produced by a biomass-based thermal power plant, was considered as a potential catalyst for biodiesel production. Zeolite-based adsorbents impregnated with REE (Ce, La or Pr) were analysed with an XRF spectrometer by Jung et al.,244 and were further evaluated for their adsorption properties towards organic sulfur compounds in LPG. The feasibility of using urban river sediments as a primary raw material to produce high-insulation brick was proven by Xu et al.,245 who employed the XRF technique in combination with XRD and TG-DSC analyses to determine the chemical, mineralogical and thermal characteristics of the material. Gazulla et al.246 fine-tuned the methodology for the determination of B in ceramic frits and borates by WDXRF spectrometry, by optimising the sample preparation and the measurement conditions to obtain the highest S/N. The proposed method was less time consuming and more environmentally friendly than the traditional analytical methods. Fatoba et al.247 evaluated the effects of the co-disposal of brine and fly ash, a common practice at South Africa power utilities. The XRF results showed that the concentrations of Na, Cl, Mg, and SO42− (as S) in the ash residues were somewhat higher than their concentrations in the fresh fly ash. This study revealed that some species contained in the brine solution could be captured by the fly ash through secondary mineralisation during co-disposal in a closed static environment, while many other elements could be significantly leached into the brine. A rapid determination of trace metals in oil was described by Chu et al.,248 who used a hand-held EDXRF analyser for this purpose. The method involved minimal sample preparation, the use of reliable standards for calibration, and resulted in μg mL−1 detection limits. Finally, Sun et al.249 characterised precious metals in electronic waste of end-of-life ICT products, using XRF spectrometry, DSC and SEM-EDS. Due to the high heterogeneity of the material, special sample preparation procedures were introduced to minimise the discrepancies during compositional analyses. The gathered data were expected to lead to smarter decisions during further development of a clean and effective recovery process. Additionally, readers interested in more applications on these topics can consult our companion review of advances in the analysis of metals, chemicals and functional materials.5
The impact of engineered nanomaterials on plants, which act as a major point of entry of contaminants into trophic chains, was reported by Larue et al.266 The uptake of Ag-NPs in the lettuce crop, Lactuca sativa, after foliar exposure and the possible biotransformation and phytotoxic effects was studied using μ-SRXRF spectrometry and μ-AS, TOF-SIMS and electron microscopy. Silver was found to be trapped on the lettuce leaves despite thorough washing; crucial information for those assessing the risk associated with products containing NPs. The building industry is known to use NPs, especially in paints and so the same research group267 also considered possible transfer of TiO2 NPs via foliar transfer. In this study, lettuces were exposed to pristine TiO2 NPs and aged paint leachate containing TiO2 NPs and TiO2 microparticles, offering another perspective on risk from atmospheric contamination. Zhao et al.268 reported the nutritional quality of cucumber fruit, Cucumis sativus, attributed to the impact of CeO2 and ZnO NPs. Changes in functional groups were detected using FTIR while ICP-OES and μ-XRF spectrometry were used to quantify and map the distribution of nutrient elements, respectively.
The literature continues to demonstrate interest in rice, hence analysts will welcome the publication by Inui et al.269 on the preparation of Cd-containing brown rice grains for use as calibration samples for XRF techniques. Generally determined by AAS, after a lengthy and complex digestion stage, this work offered a rapid alternative X-ray technique. Calibration samples were prepared by adding 10 g of base rice grains (from Japan) to 100 mL of methanol containing 5 to 100 μg of Cd. The mixture was heated, cooled, and stored in a silica gel desiccator. Seven grams of each calibration sample were packed into a polyethylene cup (32 mm internal diameter and 23 mm height) covered with a 6 μm thick polypropylene film and then subjected to XRF analysis. The calibration curves for Cd in brown (unpolished) and white (polished) rice grains showed good linearity in the 0.50–10 mg kg−1 range. The detection limits for Cd in brown and white rice grains were 0.14 and 0.12 mg kg−1, respectively. The expected absorption effects were corrected in the time honoured way using the Compton scattered Rh Kα X-ray tube line as internal standard for the Cd Kα measurements thereby giving identical slopes for the calibration curves of Cd in brown and white rice. Kyriacou et al.270 were interested in the localisation of Fe in rice grain as only a small fraction (5–10%) is bioavailable in human diets because the extensive co-localisation of Fe in phytic acid, a strong chelator of metal ions, results in the formation of insoluble complexes that we cannot digest. Distribution maps, by μ-SRXRF spectrometry and nano-SIMS, of Fe, P and Zn from the aleurone and sub-aleurone layers of mature, wild type and Fe-enriched Olyza sativa L. grains indicated that most Fe was co-localised with P in the aleurone layer but that a small amount of Fe, often present as “hotspots”, extended further into the sub-aleurone and outer endosperm in a pattern that was not co-localised with P. It is thought that Fe in sub-aleurone and outer endosperm layers of rice grain could be bound to low molecular weight chelators such as nicotianamine and/or deoxymugineic acid. The threat from paddy rice grown in waters contaminated by mercury in China was investigated by Meng and colleagues271 as the health risk is known to be related to the chemical speciation of Hg inside the grain. Using μ-SRXRF mapping and XANES data the work showed that inorganic Hg in the bran was primarily bound to cysteine, and was associated with phytochelatins, consequently, being largely immobile and restricted to the outer layers of rice grain. Methyl Hg in bran was primarily bound to cysteine and associated with proteins. However, this methyl Hg-cysteine association behaved like a mobile nutrient and was actively transported to the endosperm during seed ripening. Concentration of methyl Hg-cysteine in white rice has implications for public health. Evidence of speciation of As near rice roots was found by Yamaguchi et al.272 to depend on spatial and temporal variations in the soil matrix. The AsV to AsIII ratio decreased toward the outer-rim of sub-surface iron mottles where the soil matrix was not completely aerated.
Turning now to TXRF spectrometry, Ribeiro et al.273 determined trace elements in honey from different regions in Brazil. Up to 12 elements (Br, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Ni, Se, Sr, Ti and Zn) were detected in 160 samples of honey from four regions of Rio de Janeiro State. The results showed that samples from the Teresopolis region had higher concentrations of essential and non-essential elements than samples from the other regions. The analytes, Cu, Ni, Se, Sr, and Zn, were identified in small concentrations (0.01 to 12.08 g g−1) in all samples, indicating a low level of contamination in all the sampling regions. The dependency of the trace element content of honeys on their geographical origin may be used for their provenance. A preliminary investigation was made by Margui et al.274 into major, minor, trace and ultra-trace elements in several clam species that were used for human consumption in Portugal and worldwide. Two X-ray techniques, EDXRF and TXRF spectrometry were used showing, unsurprisingly, the advantage of TXRF spectrometry for trace and ultra-trace analyses. Concentrations of ten mineral elements (Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, P, Rb, S, Sr and Zn) were determined275 in 27 genotypes of Chinese dwarf cherry by TXRF spectrometry. The results indicated that the plants were a rich source of mineral elements, especially Ca, Fe and Zn, with the highest concentrations being 524, 24.2 and 4.86 mg kg−1 respectively.
Advances in less sophisticated X-ray techniques have also featured in literature during this review period with a comparison of analytical performance of benchtop and hand-held EDXRF systems for the direct analysis of plant materials. Thus Guerra et al.276 were interested in the direct and simultaneous determination of Ca, Fe, K, Mn, P, S and Si in comminuted leaves of 23 varieties of sugar cane. Both instrumental configurations were reported to present similar figures of merit and were able to provide useful data for plant nutrition diagnosis. Linear correlation between the elemental mass fractions in the test samples and characteristic X-ray intensities was obtained for all analytes with both types of equipment. Correlation coefficients from 0.9601 to 0.9918 and from 0.9094 to 0.9948 were attained for benchtop and hand-held EDXRF spectrometers, respectively. The coefficient of variation of measurements carried out in 3 different test samples was also appropriate, being lower than 13% for all analytes. Limits of detection were comparable for both systems (20 mg kg−1 for Fe and Mn, and approximately 0.1 g kg−1 for P, K, Ca, S and Si) and permitted the evaluation of the mineral nutrition status of sugar cane crop taking into account the critical levels of these elements. The XRF calibration models were built from ICP-OES analyses of the 23 sugar canes. Given the inherent non-destructive nature of EDXRF spectrometry, the same sample pellets were analysed by both the hand-held and laboratory units. The hand-held system was recommended as a cost-effective and appealing option for those who intend to perform in situ measurements to provide useful data for plant nutrition status, crop requirements and potential deficiencies leading to a more effective fertilisation programme.
Synchrotron excited XRF micro-tomography has emerged as a powerful tool for 3D visualisation of elemental distribution in biological samples. The mechanical stability of both instrument and specimen is paramount for this work. By combining the progressive lowering of temperature with femtosecond laser sectioning, Bourassa et al.277 were able to embed, excise, and preserve a zebrafish embryo at 24 hours post fertilisation in an X-ray compatible, transparent resin for tomographic elemental imaging. Based on a data set comprised of 60 projections, acquired with a step size of 2 μm during 100 hours of beam time, the authors reconstructed the 3D distribution of Cu, Fe, and Zn using the iterative maximum likelihood expectation maximisation reconstruction algorithm. The volumetric elemental maps, which entailed collection of over 124 million individual voxels for each transition metal, revealed distinct elemental distributions that could be correlated with characteristic anatomical features at this stage of embryonic development. A newly discovered unicellular micro-alga, Coccomyxa actinabiotis, was found to be highly radiation-tolerant and to strongly concentrate radionuclides, as well as large amounts of toxic metals. Leonardo et al.278 used nano-SRXRF spectrometry at the ID22 imaging beamline of the ESRF to understand the mechanisms involved in the accumulation and detoxification of Ag and Co by the alga. The high resolution and high sensitivity of this technique enabled the assessment of elemental associations and exclusions in subcellular micro-algae compartments. This work was thought to be the first report on element co-localisation and segregation at the sub-cellular level in micro-algae by means of nano-SRXRF spectroscopy. Giant clam shells gain their proportions by consuming sugars and proteins produced by billions of algae that live in their tissue. Yoshimura and colleagues279 used μ-SRXRF spectrometry and XANES to investigate Mg and S profiles in the inner layer of these clam shells. The observed S profile implied a clear change in calcifying fluid chemistry towards a less alkaline condition with age. Magnesium fluctuations suggested that Mg was incorporated into the shells at high growth rates during warm seasons. The spectrum of the Mg K-edge XANES structure and comparison of Mg and S-bearing amino acids profiles indicated that a pronounced effect of the organic fraction or disordered phases was observed in aragonitic clam shell rather than the regulated substitution that was observed into the aragonite crystal lattice. In an interesting application280 for conventional XRF spectrometry, the durability of insecticidal nets under operational conditions was investigated. Deltamethrin residue levels were evaluated on 189 nets used for three to six months from nine sites, 220 nets used for 14 to 20 months from 11 sites, and 200 nets used for 26 to 32 months from 10 sites in Ethiopia. Insecticide residue levels were found to decline by about one third between 3 and 6 months and 14 to 20 months, but remained relatively stable and above minimum requirements thereafter for up to 26 to 32 months.
A study of Pb levels in soils from weathering of lead bullets was needed following the introduction of legislation concerning dove hunting in Cordoba, Argentina. Rubio et al.281 collected soil samples at depth of 50 mm from 315 pits referenced by GPS in accordance with local environmental authorities for XRF analysis. The average Pb concentration was reported to be 80 μg g−1 in dry soil sieved through 200 mesh. The decayed bullet casings examined by SEM and XRD revealed three lead minerals in the corroded alloy. In a supplementary investigation282 using μ-SRXRF spectrometry the authors reported a positive correlation between Fe and Sb in the crust material on the outer rim of the weathered bullets due to Sb adsorption to Fe oxyhydroxides in the soil. A spatial correlation between Cu and Sb and between Sb and Zn were also seen in the bullet crusts. The influence of phosphorus applied as P-based fertilizers to the soil was observed in the hydroxyl-pyromorphite phase detected in samples collected near agricultural land. Portable XRF spectrometers with tube excitation are established tools for the determination of elemental composition in soils in the field and laboratory. The majority of this work involved mineral soil measurements using soil applications provided by the instrument manufacturer. Shand and Wendler283 however, extended the technique's use to include organo-mineral soils and peat, recommending that modifications to the manufacturer's calibration should be made.
Silver NPs are often applied to consumer products for their antimicrobial properties, which are desired in fabric used for sportswear as well as cloth used for cleaning. Hazards to human health from airborne Ag NPs may occur when the NPs are inhaled. Such particulates are comparable in size to macromolecules and viruses and are able to penetrate deep into the lungs, e.g., the alveoli, where they may cause damage to cells and tissue due to their large surface area. Menzel and Fittschen284 collected aerosols released from fabrics treated with Ag NPs using a low pressure Berner impactor for subsequent analysis by TXRF spectrometry and SEM. The sample cell was purged with N2 to eliminate Ar peak interference, offering an impressive LOD of 0.2 ng Ag. The authors found that the particulates were primarily released in the form of larger particles, mainly 0.13–2 μm, probably attached to fibrous material. Following these analyses, the aerosol samples were dissolved in nitric acid and analysed by ICP-MS to successfully confirm the results obtained by the TXRF measurements.
Other environmental applications reviewed this year included the determination of U in bituminised radioactive waste drums285 by self-induced XRF. The method used the spontaneous 661.7 keV gamma emission from the drums following 137Cs decay produced by Compton scattering in the bituminised matrix giving an intense photon continuum around 100 keV i.e. in the uranium XRF region. The authors presented the experimental qualification of the method with real waste drums, showing a detection limit well below 1 kg of U in 20 minute acquisitions while the usual gamma rays of 235U or 238U were not detected. The relative uncertainty on the uranium mass assessed by this self-induced technique was about 50%, with a 95% confidence level, taking into account the correction of photon attenuation in the waste matrix. For a comprehensive review of advances in environmental analysis, readers are reminded of our companion ASU Update.6
The characterisation of building materials has increased in popularity in recent years and XRF spectrometry contributed to a study of wall plasters from the Neolithic town of Catalhoyuk in Turkey by Anderson et al.292 Based mainly on mineralogical information, the authors concluded that foundation plasters originated mainly from a marl source, whereas finishing plasters contained dolomite revealing that softlime was used in its preparation, the nearest source of which was 6.5 km away. Neolithic inhabitants probably valued this finishing material because of its whiter colour. Reflecting the increasing trend for the XRF technique to be used as part of a multitechnique approach, Kamel et al.293 investigated the deterioration of stucco mihrabs (i.e., semi-circular niches in the wall of a mosque) in Islamic buildings in Egypt. Their aim was first to allow the original material to be reproduced and second to understand the cause of the deterioration, which was identified with the halite (sodium chloride) content of the stucco. Franceschi and Locardi294 claimed that strontium was a new marker for the use of natural gypsum in cultural heritage, especially for wall paintings. The authors observed that the determination by portable XRF instrumentation and the correlation observed between Ca and Sr concentration data, found in natural gypsum were valuable tools for conservation scientists, restorers and art historians when studying temera, frescos and Egyptian paintings. A combination of XRF analyses, petrographic characterisation and stable isotope ratios (C and O) were used by Columbu et al.295 to ascertain the provenance of white and greyish marbles used to decorate the Roman Heliocaminus Baths, Tivoli, Italy. Sources were identified mainly from the Apuan Alps Basin (Carrara), but also several Greek island and Turkish quarrying areas.
Conservation and indeed the prevention of deterioration are important aspects of the management of archaeological artefacts leading Krug and Hahn296 to demonstrate that this is not without a potential hazard to museum staff. They used portable XRF instrumentation to detect the presence of organo-chlorinated pesticides in textiles at the German Historical Museum, Berlin and found that the majority of objects also contained As, Hg and Pb, introduced as biocides or as part of the original manufacturing process; information that was essential to proper prediction of risk. Fierascu et al.297 were interested in the development of synthesised apatetic materials to protect artefacts of cultural or historic interest from fungal attack. The authors used EDXRF as one of the techniques to characterise several synthesised materials based on hydroxyapatite, which were tested for their effectiveness to provide protection against bio-deterioration. Fungal bio-deterioration of stained glass windows using reproductions produced by historically accurate methods was investigated by Rodrigues et al.298 The μ-EDXRF technique was used to check the chemical composition of 15th and 17th century window glass. Results after inoculating fungi onto representative glass surfaces showed that all surfaces displayed clear evidence of damage with no differences between initial corroded and non-corroded glass surfaces. Arizio and colleagues299 investigated the degradation of amalgam mirrors used between the 15th and 19th centuries, employing both ED-SEM and μ-EDXRF elemental mapping. Their interest was in the reflective surface of the tin amalgam, adhering to the glass sheet and they reported the presence of romarchite and cassiterite as degradation products growing to form hemispherical stratified calottes. In complete contrast, Fors et al.300 measured the Fe and S accumulations on 17th century marine archaeological shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea using scanning XRF and S K-edge XANES. The authors found organic thiols, disulfides and elemental S produced by bacterial action but not iron sulfides due to the low Fe content of the wood. When near anaerobic conditions underwater, changed to a humid museum environment, atmospheric oxidation of iron sulfides formed in the presence of corroding iron could induce post-conservation degradation of the wood.
Concerning the analysis of human remains, Lanzirotti et al.301 used high spatial resolution SR-based elemental XRF mapping, tomography and XAS to measure the Hg and Pb content of bone and hair samples from Ferrante II of Aragon (King of Naples, 1469–1496) and Isabella of Aragon (Duchess of Milan 1470–1524). The high sensitivity and spatial resolution of these techniques allowed the authors to report that the high levels of Hg in the Isabella hair samples was consistent with exposure during her life time, as were the high levels of Pb found in Ferrate's remains. However, the high levels of Hg found in the samples from Ferrante were considered to be the result of post mortem embalming. Goldenberg and colleagues302 were interested in the detection of biological compounds preserved in ancient ceramics and proposed two simple and rapid methods based on the reaction of unsaturated compounds with iodine. The subsequent detection of I by XRF methodology was considered to be a potential pre-screening method for identifying ceramic samples suitable for organic residue analysis. The second method was based on mapping unsaturated molecules on ceramic surfaces using ED-SEM. Residues in bottle-shaped vessels of a different kind were of interest to Ay et al.303 They reported results using μ-XRF, μ-XRD and μ-Raman spectroscopy on a residue sample from an Early Bronze Age grave in Muslumantepe, south eastern Anatolia, Turkey, identifying the black residue as a manganese mineral, pyrolusite. The authors postulated that it was used for cosmetic purposes, the earliest reported use of cosmetics during this period in the Upper Tigris region.
The analysis of paints and pigments continues to be a huge application of XRF spectrometry, often using portable instrumentation in conjunction with other techniques, especially Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. Inevitably this review can only include a small selection of the available contributions. In the analysis of historic paintings, researchers at the University of Antwerp group have made some seminal contributions including this year an investigation by Monico et al.304 of the degradation of lead chromate in paintings by van Gogh, using the μ-XRF and μ-XANES techniques. Complications occurred from the subsequent application of varnish to conserve the paintings. Results showed the presence of CrIII alteration products (sulfate, oxide, organo-metallic and chloride-based compounds) present inside the coating and homogeneously widespread on the painting surface. These products were considered to result from mechanical friction caused by the coating application brush redistributing Cr photo-degradation products already present on the surface of the painting. Studies of the palettes of historic artists are quite common, but Izzo et al.305 used the XRF technique, together with Raman, FTIR and GC-MS techniques to study 20th century artists' oil paints used during the period 1960–1964 by Lucio Fontana (1899–1968) to demonstrate the impact of new synthetic materials. The authors reported the use of non-drying or slow-drying oils in paint formulations, which facilitated the development of appropriate conservation and restoration strategies. Moving now back to the 13th century, Daveri et al.306 investigated a Medieval icon that was hidden beneath a 19th century panel painting of the Madonna and Child attributed to an unknown Tuscan artist. Results of their work, using various non-invasive μ-techniques (including XRF spectrometry) and μ-destructive techniques (Raman and ED-SEM) revealed numerous gilding techniques, including the use of surrogate gold (disulfur tin) and orpiment as a further false gold and an area with an original silver-rich layer. In addition, the authors identified the palette of pigments including an animal anthraquinone lake, kermes, and an extremely rare chalcone pigment, possibly safflower. Sefcu et al.307 claimed a lateral resolution of 20 μm using a μ-XRF method to examine a 16th century panel painting of St Anne with the Virgin Mary and Child attributed to the Master of the Litomerice Altarpiece in Bohemia, Czech Republic. As an example of the investigation of manuscripts, Bicchieri308 examined the invaluable purple Codex Rossanensis, one of the oldest surviving illuminated manuscripts of the New Testament using micro techniques (Raman, FTIR and XRF). The author reported what was believed to be the first use of the elderberry lake pigment in a 6th century manuscript. Beck et al.309 described the first use of a portable system coupling XRD and XRF spectrometry for the in situ characterisation of pigments in prehistoric cave art at Rouffignac, France. They reported the use of two main manganese oxides, pyrolusite and romanechite. Van de Voorde and colleagues310 also reported the use of state-of-the-art instrumentation: hand-held XRF, portable XRF/XRD and laser-based Raman instrumentation, to examine the ‘Mad Meg’ oil painting of the Flemish Renaissance artist, Pieter Bruegal the Elder. Their interest lay in whether or not this artist used a blue smalt pigment to paint the boat that appears towards the top of the painting, to confirm the hypothesis that Bruegal was economical in using this pigment for all blue areas in the painting. It is interesting to conclude this paragraph with the proposal by Aceto et al.311 that the use of UV and VIS diffuse reflectance spectrometry with optical fibres adds significant value in the preliminary examination of the main colorants used in illuminated manuscripts prior to the use of more selective methods, such as XRF or Raman spectroscopy.
Popularity in the use of XRF techniques in the characterisation of pottery and glazes almost matches the interest in paint and pigments reviewed in the previous paragraph with again a trend towards the use of μ-XRF techniques and often with accompanying XRD and Raman data. Portable XRF instrumentation offers significant flexibility in the analysis of archaeological sediments and ceramics as recognised by Hunt and Speakman,312 who proposed an analytical protocol and calibration strategy designed to optimise portable XRF performance, taking account of limitations of the technique in sample preparation, instrument calibration and the inability to quantify low-Z elements. Hao et al.313 used the EDXRF and XANES techniques to investigate faience, a special type of brilliantly coloured glazed ceramic, from the Peng State Cemetery site, Western Zhou Dynasty (1046–771 BC), China. Results from a blue and a green faience bead showed that the colouring element in both was Cu2+; the variations in colour being caused by differences in the local chemical environment of this ion. Attaelmanan314 used μ-XRF instrumentation to analyse inclusions in Mleiha ceramics (in the Emirate of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates) to furnish provenance data. The majority of inclusions were found to be silicates (with the majority of these being olivines) with 6% of them being calcite. Terra Sigillata Hispanica was an easily recognisable Roman pottery with a characteristic intense red colour. Compana et al.315 applied WDXRF as one of a group of techniques to characterise samples of this material from known Baetica workshops in the Iberian Peninsula. The authors reported that chemical data used in conjunction with a macroscopic examination distinguished the production workshop, whereas mineralogical data showed the wide range and variation in the amorphous content and firing temperature (900–1000 °C) and finally ED-SEM results showed the coarseness of the slip starting material. Turning now to the study of glazes, Zhu et al.316 analysed red decorated porcelain from 13th–14th century China to elucidate the colouration mechanism of the copper underglaze. They used SRXRF, XANES and reflection spectrometry of the red and orange regions to show that the Cu content of the former was higher but with similar valence states. It was suggested that differences in colour could be due to light scattering effects. Composition and chromaticity effects were of interest to Wu et al.317 in relation to the purple-gold glaze of the Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln ceramics (Ming and Qing dynasties), based on an interpretation of results by EDXRF spectrometry and colourimetry. Differences in colour were reported to be caused by both variations in the Ca and Mg content (leading to the separation of iron crystals, so reducing the brightness and glossiness of the glaze), and to variations in the kaolin content of the ceramic body. Ming et al.318 undertook an investigation of two ancient porcelains from the Hutain Kiln also in Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province, China using μ-EDXRF spectrometry and visible light microscopy. The porcelains in question were a bluish white glazed porcelain (Qingbai, Song Dynasties – 960–1279 AD) and an egg-white glazed porcelain (Luanbai, Yuan Dynasty – 1271–1368 AD) and results were interpreted as showing differences in the proportion of potassium-rich components, the presence of distinct micro-structures in Qingbai ware that affected its opacity and differences in the firing temperature and the time to heat and cool a sample. A hand-held XRF spectrometer and a mobile Raman instrument were used by de Voorde et al.319 to analyse in situ a unique 16th century majolica tile floor in Antwerp, Belgium. Results allowed the identification of the majolica elemental signature and the pigments used in the colourful glaze. In addition, the presence of Zn, an element not present in 16th century majolica tiles, indicated the originality of parts of the floor. How do archaeological ceramics become altered after contaminated by seawater was a question answered by Montana et al.,320 who prepared ceramic test pieces designed to simulate ceramic materials found in ship wrecks in the western Mediterranean. The techniques of XRF and XRD were used to characterise these materials, which were monitored in the course of exposure to seawater; significant changes were detected in some major and trace element concentrations.
A more limited number of contributions was available during the current review period concerning the characterisation of glass. However, Zhao et al.321 studied 46 stratified glass eye beads in the Hubei Provincial Museum, Wuhan, China using portable XRF and Raman spectrometers. The beads originated from the Warring States Period (about 433 BC) and were reported to be typical soda-lime-silicate glasses with a low content of K2O and MgO and two types of colorants: antimony-based opacifiers/colorants and oxidised transition metals such as Co, Cu and Fe. The TXRF technique was used by Detcheva et al.322 to study the colouration of medieval glass bracelets found in the necropolis of Stambolovo and the castle of Mezek in Bulgaria. The authors provided a description of their technique, which involved analysing samples as slurries in a detergent (Triton X114) and reported that colouration of the samples was caused by Co, Fe and Mn. Faience beads from the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046–771 BC) were of interest to Gu et al.,323 who used μ-SRXRF-CT and μ-EDXRF spectrometry to investigate manufacturing processes. The CT results showed that the beads could be classified as glazed faience and glass faience and the authors postulated that the former were formed on an organic cylinder before the direct application of glaze. Other aspects of composition led the authors to propose that (i) Western Zhou faience had an indigenous origin in China, rather than being influenced by Western developments and that (ii) this faience was not a precursor to early glass production in China.
In the analysis of metallic objects, Ferretti324 undertook a critical evaluation of the use of portable XRF instrumentation in an investigation of ancient metal artefacts, including the advantages and disadvantages of various measurement strategies. One issue of concern was the development of alternative methods of quantification to the removal of the patina, an approach that is rarely acceptable when examining ancient artefacts. Troalen et al.325 were interested in gold working practices associated with the Qurneh burial (a spectacular discovery of jewellery at a burial of a women and child discovered in Egypt by Flinders Petrie in 1908 and now resident in the National Museum of Scotland). The investigators used various techniques including XRF to demonstrate the coexistence of different levels of wear and colours of gold, the extensive use of hard soldering by the addition of Cu to gold-based alloys and the presence of PGE inclusions implying the use of alluvial gold or recycled alloys of alluvial gold. Bronzes from the necropolis of Palaepaphos (Southwest Cyprus) from the 11th–18th centuries BC were investigated by Charalambous et al.,326 who used portable XRF instrumentation to determine the alloy type used in their production. Results indicated the use of fresh rather than recycled Cu–Sn binary alloys, with the relative concentrations adjusted according to use to be made of the alloy. Interpretations were made of the presence and measured concentrations of Sn (higher levels result in a golden surface to the alloy), Pb (proposed to be a deliberate addition even at low concentrations), Fe and Zn (believed to be non-intentional additions to the alloy originating from copper ores used in smelting) and As (originating from Limassol Forest ores or the recycling of Early and Middle Bronze Age artefacts). As a result of the analysis of patinated metalwork from Japan, mainly using μ-XRF instrumentation, La Niece and co-authors327 suggested that it was possible to track the introduction to Japan of the liquidation process to de-silver copper by the identification of copper objects of increasing purity. In addition, their results indicated the deliberate addition of As to certain alloys to produce an enhanced patina. The work of de Figueiredo et al.328 demonstrated that sodium glycinate was more effective at removing the brownish-black tarnish on silver–copper artefacts than sodium acetylglycinate solution, with XRF and IR spectroscopies contributing to the characterisation of the products obtained. The problem that surface alteration effects the quantitative analysis by EDXRF spectrometry of artefacts such as those made of gold and silver was addressed by Cesareo.329 This arises because the penetration depth of the X-ray beam is a maximum of 10 μm. To overcome this problem, the author described an EDXRF instrument for the bulk analysis of such artefacts in which the X-ray beam from the X-ray tube was partially monochromatised using a tin secondary target, the K-lines of which bracket the silver-K absorption edge discontinuity. The sample is then positioned between this target and the detector permitting the determination of the thickness and/or composition of gold alloys (of thickness <120 μm) and silver alloys (of thickness >0.7 mm) by the differential attenuation of the Sn K-lines. The thickness of gold leaf applied to six Japanese folding screens from the Momoyama (1573–1603 AD) and Edo (1603–1868 AD) periods was reported by Pessanha et al.330 The authors made measurements in situ by EDXRF instrumentation using a methodology based on the differential attenuation of different characteristic lines of Au in the gold leaf layer. Account was taken of the fact that the gold leaf might not be pure and results showed that the gold leaf applied to one of the Endo screens was thinner, consistent with the development of beating technology in producing ever thinner gold leaf. In a second contribution, Pessanha et al.331 reported a thickness of 1.6 μm for gold leaf applied to a priming layer of white lead on a Portuguese illuminated manuscript. Differential attenuation of the Pb L lines visible in the gold leaf spectra were used to make this estimate.
Platinum is of particular importance as a marker of provenance in ancient gold coins and Hinds et al.332 investigated the determination of Pt in this matrix by the WDXRF method, reporting a detection limit of 20 μg g−1. Bias caused by relief in the coin design (compared with a perfectly flat object) was largely overcome by making a 50 mm trough in the sample cup to lower the coin relative to the X-ray tube. In this way, Pt values on the side with an imprinted design were within 1–13% of those on the opposite side, which had been polished flat. The classification of analytical results is clearly an important aspect of any interpretation of coin data and Christie et al.333 were interested in developing chemometric methods of classifying Hungarian silver coins of the Arpad Dynasty (997–1301 AD). Their approach involved developing a ‘marker object projection-aided’ classification, claiming that this approach was capable of extracting information that was not accessible by classical pattern recognition methods.
The calibration of portable XRF instrumentation for the accurate analysis of geological archaeological artefacts was discussed by Conrey et al.334 To correct for matrix effects (absorption and secondary enhancement), the authors strongly recommended the influence coefficient approach (rather than fundamental parameters, Compton ratioing, multivariate statistics or dilution). Bias in WDXRF data was claimed to be less than 1% for obsidian and flint and less than 2% for mudbrick and sediment compared with up to 35% that the authors found using fundamental parameter or multivariate statistical methods.
Dietary selenium has been implicated in the prevention of cancer and other diseases, but its safety and efficacy is dependent on the supplemented form and its metabolites. Weekley et al.347 continued their research on the speciation and distribution of Cu and Se in vivo, using XAS and XRF microscopy. In kidneys isolated from rats fed a diet containing 5 μg mL−1 Se as selenite for 3 weeks, Se levels increased 5-fold. The XAS spectra suggested that most of the Se in the kidney was found as Se–Se species, rather than Cu-bound, and that most of the Cu was bound to N and S, presumably to amino acid residues in proteins. Hughes et al.348 assessed the Se status by measuring serum levels of Se using TXRF spectrometry and selenoprotein P (SePP) by immune-lumino-metric sandwich assay, and examined the association with the risk of colorectal cancer in a nested case–control design within the European Prospective Investigation of Cancer and Nutrition. The findings indicated that the Se status was sub-optimal in many Europeans and suggested an inverse association between colorectal cancer risk and higher serum Se status, which is more evident in women. It is well-known that the process of carcinogenesis might influence normal biochemical reactions leading to alterations in the elemental composition of the tissue. More and more, the TXRF technique is applied to verify the elemental content of different brain tumours, as shown by Lankosz et al.349 to determine Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Rb and Zn in neoplastic tissues. The results showed that the elemental composition of a relatively small fragment of tissue represented satisfactorily the biochemical “signature” of a cancer. On the basis of the element concentrations determined, it was possible to differentiate between some types of brain tumours. The Cu level in human serum of 142 chemotherapy patients and 44 healthy persons was determined by Kubala-Kukus et al.,350 using TXRF spectrometry. Serum Cu levels were significantly higher in the chemotherapy group than in the control group. The obtained results showed that the applied procedure could be used as a diagnostic tool for chemotherapy patients.
Neuroimaging of metals in a variety of intact brain cells and tissues is emerging as an important tool for increasing our understanding of the role of metal dysregulation in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. A review, presented by Braidy et al.,351 discussed the advantages and challenges of using emerging elemental and molecular imaging techniques, and highlighted clinical achievements in Alzheimer research using bioimaging techniques, including PIXE, XRF microscopy, SRXRF, SIMS, MALDI imaging mass spectrometry and FTIR. Taken together, these techniques provided new opportunities to probe the pathobiology of Alzheimer's and paved the way for identifying new therapeutic targets. Collingwood and Davidson,352 on the other hand, focussed the role of Fe in neurodegenerative disorders and considered how the field has evolved with regard to the study of Fe in proteins, cells, and brain tissue, and identified challenges in sample preparation and analysis. Selected examples were used to illustrate the contribution, and future potential, of SRXRF analysis for the characterisation of Fe in model systems exhibiting Fe dysregulation, and for human cases of neurodegenerative disorders. To understand better the link between brain venous drainage and neurodegenerative disorders, which has recently been found associated with jugular truncular venous malformations, a first attempt was conducted by Pascolo et al.353 to investigate possible morphological and biochemical anomalies at the jugular tissue level. The authors performed sequential XRF analyses on jugular tissue samples from two patients and two control subjects, using complementary energies at three different SR facilities. This investigation, coupled with conventional histological analyses, revealed anomalous micro-formations in the pathological tissues and allowed the determination of their elemental composition. In particular, rapid XRF analyses on large tissue areas excited at 12.74 keV by X-rays, showed an increased Ca presence in the pathological samples, while at lower energy the high Ca level corresponded to micro-calcifications, also containing P and Mg. Grubman et al.354 also underlined the strength of the current XRF detectors to measure rapidly the biometal content at subcellular resolution in cell populations using XRF microscopy. Subcellular biometal homeostasis in a cerebellar cell line isolated from a natural mouse model of a childhood neurodegenerative disorder, was investigated. Despite no global changes to whole-cell concentrations of Ca or Zn, XRF microscopy revealed significant subcellular mislocalisation of these important biological second messengers in cerebellar cells. Moreover, subtle differences in the Zn K-edge XANES spectra of control and the affected cells could be observed. The study highlighted the complementarities of bulk and single cell analysis of metal content for understanding disease states.
Bone strontium intake in osteoporotic females self-supplementing with strontium citrate was monitored by Moise et al.,355 who performed non-invasive bone measurements using an in vivo XRF 125I radioisotope based system. Thirty minute measurements were taken at the finger and ankle, representing primarily cortical and trabecular bone, respectively. For analysis, the 14.2 keV Sr Kα peak normalised to the coherent peak at 35.5 keV was used. Once Sr supplements were started, a 24 h reading was taken, followed by frequent measurements ranging from weekly, biweekly to monthly. The longest volunteer participation was 1535 days. Bone Sr levels continued to increase throughout the length of the study. Furthermore, although the same research group had previously reported that finger bone Sr levels might plateau within two years, these results suggested otherwise, indicating that bone Sr levels would continue to rise at both bone sites even after 4 years of Sr intake. A feasibility study for the in vivo detection of Gd in bone was conducted by Mostafaei et al.,356 using a 109Cd radioisotope based K-shell XRF spectrometer equipped with an array of four detectors, normally used for the non-invasive study of bone lead levels. The system was used to measure bone-simulating phantoms doped with varying levels of Gd and fixed amounts of Ca, Cl and Na. Layers of plastic were used to simulate overlying soft tissue and this permitted the prediction of a detection limit of 6.1 to 8.6 μg Gd per gram phantom for fingers with 2 to 4 mm of overlying tissue using a source of activity 0.17 GBq. With a new source of activity 5 GBq, the authors predicted that this system could achieve a detection limit of 4 to 5.6 μg Gd g−1 Ca, which lies within the range of levels previously found in the bone of patients receiving Gd-based contrast imaging agents. The bone lead concentration measurement with K-shell XRF spectrometry is already well-established and regularly implemented in cumulative lead exposure studies. Ji et al.357 demonstrated that the job type significantly predicted cumulative lead exposure in a community-dwelling population and accounted for a large proportion of the association between educational attainment and bone lead, while the data presented by Eum et al.358 suggested that low-level lead exposure might contribute to menopause-related health outcomes in older women through the effects on age at menopause.
Beside occupational lead exposure, the XRF technique was also implemented to study occupational exposure of various toxic components in human tissues. The distribution of actinides in human lymph node tissues originating from individuals with documented occupational exposure was investigated by Vergucht et al.,359 who used μ-SRXRF analysis for the qualitative and semi-quantitative elemental mapping of these elements. Using external standards for calibration, more than 100 μg g−1 of U could be measured in the detected actinide hot spots, while for the plutonium hot spots, concentration levels of up to 31 μg g−1 were found. Once again, this case study on these samples illustrated the high potential of μ-SRXRF spectrometry for this type of elemental bio-imaging owing to its high sensitivity, high spatial resolution, and non-destructive character. Andujar et al.360 provided evidence that NPs found in welding fumes could be responsible, at least partially, for the pulmonary inflammation observed in welders. A combination of imaging and material science techniques including STEM, EDX, and μ-XRF spectrometry, was used to characterise the NP content in lung tissue from 21 welders and 21 matched control patients, demonstrating a link between human exposure to NPs and long-term pulmonary effects.
One of the reasons for total hip implant failures might be induced by metal ion-release caused by corrosion and wear of alloys. Thus, Jakobsen et al.361 evaluated implant components from 52 revision cases with spot tests for free CrVI ions, Co and Ni. Implant composition was determined by XRF spectroscopy, and information on the reason for revision and complications in relation to surgery was collected from the medical charts when possible (72% of cases). The results showed that Co and Ni were released from some failed total hip arthroplasties, and corrosion was frequently observed. Calasans-Maia et al.362 evaluated the effect of zinc-substituted calcium phosphate (CaP) on bone osteogenesis using a normalised ISO 10993-6 protocol. Measurements using μ-SRXRF spectrometry suggested that some of the Zn released from the biomaterial was incorporated into new bone near the implanted region. Despite the great potential of Zn-containing CaP matrices for future use in bone regeneration, the authors recognised the fact that additional in vivo studies must be conducted to explain the mobility of Zn at the CaP surface and its interactions with a biological medium. The composition of new Zr-binary alloys, useful for knee and hip replacement, and their biocompatibility, was evaluated by Totea et al.363 Three binary alloys (Zr10Nb, Zr2.5Nb and Zr12Ta) were made from high purity powders (>99.9%), using an induction furnace followed by an electric arc furnace for a perfect homogenisation. Their final composition was verified with a hand-held XRF analyzer. The hemolysis tests showed that the released hemoglobin quantity was extremely small, under 2%, in all cases, and the coagulation tests showed no risk for thrombosis. The electrochemical behaviour was also studied in biological fluid, human female serum, and showed a low corrosion rate.
The analysis of human fingernails and hair always reveals a wealth of information from their elemental composition. Although further work is needed, interesting results were collected by Ponomarenko et al.,364 who determined the concentration and chemical speciation of arsenic in the finger- and toenail clippings of volunteers living in the vicinity of Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada, as toxicity biomarkers of human exposure to elevated levels of As in drinking water. Arsenic species in clippings were represented by three main groups, distinguished by As–K NEXAFS spectra: (1) AsIII type, which could be fitted as a mixture of As bound to thiols, and also to oxygen or methyl groups, with a small contribution from AsV species, (2) AsV type, best represented by fitting arsenate in aqueous solution and (3) AsIII + AsV mixture type. The high proportion of sulfur-bound arsenic species most likely corresponded to binding between arsenic (in its trivalent and, to a lesser extent, pentavalent forms) and cysteine residues in the sulfur-rich fraction of keratin and keratin-associated proteins. A specially designed EDXRF spectrometer for in vivo scan analysis, applied to determine the concentration profile of elements present in human fingernails, was presented by Figueroa et al.365 In most of the samples Ca, Cu Fe, Pb, S and Zn were detected. A 2D (x, y) scan was also performed on a whole removed nail in which the 2D spatial distribution of the detected elements was observed, showing significant differences for some of the elements present. The exposure time did not exceed 15 s, and the calculated administered dose in the surface nail region was 0.1 mGy s−1. Chikawa et al.366 examined the correlation between breast cancer and Ca levels along single hair strands by SRXRF spectrometry. In fact, patient hair has a memory of the entire cancer process from the state before cancer generation, and the pattern could be distinguished from concentration variations due to the chronic Ca deficiency without cancer, leading to a new and interesting criterion for cancer detection from the ratio of Sr/Ca. Majewska et al.367 applied the TXRF technique to define reference values of elements in human serum, urine and hair in the range of concentration from ng g−1 to several hundred μg g−1. The method of selection of the control group, the experimental setup and its calibration procedure were described, together with the sample preparation methods and the measurement procedure. Biomonitoring of Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in scalp hair of the rural population in Punjab state of India (age group 30–45 years) was carried out by Yadav et al.368 using the TXRF technique, to understand their exposure to the trace elements from the local environment. The validity of the method was checked by analysing the CRMs IAEA-436 and INCT-MPH-2. The results of the hair samples showed no environmental gradient in the concentration of elements such as Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn, however Pb was observed to be higher in a few volunteers as compared to published values of concentrations in volunteers from Delhi.
In a preliminary study, the anatomical variations in the trace element content of primary teeth with known differences in Pb content were studied by μ-SRXRF spectrometry. De Souza-Guerra et al.369 determined variations in the spatial distribution of Ca, Cu, K, Mn, Pb, Sr and Zn in four anatomical locations: superficial enamel (SE, 0–10 μm), subsuperficial enamel (10–30 μm), primary dentin, and secondary dentin. Two teeth had low concentrations of Pb in the SE (<250 μg g−1), while three contained very high Pb concentrations in the SE (>2000 μg g−1). Teeth were sliced, and five spot measurements (20 μm beam diameter) were accomplished at each location. The obtained results highlighted the importance of the first 10 μm of the SE for the determination of some elements, such as Zn, Pb, Mn, and Cu. In two similar studies by the same authors,370,371 a portable μ-EDXRF system, making use of a polycapillary optic to obtain a focal spot of 100 μm for Fe Kα, was used to assess whether the elemental content of Ca, P and Zn in tooth enamel would alter when treating the teeth with a bleaching gel. To obtain 8 × 2 mm samples, cuts of sound vestibular surfaces of anterior healthy teeth were made, and treated with a bleaching product accordingly to the manufacturer's instructions and stored in artificial saliva between each application. Before and after treatment, μ-EDXRF measurements were performed and the quantitative data, obtained by the WinAXIL compare mode method using four reference materials as calibrants, showed no significant statistical differences for the studied elements. Similar to knee and hip implants, corrosion of metals in dental implants might occur and is an issue of concern. Abraham et al.372 presented an indirect study of corrosion of dental implants by analysing changes in the elemental concentration of metals such as Al, Ti and V in oral fluids (saliva and gingival fluids) by means of SR-TXRF spectrometry. While the Ti-ions reflected a different behaviour in the oral fluids, revealing higher concentrations in gingival crevice fluid than in saliva, no significant differences for Al and V were observed from normal levels in the oral fluids. To get more insight into the relationship between the mineralisation of peritubular dentin (PTD) and intertubular dentin (ITD), Deymier-Black et al.373 examined what organic or nanostructural signatures might indicate the end of ITD or the beginning of PTD mineralisation using advanced characterisation techniques. The XRF intensity (Ca, P, and Zn) and XRD patterns from carbonated apatite were mapped around dentintubules at resolutions ten times smaller than the feature size (200 nm pixels), representing a 36% increase in spatial resolution over earlier work. In the near-tubule volumes of near-pulp, root dentin, the Zn intensity was higher than in ITD remote from the tubules. This increase in Zn2+, as determined by XANES analysis, was thought to indicate the presence of metalloenzymes or transcription factors important to ITD or PTD mineralisation. The XRD maps indicated a lack of structural difference between in the Zn-rich near-tubular region and the remote ITD.
Other interesting applications in this section are brought to your attention. Yoshii et al.374 proposed a new methodology for the on-site and rapid evaluation of heavy-atom contamination in wounds using a portable XRF device, which might be applicable for workers decommissioning the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant damaged from the Great East Japan Earthquake and resulting tsunami. First, the wound model was developed by placing a liquid blood phantom on an epoxy resin wound phantom contaminated with Pb, which was used as the substitute model contaminant in place of radioactive heavy atoms. Next, the correlation between the concentration of contaminant and the XRF peak intensity was formulated taken account of the thickness of blood exiting the wound. At a maximum equivalent dose of 16.5 mSv to the wound and blood thickness of 0.5 mm, the method detection limit value for Pb was 1.2 μg g−1 (3.1 nmol). Moreover, this method might be applicable for evaluation of Pu contamination in wounds. Centeno et al.375 also focussed their research on the chemical analysis of retained embedded fragments in war wounds of US military personal and their potential health impact. The physical and compositional properties of the foreign material surfaces removed from 4 patients with penetrating blast wounds to the limbs were examined by EDXRF, SEM-EDS, LA-ICP-MS and confocal laser μ-Raman spectrometry. Quantitative chemical analysis of both fragments and available tissues was conducted employing ICP-MS. The majority of the fragments were primarily composed of a single metal such as Al, Cu or Fe with traces of Pb, Sb, Ti and U. One case demonstrated W in both the fragment and the connected tissue, together with Pb. Capsular tissue and fragments from a case from the 1991 Kuwait conflict showed evidence of U, which was further characterised by U isotopic ratios analysis to contain depleted uranium. Lis et al.376 studied the influence of lipids on the progression of calcification by determining the distribution of selected elements in three distinct regions of calcified human aortic valves, representing successive stages of the calcific degeneration: normal, thickened (early lesion) and calcified (late lesion), using μ-SRXRF spectrometry for elemental composition and Oil Red O staining for the demonstration of lipids. In calcified valve areas, the accumulation of Ca and P was accompanied by enhanced concentrations of Sr and Zn. Calcifications preferentially developed in lipid-rich areas of the valves. Calcium concentration ratio between lipid-rich and lipid-free areas was not age-dependent in early lesions, but showed a significant increase with age in late lesions, indicating age-dependent intensification of lipid involvement in the calcification process. The results suggested that mechanisms of calcification changed with the progression of valve degeneration and with age. Schmeling et al.377 conducted TXRF measurements on the lens and aqueous humor of 14 cataract patients, to study the presence and concentration of selected metals in the eye. Most commonly found elements in both types of media were Cr and Mn, whereas Ba was found in the lens, but not in aqueous tissue, and Ni only in the aqueous humor. Concentrations were generally higher in aqueous samples. These findings demonstrated that further research was required to elucidate more accurately the relationship between systemic and ocular metal accumulation and the impact of metal accumulation on measures of visual function and ocular disease. Finally, Morrison et al.378 evaluated a class of mitochondrially-targeted GdIII agents, designed for potential application in binary cancer therapies. Mitochondria uptake was determined by ICP-MS, while Gd uptake was determined by SRXRF imaging. This study reported the highest in vitro tumour selectivity for any Gd agent reported to date, with a tumour/normal cell ratio of up to 23.5 ± 6.6, and also highlighted the delicate balance required to minimise in vitro cytotoxicity and optimise in vitro tumour selectivity and mitochondrial localisation for this new class of mitochondrially-targeted binary therapy agents.
An interesting contribution, presented by Jurowski et al.,385 emphasised many different and complex aspects of analytical calibration problems in studies related to (bio)imaging/mapping of metallic elements in different kinds of biological samples using various analytical techniques including XRF. This state-of-the-art paper included as well as nomenclature, definitions, as examples of calibration strategies with analytical calibration procedures. Previous studies of the Se status indicated that Se was necessary for fertility but how precisely, was not known. Ceko et al.386 aimed to show that Se is important in the bovine female reproductive function. The elemental distribution in bovine ovary (n = 45 sections) was identified by XRF imaging. The first XRF imaging of mammalian ovaries showed that Se was consistently localised to the granulosa cells of large healthy follicles. The findings suggested that Se and selenoproteins were elevated in these large healthy follicles and might play a critical role as an antioxidant during late follicular development. The use of the aquatic plant Egeria densa was successfully evaluated as a potential CrVI biomonitor in aquatic environments by Hayashi,387 who performed in the laboratory in vivo time-resolved Cr and Ca XRF mapping over a period of 69 days on E. densa, immersed in 5 mM K2CrO4 aqueous solution. The temporal and spatial resolution of each XRF map were similar to 1.6 days and 1 × 1 mm2, respectively. The obtained XRF maps exhibited characteristic localised Cr and Ca areas and indicated that once the Cr species were introduced, they substituted the original Ca-accumulated regions. The sizes and intensity distributions of the Cr hot spots were sensitive to the CrVI exposure approximately 1 week prior to each XRF measurement.
The distribution and concentration of trace elements within pathological and normal bone of both extant and extinct archosaurs (Cathartes aura and Allosaurus fragilis) was determined by Anne et al.,388 who recognised the strength of the rapid scanning-SRXRF technique, which had the advantage of combining high sensitivity (μg g−1), excellent spatial resolution (20 to100 μm) and scanning of large specimens (dm scale) approximately 3000 times faster than other mapping techniques. Results revealed discrete chemical inventories within different bone tissue types and preservation modes. Chemical inventories also revealed the detail of histological features not observable in thin section, including fine structures within the interface between pathological and normal bone as well as a woven texture within pathological tissue. Kerschnitzki et al.389 investigated the microscopic and nanoscopic alteration of avian medullary bone architecture during the egg-laying cycle of hens, using a combination of SR X-ray tomography together with small angle X-ray scattering, wide angle XRD and XRF spectrometry. During eggshell calcification, the mineral content and the size of the trabeculae of medullary bone decreased markedly. Furthermore, the average mineral particle size increased during resorption, suggesting that the smaller mineral particles were preferentially removed. Medullary bone thus formed a fast-responding system exhibiting rapid alterations of the material at the micro- and nanoscale. Insights to these mechanisms are interesting in order to provide hens with Ca for their high metabolic calcium demand during eggshell mineralisation. To conclude, Feng et al.390 carried out an analytical comparison between XRF-CT and K-edge CT to quantify the distribution of gold NPs in a small animal for preclinical studies. They reported a theoretical analysis in terms of S/N for the two modalities, showing that XRF-CT had a better S/N than K-edge CT when gold NPs concentrations fell below a certain threshold value. Numerical tests were performed for XRF-CT and K-edge CT on two kinds of phantoms with multiple concentration levels and structural features. Experimental results illustrated that XRF-CT was superior to K-edge CT when contrast concentration was lower than 0.4%, which coincided with the theoretical analysis. Readers interested in additional applications can consult our companion review on clinical and biological materials, food and beverages.3
Several papers described the use of advanced SR-based X-ray analytical techniques with resolution in the nanometre range for material characterisation. In a very exciting application Laforce et al.395 published nano-XRF imaging of meteoritic particles and diamond inclusions. In this paper, the new ESRF ID16B-NA Nanoanalysis beamline was applied for the first time for XRF imaging with a resolution level down to a few tens of nanometres on rare geological materials: meteoritic fragments from achondrite NWA 6693 and diamond inclusions. The instrument proved to be an extremely valuable tool for mapping samples containing submicrometre heterogeneities. It was discovered that the track of bubble-like inclusions in NWA 6693 consisted mainly of Cr-rich phases, although some inclusions containing Ni and Ca were also detected. In diamond SL05, originating from the Juina region in Brazil, multiple inclusions with dimensions of about 0.5 μm2 were analysed, detecting As, Ca, Fe, Ti with a step width of 40 nm and with a measuring time of 1 s per step. Bare et al.396 characterised a fluid catalytic cracking equilibrium catalyst (E-CAT) at the ensemble and individual particle level. At the ensemble level, the authors used μ-XRF-CT to determine the average size, shape, and respective distributions of over 1200 individual catalyst particles. This information was claimed to be important in order to determine performance in commercial operations. It could be shown that a major fraction of the particles contained large internal voids (5–80 μm diameter), which supported the accessibility to large hydrocarbon molecules. Using nano XRF-CT at the individual particle level, these voids were visualised at a much smaller scale (approximately 100 nm to 12 μm in diameter) and the individual phases present in the particle were visualised in 3D. Micro-XRF was used to map both the contaminant (Fe, Ni, V) and the inherent lanthanum catalyst elemental distributions. The distribution of zeolite Y in the E-CAT particle was inferred from the La XRF map. The authors concluded that this in-depth characterisation study at the ensemble and individual E-CAT particle level presented a robust methodology that provided an understanding of the E-CAT at both the micro- and nanometre scales. Segura-Ruiz et al.397 investigated phase separation in single InxGa1−xN nanowires revealed through a hard X-ray SR Nanoprobe. The authors reported the composition, short- and long-range structural order of single molecular beam epitaxy-grown InxGa1−xN nanowires. Nano-XRF mapping revealed an axial and radial heterogeneous elemental distribution in the single wires with Ga accumulation at their bottom and outer regions. Polarisation-dependent nano-XANES demonstrated that the tetrahedral order around the Ga atoms remained along the nanowires. The In-content along the single nanowires estimated from XRF spectrometry were in good agreement with XRD data. The authors anticipated that this methodology would contribute to a greater understanding of the underlying growth concepts not only of nanowires but also of many nanostructures in materials science. Ishiguro et al.398 visualised the heterogeneity of Ce oxidation states in single Pt/Ce2Zr2Ox catalyst particles by nano-XAFS using an X-ray nanobeam. Differences in the distribution of the Ce oxidation states between Pt/Ce2Zr2Ox single particles of different oxygen compositions (x) were visualised in the obtained 2D XRF mapping images and the Ce L3-edge nano-XANES spectra. Cristofolini399 reviewed SR X-ray techniques for the investigation of structures and dynamics in interfacial systems with the main emphasis on flat interfaces and on colloidal systems. The techniques for structural determinations were XRR, GI-XRD and GI-XRF. The systems reviewed were, in order of growing complexity, floating Langmuir monolayers, supported films of lipids and proteins, polymeric films, buried interfaces, colloidal systems and gels formed by colloids either in 3D or in the form of 2D interfacial layers. Recent results were critically discussed, and some interesting directions of development were outlined, having also in mind new technical developments such as X-ray-free-electron laser sources and μ-focused SR beamlines. Hu et al.400 combined 3D structure and chemistry imaging with nanoscale spatial resolution. A data fusion technique was presented that combined nano-SRXRF-CT and nano-SRXRF spectrometry to non-destructively investigate complex nanoscale materials and provide combined 3D renderings of microstructure and chemistry. The technique was named nano tomography-assisted chemical correlation (nTACCo) and its effectiveness was demonstrated on fly ash particles with nanoscale chemical inhomogeneities. The authors claimed that nTACCo was capable of providing the concentration and location of seven different nano-inclusions within a particle as well as direct observations of reactivity and chemical distribution on fly ash particles. They further anticipated that the ability to combine 3D structure and chemistry at the nanoscale will provide unprecedented tools for nanoscience in material science, biology, chemistry and medical science. Kuhn et al.401 applied site-selective high spatial resolution XAS and YES to cobalt NPs. The authors pointed out that the special (macroscopic) properties of NPs were mainly due to their large surface-to-volume ratio and concluded that the separate characterisation of geometric and electronic properties of surface and bulk would be favourable, for a better understanding of the properties of NPs. Three types of wet-chemically synthesised cobalt NPs, of about 6 nm diameter with varying thicknesses of a protective shell, were investigated at the ID26 beamline of the ESRF. High resolution fluorescence detected (HRFD)-XAS spectra at the Co K-edge were recorded via detection of the Kβ1,3 XRF at specific energies. As these spectra were only partly site-selective due to a strong overlap of the emission lines, a numerical procedure was applied based on a least-squares fitting procedure. To obtain additional information about ligands attached to Co, valence-to-core X-ray emission spectra (VTC-XES) using the Kβ 2,5 and the satellite structure Kβ and VTC-XANES spectra were also recorded, by which the former results were confirmed. The authors concluded that VTC-XES and HRFD-XAS were suitable tools for the detailed specification of the core and the surface of NPs, in particular upon realising “real” site-selectivity for XANES and EXAFS with a general strategy applicable to a wide range of systems.
Several papers were published within the review period dealing with nanoparticles, nanowires and nanorods, emphasizing the growing importance of that topic. Cobalt-implanted ZnO nanowires were investigated using hard X-ray nanoprobe-based techniques by Chu et al.,402 who reported the short and long range order of single room temperature-implanted and high temperature-implanted Co:
ZnO nanowires. The XRF maps revealed a homogeneous distribution of the Co ions implanted along the nanowires, while the XANES data indicated a substitutional incorporation of Co2+ into the wurtzite ZnO host lattice. The room temperature-implanted nanowires presented a higher structural disorder around Co atoms compared with the high temperature-implanted ones. Johannes et al.403 reported enhanced sputtering and incorporation of Mn in implanted GaAs and ZnO nanowires. The authors simulated and investigated experimentally the sputter yield of ZnO and GaAs nanowires, which were implanted with energetic Mn ions at room temperature. The resulting thinning of the nanowires as well as the dopant concentration with increasing Mn ion fluence were measured by SEM and nano-XRF spectrometry, respectively. A clearly enhanced sputter yield for the irradiated nanowires compared with bulk was observed, which was also corroborated by simulations showing a maximum if the ion range matched the nanowire diameter. As a consequence of the thinning of the nanowire by erosion, the incorporation of the Mn dopants was also enhanced and increased non-linearly with increasing ion fluence. Martinez-Criado et al.404 studied the local structure of a crossed Ga2O3/SnO2 multiwire architecture with nanometre resolution. The authors proposed that crossed nanowire structures were the basis for high-density integration for a variety of nanodevices and that due to the critical role of nanowire intersections in creating hybrid architectures, it had become a challenge to investigate the local structure in crossing points in metal oxide nanowires. By combining electron and SR nanoprobes, the authors could show experimental evidence of the role of impurities in the coupling formation, structural modifications and atomic site configuration. Filez et al.405 used XAS and XRF techniques to study in situ NP nucleation during Pt deposition. A nucleation delay indicative for NP formation was observed for Pt loadings below one equivalent monolayer. Both XAS and XRF spectra were recorded simultaneously at different catalyst loadings in this nucleation regime. Analysis of the combined in situ data yielded a quantitative picture of the evolution of the diameter, shape, lattice packing and density of the deposited platinum clusters. By linking the XRF and XAS data, a linear increase in cluster diameter with platinum loading was observed. Hertz et al.406 used laboratory XRF-CT for high spatial resolution NP bio-imaging. The authors demonstrated that NP XRF-CT in mouse-sized objects could be performed with very high spatial resolution at acceptable dose and exposure times with a compact laboratory system. The method relied on the combination of a high-brightness indium anode liquid-metal-jet X-ray source (emitting a 24 keV line), pencil-beam-forming X-ray optics, an ED detector and molybdenum NPs. Experiments on phantoms and simulations showed that the arrangement allowed 100 μm detail imaging at dose and exposure times compatible with small-animal experiments. The authors proposed that the method provided a possible path to in vivo molecular X-ray imaging at sub-100 μm resolution. The shape of CdSe nanorods was examined by Meyns et al.407 revealing hexagonal pyramids in a hot-injection synthesis under the influence of halogenated additives in the form of organic chlorine, bromine and iodine compounds. Synchrotron XPS measurements and TXRF results showed that the shape was accompanied by a modification in the chemical composition of the ligand sphere. The authors claimed that their results presented a new degree of freedom in NP shape control and highlighted the role of additives in NP synthesis and their possible in situ formation of ligands. Fernandez-Ruiz et al.408 applied TXRF spectrometry to the evaluation of bioaccumulation kinetics of gold nanorods (NR) in vital mammalian organs. The authors emphasised that their work presented the first application of TXRF spectrometry to the evaluation of the bioaccumulation kinetics of gold NRs in various tissues upon intravenous administration in mice. The detection limit was found to be 112 ng g−1. The gold NR bioaccumulation kinetics were analysed in several vital mammalian organs such as liver, spleen, brain and lung at different times. Additionally, urine samples were analysed to study the kinetics of elimination of the gold NRs by this excretion route. The authors reported that gold NRs were quickly bioaccumulated by highly vascular filtration organs such as liver and spleen, whereas gold NRs did not show a bioaccumulation in brain and lung for the period of time investigated. In addition, urine also showed no gold NR accumulation. The authors concluded that TXRF spectrometry proved to be a powerful, versatile, and precise analytical technique for the evaluation of gold NR content in biological systems and, in a more general way, for any kind of metallic NP. Rashkow et al.409 compared SRXRF spectrometry with ICP-MS for quantification of NPs and distribution in single-cell populations. The SRXRF microscopy technique was employed to quantify and characterise the distribution of titanium dioxide nanosphere uptake in a population of single cells. These results were compared with the average NP concentrations per cell obtained by ICP-MS. The results showed that NP concentrations per cell quantified by SRXRF spectrometry were one to two orders of magnitude greater compared with ICP-MS. The authors drew attention to the limitation of methods available to determine physical parameters from large population averages leading to potentially misleading information and the lack of any information about the cellular heterogeneity. Choi et al.410 estimated cellular SiO2 NPs using flow cytometry combined with XRF measurements. In order to improve the understanding of the quantitative aspects of cell–NP interactions, flow cytometry, TEM and XRF experiments were carefully performed for the HeLa cells exposed to silica NPs with different core diameters, hydrodynamic sizes, and surface charges. A semi-quantitative method was proposed and applied for the determination of cellular silica NPs within their size-dependent linear ranges.
In addition to NPs, nanomaterials such as graphene were the topic of several publications. Using μ-AS and XRF mapping, Bozzini et al.411 investigated the electrodeposition of Co/CoO NPs onto graphene for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) electrocatalysis. The authors combined spectroscopic methods with electrochemical measurements, allowing a molecular-level understanding of potentiostatic and pulsed-potential plating processes from the organic solvent onto a freestanding graphene film. The compositional and chemical-state distribution of Co were investigated ex situ by soft XAS and XRF mapping, showing that both spatial distribution and valence state were homogeneous and independent of the local current density. The pulsed deposit consisted of Co/CoO NPs with diameter of ca. 30 nm and the potentiostatic deposit of NPs with 200 nm diameter, with the latter offering better ORR performance. Nanomaterials have been successfully used for preconcentration by Kocot and Sitko.412 They used graphene nanosheets in dispersive micro solid-phase extraction (DMSPE) as a preconcentration method for trace and ultratrace determination of heavy metal ions by EDXRF spectrometry. The adsorptive properties of graphene nanosheets were used for simultaneous preconcentration of Co, Cu, Ni and Pb ions from water samples. Only 200 μL of suspension containing graphene, ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (APDC) and Triton-X-100 was rapidly injected into a water sample. Then, graphene nanosheets with adsorbed metal–APDC chelates were collected on a membrane filter and measured by EDXRF spectrometry. Various parameters including pH, amount of APDC, sample volume, amount of Triton-X-100 and sorption time were optimised in order to obtain the best recoveries. The experiment showed that Co, Cu, Ni and Pb could be simultaneously preconcentrated at pH of 5 with recoveries of >96% and with very good precision (RSD about 3%). Due to the excellent enrichment factors ranging from 400 to 2500 the proposed DMSPE-EDXRF procedure offered low detection limits in the range of 0.08 ng mL−1.
Though a confocal μ-XRF instrument is not commercially available, several publications concluded that confocal XRF was a suitable method to characterise layered material. Cordes et al.413 reported the use of laboratory-based X-ray techniques for the non-destructive elemental quantification of polymer-embedded thin films. The authors explained that characterising highly uniform coatings for their thickness, elemental composition and uniformity could be difficult when the layers were subsurface and need to be interrogated non-destructively. Confocal μ-XRF and nano-CT were successfully coupled for these measurements in order to meet these sensitivity and spatial resolution specifications necessary for characterising thin films. Elemental composition, atomic percent, placement and uniformity could be measured in 3D. As the spatial resolution of confocal XRF is limited by the use of the second polycapillary lens between sample and detector, which is in the μm range, nano-CT had to be used to image the layers at very high spatial resolution (down to 50 nm) to measure precisely the embedded layer thickness. These two techniques must be used together if both the thickness and atomic density of a layer are unknown. The authors demonstrated the possibility to measure both the atomic percent of an embedded thin film layer and confirm its manufacturing quality. As a proof of principle, a 1.5 atomic percent, 2 μm thick germanium layer embedded within polymer capsules, used for laser plasma experiments at the Omega Laser Facility and National Ignition Facility, were successfully measured. Sun et al.414 applied confocal μ-XRF spectrometry to the investigation of paint layers. Multilayered paint fragments of a car were analysed non-destructively to demonstrate that this confocal μ-XRF instrument could be used in the discrimination of the various layers in multilayer paint systems. Wrobel et al.415 performed depth profiling of element concentrations in stratified materials by confocal μ-XRF spectrometry with polychromatic excitation. The authors extended a method, well established for monochromatic radiation, to polychromatic radiation by effective energy approximation. The reduction of the whole incident spectrum energy distribution into one effective value eliminated the necessity for integration over the primary beam energy range for a number of basic parameters. This simplification was claimed to be attainable without loss of accuracy in the analysis, which seems to be a surprise. The proposed approach was validated by applying it to the reconstruction of element concentration depth profiles of stratified standard samples measured with a table-top confocal μ-XRF setup. By comparing the obtained results from two independent algorithms, showing good agreement. Peng et al.416 reported the in situ element-resolved determination of the uniformity of thickness in a multilayer film by confocal μ-XRF spectrometry. The relative error of measuring an iron film with a thickness of 16.3 μm and a copper film with a thickness of 24.5 μm were 7.3% and 0.4%, respectively.
Thin films as sample supports were used by Kanrar et al.417 to improve detection limits in EDXRF spectrometry. The authors compared the results obtained with thin specimens deposited on thin transparent adhesive tape supports with those obtained by TXRF spectrometry. The detection limits was improved to 1050 pg for Cr and 320 pg for Y, compared with TXRF data of 320 pg and 168 pg, respectively.
Abe et al.421 reported the detection of U and chemical state analysis of individual radioactive microparticles emitted from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident using multiple SR X-ray analysis techniques. Micro-SRXRF spectrometry revealed the detailed chemical nature of radioactive aerosol micro-particles, resulting in better understanding of what occurred in the plant during the early stages of the accident. Three spherical particles containing radioactive Cs were found in aerosol samples collected in Tsukuba, 172 km southwest of the FDNPP. The following elements were detected in all three particles: Ba. Cs, Fe, Mo, Rb, Sb, Sn, Te, Zn, Zr, and in addition, U was found for the first time in two of the particles. Uranium L-edge XANES further confirmed that U fuel and its fission products were contained in these particles along with radioactive Cs. The authors claimed these results strongly suggested that the FDNPP was damaged sufficiently to emit uranium fuel and fission products outside the containment vessel as aerosol particles. Micro-XANES spectra of Fe, Mo, Sn and Zn K edges for the individual particles revealed that they were present in their higher oxidation states, i.e., Fe3+, Zn2+, Mo6+, and Sn4+ in the glass matrix, confirmed by μ-SRXRD measurements. The authors concluded that these radioactive materials in a glassy state might remain in the environment longer than those emitted as water-soluble radioactive Cs aerosol particles. Sun et al.422 used SRXRF spectrometry and XANES to study the distribution and chemical speciation of Pb during corn seed germination concluding that these techniques were especially suitable for in situ non-destructive trace element analysis of biological samples. Thus XANES was used to analyse the chemical speciation of Pb in different parts of corn seed to understand the absorption and transformation mechanism of Pb by corn seeds. The results showed that the germination rate, bud length and root length decreased with the increasing contents of Pb. In addition, the inhibition effect on root growth was greater. The results of SRXRF analysis showed that Pb was mainly enriched in episperm and embryo, which would inhibit embryonic development into bud and root. Moreover, the results showed that all samples including root, shoot and the different parts of the seed had the same Pb speciation. The linear combination fitting results indicated that the lead phosphate chloride and lead stearate accounted for 74.3% and 24.2% respectively, suggesting that the main Pb speciation in corn was lead phosphate chloride deposited inside the corn. Polysulfide speciation and reactivity in chromate-contaminated soil was investigated by Chrysochoou and Johnston.423 Calcium polysulfide (CPS) was observed to maintain a reducing capacity for prolonged time periods when used to treat CrVI-contaminated soils. The study utilised bulk and μ-XANES to investigate S speciation in soil samples treated with CPS and to determine the source of the reducing potential. Bulk XANES spectra indicated the presence of two dominant S species: elemental S, which was the product of the sulfide-chromate redox reaction, and thiosulfate. Micro-XANES analysis confirmed these findings and showed that elemental S precipitated as large particles, while thiosulfate was diffused within the soil grains and thus available to react with chromate that leached from slowly dissolving PbCrO4. Micro-XRF analyses indicated a close association of Pb and thiosulfate, so that PbS2O3 was a sink for thiosulfate, accounting for up to 20% of the total S added. The authors hypothesised that ferrous iron production was an additional mechanism to maintain reductive conditions in CPS-treated soils. Price et al.424 reported chemical imaging of single catalyst particles with scanning μ-XANES-CT and μ-XRF-CT. The physicochemical state of a catalyst was supposed to be a key factor in determining both activity and selectivity; however these materials were often not structurally or compositionally homogeneous. The authors presented 3D imaging of an industrial catalyst, molybdenum-promoted colloidal platinum supported on carbon. The distribution of both the active Pt species and Mo promoter were mapped over a single particle of catalyst using μ-XRF-CT. The use of XANES and EXAFS revealed a mixed local coordination environment, including the presence of both metallic Pt clusters and Pt chloride species, but also no direct interaction between the catalyst and Mo promoter. The authors also emphasised the benefits of scanning μ-XANES-CT for chemical imaging, allowing for 2D and 3D mapping of the local electronic and geometric environment, in this instance for both the Pt catalyst and Mo promoter throughout the catalyst particle.
The measurement of shifts in K X-ray peak energies of potassium and calcium in different compounds using EDXRF spectrometry was reported by Kaur and Mittal.425 The set-up consisted of a low-power X-ray tube photon source and Si(PIN) X-ray detector. A statistical procedure had been applied to determine the shifts and a t-test to find the statistical significance of the results. The shifts were determined in several potassium and calcium compounds using KNO3 and CaO as reference and correlated with differences in electro-negativity, number of ligands, structural changes, type of bonding, axial distances, etc. in the compounds. The authors claimed that the shifts in potassium compounds have been evaluated for the first time while the same for calcium compounds almost agreed with literature data, which is surprisingly good.
Electrodeposition was highlighted by Li et al.426 as a simple and efficient preconcentration method for the determination of traces of SeIV and Te IV. The presence of PbII improved the efficiency and reproducibility of the deposition of SeIV on a polished substrate of high purity copper. The detection limits for the measurement of SeIV and Te IV were 0.44 and 0.57 μg L−1, respectively. The authors claimed that the method was validated by analysing CRMs and applied successfully to the determination of trace Se and Te in environmental water samples, but they did not report on recovery and selectivity as well as the species of the CRM.
2D/3D | Two dimensional/three dimensional |
AAS | Atomic absorption spectrometry |
AD | Anno domini |
ADR | Adiabatic demagnetisation refrigerator |
AFS | Atomic fluorescence spectrometry |
APDC | Ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate |
APS | Advanced photon source |
ASIC | Application-specific integrated circuit |
ASU | Atomic Spectrometry Update |
BAM | Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing |
BC | Before Christ |
BDE | Brominated diphenyl ether |
BFR | Brominated flame retardants |
BP | Before present |
CAP | Coated agglomerate pelletisation |
CCD | Charge coupled detector |
CdTe | Cadmium telluride |
CERN | European Organisation for Nuclear Research |
CPS | Calcium polysulfide |
CRM | Certified reference material |
CSA | Charge sharing addition |
CSD | Charge sharing discrimination |
CT | Computed tomography |
CV-AAS | Cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry |
CZT | Cadmium zinc telluride |
DCC | Doubly curved crystal |
DEPFET | Depleted P-channel field effect transistor |
DMSPE | Dispersive micro solid-phase extraction |
DNA | Deoxyribonucleic acid |
DSC | Differential scanning calorimetry |
E-CAT | Equilibrium catalyst |
ED | Energy dispersive |
EDX | Energy dispersive X-ray analysis |
ED-SEM | Energy dispersive scanning electron microscopy |
EDXRD | Energy dispersive X-ray diffraction |
EDXRF | Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence |
EPMA | Electron probe microanalysis |
ESRF | European Synchrotron Radiation Facility |
EU | European Union |
EXAFS | Extended X-ray absorption fine structure |
FAAS | Flame atomic absorption spectrometry |
FDNPP | Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant |
FET | Field-effect-transistor |
FP | Fundamental parameter |
FTIR | Fourier transform infrared |
FWHM | Full width at half maximum |
GA | Genetic algorithm |
GC-MS | Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry |
GE-XRF | Grazing exit X-ray fluorescence |
GI | Grazing incidence |
GI-SAXS | Grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering |
GI-XRD | Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction |
GI-XRF | Grazing incidence X-ray fluorescence |
GPS | Global positioning system |
HLB | Huanglongbing |
HPGe | High purity germanium |
HRFD-XAS | High-resolution fluorescence-detected X-ray absorption spectroscopy |
HR-XRD | High resolution X-ray diffraction |
HX | Hydrogen halide |
ICP | Inductively coupled plasma |
ICP-OES | Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry |
ICP-MS | Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry |
ICP-QMS | Inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass spectrometry |
ICT | Information and communications technology |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
INAA | Instrumental neutron activation analysis |
IR | Infrared |
ISN | In situ nanoprobe |
ISO | International Organisation for Standardisation |
ITD | Intertubular dentin |
LA-ICP-MS | Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry |
LIBS | Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy |
LOD | Limit of detection |
LOQ | Limit of quantification |
LPG | Liquefied petroleum gas |
MALDI | Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation |
MC | Monte Carlo |
MIXS | Mercury imaging X-ray spectrometer |
NAA | Neutron activation analysis |
NEXAFS | Near edge X-ray absorption fine structure |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NP | Nanoparticle |
NR | Nanorod |
nTACCo | Nano tomography-assisted chemical correlation |
ORR | Oxygen reduction reaction |
PC | Principal component |
PCA | Principal component analysis |
PCR | Principal component regression |
PCR-WDXRF | Principal component regression wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence |
PET | Pentaerythritol |
PGE | Platinum group element |
PIXE | Particle-induced X-ray emission |
PLGA | Poly-lactide-co-glycolide |
PLGA-IO-NP | Poly-lactide-co-glycolide iron oxide nanoparticle |
PLS | Partial least squares |
PTB | Physikalisch-technische Bundesanstalt |
PTD | Peritubular dentin |
QC | Quality control |
R&D | Research and development |
ROI | Region of interest |
RE | Rare earth |
REE | Rare earth elements |
RM | Reference material |
RSD | Relative standard deviation |
SAXS | Small angle X-ray scattering |
SCD | Swept charge device |
SDD | Silicon drift detector |
SE | Superficial enamel |
SEM | Scanning electron microscopy |
SEM-EDS | Scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry |
SIMS | Secondary ion mass spectrometry |
Si(PIN) | Silicon PIN detector device |
S/B | Signal-to-background ratio |
S/N | Signal-to-noise ratio |
SOFC | Solid oxide fuel cells |
SRM | Standard reference material |
SR | Synchrotron radiation |
SR-FTIR | Synchrotron radiation fourier transform infrared |
SR-TXRF | Synchrotron radiation-total reflection X-ray fluorescence |
SRXRD | Synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction |
SRXRF | Synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence |
SRXRF-CT | Synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence computed tomography |
SSRL | Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource |
STEM | Scanning transmission electron microscope |
STJ | Superconducting tunnel junction |
SVM | Support vector machine |
SW | Southwest |
TC | Technical committee |
TEM | Transmission electron microscope |
TG | Thermogravimetric |
TGA | Thermogravimetric analysis |
TLC | Thin layer chromatography |
TMF | Tailing Management Facility |
TOF-SIMS | Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry |
TU | Technical University |
TXRF | Total reflection X-ray fluorescence |
UK | United Kingdom |
US | United States |
USA | United States of America |
UTW | Ultra thin polymer window |
UV | Ultraviolet |
UV-VIS-IR | Ultraviolet-visible-infrared spectroscopy |
VIS | Visible spectroscopy |
VTC-XANES | Valence-to-core X-ray absorption near edge structure |
VTC-XES | Valence-to-core X-ray emission spectroscopy |
WD | Wavelength dispersive |
WDXRF | Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence |
WEEE | Waste electrical and electronic equipment |
XAFS | X-ray absorption fine structure |
XANES | X-ray absorption near edge structure |
XANES-CT | X-ray absorption near edge structure computed tomography |
XAS | X-ray absorption spectroscopy |
XES | X-ray emission spectroscopy |
XPS | X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy |
XRD | X-ray diffraction |
XRF | X-ray fluorescence |
XRF-CT | X-ray fluorescence computed tomography |
XRR | X-ray reflectometry |
XSW | X-ray standing waves |
YSZ | Yttria-stabilised zirconia |
Z | Atomic number |
Footnote |
† Review coordinator. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |