Joby Sebastianab and
Srinivas Darbha*ab
aCatalysis Division, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune 411 008, India. E-mail:; Fax: +91 20 2590 2633; Tel: +91 20 2590 2018
bAcademy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), New Delhi 110 001, India
First published on 4th February 2015
The application of Co–Zn double-metal cyanide (DMC) complexes as catalysts for selective terpolymerization of propylene oxide, cyclohexene oxide and CO2 producing polycarbonates is reported for the first time. DMC complexes were prepared with and without using a co-complexing agent. The catalyst with monoclinic/rhombohedral crystal structure and strong Lewis acidity, prepared without using a co-complexing agent showed higher initial activity than that with a cubic structure prepared using a co-complexing agent. Interestingly, no induction period in the terpolymerization reaction was observed. The terpolymer has 75.5 mol% of carbonate fraction in its composition and an average molecular weight of 22700 and polydispersity index of 2.97. It is characterized by a Tg of 55 °C. This structure-induced catalytic activity of DMC can open up new avenues for its applications in other reactions. The influence of process parameters on the catalytic activity of DMC was investigated.
DMC-II was prepared in the absence of a co-complexing agent (PEG-4000).7 In a typical preparation, solution 1 was prepared by dissolving 4 g of K3[Co(CN)6] in 70 ml of deionized water and solution 2 was made by dissolving 12.5 g of ZnCl2 in 20 ml of deionized water. Solution 3 was a mixture of tert-butanol (50 ml) and water (50 ml), and solution 4 was 1 ml of tert-butanol in 100 ml of deionized water. Then, solution 2 was added to solution 1 maintained at 50 °C over a period of 1 h. To this, solution 3 was added immediately and stirred for 10 min. Solution 4 was then added to the above slurry and kept for aging at 50 °C for 1 h while stirring was continued. The solid cake was then filtered and suspended in a mixture of tert-butanol (70 ml) and deionized water (30 ml). It was stirred for 10 min at 50 °C and filtered. The solid was then suspended in pure tert-butanol (100 ml), stirred for 10 min at 50 °C and filtered. The catalyst was dried at 25 °C for 2 to 3 days to a constant weight. Specific surface area of DMC-II was 235 m2 g−1; total pore volume = 0.243 ml g−1 and average pore diameter = 2.1 nm.
FCO2 in PPC was calculated by integrating the peaks at 5.1 and 4.2 ppm (CH2/CH attached to carbonate units), 3.5 ppm (CH2/CH attached to ether linkages) and 4.5 ppm (CH2/CH of cyclic propylene carbonate) (ESI†) using the formula reported by Chen et al.9
The weight percentage (WPC) of cyclic propylene carbonate (side product) in the crude polymer was calculated using the formula:
Microstructural analysis of PCHC, PPC and terpolymer in terms of tacticity was analyzed by inverse-gated 13C NMR spectrum recorded on a 500 MHz Bruker Avance spectrometer using CDCl3 as solvent (ESI†). Differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) analyses of the polymer samples were done on a DSC Q100TA instrument in the temperature region of −80 to 145 °C with a ramp rate of 10 °C min−1. Thermogravimetric analyses of the samples were recorded on a Perkin Elmer STA 6000 instrument in the temperature range of 25 to 500 °C with a ramp rate of 10 °C min−1 (ESI†).
The average molecular weight (Mw) and polydispersity index (PDI) of polycarbonates were determined on a PL 220 HT gel permeation chromatography equipped with Styragel columns at 25 °C using chloroform as eluent. The sample concentration was 3 mg ml−1. The columns were calibrated with monodispersed polystyrene standards of different molecular weights.
Fig. 1 PXRD patterns of (a) DMC-I and (b) DMC-II. Peaks marked with ∇ correspond to rhombohedral phase and those with ◊ stand for a monoclinic phase. |
Raman spectroscopy too confirmed the presence of two crystalline phases in DMC-II showing splitting in CN− stretching band (2200, 2220, 2210 and 2226 cm−1) (Fig. 2, trace b). While the first two bands are assigned to the monoclinic phase, the latter are corresponded to the rhombohedral phase. DMC-I with cubic structure showed these stretching bands at 2184 and 2205 cm−1 (Fig. 2, trace a). Differences in band positions point out differences in the structure and bonding of bridging cyanide groups. Increase in stretching frequency corresponds to increase in the amount of electron donation from cyanide to metal ions. Thus, the appearance of cyanide bands at higher frequency in the case of DMC-II than in DMC-I suggest higher amount of electron transfer from CN− to Co3+ in the case of the former than in the latter complex.
tert-Butanol (complexing agent) was included in the DMC structure. Confirmation towards this was obtained from FTIR spectroscopy which showed characteristic bands at 2955 and 1465 cm−1 due to CH stretching and scissoring vibrations, 1370 cm−1 due to OH bending and 1190 cm−1 due to C–O stretching vibrations, and from the elemental analysis (ESI†). Crystals of DMC-I and DMC-II differ in their morphology (Fig. 3). While DMC-I possess mainly octahedron shaped crystals, DMC-II has agglomerated crystals of no definite shape.
DRIFT spectroscopy of adsorbed pyridine revealed that Co–Zn DMC is Lewis acidic (ESI†). DMC prepared without using a co-complexing agent (DMC-II) has higher overall acidity of 2.27 mmol g−1 than the complex prepared by using a co-complexing agent (1.79 mmol g−1) (ESI†). DMC-II has a Zn/Co molar ratio of 2.8 which is higher than the theoretical prediction of 1.5 corresponding to a molecular formula of Zn3[Co(CN)6]2. The sample contained also K+ (2 at%) and Cl− (11.3 at%) ions in its composition. Based on the chemical composition determined from energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), the molecular formula of DMC-II is described as Zn3[Co(CN)6]2·mZnCl2·xH2O.12 DMC-I has a Zn–Co molar ratio of 1.6 and K+ of 0.19 at% and Cl− of 0.17 at%. All these characterization studies thus reveal that the method of synthesis has an influence on the structure DMC catalysts.
Fig. 4 1H NMR spectra of PO–CHO–CO2 terpolymer and PPC + PCHC physical blend synthesised over DMC-II. |
Formation of a terpolymer was further confirmed by DSC analysis. The terpolymer exhibited a single Tg at 58 °C (while using DMC-I) and 55 °C (while using DMC-II) which is in between that of PPC (−11 °C) and PCHC (96.6 °C). Inclusion of PCHC units in PPC increases Tg of the terpolymer (Fig. 5). Lower Tg values of the products than expected for 100% pure PPC (30–40 °C) and PCHC (100–120 °C) are due to the presence of some ether (PEP) linkages in the prepared polymers. Also, differences were observed in the thermal properties of terpolymer and PPC & PCHC co-polymers. Thermo-gravimetric analysis of the terpolymer showed two weight losses at 207.2 °C (6.2 wt%) and 292 °C (93.8 wt%). On contrary, PCHC showed these losses at 200.5 °C (9.4 wt%) and 286 °C (90.6 wt%) and PPC at 263 °C (62 wt%) and 338 °C (38 wt%), respectively (ESI†). PCHC showed a broad PXRD peak at 2θ = 17.7° while terpolymer exhibited this peak at 18.8°, suggesting differences in polymer configuration (ESI†). PCHC copolymer has block-like morphology while the terpolymer has sheet-like morphology (ESI†).
PPC showed inverse-gated 13C NMR signals (Fig. 6) at 153.69–154.01, 154.2–154.66 and 154.87 ppm corresponding to head–head (HH), head–tail (HT) and tail–tail (TT) tacticity.13 PCHC showed signals at 153.14–153.28 ppm due to syndiotactic isomers (the r-centred tetrads; rrr/rrm/mrm) and 153.8–154.23 ppm corresponding to isotatic isomers (m-centred tetrads; mmm/mmr/rmr).14 The terpolymer showed an additional signal at 153.55 ppm confirming regioselective connectivity of CHO and PO around the carbonate unit which was absent for the individual copolymers and their physical mixture (PPC + PCHC; Fig. 6).15
Fig. 6 Inverse-gated 13C NMR spectra (in the carbonate region) of polycarbonates: (a) PPC, (b) PCHC, (c) PPC + PCHC and (d) terpolymer. |
Percentage incorporation of CO2 in the terpolymer was estimated by integrating the 1H NMR signals of CH2/CH associated with the carbonate (4.99, 4.85, 4.66 and 4.20 ppm) and ether (3.57 ppm) linkages (Fig. 4 and ESI†); 77.3 and 75.5 mol% (with DMC-I and DMC-II, respectively) of CH2/CH groups were involved in carbonate linkages. In other words, CO2 incorporation in the terpolymer was 75.5–77.3 mol% and balance was polyether polyol. The relative area of the signal at 4.66 ppm (arising from PCHC) with reference of the total area of signals at 4.99, 4.85 and 4.20 ppm (arising from PPC; 53/47 mol%/mol% for DMC-II; Fig. 4) points out that the epoxides (PO and CHO taken in 1:1 molar ratio) were alternatively arranged across the carbonate units in the terpolymer. The percentage distribution of ether fraction from each monomer (PO and CHO) could not be differentiated as the NMR signals corresponding to them appeared at the same position (3.57 ppm; Fig. 4). However, from the intensities of –CH3 (PPC) and –CH (PCHC) peaks near to the ether linkage, we found that the major contribution to the total polyether polyol is from PPC (ESI†). This conclusion is supported by the high thermodynamic favourability of homopolymerization of PO.1 Copolymerization of PO and CO2 resulted 42 mol% of polyether polyols fraction in the purified PPC copolymer product while that of PCHC contained only 16 mol%. Some amount of cyclic carbonate (19.4 wt%) had also formed under our experimental conditions (ESI†). But, the purified terpolymer did not contain this component (see absence of 1H NMR signals at 4.85 (m), 4.56 (t), 4.05 (t) and 1.5 (d) ppm, Fig. 4).
Fig. 7 shows the reactivity of DMC-I and DMC-II catalysts in terms of CO2 pressure drop in the reactor as a function of time. Often the known catalysts for polyether–polycarbonate synthesis (through copolymerization) show an induction period in the polymerization reaction.16 As seen from Fig. 7, this is the case also with DMC-I catalyst. Unlike DMC-I (prepared using co-complexing agent), DMC-II, (prepared by a modified synthetic procedure without using a co-complexing agent) is unique. Surprisingly, DMC-II showed no induction period. Terpolymerization initiated at the zero hour itself. We varied the amount of catalyst from 80 to 226 mg and found that the amount of catalyst has no effect on the induction period in terpolymerizations over DMC-II (ESI†). DMC-I exhibited an induction period of 2.5 h in the polymerization reaction (Fig. 7). Further it required 4.5 h after the induction period (instead of 1 h) to attain similar conversions of CO2 as that of DMC-II. The weight average molecular weight (Mw) of terpolymer produced at the end of 11 h run was higher (46900) over DMC-I than on DMC-II (22700), but PDI which is equally important determining the properties of the polymer is lower (2.97) over DMC-II than on DMC-I (4.89). This unprecedented superior activity of DMC-II of this work (higher initial catalytic activity, no induction period & lower PDI) than DMC-I is correlated to its structural properties. Unlike most of DMCs which are cubic as of DMC-I, the catalyst DMC-II of this study has low-symmetry monoclinic/rhombohedral structure. EDX showed excess amount of Zn2+ and retention of Cl− and K+ ions in the catalyst composition of DMC-II. This excess Zn exists as ZnCl2 in the DMC-II structure. Hence, DMC-II catalyst of this study is a double-salt with a molecular formulae of Zn3[Co(CN)6]2·mZnCl2·xH2O. Since Cl− is electron withdrawing, coordination of it to Zn2+ is expected to increase the strength of Lewis acidity which eventually enhances the activity of Zn2+ sites and their interaction with epoxides and CO2. This enhanced activity of Zn2+ sites ultimately avoided the induction period of DMC-II catalyst prepared without using a co-complexing agent.
As DMC-II with monoclinic/rhombohedral structure is superior to DMC-I in its catalytic activity, further studies were undertaken with DMC-II catalyst. Table 1 lists the effects of reaction parameters on the catalytic activity of DMC-II. Marked effects on the yield (methanol insoluble-high molecular weight fraction of terpolymer), percentage CO2 incorporation (FCO2), PPC/PCHC distribution, Mw and PDI could be noted.
Reaction parameter | Isolated yield of polymer (g) | Yield of terpolymer (MeOH insoluble portion; g) | % incorporation of CO2 (FCO2; mol%) | PC (wt%) | Mw | PDI | ||
Total | PPC | PCHC | ||||||
a Reaction conditions: (for a) CHO = 5.6 g, PO = 3.5 g, CHO:PO molar ratio = 1:1, catalyst = 0.226 g, toluene = 8.7 g, pCO2 = 30 bar, reaction time = 11 h, reaction temperature = 75–95 °C; (for b) same as for a except reaction temperature = 85 °C and pCO2 = 10–30 bar; (for c) same as for a except, reaction temperature = 85 °C and catalyst = 0.083–0.226 g; (for d) same as for a except reaction temperature = 85 °C and reaction time = 1 or 11 h; (for e) same as for a except reaction temperature = 85 °C, % PO = [PO/(PO + CHO)] × 100 and catalyst = 2.5 wt% with respect to the amount of highest monomer. | ||||||||
Reaction temperaturea (°C) | ||||||||
75 | 11.8 | 8.8 | 83.8 | 55.9 | 44.1 | 19.1 | 29000 | 3.16 |
85 | 11.7 | 7.4 | 75.5 | 53.0 | 47.0 | 19.4 | 22700 | 2.97 |
95 | 11.4 | 4.1 | 72.3 | 53.5 | 46.5 | 20.9 | 20500 | 2.43 |
CO2 pressureb (bar) | ||||||||
10 | 10.0 | 1.2 | 60.1 | 52.7 | 47.3 | 13.5 | 14700 | 2.48 |
20 | 11.5 | 4.8 | 65.7 | 45.1 | 54.9 | 20.1 | 20800 | 2.81 |
30 | 11.7 | 7.4 | 75.5 | 53.0 | 47.0 | 19.4 | 22700 | 2.97 |
Catalyst quantityc (g) | ||||||||
0.226 | 11.7 | 7.4 | 75.5 | 53.0 | 47.0 | 19.4 | 22700 | 2.97 |
0.113 | 11.8 | 6.4 | 80.2 | 55.5 | 44.5 | 17.9 | 22300 | 2.58 |
0.083 | 12.7 | 6.6 | 85.0 | 58.1 | 41.9 | 20.1 | 23200 | 2.83 |
Reaction timed (h) | ||||||||
1 | 9.5 | 1.5 | 60.8 | 52.0 | 48.0 | 20.6 | 13600 | 2.77 |
11 | 11.7 | 7.4 | 75.5 | 53.0 | 47.0 | 19.4 | 22700 | 2.97 |
% mole fraction of POe | ||||||||
100 | 9.2 | 1.4 | 58.4 | 100.0 | 0.0 | 27.0 | 15800 | 3.13 |
80 | 10.0 | 2.0 | 78.1 | 79.4 | 20.5 | 31.1 | 27000 | 2.59 |
66 | 10.7 | 3.9 | 70.9 | 64.5 | 35.5 | 30.7 | 20000 | 2.31 |
57 | 11.3 | 5.2 | 81.4 | 59.8 | 40.2 | 27.6 | 23600 | 2.39 |
50 | 11.7 | 7.4 | 75.5 | 53.0 | 47.0 | 19.4 | 22700 | 2.97 |
43 | 10.7 | 6.5 | 77.3 | 45.0 | 54.9 | 17.9 | 14100 | 2.07 |
33 | 12.4 | 10.1 | 82.0 | 38.9 | 61.0 | 12.7 | 22700 | 2.56 |
20 | 12.7 | 10.2 | 77.0 | 25.7 | 74.2 | 11.7 | 15800 | 2.94 |
0 | 11.9 | 7.5 | 83.8 | 0.0 | 100.0 | 0.0 | 11800 | 2.30 |
Reaction temperature of 85 °C, 30 bar CO2 pressure and PO:CHO molar ratio of 1:1 were found optimum conditions for high yield of terpolymer with high Mw and PPC/PCHC composition of near unity. Reaction took place with no induction period at those conditions. The catalyst was reusable. Upon use the catalyst broke down to smaller particles and decrease in average crystallite size of DMC-II (44 to 20.7 nm) was found (see PXRD of spent catalyst; ESI†). But the rhombohedral/monoclinic structure of pristine catalyst was preserved even after reuse. Copolymerizations of CHO and CO2 were conducted in presence of related DMC catalysts prepared using K4Fe(CN)6 and K3Fe(CN)6 instead of K3Co(CN)6 (30 bar CO2, 85 °C and 11 h). Reaction didn't occur to a notable extent with these Fe–Zn DMC catalysts. Copolymer yields of 0.213 and 0.148 g were obtained using Fe–Zn DMC catalysts while the analogous Co–Zn DMC (i.e., DMC-II) enabled a polymer yield of 11.9 g at the same reaction conditions. Fe–Zn DMC showed two NH3-TPD peaks at 150 and 188 °C corresponding desorptions from weak and strong acid sites.17 These desorptions for DMC-II occurred at 161 and 192 °C (ESI†). Further, the content of strong acid sites was higher in DMC-II than in Fe–Zn DMC. These differences in strength and density of acid sites are responsible for the higher catalytic performance of DMC-II compared to the related systems.
Fig. 9 shows a tentative mechanism for terpolymerization over DMC-II catalyst. In the initiation step, CO2 is activated at tetra-coordinated, Lewis acidic Zn2+ active centers by coordination through its oxygen atom and converting to a monodentate carbonate species. In the next step, PO is activated at the same Zn2+ site. The activated CO2 facilitates ring-opening followed by its insertion in the epoxide (PO) forming an alkylene carbonate linkage. Subsequent insertion of another CO2 molecule and CHO results in the formation of a terpolymer repeating unit. Alternative addition of these monomers in the propagation step result the desired polymer chain. Water (added externally or present in trace quantities in the feed) is responsible for chain termination and active site regeneration. Formation of undesired cyclic carbonate (PC) by backbiting reaction can occur either from a dead polymer or from a growing polymer. Alkali metals are expected to accelerate the backbiting in dead polymer by ionising the terminal –OH functionalities of carbonate and alcohol groups. Simultaneous addition of PO or CHO or both lead to ether linkages in the polymer.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: FTIR and DRIFT spectra and NH3-TPD profiles of DMC catalyst and NMR assignments, PXRD, TG and SEM of the polymer product. See DOI: 10.1039/c5ra00299k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |