Acceptorless dehydrogenative lactonization of diols by Pt-loaded SnO2 catalysts

Abeda Sultana Touchya and Ken-ichi Shimizu*ab
aCatalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University, N-21, W-10, Sapporo 001-0021, Japan. E-mail:; Fax: +81-11-706-9163
bElements Strategy Initiative for Catalysts and Batteries, Kyoto University, Katsura, Kyoto 615-8520, Japan

Received 24th February 2015 , Accepted 18th March 2015

First published on 18th March 2015


We report herein a new heterogeneous catalytic system for dehydrogenative lactonization of various diols under solvent-free and acceptor-free conditions using 1 mol% of Pt-loaded SnO2, providing the first successful example of acceptorless lactonization of 1,6-hexanediol to ε-caprolactone by a heterogeneous catalyst.

Lactones are important compounds in organic synthesis and industrial production of solvents, flavors, and pharmaceutical compounds. Dehydrogenative1–8 and oxidative9–20 lactonizations of diols are potentially useful methods for the synthesis of lactones. A number of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic systems have been reported to be effective for the oxidative lactonization of diols by oxidants, such as carbonyl compounds,9–14 oxygen15–19 and hydrogen peroxide.20 In view of atom-efficiency, a more preferable methodology is lactonization of diols in the absence of an oxidant (acceptor) via an acceptorless dehydrogenative coupling strategy.21 Homogeneous Ru1,2,4 and Ir3,5 catalysts were reported to be effective for this reaction, but these systems suffer from difficulties in catalyst/product separation and catalyst reuse except for a Ir-catalyzed system recently reported by Fujita et al.5 Although heterogeneous Cu catalysts are effective for the gas phase dehydrogenative lactonization of 1,4-butanediol,6,7 these systems suffer from limited scope. An exceptional example of the heterogeneous catalytic system for acceptorless lactonization of various diols is reported by Kaneda et al.8 using 7.1 mol% of Cu-loaded hydrotalcite. During our continuing studies in heterogeneous Pt catalysts for acceptorless dehydrogenation of alcohols,22 dehydrogenative coupling of o-aminobenzamide with alcohols23 and acceptorless self-coupling of primary alcohols to esters,24 we found a new heterogeneous catalyst for the acceptorless lactonization; the solvent-free and acceptor-free lactonization of various diols was effectively catalyzed by 1 mol% of Pt-loaded SnO2 (Pt/SnO2).

As listed in Table 1, we tested lactonization of 1,2-benzenedimethanol 1a under solvent-free conditions in N2 at 180 °C for 36 h as a model reaction using the catalysts containing 1 mol% (0.01 mmol) of transition metals (Pt, Ir, Re, Pd, Rh, Ru, Ag, Ni, Cu, Co). Among various transition metal-loaded SnO2 (entries 1–10), Pt/SnO2 (entry 1) showed the highest yield (90%) of the corresponding lactone, phthalide 2a. GCMS and TLC analyses of the reaction mixture showed no indication of byproducts such as products of intermolecular reactions such as oligomers. The lactonization of 1a did not occur in the presence of 39 mg of SnO2 itself (entry 11). Comparison of various Pt catalysts on different support materials (SnO2, Al2O3, Nb2O5, C, SiO2, TiO2, ZrO2, MgO, HBEA zeolite) shows that SnO2 is the best support material (entries 1, 12–19).

Table 1 Lactonization of 1,2-benzenedimethanol (1a) by various catalysts

image file: c5ra03337c-u1.tif

Entry Catalyst Conv. (%) Yield (%)
a Catalyst amount was 39 mg.
1 Pt/SnO2 100 90
2 Ir/SnO2 15 9
3 Ni/SnO2 15 7
4 Pd/SnO2 10 6
5 Co/SnO2 10 4
6 Rh/SnO2 5 3
7 Cu/SnO2 5 1
8 Ru/SnO2 4 1
9 Re/SnO2 3 1
10 Ag/SnO2 2 0
11a SnO2 0 0
12 Pt/Al2O3 9 3
13 Pt/Nb2O5 7 2
14 Pt/C 6 1
15 Pt/SiO2 2 0
16 Pt/TiO2 2 0
17 Pt/ZrO2 2 0
18 Pt/MgO 5 0
19 Pt/HBEA 2 0

After the reaction with Pt/SnO2 for 5 h, we carried out quantification of the H2 evolved in the gas phase. The yields of gas phase H2 (35%) and the lactone 2a (35%) were identical to each other (eqn (1)), indicating that H2 was evolved quantitatively during the dehydrogenative lactonization. The reaction under N2 flow did not result in higher yield than the yield under the standard closed system.

Table 2 shows the effect of reaction conditions on the catalytic activity of Pt/SnO2 for the standard lactonization of 1a. The reaction under the solvent-free conditions gave higher yield (90%) than the yields (62–80%) in the presence of 1 mL solvents (o-xylene, diglyme, mesitylene, n-dodecane). In the solvent-free condition, the reaction under 1 atm N2 gave higher yield than that under 1 atm O2 (51%). Under O2, the metallic Pt surface can be partly covered with oxygen atoms, which inhibit the activation of the diol and lower the yield. In the solvent-free condition under N2, the reaction at lower temperature (150 °C) resulted in low yield of 2a (55%). Consequently, the standard conditions was found to be the solvent-free conditions under 1 atm N2 at 180 °C for 36 h, which gave full conversion of 1a and 90% yield of 2a. After completion of the reaction, 2-propanol (10 mL) was added to the reaction mixture and catalyst was separated by centrifugation. The catalyst was then washed by acetone three times, followed by centrifugation and drying in oven (under air) at 90 °C for 3 h, followed by H2-reduction at 150 °C for 0.5 h. The recovered catalyst was reused three times, but the yield of 2a gradually decreased with increase in the cycle (Fig. 1). ICP-AES analysis of the solution after the first cycle showed that the content of Pt in the solution (1.6 ppm, 0.02% of Pt in the catalyst used) and that of Sn (3.0 ppm, 0.002% of Sn in the catalyst used) were quite low.

Table 2 Lactonization of 1a by Pt/SnO2a
Solvent Gas Conv. (%) Yield (%)
a Conditions: 1 mol% Pt/SnO2 (0.01 mmol Pt), 1 mmol 1a, 0 or 1 mL solvent, 180 °C, 36 h. Yield was determined by GC.
No solvent N2 100 90
o-Xylene N2 80 72
Diglyme N2 92 80
Mesitylene N2 85 76
n-Dodecane N2 70 62
No solvent O2 67 51
No solvent (150 °C) N2 69 55

image file: c5ra03337c-u2.tif(1)

image file: c5ra03337c-f1.tif
Fig. 1 Reuse of Pt/SnO2 for lactonization of 1a. Conditions are shown in Table 1.

To study the substrate scope of the present catalytic system, the reactions of various diols were conducted (Table 3). Benzylic diols (entries 1–4), linear (entries 5–7) and non-linear (entries 8–11) aliphatic diols were converted to the corresponding lactones in moderate to high yields of 66–90%. GC charts of the reaction mixture for entries 8–10 showed four to five small peaks due to byproducts with high boiling points, but the amount of the byproducts were too small for their identification. From a viewpoint of biorefinery, the lactonization of 1,6-hexanediol (1,6-HD) into ε-caprolactone is of particular importance, because 1,6-HD can be produced by multistep hydrogenation of lignocellulosic biomass such as 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural (HMF)12,13 and furfural25 and ε-caprolactone can be converted to ε-caprolactam as an important bulk chemical.12,13 Heeres and co-workers12,13 reported the first example of the oxidative lactonization of 1,6-HD to ε-caprolactone using methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) as oxidant and a Ru complex as homogeneous catalyst, but the system suffers from drawbacks such as a need of excess amount of MIBK and difficulty in catalyst/product separation. Obviously, acceptorless lactonization of 1,6-HD to caprolactone by a heterogeneous catalyst is preferred from an industrial viewpoint. Our result (entry 7) gave the first example of acceptorless lactonization of 1,6-HD by a heterogeneous catalyst, giving ε-caprolactone in high yield (86%). After the reactions, followed by adding 2-propanol (10 mL) to the mixture, Pt/SnO2 was removed from the mixture and the lactones were isolated by column chromatography, resulting in high isolated yield (81%) of ε-caprolactone.

Table 3 Dehydrogenative lactonization of various diols catalyzed by Pt/SnO2

image file: c5ra03337c-u3.tif

Entry Diol Product Conv. (%) Yielda (%)
a GC yields. Isolated yields are in parentheses.
1 image file: c5ra03337c-u4.tif image file: c5ra03337c-u5.tif 100 90 (87)
2 image file: c5ra03337c-u6.tif image file: c5ra03337c-u7.tif 93 85 (81)
3 image file: c5ra03337c-u8.tif image file: c5ra03337c-u9.tif 74 66
4 image file: c5ra03337c-u10.tif image file: c5ra03337c-u11.tif 96 83 (78)
5 image file: c5ra03337c-u12.tif image file: c5ra03337c-u13.tif 100 80 (76)
6 image file: c5ra03337c-u14.tif image file: c5ra03337c-u15.tif 100 85 (82)
7 image file: c5ra03337c-u16.tif image file: c5ra03337c-u17.tif 93 86 (81)
8 image file: c5ra03337c-u18.tif image file: c5ra03337c-u19.tif 97 75
9 image file: c5ra03337c-u20.tif image file: c5ra03337c-u21.tif 96 75
10 image file: c5ra03337c-u22.tif image file: c5ra03337c-u23.tif 98 70
11 image file: c5ra03337c-u24.tif image file: c5ra03337c-u25.tif 91 83

Recently, we studied the dehydrogenative esterification of primary alcohols to esters by Pt/SnO2.24 On the basis of the results of model reactions and the IR result that the benzaldehyde adsorbed on SnO2 gave the C[double bond, length as m-dash]O stretching band at lower wavenumber than those on γ-Al2O3 and SiO2, we proposed a possible pathway via dehydrogenation alcohol to adsorbed aldehyde species (on Sn4+ Lewis acid site) which undergo nucleophilic attack of another alcohol to give hemiacetal followed by its dehydrogenation to the ester. Considering that the similarity between this intermolecular esterification and the lactonization (intermolecular esterification), it is suggested that Sn4+ Lewis acid site is responsible for the high activity of Pt/SnO2 for the present lactonization system.

In conclusion, we developed a new heterogeneous catalyst, Pt/SnO2, for the acceptorless dehydrogenative lactonization of diols under solvent-free conditions. The method was effective for the synthesis of various lactones. We gave the first example of the catalytic acceptorless lactonization of 1,6-HD to ε-caprolactone as an intermediate of ε-caprolactam, the monomer for nylon-6. Considering recent advances in the catalytic synthesis of 1,6-HD from biomass-derived furfurals12,13,25 this method can provide a key process in sustainable production of nylon-6 from renewable resources.


Commercially available organic compounds (from Tokyo Chemical Industry or Kanto Chemical) were used without further purification. The GC (Shimadzu GC-2014) and GCMS (Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010) analyses were carried out with Ultra ALLOY capillary column UA+-1 (Frontier Laboratories Ltd.) using N2 and He as the carrier gas.

SnO2 was prepared by calcination of H2SnO3 (Kojundo Chemical Laboratory Co., Ltd.) at 500 °C for 3 h. Nb2O5 was prepared by calcination of niobic acid (CBMM) at 500 °C for 3 h. γ-Al2O3 was prepared by calcination of γ-AlOOH (Catapal B Alumina purchased from Sasol) at 900 °C for 3 h. ZrO2 was prepared by calcination (500 °C for 3 h) of ZrO2·nH2O prepared by hydrolysis of zirconium oxynitrate 2-hydrate in water by aqueous NH4OH solution, followed by filtration of precipitate, washing with water three times, and drying at 100 °C for 12 h. SiO2 (Q-10, 300 m2 g−1) was supplied from Fuji Silysia Chemical Ltd. HBEA zeolite (JRC-Z-HB25, SiO2/Al2O3 = 25 ± 5), MgO (JRC-MGO-3), TiO2 (JRC-TIO-4) were supplied from Catalysis Society of Japan. Active carbon (296 m2 g−1) was purchased from Kishida Chemical.

Precursor of Pt/SnO2 was prepared by impregnation method; a mixture of SnO2 and an aqueous HNO3 solution of Pt(NH3)2(NO3)2 (Furuya Metal Co, Ltd.) was evaporated at 50 °C, followed by drying at 90 °C for 12 h. Before each catalytic experiment, the Pt/SnO2 catalyst (containing 5 wt% of Pt) was prepared by in situ pre-reduction of the precursor in a pyrex tube under a flow of H2 (20 cm3 min−1) at 150 °C for 0.5 h. Other supported Pt catalysts (containing 5 wt% of Pt) were prepared by the same method. SnO2-supported metal catalysts, M/SnO2 (M = Pt, Ir, Re, Pd, Rh, Ru, Ag, Ni, Cu, Co) with metal loading of 5 wt% were prepared by the impregnation method in the similar manner as Pt/SnO2 using aqueous solution of metal nitrates (for Ni, Cu, Co, Ag), RuCl3, IrCl3·nH2O or NH4ReO4 or aqueous HNO3 solution of Pd(NH3)2(NO3)2 (Kojima Chemicals Co, Ltd.).

Pt/SnO2 was used as a standard catalyst. After the pre-reduction at 150 °C, we carried out catalytic tests using a batch-type reactor without exposing the catalyst to air as follows. n-Dodecane (0.2 mmol) was injected to the pre-reduced catalyst inside the reactor (cylindrical glass tube, 18 cm3) through a septum inlet, followed by adding diols (1 mmol) under ambient conditions and by filling with 1 atm N2. Then, the mixture was stirred and heated at 180 °C for 36 h. Conversion and yields of products were determined by GC using n-dodecane as an internal standard. The products were identified by GC-MS equipped with the same column as GC analyses as well as 1H NMR and 13C NMR analyses of the isolated products. The analysis of the gas phase product (H2) was carried out by the mass spectrometer (BELMASS). For the catalytic tests in entries 1, 4, 5 and 7 of Table 2, we determined isolated yields of lactones as follows. After the reaction, the catalyst was removed by filtration and the reaction mixture was concentrated under vacuum evaporator to remove the volatile compounds. Then, the lactones were isolated by column chromatography using silica gel 60 (spherical, 63–210 μm, Kanto Chemical Co. Ltd.) with hexane/ethylacetate (98–80/2–20) as the eluting solvent, followed by analyses by 1H NMR, 13C NMR and GCMS.


This work was supported by Grant-in-Aids for Scientific Research B (26289299) from MEXT (Japan), a MEXT program “Elements Strategy Initiative to Form Core Research Center” and a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas “Nano Informatics” (25106010) from JSPS.

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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015