Congmei Lin,
Guansong He,
Jiahui Liu,
Zhong Huang,
Liping Pan,
Jianhu Zhang and
Shijun Liu*
Institute of Chemical Materials, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, Sichuan 621900, P. R. China. E-mail:; Fax: +86-816-2495856; Tel: +86-816-2489302
First published on 27th October 2015
In this work, hybrid graphene/multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) nanofillers were selected to improve to non-linear viscoelastic properties of 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene (TATB)-based polymer bonded explosive (PBX). The morphology, mechanical properties, and creep behaviors of TATB-based formulations were studied. The results were compared with the corresponding composites with individual graphene nano-additives. Scanning electron microscopy observation results indicated graphene particles were fairly well dispersed in the nanocomposite filled with hybrid graphene/MWCNTs, while graphene sheets were prone to aggregation in the PBX filled with individual graphene. Hybrid graphene/MWCNTs modified PBX exhibited higher storage modulus in the whole temperature range. The compressive fracture energy (Wc) and tensile fracture energy (Wt) at 20 °C were up to 31.6% and 89.6% higher than that of PBX without nanofillers. The creep responses of the composites were determined by short-time creep tests at various temperatures and stresses. The creep compliance curve for TATB-based PBXs showed a remarkable synergetic effect between graphene and MWCNTs in improving the creep resistance. The better dispersion of graphene nanoparticles and higher interfacial zones, which produced strong interfacial interaction between the graphene and polymer matrix to restrict the mobility of polymer chains, were considered as crucial factors for the improvement in the creep resistance for TATB-based PBXs.
During storage, transportation, and usage, polymers are subject to various loads and prone to deformation and damage. As a time-dependent mechanism of plastic deformation, creep is the most basic representation of static viscoelasticity and one of the main failure forms of polymer material. Considering the disadvantages, increasing attention has being paid to improving the creep resistance of polymers.8–14 One effective way is the addition of very low content of graphene.15–18 Zandiatashbar et al.15 have investigated the creep behavior of epoxy–graphene platelet (GPL) nanocomposites by macroscopic testing and nanoindentation. It is revealed that the nanocomposite with 0.1 wt% GPLs creeps significantly less than the unfilled polymer at elevated stress and temperature. Incorporation of chemically reduced graphene oxide (CRGO) into PS polymer is also found to significantly improve the creep resistance and recovery properties.16 The role of CRGO on improving the creep and recovery performance of thermoplastics is proposed and discussed based on the analytical modelings (Burger's model and Weibull distribution function) and experimental results.17
However, there are strong limitations for the application of graphene in the design and fabrication of polymer composites. These limitations are caused by the aggregation and stacking of graphene sheets, due to the large van der Waals forces and strong π–π interactions between graphene planar nanosheets.19,20 Therefore, improving the dispersion of graphene in the nanocomposites is of great interest. A typical approach to reduce the aggregation of graphene is acid oxidation. However, the severe, complex reaction conditions and the damage of the graphitic structure have been considered to be a hindrance of the application for acid oxidations.21–24 Up to now, great efforts have been devoted to study the effects of hybrid graphene/carbon nanotubes (CNTs) on the inhibition of the graphene aggregation. Due to that stacking of individual two-dimensional multi-graphene platelets (MGPs) is effectively inhibited by introducing one-dimensional multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), a remarkable synergetic effect between the MGPs and MWCNTs in improving the mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of epoxy composites is demonstrated.25 Araby et al.26 have developed elastomer/graphene platelet/MWCNT (3-phase) composites by hybridizing the graphene platelets (GnPs) and MWCNTs through melt compounding. At a total filler content of 26.7 vol%, the tensile strength, Young's modulus and tear strength of the 3-phase composites respectively increase by 707%, 825% and 428% in comparison with 404%, 710% and 270% for the 2-phase composites wherein only GnPs are used. Self-assembled graphene/carbon nanotube (CNT)/polystyrene hybrid nanocomposites have been prepared by water-based in situ microemulsion polymerization.27 It has been found that an admixture of the two types of carbon fillers provides better improvement in the thermal and mechanical properties compared to the neat polymer.
1,3,5-Triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene (TATB)-based polymer bonded explosive (PBX) is a kind of particle highly-filled polymer composite and has attracted increasing attention in recent years.28–31 Incorporation of graphene and MWCNTs into polymeric materials has been widely investigated over the past decades. However, less attention is paid to the effects of hybrid graphene/MWCNTs on the non-linear viscoelastic properties of TATB-based PBX. In the present research, a strategy was designed to improve the mechanical properties of TATB-based PBX filled by 1-D MWCNTs and 2-D graphene. In addition, morphological characterization was carried out to study the failure mechanism of PBXs and the dispersion of graphene in the nanocomposites.
Raman analysis was conducted with DX2smart Raman spectrometer (USA).
Mechanical tests were performed with a universal testing machine 5582 (INSTRON, USA) at ambient temperature and elevated temperature. The specimens of explosive pellet with dimensions of ϕ 20 mm × 20 mm and ϕ 20 mm × 6 mm (diameter × height) for compressive and Brazilian tests were molded at 120 °C. Each test was repeated on three to five samples. Average observations were reported.
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) was conducted with the help of a DMA 242C apparatus (Netzsch, Germany) in three-point bending mode at a frequency of 1 Hz. For each test, the heating rate was set to 1 °C min−1. The fracture surfaces of the composite explosives under flexural loading were comparatively examined and analyzed by a SEM.
Rectangular specimens with dimensions of 30 mm × 10 mm × 1–2 mm (length × width × thickness) were made for the creep tests. A DMA 242C apparatus (Netzsch, Germany) in three-point bending mode was used to measure deformation as a function of time under a constant stress level. The tests were carried out at four temperatures from 30 to 80 °C and three stress levels from 4 to 9 MPa for 5400 s.
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Fig. 3 Dynamic mechanical (a) storage modulus and (b) tan![]() |
Compressive and Brazilian test were conducted at room temperature and an elevated temperature of 60 °C to compare the mechanical response of PBX-A and PBX-B. Fig. 4 reveals the representative stress–strain curves of two PBXs. It can be seen that the compressive and tensile strength are slightly enhanced for PBX-B, compared with that of PBX-A. The compressive elongation at break at 20 and 60 °C and tensile elongation at break at 20 °C are raised by 29.6%, 37.8%, and 54.2% compared to PBX-A, when hybrid graphene/MWCNTs is used.
The impact toughness (Ak) and the fracture toughness (KIC) are main parameters to characterize the fracture toughness of the engineering materials. In order to solve the limits of Ak and KIC in characterization of explosive fracture toughness, the tensile fracture energy (Wt) and the compressive fracture energy (Wc) based on the stress–strain curve have been put forward by Wen et al.34 The similarity between the physical meanings of the fracture energy parameters (Wt, Wc) and the impact toughness Ak, was found via analyzing the test principle although they could not be directly measured. Wt, Wc and KIC for different explosives at a series of temperatures were studied by experiments. Results show that the Wt, Wc and KIC of explosives have the same change trend whether for different type explosives or at different temperatures, which indicates they can be used to characterize the toughness of explosive materials.34 Therefore, Wt and Wc are chosen to characterize the fracture toughness of TATB-based PBXs. According to Wen et al.,34 the Wt and Wc could be obtained by the integration of the stress–strain curve and can be calculated as:
![]() | (1) |
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Fig. 6 SEM images of the fracture surface: (a) PBX-A; (b) PBX-B; (c) graphene/fluoropolymer composite; (d) graphene/MWCNTs/fluoropolymer nanocomposite. |
In order to characterize the distribution state of hybrid graphene/MWCNTs particles in the polymer matrix, graphene/MWCNTs/fluoropolymer composite is prepared by solvent evaporation method. For comparation, graphene/fluoropolymer biphase composite is also tested. Fig. 6c and d shows the representative SEM images of graphene/fluoropolymer biphase composite and graphene/MWCNTs/fluoropolymer composite used in this work. It can be found that graphene particles are prone to aggregation in graphene/fluoropolymer biphase composite. With the presence of MWCNTs, graphene particles are fairly well dispersed in the graphene/MWCNTs/fluoropolymer nanocomposite.
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Fig. 7 Time-dependent creep compliance of TATB-based PBXs under different stresses at 60 °C: (a) PBX-A, (b) PBX-B, (c) PBX-C. |
It can be found that at each testing stress, the creep compliance reduce and creep failure time prolongs with the incorporation of hybrid graphene/MWCNTs particles, revealing that the nanofillers have an important effect on the creep deformation ability. The highest creep strain is observed for TATB-based PBX without nanofillers. As expected, the PBX-B filled with hybrid graphene/MWCNTs gives the lowest creep strain. The creep strain values of the graphene modified nanomaterials are intervenient between the values of PBX-A and PBX-B. The dispersion of nanoparticles and interfacial zones are considered here as crucial factors for the improvement in the creep resistance. Furthermore, the creep responses of TATB-based PBXs show obvious differences at the different applied stresses. As expected, high loading stress provides a significant reduction in the creep failure time and an increase in the creep compliance. In Fig. 7a, it is obvious that the linear regime is below 7 MPa. And in Fig. 7b and c, the linear regime is between 7 and 9 MPa. So the addition of hybrid graphene/MWCNTs or graphene particles increases the linear viscoelastic regime of the composite materials.
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Fig. 8 Time-dependent creep compliance of TATB-based PBXs at different temperatures under 4 MPa: (a) PBX-A, (b) PBX-B, (c) PBX-C. |
The increscent trend of creep resistance may be related to 3D MWCNTs/graphene hybrid architectures.35 Two possible mechanisms to explain the synergetic enhancement of MWCNTs/graphene for polymer composites are proposed by Yang et al.25 which are (i) flexible MWCNTs can construct graphene to form 3-D hybrid structure, which inhibit face to face aggregation of multi-graphene platelets. This results in a large surface area, so, increasing the contact surface area between MWCNTs/graphene and polymer matrix; (ii) the MWCNTs can act as extended tentacles for the 3-D hybrid architectures, which can become entangled with the polymer chain resulting better interaction between MWCNTs/graphene and the polymer matrix. A creep mechanism of PBX has been studied from the theory of deformation and sliding of molecular chain of the polymer by Ding et al.36 It is shown that the creep property of the polymer is the main factor influencing on the creep-damage properties of the composite though polymer content is so little in amount. For TATB-based PBXs with MWCNTs/graphene hybrid nanocomposites studied here, the molecular motion of polymer binder system plays a crucial role in the creep resistance. Fig. 9 shows a diagram of formation of the MWCNTs/graphene 3-D hybrid structure in PBX. Because of the large van der Waals forces and strong π–π interactions between nanosheets, graphene forms aggregations in PBX-C with graphene nanofillers, as shown in Fig. 9c. The incorporation of MWCNTs can effectively inhibit the stacking of graphene sheets and thus 3-D hybrid structure is constructed in the PBX-B with graphene/MWCNTs. The improved dispersion behavior of the graphene nanosheet by the addition of MWCNTs leads to a huge interphase between MWCNTs/graphene and polymer matrix and thus effectively restrict the motion of polymer chains. The modified load transfer from the polymer matrix to MWCNTs/graphene particles is influenced at the nanoscale, contributing to the observed enhancement of creep resistance for TATB-based PBXs.
![]() | (3) |
Eqn (3) divides by σ0:
![]() | (4) |
During the creep process, the loading stress is regarded as a constant value, and therefore, the creep process can be also characterized with the creep compliance D. The creep compliance can be calculated as:
![]() | (5) |
Eqn (4) is transferred to creep compliance equation:
![]() | (6) |
The nonlinear curve fit results according to six-element mechanical model together with the regression coefficient, are shown in Fig. 11. From the figure, it can be seen that the mathematical formula fits well with the creep compliance for TATB-based PBXs at constant sustained load. The nonlinear regression coefficient (R2), being in most cases higher than 0.994, also shows a good nonlinear correlation.
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Fig. 11 Modeling results of creep behaviors of TATB-based PBXs at different temperatures under 4 MPa: (a) PBX-A, (b) PBX-B, (c) PBX-C. |
The values of six fitting parameters including the elastic modulus E1, E2, E3, the relaxation time τ2, τ3, as well as the bulk viscosity η4 of TATB-based PBXs which are obtained from the nonlinear fitting curves are listed in Table 1. The values of E2, E3 and η4 tend to increase with decreasing temperature and the addition of hybrid graphene/MWCNTs particles. The increased trend of E2, E3, and η4 indicates the reinforced mechanical properties of the amorphous regions and increased resistance to viscous flow.
Sample | Test condition | E1/MPa | E2/MPa | τ2/s | E3/MPa | τ3/s | η4/MPa s |
PBX-A | 30 °C/4 MPa | 5.760 × 105 | 9.999 × 104 | 974.50 | 2.419 × 104 | 25.08 | 1.150 × 109 |
45 °C/4 MPa | 2.720 × 105 | 4.359 × 104 | 745.24 | 1.723 × 104 | 15.52 | 4.394 × 108 | |
60 °C/4 MPa | 4.431 × 105 | 2.128 × 104 | 734.98 | 1.043 × 104 | 24.82 | 3.779 × 108 | |
80 °C/4 MPa | 5.341 × 105 | 1.403 × 104 | 665.43 | 8.773 × 103 | 28.96 | 2.727 × 108 | |
PBX-B | 30 °C/4 MPa | 2.312 × 106 | 2.422 × 105 | 2186.96 | 4.030 × 104 | 15.82 | 4.700 × 109 |
45 °C/4 MPa | 3.007 × 106 | 1.058 × 105 | 598.37 | 3.138 × 104 | 9.04 | 9.984 × 108 | |
60 °C/4 MPa | 9.253 × 105 | 4.143 × 104 | 637.88 | 3.055 × 104 | 22.51 | 5.430 × 108 | |
80 °C/4 MPa | 2.468 × 107 | 1.819 × 104 | 574.49 | 2.067 × 104 | 28.42 | 4.001 × 108 | |
PBX-C | 30 °C/4 MPa | 5.525 × 106 | 2.360 × 105 | 1023.62 | 3.630 × 104 | 15.20 | 1.417 × 109 |
45 °C/4 MPa | 1.581 × 106 | 4.837 × 104 | 784.67 | 3.615 × 104 | 18.63 | 6.361 × 108 | |
60 °C/4 MPa | 2.137 × 106 | 4.921 × 104 | 752.62 | 2.435 × 104 | 13.90 | 5.711 × 108 | |
80 °C/4 MPa | 1.567 × 106 | 1.811 × 104 | 547.10 | 1.912 × 104 | 25.86 | 3.396 × 107 |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |