Joo Oak
Cha Yeon
Hye Ryeon
Won Do
Bong Hyun
*a and
aBioNano Health Guard Research Center, 125 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-806, Republic of Korea. E-mail: chungbh@kribb.re.kr; Fax: +82-42-860-4209; Tel: +82-42-860-4442
bGraduate School of Nanoscience and Technology, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea
cDepartment of Chemistry, KAIST, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-701, Republic of Korea. E-mail: ywjung@kaist.ac.kr; Fax: +82-42-350-2810; Tel: +82-42-350-2817
dDepartment of Biological Sciences, KAIST, Republic of Korea
First published on 19th November 2014
Copper is indispensable in most aerobic organisms although it is toxic if unregulated as illustrated in many neurodegenerative diseases. To elucidate the mechanisms underlying copper release from cells, a membrane-targeting reporter which can compete with extracellular copper-binding molecules is highly desirable. However, engineering a reporter protein to provide both high sensitivity and selectivity for copper(II) has been challenging, likely due to a lack of proper copper(II)-chelating strategies within proteins. Here, we report a new genetically encoded fluorescent copper(II) reporter by employing a copper-binding tripeptide derived from human serum albumin (HSA), which is one of the major copper-binding proteins in extracellular environments. Optimized insertion of the tripeptide into the green fluorescent protein leads to rapid fluorescence quenching (up to >85% change) upon copper-binding, while other metal ions have no effect. Furthermore, the high binding affinity of the reporter enables reliable copper detection even in the presence of competing biomolecules such as HSA and amyloid beta peptides. We also demonstrate that our reporter proteins can be used to visualize dynamic copper fluctuations on living HeLa cell surfaces.
In contrast, extracellular copper trafficking has been insufficiently investigated due to a lack of appropriate tools for monitoring in living systems. In the more oxidizing extracellular media, Cu2+ is favored over Cu+.6 This oxidized form of copper has long been linked to many neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, prion diseases, and Parkinson's disease through its participation in the aggregation of fibrogenic proteins.6 The protein–Cu2+ interactions are also directly involved in a catalytic cycle of ROS production, which exerts oxidative damage to cells.7 Moreover, exogenous copper plays a key role in neuronal signaling pathways by modulating the synaptic plasticity.8 Therefore, monitoring dynamic changes in the copper concentration in the extracellular environment will be critical for understanding the mechanisms of Cu2+ release and its physiological functions in the brain. In particular, imaging Cu2+ fluctuations on specifically targeted cell surfaces will greatly improve our insight into cellular responses to outside copper and copper-based cell-to-cell communication. Although a few cellular targeting strategies have been devised for synthetic metal reporters using organelle-targeting moieties,9 they cannot direct the probes to specific cells of interest. Furthermore, mislocalization of small-molecular probes inside cells might lead to controversy in data interpretation.10 In comparison, genetically encodable protein reporters have major advantages for the cell-specific and surface-specific detection of target molecules.
Several genetically encoded reporters have been applied for imaging copper in cellular context.11 However, they are limited by relatively small responses (15–50%),11b–e low copper selectivity,11a,11e or reversed responses in mammalian cells compared with the response in vitro and in living bacteria.11b Another challenge posed by imaging the extracellular pool of copper in particular is to provide the necessary binding affinity for Cu2+ sensors to compete with copper-binding molecules in the extracellular medium. While extracellular Cu2+ is present at micromolar concentrations (10–25 μM in blood plasma, 0.5–2.5 μM in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and 30 μM in the synaptic cleft),6 the metal ion is rather bound to highly abundant copper-binding proteins or small molecular ligands than present as a free ion.12 For example, human serum albumin (HSA), found at ∼600 μM in plasma, binds Cu2+ with a picomolar binding affinity.13 The HSA concentration in CSF is relatively low (∼3 μM) but represents 35–80% of the total CSF proteins.14
Developing protein-based Cu2+ sensors with strong but selective copper-binding properties will require potent Cu2+-chelating strategies within proteins. Previously reported sensors have employed simple histidines or a metal-chelating unnatural amino acid (3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine) to bind Cu2+ since the metal ion prefers to bind nitrogen or oxygen donors.11a,15 Unfortunately, reported binding affinities (KD 0.2–100 μM) of these sensors under physiologically relevant conditions have been still insufficient for imaging extracellular Cu2+, and it has not been demonstrated whether they could detect changes in copper concentration under conditions where competing copper-binding biomolecules are present.
Here, we report a new genetically encoded fluorescent reporter that binds Cu2+ with a KD of ∼8 nM while maintaining its selectivity for the metal ion. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) was engineered to contain a natural short but strong Cu2+-binding tripeptide, the amino terminal copper- and nickel-binding (ATCUN) motif, which is also the major copper-binding site of albumins in many species including humans.16 The location of this copper binding sequence in GFP was carefully optimized to provide maximum fluorescence quenching, strong Cu2+ binding, and stable protein folding in cells. The resulting reporter was sensitive enough to detect Cu2+ even in the presence of equimolar HSA in vitro. Furthermore, our reporter was stably displayed on cell surfaces and showed specific and reversible responses to extracellular Cu2+.
To place the ATCUN motif in close proximity of the GFP chromophore, thereby inducing maximum fluorescence quenching by Cu2+ binding, the protein was circularly permuted to generate new N- and C-termini at the beginning of β-strand 7. Circular permutations on β-strand 7 have shown relatively minimal effects on the GFP fluorescence.21 The ATCUN motif (Gly-Gly-His) was then inserted into the N-terminal region in a manner in which the histidine at the third position replaced histidine 148 near the phenolic ring of the chromophore (Fig. 1 and Table 1). To provide an α-NH2-terminal nitrogen for ATCUN in the circularly permuted GFP, a free N-terminus at the first glycine of the motif was precisely generated by intein-based protein cleavage.22 N-terminal sequencing of the intein-cleaved protein confirmed proper insertion of the ATCUN motif (Fig. S1†). For fabrication of the sensor protein, we employed superfolder GFP (OPT)23 for higher stability in the assay buffer (100 mM HEPES, pH 7.0, 300 mM NaCl) and enhanced folding in E. coli as well as in mammalian cells (data not shown).
Fig. 1 Design of a genetically encoded fluorescent Cu2+ reporter using the ATCUN motif. Structure of the Cu2+ complex of the ATCUN motif is shown. |
Construct | +1 | H148 | −1 | ||||||||
cpOPT | NH2− | E | L | S | H | N | V | Y | I | T | |
GCS-1 | NH2− | G | G | H | N | V | Y | I | T | ||
(−1)GCS-1 | NH2− | G | G | H | V | Y | I | T | |||
GCS-2 | NH2− | G | G | H | H | N | V | Y | I | T | |
G-GCS-2 | NH2− | G | G | G | H | H | N | V | Y | I | T |
GCS-2-G | NH2− | G | G | H | G | N | V | Y | I | T |
Fluorescence spectra of the circularly permuted OPT (cpOPT) with the ATCUN insert were acquired by exciting at 480 nm and collecting the emission signals at 500–600 nm. Upon the addition of Cu2+, the fluorescence intensity of the sensor protein clearly decreased in a concentration-dependent manner (Fig. 2a). The decrease in the fluorescence signal (at 510 nm) was up to <5% of the apo-protein fluorescence (95% quenched). Compared with wild-type OPT (wtOPT) and cpOPT, the ATCUN-fused cpOPT (GCS-1) exhibited a considerably higher degree of quenching over a wide range of Cu2+ concentrations (Fig. 2b). Although cpOPT displayed noticeable fluorescence quenching at high Cu2+ concentrations (>10 μM), introduction of the ATCUN motif increased the Cu2+ sensitivity of the protein. In addition, longer incubation of the ATCUN-fused cpOPT at low Cu2+ concentrations further enhanced fluorescence quenching, which was likely due to the rather slow Cu2+ binding by ATCUN in cpOPT (Fig. 2c). We named the sensor protein as genetically-encoded copper(II) sensor (GCS)-1 (see Table 1 for a summary of N-terminal sequences in the GCS proteins).
To further optimize the Cu2+ responses, the location of the ATCUN motif in cpOPT was varied around H148 in GCS-1. ATCUN insertion at the −1 position of H148 ((−1)GCS-1, Table 1) resulted in a sensor protein with Cu2+ binding responses similar to those of GCS-1 but a poor protein yield (data not shown). In contrast, cpOPT with the ATCUN motif at the +1 position of H148 (GCS-2) showed rapidly saturated fluorescence quenching even at low concentrations of Cu2+ (Fig. 2b and c), possibly indicating a higher Cu2+ binding affinity. Although the degree of quenching was slightly lower for GCS-2 (<15% of apo-protein fluorescence, >85% quenched), the binding response of GCS-2 was significantly faster (within 10 s) than that of GCS-1 (>20 min, Fig. S2†). The improved response rate of GCS-2 might be due to an increased flexibility of the ATCUN motif in the protein. Unlike GCS-1, the ATCUN motif in GCS-2 does not include H148 which is known to interact with neighboring β-strands.23a Thereby the ATCUN tripeptide of GCS-2 can be more open for Cu2+ binding, exhibiting a faster association. On the other hand, H148 is also in a hydrogen-bonding network that stabilizes the chromophore.24 Conformational changes of H148 and subsequent effects on the chromophore by Cu2+ binding might be less significant in GCS-2 than in GCS-1. The absorbance spectrum of GCS-1 was altered more strongly by Cu2+ binding than that of GCS-2 (Fig. S3†), possibly indicating stronger influences on the chromophore and thereby a higher degree of quenching response in GCS-1.
To demonstrate that the ATCUN motif is indeed the major Cu2+ binding site in GCS-2, we constructed two GCS-2 variants, G-GCS-2 and GCS-2-G (Table 1). The ATCUN motif in G-GCS-2 was disrupted by adding a glycine residue to the N-terminus of GCS-2. Upon the addition of Cu2+, G-GCS-2 showed a severely diminished quenching response (Fig. 2d). On the other hand, the fluorescence intensity of GCS-2-G, in which the ATCUN motif is intact but H148 was mutated to glycine, was still reduced to <30% of the apo-protein fluorescence (>70% quenched) under the same conditions, supporting that the ATCUN motif is primarily responsible for Cu2+ binding (Fig. 2d). In addition, titration with Cu2+ revealed a 1:1 binding stoichiometry between GCS-2 and Cu2+ (Fig. S4†), suggesting the presence of a single dominant metal binding site (such as the ATCUN tripeptide) in GCS-2. However, it should be noted that H148 of GCS-2 also plays a partial role in Cu2+ binding and the resulting fluorescence quenching since the Cu2+-mediated response of GCS-2-G was smaller than that of GCS-2.
The metal selectivity of both GCS proteins was subsequently investigated by monitoring changes in fluorescence intensity in the GCS proteins when other biologically relevant metal ions (Cr3+, Mn2+, Fe3+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Ag+, Cd2+, Hg2+, Pb2+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+) were present. Most of these metal ions had no effect on the fluorescence quenching by Cu2+ (Fig. 3a and b). Although Ni2+ caused a small fluorescence change for GCS-2, subsequent Cu2+ addition readily induced fluorescence quenching (Fig. 3b). The ATCUN motif in our GCS sensor proteins likely binds to Ni2+ more weakly than to Cu2+, which is similar to the ATCUN motif in HSA.20 The effects of Cu+ were examined in a buffer containing a 50-fold molar excess of L-ascorbic acid. L-ascorbic acid had no influence on the fluorescence intensities of the GCS proteins (Fig. S5†) or Cu2+ binding of the ATCUN motifs.25 Cu+ addition showed no change in fluorescence for both GCS proteins (Fig. 3c). The reversibility of the fluorescence quenching of the sensor protein was also tested, and fluorescence signals from the Cu2+-bound GCS proteins were recovered upon addition of metal-chelating ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA, Fig. 3d).
The Cu2+-binding affinities of the GCS proteins were determined by measuring fluorescence changes upon titration with copper.15b All assays were performed at relatively high buffer and salt concentrations (100 mM HEPES, pH 7.0, 300 mM NaCl), which might reflect various extracellular media.26 The dissociation constant for GCS-2 was calculated to be 7.93 ± 3.20 nM (Fig. 4a), which is the strongest Cu2+ binding among the currently available protein-based Cu2+ sensors (Table S1†). The use of a natural copper(II)-specific tripeptide provides a strong chelating strategy for robust Cu2+ capture near the GFP chromophore, presenting high sensitivity for the metal ion while not compromising the metal selectivity of the GCS proteins. GCS-1 was found to bind Cu2+ more weakly (94.04 ± 19.33 nM) as discussed above (Fig. S6†).
To test whether the binding affinity of the GCS proteins for Cu2+ is high enough to monitor the metal ion even in the presence of other copper-binding molecules, the GCS responses to Cu2+ were measured in the presence of various amounts of HSA. GCS-2 showed Cu2+ binding properties comparable to HSA, where >40% of the added Cu2+ was bound to GCS-2 in the presence of equimolar HSA (Fig. 4b). Considering that the reported dissociation constants for HSA are in the picomolar range,13 Cu2+ binding to GCS-2 should be weaker by at least three orders of magnitude. This discrepancy is likely due to the different experimental methods used for KD measurements, components/concentration of buffers, pH, or ionic strengths.27 Nevertheless, under our conditions, an optimized ATCUN tripeptide in GCS-2 showed nearly as strong binding as the ATCUN motif in HSA. In contrast, the fluorescence intensity of GCS-1 began to decrease only after the concentration of Cu2+ was high enough to fill in most of the ATCUN sites in HSA (Fig. 4c). Therefore, GCS-1 was not able to effectively compete with HSA. We also performed competing experiments with an amyloid beta peptide (Aβ40), another copper-binding molecule (KD 0.47–30 μM) which plays a key role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.28 Aβ40, which has a rather weak Cu2+-binding ability, was outcompeted by both GCS proteins (Fig. S7†). Taken together, our data show that GCS-2 (KD ∼ 8 nM) is a highly sensitive reporter that can efficiently compete with other high-affinity copper-binding molecules in extracellular media. In comparison, GCS-1 (KD ∼ 94 nM) might be useful for applications in which low-affinity reporter proteins are required.
Finally, we used the GCS proteins to detect dynamic Cu2+ fluctuations on the surfaces of live mammalian cells. A signal peptide for the secretory pathway and the transmembrane domain of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor were fused to GCS-2 for display on the extracellular plasma membrane. The signal peptide is cleaved during sensor protein synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum, generating the ATCUN motif precisely at the N-terminus for effective Cu2+ binding. HeLa cells expressing the GCS-2 construct were monitored with a total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscope for selective visualization of the cell surface fluorescence. Upon Cu2+ addition (50 μM), the GCS-2 fluorescence intensity on the cell surface was rapidly decreased within ∼1.5 min, and it was saturated to 47% (average from 13 cells in the same well, 53% quenched) of the initial signal after 3 min (Fig. 5). EDTA was then added to the cells, and the GCS-2 fluorescence intensity was recovered to 97% within 4 min, which is in agreement with the in vitro results. GCS-1 that was expressed on HeLa cell surfaces provided fluorescence changes similar to those of GCS-2 against extracellular Cu2+ (data not shown).
To confirm that the decrease in fluorescence of GCS-2 was specific for Cu2+ binding, Zn2+, another crucial metal ion in the brain, was added to the cells (50 μM) before Cu2+ treatment. Interestingly, the fluorescence intensity of several cells of the 13 monitored cells was slightly increased (<115%) by Zn2+ (Fig. 6). This could result from structural stabilization of the β-barrel of the GCS-2 protein under relatively high zinc concentrations as recently reported for a red fluorescent mKate2 mutant.11a Zinc(II)-mediated changes in protein distribution in the plasma membrane might also affect the fluorescence intensity of GCS-2 as observed using TIRF imaging. Nevertheless, all cells exhibited rapid fluorescence quenching upon Cu2+ addition (Fig. 6). The copper(II)-specific fluorescence decrease for GCS-2 was further confirmed by its co-expression with mCherry, a red fluorescent protein, on the cell surfaces. Addition of 10 μM CuCl2 decreased the fluorescence intensity of GCS-2 but not that of mCherry, which again shows the applicability of GCS-2 for specific Cu2+ imaging on the surface of live cells (Fig. 7). Moreover, the fluorescence signals of cpOPT proteins on cell surfaces were not altered by 10 μM Cu2+ (Fig. S8†).
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c4sc03027c |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |