João T.
Department of Chemical Engineering, Centre for Plastic Electronics, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, UK. E-mail: j.cabral@imperial.ac.uk
First published on 24th February 2015
We report the phase behaviour of polymer/fullerene/solvent ternary mixtures and its consequence for the morphology of the resulting composite thin films. We focus particularly on solutions of polystyrene (PS), C60 fullerene and toluene, which are examined by static and dynamic light scattering, and films obtained from various solution ages and thermal annealing conditions, using atomic force and light microscopy. Unexpectedly, the solution phase behaviour below the polymer overlap concentration, c*, is found to be described by a simple excluded volume argument (occupied by the polymer chains) and the neat C60/solvent miscibility. Scaling consistent with full exclusion is found when the miscibility of the fullerene in the solvent is much lower than that of the polymer, giving way to partial exclusion with more soluble fullerenes (phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester, PCBM) and a less asymmetric solvent (chlorobenzene), employed in photovoltaic devices. Spun cast and drop cast films were prepared from PS/C60/toluene solutions across the phase diagram to yield an identical PS/C60 composition and film thickness, resulting in qualitatively different morphologies in agreement with our measured solution phase boundaries. Our findings are relevant to the solution processing of polymer/fullerene composites (including organic photovoltaic devices), which generally require effective solubilisation of fullerene derivatives and polymer pairs in this concentration range, and the design of well-defined thin film morphologies.
Careful studies of binary polymer/NP mixtures, typically with functionalised silica or gold NPs,6–10 have resulted in much controversy in terms of changes in polymer chain dimensions and (related) dispersion quality of the nanocomposites, which are generally cast from solution. Understanding solution miscibility, polymer conformation and NP association, and their evolution along film formation pathways is evidently required to fully exploit the potential of nanostructured composites in general.
Polymer and colloid solutions are often discussed11 in terms of the relative dimensions of their constituents (viz. polymer radius of gyration Rpolyg and colloid RC), defining the so-called protein (RC ≪ Rpolyg) and colloid (RC ≫ Rpolyg) limits. Small NPs (or indeed fullerenes) may be expected to form solutions in the protein limit and cause Rpolyg to change, depending on the polymer–NP interactions in solution and their relative concentrations. Conversely, the addition of a polymer can cause crystallisation of the NP, as it is found in protein solutions and from which the term ‘protein limit’ is derived.12 Solutions in the colloid limit can be expected for large colloids and also for clusters, for instance of poorly dispersed NPs. Dispersed fullerenes have RC ≈ 0.5 nm which, for most polymer masses MW (including those considered in this work), should result in solutions in the protein limit. Theoretically, multiple interactions between each polymer coil and colloidal particles must thus be considered, and polymers are generally treated as chains of connected spheres, each of the size of a colloidal particle. Both homogeneous13,14 and phase separated15–17 solutions have been predicted theoretically. Experimentally, phase separation and crystallisation have been observed in a number of systems.5,18–21 In all cases, the polymer was a linear polystyrene chain and the small colloid was either octa-n-propylsilsesquioxane (RC = 0.7 nm), crosslinked poly (ethyl methacrylate) (RC = 8–42 nm), hydroxyl functionalized silica nanoparticles (RC = 11 nm) or C60 fullerene (RC = 0.35 nm). For some systems, significant coil contraction (≈50%) was found in the presence of high enough (≳8 wt%) colloid concentration.18–21
In this work, we examine polymer/fullerene/solvent mixtures by comprehensively characterising the ternary solution phase behaviour and the resulting (binary) polymer/fullerene film morphologies. We select polystyrene (PS) as the polymer matrix, fullerene C60, and toluene as a model system; while PS is fully miscible in toluene across the entire composition range, the reported miscibility of C60 in toluene is only 0.32 wt%.22 The miscibility of C60 in PS is estimated to be 1 wt% or lower,23 although higher ‘dispersibility’ limits are found for rapidly precipitated23,24 or spin cast composite films.25,26 This PS/C60/toluene system exhibits therefore highly asymmetric solvent interactions, in which the solubility of the PS is much greater than that of C60 in toluene. For comparison, in order to decrease asymmetry in solubility, we also evaluate solutions comprising a more miscible fullerene, phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM), in toluene, and a solvent exhibiting considerably higher PCBM solubility, chlorobenzene.
Previous studies on annealed binary PS/C60 thin films have shown a rich morphological behaviour, ranging from (meta)stable to rapidly dewetting films, from homogeneous and uniform to phase separated (sparsely nucleated to spinodally correlated) morphologies, and various coupling effects between these.25–31 Under certain conditions, an enriched C60 layer was reported at the substrate interface,25,27,28 albeit not generally.30 Morphological control parameters were found to include the polymer mass MW,26 fullerene content,29 substrate surface energy,25,30,31 film thickness, temperature, and even light exposure (due to fullerene photo-chemistry in both films30 and solutions32).
We now seek to measure the solution phase behaviour and quantify its impact on the film morphology, in both the as-cast and thermally annealed films. Our hypothesis is that films of identical composition and thickness can exhibit considerable morphological differences arising from both their initial solution state and film formation pathway. We therefore evaluate RC and Rpolyg in solution by static (SLS) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) to gauge miscibility, and film morphology by optical (OM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) to correlate, for the first time, the solution and film properties of these academically and technologically important polymer–fullerene mixtures.
For static light scattering (SLS) a SOFICA instrument (Societé Francaise d'Instruments de Contröle et d'Analyses, Le Mesnil Saint-Denis, S. et 0., France), modified by SLS Systemtechnik (G. Baur, Denzlingen, Germany) was employed. The SLS is equipped with a 5 mW HeNe laser source (λ = 633 nm) and a goniometer covering 27 ≤ θ ≤ 105°, and yielding a wavenumber range from 7.1 ≤ q ≤ 23.7 × 10−3 nm−1, calculated using , where n is the refractive index of the solvent. Experiments were carried out on 2 mL of solution in cylindrical quartz cells with 1 cm diameter (Hellma, Müllheim, Germany) and a stopper to prevent evaporation. The light exposure during the SLS measurement was kept below 3–5 minutes to minimise photo-oxidation of fullerenes. The photomultiplier was calibrated with a toluene (puriss. p.a. ≥ 99.7%, Sigma Aldrich) standard. SLS data were treated with the standard Guinier approximation to obtain RC:
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Dynamic light scattering (DLS) experiments were carried out with a Malvern Nano-S (Malvern Instruments Ltd, UK) with a fixed detector at 173°, corresponding to q = 2.96 × 10−2 nm−1. All experiments were performed in sealed, rectangular quartz cuvettes (Hellma, Müllheim, Germany). To account for the multiple decays correlation functions were fit using a sum of exponential decays:
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Thin films were fabricated from the appropriate solution via spin coating onto 1 cm2 〈100〉 silicon substrates (Compart Tech) which were surface treated with a Ultraviolet UV Ozone Cleaner (Novascan) for 15 minutes. The spin coating frequency (rpm) was varied as necessary in order to achieve the same film thickness from solutions of different PS concentrations (thickness calibration is shown in Fig. S2†). Prior to annealing, film thicknesses were measured with a UV-visible interferometer (Filmetrics, F20-UV) calibrated with a SiO2 wafer standard. All films obtained via spin casting reported here are 130 ± 3 nm thick. Drop cast samples were prepared by casting 50–100 μL of solution (the higher PS concentration solutions were cast with a lower volume to maintain an identical film thickness) onto 1 cm2 Si substrates at 60 °C and dried for 30 minutes resulting in a thickness of ≈20 μm.
Polymer/fullerene composite films were first imaged with an Olympus BX41M-LED reflectance microscope equipped with an AVT GigE GX1050C camera. Image analysis was carried out using ImageJ (v1.46r). Brightness and condenser/focussing settings were varied for maximum contrast between polymer-rich and fullerene-rich regions, intensity thresholded and a fast Fourier transform and/or particle analysis was carried out. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) (Innova, Bruker) is employed in tapping mode to quantify nanoscale structures and topography in thin polymer composite films. Image files were processed using Gwyddion (v2.31): the raw AFM data were imported, levelled by mean plane subtraction, a polynomial background was removed and lines were corrected by matching the height median; the minimum height for all images was set to zero.
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Fig. 1 (a) DLS correlation functions at 1.00 ± 0.07 wt% PS with C60 from 0 to 0.26 wt%. (b) Normalised ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
SLS was used to probe C60 cluster formation by polymer addition in solution and thus gauge solution miscibility. We first measured the exact fullerene solubility limit for our C60 grade in toluene by stirring solutions of various concentrations for 48 h, in the absence of light, at room temperature. We find a miscibility limit of 0.27 wt% C60 in toluene, below the 0.32 wt% reported previously.22 This difference may be not only due to the purity of the fullerene of solvents employed, but also possibly by the measurement method and aggregation kinetics. We note that in ref. 22 the solubility was measured by dilution and filtration of a saturated C60 solution, while we have prepared fresh solutions at each composition which we have found to be more reproducible.
Typical SLS datasets are shown in Fig. 1d and e from which the fullerene cluster size dependence on the C60 (Fig. 1d) and PS (Fig. 1e) concentration is estimated. We find that increasing either eventually leads to C60 clustering beyond a composition-specific threshold; for instance, increasing PS loading causes C60 cluster formation at lower C60 concentrations, as shown in Fig. 1f. At sufficiently long times and/or concentrations, macroscopic C60 become visible to the naked eye. A schematic illustrating these findings is shown in Fig. 1c.
We next map the phase diagram by measuring a wide range of (C60, PS) concentrations in the dilute and semi-dilute regime of 65k PS, shown in Fig. 2. The green and red points and shaded areas define the miscible and two-phase regimes. We find that the addition of PS decreases C60 miscibility in a linear fashion, until a PS concentration (<c*) beyond which it becomes largely insensitive to further polymer addition. The initial linear decrease with polymer concentration suggests an expulsion of the fullerenes from the volume occupied by the PS chains, effectively increasing the fullerene concentration in a reduced available volume.
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Fig. 2 Phase diagram of PS/C60/toluene solutions showing C60 aggregation at 0–5 wt% PS. Homogeneous (![]() ![]() |
Given the (finite) miscibility of fullerenes in polystyrene, one could expect that the addition of a sufficiently small polymer fraction would not appreciably alter C60 miscibility in the ternary solution. This is not observed experimentally and, instead, the C60 miscibility drops from the outset of PS addition. In order to rationalise these findings we consider the simplest possible scenario: the C60 miscible fraction in solution is set by the volume remaining, Vfree, after subtracting the volume occupied by the polymer chains, Vocc, from the total solution volume, Vtotal, yielding
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Given the strong power-law dependence of the volume occupied by single chains (and c*) on polymer mass MW, we have carried out selected experiments by varying PS MW (presented in Fig. S1†). As expected from eqn (3), increasing MW decreases c* and the miscibility of C60 decreases at a faster rate by addition of PS, as chains overlap ‘earlier’ (i.e. at a lower concentration). The slope α remained consistent with the value found above. We are thus surprised that this simple scaling model yields remarkable agreement with our data.
We can thus summarise our findings for PS/C60/toluene ternary solutions as follows: (i) increasing PS wt% increases the C60 aggregate size (at constant solution age); (ii) the onset of C60 aggregation depends on the PS concentration with higher PS loadings inducing C60 aggregation at lower C60 concentrations; (iii) at a fixed mass, increasing the MW of PS chains decreases the miscibility limit of C60; (iv) a simple volume argument below c* describes the trend observed for the miscibility of C60 by polymer addition of various MW.
We next consider the effect of ternary solution behaviour on the resulting PS/C60 film morphology, both for thin and bulk films, both as-cast and thermally annealed. Increasing the polymer content generally increases the film thickness obtained by spin coating, carefully coupling the rpm and PS concentration allows films of identical thickness to be prepared from solutions with a range of solid contents. Our calibration curve for PS/C60/toluene is shown in Fig. S2.† Maintaining the PS to C60 ratio constant, indicated by the dashed lines in Fig. 2, nominally identical films can be prepared. Illustrative 5% C60/PS films, on both sides of the miscibility boundary, are indicated by red and green circles in Fig. 2. We investigate the effects of solution age, thermal annealing and drying time.
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Fig. 5 Effect of drying time along the same film formation pathway. (a–d) 5 wt% C60/PS 130 nm thin films fabricated via spin casting yield either an ordered (c) or disordered (d) morphology upon annealing. (e–h) 5 wt% C60/PS ≈ 20 μm thick drop cast films result in (e) sparse fullerene clusters nucleated during drying from homogeneous solutions (green), or (f) large precipitates seeded within the precipitated solution (red) that grow during slow drying. Upon thermal annealing, (g) clusters with a ramified internal structure form from homogeneous solutions and (h) large clusters, similar to those of as-cast films from the precipitated solution. Image width of inset in (g) is 10 μm. Image analysis is shown in Fig. S4.† |
The slower drop casting yields dramatically different composite morphologies, shown in Fig. 5e–h. Films cast from the homogeneous (green) solutions yield few ∼1 μm clusters, as seen by optical microscopy in Fig. 5e, that nucleated during drying through the heterogeneous pathway. Upon thermal annealing above Tg, diffuse C60 clusters of several μm forms (Fig. 5g), with a structure reminiscent of bundles with a ramified internal structure. Large (∼100 μm) fractal fullerite C60 structures from toluene can be obtained under specific slow evaporation conditions,37 suggesting that the slow evaporation and a higher viscosity of PS/toluene drop cast solutions yield these ‘tumbleweed’ structures. Directional assembly of C60 in solution with rod-like (and other) features,38,39 and for polymer/colloid mixtures40 have been observed previously. By contrast, films drop cast from aggregated solutions (red) yield large (10’s μm) C60 compact crystalline (and birefringent) clusters regardless of annealing, as shown in Fig. 5f and h (and S4†), suggesting that solution seed clusters grow extensively during the slow drying period and thus thermal annealing has no incremental (nucleation and growth) effect. The controlled growth of C60 micron-sized crystals with various shapes and crystal structures using solvent mixtures has been demonstrated (e.g.ref. 41). The drying pathway, across both sides of the phase boundary, has evidently a significant impact and potential on tuning the morphology of these polymer/fullerene composites.
To assess the generality of our findings, we examined PS/toluene solutions with a more soluble fullerene (PCBM), and PS/PCBM solutions with a better solvent for the fullerene: chlorobenzene. These results are summarised in Fig. S5 and S6.† In short, we find that the phase boundaries vary qualitatively in a similar manner, i.e. a linear decrease in fullerene miscibility upon polymer addition. However, the volume estimate with α ≃ 0.74 (reminiscent of hard sphere packing) was only applied to PS/C60/toluene which we attribute to the large asymmetry in the solubility of PS and C60 in toluene. As this asymmetry decreases (e.g. with PCBM and further with chlorobenzene), the miscibility reduction becomes less sensitive to polymer addition, effectively reducing α (all the way to ≃0). Fullerene miscibility and aggregation appears thus highly dependent on the relative magnitude of the interactions between the solution components.
We have considered PS/C60 film morphologies obtained for identical compositions and thicknesses but formed through different solution pathways. In agreement with the measured phase diagram, we observe films that are rapidly formed by spin casting from the homogeneous region to be uniform, while those cast from above the miscibility line to contain clusters, that depend on solution age. Upon thermal annealing, these also yield different morphologies indicating opportunities for tuning the film morphology by controlling the solution properties, which have not been previously recognised. Slow drying of thick (>μm) films by drop casting has a proportionally larger effect on the resulting morphology (of nominally identical films) by increasing the timescale for fullerene aggregation across the phase boundaries.
Our findings highlight the importance of understanding solution properties of polymer/fullerene (and polymer/nanoparticle) composites in a range of practical applications, including fullerene-based solar cells and advanced coatings that are solution processed.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c5sm00053j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 |