*b and
aState Key Laboratory of Heavy Oil Processing, Center for Bioengineering and Biotechnology, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, 266580, China. E-mail:
bState Key Laboratory of Organic-Inorganic Composites, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, 100029, China. E-mail:
First published on 19th November 2015
A common mechanism for intracellular transport is the controlled shape transformation, also known as pearling, of membrane tubes. Exploring how tube pearling takes place is thus of quite importance to not only understand the bio-functions of tubes, but also promote their potential biomedical applications. While the pearling mechanism of one single tube is well understood, both the pathway and the mechanism of pearling of multiple tubes still remain unclear. Herein, by means of computer simulations we show that the tube pearling can be mediated by the inter-tube adhesion. By increasing the inter-tube adhesion strength, each tube undergoes a discontinuous transition from no pearling to thorough pearling. The discontinuous pearling transition is ascribed to the competitive variation between tube surface tension and the extent of inter-tube adhesion. Besides, the final pearling instability is also affected by tube diameter and inter-tube orientation. Thinner tubes undergo inter-tube lipid diffusion before completion of pearling. The early lipid diffusion reduces the extent of inter-tube adhesion and thus restrains the subsequent pearling. Therefore, only partial or no pearling can take place for two thinner tubes. For two perpendicular tubes, the pearling is also observed, but with different pathways and higher efficiency. The finite size effect is discussed by comparing the pearling of tubes with different lengths. It is expected that this work will not only provide new insights into the mechanism of membrane tube pearling, but also shed light on the potential applications in biomaterials science and nanomedicine.
In vivo, membrane tubes are pulled by motor proteins or induced by membrane deformations.7,8 In experiments, membrane tubes can be formed by application of an external force, which can be accomplished via optical or magnetic tweezers,9–15 micropipette aspiration,16,17 or hydrodynamic flow.18 To the best of our knowledge, the mechanism of membrane tube formation is extremely diverse in reality. Besides the intrinsic membrane properties, like membrane tension, spontaneous curvature, membrane asymmetry and membrane bending rigidity, both the formation and stabilization of membrane tubes require the participation of relevant proteins. One typical example is the membrane mediated aggregation of Nematogens, which can both induce and stabilize the membrane tubulation.19 The linear aggregation of nanoparticles on the membrane surface can also induce the membrane tubulation.20,21 The detailed molecular structure of membrane tether formation was reported by Tieleman and his co-workers using molecular dynamics simulations.22 By Monte Carlo simulations, the force barriers for membrane tube formation were measured by Koster et al.23
Once membrane tubes form, both their functions and subsequent fate will be strongly affected by their shape transformation, also known as pearling. In recent years, the mechanisms of membrane tube pearling have been widely investigated both experimentally and theoretically. In general, external interventions are required to induce the membrane tension that can overcome the restoring bending energy. In experiments, the induced tension can be realized by a variety of methodologies. Bar-Ziv and Moses first discovered that the stability of membrane tubes is lost if subjected to optical tweezers.24 They demonstrated that the membrane tube pearling is a competition between membrane tension and membrane curvature. Subsequently, the tension-driven pearling induced by other factors, like magnetic or electric field25,26 and osmotic perturbation,27,28 has been reported. Besides the membrane tension, another parameter to drive tube pearling is the spontaneous membrane curvature,29,30 which can be generated by polymer anchorage31,32 and nanoparticle adsorption.33 Our previous simulations showed that the tube pearling can be accomplished by increasing the inner water pressure and is strongly affected by nanoparticle adsorption onto the outer leaflet.34
It is noteworthy that biological membranes often form highly dynamic tubular networks.35 One typical example is the endoplasmic reticulum that relies on an elaborate tubular membrane network to transport proteins inside the cell. Generally, these tubes are highly dynamic for achieving controllable material transport, moving rapidly and pearling and fusing frequently.35,36 Besides, the adjacent animal cells were found to be connected by long cylindrical membrane tubes, which play important roles in the intercellular communication.37–39 When two membrane tubes meet, the inter-tube adhesion from lipid molecules or specific proteins may induce tube fusion or pearling. For example, recent in vitro experiments showed that the bending instability of a membrane tube could be induced by mechanical adhesion to the neighboring tube.40 Three-way junctions were also observed when two tubes of the same vesicle were brought close to each other.41,42 Nevertheless, the question of how the inter-tube interaction affects the pearling instability still remains largely unsolved.
Our present work is thus motivated by these facts, and aims to elucidate the interaction between two adhering membrane tubes. To this end, two adhering membrane tubes, either parallel or perpendicular to each other, are constructed. By performing both explicit and implicit solvent Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD) simulations, we show that the tube pearling can be mediated by the inter-tube adhesion. A number of factors, like inter-tube adhesion strength, tube diameter, and inter-tube orientation, are determinants of the final pearling instability.
We notice that the relative short tube length in our simulation might induce the finite size effect that affects the tube–vesicle transformation. In order to confirm that our simulations are free from this effect, we first simulated the pearling of a single tube with a diameter of 28 nm. To accelerate tube pearling, we artificially transferred a number of water beads from the outside to the inside,34 and found that no transformation from tubes to vesicles occurs under lower inner water pressure. Under higher inner water pressure, the cylindrical tubes finally transit to vesicles. Importantly, after pearling occurs, no inverse transformation from vesicles to tubes has been observed after a long simulation time. This implies that the finite size effect plays a minor role in our simulation results.
The conservative force used to model the repulsive interaction of beads i and j is determined using
FCij = aij![]() | (1) |
The dissipative force has the form,
FDij = −γ(1 − rij/rc)2(![]() ![]() | (2) |
The random force also acts between each pair of particles as
FRij = −σ(1 − rij/rc)2θij![]() | (3) |
For lipid molecules, we use a harmonic bond between neighboring beads to ensure the integrity of lipids:
FS = KS(rij − req)![]() | (4) |
Fφ = −∇Uφ and Uφ = Kφ(1 − cos(φ − φ0)) | (5) |
![]() | (6) |
Since the simulation model is solvent free, we are able to simulate membrane tubes without volume constraint. This scenario corresponds to long experimental time scales during which the leakage of the tube content occurs. To include the volume constraint during pearling of membrane tubes, we fill each tube with “cargo” beads, which not only mimic the volume constraint due to solvent, but also provide a pressure difference across the membrane.61 These cargo beads possess purely repulsive interactions with the hydrophobic part of lipids and interact with hydrophilic beads of lipids effectively as lipid heads. The cargo–cargo interaction is said to be the same as the lipid head–“cargo” interaction, i.e., there is no effective interaction between “cargo” beads. The pressure difference across the membrane can thus be modulated by varying the number of “cargo” beads inside the tube.
Theoretically, the pearling of two adhering tubes is similar to that of one separate tube. It has been demonstrated that the tube pearling is a competition between membrane tension and membrane curvature.24 For two adhering tubes, the tension increase responsible for tube pearling is derived from the inter-tube adhesion. To increase the inter-tube adhesion area, each tube undergoes a finite deformation in the cross-section (Fig. S1, ESI†). For cylindrical tubes with constant volume, the tube deformation increases the tube surface area and thus increases the membrane tension. On a molecular level, the increase of inter-tube adhesion area is also accomplished via directed lipid diffusion from the non-contact region to the inter-tube contact region. The directed lipid diffusion decreases the lipid density in the non-contact region and thus further increases the local membrane tension. In our previous work, we have found that vesicles undergo rupture when strongly adhering to a planar membrane.50 The vesicle rupture was ascribed to the high tension induced by both vesicle deformation and directed lipid diffusion. This is quite similar to our present case, in which the tension of both tubes is increased by inter-tube adhesion. Nevertheless, under such weak inter-tube adhesion strength (aH1H2 = 14), the resultant tension increase does not balance the membrane curvature. Therefore, no obvious pearling takes place for the two membrane tubes. We accordingly refer to the specific pearling instability as no pearling.
It should be noted that pearling of single membrane tubes is axisymmetric and the pearled tube surface can thus be described by a sinusoidal curve.24 For two adhering tubes, however, the axisymmetric pearling shape is strongly perturbed by the inter-tube adhesion. In more detail, the whole shape of the two adhering tubes gradually develops into a cylinder to minimize the surface tension as the pearling proceeds (Fig. 3A, t = 250000). But the shape of each pearled tube gradually changes to be polygon-like. The pearling shapes of two adhering tubes are complementary to each other to maximize the inter-tube adhesion (Fig. 3A).
In fact, as we slowly decrease the interaction parameter from aH1H2 = 14 to aH1H2 = 8, the transition from no pearling to thorough pearling is not continuous. In other words, no intermediate pearling instability is observed when 8 <aH1H2 < 14. The discontinuous pearling transition is well reflected by the equilibrium surface area of two adhering tubes as a function of the interaction parameter (Fig. 4A). Specifically, the equilibrium surface area remains nearly unchanged when the interaction parameter aH1H2 is larger than 8.0. Once the value of aH1H2 is decreased from 8.1 to 8.0, the equilibrium surface area suddenly decreases from 5170 nm2 to about 4400 nm2. Accordingly, the discontinuous transition from no pearling to thorough pearling is observed.
We interpret the discontinuous pearling transition as a result of the complicated competition between tube surface tension and inter-tube adhesion. On the one hand, maximizing inter-tube adhesion energy is accomplished by increasing the inter-tube contact area. In the early stage, the sudden increase of the inter-tube contact area is mainly realized by tube deformation (Fig. S1, ESI†). Afterwards, lipid molecules from the non-contact region tend to diffuse and gather at the inter-tube contact region. The tube deformation as well as the directed lipid diffusion increases the tension of both tubes. Once the tension exceeds a critical value, it balances the membrane curvature and thus drives the subsequent pearling transition. On the other hand, the tube pearling is accompanied by a striking decrease of the tube surface area, which means tension release to some extent (Fig. 3C). Once the tension is somewhat released, the inter-tube contact area would further increase and thus leads to a higher extent of tube pearling (Fig. 3B, t > 200000). It is speculated that the competition process would not terminate until thorough pearling is completed for both tubes.
To further understand the discontinuous pearling transition of two adhering tubes, we then simulate the pearling of a single tube. In order to accomplish the tube pearling, a certain amount of solvent particles is transferred from the outside to the inside of the tube. The membrane tension can thus be indirectly modulated by varying the inner water pressure.34 After simulation completes, the average tube surface area is calculated under different inner water pressures. According to Fig. 4B, the average tube surface area decreases continuously with the inner water pressure. This suggests that the pearling transition for a single membrane tube is continuous. We analyze that once the tension of one single tube is released by pearling it will not be increased again during the whole pearling process. This is different from the case of two adhering tubes, for which the tension released by tube pearling can further promote the inter-tube adhesion to a higher extent. In return, the tension can further be increased by a higher extent of inter-tube adhesion. Therefore, the pearling proceeds until thorough pearling completes. Nevertheless, we must admit that a direct comparison between Fig. 4A and B is not meaningful. This is because the inter-tube adhesion strength for two adhering tubes and the inner water pressure for a single tube both determine the tube surface tension, but in different ways.
In our simulations, the pearling division of two adhering tubes is both thermodynamically and dynamically related. Energetically, the lower value of aH1H2 leads to a higher extent of inter-tube adhesion, which further results in a higher increase of membrane tension for both tubes (Fig. 5B). The higher tension increase is indirectly reflected by a larger inter-tube contact number after thorough pearling completes (Fig. 5B, t = 150000). After a short equilibrium, both tubes undergo the pearling division, which is accompanied by a striking increase of the tube surface area (Fig. 5C). This is different from that of a single tube, the pearling division of which is reflected by a striking area decrease.34 The opposite trend is because we calculate the tube surface area by cutting each membrane tube into a number of slices and summing the area of each slice. Therefore, the sudden increase of the calculated tube surface area is ascribed to the inter-tube lipid diffusion (Fig. 5A, t = 200
000). Theoretically, when lipids of two tubes are completely mixed, the real tube surface area will be half of the final calculated value for each tube. In other words, the tube surface area after pearling division is about 3500 nm2, which is much smaller than that after thorough pearling completes (Fig. 5C). Therefore, the final pearling division of two adhering tubes further releases the tube surface tension and is thus energetically favorable. Dynamically, the pearling division is accomplished via inter-tube fusion, which is first initiated at the point of contact between the cylindrical micelle of one tube and the membrane of the other tube (Fig. 5A, t = 200
000). Besides, once the inter-tube fusion is initiated the inter-tube lipid diffusion would continue until the lipids of two tubes are completely mixed. After the inter-tube fusion completes, both tubes finally transform into two adhering vesicles (Fig. 5A, t = 300
In order to verify the critical role of inter-tube fusion in pearling division, we purposely vary the interaction parameter between the hydrophobic tails of lipids belonging to different tubes. As we increase the interaction parameter to aT1T2 = 200, the inter-tube fusion is artificially restrained (Fig. 6). As a result, the thorough pearling turns to be stable and no pearling division is observed during our simulation. This suggests that for two parallel membrane tubes, the inter-tube membrane fusion is the only way to realize the transition from pearling to pearling division.
We analyze that decreasing the tube diameter has two kinds of effects. One is to reduce the extent of membrane tube deformation (membrane bending energy dominated). The reduced membrane deformation leads to a lower extent of inter-tube adhesion (Fig. 7B), which further results in a lower increase of membrane tension. The other effect is that the inter-tube lipid diffusion is always observed for two thinner membrane tubes before tube pearling (Fig. 7A, t = 50000). Once the inter-tube lipid diffusion is initiated, the inter-tube contact number roughly increases linearly until the lipids of both membrane tubes are completely mixed (Fig. 7B). According to the linear increase of the inter-tube contact number, we approximately measure the lipid diffusion constant across the tube as 0.03 lipids per step. We should note that the inter-tube lipid diffusion constant is affected by a number of factors, like tube diameter and inter-tube adhesion strength. In our simulations, the early inter-tube lipid diffusion effectively reduces the real extent of inter-tube adhesion. More generally, whether a higher extent of tube pearling can take place is determined by the competition between pearling time and inter-tube lipid diffusion time.
Here, we should distinguish two interaction pathways. One is the inter-tube lipid diffusion and the other is the inter-tube fusion. Although both pathways are featured by the lipid movement from one tube to the other tube, only inter-tube fusion furthermore induces the topological change of the interacting tubes. Comparatively, inter-tube lipid diffusion generally occurs only for two thinner adhering tubes, which contrarily restrains tube pearling.
It should be pointed out that the inter-tube lipid diffusion is always initiated at the front of the inter-tube adhesion (Fig. 7A, t = 50000). The preferential lipid diffusion location is ascribed to the fact that the inter-tube lipid diffusion is mediated by lipid tail protrusion. It has been shown both theoretically and experimentally that the lipid tail protrusion is enhanced for a highly curved system.62–64 For example, a recent experiment demonstrated that membrane insertion of NPs mediated by lipid tail protrusion is preferentially initiated at the membrane edge with higher curvature.62 Besides, both MD and DPD simulations described that vesicle fusion via lipid protrusion would first take place at locations of high membrane curvature.65,66 This is consistent with our present case in which the local membrane curvature of the tube–tube–water interface is much higher than that of the tube–tube interface.
Dynamically, the pearling of each tube is accomplished via local tube shrinkage, which further transits to a cylindrical micelle and completes the pearling. We have shown that the pearling of two adhering tubes is complementary with each other. Therefore, a lower pearling efficiency for the thicker tube is because it takes more time to accomplish the local tube shrinkage. Energetically, the different pearling efficiency is being membrane bending energy dominated. In fact, the effect of diameter on pearling for single tubes has been theoretically analyzed by Bar-Ziv and Moses.24 Their energetic analysis illustrated that for thinner tubes the transition from the cylinder to finite amplitude peristaltic state is well balanced by the membrane bending energy. Here, we approximately treat each pearled tube as a number of vesicles which are connected by cylindrical micelles. Therefore, the membrane bending energy for each pearled tube can be approximated to a constant. Comparatively, the membrane bending energy for a tube is strongly affected by the tube diameter, i.e. Eb ∼ kπh/R, where k, h, and R represent the membrane bending modulus, the tube length and the tube radius, respectively. Therefore, when two tubes with different diameters adhere to each other, the stability of the thinner tube is first lost and pearling simultaneously takes place.
However, our simulation shows that the pearling of two perpendicular tubes is not limited but with a higher efficiency (Fig. 9A). In fact, the increase of the inter-tube adhesion area is accomplished via tube deformation along the axial direction, which is more energetically favorable than that along the radial direction for two parallel tubes (Fig. 3). After thorough pearling completes, the pearling division of one tube is first finished via fission of the cylindrical micelle (Fig. 9A, t = 170000), while the other tube is relatively stable until the pearling division is later initiated (t = 190
000). Besides, the pearling division of the horizontal tube is accomplished via membrane fusion, similar to that of two parallel tubes.
Next, we fix the diameter of one tube to 28 nm and decrease that of the other tube to 20 nm. It is surprising that decreasing one tube diameter facilitates pearling of both tubes (Fig. 9B). Specifically, pearling division of the thinner tube is first accomplished via micelle fission at about t = 50000. For the thicker tube, the pearling division is mediated by the inter-tube membrane fusion at about t = 160
000. Both completion time is apparently shorter than that of two perpendicular tubes with diameters D1 = D2 = 28 nm (Fig. 9A). Moreover, the asynchronous pearling for two perpendicular tubes further suggests that the pearling division via micelle fission is more efficient than that via inter-tube membrane fusion.
For comparison, we first simulate the pearling of a single short membrane tube (L = 75 nm, D = 28 nm). As we gradually increase the number of “cargo” beads inside the tube, the stability is lost when the inner “cargo” number is larger than 2000. This is qualitatively consistent with our previous simulation work, in which the tube pearling can be induced by simply increasing the inner water pressure.34 According to the snapshots, only a single pearling wavelength is observed in the simulation box (Fig. 10A). We ascribe the single short pearling wavelength to the relatively short tube length as well as the periodic boundary condition. To reduce the size effect, we next fix the tube diameter and increase the tube length. For L = 250 nm, the pearling wavelength is apparently increased, although still only one tube wavelength fits in the simulation box (Fig. 10B). As we further increase the tube length to 500 nm, the tube finally transits to two separate vesicles (Fig. 10C). It is thus evident that the tube pearling with a single wavelength is ascribed to the size effect, which can be reduced by increasing the tube length.
Next, we try to simulate the pearling of two long adhering membrane tubes. The length and the inner “cargo” number for each tube are fixed to 500 nm and 3000, respectively. Under the same conditions, one separate tube is quite stable during a long simulation time. For two adhering tubes, surprisingly, the inter-tube adhesion does not induce pearling in the solvent free simulations (Fig. S7, ESI†). Comparing with that obtained by explicit solvent DPD simulations, the tube volume is not maintained during the solvent free DPD simulation. In more detail, each tube undergoes more striking shrinkage to increase the inter-tube adhesion area. The decreased tube volume reduces the tension increase, which is thus not capable of balancing the membrane bending energy and leads to tube pearling.
We expect that our simulations have implications for both bio-distribution and bio-function of membrane tubes. For example, it has been known that membrane tubes play a role in membrane trafficking by destabilization or scissioning to vesicles. Our simulations thus suggest that strong inter-tube adhesion can promote the transformation from tubes into vesicles and thus facilitate the trafficking process. We should point out that in reality multiple membrane tubes meeting with each other usually have different sizes, orientations and surface properties. Therefore, the pearling process of multiple membrane tubes should be much more complex. We hope that further experiments can be inspired by our simulations to further elucidate the pearling mechanism of multiple adhering membrane tubes. This will be of quite importance to both understand the biological function of membrane tubes and develop new biomaterials for applications in the field of nanomedicine.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c5cp04579g |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2016 |