a and
aFinnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Survontie 9A (Technopolis), 40500 Jyväskylä, Finland. E-mail: heidi.ahkola@ymparisto.fi
bNab Labs Oy, Survontie 9 (YAD), 40500 Jyväskylä, Finland
First published on 17th June 2016
Municipal wastewater contains a number of harmful chemicals whose concentrations can fluctuate dramatically. Therefore studying concentrations of harmful chemicals by conventional grab water sampling can give a misleading picture of the true chemical contents. In grab samples the contents can often remain below the quantification limit which does not necessary mean the compound is not present in the aquatic environment but rather implies unsuccessful timing of sampling or limited sample volume. Alternative techniques are needed to improve the reliability of monitoring harmful chemicals and thus in this study the presence of organotin compounds (OTCs) was monitored at a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) with Chemcatcher® passive sampling. Extreme conditions complicate the passive sampling, particularly in influent stream. However, the OTC concentrations determined with passive samplers were similar with those measured from grab samples. In conclusion, fewer OTCs were found with grab sampling than with passive sampling, particularly in effluent. The passive samplers seemed to be more suitable than grab samples for monitoring OTCs in wastewaters. As long-term sampling techniques give a more representative picture of the true chemical contents, passive sampling should be considered as an emerging tool for environmental authorities to implement the monitoring of harmful chemicals at WWTP.
Water impactMunicipal wastewater contains a number of harmful chemicals whose concentrations can fluctuate dramatically. Therefore studying concentrations of harmful chemicals by conventional grab water sampling can give a misleading picture of the true chemical contents. Since long-term sampling techniques give a more representative picture of the true chemical contents, environmental authorities should consider passive sampling as an emerging tool for the monitoring of harmful chemicals at waste water treatment plant. |
During the sewage treatment process part of the chemicals are retained in wastewater sludge. Despite further treatment (e.g. composting) sludge can still contain a number of harmful substances such as organotin compounds (OTCs)2 which can leach back to the environment when the treated sludge is used in landscaping or as fertilizers. In Finland tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT) and monobutyltin (MBT) end up in aquatic environments via WWTP effluents.3 TBT, DBT and MBT were also frequently found in landfill runoff waters while triphenyltin (TPhT) and dioctyltin (DOT) were detected only in a few samples.3 However, diphenyltin (DPhT) and monophenyltin (MPhT) were not detected at all. Pinel-Raffaitin et al.4,5 observed inorganic tin to be one of the main contaminants which leach from the landfills and its concentration in leachates and biogases clearly exceeded the ones detected in aquatic and atmospheric ecosystems in Finland.6 The reuse of wastewater sludge is estimated to bring 1.1–2.6 kilograms of TBT into the environment and with effluents 0.01–0.4 kilograms of TBT ends up in surface waters.7
TBT is regulated due to its persistent and ubiquitous characteristics.8 It is one of the priority substances listed in European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD)9 since it presents a significant risk to aquatic environments. The EU restricted the use of OTCs in ship paints in 2003,10 and the use of tri-substituted OTCs for other purposes was banned in 2010.11 In 2010 the restriction was extended to imported products by setting a limit on their acceptable content per item (0.1% by weight of tin).11 In 2012 the restriction was extended to include DBT.12 The concentrations of OTCs in the environment are low but their toxicological effects appear in concentrations which are close to the limit of quantification (LOQ) since the environmental quality standard concentration (AA-EQS) for TBT is 0.2 ng L−1.13 This causes challenges to analytical methods since in most laboratories the LOQ for TBT can be higher by order of magnitude than its AA-EQS.
The OTCs are anthropogenic substances which are not formed in nature.8,14 There is a wide usage of DBT which covers e.g. glues, paints, plastic items and other household and personal care products from baking paper to earplugs.3,10 MBT has mainly been used in preparing plastic products. In Finland TBT has been applied as a wood protecting agent, slimicide and fungicide in the pulp and paper industry, disinfecting fishnets in fishfarms and as biocide in agriculture.3 During recent years the main source of TBT in Finland has been imported wood products.15 Monobutyltin (MBT), dibutyltin (DBT) and octyltins are still used outside the EU as PVC stabilizers in packaging materials from which they leach to foodstuff and beverages.16–19 Despite the restrictions these substances are still found and released into aquatic environments for example via WWTP.
According to Mehtonen et al.3 there was no connection between population equivalent and the concentration of OTCs detected in wastewater. However, Huhtala et al.6 observed that population equivalent contributed to MBT and DBT concentration but not TBT content. They suggested that the loading of TBT is constant and originates mainly from consumer products imported from outside the EU. The contribution of industrial wastewater and stormwater on the amount of DBT and MBT at WWTP was recognized as well. The high variation of DBT concentrations between different WWTPs can derive from its extensive industrial use. The source of fluctuating MBT loading in wastewaters is still unclear as its industrial use is minor and data on its application in consumer products is inadequate. One possibility would be that during the treatment process DBT is transformed to MBT.17 Due to low TBT contents at Finnish WWTPs transformation of TBT to DBT is not considered as a relevant DBT source. The degradation of TBT in water is ambiguously reported, since it strongly depends on the prevailing aquatic environment.8,20 The half-life of TBT in seawater depends on several things such as pH, temperature, turbidity and light.21,22 Seligman et al.23 observed a half-life of 6 or 7 days for TBT in marine waters in light and dark, respectively. However, the degradation of DBT was considered to be slower varying from 9 to 19 days in clean surface water.24 If suspended solids are present in water, TBT can attach to particles, which further hinder its degradation and increases the half-life.
Chemcatcher® passive samplers have been deployed for monitoring harmful substances in natural waters.25–29 If the concentration of an analyte is below LOQ in grab sample, it can be concentrated to a measurable level by passive sampling. Chemcatcher® has been proposed as the preferred sampling method over grab sampling as the latter technique e.g. requires pretreatment to avoid the clogging of solid phase extraction cartridge.30–33 Only a few Chemcatcher® passive sampler studies have been reported in wastewaters.33 There are some studies where polar organic integrative sampler (POCIS) has been deployed in wastewater effluent34,35 or hospital sewage waters.36 In general for POCIS as well as Chemcatcher® passive sampler the sampling rates are higher in laboratory conditions than in wastewater.33,36–38 When a Chemcatcher sampler is deployed without a diffusion membrane it detects far lower concentrations of harmful substances than e.g. POCIS sampler. Therefore uncovered Chemcatchers can be deployed at the sampling site for a shorter time than POCIS samplers.
The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of Chemcatcher® passive sampling as a semi-quantitative tool for determining OTCs in wastewater. The passive sampling technique was compared with grab sampling when studying the presence of OTCs at WWTP. Finally, the suitability of Chemcatcher® passive sampling technique on wastewater screening was estimated.
MS(t) = CWRSt | (1) |
Before deployment the receiving phase of Chemcatcher® passive sampler, C-18 Empore disk, was conditioned by immersing it in methanol for 20 min. After that the disk was placed into filtration apparatus and 10 mL methanol was passed through the disk followed by 20 mL UHQ-water. No diffusion membrane was used in this study. The sampler housing parts were soaked in methanol overnight. The moist disk was placed into the assembled sampler housing and stored in a zip-lock bag at 4 °C until deployment. After the deployment the sampler was disassembled and the disk was extracted in ultrasonic bath with acetic acid/methanol (3:
1) mixture and using tri-n-propyltin as an internal standard. The disk was removed and 4 mL acetate buffer (1 M, pH 5.4), 200 μL sodium tetraethylborate (NaB(C2H5)4) and 1.5 mL hexane were added to the extract and shaken for 5 minutes. The hexane part was separated and evaporated to a smaller volume and the OTCs were analysed using GC-ICP-MS. OTCs were also determined in sludge samples to estimate whether they are retained in sludge during the waste water treatment process. Nine sludge samples before digestion were taken at WWTP in three different sampling events. About 5 g of each sludge sample was extracted according to the procedure of Chemcatcher® passive sampler. The results are expressed per dry weight of solid matter. The LOQ of the passive sampling procedure was 0.05 ng per disk for TBT and 0.1 ng per disk for other OTCs. For sludge samples the LOQs were 0.2 ng g−1 dry weight for TBT and 0.5 ng g−1 for other OTCs.
All analyses were conducted at laboratory certified by FINAS (Finnish Accreditation Service) as T142 (EN ISO/IEC 17025). Water chemistry characteristics were analysed by following standard procedures and their removal efficiency at WWTP was calculated as well. The determined characteristics were biological oxygen demand (BOD7), chemical oxygen demand (CODCr), suspended solids, total nitrogen (Ntot) and total phosphorus (Ptot).
The OTC concentrations measured in influent waste water samples in 2012 (trial 1) were considerably higher than in 2013 (trials 2–4) (Table 2). During the trial 1 the average waste water volume was larger (41255 m3 d−1) than in other trials (trial 2 = 34
210 m3 d−1, trial 3 = 35
823 m3 d−1 and trial 4 = 36
215 m3 d−1). The TWA concentrations of OTCs in water were calculated from the passive sampling results and compared with concentrations measured in grab samples (Table 2). MBT, DBT and TBT were found in all samplers deployed both in influent and effluent waters. Also MOT and DOT were observed in all trials except for trial 1, but then only MBT, DBT and TBT were measured from passive samplers. Despite TBT was found in all samplers, its concentration remained below the LOQ in all effluent grab water samples taken during trials 3 and 4 and in trial 2 it was detected once. In trial 2 DOT-concentration in influent was higher when determined with passive samplers than measured in grab samples. In trial 2 DOT was detected in grab samples only twice so the high DOT concentration pulse was probably missed due to unsuccessful timing of grab sampling. TPhT was detected only in one sampler exposed in influent (trial 4). MPhT was also found once but then it was detected in all replicate samplers (trial 3). The concentrations of phenyltins were very low as TPhT was measured only in one influent and effluent grab sample during trial 1. But again, phenyltins were not measured from the samplers at trial 1. The OTC concentrations in blank samples were below LOQ. In general the concentrations determined with passive samplers were in agreement with the concentrations measured in grab water samples. However, there were few exceptions which imply fluctuating OTC concentrations. However, passive samplers found OTCs which were not detected by conventional grab sampling. This suggests that passive sampling can be considered as a more suitable technique than grab sampling for monitoring OTCs in waste waters.
OTC | Influent | |||||||||||
Trial 1 | Trial 2 | Trial 3 | Trial 4 | |||||||||
C S | C w | n | C S | C w | n | C S | C w | n | C S | C w | n | |
MBT | 5.5 | 39–100 | 2 | 8.8 | 0.6–40 | 4 | 4.2 | 15–104 | 4 | 18 | 63–73 | 4 |
DBT | 25 | 38–148 | 2 | 7.3 | 3.0–31 | 4 | 5.2 | 38–71 | 4 | 8 | 26–35 | 4 |
TBT | 0.8 | <LOQ–2 | 1 | 0.07 | 0.2–3.6 | 2 | 0.04 | <LOQ–2.0 | 1 | 0.04 | 0.5–1.6 | 4 |
TeBT | NM | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ–1.2 | 1 |
MPhT | NM | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | 0.18 | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 |
DPhT | NM | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 |
TPhT | NM | <LOQ–9 | 1 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | 0.05 | <LOQ | 0 |
MOT | NM | 10–29 | 2 | 2.8 | 2.1–6.3 | 3 | 2.6 | 17–33 | 4 | 3.2 | 9.6–14 | 4 |
DOT | NM | 7–37 | 2 | 38 | 2.2–3.5 | 2 | 17 | 0.9–45 | 4 | 9.9 | 6.3–11 | 4 |
TOT | NM | <LOQ–11 | 1 | <LOQ | <LOQ | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 |
OTC | Effluent | |||||||||||
Trial 1 | Trial 2 | Trial 3 | Trial 4 | |||||||||
C S | C w | n | C S | C w | n | C S | C w | n | C S | C w | n | |
MBT | 1.8 | 1.8–14 | 3 | 1.9 | 1–39 | 4 | 1.5 | 0.7–6.0 | 3 | 2.3 | 1.7–2.4 | 4 |
DBT | 5.5 | 2.2–8.7 | 3 | 2.7 | 5–51 | 4 | 1.5 | 2.8–5.7 | 3 | 1.5 | 2.0–2.6 | 4 |
TBT | 0.4 | 0.4–3.7 | 3 | 0.03 | <LOQ–0.2 | 1 | 0.04 | <LOQ | 0 | 0.02 | <LOQ | 0 |
TeBT | NM | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 |
MPhT | NM | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 |
DPhT | NM | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 |
TPhT | NM | <LOQ–16 | 1 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 |
MOT | NM | 0.5–2.5 | 3 | 0.6 | 0.7–4.8 | 3 | 0.9 | <LOQ–0.6 | 1 | 0.6 | <LOQ | 0 |
DOT | NM | <LOQ–1.4 | 1 | 4.9 | 1.5–3.1 | 2 | 3.6 | <LOQ | 0 | 2.5 | <LOQ | 0 |
TOT | NM | 1–35 | 2 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 | <LOQ | <LOQ | 0 |
Previous OTC-studies with passive samplers included diffusion membrane on which hindered the sampling rate.47–49 Only few studies involved Chemcatcher® passive sampling deployment in waste waters, however they did not concern OTCs Tan et al.33 studied endocrine disrupting compounds (EDSs) in waste water using deployment time of four days. They used uncovered styrene-divinylbenzene Empore disk with sulphonic acid functionality (SDB-RPS) as a receiving phase and determined the sampling rates for EDCs to be 1.12–3.23 L d−1, which were several times higher than the ones we determined for OTCs. However, as EDSs and OTCst have different physical and chemical properties (solubility, logKowetc.) their comparison is complicated. Calibration of POCIS passive sampler has been conducted in spiked waste waters to study pharmaceuticals and 15–40% lower Rs were observed in waste water than in tap water.36 The linear uptake region of the chemicals was observed to be shorter in waste water than in surface water being less than 7 days in previously mentioned. That derives from competitive sorption of analytes between the sampler receiving phase and surrounding organic matter. Tan et al.33 deployed Chemcatcher® samplers with SDB-RPS disk in waste water for four days and observed no clogging of the receiving phase. Shaw et al.50 found in their laboratory calibration that the linear region of Chemcatcher® with uncovered SDB-RPS receiving phase was 10 days. However, they deployed the samplers for 1, 5, 10 and 30 days so the uptake could have be remained at linear stage longer than just for 10 days. Vermeirssen et al.51 studied polar compounds in river and tap waters with identical Chemcatcher® configuration and only one compound from 22 approached the equilibrium after 25 days. Bailly et al.36 stated that the Rs should be determined in similar conditions as the field deployment in conducted, e.g. the content of organic matter. They observed that due to biofouling growth the deployment time in waste waters should not exceed 5 days. In our previous studies45 the linear uptake of OTCs determined in laboratory conditions using UHQ-water continued until the trial was stopped (9 days). In this study the samplers were estimated to remain at the linear region during the deployment time of three days. At retrieval only minimal biofouling was observed.
Previous studies showed that OTC concentrations measured from grab samples are higher than the TWA concentrations determined with passive samplers since grab samples also include a particle bound fraction.25,47,48 Aguilar-Martínez et al.49 observed the order of magnitude difference when studying OTCs with these two techniques. Tan et al.33 monitored endocrine disrupting compounds at WWTP and they noticed TWA concentrations calculated from passive sampling data to be lower by factor of 2 to >10 than in grab sampling. This applied also in our studies and it was especially observed in influent (Table 2). The grab water sample is taken at a certain moment and if the timing fails it can miss the contaminant peak. In addition passive samplers measure the average concentration of the compound during the whole sampling period. Difference of these two techniques is understandable, as they simply describe dissimilar issues.
Concentrations in effluent corresponded to the passive sampling results better than the ones in influent which can be explained with rather similar sampling conditions when compared to extreme circumstances prevailing in influent waters. With grab sampling only the concentrations above the LOQ can be observed which neglects the trace concentrations. On the other hand the high content of analyte in single grab sample can overestimate the true chemical content. However, due to low water flow in effluent the sampling rates of MBT and DBT were about half of the ones than in calibration trial (Table 1).
The TWA concentrations were compared with those measured from filtered and unfiltered grab samples. The results are presented as an average of four grab samples taken daily during trial 4 (Table 3). Filtering the samples did not reduce the OTC content dramatically which can be due to incomplete derivatization caused by suspended solids.52–54 It also appeared that the concentrations in filtered and in unfiltered grab samples were generally higher than the ones detected in passive samplers. However, passive samplers concentrated OTCs for three days which allowed the enrichment of trace contents to measurable level. This was discovered with TBT, MOT and DOT in effluent (Table 3).
Influent | Effluent | |||||
OTC | C sampler | C water | C water filtered | C sampler | C water | C water filtered |
MBT | 18 | 68 | 76 | 2.3 | 2.0 | 1.8 |
DBT | 7.8 | 32 | 27 | 1.5 | 2.3 | 2.1 |
TBT | 0.04 | 1.0 | 0.5 | 0.02 | ND | ND |
TeBT | ND | 1.2 | ND | ND | ND | ND |
MPhT | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND |
DPhT | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND |
TPhT | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND |
MOT | 3.2 | 11 | 14 | 0.6 | ND | ND |
DOT | 9.9 | 8.6 | 6.9 | 2.5 | ND | ND |
TOT | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND | ND |
OTC | Influent 2012 | Influent 2013 | Effluent 2012 | Effluent 2013 | ||||
(ng L−1) | n | (ng L−1) | n | (ng L−1) | n | (ng L−1) | n | |
MBT | 18–350 | 11 | 50–150 | 13 | 3.0–51 | 10 | 2.4–6.0 | 10 |
DBT | 29–300 | 11 | 18–100 | 13 | 1.0–18 | 10 | 1.3–6.9 | 11 |
TBT | 0.9–25 | 8 | 0.2–1.4 | 12 | 0.2–2.0 | 6 | 0.4–1.4 | 2 |
TeBT | ND–1.2 | 1 | ND–0.8 | 1 | ND | 0 | ND–1.0 | 1 |
MPhT | ND–1.6 | 1 | 1.0–6.4 | 3 | ND–4.5 | 1 | ND | 0 |
DPhT | ND | 0 | ND | 0 | ND | 0 | ND | 0 |
TPhT | ND–4.1 | 1 | 0.5–0.9 | 3 | ND–4.5 | 1 | ND | 0 |
MOT | 9.8–64 | 10 | 7.3–33 | 13 | 0.5–1.9 | 7 | ND–2.5 | 1 |
DOT | 7.9–150 | 10 | 3.2–37 | 13 | 0.7–3.3 | 2 | ND–1.2 | 1 |
TOT | 1.6–18 | 6 | ND–0.6 | 1 | 0.5–22 | 7 | ND | 0 |
In Finland TBT levels at WWTPs have been monitored earlier. Toivikko55 studied TBT concentrations in effluent samples of nine WWTPs and none of them exceeded the LOQ (1 ng L−1). Mehtonen et al.3 investigated four WWTPs and found TBT in concentrations of 2–9 ng L−1 in influent samples and <1–23 ng L−1 in effluents. DBT contents in inflowing waste water were 53–155 ng L−1 and in treated waste water 3–43 ng L−1 while for MBT the concentrations were 119–184 ng L−1 and 5–198 ng L−1, respectively. Both contents were at the same level as the ones measured in this study. Vieno7 monitored TBT from several WWTP influents (n = 36) and effluents (n = 60) and observed the concentrations to be rather low <0.2–3 ng L−1 and <0.2–1.9 ng L−1, respectively. The AA-EQS (0.2 ng L−1) was exceeded at five WWTPs. Our results follow the same trend in TBT concentration but the DBT content was somewhat higher than measured by Mehtonen et al.3 However, in our study we detected a wide range of MBT concentrations from very low contents to the high ones. In the study of Mehtonen et al.3 LOQ was 0.03–1.7 ng L−1 for water samples depending on the OTC. Toivikko et al.55 had the LOQ of 1 ng L−1 for OTCs in water which was higher than in our study.
The OTC concentration followed neither the volume of waste water nor the amount of suspended solids in waste water (Fig. 1). The extraction of OTCs from solid particles may require more efficient pre-treatment with different eluents or procedures like pressurized liquid extraction56,57 or accelerated solvent extraction58 and therefore we assumed that only the dissolved part of the OTCs was measured.
OTC | Removal% | Grab sampling | Passive sampling | Waste water sludge | ||||
Grab | Passive | n influent | n effluent | n influent | n effluent | Range (μg kg−1) | n | |
MBT | 90 | 80 | 14 | 14 | 12 | 12 | 2.7–47 | 9 |
DBT | 85 | 75 | 14 | 14 | 12 | 12 | 3.5–237 | 9 |
TBT | 44 | 51 | 8 | 4 | 9 | 8 | 0.3–4 | 7 |
TeBT | ND | ND | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 7.7–12 | 3 |
MPhT | ND | ND | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | ND | 0 |
DPhT | ND | ND | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ND | 0 |
TPhT | ND | ND | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | ND | 0 |
MOT | 91 | 75 | 13 | 7 | 9 | 9 | 0.2–15 | 9 |
DOT | 87 | 83 | 12 | 3 | 8 | 7 | 1.1–15 | 7 |
TOT | ND | ND | 1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 4.4–8 | 2 |
Suspended solids | 97 ± 2 | 31 | 32 | |||||
CODCr | 93 ± 3 | 31 | 31 | |||||
BOD7 | 98 ± 2 | 29 | 30 | |||||
Ntot | 24 ± 8 | 31 | 32 | |||||
Ptot | 97 ± 2 | 31 | 32 |
In influent the determined in situ RS values were reasonable but lower than in the calibration trial possibly due to extreme conditions. In effluent the estimated RS values for MBT and DBT were approximately half of the ones determined in laboratory calibration, which may be due to diminished water flow. For TBT the estimated RS was similar in both wastewaters. The presence of suspended solids in wastewaters could also reduce the sampling rate of OTCs. However, filtering of the wastewater samples did not reduce the OTC concentrations as much as expected which implies that OTCs are bound to small or colloidal particles that are able to pass the filter. The high concentration of suspended solids also hindered the derivatization of OTCs when the sample was prepared for the analysis. Overall, if OTCs attached to suspended solids are neither accumulated to passive samplers nor derivatized we can estimate that the contents measured with these two techniques are comparable.
In general the OTC-concentrations calculated based on passive sampling data were in line with those measured from grab samples. In grab samples the contents remain often below the LOQ, which does not necessary mean the compound is not present in the aquatic environment but rather implies unsuccessful timing. In conclusion, fewer OTCs were found with grab sampling than with passive sampling, particularly in effluent. The passive samplers seemed to be more suitable than grab samples for monitoring OTCs in wastewaters. Since long-term sampling techniques give a more representative picture of the true chemical contents, environmental authorities should consider passive sampling as an emerging tool for the monitoring of harmful chemicals in WWTP.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |