Pascal E.
b and
Bruce E.
aDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA. E-mail: bel3@engr.psu.edu
bBiological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), 4700 King Abdullah Boulevard, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia
First published on 23rd September 2016
Anaerobic fluidized bed membrane bioreactors (AFMBRs) use granular activated carbon (GAC) particles suspended by recirculation to effectively treat low strength wastewaters (∼100–200 mg L−1, chemical oxygen demand, COD), but the effluent can contain dissolved methane. An aerobic fluidized bed membrane bioreactor (AOFMBR) was developed to avoid methane production and the need for wastewater recirculation by using rising air bubbles to suspend GAC particles. The performance of the AOFMBR was compared to an AFMBR and a conventional aerobic membrane bioreactor (AeMBR) for domestic wastewater treatment over 130 d at ambient temperatures (fixed hydraulic retention time of 1.3 h). The effluent of the AOFMBR had a COD of 20 ± 8 mg L−1, and a turbidity of <0.2 NTU, for low-COD influent (153 ± 19 and 214 ± 27 mg L−1), similar to the AeMBR and AFMBR. For the high-COD influent (299 ± 24 mg L−1), higher effluent CODs were obtained for the AeMBR (38 ± 9 mg L−1) and AFMBR (51 ± 11 mg L−1) than the AOFMBR (26 ± 6 mg L−1). Transmembrane pressure of the AOFMBR increased at 0.04 kPa d−1, which was 20% less than the AeMBR and 57% less than the AFMBR, at the low influent COD. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis indicated a more uniform biofilm on the membrane in AOFMBR than that from the AeMBR biofilm, and no evidence of membrane damage. High similarity was found between communities in the suspended sludge in the AOFMBR and AeMBR (square-root transformed Bray–Curtis similarity, SRBCS, 0.69). Communities on the GAC and suspended sludge were dissimilar in the AOFMBR (SRBCS, 0.52), but clustered in the AFMBR (SRBCS, 0.63).
Water impactA new type of membrane reactor was developed that combined aerobic conditions and a fluidized bed of granular activated carbon (GAC) to better control membrane fouling and enable effective wastewater treatment without the generation of methane gas. Aerobic conditions led to different microbial communities on the GAC and in suspension compared to similar communities in the completely anaerobic reactor. |
Anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBRs) are being developed as alternatives to activated sludge and aerated membrane bioreactors in order to reduce energy demands needed for wastewater treatment6 because AnMBRs do not require aeration, and to reduce treatment plant operating costs as anaerobic processes can produce less sludge than aerobic systems. AnMBRs have been tested with many types of wastewaters, including municipal, synthetic, food processing, and industrial, at both laboratory and pilot scales, and have produced good effluent quality.6,7 However, membrane fouling is also challenging for AnMBR operation. Various strategies have been developed to reduce fouling, such as biogas recirculation and sparging,8 addition of granular or powdered activated carbon (PAC) as an absorbent9 in a submerged membrane operation, ultrasonic irradiation,10 and high cross flow velocity11 for the external cross-flow operation.
A new approach to reduce membrane fouling for low-strength wastewaters was recently developed based on using fluidized granular activated carbon (GAC), in a process called an anaerobic fluidized bed membrane bioreactor (AFMBR). The AFMBR has primarily been used as the secondary treatment reactor to treat the effluent from several different types of reactors. In tests using effluent from an anaerobic fluidized bed bioreactor (AFBR) treating synthetic wastewater, the AFMBR achieved 87% removal of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) (influent of 59 mg COD L−1) and nearly 100% solids removal, at an HRT of 2–3 h. Membrane fouling was well controlled as the reactor was operated for 120 days, and required only two chemical cleanings. The energy consumption of the AFMBR was estimated to be only 0.058 kW h m−3.12 An AFMBR was also used as a secondary treatment process to treat effluent from a microbial fuel cell (MFC) treating domestic wastewater. At an HRT of only 1 h, the AFMBR removed 85% of the COD and 99.6% the TSS, with an estimated energy demand of 0.0186 kW h m−3.13 An AFMBR treating the effluent from an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR), showed 87% COD removal using a complex synthetic wastewater at an HRT of ∼1 h, with an energy demand of 0.0087 kW h m−3.14 A single AFMBR was compared to staged anaerobic fluidized membrane bioreactors (SAF-MBR) for treating synthetic wastewater (∼200 mg COD L−1), with no significant differences found between the processes in terms of COD removal efficiency, transmembrane pressure (TMP), bulk liquid suspended solids, extracellular polymer substances (EPS) production, and soluble microbial products (SMP).15
One of the main disadvantages of AnMBRs or AFMBRs is that the effluent can contain high concentrations of dissolved methane which must be removed prior to discharge to avoid the release of this greenhouse gas to the atmosphere.16,17 In this study, an aerobic fluidized bed membrane bioreactor (AOFMBR), containing 92 g L−1 fluidized GAC particles as scouring media, was examined to simultaneously avoid production of dissolved methane, as well as eliminate the need for water (AFMBR) or biogas recirculation (AnMBR) used in anaerobic membrane reactors. The performance of the AOFMBR was compared in side-by-side tests with two other processes as controls: an AFMBR and an AeMBR. Domestic wastewater was used at three different COD concentrations (∼150, 200, and 300 mg L−1) to study the impact of organic loading on COD removal and membrane fouling. It was hypothesized that AOFMBR could achieve better organics removal and have less membrane fouling, as well as avoid generation of dissolve methane due to the aerobic conditions compared to the AFMBR. Treatment was evaluated in terms of COD and soluble COD (SCOD) removal and effluent turbidity, and TMP was monitored to assess membrane fouling. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was conducted to examine the morphology of biofilms on the membrane and membrane integrity. Analysis of microbial communities by 16S rRNA gene sequencing was done by sampling the solutions, and when present, the GAC, in the different reactors.
In order to acclimate the microorganisms for growth on the GAC, the AFMBR and AOFMBR were inoculated using diluted municipal wastewater (primary clarifier of the Pennsylvania State University Wastewater Treatment Plant) with a COD of 150 mg L−1, for one month, using the operation mode described above. The AeMBR was fed with the same diluted wastewater for one month. To begin the experiments, the membrane modules were replaced by new ones (designated day 1).
In order to study the effect of wastewater strength on membrane fouling and effluent quality, the study conditions were separated into 4 phases: phase 1 (1–45 days), influent COD of 153 mg L−1; phase 2 (45–73 days), influent COD of 214 mg L−1; phase 3 (73–103 days), influent COD of 299 mg L−1; phase 4 (103–131 days), influent COD of 329 mg L−1, and using a new membrane module. Operational details are summarized in Table 1. The replacement of the membrane module for phase 4 was needed due to the TMP drop in the AFMBR and AeMBR, which might have been caused by the failure of the membrane at some time in phase 3. The wastewater strength was controlled by dilution of domestic wastewater using distilled water to obtain the targeted COD. Consistent pH and solution conductivity were obtained by adding sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride as needed to each diluted wastewater sample (pH of ∼7.6 and conductivity of 1.2 mS cm−1). Effluent samples were taken from the effluent tubing every two days. All reactors were operated at ambient temperature (22 ± 10 °C).
Phase | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
COD (mg L−1) | 153 ± 19 | 214 ± 27 | 299 ± 24 | 329 ± 37 |
SCOD (mg L−1) | 87 ± 18 | 115 ± 19 | 185 ± 26 | 179 ± 28 |
pH | 7.7 ± 0.1 | 7.7 ± 0.1 | 7.5 ± 0.3 | 7.7 ± 0.2 |
Conductivity (mS cm−1) | 1.2 ± 0.1 | 1.2 ± 0.1 | 1.3 ± 0.1 | 1.2 ± 0.1 |
Membrane | New | Continued | Continued | New |
Membranes from the reactors were examined with SEM at the end of phase 3 to evaluate biofilm formation due to the three different reactor operational conditions. Small pieces of membrane were cut from the middle of the fiber, and prepared by: fixation in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in a 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution (PBS) at a pH of 7.2 for 30 minutes; rinsing with PBS for 3 × 5 min; successive dehydration using ethanol solutions of 5%, 50%, 70%, 85%, 95%, 3 × 100%, each for 5 min; critical point drying; sample mounting on aluminum stubs with conductive tabs; and coating with 10 nm Au/Pd. SEM images were viewed at 125× and 10000× magnifications.
The microbial communities were analyzed using genomic DNA extracted from the suspended biomass and biomass on the GAC (0.25 g, if present) in the AOFMBR, AFMBR, and AeMBR at the end of phase 4. For suspended biomass samples, liquid (13 mL) from the reactor was centrifuged at 4500 × g (Eppendorf 5804) for 1 h and the supernatant was decanted. For the AOFMBR and AeMBR suspended biomass analysis, 0.25 g of pellet was used for DNA extraction, but less was used for the AFMBR due to less solids collected. DNA was extracted from suspended biomass samples and GAC following the power soil DNA isolation kit protocol (Mo Bio Laboratories, Inc) with modifications: 0.1 um diameter glass beads were used instead of garnet beads; samples were centrifuged for 1 min instead of 0.5 min; and the incubation time was increased for 10 min instead of 5 min. The 16S rRNA genes in the extracted DNA samples were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) according to a previous study.19 Briefly, thermal cycling was conducted with the barcoded forward primer of 515F (5′-Illumina overhang -GTGYCAGCMGCCGCGGTA-3′) and reverse primer 805R (5′-Illumina overhang-GACTACHVGGGTATCTAATCC-3′), followed by the purification of amplicons. Equimolar 16S rRNA gene amplicons were mixed and submitted for high-throughput amplicon sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq platform (Illumina Inc, San Diego, CA, USA) in the KAUST Genomics Core Lab. The DNA sequences were processed for its quality and analyzed by the same approach as specified in previous study.20 Briefly, the relative abundances of various microbial genera and unclassified groups were square-root transformed and calculated for Bray-Curtis similarities (SRBCS) and metric multi-dimensional scaling (mMDS). Microbial groups that exhibited more than 0.95 Pearson's correlation to the spatial distribution of samples were overlaid onto the mMDS plot, and represented as vectors accounting for the spatial positions of samples. The microbial relative abundance was plotted in phylum level, with the predominant genus (>1%) shown separated. All high-throughput sequencing files were deposited in the short read archive (SRA) of the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under study accession number PRJEB13756.
When the organic loading rate was increased by 40% using an influent COD of 214 ± 27 mg L−1 (phase 2), effluent COD concentrations from the AOFMBR (COD, 22 ± 7 mg L−1; SCOD, 19 ± 7 mg L−1) were not significantly different from those in phase 1 (t-test, P = 0.13), resulting in an improved removal efficiency of 90 ± 3% for COD and 82 ± 7% for SCOD (Fig. 1). Increased COD removals were also obtained for the AFMBR (86 ± 4%) and AeMBR (90 ± 3%). Thus, for phase 1 and 2 tests, the effluent from all reactors had good effluent qualities based on the effluent CODs.
When the influent COD was increased by another 40% to 299 ± 24 mg L−1 (phase 3), the AOFMBR had better treatment performance than the other two reactors. The AFOMBR effluent COD increased slightly to 28 ± 7 mg L−1 (from 22 ± 7 mg L−1) (Fig. 1) in phase 3, resulting in average removal efficiencies of 91 ± 2% for COD and 86 ± 3% for SCOD. The effluent CODs were much higher for the other two reactors, with 39 ± 10 mg L−1 (87 ± 3% removal) for the AeMBR, and 51 ± 11 mg L−1 (83 ± 3% removal) for the AFMBR. The effluent CODs of the AOFMBR were significantly different from those of the AFMBR (t-test, P < 0.001) and AeMBR (t-test, P = 0.002). In addition, the effluent CODs of all three reactors in phase 3 were significantly different from those in phase 2 (t-test, AFMBR, P < 0.001, and AOFMBR, P = 0.001, and AeMBR, P < 0.001). The AOFMBR had slightly improved COD and SCOD removals compared with phase 1 and 2, while the percent COD removal decreased for the AFMBR and AeMBR.
Due to an unusual drop in TMP at the end of phase 3, possibly due to a failure of the membrane or the epoxy seal, new membrane modules were installed in all reactors on day 103 (start of phase 4). The influent COD of 329 ± 37 mg L−1 was not significantly different than that in phase 3 (t-test, P = 0.04). The effluent CODs from each reactor with the new membrane module were not significantly different from those obtained in the previous phase 3 (t-test, AFMBR, P = 0.43, and AOFMBR, P = 0.04, and AeMBR, P = 0.42) (Fig. 1), indicating that the membrane condition (after 103 d of operation for phase 1–3 or a new membrane) had little impact on organics removal.
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Fig. 2 Effluent turbidity over time measured for the three different types of membrane bioreactors. The inset shows the low turbidity range. |
In phase 3, there were large increases in TMP for both the AOFMBR and AFMBR but not the AeMBR. The AOFMBR had a particularly sudden increase in the TMP, reaching 9.9 kPa by the end of phase 3, similar to that of the AFMBR (10.2 kPa). The AeMBR exhibited much different behavior, and the TMP decreased over phase 3, which might be a result of membrane failure or failure of the membrane fittings. After replacing all membrane modules for continued testing phase 4, the TMP showed a trend similar to that in phase 1, with slow increases in the TMP. The AeMBR had a higher initial TMP in phase 4 than the other two reactors, consistent with results from phase 1.
The dominant phyla in all the samples were Proteobacteria (42% to 66%), Bacteroidetes (12% to 31%), Firmicutes (4% to 13%), while Actinobacteria was found to be abundant only in the suspended solids in the aerobic reactors (9% in AOFMBR and 5% in AeMBR) (Fig. 5B). Fusobacteria was found to be only abundant in the suspended solids in AFMBR (5%). At the genera level, there was no large predominance of any single genera in the suspended solids in AOFMBR and AeMBR. However, in the AOFMBR, Arcobacter (7%) and Flavobacterium (10%) were the predominant genus on the GAC (Fig. S3†). There was also approximately five times higher relative abundance of Nitrospira (1.2%) on the GAC in the AOFMBR compared to the liquid samples in AOFMBR and AeMBR. Similarly, the GAC of AOFMBR had Nitrosomonas present at relative abundance of 0.03% while Nitrosomonas was present at a lower relative abundance in the suspended solids from the AOFMBR (0.006%) and AeMBR (0.003%). In contrast to the nitrifying populations, methane-oxidizing bacteria (e.g. Methylomonas, Methylosarcina and Methylococcus) were present at 145-fold higher relative abundance in the suspended solids of AOFMBR (average 0.03%) compared to that detected on the GAC in the AOFMBR. The abundance of methane-oxidizing bacteria in the suspended solids of AOFMBR was higher than that detected in the AeMBR (0.002%) and much higher than that in the AFMBR (0.001%).
The same dominant genera, Arcobacter, was found in the suspended solids (31%) and GAC (13%) from the AFMBR, consistent with their close clustering in the mMDS plots. However, some other genera were present at different relative abundances on the GAC compared to those in the solution. For example, Geobacter was present at up to 7.8% relative abundance on GAC, but only <0.2% in the suspended solids, in the AFMBR. Methanogenic archaeal sequences were retrieved in higher relative abundance on the GAC from the AFMBR than the suspended solids. For example, Methanothrix was present in 0.2% on the GAC compared to 0.02% in the suspended solids in AFMBR, while Methanospirillum had a 4-fold higher relative abundance on the GAC (0.04%) than in the suspended solids (0.01%).
The main advantage of using an AOFMBR compared to the AFMBR was avoiding the production of methane gas. However, it would also be desirable to reduce the energy for suspension of the GAC by aeration to be less than that needed for recirculation in the AFMBR. Based on the energy used here for aeration, however, using the air to replace recirculation did not provide a favorable energy balance (Table 2). The energy consumption in AOFMBR, as well as AeMBR (data not shown in Table 2), was still four times as high as that of AFMBR (energy calculation details are in ESI†). The main part of energy consumption in the AOFMBR was aeration, while the majority of energy needed for the AFMBR would be that used for methane gas stripping. The effluent pumping energy to drive the suction pressure of the membrane module was estimated to be only 0.6% of total energy in AOFMBR, and 4.3% in AFMBR. Even though the AOFMBR had an advantage compared to the AFMBR of less membrane fouling under low influent COD conditions, the reduced energy needed for the AOFMBR due to the lower TMP would not be sufficient to make it less costly to operate than the AFMBR. Although sludge production was not monitored in this study, and no sludge was removed from the reactor over the 131 day study, it will be necessary to consider the cost for sludge treatment in this aerobic system compared to the anaerobic AFMBR.
Energy estimation | AFMBR (kW h m−3) | AOFMBR (kW h m−3) | AeMBR (kW h m−3) |
Stripping energy from ref. 21. NA: not applicable. | |||
Recirculation pumping | 0.019 | NA | NA |
Air blower | NA | 0.24 | 0.24 |
Influent pumping | 0.0014 | 0.0014 | 0.0014 |
Effluent pumping | 0.0026 | 0.0013 | 0.0022 |
Methane stripping | 0.05 | NA | NA |
Energy generation from methane | −0.02 | NA | NA |
Total | 0.06 | 0.24 | 0.24 |
Membrane fouling was better controlled for the AOFMBR compared to the AFMBR and AeMBR, when the influent COD was lower than 200 mg L−1, as the TMP increase rate was only 45% of that in AFMBR and 80% of that in AeMBR. Biofilm was observed on the membrane of the AOFMBR, while no bacteria-size particles were found on the membrane of AFMBR, suggesting accumulated material was likely biomass debris, SMP or precipitated inorganics. The different surface morphologies suggest that the aerobic conditions or the way the GAC scoured the membranes when air bubbles were present was also important for achieving a reduction in the rate of membrane fouling. The effectiveness of GAC for scouring and minimizing membrane fouling was supported by SEM images, as the biofilm on the AOFMBR membrane appeared to be relatively uniform compared to the more heterogeneous biofilm on the AeMBR membrane. When a thick biofilm or mass of particulate organic matter forms on a membrane, it is referred to as the cake layer, and it usually is the major part of the membrane resistance.25 Therefore, the reduction of membrane fouling in the AOFMBR can be explained primarily by the effective reduction of the thickness of a cake layer by fluidizing GAC. One concern in using both air bubbles and high concentration of GAC (92 g L−1) in the AOFMBR was the potential for damage of the membrane. However, there was no evidence of loss of membrane integrity in the system due to the high concentration of GAC and presence of air bubbles based on either visual observations or reactor performance.
While GAC has previously been used in other types of aerated membrane reactors, the concentration of GAC used here in AOFMBR (92 g L−1) was similar to that used in anaerobic reactor AFMBR studies (95–342 g L−1),12–14,18,26 but much higher than those used in aerated membrane reactors in many previous studies (up to 2 g L−1). Thus, the use of a high concentration of GAC, which is a good adsorbent of organic matter, likely aided in reducing membrane fouling as biopolymers and organics in the AOFMBR or AFMBR could be adsorbed by the GAC rather than deposited on the membrane surfaces. In a previous study, when only a relatively small amount (2 g L−1) of powdered activated carbon (PAC) was added into an AeMBR, improved treatment was obtained for a distillery wastewater.27 Adding 0.75 g L−1 or 1.5 g L−1 of PAC into an AeMBR was also previously shown to reduce membrane fouling.24 GAC addition of 0.5 to 2 g L−1 was also found in another study to minimize sudden increases in membrane resistance, and organic removal was improved.28 It was concluded in all these other studies that the reduction in fouling was mainly due to adsorption of foulants onto the activated carbon, although scouring may have also been important. In the AOFMBR conditions examined here, the substantially higher GAC concentration compared to these previous studies made it possible that organic matter adsorption to the GAC was a factor, in addition to membrane scouring, in minimizing membrane fouling. The GAC in both the AFMBR (10 g) and the AOFMBR (6 g) was not replaced during this study (more than 200 days, including the acclimation and test periods), and there was no sign of reduced performance at the end of phase 4 due to the age of the carbon. While carbon replacement might be needed for operation over longer periods of time, the rate that carbon might need to be replaced cannot be estimated based on the results of this current study.
The TMP of 10.2 kPa that developed in the AFMBR is within the range of 5 kPa to 20 kPa used by others over a 100 d operation period without cleaning.15,26 A rapid increase in the TMP in the AOFMBR was observed in phase 3, which usually would indicate sudden changes in the biofilm or cake layer structure.29 Sudden changes in TMP appear to occur more frequently in lab-scale membrane bioreactors than larger reactors.1,30 Even with this rapid TMP increase, the TMP of AOFMBR was still comparable to that of AFMBR. The initial TMP for AeMBR were higher than that of AFMBR and AOFMBR in both phase 1 and 4, when the membrane was replaced by fresh one. The reason for this difference was likely due to the absence of the GAC for membrane scouring in the AeMBR, compared to the other two reactors. The membrane flux of 11.6 L m−2-membrane-h in this study was close to that used in previous AFMBR studies (8–16 L m−2-membrane-h), and the TMP increase of the AFMBR in phases 1 and 2 was also consistent with previous reports.12–14,31 The membrane flux set here was within a range typical of AnMBRs (10–40 L m−2-membrane-h)6 and AeMBRs (4–36 L m−2-membrane-h).32
The GAC in the AFMBR and AOFMBR provides a more unique growth environment compared to the suspended cells. We observed a selective enrichment of Geobacter and certain methanogens (e.g. Methanothrix and Methanospirillum) in the GAC communities in the AFMBR. The abundance of these two groups on the GAC may be important, as Geobacter was shown to colonize GAC and conduct extracellular electron transfer to methanogens under anaerobic growth conditions.35,36 The transfer of extracellular electrons is particularly beneficial for acetoclastic methanogens as acetate has to be activated first at the expense of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in order to generate methane and carbon dioxide.37 This benefit could help explain the higher relative abundance of Methanothrix, an acetoclastic methanogen, on the GAC in the AFMBR.
The biofilm on the GAC in the AOFMBR, had a greater abundance of Nitrospira and Nitrosomonas compared to the suspended microbial communities in either the AOFMBR or the AeMBR. This suggests that nitrifying bacterial populations may have benefited from growth conditions on the GAC. Unfortunately, the enriched abundance of these microorganisms was not determined until the completion of the study, and nitrogen balances were not conducted as a part of this study. The comparatively higher relative abundance of Nitrosomonas and Nitrospira on the GAC in the AOFMBR, as well as the low concentrations of COD in the reactor effluent, suggest that having GAC in this system might produce conditions favorable for nitrification.
The suspended microbial communities in the AOFMBR also had a higher relative abundance of methane-oxidizing bacteria (e.g. Methylomonas, Methylosarcina and Methylococcus) compared to those in the AFMBR. The presence of the methane-oxidizing bacteria in the AOFMBR could indicate that methanogenesis may have occurred in this system, or they could just reflect growth of cells on dissolved methane present in the influent wastewater. The possibility of methane oxidation in this system may be an interesting area for further study.
Gas-phase methane produced in the AFMBR averaged 6.2 ± 1.2 L m−3-wastewater treated (0.02 m3-CH4 kg COD−1) in phases 3 and 4. Although methane production overall was low compared to a previous AFMBR study,14 it was 36 times as high as a previous study using MFC effluent with the same AFMBR reactor design. The increased gas production observed here was most likely due to the higher influent COD in phases 3 (299 ± 24 mg L−1) and 4 (329 ± 37 mg L−1) compared to the previous study13 of 107 ± 10 mg L−1. The methane production measured here, however, was 10 times lower than that typical of UASBs, CSTRs and AnMBRs treating various of wastewaters (0.2 to 0.4 m3-CH4 kg COD−1),40 which is a consequence of the different HRTs and influent CODs of AFMBR compared to these studies with other types of reactors.
It should be possible to reduce the energy used by the AOFMBR. Based on Stokes' law, using GAC with a smaller size could reduce the needed aeration intensity needed to fluidize the media, as the settling velocity is dependent on particle size squared. Also, particles other than GAC could be used, but these materials might not be good adsorbents. Larger media has been found to be more useful for reducing fouling than smaller media (particle sizes ranging from 0.2 to 2 mm).41 This suggests that there is an optimum particle size that can be chosen to balance energy demands with reduced membrane fouling. It might also be possible to use intermittent aeration in the AOFMBR, which has been shown to have better fouling control under some operational conditions in AeMBRs.1
1. The effluent COD in the AOFMBR was maintained at the lowest concentrations compared to the other two reactors, with average maximum removal efficiencies of 92% (COD) and 87% (SCOD) for the high influent CODs in the last two phases (averaging 299 ± 24 mg L−1 in phase 3, and 329 ± 37 mg L−1 in phase 4).
2. Effluent turbidity of the AOFMBR was steady and averaged 0.2 NTU, while the AFMBR had occasional spikes in the effluent turbidity.
3. Membrane fouling was better controlled in the AOFMBR under different influent CODs of 153 and 214 mg L−1, with a TMP increase rate of only 80% compared to the AeMBR, and 43% compared to the AFMBR. SEM images also supported less membrane fouling in the presence of the GAC particles.
4. Eliminating recirculation by using air bubble in the AOFMBR compared to recirculation in the AFMBR did not result in a lower energy consumption for the AOFMBR. The use of intermittent aeration or optimization of the size and density of the media that is fluidized in the reactor could contribute lowering energy costs for operation.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c6ew00203j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |