Mingjian Luo*ab,
Hongyan Zanga,
Bing Hua,
Baohui Wanga and
Guoliang Maoa
aProvincial Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Chemical Technology, College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing 163318, P.R. China. E-mail: luomingjian@nepu.edu.cn; Tel: +86 459 6507736
bQiTaiHe BaoTaiLong Coal Chemical Co., Ltd., QiTaiHe 154000, P.R. China
First published on 19th January 2016
Confined species in SAPO-34 cages participate in methanol reaction and affect product selectivity as well as leading to the deactivation of the catalyst during the MTO process. In this work, spatial- and time-evolution of the confined species in a fixed bed are investigated by TG and dissolution–extraction experiment. Results indicate that both methanol and olefins lead to the formation of confined methylbenzenes and methylnaphthalenes, which are active intermediates in the MTO process. These intermediates further transformed into phenathrene and pyrene in the methanol reaction section and led to the deactivation of the catalyst. A pseudo-steady state period, during which selectivities of products are relatively stable, is achieved while most of cages are occupied by naphthalene and methylnaphthalenes. Confined species reduce the cage volume for products and reactants and thus affect product selectivities. Empty cages are likely to form relatively large-size products like C4 and C5+ molecules. Cages occupied by large-size methylnaphthalenes tend to form more ethene, less propene and even less C4+ products than those occupied by relatively small methylbenzenes. Simultaneously, secondary reactions of olefins, which increase the formation of alkanes and C4+ products during the initiation period, are greatly reduced in the pseudo-steady state period since olefins are hindered from entering occupied cages. As a result, ethene and propene selectivities and C2/C3 ratio tend to increase while C4+ and alkane selectivities decrease with the prolonging of time on stream.
SAPO-34 is an excellent zeolite for the catalyzation of MTO. Due to its shape selectivity chabasite structure small pores, only product molecules small enough easily get through the narrow pores and the hydrocarbon products are mostly ethene and propene. Accompanying the formation of olefins, large molecules are also formed and confined within the SAPO-34 cages. These large molecules constitute the “hydrocarbon pool”,5–10 participate in the transformation of methanol to olefins as well as further transforming into coke content and leading to the deactivation of the catalyst.11–13 Methylbenzenes are found to be high-efficiency “hydrocarbon pool” species in MTO process.6–8,14–20 However, methylbenzenes would further transform into methylnaphthalene derivatives, phenanthrene derivatives, and then pyrene.8,20–26 These large aromatic molecules occupy the nanocages of SAPO-34 and reduce mass transfer of reactant and products. Especially pyrene, the largest molecule that can be accommodated in SAPO-34 cages, may fully block the cages.8,20–24 As a result, the conversion of methanol is suppressed and the catalyst is deactivated. In addition to the deactivation of catalyst, the types and the amount of confined species also greatly affect product selectivity. Several researchers have noted that ethene selectivity and C2/C3 ratio tend to increase with the time on stream (TOS).14,26–31 Song et al.14 stated that methyl number of methylbenzenes affects product selectivity: methylbenzenes with four to six methyl groups benefit the product of propene while dimethylbenzenes and trimethylbenzenes mainly lead to the formation of ethene. This opinion is supported by theoretical study.15 Song et al.27 also found that methylnaphthalenes is ca. one-third as active as methylbenzenes, but the former-based catalyst obtains higher ethene selectivity than the latter-based one. Chen et al.28 correlated the product selectivities with coke percentage. They found that ethene increase while propene, butene and C5+ decrease with the increase of coke amount. They proposed that larger-sized reaction intermediate reduces free space in cages, thus suppresses the formation of larger molecules and enhances the formation of ethene. Confined species also reduce the diffusivity of reactants and products, which benefits the formation of light products.22,29–33 To depict the time-evolution of catalyst bed during MTO experiment, Haw and Marcus21 proposed a “cigar burn” mechanism. They regarded the induction period, during which sufficient methylbenzenes are formed, as the lighting of cigar. Then a band of active catalyst moves downstream, leaving deactivated catalyst in its wake. They stated that products shift from water and dimethyl ether, to a mixture of light olefins and water, and then finally back to water and dimethyl ether. However, they didn't further discuss the evolution of confined species, the secondary reaction of olefins, and their roles in catalyst deactivation and products selectivities.
In this work, spatial- and time-evolution of confined species along the catalyst bed in SAPO-34 cages were investigated by TG and dissolution–extraction experiment. A “three sections, three periods” mechanism is proposed to explain the formation and transformation of confined species as well as its effects on catalyst deactivation and product selectivity.
Total amount of confined species, hereinafter called coke, was analyzed on a Perkin Elmer Diamond TG/DTA instrument. After the sample (about 10 mg) was loaded, analysis was performed under an 80 mL min−1 flowing air from room temperature to 800 °C at a ramp rate 15 °C min−1.
Confined species in SAPO-34 cages were analyzed by dissolution–extraction experiments. Typically, 15 mg of the coked catalyst was dissolved in 0.5 mL 15% HF in polyethene tube. Organic compounds were extracted from the water phase by 0.5 mL CCl4. Then the extracted phase was analyzed on a Shimadzu GC 14 equipped with an SE 30 capillary column (30 m × 0.32 mm × 0.25 μm) and an FID detector. The species were preliminarily identified by a Thermo Fisher Trace GC-MS equipped with a TR-1 MS capillary column (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm).
The weight loss between 300 and 750 °C, which corresponding to the coke weight deposited in catalyst pore, is illustrated in Fig. 2. Concerning catalyst at same bed position, coke weight increases with the prolonging of TOS. At 10 min, the coke weights of the upper, middle-upper, middle-lower and lower section catalysts are 56.4, 25, 21.5 and 19.6 mgcoke gcatalyst−1, respectively. These values come to 153, 66.9, 66.4 and 55.4 mgcoke gcatalyst−1 at 50 min. The upper section catalyst shows a much higher coke deposit speed than the lower three sections while the laters have similar coke deposit rate during 50 min. The coke weights of upper and middle-upper catalysts hardly increase after 100 min, while the ones of middle-lower and lower catalysts hardly increase after 150 min. The ultimate coke weights are about 200 mgcoke gcatalyst−1.
As observed in Fig. 3A, 10–15 mgcoke gcatalyst−1 methylbenzene and dimethylbenzene are trapped in most of coked catalysts. The middle-upper catalyst at 50 min, the middle-lower and lower catalysts at 100 min, and the upper and middle-upper catalyst at 200 min have relative low methylbenzene and dimethylbenzene content. Fig. 3E–G show that upper catalysts with short TOS, middle catalysts with moderate TOS and lower catalysts with long TOS have abundant amount of polymethylbenzenes, polymethylnaphthalenes and methylpyrenes, while lower catalysts with short TOS and upper catalysts with long TOS are opposite. Fig. 3B and D show that the upper and long TOS catalysts tend to form more naphthalene, phenathrene, pyrene and methylpyrenes, especially the latter three types of aromatics. The evolution of methylnaphthalenes (Fig. 3C) is somewhat similar to above-mentioned species. However, it keeps a high reservation for upper catalysts with long TOS.
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Fig. 4 Product selectivity during MTO process. Fill with color and slope line: 0.2 g catalyst; fill with color and grid: 0.4 g catalyst; fill with only color: 0.8 g catalyst. |
Contrast the products at same TOS, we can found that the selectivities of alkanes and C5+ products increase while the ones of ethene and propene decrease with the increase of catalyst amount. This result implies that ethene and propene are further catalyzed by the lower section catalyst and transferred into alkanes and heavy products.
We assign the early stage that product selectivity apparently varies to be initiation period. This period begins with the induction period during which C–C bonds are initially formed.7,40–44 As observed by pulse reaction experiment, the induction period is very short.40 In this period, hydrocarbon pool are initialized and methanol reaction is accelerated.6,16,17,42 It can be observed in Fig. 4 that a small amount of catalyst is sufficient for the full conversion of methanol. Thus methanol reaction section is formed at the top part of catalyst bed. In this section, the methylation of confined species with methanol increases the methyl number of polymethylbenzenes. Thus as showed in Fig. 3, S4, Tables S1 and S2,† this section tends to have more methyl-rich species than methyl-lack ones. Methyl- and dimethyl-benzenes even decrease in amount in this section. The decomposition of methyl-rich species produces light olefins. Simultaneously, polymethylbenzenes increase in amount, gradually further condense into H-deficient diaromatics, triaromatics, and tetraaromatics. To balance the formation of H-deficient aromatics, alkanes are also formed.
Methanol can be full converted after induction period. However, product selectivities change greatly with TOS and steady state is not achieved. Thus the initiation period goes on. Contrast the products of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 g catalyst at TOS 10 min (Fig. 4), it can be found that 0.4 g catalyst produces less ethene and propene than 0.2 g catalyst, even less ethene and propene are in products of 0.8 g catalyst. In other word, 8.5% ethene and 11.1% propene are converted into 0.57% methane, 0.82% ethane, 14.9% propane and 3.32% C5+ by the lower 0.6 g of 0.8 g catalyst. At TOS 50 min, 6.9% ethene and 3.5% propene are further converted into alkanes by the lower half of 0.8 g catalyst. Therefore, though olefins are less reactive than methanol,9,10 they are catalyzed by the lower section of catalyst bed.45 Hence, this section can be named olefin reaction section. In this section, olefins transform into alkanes and confined aromatics (Fig. 2, 3 and S4, Tables S1 and S2†). Inter-transformation of olefins might also take place.
With the proceeding of reaction, confined species transform from methylbenzenes to methylnaphthalene, and then to phenathrenes and pyrenes. This transformation affects MTO reaction. With the evidences that (1) contrast products of different amount of catalyst, less ethene than propene is converted in 10 min while it is reverse in 50 min; (2) propene selectivities of 0.8 g catalyst hardly change after 50 min; (3) ethene selectivity tends to be stable with the extending of TOS; (4) very little phenathrene and pyrene, especially pyrene, is formed in olefin reaction section; and (5) molecule sizes decrease in the order of propene > ethene > methanol, it is reasonable to conclude that propene is the easiest one to be prevented from entering confined molecule occupied cage, then ethene, and methanol is the last. In consideration of confined molecules size (Table 1), SAPO-34 cage size, and confined species distribution (Fig. 3), we supposed that naphthalene and methylnaphthalenes are large enough to prevent most of olefin molecules from entering SAPO-34 cages. When most of catalyst cages are occupied by naphthalene and methylnaphthalenes, the secondary reactions of olefin become negligible. Nevertheless, catalytic activity for methanol is still remained for this so-called olefin reaction section. The product selectivities become relative stable, but still change slowly. Confined species transform slowly as well. This period can be named pseudo-steady state period.
Hydrocarbon | rg × 2, Å | Hydrocarbon | rg × 2, Å |
Methanol | 2.41 | Dimethylbenzenes | 4.92–5.30 |
Methane | 1.99 | Trimethylbenzenes | 5.26–5.60 |
Ethene | 2.64 | Tetramethylbenzenes | 5.65–5.77 |
Ethane | 2.81 | Pentamethylbenzene | 5.96 |
Propene | 3.37 | Naphthalene | 5.26 |
Propane | 3.41 | Methylnaphthalenes | 5.57–5.87 |
Linear butenes | 4.20–4.33 | Dimethylnaphthalenes | 5.77–6.19 |
Linear pentenes | 4.32–4.59 | Phenathrene | 6.28 |
Methylbenzene | 4.64 | Pyrene | 6.48 |
Further transformation of confined species into phenathrenes and pyrenes mainly takes place in methanol reaction section. Phenathrene, methylphenanthrenes and pyrene, especially pyrene, are similar size to the SAPO-34 cage. Therefore, they block the cages, hinder the diffusion of methanol and lead to the deactivation of catalyst.21,25,26,32,33 Deactivated section catalyst arises at the top part of catalyst bed. Amount of polymethyl species decrease rapidly in deactivated section. However, certain amount of methylbenzenes and methylnaphthalenes species, especially single methyl ones, still remains in this section (Fig. 3 and S4†). Isotopic switch experiment clearly demonstrated that these light species are not accessible to methanol feed in deactivated catalysts.26 According to in situ UV/Vis spectroscopy, these methyl species are located at the near-core region of SAPO-34 crystals and surrounded by the near-surface region phenathrene and pyrene.23,46 Though active in methanol conversion, they are inaccessible for reactant. Scale down the crystal size of SAPO-34 would reduce the percentage of these still active confined species. Thus, longer lifetime were observed on small size SAPO-34s than on large ones.24,31,47,48
Accompany with the deactivation of catalyst, methanol reaction section moves toward the export of catalyst bed with the progress of reaction. While most of the catalyst bed are deactivated, methanol can't fully convert into olefins. The reaction turns into break through period. In this period, methanol conversion keeps decrease until the catalyst is fully deactivated.
At the beginning of initiation period, only a few SAPO-34 cages are filled with methylbenzene and polymethylbenzenes while most are empty. The volume of empty cage is large enough for the formation of large molecules. Therefore, considerable amount of C4 and C5+ products (26.5%) is formed at short TOS as well as selectivity of C3 (53.6%) is 2.92 times as high as the one of C2 (Fig. 4 and Table S3†). Simultaneously, olefins are easy to enter into the empty cages and transform into confined species and alkanes, which further decreases the selectivities of ethene and propene while increases those of ethane and propane at short TOS. As a result, selectivities of alkanes and C5+ are high at short TOS.
Gradually, most of SAPO-34 cages are filled with confined species, which reduces the production of large molecules like C5+. Naphthalene and its methylation products arise and increase in both methanol reaction section and olefin reaction section. Since they are larger than methyl- and polymethyl-benzenes, residual cage volume for olefin products is shrinking. Large-size molecules, even propene, are less likely to form in methylnaphthalene occupied cages. As a result, the formation of large molecule is further reduced. The formation of propene is also reduced in a certain extent.27 Additionally, the diffusion of olefins into cages is reduced by confined species at the olefin reaction section, which favors the selectivities of olefins. The relative large size propene is more likely to be excluded than ethene. Thus 3.9% ethene and 5.1% propene are converted by the lower half 0.4 g catalyst at TOS 10 min while the value are 6.9% and 3.5% at TOS 50 min.
While pseudo-steady state period is achieved, naphthalene and its methylation products become main confined species in methanol and olefin reaction sections. Their amount reaches 110–120 mg gcatalyst−1 (Fig. 3 and Table S2†), which is much more than that of methyl- and polymethyl-benzenes (30–50 mg gcatalyst−1). Therefore, we suggest that methylnaphthalenes, rather than methylbenzenes, are dominative organic reaction centers for methanol conversion during pseudo-steady state period. Because methylnaphthalenes are larger size than methylbenzenes, more ethene and propene, especially ethene, are tend to form with the extending of TOS.
In summary, confined species increase in size during the reaction process which reduces the cage volume for reactants and products. As a result, C4+ product decreases, propene first increases and then decreases, while ethene and C2/C3 ratio increase with the prolonging of TOS.
Synergy between SAPO-34 cage and confined species affect the product selectivity. Empty cages are likely to form relative large-size molecules, such as C4 and C5+ products. Confined species reduce the cage volume for products and reactant. Cages occupied by large size methylnaphthalenes tend to form more ethene, less propene and even less C4+ than those occupied by small size methylbenzenes. Confined species in cages also hinder the secondary reaction of olefins. Consequently, ethene selectivity and C2/C3 tend to increase with long TOS.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c5ra22424a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |