Accelerated synthesis of MnO2 nanocomposites by acid-free hydrothermal route for catalytic soot combustion

Lei Wang, Yang Wu, Nengjie Feng, Jie Meng, Hui Wan* and Guofeng Guan*
State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering, College of Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu National Synergetic Innovation Center for Advanced Materials (SICAM), Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 210009, P. R. China. E-mail:;; Tel: +86-25-83587198

Received 23rd January 2016 , Accepted 16th May 2016

First published on 17th May 2016


MnO2 nanocomposites with porous structure were successfully synthesized by a facile hydrothermal route from KMnO4 without the addition of any acid. Among CeO2, CuO and Co3O4, an accelerated synthesis of MnO2 assisted by CeO2 was observed, which contributed to the redox transformation between Ce3+ and Mn7+. The as-prepared catalysts were characterized by XRD, N2 adsorption–desorption, ICP, SEM, TEM, H2-TPR, and XPS. Lattice shrink occurred after the hydrothermal reaction of CeO2 with KMnO4, while lattice expansion in CeO2 was observed after calcination at high temperature. The above phenomena are ascribed to the conversion between small sized Ce4+ and large sized Ce3+ in CeO2. The concentration of surface Ce3+ decreases after the hydrothermal reaction with KMnO4. The greater proportion of Ce3+ after calcination results in more oxygen vacancies that are beneficial for the catalytic oxidation of soot. The best catalytic performance is acquired over the CeMn-600 catalyst and the corresponding T10, T50, and Tm,l are 320 °C, 418 °C and 420 °C, respectively. The strong interaction between the CeO2 and MnO2 is also a key factor for outstanding catalytic activity for soot combustion.

1. Introduction

Nanocomposite materials are good candidates for catalysts with high activity and selectivity owing to their multicomponent composite and special morphology. Among them, MnO2 nanocomposites have attracted significant interest not only for their unique catalytic, electrochemical, magnetic, and adsorptive properties, but also their low toxicity and cost.1,2 In nature, MnO2 exhibits different crystallographic forms, such as the α, β, γ, and δ types, depending on how the MnO6 octahedra units are interlinked with each other.2 Among them, α- and δ-MnO2 have been frequently applied as electrode material and catalyst.3–7 Nevertheless, the crystalline phase and morphology of MnO2 are also highly dependent on the precursors and preparation methods.4 Different synthetic strategies have been developed for the preparation of MnO2, such as co-precipitation,8 sol–gel,9 microemulsion,10 hydrothermal,7,11–14 and electrochemical methods.15 It is significant to develop a facile way to synthesize MnO2 with nanostructure.

Hydrothermal routes are considered as convenient and effective synthetic techniques for the preparation of inorganic compounds.16 The main advantage of hydrothermal techniques over other routes is the ability to control the nanostructures by proper choice of the reaction temperature or time as well as the solvent used for the reaction. The factors mentioned above can be judicially chosen to obtain the desired architecture. Crystalline MnO2 was prepared by a hydrothermal route at 170 °C for 4 days, using KMnO4 solution as starting material under acidic conditions.16 The reaction mechanism can be described as follows: 4KMnO4 + 2H2O → 4MnO2 + 4KOH + 3O2. But it's a pity that this reaction takes too much time and the yield is very low.17 Plate- and rod-like MnO2 were synthesized by the hydrothermal reaction of KMnO4 and MnSO4.18 Recently, MnO2 with flower-like morphology was synthesized by a microwave-assisted hydrothermal method from an acidic solution consisting of KMnO4.12 Composite nanomaterials often exhibit superior performances over those of individual nanomaterials in various fields, such as catalysis and so forth.19–24 For example, size- and shape-controlled synthesis of porous CuO–MnO2 nanocomposites toward efficient nitroarene reduction were fabricated via a facile and surfactant free redox transformation approach.19 Generally, acid medium has been used to accelerate the hydrothermal process of KMnO4, which inevitably brings serious environmental problems. Thus, it's urgent to find a way that both can accelerate the reaction of KMnO4 and also improve catalytic properties in the meantime.

In this work, three types of MnO2 nanocomposites with controlled morphology were synthesized hydrothermally from KMnO4 without the using of any acid or template agent. The effects of CeO2, CuO and Co3O4 addition on the formation of MnO2 nanocomposites were investigated in detail. The XRD, N2 adsorption–desorption, SEM, TEM, H2-TPR and XPS were performed to characterize the structure and redox ability of the MnO2 nanocomposites. Considering the multiple oxidation states and outstanding redox properties of MnO2, diesel soot combustion was used to evaluate the catalytic efficiency of the MnO2 nanocomposites.

2. Experimental details

2.1. Catalyst preparation

The synthesis of pure MnO2 was carried out by a facile hydrothermal method using aqueous solutions of KMnO4 as starting material without the addition of any acid or surfactant, and the procedure was briefly described below. 60 mL KMnO4 (0.05 M) aqueous solution was transferred to a Teflon-lined stainless steel autoclave and heated under 160 °C for 24 h. The obtained product was filtered and washed with distilled water and ethanol for several times. After dried at 60 °C overnight, the above product was calcined at 600 °C for 5 h. The MnO2 obtained before and after calcinations were denoted as Mn-0 and Mn-1, respectively.

Three metal oxide nanocomposites, CeO2–MnO2, CuO–MnO2 and Co3O4–MnO2, were prepared by a one-step hydrothermal route. In a typical synthesis, 0.1 g of CeO2 was dispersed into the 60 mL of 0.05 M KMnO4 solution with vigorous stirring. Then, the above mixture was transferred to a Teflon-lined stainless steel autoclave, and heated at 160 °C for 24 h. The resulting product was washed with distilled water and ethanol, and dried at 60 °C overnight. The as-prepared samples were donated as CeMn, CuMn and CoMn, respectively. Finally, the above samples calcined at 600 °C for 5 h were marked as CuMn-600, CoMn-600 and CeMn-600, respectively.

2.2. Catalyst characterization

X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were recorded on a SmartLab-9 Japan automated power X-ray diffraction meter operating at 100 mA and 40 kV using Cu Kα (λ = 0.1541 nm) radiation. The data of 2θ ranged from 5° to 80° were collected with a step scan of 0.02°. The surface area and pore size distribution of the as-prepared samples were determined by N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms at liquid N2 temperature (77 K) on a Micromeritics (ASAP 2000) analyzer. Specific surface area and pore size distribution were calculated by Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) and Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH) methods, respectively. Prior to the measurements, the samples were pretreated in a vacuum oven at 473 K for 3 h to remove any residual moisture. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was taken on a Hitachi S4800 field-emission SEM instrument operated at 5 kV. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images were obtained using a JEM-100CX electron microscope. The catalyst was ultrasonically dispersed in ethanol and the suspension was dropped onto holey carbon coated copper TEM grid. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is an excellent technique to understand the oxidation state of the transition metal ion and the relative composition of the synthesized material. XPS spectra were recorded on a PHI-5000 spectrometer using Al Kα (1486.6 eV) radiation as the excitation source. All binding energies were referenced to the C 1s peak at 284.5 eV, Gaussian–Lorentzian and Shirley background was applied for peak analysis. H2 temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) was conducted on a Micromeritics AutoChem II 2920 instrument equipped with a TCD detector. Each time, 50 mg sample was pretreated under He stream at 200 °C for 30 min. After cooling down to room temperature, 5 vol% of H2/Ar with a flow rate of 30 mL min−1 was passed over the catalyst, the temperature was raised to 800 °C at a ramp of 5 °C min−1. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) was performed on the Perkin Elmer instrument to determine the content of metals in the catalysts.

2.3. Activity test

Temperature programmed oxidation (TPO) test under the loose contact (LC) mode was used to evaluate the activity of different catalysts on the continuous fixed-bed reactor. Printex-U from Degussa was used as model soot and mixed with the catalyst in a weight ratio of 1[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]9 in an agate mortar for 30 seconds. The above mixtures were placed into the quartz tube (i.d. = 14 mm) and heated from 200 to 700 °C at 2 °C min−1 heating rate in a flow of feed gas (21% O2 and 79% N2) with a flow rate of 100 mL min−1. The outlet gas compositions were analyzed by the infrared gas analyzer (Infralyt 50). In this work, the temperatures at 10%, 50% and 90% conversion of soot were denoted as T10, T50 and T90, respectively. The temperature for maximum CO2 concentration (Tm,l) under the light contact mode was also used to evaluate the catalytic performance of the catalysts.

3. Results and discussion

The weight of the prepared metal oxides under different times is shown in Table 1. When no metal oxide is added to the KMnO4 solution, only 0.0233 g MnO2 is formed in 24 h, and the amount of the obtained MnO2 only increases slightly after prolonging the hydrothermal synthesis time to 48 h. The same phenomenon is observed when 0.1 g CuO or Co3O4 is added for 24 h of hydrothermal reaction. However, the formation of MnO2 is greatly accelerated when CeO2 is added, as 0.3676 g CeO2–MnO2 mixed metal oxides is obtained in 24 h, the weight of MnO2 is calculated to be 0.2676 g as determined by ICP-AES studies. It should be noticed that the promoted formation of mixed metal oxides is also perceived for Co3O4 by extending the hydrothermal synthesis time to 48 h. The above phenomena are probably due to the oxidation of low valent metal ion by Mn7+ with strong oxidizing property. Both CeO2 and Co3O4 could significantly promote the formation of mixed metal oxides due to the oxidization of low valent Ce3+ and Co2+ by Mn7+. By comparison, Cu2+ with high valence can't be oxidized by Mn7+, thus the addition of CuO couldn't enhance the formation of MnO2 even in 48 h.
Table 1 Weight and composition of the as-prepared MnO2 nanocomposites before calcination
Sample Wa (g) Wb (g) Mn contentc (wt%) Wd (g)
a 160 °C for 24 h.b 160 °C for 48 h.c Determined by ICP-AES (samples for 24 h).d Weight of raw CuO, Co3O4 or CeO contained in mixed oxides calculated by ICP-AES.
Mn-0 0.0233 0.0283
CuMn 0.1305 0.1354 19.1 0.0999
CoMn 0.1865 0.3825 42.6 0.0998
CeMn 0.3676 0.3702 67.4 0.0999

XRD is used to characterize the structure of the as-synthesized samples and metal oxide nanocomposites. The XRD patterns of the samples obtained in 24 h before and after calcination are displayed in Fig. 1(A) and (B), respectively. As shown in Fig. 1(A), the main diffraction peaks of Mn-0 at 2θ values of 12.4°, 24.7°, 36.2° correspond to the (001), (002) and (111) of δ-MnO2 (JCPDS 80-1098) with layered structure.25 The feature of broad peak illustrates the obtained δ-MnO2 are composed both of amorphous and nanocrystalline sample. After the addition of CeO2, the characteristic diffraction of CeO2 also appears apart from δ-MnO2, which illustrates the formation of mixed CeO2–MnO2 materials. For CoMn and CuMn mixed oxides, the characteristic peaks of δ-MnO2 are only detectable as illustrated in Fig. 1(A). As demonstrated in Table 1, the as-prepared mixed metal oxides are mainly composed of the added CuO or Co3O4, and the formed δ-MnO2 phase may be more prone to be amorphous. The character peaks of δ-MnO2 are stronger for CoMn sample, which is verified by the more formation of CoMn mixed oxides. After calcination at 600 °C for 5 h, the pure δ-MnO2 phase turn into α-MnO2 as illustrated by Fig. 1(B), in which the main diffraction peaks agree well with the crystalline structure of α-MnO2 (JCPDS 44-0141). The transformation of δ-MnO2 to α-MnO2 also witness the increase in crystallinity. The XRD patterns of CeMn-600 sample are shown Fig. 1(B), δ-MnO2 also transform to α-MnO2 with good crystallinity, while the six peaks indexed to the CeO2 phase at 28.5°, 33.1°, 47.5°, 56.3°, 59.1°, and 69.4° keep intact, which verifies that the CeMn-600 sample exists in separate phase rather than in the form of Ce–Mn solid solution.22,26–28 The δ-MnO2 existed in CuMn and CoMn are also converted to α-MnO2 with more crystallinity.

image file: c6ra02045c-f1.tif
Fig. 1 XRD patterns of different metal oxides and composites: (A) before calcinations; (B) after calcinations; (C) Ce-type metal oxides.

As shown in Fig. 1(C), the (111) peak of the CeMn shifts to higher angles compared with that of pure CeO2, even more special, the diffraction peaks of CeMn-600 interestingly shift back to lower angles compared with pure CeO2 and CeMn, which meant that the CeMn-600 sample shows a higher lattice parameter compared with that of pure CeO2 and CeMn. The presence of Ce3+ ions could lead to charge imbalance,29 which may create oxygen vacancies and unsaturated chemical bonds in the CeO2 lattice.30–32 It has been reported that the conversion of Ce4+ to Ce3+ is a key factor for the expansion of the ceria lattice.32–35 On the contrary, the conversion of Ce3+ to Ce4+ also led the shrink of the ceria lattice. After calcination at 600 °C, there is an expansion in the ceria lattice during the reduction of Ce4+ to Ce3+ in CeMn-600.

Fig. 2 shows the N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms and the associated pore size distribution of the MnO2 nanocomposite catalysts. It's obvious that all the four samples possess the type IV isotherm with a type H3 hysteresis loop indicating a mesoporous structure. The specific surface areas and average pore size of various samples are presented in Table 2. The specific surface areas and the average pore sizes of the four catalysts are similar, which are all within the range of 12–19 m2 g−1 and 22.09–31.79 nm. It reveales that the addition of CeO2, CuO and Co3O4 metal oxides in the synthesis procedure has not resulted in significant changes of the physical properties.

image file: c6ra02045c-f2.tif
Fig. 2 N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms and pore size distribution of the MnO2 nanocomposite catalysts: (A) Mn-1; (B) CeMn-600; (C) CuMn-600; (D) CoMn-600.
Table 2 BET surface area, average pore size, and Oads/Olat ratio of the Mn nanocomposite catalysts
Catalyst Surface area (m2 g−1) Average pore size (nm) Oads/Olat
Mn-1 17 22.09 0.223
CeMn-600 19 31.79 0.385
CuMn-600 12 27.46 0.172
CoMn-600 16 28.05 0.199

The SEM images of the as-synthesized samples are demonstrated in Fig. 3. Using only KMnO4 as starting material, Fig. 3(a) illustrates that δ-MnO2 nanoflowers consisted of nanoflakes are formed by the facile hydrothermal synthesis method without the assistance of any acid or surfactant, which corresponds to the layered structure of the synthesized δ-MnO2 as demonstrated by XRD measurements. Fig. 3(c) shows that the morphology of CeMn is similar to that of δ-MnO2. The addition of CuO and Co3O4 also has no obvious effect on the morphology of δ-MnO2 as illustrated by Fig. 3(e) and (g). However, the particle size become larger compared with pure Mn-0 or CeMn. After calcination at 600 °C for 5 h, the architecture of δ-MnO2 transforms from nanoflowers to individual α-MnO2 nanorods as observed in Fig. 3(b). Thus, the morphology of MnO2 can be manipulated by calcinations. The similar transformation also takes place for the conversion of CeMn to CeMn-600. As illustrated in Fig. 3(f) and (h), larger amounts of particles also appear, which can be ascribed to the unoxidized CuO or Co3O4. Because Co3O4 can be partially oxidized by KMnO4, the amount of α-MnO2 nanorods in CeMn-600 is much larger than that of CoMn-600.

image file: c6ra02045c-f3.tif
Fig. 3 SEM and TEM images of the MnO2 nanocomposites: (a) Mn-0, (b) Mn-1, (c) CeMn, (d) CeMn-600, (e) CuMn, (f) CuMn-600, (g) CoMn, (h) CoMn-600.

The morphology of CeMn are further demonstrated in Fig. S1(a)–(d), which clearly show that the flower-like CeMn samples are composed of nanoflakes. After calcination at 600 °C for 5 h. The nanoflakes of CeMn are converted to nanorods.

With the help of XPS analysis, the chemical state and surface atomic composition of samples are authenticated. To determine the oxidation states of the elements presented in mixed metal oxides, the main core level peaks for Ce 3d, Cu 2p and Co 2p of CeMn, CuMn and CoMn are shown in Fig. 4(B), (D) and (F), respectively. For comparison, the counterpart peaks of CeO2, CuO and Co3O4 are shown in Fig. 4(A), (C) and (E), respectively. The relative concentration of Ce3+ and Co2+ in the MnO2 nanocomposites are estimated from the ratio of integrated peaks in Fig. 4, and the results are listed in Table S1. As noted from the Fig. 4(A), the six binding energy peaks labeled as u, u′, u′′, u′′′, v′, v′′′ are featured to Ce4+, while the other two peaks labeled as v, v′′ are related to low valent Ce3+, which can be oxidized to Ce4+ by strong oxidants such as KMnO4.31,36,37 Thus, the CeO2 can be used to promote the hydrothermal synthesis of MnO2 from KMnO4 by the redox transformation reaction between Ce3+ and Mn7+. After this redox transformation, the binding energy peaks ascribed to Ce3+ decreases. Table S1 also demonstrates that the percentage of Ce3+ decreases from 19.6% to 12.3% after the redox transformation.

image file: c6ra02045c-f4.tif
Fig. 4 XPS spectra of Ce 3d, Cu 2p, Co 2p for pure CeO2 (A) and CeMn (B), pure CuO (C) and CuMn (D), pure Co3O4 (E) and CoMn (F), Co 2p of CoMn-600 (S1), Ce 3d of CeMn-600 (S2).

The ratio of Co2+ species in CoMn only decreases slightly after 24 h of hydrothermal synthesis, which means that the Co2+ species in Co3O4 are hard to be oxidized. This result is in accordance with that of Table 1 and XRD, in which the promotion effect of Co2+ species is unsatisfactory, thus the amount of the formed δ-MnO2 is limited. After prolonging the hydrothermal reaction time to 48 h, the ratio of Co2+ decreases significantly, and the amount of CoMn increases substantially as shown in Table 1. Thus, extending of time is helpful for the redox transformation reaction between Co2+ and Mn7+, as shown in Fig. 4(S1), the concentration of Co2+ ions in Co3O4 further decreases in 48 h.

It's noteworthy that the concentration of Ce3+ ions in CeMn-600 increases to a high value as demonstrated in Table S1 and Fig. 4(S2). Particularly, the presence of higher numbers of Ce3+ could bring about a charge imbalance and facilitate the formation of more oxygen vacancy defects, which are expected to be helpful for their catalytic oxidation performance.

Fig. 5 shows the O 1s spectra of α-MnO2 and MnO2 nanocomposite catalysts. The O 1s spectra can be divided into two types of oxygen species using the curve-fitting approach to get a relative content of different oxygen species and the detailed results are illustrated in Table 2. The binding energy peak at 528.5–530.2 eV is assigned to the lattice oxygen species (denoted as Olat). While the other binding energy peak at 532.4–533.5 eV can be attributed to the surface adsorbed oxygen species (Oads).38 Generally, the surface adsorbed oxygen species (Oads) play an important role in oxidation reactions, thus the area ratio of Oads/Olat is used to evacuate the activity of catalyst for the oxidation. As is shown in Table 2, the Oads/Olat proportion of CeMn-600 (0.38) is much higher than that of α-MnO2 (0.23), while the Oads/Olat proportion of CoMn-600 and CuMn-600 are much lower.

image file: c6ra02045c-f5.tif
Fig. 5 XPS spectra of O 1s for the MnO2 nanocomposite catalysts.

Fig. 6 illustrates the H2-TPR profiles of the catalysts. The reduction profile of α-MnO2 exhibits two well-resolved reduction peaks centered at 243 and 295 °C, in good agreement with the TPR curves of the bulk MnO2 samples.39,40 The former reduction peak is ascribed to the reduction of MnO2 → Mn3O4 and the latter one is due to the further reduction of Mn3O4 → MnO.

image file: c6ra02045c-f6.tif
Fig. 6 H2-TPR profiles of the MnO2 nanocomposite catalysts.

According to literature,31,41 the reduction profile for Co3O4 exhibits a broad peak around 317 °C, referring to the reduction processes of Co3+ → Co2+ → Co, where two reduction steps take place simultaneously. After the formation of CoMn-600 nanocomposites, the main reduction peak of Co3O4 shifts to 320 °C with a small shoulder at 300 °C, suggesting the lower reducibility of CoMn-600 after the hydrothermal reaction with KMnO4, which is ascribed to the simultaneous reduction of Co2O3 to Co and MnO2 to MnO. The H2-TPR profile CuMn-600 also depicts a main peak at 329 °C, which is attributed to the reduction of CuO.42,43

The H2-TPR profile of CeMn-600 shows two reduction peaks at 180 °C and 264 °C, which are corresponded to the typical two reduction steps of MnO2 → Mn3O4 → MnO processes and surface Ce4+ → Ce3+. The first stage is ascribed to the reduction of MnO2 to Mn3O4, and the second stage is ascribed to the combined reduction of Mn3O4 to MnO and surface Ce4+ to Ce3+ species. The addition of CeO2 to manganese oxide facilitates the mobility of the oxygen on the catalyst surface and the reduction of manganese oxide from MnO2 to MnO.

Therefore, CeMn-600 possesses the best low-temperature reducibility, which may induce excellent catalytic activity for soot combustion. High numbers of Ce3+ ions, greater proportion of surface adsorbed oxygen species and superior reducible nature of MnO2 are discovered for the CeMn-600 nanostructures compared with those of α-MnO2 and the other two MnO2 nanocomposites. The above characters are probably due to the strong interaction between the MnO2 and CeO2 phases at their interface, where these properties are expected to be existed.37

The prepared MnO2 nanocomposite metal oxides catalysts are applied to soot combustion due to their special composition and morphology, which might make it advantageous over single metal oxides. The activities of catalysts are analyzed by temperature programmed oxidation. The activity of as-prepared catalysts for soot combustion under the loose contact mode is displayed in Fig. 7. The calculated T10, T50 and T90 values of all samples are summarized in Table 3. For soot combustion without catalyst, the T10, T50 and T90 are 482, 565 and 609 °C, respectively. α-MnO2 demonstrates good activity with relatively low combustion temperature of soot, which can be ascribed to the porous structure and good contact between α-MnO2 with nanorod structure and the soot particles. CeMn-600 possess more percentage of surface adsorbed oxygen species (Oads), thus CeMn-600 shows higher active than α-MnO2. The activity of CuMn-600 and CoMn-600 are lower than α-MnO2. As shown in Table 1 and Fig. 3, the promotion effect of CuO and Co3O4 on the hydrothermal process of KMnO4 is not significant, because the active MnO2 phase in CuMn-600 and CoMn-600 based on weight is low.

image file: c6ra02045c-f7.tif
Fig. 7 The activity of the MnO2 nanocomposite catalysts for soot combustion.
Table 3 The temperature for combustion soot over MnO2 nanocomposite catalysts
Catalyst T10 (°C) T50 (°C) T90 (°C) Tm,l (°C)
Soot (without catalyst) 482 565 609
Mn-1 345 459 502 447
CeMn-600 320 418 493 420
CuMn-600 382 494 536 483
CoMn-600 368 469 513 461

In fact, the CeMn-600 sample exhibits superior catalytic activity toward soot combustion than bare MnO2 sample. CeMn-600 demonstrates stronger synergistic interaction between Ce- and Mn-oxides,44,45 which which could promote the redox properties of the surface oxygen-containing intermediate as supported by XPS results. Further, the surface oxygen vacancies also play a vital role for the formation of “active oxygen” via activating the chemisorbed oxygen or the readily releasable lattice oxygen. Therefore, the catalytic performance is closely related to the oxygen vacancy in the sample. All the above superiorities in physicochemical features of CeMn-600 sample could explain its better performance in soot oxidation activity, which show the T50 and T90 at ∼418 and 493 °C under loose contact conditions, respectively.

To compare the activity of the CeMn nano-catalyst with other work, the relevant dates reported in literature are listed in Table 4. Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous (3DOM) MnO2 composites exhibit the best activity for soot combustion ascribed to their interpenetrating well-ordered macroporous structure and large surface area. The catalyst prepared in this work demonstrates higher activity than other catalyst with the similar component.

Table 4 The catalytic activities for soot combustion over CeMn-type catalysts in literature
Entry Catalyst Reactant gas Contact Tm or T50 or Tp (°C) References
1 Ce0.7Mn0.3O2−δ Air Tight 392 45
2 Mn0.5Ce0.5Oδ (3DOM) 0.2% NO + 10% O2 Loose 358 29
3 MnO2 500 ppm NOx + 5% O2 Loose 430 46
4 MnOx–CeO2 10% O2 Loose 503 16
5 Mn–Ce oxide Air flow Loose 475 47
6 MnOx–CeO2 Air flow Loose 542 48
7 CeMn-600 21% O2 + 79% N2 Loose 418 This work

4. Conclusions

In summary, MnO2 nanocomposite materials were successfully prepared via a facile hydrothermal method starting from KMnO4. The hydrothermal process of KMnO4 was accelerated by the CeO2 and Co3O4, which could contribute to the hydrolyzation of KMnO4. CeO2 could lead to the shrink of the ceria lattice in CeMn. However, after calcination at 600 °C, there is an expansion in ceria lattice of CeMn-600. The existences of more Ce3+ bring about more oxygen vacancies that are beneficial to soot oxidation. The CeMn-600 exhibit superior catalytic performance toward soot oxidation compared with pure α-MnO2. Therefore, the proposed hydrothermal route for the synthesis of MnO2 nanocomposites could be a promising way to prepare catalysts for soot combustion.


The work presented above was supported by National Science Foundation of China (No. 21306082), R&D Project for Environmental Protection of Jiangsu of China (No. 2015002), the Foundation from State Key Laboratory of Materials-Oriented Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University (ZK201305) and the Research and Innovation Training Project for Graduate in General Universities of Jiangsu Province (No. 201310291004Z).


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