a and
aWorld Premier International (WPI) Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan. E-mail:
bFaculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, 3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan
First published on 8th December 2015
A novel strategy for large-scale synthesis of shape- and size-controlled mesoporous Pt nanospheres (MPNs) through a slow reduction reaction in the presence of surfactant is reported here for the first time. The slow reduction reaction exclusively results in well-defined mesoporous architectures distinctly different from the dendritic constructions reported previously. More importantly, abundant catalytically active sites are created on the highly accessible mesoporous surfaces by the selective adsorption of bromide ions. The MPNs prepared by using the new synthetic route not only show superior electrochemical performance toward methanol oxidation reaction and oxygen reduction reaction, but also exhibit extremely high structural thermostability, which makes them promising catalysts for industrial applications.
Currently, mesoporous metals have become a subject of extensive research as the presence of pores allows a fast and efficient transport of reactants.7 In order to precisely tune the properties of these materials, it is required to design their porous architecture. Several strategies, including dealloying techniques, galvanic replacement reactions, electrochemical depositions, and soft- and hard-templating methods, have been developed.8 Especially, soft-templating approach based on a simple chemical reduction has been considered as a more versatile, flexible, and effective strategy, which would be easily applicable to a large-scale production in the future. Until now, it should be noted that most of the studies reported that mesoporous metals limited to particles with irregular shape or to continuous films. The lack of control over the particle size and morphology is a serious problem, which needs to be overcome in order to further develop and implement mesoporous metals in electrocatalytic applications. Our target in this study is to design mesoporous Pt nanospheres (MPNs) with a narrow size distribution by a versatile chemical reduction approach.
To further enhance the catalytic performance of MPNs, here we focus on the design of “true” mesoporous structures as well as abundant active sites designed on the mesoporous surfaces. Although several solution phase approaches have been attempted to prepare Pt electrocatalysts, the obtained architectures are limited to only dendritic Pt nanoparticles possessing tiny and random interspaces (less than 5 nm).9 Mesoporous Pt nanoparticles/nanospheres are ideal to realize beneficial mass transport.10 Some effective additives have been utilized to create abundant catalytically active sites on the noble metal surfaces,11 because such additives are capable in tailoring the reaction kinetics of the precursors during the crystal growth. Therefore, in this study, we propose to prepare “true” mesoporous Pt nanospheres with abundant active sites on the porous surface by using a kinetically controlled chemical reduction, which has never been exploited in the synthesis of mesoporous metals. We strongly believe that it will be a promising strategy to produce highly performing electrocatalytic materials.
In this paper, we report the synthesis of MPNs with interconnected mesopores by a controlled chemical reduction in aqueous solution without the necessity of any seeds or organic solvents. In brief, MPNs are synthesized by reducing H2PtCl6 with ascorbic acid in the presence of a Pluronic F127 surfactant and KBr. It is found that F127 acts as a pore-directing agent, while the combination of bromide ions and dioxygen allows the porous structure to become interconnected and the surface to become catalytically active. Compared to commercial Pt black (PtB) and PtC-20% catalysts, our MPNs exhibit an enhanced electrocatalytic activity and structural thermostability.
The rotating ring-disk electrode (RRDE) was used to study the reduction pathway of oxygen. The ring electrode current, which corresponds to the oxidation of intermediate (hydrogen peroxide), was recorded together with the disk electrode current. The electron number (n) transferred per oxygen molecule involved in the ORR was calculated from RRDE voltammograms according to the following equation:
n = 4Id/((Id + Ir)/N) |
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Fig. 1 (a) Low-magnification SEM, (b) TEM and (c) HAADF-STEM images of the MPNs prepared under the typical condition. |
The wide-angle XRD pattern of the as-prepared MPNs can be assigned to a pure face-centered cubic (fcc) Pt structure (Fig. 2b) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy measurements further confirmed that the sample is free of other elemental impurities (Fig. S3†). X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was then employed to analyze the valence state of the surface Pt in the MPNs. For comparison, commercially available Pt black (PtB) was similarly characterized. It can be clearly noticed in Fig. S4† that both samples show doublet peaks assignable to Pt0 4f7/2 and Pt0 4f5/2, respectively, indicating the existence of metallic state Pt.12 Considering the resolution depth of Pt photoelectron spectra at the conditions (i.e., 1.5 nm) of an inelastic-mean-free-path,13 the spectra are considered to be composed of the contribution from the top 2–3 surface atomic layers.
In order to obtain more information on the surface atomic structure, high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) and TEM images of the MPNs were acquired. It can be observed that an entire nanosphere is typically composed of interconnected nanocrystals sizing from 6 to 8 nm (Fig. 3a). The mesoporous structure can be clearly distinguished because of differences in the contrast. The selected-area electron diffraction (ED) pattern from Fig. 3b along with the clear lattice fringes observed in the HRTEM image (Fig. 3c) evidence the high degree of crystallization of the pore walls. Also, the lattice spacing of 0.23 nm is in good agreement with the fcc Pt {111} crystal plane. The surface of the branched Pt nanocrystals is enclosed by {111} and {100} facets along with a large number of atomic steps, as indicated by the arrows in Fig. 3c. Furthermore, some high-index facets (e.g., {511}) were confirmed from the edge surface. A scheme shown in Fig. 3d illustrates the positioning model for the high-index facet. The favorable molecule adsorption attributed to unsaturated atomic structures has been proved to be more active than highly coordinated atomic surfaces.14
To better understand the formation mechanism of the MPNs, the roles of the reagents were investigated in detail. It has previously been reported that nonionic surfactants, such as F127 and P123, can serve as structure-directing agents in the preparation of mesoporous oxides and carbons.15 As shown in Fig. S5a,† in the absence of F127, only micrometer-sized Pt spheres with non-porous structure are obtained. When a small amount of F127 (2.0 mg) is added, monodispersed Pt nanoparticles with shallow pores start to appear (Fig. S5b†). Further increasing the amount of F127 (up to 10 mg) leads to the formation of concave mesopores on the surface of the Pt nanoparticles (Fig. S5c†). With further increasing the amount of F127 (up to 30 mg), the desired mesoporous Pt nanospheres can be obtained (Fig. S5d†).
The formation of the mesoporous particles is completely different from our previous works, where porous or dendritic Pt nanoparticles with narrow interspaces of less than 5 nm were obtained through fast reduction reactions.8a,9a In this work, we believe that the slow deposition rate is responsible for the retention of the micelle arrangement at the greatest extent and thus, for the formation of well-defined mesoporous structures.16 Although the reduction kinetics can often be controlled by varying the reduction power of the reducing agent, here, we utilize another approach, i.e., the ligand exchange of Pt precursor by adding bromide ions and oxygen to slow down the reduction reaction.
The mechanism of these two additives can be accounted for by the following. The presence of bromide ions shifts the redox potential of the Pt ions toward a more negative potential through ligand exchange reactions to form [PtBr6]2− with a redox potential more negative (0.61 V vs. SHE) than that of [PtCl6]2− (0.73 V vs. SHE), namely, the reduction of [PtBr6]2− is slower. This ligand exchange reaction was confirmed by UV-vis measurements (Fig. S6†). The presence of oxygen shifts the reduction potential toward a more positive potential.
The roles of Br− and O2 in the formation of the Pt nanospheres were carefully studied by a series of control experiments: samples were synthesized in the presence of oxygen but without bromide ions (Fig. S7a†), and in the presence of bromide ions but without oxygen (Fig. S7b†). In both cases, the reaction yields disconnected cavities on the surface of the Pt nanoparticles possessing a broad size distribution. The structures with interconnected mesopores can only be obtained when both Br− and O2 are simultaneously involved in the reaction (Fig. 1a and S1†). The slow reaction favors a thermodynamic growth, which induces the exposure of {111} facets. Also, the Br− ions are known to selectively adsorb on and preferably expose Pt {100} facets.17 Therefore, in this study, the designed pore surfaces consisting of the interlaced Pt {111} and {100} facets (Fig. 3c) is proved to enhance the oxygen reduction reaction activity, which is probably ascribed to a synergetic effect between different facets.18 To the best of our knowledge, such mesoporous Pt nanospheres with designed pore surface were firstly reported.
Thus, we believe that this slow metal growth is beneficial for the formation of uniformly sized mesopores and particles as it provides enough time for the surfactants to adhere to the metal seeds and effectively act as a template for the subsequent growth (Fig. S8†). When ascorbic acid is substituted with stronger reducing agents (e.g., hydrazine), the reduction rate increases significantly, leading to non-porous and inhomogeneous nanoparticles (Fig. S9†).
The intermediate products at different reaction times were also investigated through TEM observation of the samples taken from the reaction flask after various periods of time (Fig. 4). Within 3 h, almost no precipitate can be observed, indicating that the reduction rate is relatively slow. The little amount of particles collected formed small non-uniform aggregates (Fig. 4a). With increasing the reaction time (4 h), the particle size increases by the continuous growth of fine particles (Fig. 4b). It is noted that, at this stage, concave or porous structures start to be formed on the edges of the particles, as indicated by the arrows. After 6 h, the MPNs are formed (Fig. 4c) and the morphology of the nanostructure remains stable even after longer reaction time (up to 12 h, Fig. 4d). On the basis of these results, the mechanism responsible for the formation of MPNs can be described as follows. At the initial stage, F127 serves as a protecting agent and stabilizes the primary Pt clusters through the interactions with the ethylene oxide (EO) chains of the F127 micelles.19 As the reaction proceeds, the reduced Pt clusters with preferentially exposed {100} facets from the solution continue to deposit on the spherical F127 micelles. Because of the extremely slow reduction rate caused by the ligand binding, there is enough time for F127 to effectively act as a template and to form an open mesoporous structure. The synthesis process of MPNs is schematically illustrated in Fig. 4e.
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Fig. 4 TEM images of Pt samples taken after different reaction periods: (a) 3 h, (b) 4 h, (c) 6 h and (d) 12 h, respectively. (e) Schematic illustration for the synthesis of MPNs. |
To investigate the nature of the Pt surface obtained through the slow reduction reactions in the presence of bromide ions, the surface crystallography of the MNPs was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and compared with those of dendritic Pt nanoparticles with shallow concave pores (DPNs) prepared in the presence of oxygen but without adding KBr (Fig. S7a†), and also with PtC-20% and PtB catalysts. The cyclic voltammograms (CVs) of MPNs and DPNs exhibit the typical characteristics of hydrogen and oxygen adsorption/desorption on polycrystalline Pt surface (Fig. S10†), while the CVs of the PtC-20% and PtB samples do not show any sharp peaks in the hydrogen region (i.e., below 0.2 V vs. Ag/AgCl), which are similar to that of Pt {111} surface.20 MPNs and DPNs have a hydrogen desorption peak around −0.08 V vs. Ag/AgCl, which is assignable to {110} surfaces, and another sharp peak around 0.08 V, which can be assigned to a few atoms wide {100} surface.21 Interestingly, we found that only MPNs have an extra third peak between the peaks previously mentioned, which can be assigned to low coordination Pt sites.21,22 These clearly show that our nanostructured samples have more surface step defects than typical Pt nanoparticles.
Inspired by these attractive properties (e.g., low-coordinated atomic surfaces), both the methanol oxidation reaction (MOR) and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) were performed to evaluate the electrochemical performance of the MPNs. Fig. 5a shows typical CV curves of MOR catalyzed with the MPNs, DPNs, PtC-20% and PtB catalysts. The current densities were normalized by the Pt electrochemical surface area (ECSA) (MPNs (25.1 m2 g−1 Pt), DPNs (17.1 m2 g−1 Pt), PtC-20% (54.0 m2 g−1 Pt) and PtB (14.3 m2 g−1 Pt)). The peak current density of the MPNs (1.1 mA cm−2) is much higher than that of the DPNs (0.95 mA cm−2), PtC-20% (0.61 mA cm−2) and PtB (0.46 mA cm−2). The reason for this superior activity arises from a large number of low-coordinated atoms present on the Pt surfaces, which facilitate the breaking of C–H bonds during the decomposition of methanol.23 The chronoamperometric measurement at 0.6 V over 3000 s proved that the MPNs possess a better stability during the electrochemical measurement, in comparison to the other catalysts (Fig. 5b). This suggests that the mesoporous structure of the MPNs can be well retained even after the long-term stability measurement (Fig. S11†).
The ORR was further studied in O2 saturated 0.1 M HClO4. The MPNs show a more positive half-wave potential (0.88 V) than that of PtB (0.78 V), DPNs (0.86 V) and PtC-20% (0.84 V) (Fig. 5c). The onset potential of the MPNs is positively shifted compared to the other samples. To further study the kinetics of the ORR, the polarization curves of the MPNs-modified rotation ring disk electrode (RRDE) were recorded at different rotation speeds. The limiting current density increases with increasing the rotation speed (Fig. 6a). The corresponding Koutecky–Levich (K–L) plots at different potential values are plotted and the number of electrons transferred was calculated by the K–L equation,24 which is expressed by:
j−1 = jK−1 + jL−1 = jK−1 + B−1ω−1/2 | (1) |
B = 0.62nFC0D02/3ν−1/6 | (2) |
Fig. 6b shows four linear K–L plots at different potentials, suggesting the first-order reaction kinetics of oxygen reduction catalysed by the MPNs from 0.825 to 0.925 V. The n value calculated from the equation: n = 4Id/((Id + Ir)/N)25 (where Id is the disk current, Ir is the ring current, and N = 0.4 is the current collection efficiency of Pt ring electrode), is in the range of 3.7–4.0, which is in good consistency with the number of electrons derived from the RRDE voltammograms (Fig. 6c). All these results evidence that the ORR catalyzed by the MPNs follows a four-electron pathway.26
It is well known that structural thermostability is a very important factor for practical catalysts because the performance highly depends on their ability to retain their shape and structure. In order to investigate the structural thermostability, the MPNs, DPNs, PtC-20% and PtB were treated at 250 or 350 °C for 3 h. After calcination, the CV plots were recorded in 0.5 M H2SO4 at a scan rate of 50 mV s−1 and the Pt ECSA of each sample was calculated and compared. Fig. 5d shows that 97% of initial ECSA of the MPNs can be retained even after the thermal treatment at 350 °C, which is much higher than for the DPNs (82%), PtC-20% (38%) or PtB (23%), showcasing the MPNs for their excellent thermostability. Because the well-defined mesoporous structure was less vulnerable to particle aggregation, the MPNs retain most of their ECSA after the treatment at 350 °C, in great contrast to the low thermal stabilities of the DPNs caused by structural shrinkage.9 The serious decrease of ECSAs for PtC-20% and PtB can be attributed to the aggregation of the nanoparticles and the collapse of the carbon support at higher temperatures (Fig. S12†). The morphologies of MPNs do not show any changes either (Fig. S13†). Also, the CV curves are perfectly maintained even after thermal treatment at 250 and 350 °C (Fig. 6d).
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c5sc03779d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |