Jyoti K.
Dave J.
* and
Neil G.
Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZD, UK. E-mail: d.j.adams@liverpool.ac.uk; ngberry@liverpool.ac.uk
First published on 13th April 2016
The self-assembly of low molecular weight gelators to form gels has enormous potential for cell culturing, optoelectronics, sensing, and for the preparation of structured materials. There is an enormous “chemical space” of gelators. Even within one class, functionalised dipeptides, there are many structures based on both natural and unnatural amino acids that can be proposed and there is a need for methods that can successfully predict the gelation propensity of such molecules. We have successfully developed computational models, based on experimental data, which are robust and are able to identify in silico dipeptide structures that can form gels. A virtual computational screen of 2025 dipeptide candidates identified 9 dipeptides that were synthesised and tested. Every one of the 9 dipeptides synthesised and tested were correctly predicted for their gelation properties. This approach and set of tools enables the “dipeptide space” to be searched effectively and efficiently in order to deliver novel gelator molecules.
A number of approaches have been used in an attempt to elucidate design rules. As mentioned above, library-based approaches have been used which usually comprises of synthesis of large numbers of closely related analogues. Other attempts have been made using structural-based design.8 Here, specific functional groups are included in a molecule to drive one-dimensional assembly, whilst restricting crystallisation. Recent work has attempted to rationalise gelation with specific solvation properties.10,12–15 However, a priori prediction of gelation is not possible using this approach as clearly not every molecule with specific Hammett parameters (for example) are gelators. Elsewhere, a number of groups have mined the Cambridge Crystallographic Structural Database for molecules with specific types of interaction.16,17 However, where specific moieties or parent structure are required in a gelator, this can present a considerable synthetic challenge to accommodate the desired functional group(s). Clearly, there are then a limited number of structural permutations that are possible whilst maintaining these groups. As such, arguably the most effective currently available option is a library approach.
One approach that has not received much traction to date is the use of computational approaches to predict the gelation ability of specific molecules. Very recently, Tuttle's group have examined the aggregation behaviour of dipeptides and tripeptides and successfully predicted the ability of these molecules to form gels.18 This is a major step forward; with 8000 possible tripeptides, this approach saves significant synthetic effort. Here, we present a tool that enables researchers to obtain high quality predictions for the propensity of a compound to form a gel. Employing this approach will greatly expedite the discovery of novel gelators compared with the traditional empirical approach. We have focussed on one family of gelator, functionalised amino acids and dipeptides.19,20
Quantitative structure–property relationships (QSPR) is a technology which links measured properties to compound chemical structure. It has proven successful in many aspects of molecular design particularly in the fields of drug discovery and crop protection. Indeed, several marketed drugs have been developed with the aid of such approaches.21 QSPR is based on the principle that experimentally measured endpoints are a function of molecular properties.22 QSPR models cannot be built directly but rather the molecules' properties are encoded as descriptors, which capture numerically the chemical information of the molecule for computational processes. Molecular descriptors can be classified into zero-dimensional (0D)-descriptors (e.g. molecular weight), 1D-descriptors (e.g. counts of certain molecular fragments) and 2D-descriptors (e.g. molecular constitution in terms of atom types and their connectivity23). Statistical and machine learning methods, such as Bayesian modelling, random forests and support vector machines, are employed to link these descriptors to the measured endpoint, i.e. gelation.24 A successful QSPR model will shed light on the key molecular characteristics that are linked to the gelation ability of a compound and also, crucially, enable rapid computational screening of libraries of molecules to identify candidates that are likely to possess the desired gelation properties.
Designing molecules with the desired physical and chemical properties for a particular application is a huge challenge. If reliable computational predictive methods can be realised then virtual screening of large in silico databases is possible, enabling rapid identification of candidates for experimental confirmation.25 Here we describe how computational models are built which link the real-world measured endpoint, i.e. gelator or non-gelator, to molecular structure.
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Fig. 1 Generic structure of library (AA – amino acid); see ESI† for specific structures. |
In all cases, gelation was tested using a pH triggered approach, where we have used the hydrolysis of glucono-δ-lactone (GdL) to gluconic acid38 as described elsewhere to lower the pH of a solution of each potential gelator at pH 11 to around 4.39 The method by which gelation is triggered can strongly affect the ability of a molecule to form a gel, as well as the mechanical properties of the resulting gel.40 As such, we have focussed on molecules synthesised and tested by ourselves, such that we can be certain that the protocol followed was identical in each case. A slow pH change was chosen as this removes issues with stirring and mixing often associated with pH-triggered gelation.39
For categorisation assessment after 18 hours, the materials were classified by whether a self-supporting gel had formed or not (“yes” or “no” respectively). A “yes” means that a fully self-supporting gel was formed after around 18 hours. These gels were translucent, transparent, or turbid. A “no” means that no self-supporting gel was formed, with the sample usually being a fine powderous precipitate or a crystalline precipitate. In a small number of cases, a very weak material was formed, and these were discounted from the study as not giving a clear answer. We have focussed here on a single concentration of each potential gelator (5 mg mL−1); in our experience, this is always above the minimum gelator concentration (mgc) for this family of materials.26,28,29 As such, we do not believe that the use of this concentration is restrictive. Since we are interested in whether or not a gel is formed, as opposed to the specific properties of the resulting gels, we have not attempted to measure the mgc of the gelators, nor the mechanical properties of the resulting gels.
Before comprehensive QSPR modelling was undertaken, an assessment of the “modelability” of the training set data was performed using the MODI index.35 This index estimates the feasibility of obtaining predictive QSPR models from a binary classified data, i.e. gelators and non-gelators. If the MODI statistic is >0.65, then the data should be amenable to classification modelling. Both the training (MODI = 0.76) and test sets (MODI = 0.70) met this criterion. The computational QSPR models were generated using a variety of machine learning methods: Support Vector Machines (SVM),41 Random Forests (RF),42k nearest neighbours (kNN), Neural Networks (NN),43 Partial Least Squares (PLS),44 Naïve Bayesian (NB)45 and C5.0.46 All these modelling methods employed used both physicochemical descriptors and molecular fingerprints to capture molecular properties.
We employed several modelling techniques as each technique has its own strengths, and ultimately we want to deploy a set of models for making predictions on molecules yet to made and tested based on predictions that they would form a gel. Through a consensus of predictions (from several QSPR models), there can be a dramatic increase in the quality of virtual screening outcomes. Such a virtual screening approach using many robust models can show improved performance over single model predictions47 due to fact that the mean of repeated samplings is closer to the true value than one single measurement. Also, different methods in silico agree more on the ranking of “actives” than “inactives”, which arises from the fact that different ligand-based virtual screening protocols focus on different aspects of the ligand thus lead to different false positives. In the realm of drug discovery, it has been suggested that actives are clustered more tightly than inactives; thus, multiple samplings will recover more actives than inactives.
A repeated 5-fold cross-validation approach was used to select the optimal QSPR model for each method based on the largest H measure value. An ideal model has a H measure value of 1, with a random model taking a value of 0.5. Using a cross-validated approach gives a good estimate of the predictive power of the models.48 The models generated from each machine learning method with associated statistics are shown in Table 1. Once the optimal model had been selected, we further assessed the models' merits using a range of measures, Cohen's kappa, balanced accuracy and H measure (Table 1). We chose Cohen's kappa49 as a figure of merit due to its ability to assess the actual agreement of outcomes compared with chance agreement (kappa can range between −1 and +1 with a perfect model having a value of +1). As can be seen, the kappa values are very good for all models (>0.4).
Balanced accuracy is a measure of the number of correctly classified molecules and can vary between 0 and 1 with an ideal model having a value of 1 and an acceptable value being >0.7. An assessment of the probability of the model found being better than the no-information rate (the accuracy rate that can be achieved without a model48 has been made and the very small values (<1 × 10−5) adds further strength that these models are good. Overall, it can be seen that the models developed are defined as “good” passing all of the desired criteria (H > 0.6, kappa > 0.4, balanced accuracy > 0.7, P value < 1 × 10−5).
The only way to truly assess the true predictive power of a model is to use the models developed on a set of compounds that the model has never seen before. When using models to make predictions, it is vital that the models are applied to molecules that are within the applicability domain of the model, as previously mentioned.25 This means that the chemistry of the molecule that one is making a prediction on is not too dissimilar from what the model has encountered previously. Hence, we applied the models to a test set of functionalised dipeptides (see ESI† for structures).
Of the 21 compounds in the test set, 14 (2 gelators, 12 non-gelators) lay within the “applicability domain” of the model as defined by the descriptors (physicochemical and fingerprint) used in the model building (see Experimental section).
The data in Table 2 indicates the overall performance of all the models to predict correctly the gel forming properties this test set of compounds. As can be seen, three models satisfy the criteria as described above for a “good” model. They are random forest, support vector machine and neural network.
It is notable that H measure of the test set is correlated with the H measure from repeated cross-validation during model building (r2 = 0.727) demonstrating that the repeated cross-validation approach did indeed give a good indication on the performance of models on future compounds – thus these models are highly predictive for compounds that the models have never seen before.
The excellent predictive performance of these models can also be seen in Fig. 3, which displays the ROC (Receiver Operator Characteristic) curves for these models.50 The NN model is perfect predicting each molecule's gelation abilities correctly with the RF and SVM models only slightly worse. This is indicated in the plots for RF and SVM diverting away from the vertical line of specificity equal to 1. A model which provides no predictive ability is indicated by the grey line – clearly all three good models are significantly better than this.
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Fig. 3 ROC curves for the SVM (![]() ![]() ![]() |
In order to increase confidence further in the three predictive models identified, a randomisation test was performed in which the measured gelation outcome for the training set compounds was randomised and the whole model building process repeated as was performed for the true data.51 The predictive power of models developed on the randomised data should be markedly inferior to the models developed using the true data. All of the statistical measures (kappa, balanced accuracy and H measure) for the performance of the models generated using the randomised data for the predictions of the 12 compounds in the test set are much worse than the equivalent models found using the true data (see Table S4, ESI†). This data further increased our confidence in the good SVM, RF and NN models identified.
Thus, with the set of models (SVM, RF and NN) that were demonstrated to perform excellently in predicting the gelation properties of dipeptides in the test set, we wished to use these models prospectively to identify candidate dipeptides from a large in silico library to synthesis and testing. This set of compound would act as a validation set and demonstrate the ability of our approach in successfully identifying both compounds that form gels and those that do not.
The library in total contained 2025 compounds (ESI, Table S5†), each of which had the same set of descriptors calculated as for the training set of molecules. Even though we had identified three robust models for gelation predictions, these models have limitations. Their predictions will not be equally good for all possible molecules. Generally, the more similar a compound whose properties we wish to predict is to the molecules in a model's training data set, the better we expect the model's predictions to be. In other words, if a sample lies within the model's applicability domain (MAD), we expect the prediction to be trustworthy. If the sample lies outside the MAD, we expect the prediction to be less trustworthy. The MAD for the SVM, RF and NN models was defined using the molecular descriptors calculated (further information in the Experimental section and references therein). For the virtual library of 2025 compounds, those molecules which lay outside the model applicability domain for SVM, RF and NN models were removed, leaving 699 compounds.
For each of the 699 compounds, predictions were made on their gel forming ability using the SVM, RF and NN models. Nine candidate molecules were chosen (4 gelators, 5 non-gelators) to be synthesised and tested using the combined likelihood from the three machine learnt models. As can be seen there is an exact agreement between the predictions and measurements indicating a remarkable predictive power and performance of these models (Table 3). Additionally, it can be seen that the models predict compounds to be gelators where both amino acids are non-aromatic. Typically, these are much less likely to form gels as opposed to those that contain aromatic amino acids.29
Whilst we stated earlier that to be certain of an identical protocol, we focused on molecules synthesised and tested by ourselves, we have nonetheless applied our protocols to a number of literature examples. A significant number fell outside the applicability domain. However, those that did all followed exactly our predictions. These included Fmoc-GF (predicted not to be a gelator in line with the experimental data28,52), as well as two naphthalene-based gelators (Nap–Gly–Val and Nap–Gly–Leu correctly predicted not to form gels53), benzimidazole-diphenylalanine (correctly predicted to form gels54), and Azo–Phe–Ala (correctly predicted to form a gel55).
As noted above, design rules are few and far between for low molecular weight gelators. Examination of the most influential descriptors in these complex models may reveal some key parameters which are highly influential on molecules with gelation ability. Amongst the 12 physicochemical descriptors calculated, five were important – the number of rings, predicted molecular aqueous solubility, polar surface area, solvent accessible surface area, Alog
P and number of rotatable bonds. However, for all models (SVM, RF, NN), there were a significant number of molecular fingerprint descriptors that were also very important (see ESI†). Unfortunately, these fingerprint descriptors are difficult to interpret by eye. Rather, the information that is encoded in them is best utilised in a virtual screening campaign, as we successfully employed here.
The applicability domain has been defined using the molecular fingerprints and physicochemical properties of each molecule within the training set. If a molecule lies outside of the applicability domain, it does not mean the prediction is incorrect, it just provides the user with extra information with which to make a decision via this applicability domain “warning”. These additional features (above a simple yes/no answer) allows the user to make their own informed decision on whether to make and test any given molecule given the predicted likelihood of a molecule forming a gel. We invite researchers to use the online interface through which users can predict the gelation properties under the conditions discussed in this paper, and (www.liv.ac.uk/%7Engberry/gel.html,%20username%20Gel,%20password%20gel123).
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c6sc00722h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |