Issue 30, 2017

Impulsive laser-induced alignment of OCS molecules at FERMI


We demonstrate the experimental realization of impulsive alignment of carbonyl sulfide (OCS) molecules at the Low Density Matter Beamline (LDM) at the free-electron laser FERMI. OCS molecules in a molecular beam were impulsively aligned using 200 fs pulses from a near-infrared laser. The alignment was probed through time-delayed ionization above the sulphur 2p edge, resulting in multiple ionization via Auger decay and subsequent Coulomb explosion of the molecules. The ionic fragments were collected using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer and the analysis of ion–ion covariance maps confirmed the correlation between fragments after Coulomb explosion. The analysis of the CO+ and S+ channels allowed us to extract the rotational dynamics, which is in agreement with our theoretical description as well as with previous experiments. This result opens the way for a new class of experiments at LDM within the field of coherent control of molecules with the possibilities that a precisely synchronized optical-pump XUV-probe laser setup like FERMI can offer.

Graphical abstract: Impulsive laser-induced alignment of OCS molecules at FERMI

Article information

Article type
21 Mar 2017
16 May 2017
First published
16 May 2017

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017,19, 19733-19739

Impulsive laser-induced alignment of OCS molecules at FERMI

M. Di Fraia, P. Finetti, R. Richter, K. C. Prince, J. Wiese, M. Devetta, M. Negro, C. Vozzi, A. G. Ciriolo, A. Pusala, A. Demidovich, M. B. Danailov, E. T. Karamatskos, S. Trippel, J. Küpper and C. Callegari, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 19733 DOI: 10.1039/C7CP01812F

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