Juan Carlos
Rajender S.
b and
aInstitute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kasprzaka 44/52, 01-224 Warsaw, Poland. E-mail: jcarloscolmenares@ichf.edu.pl
bRegional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials, Faculty of Science, Palacky University, Šlechtitelů 27, 783 71, Olomouc, Czech Republic. E-mail: Varma.Rajender@epa.gov
First published on 16th October 2017
This tutorial review assesses the available and possible strategies for attaining higher selectivity and yield of value-added chemicals from lignin using nanocatalysts embedded in a photomicroreactor. The design of the photomicroreactor, the choice of photocatalysts and the techniques for assembling the catalysts in such confined spaces are crucial elements. Lignin, a predominant industrial byproduct and pollutant, has been recognized today as a rich reservoir for aromatic chemicals and a prominent resource. The conventional batch photocatalytic studies on lignin, often using dissolved lignin under alkaline conditions, often generates a wide range of valuable organic chemicals which find applications in the pharmaceutical, food processing, cosmetic and fine chemical industries. The role of photocatalysis in such lignin depolymerizations is questionable as the dissolution procedure initiates fragmentation of lignin prior to light exposure. The complexity of the lignin structure also impedes necessary and decisive information to understand the reaction mechanism during such reactions in batch photoreactors. Considering these facts, photocatalysis studies on lignin entail a thoughtful reevaluation and focus on understanding the role of photocatalysis in the product generation and authenticating the implicated reaction mechanisms. The development of a photocatalytic system for lignin depolymerization in a continuous microreactor is a superior approach for the generation of valuable products emanating from lignin depolymerization and the successful execution of such strategies can pave the way for the commercialization of bio-based chemicals.
Key learning points(1) New proof-of-concept for upgrading lignin-based chemicals via the synergistic coupling of nanophotocatalysis with microfluidic systems.(2) The use of new fabrication techniques on superior reactor materials can lower the time and operational expenses of the photomicroreactor. (3) The choice of the nanophotocatalyst and its assembly inside the photomicroreactor will affect the efficiency of the photocatalytic reaction. (4) The role of various parameters that have been eschewed during macroscale photocatalysis has to be monitored to secure better discernment for lignin photocatalysis. (5) The integration of lignin reactions in a photo microreactor can be used to carry out controlled successive experiments which have not been observed in conventional lignin photocatalysis. |
Nevertheless, much effort has been made to comprehend this subject culminating in identification of some reactions that can proceed with high efficiency and selectively using various heterogeneous photocatalytic systems.7,8 The heightened interest in photocatalytic selective organic transformations is well recognized as a superior alternative to conventional routes for the synthesis of fine chemicals via the choice of appropriate semiconductors and proper control of reaction conditions. In contrast to traditional protocols, photocatalytic organic synthesis features several unique advantages: (i) it is driven by sunlight as a highly renewable source of energy; (ii) it can proceed under milder conditions (room temperature and atmospheric pressure) and avoids the use of environmentally detrimental heavy metal catalysts as well as strong chemical oxidants or reducing agents; (iii) it can facilitate the design of short and efficient reaction sequences, thus minimizing side processes culminating in high selectivity.
Microreactor technology exerts a high degree of control over photochemical transformations due to its salient advantages in contrast to conventional batch processing (Fig. 1), continuous-flow operation, large specific surface area, enhanced heat- and mass-transfer rates, reduced safety hazards and the ease of increasing throughput by numbering-up to name a few. Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 1, the extremely small characteristic dimensions of microreactors ensure excellent light irradiation of the entire reaction medium thus enhancing radiation homogeneity which culminates in higher reaction selectivity and shorter reaction times.9 Such technology should lead to a better understanding of the benefits and associated risk profiles of chemicals. Performing heterogeneous photocatalysis in continuous flow microreactors has additional advantageous attributes such as ultra-low reagent and catalyst consumption leading to less waste generation, environmental friendliness, higher safety, high efficiency, portability, ease of handling of reactants, continuous product formation and catalyst separation, re-use of catalysts, and the possibility of operating under harsh conditions.9 According to the literature, the quantum yield (F) in microreactors is much higher than those encountered in batch reactors.10 This is ascribed to more homogeneous radiation distribution and the higher heat- and mass-transfer rates encountered in microreactors due to the high surface-to-volume ratio. The photonic efficiency ξ, which is defined as the number of reaction product molecules divided by the number of photons of monochromatic light incident on the reactor, is about one order of magnitude higher for microreactors (e.g. ξ = 0.0262) than for batch reactors (e.g. ξ = 0.0086–0.0042).10
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Fig. 1 Comparison between a batch photoreactor and a continuous micro photoreactor. Adapted from ref. 9 with permission from John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Copyright 2011. |
Lignin accounts for approximately 40% of the total energy density of lignocellulosic biomass, making it an alluring option for fuel production.11 Current application of lignin is limited which is usually obtained as a byproduct from the paper-pulp industries and biorefineries during the extraction of cellulose pulp from lignocellulosic biomass; technology used for lignin removal has changed with time from soda and sulfite to the now more widely deployed Kraft process. In the Kraft process, lignin is separated in the form of black liquor and is generally used as a fuel for boilers to generate power for plant operations; ensuing lignin from this process is a rich source of renewable bio-based chemicals. Despite recent advances, there are currently no widespread catalytic processes for the valorization of lignin into bulk or fine chemicals.12 This fact is partly accredited to the highly complex and condensed nature of the lignin, with a prevalence of highly recalcitrant linkages/bonding motifs. Additionally, the lignin obtained from these industries has a considerable amount of sulfur content which is a well-known catalyst poison. Consequently, such industrial lignin feedstocks pose challenges for downstream catalytic valorization; literature abounds on lignin photocatalysis, wherein this industrial effluent is subjected to complete mineralization.8
Recent fruitful studies on lignin depolymerizations to generate value-added chemicals namely guaiacol, vanillin, and phenols using thermochemical, ionic liquids and other chemical processes have altered the approach for photocatalytic studies of lignin.13 Conducting successful photocatalysis for the production of chemicals requires a molecular level understanding of the various reactions involved during photocatalytic reactions. Considering this approach, the majority of lignin photocatalysis research has been based on liquid–solid reactions using lignin as obtained from black liquor or dissolved lignin in alkaline medium. Recent studies with lignin dissolved in solvents have confirmed that prior to photocatalytic reactions, the fragmentation of lignin has occurred upon dissolution in alkaline medium. Rinaldi et al.14 observed that in the black liquor, obtained from the Kraft process, the content of β-ethers decreases drastically for both the liquor-phase (Kraft) and solid-residue lignin. Hence it is imperative to seek newer pathways to conduct controlled lignin photocatalytic reactions which can give cogent results emanating from the photocatalytic effect involved during the generation of various products. These routes would require monitoring of different reaction conditions such as lignin concentration and its purity, reaction temperature, pH at which lignin depolymerization is partially affected by the solvent, interaction of the photocatalyst with the lignin molecule, and the extent of irradiation in the photoreactor. Conventional lignin photocatalysis carried out in batch photoreactors using titania-based photocatalysts has not provided breakthrough results. As stated earlier, the use of microreactor technology here can ensure superior gains when compared to the macro-photosystems. These valuable features comprising heterogeneous photocatalysis in selective liquid phase processes, coupled with the remarkable advantages (e.g. better light utilization) of flow microreactors will have an unquestionable positive effect on the design and development of more cost-effective and sustainable processes for a green valorization of underutilized lignin-based bio-renewable wastes. This article examines various parameters namely the selection of photomicroreactors, the assembly of novel hybrid photocatalysts in a photomicroreactor and finally developing an efficient photocatalytic system for conducting lignin-based photoreactions.
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Fig. 2 Swern–Moffatt oxidation of alcohols using a flow microreactor system. Adapted from ref. 9 with permission from John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Copyright 2011. |
Photocatalysis involves indirect interaction between the reactant molecule and light. The initial step of adsorption of the incident light by the catalyst or sensitizer occurs followed by the transfer of the generated electrons or energy to the acceptor molecule;9 activated molecules undergo the chemical transformation to yield the desired products. Photocatalytic studies for the selective organic synthesis in microreactors have been achieved on a large scale using homogenous catalysts like ruthenium and iridium polypyridine complexes and other organic dyes.9Scheme 1a depicts the use of tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) for the oxidation of citronellol in a polymer-based microreactor; the reaction is carried out at lower reaction rate compared to the non-photocatalytic reaction. Similarly, in Scheme 1b, photoinduced electron transfer for the deoxygenation reaction in the synthesis of 2-deoxynucleosides has been executed with 10 mol% of a carbazole photosensitizer at 45 °C resulting in significant reduction of the reaction time in continuous flow (from 2 h to 10 min). Minimizing the exposure time of the reaction stream to the high-energy irradiation is responsible for the suppression of extensive by-product formation.9 Similarly, Nguyen et al.16 carried out deoxygenation of a series of primary and secondary alcohols involving a combination of the Garegg–Samuelsson reaction, visible light-photo redox catalysis, and flow chemistry. This group has already established a visible light mediated technique for the conversion of primary and secondary alcohols to alkyl halides as well as a visible light mediated method for the hydrodeiodination of alkyl, aryl, and alkenyl iodides using homogenous photocatalysts.16
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Scheme 1 (a) Oxidation of citronellol with singlet oxygen in a capillary FEP microreactor with TPP as a photocatalyst. (b) Photocatalytic deoxygenation of protected thymidine in a capillary quartz microreactor with a carbazole as a photocatalyst. Reprinted from ref. 15 with permission from John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Copyright 2014. |
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Scheme 2 (a) Photocatalytic N-ethylation of benzylamine in a quartz microreactor with a TiO2 layer excited with 365 nm UV LEDs. (b) Synthesis of L-pipecolinic acid in a pyrex microreactor with a TiO2 layer excited with a high-pressure mercury lamp. Reprinted from ref. 15 with permission from John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Copyright 2014. |
Among the polymers, PFA and FEP are considered as prospective materials for the fabrication of photomicroreactors. The fluoro polymers have high light transmission to both UV and visible light, easy fabrication, and relatively low cost.17 These materials are highly transparent to both UV and visible light: PFA allows transmission of 91–96% for visible light (400–700 nm) and 77–91% for UV light (250–400 nm); FEP has similar properties for visible light and a bit better for UV light.15 Additionally, the materials are highly flexible and can resist strong acidic and alkaline solvents at moderate temperatures and pressures, showing their high application potential in photochemical processes. Besides their strong chemical stability, they demonstrate a higher resistance to microreactor clogging and low moisture absorbance.18 Most often these reactors are wrapped around the lamps to maximize the photon flux. One of the major challenges in using these polymer capillaries for heterogeneous photocatalysis is the deposition of the catalyst in the tubings. The chemical inert nature of the fluoro polymers renders it difficult to attain catalyst coating on to the capillary surface. The use of organic materials such as polymers or surfactants can be used as binders between the catalyst and the reactor wall. The option of performing in situ catalyst synthesis in a reactor is a new strategy that can be achieved using a synergistic combination of sonochemical and/or chemical synthesis. Recently, TiO2 suspended in water was passed though Teflon capillary tubing under ultrasound irradiation, and thin layers of commercial TiO2 could be coated in the inner wall of the tubing.19
Fabrication techniques available for making microreactors mainly include micromachining, lithography, injection molding, wet and dry etching, electrodischarge machining, laser machining, embossing, and so on.10 These conventional techniques have their limitations due to the higher cost of manufacturing, higher energy needs, assembly time, crack generation and erosion of cutting tools which restricts their widespread usage.10 The current technology for microreactor fabrication is moving towards 3-D printing technology, which is inexpensive and environmentally friendly.20,21 In this process, computer aided design (CAD) software is used to outline a 3-dimensional pattern on the surface of smooth paper using a solid ink printer or laser jet printer; organic solvents are used as a sink for printing purposes. In general, after the formation of the 3-D pattern, the polymer is replicated by a curing process to form negative relief channels.20 Finally, a negative polymeric mould is attached to a flat substrate to form a microfluidic device. Importantly, the inlet and outlet connector of the microchannel is fabricated directly by the mould, which reduces the cost of drilling and eliminates the possibilities of crack formation in the cured polymer.21
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Fig. 3 (a) Influence of the light intensity on the degradation percentage at different flow rates. (b) Change in the degradation rates due to heat from contact of the LED setup. Adapted from ref. 22 with permission from AIP Publishing LLC, Copyright 2014. |
Solvents for organic synthesis require the reactant molecules to be homogenously dispersed so that the reaction can be uniform throughout the reactor. Since the reactions with lignin and lignin model compounds involve organic solvents, the utmost importance should be given to its reactivity towards the microchannel. Furthermore, the solvent should be compatible with the chosen light source and the reactor material.10 While the solvent should be inert to prevent erosion of the reactor walls, it should neither be a strong light absorber, nor a quencher of the photochemical process.15 The residence time should be larger than the characteristic reaction time, thus allowing the components in the reaction medium enough time to react and reach full conversion. In fluidic microreactors, the residence time can be easily varied by controlling the flow rates or the lengths of the microchannels. Furthermore, controlling the flow rate can also prevent or reduce side reactions or decompositions caused by “over-irradiation”. In general, a comparison between batch reactors and various microreactors in terms of the Damkçhler numbers should be made while selecting appropriate reactors for photochemical transformations.23,24 The design of photoreactors is mostly based on efficiency parameters (e.g. quantum yield and photonic efficiency) whilst the kinetic aspect in a microreactor has not been exploited. The development of kinetic models and an accurate determination of their parameters are also important for accurate photoreactor modelling and optimization. It is worth mentioning here that a bigger challenge concerning the kinetic modelling of the photo-catalytic reactions is to assess the influence of the light intensity on the reaction rate.25
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Fig. 4 Development of hybrid nano-photocatalysts. (a) Adapted from ref. 27 with permission from Elsevier B.V., Copyright 2010, (b) adapted from ref. 4 with permission from American Chemical Society, Copyright 2015, (c) adapted from ref. 29 with permission from Elsevier B.V., Copyright 2014, (d) adapted from ref. 34 with permission from Royal Society of Chemistry, Copyright 2016. |
TiO2-coated ZnO nanorod arrays have been developed by He et al.29 on the inner walls of the capillaries (IWC) simply by flowing TiO2 sol into capillaries containing preformed ZnO nanorod arrays. The superior photocatalytic activity of the ZnO/TiO2 nanorod-modified capillary microchannels is attributed to the topographical morphology induced by the nanorod arrays, and the combination of two semiconductors decreasing the recombination rate of photoinduced electrons and holes. Chen et al.30 in their review on black TiO2 nanomaterials have explained the chemical and structural properties of the modified TiO2 that has shown improved optical absorption in the visible light region. Apparently, the hydrogenation treatment on TiO2 induced the oxygen vacancies and Ti3+ sites in TiO2, resulting in band-gap narrowing and the separation of photo-generated electrons and holes, which remarkably improved the photocatalytic activity of TiO2.30
The selection of a hybrid catalyst can also be based on the product selectivity required during a reaction. Lopez-Tenllado et al.31 synthesized Bi2WO6–TiO2 photocatalytic materials which are highly active and selective for the oxidation of alcohols to carbonyls; incorporation of a small amount of titania (5% molar) into Bi2WO6 considerably increased the oxidation of crotyl alcohol and higher selectivity to crotonaldehyde on bismuth tungstate. This is the result of the lower adsorption of the aldehyde on the catalyst surface which stopped further oxidation. Varma and co-workers have been in the forefront of developing hybrid photocatalysts for organic synthesis under visible light.32,33 In a recent work, they developed vanadium oxide supported on a graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) surface which displayed high reactivity for selectively oxidizing methyl arenes to the corresponding aromatic aldehydes under visible light; hydrocarbons bearing benzylic methylene groups selectively get oxidized to the corresponding ketones. In another instance, the same catalyst was successfully used to study direct oxidative esterification of alcohols; the photocatalytic C–H activation in the reaction occurs with a VO@g-C3N4 catalyst.33 The expeditious reaction proceeds under neutral conditions due to the photoactive g-C3N4 surface and its strong interaction with the vanadium metal. The support stimulates the metal towards the oxidation of alcohol followed by C–H activation-esterification, while the in-built nitrogenous framework provides an adequate mild, basic environment and energy through visible light absorption.32
The use of biomaterials in developing hybrid catalysts appears to reign in the sustainability aspects to the catalyst synthesis process. Biochar is the by-product obtained during the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass, which can be used as a catalyst support due to its high surface area. This carbon material is also endowed with plenty of functional groups such as hydroxyls and carboxyls which can be exploited for different reactions. The presence of catalysts in the narrow pores of the carbon support can lead to selective diffusion of reactant molecules in a size-dependent fashion leading to higher selectivity and yield.34 A titania–carbon based hybrid material has been developed via thermal treatment at 400 °C under an oxygen-deficient atmosphere; carboxylic groups adorning the char serve as the nucleation site for TiO2 formation. These conditions preserve a pure and highly crystalline anatase phase (ca. 30 nm) leading to a reduction in the electron–hole recombination rate at the carbon surface. The highly pure and crystalline TiO2 shows superior photocatalytic degradation of phenol when compared to activated carbon and grapheme oxide supports by reducing the recombination of photo-generated electron–hole pairs. A comprehensive review by Colmenares et al.34 provides key scientific insights into other TiO2/carbon materials derived from renewable and biodegradable resources emanating from biopolymeric materials such as lignin, cellulose, cellulose acetate, bacterial cellulose, bamboo, wood, starch, chitosan and agricultural residues or seafood wastes.
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Fig. 5 Schematic representation of the cross-section of a microchannel in (a) packed-bed, (b) monolithic and (c) wall-coated microreactors. Adapted from ref. 35 with permission from John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Copyright 2015. |
While considering a photo microreactor, the choice of assembly technique for the catalyst depends on the microreactor material that maximises exposure of the catalyst to the irradiating light as shown in Fig. 6; for glass and quartz-based microreactors, photocatalyst films or fibers have been used.26 The fabrication of photo microreactors uses polymer capillaries for which wall-coated catalytic microreactors are the best choice. In fixed-bed or stirred batch reactors, uncontrolled formation of hot and cold spots occurs on the catalyst surface which results in fluctuation of conversion rates and product selectivity. In contrast, for wall-coated catalytic microreactors, flow is completely laminar and the reaction takes place both in the bulk fluid and throughout the entire catalyst-coated layer in the channels, due to the short diffusion path and enhanced interfacial contact (the specific surface areas of microfluidic systems are estimated to be in the range of 10000–50
000 m2 m−3 compared to the 100–1000 m2 m−3 attainable in traditional reactors).36
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Fig. 6 Schematic of different types of photomicroreactors.26 |
In a continuous process, the ideal scenario subsists when the catalyst is fixed in space and the reaction mixture is allowed to flow over it. The reaction and separation stage are thus combined in a single step, and the catalyst stays in the reactor for easy recycling. This is the main reason why the use of thin catalyst layers on the reactor walls is almost exclusively used in microstructured reactors. Wash coats, such as those applied in exhaust-gas cleaning in automobiles, as well as in monolith reactors, are often applied as a carrier on the microchannel walls including wet-chemical. In a standard form, catalyst powder or particles are introduced in a channel as miniature fixed beds. In microstructured reactors, however, beds are generally not employed as they cause a large pressure drop and change the laminar flow in the microspace. It is also observed that packed and monolithic type photo microreactors have lower optical access for monitoring and insufficient light penetration due to complicated internal arrangement of the photocatalyst in the microreactor; more complex catalyst forms are better for potential applications such as catalyst filaments, wires and membranes. Most coatings in microchannels are prepared by the wash coat route with subsequent wet-chemical impregnation. Thin film technologies such as CVD and PVD (especially sputtering) can also be used to generate compact, thin catalyst films.37 Other types of catalyst/carrier systems can be prepared via aerosol techniques, sol–gel techniques, plasma electrochemical processes, electrolysis or inkjet printing.37 The properties of wall-coated reactors lead to enhanced reaction rates and substrate conversion, with preserved product selectivity, thus allowing a greener process. Therefore, it is clear that the successful use of wall-coated catalyst microfluidic reactors for chemical transformation or energy generation would depend largely on controlling the incorporation of the catalyst onto the walls of the microchannels. These controls include:
(1) Achieving adequate mechanical stability of the coating.
(2) Controlling coating thickness, which has a great influence on the hydrodynamic flow patterns inside the microchannels due to blockage and roughness.
(3) Controlling catalyst porosity, which causes a large reduction of catalyst mass per unit area; low porosity leads to the formation of cracks and mass transfer limitations.
Finally, for wall-coated microchannels, the precise control of size and stability of the desired active metal phase in nanoparticle catalysts are critical for acquiring the immobilized catalyst surface with a higher number of exposed active sites or atoms. The availability of a large number of catalyst surface active sites provides better accessibility to reacting molecules, which can lead to superior reaction performance for a greener synthesis from both a chemistry and reactor system viewpoint, thus minimizing waste or by-product formation. Despite a few significant efforts to date, a practical and viable thin photocatalytic layer in a fluidic microreactor with sufficient efficiency, stability and low cost is yet to be demonstrated. This remarkably interesting approach of heterogeneous photocatalytic multicomponent thin layers in a microfluidic space could combine the advantages of thin layered components together with the specific internal environment of a micro reactor (e.g. high surface/volume ratio, excellent mass transfer) to overcome the drawbacks of single component photocatalysts used in conventional batch reactors.
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Fig. 8 Lignin model compounds of (a) monomers and (b) dimers. Reprinted from ref. 43 with permission from Elsevier B.V., Copyright 2016. |
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Fig. 9 Depolymerization of lignin under alkaline conditions. Adapted from ref. 14 with permission from John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Copyright 2016. |
It would be appropriate to state that these studies do not delineate the actual mechanism related to photocatalysis. The uneven fragmentation of lignin molecules due to the variation in solvent pH can affect the reproducibility of the photocatalytic reaction thereby evading researchers to unveil the photocatalytic pathway. Hence, newer solvent systems for lignin dissolution have to be identified where the lignin structure is minimally affected. In a recent study, ammonia has been used as a solvent for lignin solubilisation44 which readily dissolves most varieties of lignin at room temperature and under 7–11 bar pressure; the solvent can be removed simply by releasing the pressure. The solubility of lignin in an organic solvent is dictated by the molecular weight and the aliphatic hydroxyl number of the lignin; low molecular weight lignin has the highest solubility in organic solvents while the presence of more hydroxyl groups lowers the solubility in organic solvents.45 The advantage of conducting low concentration reactions in a microreactor avoids the use of strong chemical reagents or solvents. Recent work involving a lignin–water system has been reported by Nair et al.46 wherein the generation of different water soluble organic compounds during photocatalytic experiments entails ball-milled mixtures of industrial lignin and TiO2 in a conventional batch system using UV radiation; the main organics produced during photocatalysis comprise ethyl benzene, acetovanillone, syringaldehyde, acetosyringone, vanillin, 2,6-dimethoxy benzoquinone and diisobutyl phthalate. This clearly shows that a wide range of compounds could be generated by free radical depolymerization reactions of lignin which can be mediated via active hydroxyl and superoxide radicals for the formation of the products obtained.
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Fig. 10 (a) Photoreaction of different lignin based compounds in a photomicroreactor with the coiled tubing exposed to a LED source. (b) Lignin photocatalytic conversion of lignosulfonate using a continuous flow reactor. Adapted from ref. 47 with permission from American Chemical Society, Copyright 2010. |
A more inventive approach could involve a combination of other technologies with photocatalysis which can be useful in efficient generation of organic products from lignin. The fusion of sonocatalysis with photocatalysis has been widely explored in the recent past as an advanced oxidation process (AOP) ranging from water decontamination to direct pollutant degradation.50 The combination presents some salient advantageous features such as the generation of increased amounts of radical species in aqueous solution (essentially HO2˙, O2˙− and HO˙ species under coupled UV/US irradiations) and the turbulence induced by the cavitation phenomenon, both consequences leading to the enhancement of degradation reaction rates. The ultrasonic irradiation increases turbulence in the liquid phase, decreasing mass transfer limitations and increasing the catalytically active surface area via the de-agglomeration and fragmentation of the particles.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |