Wai Ruu
Hendrik O.
ab and
aCentre for Sustainable Nanomaterials, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
bMa Chung Research Centre for Photosynthetic Pigments, Universitas Ma Chung, Villa Puncak Tidar N-01, Malang 65151, East Java, Indonesia. E-mail: leny.yuliati@machung.ac.id
First published on 18th November 2016
Series of lanthanum-modified TiO2 catalysts were prepared by a UV photodeposition method to exclude any heat treatments that may affect the properties and photocatalytic activity of TiO2. Results showed that the lanthanum modification did not significantly affect the properties of TiO2, but increased the formation of Ti3+. Under UV light irradiation, the activity for 2,4-D decomposition rose by a maximum factor of 5.5 when TiO2 was loaded with 5 mol% La; further increase of La deposition led to a decrease in photocatalytic activity. From the electrochemical impedance and photocurrent results, it was shown that the positive influence of La on TiO2 photocatalytic activity was caused by the increased charge separation in the TiO2 photocatalysts, owing to the additional formation of Ti3+ states. On the other hand, when tested with the colourless 2,4-D model pollutant under visible and solar simulator irradiation, the presence of lanthanum species did not improve the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 significantly. Hence, it was shown that lanthanum species only improved the UV photocatalytic activity of TiO2.
Besides the contradicting activity enhancement between those under visible and solar light, there is also unclear discussion on the role of lanthanum species in improving the activity of TiO2 photocatalysts. In these reported studies, the La-modified TiO2 photocatalysts were prepared by sol–gel,7–11,14–18,29,30,33–36 co-precipitation,7 hydrothermal synthesis,19,20 cathodic electrochemical processes,37 and impregnation methods,38 which generally involved calcination of the La–TiO2 catalysts at high temperatures (200–800 °C). Due to the use of high temperatures, the properties of TiO2 such as the crystallite size7–11,14–20,30,33–38 and anatase–rutile ratio7–9,15–18,20,29,33,34,36–38 were affected. Since these properties also contributed to the photocatalytic activity of TiO2, the role of lanthanum species alone in improving the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 might not be addressed correctly.
In order to directly investigate the role of the lanthanum species, a synthesis method that does not involve heat treatment shall be employed. One of the promising methods for deposition of lanthanum oxide on the surface of TiO2 without any heat treatments is UV photodeposition. This method is recognized as an effective and environmentally friendly method as it could be carried out at room temperature under mild experimental conditions. The photodeposition process involves the photodecomposition of metal precursors in the presence of TiO2 and UV irradiation, releasing metal ions that in turn interact with the surface of TiO2.
In the present study, we deposited the lanthanum oxide on the TiO2 support via a simple UV photodeposition method conducted at room temperature. Such mild synthesis temperature allowed us to investigate the role of lanthanum species while excluding the effects of other factors aforementioned. The photocatalytic activity of the catalysts was evaluated for the degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), which is a colourless pollutant, under UV, visible, and solar simulator irradiation. The colourless 2,4-D was selected to avoid the possibility that the enhancement in the activity was caused by the effect of pollutant sensitization when the reaction was performed under visible or solar light irradiation. This study demonstrated that under UV irradiation, La-modified TiO2 showed an excellent photocatalytic activity compared to the unmodified TiO2, while such enhancement was not observed for reactions under visible and solar light irradiation, suggesting that the lanthanum species did not contribute to the visible light activity.
The amount of lanthanum present in the Laox/TiO2 photocatalysts was determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) using an Agilent Technologies 700 series spectrometer. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to investigate the morphology of the catalysts. The sample was dispersed in ethanol and a drop of the suspension was deposited on a carbon-coated copper grid and allowed to dry under ambient conditions. The prepared samples were then viewed using a JEOL JEM-2100 TEM at an accelerating voltage of 200 kV. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra were measured using a Kratos Axis Ultra system with monochromatic Al Kα X-rays (1486.6 eV) operated at 10 W and 15 kV with a background pressure of approximately 5.0 × 10−9 Torr. Survey spot size and 20 eV pass energy were used for the measurement. Photoelectrons emitted perpendicularly to the sample surface were recorded. A charge neutralizer was used and all the binding energies were calibrated with respect to the adventitious contamination hydrocarbon C1s peak at 284.6 eV.
The photocurrent and the electrochemical impedance (EIS) data were measured with an Interface1000 potentiostat/galvanostat (Gamry Instruments Inc.) on the Gamry Framework software. The catalyst sample (10 mg) was dispersed in 5 mL of deionized water and sonicated for 10 min to form a homogeneous suspension. For the photocurrent measurements, 200 μL of the suspension was pipetted onto an indium tin oxide (ITO) coated glass slide (1.5 × 1.5 cm) and allowed to dry under ambient conditions. The photocurrent was recorded by a standard three-electrode configuration via the chronoamperometry method, with the as-prepared sample coated ITO as the working electrode, Pt wire as the counter electrode and Ag/AgCl (saturated 3 M NaCl) electrode as the reference electrode. The potential of the working electrode against the Pt counter electrode was fixed at 0 V. A 60 mL volume of 0.1 M Na2SO4 solution was used as the electrolyte. The light source used was a 200 W Xe–Hg UV lamp, and the light intensity on the photoanode was fixed at 8 mW cm−2. All photocurrent measurements were carried out under ambient conditions. For the EIS measurements, 20 μL of the catalyst suspension (10 mg catalyst per 5 mL deionized water) was dropped onto a screen-printed electrode (SPE) and allowed to dry in air before measurements. The EIS measurements were performed in 0.1 M Na2SO4 electrolyte (6 mL), along with the presence of 2.5 mM K3[Fe(CN)6] as the redox probe. The impedance spectra were measured under an AC perturbation signal of 10 mV over the frequency range of 1 MHz to 0.1 Hz.
The average TiO2 crystallite size of the samples was estimated based on the Scherrer equation with a line width analysis of the anatase (101) diffraction peak and the values are shown in Table 1. It can be seen from Table 1 that the crystallite size of the unmodified TiO2 and Laox/TiO2 samples was in the range of 8 to 10 nm. The unaffected crystal phase and crystallite size clearly demonstrated that under the current synthesis conditions, La3+ did not enter the TiO2 crystal lattice to substitute for Ti4+. This was reasonable since the radius of La3+ (1.15 Å) was much larger than that of Ti4+ (0.64 Å).8,23
Samples | Crystallite sizea (nm) | Amount of loaded Lab (mol%) | Bandgapc (eV) |
a Estimated from a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the XRD anatase (101) reflection by the Scherrer equation. b Estimated from ICP-OES. c Estimated using the Tauc plot of DR UV-vis data. | |||
Unmodified TiO2 | 9.3 | 0.00 | 3.33 |
Laox(0.1)/TiO2 | 8.3 | 0.12 | 3.30 |
Laox(0.25)/TiO2 | 9.9 | 0.22 | 3.28 |
Laox(0.5)/TiO2 | 8.8 | 0.46 | 3.28 |
Laox(0.75)/TiO2 | 8.3 | 0.69 | 3.30 |
Laox(1)/TiO2 | 8.8 | 0.91 | 3.30 |
Laox(3)/TiO2 | 8.8 | 2.67 | 3.32 |
Laox(5)/TiO2 | 9.9 | 4.44 | 3.32 |
Laox(10)/TiO2 | 9.9 | 7.82 | 3.34 |
Table 1 also displays the lanthanum contents of the unmodified TiO2 and Laox/TiO2 samples that were estimated with ICP-OES. For samples with low loadings of La (0.1–5 mol%), the added nominal La loadings were found to be similar to the actual loading measured from ICP-OES. On the other hand, the high loading sample (10 mol%) has a lower measured La content, suggesting that UV lamp exposure might not be sufficiently long to completely deposit all the lanthanum acetylacetonate hydrate precursor.
Shown in Fig. 2(a) are the ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectra of the unmodified TiO2 and the Laox/TiO2 samples. The characteristic band edge for titanium dioxide appeared at about 370 nm, which is associated with the O2−(2p) → Ti4+(3d) charge transfer process and related to electron excitation from the valence band (VB) to the conduction band (CB) of TiO2.41,42 It was obvious that after modifications with lanthanum oxide, TiO2 did not display extended absorption into the visible region in the range of 400 to 800 nm. The bandgap of the samples was estimated by the Tauc plot, [(αhν)1/2versus hν, where α is the absorbance]14,18,39 whereby the extrapolation of the linear part of the curve gives direct values of the bandgap. The Tauc Plots are shown in Fig. 2(b) and the estimated bandgap values are listed in Table 1. The unmodified HK UV100 sample has a bandgap of about 3.33 eV. The lanthanum-modified samples showed a similar bandgap value to the unmodified TiO2, in the range of 3.28–3.34 eV. Since there is no significant shift in the bandgap and no absorption in the visible range, it can be concluded that La3+ ions were not incorporated into the crystal lattice of TiO2. As discussed above, the ionic radius of the La3+ species is too large to substitute for Ti4+ in the lattice of TiO2. Thus, they are considered to be dispersed on the surface of the TiO2 particles.29
TEM studies provided some relevant information on the particle size and morphology of the samples. Fig. 3(a) and (b) show representative images obtained from the unmodified TiO2 and Laox(5)/TiO2. In both cases, the samples appeared similar in both size and morphology. No distinct lanthanum oxide particles were observed from the TEM analysis. The La2O3 particles were likely to be highly dispersed on the surface of the TiO2 support. As a result, the La2O3 clusters were too small to be observed, which supported the XRD results.
More detailed information regarding the elemental and chemical states of the unmodified TiO2 and Laox(5)/TiO2 samples was also ascertained by analyzing the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) data. The full scan survey spectra (Fig. 4(a) and (b)) showed that the Ti, O and C elements were present on the surface of the unmodified TiO2 sample, while Ti, O, C and La were identified on the surface of the Laox(5)/TiO2 sample. The C element detected could be ascribed to the adventitious carbon-based compounds, mostly coming from the carbon tape. The high resolution XPS spectra of La 3d, Ti 2p and O 1s are displayed in Fig. 4(c)–(e).
Regarding the La 3d core level spectra (Fig. 4(c)), a splitting of the La 3d5/2 and La 3d3/2 lines was observed around 834.6 and 851.4 eV, respectively. The peaks at 834.6 and 851.4 eV are identified as the main peaks, and the peaks at 838.8 and 855.6 eV are ascribed to the shake-up satellite peaks of La 3d5/2 and La 3d3/2. As reported in previous works, this La XPS profile indicates the presence of lanthanum oxide species, such as La2O3.15,16,23,24,34,42 In addition to the peak position and splitting, the binding energy difference between the main and satellite peaks (ΔE) in the multiplet split can be used to distinguish La2O3 from other La3+ compounds. It has been reported that the ΔE values for La2O3 are in the range of 3.9–4.5 eV for the La 3d5/2 spectrum.43 The Laox(5)/TiO2 sample gave a ΔE of 4.2 eV, clearly suggesting that the La species in the sample was La2O3. The photodeposition of La2O3 is feasible owing to the oxidative conditions used in this study, as has been also reported to occur in the oxidative photodeposition of Rh2O344 and CuO.40 Since the photodeposition of oxide particles would not occur in the absence of UV light irradiation and oxygen,44 the main species to oxidize the lanthanum precursor to form La2O3 would be the photogenerated oxygen radicals. The proposed reaction is shown in the following equation.
Fig. 4(d) shows the Ti 2p spectrum of the unmodified TiO2 and Laox(5)/TiO2, each consisting of two obvious peaks at about 458.6 and 464.3 eV, which were assigned to Ti2p3/2 and Ti2p1/2, indicating that titanium predominantly existed in the core level in a Ti4+ chemical state. By using the CasaXPS peak fitting program, the XPS peak for Ti2p3/2 was further resolved into two components at binding energies of 458.6 and 457.6 eV, which were ascribed to Ti4+ and Ti3+ species, respectively.9,46 It was obvious that the Ti4+ was the dominant surface state, with a small quantity of Ti3+ states.47 Upon modification with 5 mol% La, the Ti3+ increased by approximately 62% from 4.75 to 7.69%. This result suggests that the presence of La might have led to the additional formation of Ti3+ valence states, in good agreement with previously reported studies.9,16,42
The high resolution XPS O 1s spectra of the unmodified TiO2 and Laox(5)/TiO2 are shown in Fig. 4(e). The wide and asymmetric O 1s spectra indicate that there was more than one component and they could be further decomposed into three peaks, which are the crystal lattice oxygen (OTi–O at 529.6–530.6 eV), surface hydroxyl groups (OO–H at 531.5–532.4 eV) and adsorbed O2 (at 533.2–533.9 eV). The binding energies of these three peaks agree well with reported values in the literatures.9,23,24,46 As shown in Table 2, the surface hydroxyl groups accounted for 45.7% of the total oxygen species on the surface of the unmodified TiO2. After La modification, the proportion of surface hydroxyl groups decreased to 36.0%, which may be due to La being trapped on the surface of TiO2.9,16 Additionally, the O 1s core level peak positions of the La-modified TiO2 was slightly shifted to lower binding energy, indicating the presence of interaction between the La species and TiO2.37
Catalysts | OTi–O | OO–H | Adsorbed O2 | |||
BE (eV) | Area (%) | BE (eV) | Area (%) | BE (eV) | Area (%) | |
Unmodified TiO2 | 530.6 | 43.6 | 532.4 | 45.7 | 533.9 | 10.7 |
Laox(5)/TiO2 | 529.6 | 55.0 | 531.5 | 36.0 | 533.2 | 9.0 |
Fig. 5 Photocatalytic activities of unmodified and lanthanum-modified TiO2 photocatalysts under (a) UV, (b) visible, and (b) solar simulator light irradiation for 1, 6, and 3 h, respectively. |
As shown in Fig. 2, the lack of optical absorption of the La-modified TiO2 photocatalysts in the visible region suggested that La would not assist in improving the visible light absorption of TiO2. The activity of the La-modified samples was further evaluated by conducting visible light activity testing. The results are shown in Fig. 5(b). The unmodified TiO2 led to a 1.2% degradation of 2,4-D after 6 h of irradiation. The low activity observed on the unmodified TiO2 might be originated from defect states that allow for limited visible light activity.40,45 The La-modified samples displayed a very similar activity to the unmodified TiO2, obviously indicating that lanthanum species did not contribute to the visible light activity of TiO2.
The photocatalytic activity of the catalysts was also evaluated under solar simulator irradiation and the results are shown in Fig. 5(c). The solar simulator consists of mostly visible light, with the presence of a small fraction of UV irradiation. Therefore, the activity trend between visible and solar activity shall be similar to each other. As expected, upon modification with various loadings of La, the activity of the Laox/TiO2 remained nearly unchanged as compared with the unmodified TiO2. Further increase of lanthanum loading beyond 1 mol% led to a decrease in photocatalytic activity. These results supported that La modification did not give rise to the enhancement of TiO2 visible light activity. In comparison with previous works that reported the occurrence of visible light activity of La–TiO2 catalysts, the visible light activity was most likely caused by the photosensitization effect, when organic dyes were used as the model pollutants.14,15,19–27
Four recycling runs of the best photocatalyst, the Laox(5)/TiO2 sample, were carried out to investigate the stability of the photocatalyst. The reactions were each carried out under UV light for 6 h. As shown in Fig. 6, the regenerated photocatalyst exhibited good performance and stability. Over all four cycles, the degradation rate of 2,4-D remained almost unchanged compared to the fresh photocatalyst. The consistent photocatalytic performance indicated that the photocatalyst has an excellent long-term stability and good potential for wastewater treatment applications.
Fig. 6 Recycling tests on the Laox(5)/TiO2 sample for photocatalytic degradation of 2,4-D under UV light for 6 h. |
The charge separation and transportation characteristics of the unmodified TiO2 and the best photocatalyst were investigated with EIS. The typical EIS spectra of the unmodified TiO2 and the Laox(5)/TiO2 were presented as Nyquist plots and simulated with the equivalent circuit. As shown in Fig. 7(a), each sample exhibited a partial semicircle at the high-frequency region of the EIS measurement. Upon the introduction of lanthanum species, the diameter of the semicircle in the plot became smaller, which indicated a decrease in the charge transfer resistance on the TiO2 surface.23 Furthermore, model fitting (with the constant phase element (CPE) with a diffusion model) revealed a lower charge transfer resistance value of the Laox(5)/TiO2 sample (2.65 kΩ) as compared to the unmodified TiO2 sample (3.66 kΩ). The significant decrease in the electron-transfer resistance in the presence of lanthanum species resulted in an effective charge transfer and separation of TiO2, leading to an enhanced photocatalytic degradation of the 2,4-D pollutant.
In order to investigate the effect of lanthanum modification on the photo-electrochemical properties of the resulting La–TiO2 composites, measurements of the time-dependent photocurrent response were performed. As shown in Fig. 7(b), anodic (positive) photocurrent responses indicate that the samples exhibited n-type semiconductor characteristics under UV light illumination. The photocurrent traces of the unmodified TiO2 and Laox(5)/TiO2 showed a rapid response and good reproducibility at each of the turn-on and turn-off instances. In the absence of applied biased potential, the photoelectrodes of the Laox(5)/TiO2 photocatalyst generated a significantly higher photocurrent density than the photocurrent of the unmodified TiO2 photoelectrode. These results further confirm the ability of the La species to improve the separation of photogenerated electron–hole pairs.37,48
As shown by the XPS results, in addition to the dominant Ti4+ states, there is also a small proportion of Ti3+ species present in the unmodified TiO2. When the TiO2 is excited, the electrons in the VB could be transferred to the 3d states of Ti3+. The Ti3+ species that have accepted the electrons could then transfer the electrons to form other active species, such as superoxide anions (˙O−2) and hydroxyl radicals (˙OH),10–12,26,34 which could further degrade the 2,4-D molecules. Hence, in the absence of lanthanum modifications, this pathway (P2) and the conventional excitation of electrons from VB TiO2 to CB TiO2 (P1) were expected to contribute to the photocatalytic activity of the unmodified TiO2.
The EIS and photocurrent results shown above suggested that in the presence of lanthanum species on the surface of TiO2, the recombination of the electron–hole pairs was reduced, resulting in the improved photocatalytic activity. However, previous reports proposed that the CB edge of La2O3 is located at a far more negative position (∼−1.8 to −3.5 V vs. standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)) than that of anatase TiO2 (∼−0.3 V vs. SHE). Since La2O3 does not possess the suitable potential, electron transfer from the CB edge of TiO2 to La2O3 is not possible.7,9,10 Hence, there might be another species that led to the improved charge separation of TiO2.
From the XRD and DR UV-vis results, it was shown that the crystal structure, crystallite size and bandgap of TiO2 were not significantly affected by the La modification. These suggested that only surface modification took place. At the La2O3 and TiO2 interface, a charge imbalance of TiO2 might be created in the presence of La3+ species. In order to overcome this charge imbalance, Ti4+ is thus reduced to Ti3+.7,9,10,12,14,16,17,33,34,37 In this study, as indicated by the XPS Ti2p analysis, the increase of Ti3+ species on the surface of the TiO2 photocatalysts was attributed to the lanthanum modification. The incorporation of La3+ species led to the formation of additional impurity Ti3+ states that resulted in the increased charge transfer and separation. Therefore, upon modification with lanthanum species, there is an additional pathway (P3) where electrons could be captured. As such, lanthanum modified TiO2 photocatalysts showed decreased charge recombination, leading to the increased photocatalytic activity. However, if the amount of Ti3+ was too high, it might act to promote electron–hole recombination.7,9,10,12 Therefore, the optimum amount of La2O3 that gave the optimum photocatalytic performance under UV light irradiation could be also related to the optimum amount of Ti3+.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |