News from Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts

Welcome to the first issue of Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts in 2017. 2016 saw several changes for the journal on our Editorial Board and in our scope. In this Editorial, we reflect on the highlights from 2016 and also take this opportunity to announce the latest developments on the journal for 2017.

Editorial Board membership

In March 2016, Helen Hsu-Kim, Matt MacLeod and Paul Tratnyek joined the Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts Editorial Board as Associate Editors, joining Liang-Hong Guo and Ed Kolodziej handling submissions to the journal. From January 2017, we are delighted to announce that Marianne Glasius (Aarhus University, Denmark) will be joining this team of Associate Editors. Marianne's research is centred on atmospheric chemistry, especially on the development and application of advanced chemical analyses for identification and characterisation of organic compounds in complex matrices. We are delighted that Marianne is joining the team – her strong expertise in the field of atmospheric science complements the research of our existing Associate Editors exceptionally well and diversifies the expertise of our Associate Editor team.

At the end of 2016 we said goodbye to Yngvar Thomassen, who retired from the Editorial Board. Yngvar has been a longstanding member of the Editorial Board and has helped greatly to develop the Journal – we would like to thank him for his significant contribution to the journal, and we are very pleased that Yngvar will continue to support and shape the future direction of the journal through membership of the Advisory Board.

Additionally, from the Editorial Office side, in August 2016 we said goodbye to Executive Editor Sarah Ruthven. We would like to thank Sarah for her hard work and dedication to the journal and wish her the very best in her future endeavours. Sarah is succeeded by Dr Sam Keltie, who will be attending a number of conferences throughout 2017 on behalf of the journal, as will the journal's Deputy Editor, Emma Eley. Both Sam and Emma are looking forward to meeting many of our authors and readers to discuss the journal over the coming months.

New Advisory Board members

In addition to Yngvar's appointment to the Advisory Board, we are also delighted to announce the appointment of 16 new Advisory Board members; Urs Baltensperger (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland), Alexandria Boehm (Stanford University, USA), Junji Cao (IEECAS, China), Beate Escher (UFZ, Germany), Kathrin Fenner (Eawag, Switzerland), Philip Gschwend (MIT, USA), Stuart Harrad (University of Birmingham, UK), Jianying Hu (Peking University, China), Andreas Kappler (University of Tübingen, Germany), Karen Kidd (University of New Brunswick, Canada), Ruben Kretzschmar (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Linsey Marr (Virginia Tech, USA), Derek Muir (Environment & Climate Change Canada, Canada), Jasquelin Peña (University of Lausanne, Switzerland), Sachchida Nand Tripathi (IIT Kanpur, India) and David Waite (University of New South Wales, Australia). Our Advisory Board members, old and new, are pictured in the Profile article following this Editorial (DOI: 10.1039/c6em90046a), and more details about our new Advisory Board appointments can be found at

Highlights from 2016

In July 2016, we published our biennial Emerging Investigators themed issue, featuring high-quality research from 15 up-and-coming environmental scientists ( Going forward into 2017 and beyond, we will be continuing to support early career researchers with our Emerging Investigator Series. By having a continuous format rather than a dedicated print issue for early career researchers, we can offer contributors more flexibility to participate without the restriction of submission deadlines. We were also pleased to introduce Desirée Plata (Yale University, USA) as our Emerging Investigator Series Editor. Desirée has been an active member of our Editorial Board for over a year and will be reviewing applications and overseeing this Series. Our aim and vision for this Series is that it will come to be recognised by our community as a great achievement for early career researchers. For more details on how to apply for consideration in this Series and the criteria required for inclusion, please visit or contact the Editorial Office (E-mail: for further details.

Environmental Science journals from the Royal Society of Chemistry

The Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts team works very closely with our sister journals, Environmental Science: Nano and Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, to provide the environmental science community with a society home for dissemination of their research. We aim to offer you a better alternative by focussing on quality across all three journals. In 2016 we held two environmental science symposia in China at Zhejiang University and the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The symposia attracted nearly 300 delegates and featured talks from Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts Associate Editor Helen Hsu-Kim and Advisory Board Members Junji Cao and Jianying Hu amongst many others. Going forward into 2017 we will continue to have various joint activities across the Royal Society of Chemistry's environmental science journals. We have a joint Environmental Science Twitter account ( and by following us you can keep up to date with the research published in our three environmental science journals and relevant activities from across the Royal Society of Chemistry.

And finally

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our authors, reviewers and readers for their support during 2016, and we look forward to your continued support of Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts as it grows from strength-to-strength in 2017 and beyond.


With best wishes for a successful 2017.


Kris McNeill, Editor-in-Chief

Sam Keltie, Executive Editor

Emma Eley, Deputy Editor

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017