*a and
aState Key Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry, Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University, Xianlin Road 163, Nanjing 210023, P. R. China. E-mail: yousong@nju.edu.cn; zuojl@nju.edu.cn
bMaterial Science and Chemical Engineering Department, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, 11794 USA
cJiangsu Key Laboratory for NSLSCS, School of Physical Science and Technology Department, Nanjing Normal University, Wenyuan Road 1, Nanjing 210046, P. R. China. E-mail: zhangyiquan@njnu.edu.cn
First published on 3rd November 2016
The magnetic relaxation and magnetization blocking barriers of butterfly complexes, [Dy2Zn2(L)4(NO3)2(CH3OH)2] (1), [Dy2Mn2(L)4(NO3)2(DMF)2] (2) and [Dy2Co2(L)4(NO3)2(DMF)2]·2DMF (3) (H2L = (E)-2-ethoxy-6-(((2-hydroxyphenyl)imino)methyl)phenol), were systematically investigated. The change of SMM behavior originating from the purposeful replacement of two ZnII sites in 1 with MnII and CoII was elucidated by a combined experimental and theoretical study. The quantum tunnelling of magnetization (QTM) was observed in 1. Contrarily, it was quenched in 2 and 3 by spin–spin exchange. A detailed comparative study on these closely-related model complexes reveals the remarkable changes of the ligand field splitting, anisotropy of the Dy-coordinated moiety and the total exchange spectrum due to the replacement of ZnII with CoII and MnII.
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Fig. 1 Molecular structures of the coordination clusters in 1 (up, left), 2 (up, right), 3 (down, left) and ligand atoms linked to DyIII (down, right). |
Direct current (dc) magnetic susceptibility measurements of 1, 2 and 3 were performed in the temperature range 1.9–300 K in a field of 100 Oe on a polycrystalline sample. The χMT versus T plots for three complexes are shown in Fig. 2. The room-temperature χMT value of 28.13 cm3 K mol−1 for 1 is in good agreement with the value of the two isolated DyIII (S = 5/2, L = 5, 6H15/2, gJ = 4/3, C = 14.17 cm3 K mol−1) ions. The χMT value gradually decreases with cooling due to the thermal depopulation of the excited mJ states of the DyIII ions until reaching a minimum of 23.1 cm3 K mol−1 at ca. 9.5 K, below which it increases to 24.1 cm3 K mol−1 at 2 K. This anomaly can be modelled by using the effective g values (gx = 0.006, gy = 0.008 and gz = 19.05) of the ground Kramers doublet obtained from CASSCF/RASSI calculations, taking into consideration the anisotropic dipole interaction between the two effective spins of Seff = 1/2 (J = +2.8 cm−1 for a Hamiltonian function S1), which is in agreement with a ferromagnetic dipolar interaction observed for the reported dimeric lanthanide systems.8 Complexes 2 and 3 show similar plots of χMT–T except a peak was observed at 2.5 K for 3. The room-temperature χMT products are 37.01 and 34.71 cm3 K mol−1 for 2 and 3, respectively, corresponding to the value of two non-interacting MnII (S = 5/2, g = 2) or CoII (S = 3/2, g > 2) and DyIII (C = 14.17 cm3 K mol−1) ions. The higher χMT value of 3 is ascribed to the unquenched orbital contribution from the CoII ions.7a,9 Upon cooling, χMT gradually decreases and reaches the minimum at 70 K for 2 and 60 K for 3, resulting from the thermal depopulation of the Starks levels of the DyIII ions and the additional orbital contribution of the CoII ions in 3. As expected, owing to the total contribution of both DyIII and CoII ions, complex 3 shows a lower temperature with a minimum χMT value than 2, but the latter is only due to the effect of DyIII ions. And then, χMT begins to increase and increases steeply below 18 K (2) and 25 K (3). This behaviour suggests the presence of weak intramolecular ferromagnetic interactions between the metal centres, which, however, is strong enough to overwhelm the contribution of the thermal depopulation of the Starks levels of the DyIII ions leading to the decrease of χMT, even including the unquenched orbital effect of the CoII ions in 3.
The magnetizations of three complexes from zero dc field to 7 T at different temperatures are shown in Fig. S1.† The field dependence of their magnetization at 1.9 K exhibits an abrupt increase at low fields below 1 T for 1 and 0.5 T for 2 and 3, respectively, providing evidence for the ferromagnetic interaction. At higher fields, the magnetization increases slightly and reaches 10.48 (1), 22.5 (2) and 13.6NμB (3) up to 7 T. These values are lower than the expected saturation value of 20 (1), 30 (2) and 26NμB (3) for two non-interaction DyIII ions (gJJ = 4/3 × 15/2 = 10NμB per DyIII ion), two isolated MnII (gS = 2 × 5/2 = 5NμB per Mn II ion) or CoII (gS = 2 × 3/2 = 3NμB per CoII ion) and two DyIII ions, respectively. Such a phenomenon arises most likely from magnetic anisotropy,10 proved by the non-superposition of the M vs. H/T data (Fig. S2†) on a single master curve.11
AC susceptibility measurements in a 2 Oe AC field oscillating at 1–999 Hz were performed on 1, 2 and 3 (Fig. 3 and S3†). For 1, the temperature dependence of both in-phase (χ′M) and out-of-phase (χ′′M) susceptibility shows strong frequency dependence under zero dc field. The maximum of χ′′M is observed at 22 K for 999 Hz, while below 125 Hz no peak is found in the χ′′Mversus T curve due to the quantum tunnelling effect (Fig. S4(a)†). All of these feature the SMM behaviour. A plot of ln(τ) versus T−1 based on variable-frequency susceptibility data is linear between 17 K and 22 K (Fig. 4). Fitting the data with the Arrhenius law τ = τ0exp(ΔE/kBT) poses a thermal energy barrier to the relaxation of magnetization ΔE = 78 K (54.1 cm−1) with τ0 = 4.59 × 10−6 s. At lower temperatures, ln(τ) increases much more slowly with cooling, which shows the onset of a quantum regime, contrary to what is often observed for the majority of Ln-based SMMs where the QTM is fast.11b,12 The Cole–Cole plots of χ′′Mversus χ′M between 10 and 30 K (Fig. S5†) reveal semicircular profiles, and are fitted by the CCFIT program13 to a generalized Debye model with α parameters in the range of 0–0.13, indicating a narrow distribution of relaxation times in 1 (Table S3†).6e,f Given the coexistence of multiple relaxations under zero dc field, the relaxation data can be modelled with QTM, Raman and Orbach relaxation processes. A fit with eqn (1) (where τQTM is the quantum tunnelling of the magnetization relaxation time, C is the coefficient of the Raman process, Ueff is the energy barrier to magnetization reversal, and kB is the Boltzmann constant) is in good agreement with the data over the whole temperature regime (Fig. 4) with parameters of τQTM−1 = 108.39 s−1, C = 0.116 s−1 K−3.26n = 3.26, τ0 = 2.35 × 10−6 s, and Ueff = 115 K (79.8 cm−1) (detailed information can be seen in Table S6†). Theoretically, the parameter n in the Raman relaxation pathway is equal to 9 for Kramers ions,14 and lower values would be allowed due to the optical phonons taken into account.10b,15 To study the properties of a single DyIII ion without QTM, we searched dc fields from 200 to 2000 Oe, and found an appropriate dc field of 1000 Oe to hinder the QTM effect (Fig. S6†). The maximum of χ′′M is observed at 24 K for 999 Hz and it varies at different frequencies (Fig. S7†). The thermal energy barrier for the relaxation of magnetization is 96 K (66.6 cm−1) with τ0 = 3.79 × 10−6 s (Fig. 4). The Cole–Cole plots, fitted between 10 and 30 K, give the parameters of 0–0.095, which shows that QTM was hindered by the extra dc field effectively (Fig. S8 and Table S4†).10a,12a
τ−1 = τQTM−1 + CTn + τ0−1![]() | (1) |
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Fig. 3 Frequency dependence of out-of-phase (χ′′M) AC susceptibilities under zero dc field (1–999 Hz, by MPMS Squid VSM) at indicated temperatures for 1, 2 and 3. |
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Fig. 4 (a) Magnetization relaxation time, ln![]() |
For 2, the temperature dependence of susceptibility also shows the frequency dependence under zero dc field but without a peak in both χ′M and χ′′M (Fig. S4(b)†). Fitting to ln(χ′′M/χ′M) = ln(ωτ0) + Ea/kBT (ref. 16) allows us to evaluate roughly Ea and τ0, giving the energy barrier ca. Ea = 11 K (7.6 cm−1) and τ0 = 1 × 10−8 s (Fig. S9†). Under Hdc = 1000 Oe (Fig. S10†), the curves of χ′M and χ′′Mversus T show a slight change compared with those under Hdc = 0. The result indicates that there is no QTM influence on the magnetic properties, and the signal under zero fields is an intrinsic character of 2.7b,17
For 3, the strong temperature and frequency dependence of AC susceptibility under Hdc = 0 illustrate the characteristic of SMM (Fig. 3, S3 and S4(c)†). Compared with 1, the maximum of χ′′M even can be observed at 2.6 K at the lowest 1 Hz, indicating that the magnetic interaction between CoII and DyIII has suppressed QTM effectively. The deduced plots of ln(τ ) − T−1 (Fig. 4) can be fitted with ΔE = 88.8 K (61.6 cm−1) and τ0 = 2.29 × 10−6 s in the range of 16–20 K through the Arrhenius law. A fit employing eqn (1) obtained τQTM−1 = 0.001 s−1, C = 0.301 s−1 K−3.16, n = 3.16, τ0 = 2.67 × 10−6 s, and Ueff = 125.1 K (86.8 cm−1) (detailed information can be seen in Table S6†). The Cole–Cole plots were fitted with the generalized Debye model (Fig. S11 and Table S5†). The α values are in the range of 0–0.18(2), suggesting the coexistence of multiple relaxation pathways, which is discovered in several examples.7a,12a The AC susceptibilities were also measured under 1000 Oe external dc field (Fig. S12†). A plot of ln(τ) versus T−1 based on variable-frequency susceptibility data shows a slight change compared with those under Hdc = 0 (Fig. S13 and Table S6†), indicating that the magnetic interaction between CoII and DyIII dominates the Zeeman effect.
To confirm the SMM behaviour, hysteresis loops were recorded at low temperatures. Below 4 K, butterfly-like hysteresis can be clearly observed for 1 (Fig. S14†). However, for 2 and 3, no hysteresis loop was observed even at 1.8 K (Fig. S15†). Interestingly, Powell et al.7a reported a [Co2Dy2] complex with a THF coordinating to CoII ions, showing large hysteresis loops below 4 K. However, the difference of the environment between CoII ions (Fig. S16 and Table S7†) directly influences the molecular magnetic properties. Compared with the calculating results, the g values of DyIII ions in two complexes are almost equal (gx = 0.005 (0.004), gy = 0.008 (0.006), gz = 19.53 (19.68) for reported [Co2Dy2] (and 3)), while the g values of CoII are much different (gx = 1.89 (1.60), gy = 3.24 (2.333), gz = 6.74 (7.599), respectively). The magnetic axes on all magnetic central ions for 3 are parallel to each other, while those on the reported [Co2Dy2] complex are interlaced. The difference of the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of CoII influences the magnetic interaction between CoII and DyIII, and further impacts on the magnetic properties of the whole complexes. As a result, complex 3 shows a stronger interaction between ions (JDy–Co = 11.7 cm−1 and JCo–Co = 6.8 cm−1) than the reported [Co2Dy2] complex7a (JDy–Co = 1.6 cm−1 and JCo–Co = 2.0 cm−1). In the reference complex, it is believed that the properties of single ion DyIII were retained due to the weak interaction, and some single ion DyIII complexes show large hysteresis loops.6d Nevertheless, the stronger interaction in complex 3 destroyed the properties of the single ion DyIII, which yielded the properties of the entire molecule [Dy2Co2]. For clarifying the effect of 3d–4f magnetic interactions on the difference between complex 3 and the reference complex in hysteresis loops, perhaps, more examples are necessary for obtaining more information in regularity.
The temperature dependence of susceptibility for 2 and 3 shows similar intramolecular ferromagnetic interactions between the metal centres. Interestingly, in complex 1, two DyIII ions separated by two diamagnetic ZnII ions also show weak ferromagnetic dipole–dipole interactions at a low temperature. But in the AC susceptibility aspect, the three complexes represent much different behaviours. In order to understand the strikingly different properties of 3d–4f mixed complexes with different 3d metal ions and the origin of their magnetic properties, we performed ab initio calculations on 1–3, which are very appropriate for the interpretation of lanthanide complexes.6b–d,7a,12a,18
Complete-active-space self-consistent field (CASSCF) calculations on individual DyIII, MnII and CoII fragments of 1, 2 and 3 on the basis of X-ray determined geometries have been carried out with MOLCAS 7.818i and SINGLE_ANISO18d,g,m programs. The lowest Kramers doublets and the g tensors of DyIII, MnII and CoII ions of three complexes are shown in Table S8,† where the energy separations between the ground and the first-excited doublets for the DyIII fragments19 of 1, 2 and 3 are 229.1, 202.4 and 206.6 cm−1, respectively, which indicates that the Dy–Dy, Dy–Mn and Dy–Co exchange interactions can be approximately regarded as the Ising type. Moreover, the MnII in 2 from Table S8† is almost isotropic, but the CoII in 3 is strongly anisotropic. The magnetic susceptibilities of 1, 2 and 3 were simulated with the program POLY_ANISO18 (Fig. 2) using the exchange parameters shown in Table 1. All parameters from Table 1 were calculated with respect to the pseudospin = 1/2 of the Dy ions. For CoII with strong anisotropy in 3, we also approximately regard the pseudospin as 1/2. For the three complexes, the total coupling parameters J (dipolar and exchange) were included when fitting the magnetic susceptibilities. The calculated and experimental χMT versus T plots of the three complexes are shown in Fig. 2, where a slight discrepancy of the fit to the experimental data for 1 is found above 100 K.6h From Table 1, the fitted DyIII–MnII, DyIII–DyIII, DyIII–CoII and CoII–CoII couplings in three complexes within the Lines model20 are all ferromagnetic. The main magnetic axes on the magnetic ions of the three complexes are indicated in Fig. S17† where the magnetic axes on all magnetic centre ions for each complex are parallel to each other.
J (1) | J (2) | J (3) | |
Dy–Dy | 2.8 | 5.5 | 2.0 |
Dy–Mn | 4.8 | ||
Mn–Mn | 0.2 | ||
Co–Dy | 11.7 | ||
Co–Co | 6.8 |
The calculated exchange spectrum and the corresponding tunnelling gaps and gz values are given in Table S9.† Considering that those three complexes are not isostructural, we therefore demonstrate the magnetization blocking barriers and the corresponding tunnelling gaps of individual DyIII ions with the electrostatics generated by the ligands as shown in Fig. 5 (top), which was very important for the discussion between QTM and the magnetic exchange interaction. According to a recent proposal by Ungur and co-workers,21 the relaxation path can be related to the tunnelling gaps. Then, the blocking barrier may be defined by the shortest paths, where these quantities are the largest. For 1, the energy barrier cannot be associated with the exchange states since the highest of four exchange states (0.4 cm−1) lies much lower than the experimental barrier (79.8 cm−1), and the order of magnitude of the magnetic moment matrix element connecting the four exchange states is 10−6 cm−1, so that the corresponding tunnelling transition between these states are efficient. Thus, the energy barrier of 1 should be associated with relaxation through the excited KDs of individual Dy ions. This phenomenon is also observed in the reference complex [Co2Dy2].7a
The energy barrier of 2 is very small given the fact that the energy separations between the exchange states split by the weak Dy–Mn exchange coupling are quite small (the highest exchange state is only 12.3 cm−1). According to the relaxation path indicated in Fig. 5, we deduced that the blocking barrier of 2 corresponding to the magnetic relaxation from −31 to +35 is 6.5 cm−1, which is very close to the experimental fitting value (Fig. S9†). For 3, the high excited state (15 cm−1, see Table S9†) is much smaller than the energy barrier (86.8 cm−1), which is associated with the relaxation through the excited KDs of the magnetic centre ions rather with the exchange states. Although the height of this barrier matches well with that in the complex 1 (79.8 cm−1), we note that these two quantities are not directly related. For the difference between complexes 2 and 3 in the magnetic behaviours, we try giving some possible reasons here. In our opinion, the main difference of their energy barriers is originated from the tunnelling gaps between the low-lying exchange states and the temperature disturbing. From Table S9,† complex 2 has 72 low-lying exchange states and there are a lot of magnetic relaxation pathways. Although higher energy states would be populated at higher temperatures, the large tunnelling gaps between the 72 low-lying non-Kramers doublet exchange states will destroy the probable magnetic relaxation of 2 to a higher energy state. Compared to complex 2, complex 3 only has 8 low-lying non-Kramers doublet exchange states, and the magnetic relaxation will not happen between 8 exchange states. The thermally assisted QTM is another choice for 3 under this situation. At higher temperatures, higher energy states will be populated for 3.
From the relaxation path indicated in Fig. 5 top, a conclusion can be made is that their low-lying state energies are close. Particularly, the energy gaps are 229.1, 202.4 and 206.6 cm−1 for complexes 1, 2 and 3, respectively (Table S8†). Additionally, the ground state in individual Dy ions without magnetic interaction displays much larger tunnelling splitting (of 10−2 cm−1, Fig. 5 top), indicating that the slight difference in the structure and space group did not influence the tunnelling splitting gaps of individual Dy ions obviously, and the discussion between the three complexes based on the isostructure is acceptable. For 1, the Dy–Dy anisotropic dipole interaction changed the ground state tunnelling splitting (from 10−2 cm−1 to 10−6 cm−1), and should have hindered the QTM. However, the highest one of the four exchange states (0.4 cm−1) is still small when confronting with thermal disturbance. As a result, the dipole interaction between Dy ions can be ignored in the relaxation process which is in good agreement with the experimental data (Fig. 3 and 4). For 2 and 3, after bringing in the 3d–4f magnetic exchange coupling interaction, the tunnelling gaps in the ground state become very small (on the order of 10−7 to 10−9 cm−1), indicating that QTM is quenched largely in the process.
The calculated energy gaps between the ground and the first excited states for the individual Dy ions of complexes 1 and 3 are much larger than the experimental one, while the latter is much larger than the energy gaps of the exchange splitting state. Considering the large error of the fitted parameters with eqn (1), we infer that the above-mentioned phenomenon could result from the Raman process instead of the Orbach one. The effective energy barriers extracted from the experiment may not be the “real barrier”. As a result, we fit the relaxation times with two processes (Raman + QTM) (Fig. 6):
τ−1 = τQTM−1 + CTn | (2) |
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Fig. 6 Magnetization relaxation time, τ−1, versus T for 1 (a) and 3 (b), respectively. The black solid line (under zero dc field) and the red line (under 1 kOe dc field) are fitted with eqn (2). |
The best fit parameters obtained were n ≥ 4 for both complexes under different fields which is in accordance with the expected values for Kramers ion SMMs.15 All parameters and standard error can be seen in Table S10.†
This analysis was made possible through a deliberate design of butterfly model complexes with purposeful metal replacement. Our study gives direct and clear evidence that spin–spin exchange effects can reduce the zero-field QTM and enhance our understanding of magnetic interactions in elucidating the relaxation dynamics of the 3d–4f mixed metal system. However, the results indicate that the spin–spin interaction can improve the SMM properties in some lanthanide-based systems, but also weakens the magnetic properties in another system. Thus, the selected 3d ions play a key role in designing 3d–4f SMM. Accordingly, 3d ions, not all, with strong spin–orbital coupling contribution, might provide an alternative pathway for the rational design of new 3d–4f SMMs with high performance.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Auxiliary magnetic data and the methods for ab initio calculation. CCDC 1430222–1430224. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: 10.1039/c6qi00407e |
This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2017 |