M. M.
K. D.
Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, 221005, (U.P.), India. E-mail: kdmandal.apc@itbhu.ac.in; Fax: +91-542-2368428; Tel: +91-542-6702868
First published on 9th January 2017
Powder of Y2/3Cu2.90Zn0.10Ti4O12 (YCZTO) ceramic with particle size ranging from 39 ± 6 nm was grown for the first time by the semi-wet route. The intrinsic dielectric property of this unusual cubic perovskite ceramic was rationalized simultaneously with the help of dielectric, impedance and modulus spectroscopic measurements. A logical correlation of the dependence of dielectric properties on the microstructure of YCZTO ceramic was investigated. TG/DTA, XRD, SEM, and TEM were employed to disclose its microstructural details. YCZTO ceramic exhibits a high dielectric constant (εr ∼1.85 × 104) at 308 K, which rises on cooling without any signature of structural transition. Dielectric loss (tan δ) decreases exponentially with increases in temperature owing to the thermally activated grain boundary electrical conduction. Grain and grain boundary resistance of YCZTO ceramic at room temperature was found to be 347 Ω and 1.70 MΩ, respectively. The grain boundary resistance decreases with temperature while grain resistance is almost independent of temperature. The magnetic study confirms the presence of paramagnetic to superparamagnetic phase transition in the ceramic.
A number of research papers on high dielectric constant materials are available in the literature since the stunning discovery of ACu3Ti4O12 (A = Ca, Cd, Sr, Ba, Y2/3, Bi2/3, La2/3) type perovskite. The correlation between the crystal structure and the intrinsic dielectric properties of this unusual cubic perovskite related family of compounds, such as ACu3Ti4O12, has been a controversial issue for several years, especially for the most studied member of the family CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO). The exciting discovery of a high dielectric constant in CaCu3Ti4O12 type perovskite has raised considerable interest for various research groups owing to its giant dielectric constant despite its centrosymmetric nature (space group Im3) with BCC structure (lattice parameter a = 7.391 Å). It shows a typically high static dielectric constant value (εr ∼ 104 for bulk and 105 for single crystals) and moderately low dielectric loss (∼0.10).5,6 It has a high potential for technological applications, especially in memory devices such as dynamic random access memory, capacitive components and microwave devices, owing to the possibility of the miniaturization needed in microelectronics. However, in contrast to regular ferroelectrics, BaTiO3 also exhibits a high dielectric constant but it is strongly temperature dependent with some phase transitions limiting its scope. Nonetheless, CCTO does not exhibit any ferroelectric transition as observed in other perovskites. This is owing to distortion of the tilted TiO6 octahedra in the crystal.
A lot of research activities have been carried out in order to propose a plausible reason for the physical origin of high dielectric constant effects. Among those, the internal barrier layer capacitor (IBLC) model is the most accepted explanation for the giant dielectric effect. Some researchers suggested that such behaviour is owing to intrinsic factors, i.e., the large response would be present in a perfectly stoichiometric, single domain crystal of CCTO,7,8 while others have attributed this to extrinsic effects,9 such as grain or domain boundaries and surface layer barriers. Lunkenheimer et al. suggested that the giant permittivity may be owing to a Maxwell–Wagner (MW) type of contribution of depletion layers at the interface between the sample and the contact electrode or at the grain boundaries.10 Cohen et al. proposed that the giant dielectric constant may arise from spatial inhomogeneity of the local dielectric response,11 while Homes proposed that the dielectric behaviour may be attributed to polarisable relaxational mode, or slowing down of dipolar fluctuations in nano-sized domains.12 Nowadays, it is widely accepted that the origin of the dielectric behaviour of CCTO is owing to extrinsic effects. Among these, the internal barrier layer capacitor (IBLC) model is the most acceptable. It allows a simple explanation for the giant dielectric effect, which is based on the belief that some insulating surfaces are formed on semiconducting grains during the sintering process. In agreement with the IBLC model, this kind of microstructure causes electric charge accumulation at the grain boundaries and, consequently, a large number of these boundary barrier layer capacitors can explain the colossal permittivity phenomena observed in CCTO.
Various isostructural materials based on complex perovskite structures, like ACu3Ti4O12 (A = Bi2/3, Y2/3, La2/3, Nd2/3, Sm2/3, Gd2/3, Dy2/3), also exhibit similar dielectric properties with good thermal stability.13 Apart from this, a wide variety of doping or partial substitution may be carried out at the A, Cu or Ti sites of ACu3Ti4O12. The choice of substituent to modify the physical properties of the material is based on many factors, including tolerance factor, ionic radius, charge neutrality and solubility. The partial isovalent substitution of metal cations in different interstices can improve properties associated with the ferroelectricity and dielectric response in these materials owing to the partial modification of the mixed-valent structure. Further, structural flexibility and chemical versatility of the materials could make them more suitable for device applications14 and it is quite inspiring to systematically investigate new ACu3Ti4O12-like materials.
A detailed literature survey shows that a few research articles are also available on Y2/3Cu3Ti4O12 (YCTO), which is isostructural to CCTO.15–20 YCTO exhibits a high dielectric constant with good thermal stability. It is lead-free and eco-friendly, too. The dielectric properties of YCTO ceramic synthesized by solid state reaction method15 and sol–gel process16 are reported in the literature. We have reported on the previous synthesis of YCTO and iron doped YCTO samples by the semi-wet route at a relatively lower sintering temperature with appreciable dielectric constant values.17,18 To our best knowledge, not much work on the effects of substituting impurities such as in YCTO ceramic at a lower processing temperature has been reported till date.19,20 In the present communication, we have made an attempt to control the dielectric loss factor by doping of Zn2+ (0.74 Å) at the Cu2+ (0.73 Å) site, as their ionic radii are comparable, and are reporting the ferroelectric, dielectric and magnetic properties of Y2/3Cu2.90Zn0.10Ti4O12 (YCZTO) with its microstructural investigations by XRD, SEM-EDX, AFM and TEM analysis.
The crystallite size (D) of the YCZTO ceramic was determined using the Debye–Scherrer formula, as shown in eqn (1):
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System | 2θ | d (Å) | R. I. | Integral width (degrees) | Particle size by XRD (nm) | Particle size by TEM (nm) |
Y2/3Cu2.90Zn0.10Ti4O12 | 27.5057 | 3.24016 | 15.29 | 0.2356 | 56 ± 6 | 39 ± 6 |
30.5396 | 2.92483 | 4.64 | 0.2144 | |||
34.4146 | 2.60385 | 100 | 0.2244 | |||
36.1312 | 2.48398 | 8.38 | 0.2277 | |||
38.6127 | 2.32986 | 7.92 | 0.2106 | |||
39.2864 | 2.29144 | 1.39 | 0.1915 | |||
41.2920 | 2.18466 | 2.89 | 0.2172 | |||
42.4942 | 2.1256 | 6.08 | 0.2122 | |||
44.0790 | 2.05278 | 1.13 | 0.1963 | |||
46.0575 | 1.9691 | 5.05 | 0.2094 | |||
49.4236 | 1.84258 | 30.84 | 0.2143 | |||
52.4806 | 1.74221 | 3.04 | 0.2409 | |||
54.3804 | 1.68575 | 10.24 | 0.2257 | |||
56.7235 | 1.62155 | 2.51 | 0.1983 | |||
61.5750 | 1.50491 | 48.9 | 0.2131 | |||
62.8522 | 1.47737 | 3.79 | 1.5437 | |||
69.0664 | 1.35883 | 3.29 | 0.2248 | |||
69.8492 | 1.3455 | 1.55 | 0.1811 | |||
72.4406 | 1.30362 | 11.98 | 0.209 |
It is also clear from the Fig. 3 that the YCZTO ceramic shows a high degree of porosity. The porosity of the ceramic was measured with the help of the Archimedes principle and was calculated through the following formula:
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An EDX spectrum of grains of sintered Y2/3Cu2.90Zn0.10Ti4O12 ceramic is shown in Fig. 4. It indicates the presence of Y, Cu, Zn, Ti and O elements. Quantitative data for atomic and weight percentage of the elements present in a grain of YCZTO ceramic were obtained from EDX data, which is shown in the inset of the figure. The atomic percentages of Y, Cu, Zn, Ti and O were found to be 4.53, 11.99, 0.43, 18.27 and 64.77, respectively, which is as per the expected stoichiometry of YCZTO ceramic.
The surface topography of Y2/3Cu2.90Zn0.10Ti4O12 ceramic was studied with the help of atomic force microscopy. These images were obtained by a thin film deposition on the glass substrate in tapping mode. AFM study discloses the average roughness (Ra), skewness (Rsk) and kurtosis (Rku). The surface roughness estimated from an AFM image is usually the local roughness of the material. The average roughness is an arithmetic average of the height of the surface asperities, above a hypothetical smooth plane. The skewness shows the degree of symmetry of the rough surface profile and can be used as a measure of the balance between the peaks and valleys of the asperities while the kurtosis shows the degree of sharpness or bluntness of the asperities on the surface. Fig. 5(a) represents the 2-dimensional AFM images of YCZTO, which is characterized by the bright and dark contrast in the grains and shows topological variations, with the brighter regions being higher. Fig. 5(b) shows a two-dimensional AFM image of the grains and grain boundary of YCZTO ceramic. It exhibits a compact structure with granular morphology, buffer layer, plate-like grains and a clear grain boundary. Fig. 5(c) exhibits its 3-dimensional surface morphology and shows several peaks corresponding to grains with compact structure. The maximum peak height of the grains is 3.668 μm within the scanning area of 20 × 20 μm. The average grain size and average grain diameter were estimated to be 90.8 nm (Fig. 6a) and 102.4 nm (Fig. 6b), respectively, out of 301 grains, as exhibited by 3-dimensional AFM histogram, when the grains were homogeneously mounted over the substrate of an area 0.0943 μm2 (Fig. 6c). Fig. 6(d) shows the corresponding surface roughness. Through the roughness parameters, the surface condition of the entire measured length or area will be evaluated in terms of peaks and valleys.24
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Fig. 5 (a) 2-Dimensional AFM micrograph of thin film. (b) 2-Dimensional AFM micrograph showing grain boundary. (c) 3-Dimensional AFM micrograph of sintered Y2/3Cu3−xZnxTi4O12 (x = 0.10) ceramic. |
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Fig. 6 Different histograms for sintered Y2/3Cu3−xZnxTi4O12 (x = 0.10) ceramic exhibiting (a) average size, (b) diameter of grains, (c) area of grains and (d) average 3-dimensional roughness. |
Based upon the statistical study of a total of 65536 grain ensembles, the values of average surface roughness and root mean square roughness were found to be 0.346 and 0.424 μm, respectively within the scanning area of 20 × 20 μm. The skewness was found to be 0.0107, which is nearly equal to zero, and kurtosis to be 3.224, a value exceeding 3. Apart from the average roughness, the lower positive values of skewness roughness (Rsk) imply the smoothness of the surface with predominant peaks while higher positive value for kurtosis roughness (Rku) indicate that the surface of the scanned area of the YCZTO thin film is slightly bumpy in nature owing to the appearance of a low number of high peaks and low valleys on the surface. As the kurtosis value is more than three, such distribution curve has many high peaks and low valleys. It is more evident from the 3-Dimensional AFM image (Fig. 5c). Thus, AFM analysis provides a wider range of particle distribution in the YCZTO ceramic.
The surface roughness parameters of the sample tested in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional AFM study of YCZTO thin film, obtained by NOVA software, are summarized in Table 2.
Details of roughness | Parameters | |
Amplitude | Height | |
Average/arithmetic | 0.261 | 0.366 |
Root mean square | 0.359 | 0.424 |
Maximum peak to valley height roughness | 1.943 | 3.672 |
Ten-points mean height roughness | 1.020 | 3.047 |
Skewness | 0.0473 | 0.0107 |
Kurtosis | 3.568 | 3.224 |
The bright field TEM image of YCZTO ceramic sintered at 950 °C for 12 h is represented in Fig. 7(a). The corresponding selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern of TEM image is shown in Fig. 7(b). The presence of a few clear rings in the SAED pattern again confirms the formation of the polycrystalline phase of thermodynamically stable YCZTO ceramic. The TEM diffraction pattern was indexed on the basis of a body centred cubic perovskite structure. The lattice parameter calculated from the electron diffraction pattern is also in agreement with the data obtained from XRD. It is clear from Fig. 7(a) that the particles are well dispersed with a high extent of agglomeration. The average particle size is in the range of 39 ± 6 nm. However, the particle size obtained by TEM analysis is less than that from the XRD results because a crystallite may consist of several particles. The concepts of particle size and crystallite size obtained by TEM and XRD are quite different. The measurement of crystallite size is owing to the coherent diffracting crystalline domains (crystallite). One particle can be constituted of several crystalline domains (crystallites), which is why particle size always has to be bigger than crystallite (domain) size or in the case of small nanoparticles, both of them can be the same. However, the domain size or crystallite size, calculated from XRD, cannot be bigger than the particle size obtained from TEM.25
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Fig. 7 (a) TEM bright field image and (b) corresponding SAED pattern of YCZTO ceramic sintered at 950 °C for 12 h. |
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Fig. 9 Plots of dielectric constant (ε′) and loss tangent (tan δ) vs. temperature at a few selected frequencies for sintered YCZTO ceramic. |
The variation of dielectric loss (tan δ) as a function of temperature shown in Fig. 9(b) is characterized by the presence of the same type of dispersion peaks below 350 K. The dielectric losses for YCZTO ceramic at 350 K were found to be 0.47, 0.32, 0.10, and 0.02 at 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 kHz, respectively. The presence of dispersion peaks in both the figures below 350 K and at lower frequencies (i.e. less than 1 KHz) indicated the presence of Debye type relaxation behaviour in the ceramic. The presence of low frequency relaxation may be attributed to the occurrence of space charge polarization arising at the interface of the grain and the grain boundary having a large difference in their electrical conductivity. It is clearly seen that the value of tan δ increases with increases in temperature. A rapid increase in tan δ at higher temperatures is owing to an exponential increase of conductivity with temperature, as observed normally.
Fig. 10 illustrates the frequency dependence of ε′ of sintered YCZTO ceramic at a few selected temperatures. It is clearly observed that the dielectric constant decreases gradually with increased frequency. This decrease is more prominent in the low frequency region, which may be explained in terms of relaxation of dipoles at the grain boundary as well as owing to the contribution of interfacial effects resulting from the ceramic–electrode combination. The value of ε′ for YCZTO ceramic was found to be 18552 at 308 K and 100 Hz while the undoped YCTO ceramic exhibited a dielectric constant of 8434 at the same temperature and frequency, a value much higher than for the undoped one. It is also clear that the dielectric constant (ε′) decreases steeply in the lower frequency range whereas it decreases slowly in the higher frequency range (1 kHz–5 MHz). The decrease in dielectric constant with frequency may be owing to the contribution of space charge accumulation at the interface, which leads to polarization of the ionic medium and hence increases the value of ε′. In high frequency regions, the periodic reversal of the field takes place so rapidly that there is no charge accumulation at the interface, resulting in a constant ε′ value.27
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Fig. 10 Plots of real part of dielectric constant (ε′) with frequency at different temperatures for sintered YCZTO ceramic. |
Apart from the values of ε′ and tan δ, the temperature coefficient (Δε′), is one of the most important parameters. It predicts the compatibility of any desired material for appropriate capacitor and resonator applications. The temperature coefficient (Δε′) for YCZTO ceramic was calculated at a frequency of 1 kHz and may be defined as where ε′ and ε′ are the values of the real part of the dielectric constant (ε′) at temperatures T °C and 25 °C, respectively. The calculated value of Δε′ was lower than 15% in the temperature range 308–500 K, thereby indicating the potential use of YCZTO ceramic as a capacitor device.
Dielectric absorption in a material is generally characterized by tan δ as well as dielectric loss (ε′′) values. Usually a relaxation peak is obtained when ε′′ and tan δ values are plotted against frequency. Such dielectric relaxation occurs when the hopping frequency of charge carriers equals the frequency of the applied field. Such relaxation peaks were absent in the case of YCZTO ceramic when the imaginary part of the dielectric constant (ε′′) is plotted against frequency, as shown in Fig. 11. However, undoped YCTO ceramic gives direct evidence for relaxor behaviour exhibiting corresponding relaxation peaks around 105–106 Hz. The absence of relaxation peaks in YCZTO ceramic may be attributed to the reduction in the number of hoppings as the concentration of Zn increases. It is likely that the relaxation peaks corresponding to YCZTO ceramic may lie outside the measured frequency range.
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Fig. 11 Plots of imaginary pat of dielectric constant (ε′′) with frequency at different temperatures for sintered YCZTO ceramic. |
Fig. 12 shows the variation of loss tangent (tan δ) with frequency at a few selected temperatures (308–500 K) and is characterized by the presence of relaxation peaks. These peaks shift to higher frequency regions with increase in temperature, indicating the presence of Debye type Maxwell–Wagner relaxation. YCZTO ceramic shows the minimum dielectric loss (tan δ ∼ 0.76) at 368 K with corresponding dielectric constant value ε ∼ 7183 at 2 Hz. The dielectric loss of YCZTO ceramic was found to be 0.2 to 1.03 (308 to 428 K) and 2.3–3.38 (468–500 K) at 1 kHz. The dielectric loss in a low frequency region may be attributed to the conduction of oxygen vacancies originated by mass diffusion during the sintering process but slight increases in tan δ with frequency may be caused owing to high conductivity associated with the grain boundary. It implies that the grain boundary, in this condition, becomes an insulator. The insulating nature of the grain boundary may be attributed to the sintering effects and its conditions. Normally oxygen diffusion takes place during sintering owing to the difference in the partial pressure of oxygen in the ceramic oxide and the atmosphere. As the grain boundary is associated with a higher diffusion coefficient, the rate of oxygen diffusion is usually more at the grain boundary in comparison to in the grain and, in turn, the extent of reoxidation is more at the grain boundary during the process of cooling. These effects may lead to a semiconducting grain and an insulating grain boundary in YCZTO ceramic, like several oxide ceramics, and supports the IBLC mechanism.
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Fig. 12 Plots of loss tangent (tan δ) vs. frequency at a few selected temperatures for sintered YCZTO ceramic. |
The Nyquist plot between Z′ and Z′′ of sintered YCZTO ceramic at a few selected temperatures is shown in Fig. 13. It is quite clear from the graph that all the curves exhibit a common tendency to bend towards the abscissa to form semicircles with their centres below the real axis. Fig. 13 is further characterized by the presence of a single semi-circular arc at 308–500 K. However, in the low frequency region, the complex impedance plot at 468–500 K neither shows the complete semicircle nor any characteristic electrode spike; rather, a long residual tail exists. It may be due to the grain boundary or electrode surface effects, or both, depending upon the temperature. The absence of an electrode-spike indicates that the material is an electronic conductor in the non-ferroelectric orientation at 308–448 K. The semi-circular arc corresponding to grain at high frequency has been suppressed due to the high value of grain boundary resistance, which is analogous to internal barrier layer capacitance (IBLC), characterized by a semiconducting grain with an insulating grain boundary.
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Fig. 13 Plots of complex impedance plane plots (Z′ vs. Z′′) at a few selected temperatures for sintered YCZTO ceramic. |
On extrapolation in the high frequency region, the intercept on the Z′ axis (in Fig. 13) is not found to be close to zero, suggesting that there must be the existence of another semi-circle in the high frequency region beyond the measuring frequency range. The non-zero intercept of the arc passing through the origin on the Z′ axis gives the effective contribution of the grain resistance (Rg) value, while that of the another arc in the lower frequency range gives the contribution of grain boundaries (Rgb) to the total resistance. The calculated values of Rg and Rgb are listed in Table 3. It is also observed that the radii corresponding to the sizes of different arcs are decreasing with increasing temperature, thereby representing the distribution of relaxation times in the YCZTO ceramic and indicating a decrease in the resistivity of the material with the increase in temperature. It is also clear from the table that grain boundary resistance decreases with increasing temperature, whereas grain resistances do not much alter with temperature, confirming the semiconducting behaviour of grains. From Table 3, it can also be inferred that the resistance of the grain boundary is very high in comparison to those of the grains, and thus the grains behave as an insulator.
Temp. (K) | R g (Ω) | R gb (Ω) | C g (pF) | C gb (nF) |
308 | 347 | 1.70 × 106 | — | — |
328 | 292 | 1.84 × 106 | — | — |
348 | 296 | 1.98× 106 | — | — |
368 | 302 | 4.48 × 106 | — | — |
388 | 271 | 3.52 × 106 | — | — |
408 | 271 | 1.03 × 106 | — | 5.25 |
428 | 239 | 0.49 × 106 | — | 4.59 |
448 | 241 | 0.22 × 106 | — | 4.40 |
468 | 206 | 0.06 × 106 | — | 4.10 |
488 | 122 | 0.02× 106 | — | — |
500 | 60 | 0.01× 106 | — | 3.80 |
The variation of the imaginary part of impedance Z′′ with frequency at a few selected temperatures, shown in Fig. 14, exhibits relaxation peaks at all measured temperatures. The decrease in magnitudes of Z′′ with increase in frequency implies that relaxation in YCZTO material is highly temperature-dependent and apparently there is no single relaxation time. A significant broadening of relaxation peaks with the rise in temperature again confirms the existence of a temperature-dependent electrical relaxation phenomenon in the material. The asymmetric broadening of peaks in YCZTO ceramic also suggests the presence of electrical phenomena with a wide spread of relaxation time. The factors responsible for relaxation behaviour in YCZTO ceramic may possibly be the presence of immobile species or electrons at low temperature and defects or vacancies at higher temperature. The localized relaxation in dielectric materials originating from defect relaxation dominates because of the low dielectric ratio = εs/ε∞, where εs and ε∞ are dielectric constants at low and high frequencies, respectively. Dispersion of the resultant curves in the low frequency region at different temperatures is very clear and it appears to be merging at higher frequency, irrespective of temperature variations in YCZTO. Such behaviour is owing to the presence of the space charge polarization effects at lower frequency but at higher frequency, it gets eliminated.28
Furthermore, these peaks get suppressed but slightly shifted to the high frequency region with increasing temperature, thereby indicating the possible release of space charge accumulation at the boundaries of homogeneous phases in the test material under the applied external field. All this evidence supports the existence of a temperature-dependent Maxwell–Wagner dielectric relaxation.
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Fig. 15 Plots of electric modulus plots M′ vs. M′′ at a few selected temperatures for sintered YCZTO ceramic. |
In order to explain the modulus spectra of YCZTO ceramic, the variation of the imaginary part of electric modulus (M′′) is plotted against frequency at a few selected temperatures and is shown in Fig. 16. These curves exhibit the presence of well-defined relaxation peaks. The presence of a relaxation peak in the higher frequency region may be due to the grain. The relaxation peaks due to grain and grain boundary responses usually occur at frequencies 1/(2πRgCg) and 1/(2πRgbCgb), respectively. As the peak values are proportional to the reciprocal of the associated capacitance, the smallest capacitance will dominate in the electric modulus plots. The grains usually have smaller capacitances than the grain boundaries as their peaks are stronger in the modulus spectra. The capacitance of the grain boundary was also calculated from the plot and is recorded in Table 3. It is observed that the height of all the relaxation peaks (Fig. 16) is not constant; rather, it keeps on increasing with temperature. which indicates a decreasing trend in capacitance.
Furthermore, the frequency region below the relaxation peak determines the range in which charge carriers are mobile over long distances at a particular temperature. At frequencies above fmax, the charge carriers are mobile over short distances as they remain confined to their potential wells. Again, the relaxation peaks shift to the higher frequency region with increasing temperature, providing direct evidence for temperature dependent relaxation. This behaviour also suggests that the dielectric relaxation in YCZTO ceramic is thermally activated.28
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Fig. 17 Temperature dependence of zero field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) magnetisation at an applied field of 100 Oe in YCZTO ceramic. |
Both MZFC and MFC curves decrease below their peak temperatures of 25.70 and 23.92 K, respectively and they are almost parallel, thereby suggesting a common phenomenon is responsible for the shape of the curve. Again, a sharp increase in the values of MZFC and MFC above temperatures of 8.25 and 9.46 K is observed, respectively. This discrepancy in the MZFC and MFC data of the sharp increase may be owing to the presence of a ferromagnetic component in the YCZTO ceramic corresponding to some structural and magnetic changes within the YCZTO ceramic.30
Fig. 18 exhibits the linear variation of magnetic moment with magnetic field, confirming its paramagnetic phase in YCZTO ceramic. Furthermore, we found that the hysteresis loop exhibits a high coercive field value. It is dependent on the strength of the external field at which the sample was cooled, rate of cooling, and the lowest temperature. This phenomenon indicates that the crystal particles have a strong anisotropy field so that the maximum applied field was not enough to close the loop, resulting in the observed minor loop characteristics. In fact, at low temperatures the crystalline powder exhibits features that may be related to the magnetic canting in the antiferromagnetic state.31 A non-saturated hysteresis loop was obtained at the magnetic moment ±10.63 emu with coercivity-field value +10.63 Oe, which is clearer from the top inset of Fig. 18 showing coercivity between the field ±20 Oe and the remnant magnetization of 5.86 × 106 emu for YCZTO ceramic. The presence of such a non-saturated hysteresis loop also suggests the phase transition from paramagnetic to superparamagnetic.
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Fig. 18 Magnetisation versus magnetic field hysteresis (M–H) curve at 300 K for YCZTO ceramic. The inset shows an enlarged view of M–H curve at low fields. |
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