J. Barzowskaa,
Zhiguo Xiab,
D. Jankowskic,
D. Włodarczykc,
K. Szczodrowskia,
Chong-Geng Mad,
M. G. Brikdef,
Ya. Zhydachevskiic and
A. Suchocki*cdg
aInstitute of Experimental Physics, Gdańsk University, ul. Wita Stwosza 57, 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland
bThe Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory of New Energy Materials and Technologies, School of Materials Sciences and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
cInstitute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland. E-mail: suchy@ifpan.edu.pl
dCollege of Mathematics and Physics, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, PR China
eInstitute of Physics, University of Tartu, W. Ostwald Str. 1, Tartu 50411, Estonia
fInstitute of Physics, Jan Dlugosz University, Al. Armii Krajowej 13/15, Czestochowa PL-42200, Poland
gInstitute of Physics, Kazimierz Wielki University, Weyssenhoffa 11, 85-072 Bydgoszcz, Poland
First published on 3rd January 2017
High pressure luminescence studies of NaScSi2O6 clinopyroxene (jervisite) doped with Eu2+ and Mn2+ are reported. The efficiency of the energy transfer between Eu2+ and Mn2+ is examined. It is shown that the efficiency of the energy transfer process is weakly dependent on pressure, although a small increase of the probability of nonradiative energy transfer with increase of pressure is observed. In contrast to that the energy transfer efficiency at ambient pressure is independent of temperature between 10 K and 400 K. The Raman spectra under pressure shows fingerprints of the reversible phase transitions at pressures of about 100–120 kbar at room temperature. The occurrence of the phase transition drastically reduces the efficiency of energy transfer, which is restored at higher pressures. The Mn2+ luminescence is quenched at about 200 kbar due to the crossing between the 4T1g and 2T2g excited states occurring at this pressure. The 2T2g state becomes the first excited level at this pressure and due to much stronger coupling with the host the Mn2+ luminescence is quenched. This is the first observation of such behaviour for Mn2+ ions. Pressure dependence of CIE color coordinates is established for this phosphor.
Me3+ ions are located in octahedral coordination in clinopyroxene host. It has been established with use of XRD data that Eu2+ ions substitute Na ions in distorted cubic antiprism polyhedrons and Mn2+ are in octahedral coordination replacing Sc ions.1 The site occupancy is related to ionic radii of dopant and host ions, which actually is the most important factor establishing preference in choosing the sites for dopant location.
Previous photoluminescence studies showed that samples of NaScSi2O6 doped only with Eu2+ exhibit typical green emission. By codoping with Mn2+ due to the energy transfer from Eu2+ ions to Mn2+ the color of emission can be changed from green to yellow due to existence of additional luminescence band with maximum at about 660 nm. This bad is associated with typical Mn2+ luminescence due to the 4T1 → 6A1 intraconfigurational transitions within electronic states of the Mn2+ ions. The emission color on the CIE chromaticity diagram depends on the concentration of Mn2+ codopant.1
In order to check further possibility of controlling the luminescence color in these types of compounds we decided to study the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the luminescence properties of clinopyroxenes doped with both Eu2+ and Mn2+ ions. Application of high pressures can effectively change the inter-atomic distances in the solid state materials (depending on pressure and bulk modulus of the material studied – even up to a few tens of %). Therefore the strength of the crystal field experienced by central ions can be effectively changed. If the position of the luminescence is strongly dependent on strength of the crystal field, which is the case of the Eu2+ 5d → 4f transitions8,9 or intraconfigurational Mn2+ optical transitions,10 the color of the emission can be considerably changed by pressure application. This allows for establishing conditions for “chemical pressure” use, i.e. by changing the interatomic distances due to the change of the lattice parameters as the result of preparation of solid solutions with various materials having different lattice parameters associated with different ionic radii of host ions. In this way high pressure application, which can be done in precise and controlled way, allows to check and establish conditions for obtaining the desired luminescence properties of the material for practical applications. Important parts of these effects are details of the energy transfer processes and influence of pressure on the observed phenomena. These are the aims of the present publication.
The quality and phase purity of the chosen samples were examined with X-ray diffraction method (XRD) using BRUKER D2PHASER equipment employing Cu Kα radiation and operated at 30 kV and 10 mA. The XRD patterns were collected using scanning step of 0.02° and counting time of 1 s per step. The phase analysis was carried out using DIFFRAC.EVA V4.1 evaluating application from BRUKER.
The results of XRD analysis are in agreement with results previously presented in ref. 1. The samples besides desired phase of NaScSi2O6 contain also small amount of additional phases. It may be due to the high level of doping with Eu2+ and Mn2+. It seems that there is a small amount of hydrated silicas, as well as scandium pyrosilicate (Sc2Si2O7), scandium oxide and in the doubly doped (with Eu2+ and Mn2+) sample – also Eu2O3. There are no impurity phases containing manganese. The amount of various additional phases is difficult to be estimated, although qualitative analysis shows that the phase of clinopyroxene NaScSi2O6 is strongly dominating. The examples of diffractograms with detailed phase analysis are shown in ESI.†
Excitation spectra at ambient pressure were acquired using Fluorolog 3 (Horiba) spectrofluorimeter. Photoluminescence spectra were measured using Shamrock SR750 D1 grating spectrometer equipped with iDus 420 CCD detector (Andor Technology). The IK5352R-D He–Cd continuous wave laser (Kimmon Koha) was used as an excitation source. For high pressure experiments the samples were placed in a Merrill-Bassett type diamond anvil cell (DAC). Polydimethylsiloxane oil was used as a pressure-transmitting medium, and ruby as pressure gauge.
The experimental setup for luminescence kinetics and time resolved emission spectra consisted of a YAG:Nd laser of PL2143A/SS type and a parametric optical generator PG401/SH. The laser generated 30 ps pulses at 355 nm wavelength with repetition frequency of 10 Hz. The laser pumped PG generator could produce light pulses at wavelengths ranging from 220 nm to 2200 nm. The emission signal was analyzed with the 2501S (BrukerOptics) spectrometer and a Hamamatsu Streak Camera model C4334-01. Luminescence decays were collected by the integration of streak camera images over the wavelength intervals.
For temperature dependent measurements the sample was placed in closed-cycle helium cryostat. The system consisted of water cooled helium compressor model ARS-4HW and expander model DE-204SI (Advanced Research System, Inc.) and LakeShore temperature controller Model 336.
The high-pressure Raman spectra at room temperature were taken using MonoVista CRS+ Raman system equipped with 532 nm laser. Powdered samples were placed in the Diacell CryoDAC-LT of Almax easyLab. Argon was used as a pressure transmitting medium and ruby as a pressure gauge.
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Fig. 1 Normalized luminescence spectra of NaScSi2O6:Eu(5%) and NaScSi2O6:Eu(5%),Mn(15%) samples at room temperature under 325 nm excitation. |
The peak of the Mn2+ band is located in the red region, which means that the Mn2+ ions experience quite strong crystal field. Normalized excitation spectra of both samples, monitored at the peaks of their luminescence bands, are presented in Fig. 2a.
The excitation spectra exhibit very good concurrence and they are in agreement with excitation of both dopants through the Eu2+ ions. Mn2+ ions are mainly excited by the efficient energy transfer from Eu2+ ions due to the Forster–Dexter energy transfer mechanism, which will be discussed later. No excitation bands associated with the transitions from the ground 6A1g state to the 4T1g and 4T2g states are visible in the excitation spectra of Mn2+ ions, in agreement with spin-forbidden character of these transitions. Fig. 2a shows unambiguously that the nonradiative energy transfer mechanism is the most efficient way of excitation of Mn2+ ions in this system. Only some traces of the 4A1g + 4Eg band are visible in the Mn2+ excitation spectra around 415 nm. This band is usually one of the strongest in the absorption and PLE spectra of Mn2+ ions.
Much weaker Mn2+ luminescence is observed in the sample doped only with Mn2+. Its excitation spectra monitored at 530 nm and 650 nm are presented in Fig. 2b. Some traces of the Eu2+ dopant can be found in this sample, which gives a very weak green luminescence with a peak at about 530 nm. The bands associated with transitions to the 4T1g and 4T2g states are not detected in the excitation spectrum of Mn2+ ions recorded at 650 nm, however some weak bands related to transitions to the 4Eg + 4A1g states can be observed at the wavelength around 415 nm, as well as some higher energy states of Mn2+ at shorter wavelengths. The strong excitation band, with a maximum at about 270 nm is the most likely related to band-gap excitation mechanism of both Mn2+ and Eu2+ dopants in this compound. It is also visible in the excitation spectra of two other samples, presented in Fig. 2, however on the high-energy side of the very strong band associated with the 4f → 5d excitation of Eu2+. Decrease of the excitation efficiency observed at higher energy side of this band is related to the smaller penetration depth of the excitation light due to the very strong band-to-band absorption of the host. The spectral position of this band implies that the band-gap of jervisite is larger than previously estimated1 and it is equal to about 4.0 eV (310 nm).
The temperature dependence of the luminescence spectra of the NaScSi2O6:Eu(5%),Mn(15%) sample are shown in Fig. 3.
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Fig. 3 Temperature dependence luminescence spectra of NaScSi2O6:Eu(5%),Mn(15%) sample, excited by the 325 nm laser line. The spectra were normalized to the peak of Mn2+ luminescence band. |
The temperature dependent decay kinetics of Eu2+ and Mn2+ for NaScSi2O6:Eu(5%),Mn(15%) sample are shown in Fig. 4a and b, respectively.
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Fig. 4 Temperature dependence of the luminescence decay kinetics of NaScSi2O6:Eu(5%),Mn(15%) sample, excited by the 325 laser line: (a) decays of Eu2+ luminescence; (b) decays of Mn2+ luminescence. |
The spectra and decay kinetics presented on the last graphs show that this sample does not exhibit temperature quenching of Mn2+ luminescence up to at least 500 K. Some temperature quenching is observed for Eu2+ especially above 350 K.
The decay times of Eu2+ are in the sub-microsecond range. Decay kinetics are nonexponential, due to the energy transfer processes between the Eu2+ and Mn2+ ions. The Mn2+ decay times are in the ms range, typical for forbidden type of these optical transitions.
The decay kinetics of Eu2+ in the sample not doped with Mn2+ exhibit much less non-exponential behavior than observed in doubly doped sample. This is another sign of the excitation energy transfer from Eu2+ to Mn2+ ions. The comparison of the europium ions decay kinetics in samples doped only with Eu2+ and doubly doped with Eu2+ and Mn2+ is presented in Fig. 5.
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Fig. 5 Comparison of the decay kinetics of Eu2+ NaScSi2O6 in samples doped only with Eu(5%) and doubly doped with Eu (5%) and Mn(15%), excited by the 325 laser line, at 10 K and 300 K. |
The spectra exhibit shifts of the luminescence peaks towards longer wavelengths, which is approximately linear with pressure in the energy scale. The pressure coefficients for Eu2+ are equal to −6.2 ± 0.13 cm−1/kbar and for Mn2+ −14.8 ± 0.8 cm−1/kbar, respectively. The shifts reflect the increase of splitting of the 5d level for Eu2+ and the decrease of the energy of the first excited level (4T2g) for Mn2+ (see appropriate Tanabe–Sugano diagram for d5 configuration), together with the appropriate Stokes shifts. The positions of the peaks of luminescence of the Eu2+ and Mn2+ ions as functions of pressure are shown in Fig. 7.
The energy positions of the luminescence peaks during compression and decompression overlap with each other not showing appreciable hysteresis. Eu2+ luminescence does not exhibit quenching with pressure in contrast to the luminescence of Mn2+, which intensity decreases with increased pressure in comparison with luminescence of Eu2+ and it is completely quenched at pressures above 200 kbar. The origin of that quenching will be discussed later.
The examples of the pressure dependence of the decay kinetics of sample doped only with Eu2+ and doubly doped with Eu2+ and Mn2+ are shown in Fig. 8a and b, respectively.
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Fig. 8 Pressure dependence of the decay kinetics of Eu2+ luminescence at room temperature for: (a) NaScSi2O6:Eu(5%); (b) NaScSi2O6:Eu(5%),Mn(15%) samples. |
The decay kinetics of the sample doped only with Eu2+ are almost single-exponential at low pressures, the nonexponential behavior appears in this sample at high pressures above 100 kbar. In contrast to these results nonexponential decays are observed even at low pressures for sample doubly doped with Eu2+ and Mn2+. The decays are faster for this material. For both samples tails of decays (longer components of decays) became exponential. Pressure dependencies of decay times of long components of decays are presented in Fig. 9.
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Fig. 9 Pressure dependencies of decay times of longer components of decays for NaScSi2O6 doped only with Eu(5%) (squares) and doubly doped with Eu(5%) and Mn(15%) (circles). |
Eu2+ decay times of the sample doubly doped are shorter than those for the sample doped only with Eu2+, which is another fingerprint of energy transfer processes occurring in this material. The decay times rise with increasing pressure until the pressure reaches about 200 kbar, and at higher pressures there is no appreciable, consequent increase of decay times.
Decay kinetics of the Mn2+ ions present quite different properties. Although with increasing pressure their values also slightly increase, at pressures above 140 kbar a very strong decrease of the decay time is observed, accompanied also by nonexponential decays. The decrease of intensity causes decrease of signal to noise ratio, observed for higher pressures on the decay kinetics. The pressure dependence of the Mn2+ decay kinetics is presented in Fig. 10.
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Fig. 10 Pressure dependence of the decay kinetics of Mn2+ for NaScSi2O6:Eu(5%),Mn(15%) sample at room temperature. |
Although clinopyroxenes are supposed to be stable with pressure 1, the pressure dependence of the Raman spectra was measured in order to check the crystallographic stability of the measured samples. An example of these results is presented below (Fig. 11).
Similar spectra and pressure relations exhibit both samples doped with Eu2+ only and Eu2+/Mn2+. Despite the high level of doping the spectra show the same peaks at ambient pressure, however with different intensities. The low energy lines observed in the spectra below 150 cm−1 are related to argon, which serves as a pressure transmitting medium. Positions of the lines observed in the spectra shift towards higher energies with increasing pressure, however with slightly different pressure coefficients. The lines broaden at higher pressures, which is the most likely associated with certain nonhydrostaticity typical for diamond anvil cells at pressures exceeding 100 kbar. Perhaps the most striking feature observed in the presented spectra is the splitting of the line around 400 cm−1 (and above at higher pressures), observed for pressures above 100 kbar. Also some lines change their relative intensities or even disappear at certain pressures. Changes are reversible, i.e. after pressure release spectra the same as those before the compression. The more detailed analysis of the Raman spectra will be presented in a separate publication.
Bulk moduli for several clinopyroxenes were measured, however the experimental value for NaScSi2O6 is not known.20 Only theoretically predicted value has been given in ref. 20, equal to 109.4 GPa. Also values of pressure derivatives of bulk moduli B′0 for clinopyroxenes are very often spurious (sometimes even negative).20 Lack of good knowledge on the nature of phase transitions and poor data quality are often blamed for these discrepancies. Therefore a typical value of B′0 = 4 has been used in further calculations.
![]() | (1) |
![]() | (2) |
Since the decay kinetics of the sample doped only with Eu2+ exhibit certain nonexponentiality, especially at higher pressure, we propose to treat that nonexponential part as radiative decay. This way the expression given below should yield the value:
![]() | (3) |
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Fig. 12 The correlation plot for NaScSi2O6:Eu(5%),Mn(5%) sample. The straight line is a fit of eqn (3) to the data. |
Relatively large spread of the data is associated with the important noise of decay kinetics. Its elimination would require considerably longer measurement time. However possibility of fitting the data with the straight line as shown on correlation plots of the type shown in Fig. 12 confirm that the dipole–dipole mechanism of energy transfer is dominating in our material. The pressure dependence of the slopes, S, established from the eqn (3) is shown on Fig. 13a.
We assume now that the parameters of the slope, S, are pressure-dependent, i.e.:
![]() | (4) |
![]() | (5) |
Assuming that the concentration of energy acceptors (Mn2+ ions) is equal to nominal concentration of Cn = 0.15 in Sc sites, and the volume of the elementary cell is equal to Vel (0 kbar) = 456 Å3 from ref. 1, it is possible to calculate absolute values of the critical distances Rdd0 as function of pressure and also temperature from the following formula:
![]() | (6) |
Substituting Murnaghan eqn (5) as a value of Vel(p) and using B0 = 109.4 GPa and B′0 = 4 from ref. 20 the changes of critical distance for dipole–dipole mechanism of energy transfer can be calculated as a function of pressure, which is presented in Fig. 13b.
The value of the (Rdd0(p))6 is proportional to the overlap integral between the emission spectrum of the energy donor and absorption spectrum of the energy acceptor (Eu2+ and Mn2+, respectively, for our case) through the formula:21
![]() | (7) |
The observed changes are very small, except a strong decrease of the energy transfer efficiency present around pressure at which the phase transition occurs. At higher pressure the efficiency of the energy transfer is restored, and even a small relative increase of this parameter can be detected from Fig. 13b. Large error bars, associated with relatively small accuracy of streak camera and use of DAC does not allow establishing mechanism responsible for this change. Most probably, the overlap integral eqn (7) is changed by pressure application. Nevertheless the increase of the probability of the energy transfer with pressure is not very significant in this material.
Origin of energy transfer suppress at pressure at which the phase transition occurs is not known yet. It might be related to phase-transition induced lattice disorder and reorientations of molecules constituting the crystallographic structure.25 Perhaps overall quenching of the luminescence occurring around this pressure may be caused by the defect formation during phase transition, which contributes to the decrease of the luminescence efficiency. The increased non-exponentiality of the decay kinetics of the sample singly doped with europium, which occurs around 100–120 kbar is the most probably associated with increasing energy transfer to the defects induced by the phase transition. The exact mechanism of the energy transfer suppress at the phase transition region would require additional studies, which is beyond the scope of this paper.
In contrast to observed small changes of the energy transfer probability with pressure, a slight decrease of the critical distance R0 is detected. The dependence of the critical distance for dipole–dipole energy transfer, Rdd0(T), on temperature at ambient pressure is shown in Fig. 14.
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Fig. 14 Temperature dependence of the critical radius of the energy transfer between Eu2+ and Mn2+ in NaScSi2O6:Eu(5%),Mn(15%) jervisite at ambient pressure. |
Observed changes of R0 with temperature are also small, as well as changing pressure. The obtained values of R0 seems to be reasonable, taking into account the smallest possible distance between Eu2+ and Mn2+ ions in clinopyroxene structure, equal to about 3.22 Å at ambient pressure. Relatively larger distance between interacting ions than the critical radius Rdd0 prefers longer-distance dipole–dipole interaction in contrast to more effective on shorter distances higher order multipole or exchange interactions. The results will be dependent on total amount of Mn2+ ions present in the sample. Our assumption that the total concentration of Mn2+ is equal to nominal concentration of substrates seems to be reasonable, since changes in the Mn2+ excitation efficiency are at least proportional to the Mn substrate content.1 However according to eqn (6), exact results on Rdd0 is proportional to C−1/3, which may change slightly the results if the concentration of Mn2+ is different than those calculated from the amount of substrates used for synthesizing these materials.
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Fig. 15 Partial Tanabe–Sugano diagram for the d5 configuration in an octahedral crystal field for C/B = 4.30 Vertical lines mark values of Dd/B for: ambient (green) and 178 kbar (magenta) pressures, crossing point between the 4T1g and 2T2g levels (red), and crossing point between high- and low-spin configurations (solid black). |
Partial Tanabe–Sugano diagram, presenting appropriate energy levels of Mn2+ (d5) ions is shown on Fig. 14 for the ratio of C/B Racah parameters equal to 4, which is adequate for our system. Previous studies show that the ratio of C/B can be equal between 3.6 up to almost 6.27–29 The value of Racah parameter B can be estimated from the position of the 4Eg + 4A1g levels, which energy is equal to 10B + 5C. Estimated value of B (for C/B = 4) is equal to about 830 cm−1. Although in the system with large Stokes shift it is impossible to see the position of no-phonon lines even the low temperatures, we use approximated values of the energy of pure 4T1 electronic level as the energy at which the luminescence signal is close to the luminescence background at the high energy side of Mn2+ emission band. Then the respective positions of the energy levels, (in E/B units), as a function of pressure for 5 kbar and 178 kbar (the highest pressure in which the luminescence of Mn2+ is visible) can be calculated. Respective values of crystal field parameter, Dq/B, are established from Tanabe–Sugano diagram. These data are presented in Table 1.
Pressure (kbar) | Estimated energy of 0-ph line (cm−1) | Energy position of 4T1 level in B units (B = 830 cm−1) | Crystal field parameter Dq in B units |
5 | 16![]() |
19.69 | 1.32 |
178 | 13![]() |
16.44 | 1.65 |
The appropriate positions of electronic levels for 5 kbar and 178 kbar are marked at Tanabe–Sugano diagram (Fig. 15). The value of Dq/B obtained for pressure of 178 kbar is very close to the crossing point between the 4T1g and 2T2g levels, which occurs for Dq/B = 1.8135 (for used C/B = 4).
The value of Dq parameter should be approximately dependent on the distance, r, between the central ions and ligands as Dq ∼ r−5. Therefore the ratio (Dq (5 kbar)/D (178 kbar))1/5 equal to 0.956 can be compared with appropriate ratio of the distances obtained from Murnahgan EOS (eqn (5)) (taken as (V/V0)1/3) for an ambient and 178 kbar pressure. This ratio obtained from Murnaghan equation is equal to 0.955, which is in perfect agreement with the value obtained from the crystal field (Tanabe–Sugano diagram) theory. This is also a proof of consistency of our analysis. It should be noticed that larger value of C/B ratio would yield worse agreement between results obtained from the crystal field theory and Murnaghan EOS.
From Tanabe–Sugano diagram the crossing between the 4T2g and 2T2g levels should occur at energy equal to about E/B ∼15, 22 (12633 cm−1 for B = 830 cm−1). Although no emission is expected at the crossing point, taking also into account the Stokes shift between the absorption and emission, the maximum of the luminescence should have occurred at wavelength of about 870 nm. This is longer wavelength than the observed peak of luminescence at highest pressure (around 178 kbar), at which the Mn2+ emission is still visible. It is again consisted with presented explanation of the pressure-induced Mn2+ luminescence quenching effect. According to our knowledge it is a first observation of such effect in inorganic compounds.
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Fig. 16 Chromaticity diagram of NaScSi2O6:Eu(5%),Mn(15%) jervisite luminescence induced by 325 nm as a function of pressure at room temperature. |
The pressure induced changes of coordinates on CIE diagram of NaScSi2O6:Eu(5%),Mn(15%) under 325 nm excitation are related to pressure shifts of the luminescence of Eu2+ and Mn2+. Actually the pressure shift of Mn2+ luminescence towards infrared remove this luminescence component from the visible spectrum at relatively low pressure. This is a reason that at low pressures a slight shift of color towards yellow is observed. At higher pressures a change of color in the direction of red is associated with the pressure-induced shift of the Eu2+ luminescence. The quenching of Mn2+ luminescence observed at higher pressures does not have important influence on the color of luminescence since the spectrum of Mn2+ emission is shifted to the infrared region, not well visible for human eye.
The excitation spectra of the Mn2+ and Eu2+ luminescence show that the band gap of examined jervisite at room temperature in C2/c phase is around 310 nm (4 eV). The pressure-induced change of color of this phosphor is documented by calculations of CIE chromaticity coordinates. They are dominated by pressure changes of Eu2+ luminescence spectra.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c6ra24854c |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |