Samira Dabaghmanesh*abc,
Rolando Saniza,
Erik Neyts
b and
Bart Partoensa
aDepartment of Physics, University of Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerpen, Belgium. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemistry, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Antwerp, Belgium
cSIM vzw, Technologiepark 935, BE-9052 Zwijnaarde, Belgium
First published on 16th January 2017
Doped Cr2O3 has been shown to be a p-type transparent conducting oxide (TCO). Its conductivity, however, is low. As for most p-type TCOs, the main problem is the high effective hole mass due to flat valence bands. We use first-principles methods to investigate whether one can increase the valence band dispersion (i.e. reduce the hole mass) by anion alloying with sulfur, while keeping the band gap large enough for transparency. The alloying concentrations considered are given by Cr4SxO6−x, with x = 1–5. To be able to describe the electronic properties of these materials accurately, we first study Cr2O3, examining critically the accuracy of different density functionals and methods, including PBE, PBE+U, HSE06, as well as perturbative approaches within the GW approximation. Our results demonstrate that Cr4S2O4 has an optical band gap of 3.08 eV and an effective hole mass of 1.8 me. This suggests Cr4S2O4 as a new p-type TCO host candidate.
Generally, p-type TCOs suffer from low conductivity compared to their n-type counterparts. In contrast to the latter, developing a p-type TCO has always been challenging. The main reason for the low hole conductivity in most of these oxides is that the top of the valence band is dominated by oxygen p-states, which are highly localized and lead to flat bands and consequently a large effective hole mass.3
The CuAlO2 delafossite was reported by Kawazoe et al.4 as the first TCO with p-type conductivity and transparency in the visible range. This study opened a route to look for further p-type Cu-delafossites structures such as CuMO2 M ∈ {Ga, Sc, B, Cr}.5–8 The highest p-type conductivity, 220 S cm−1 (resistivity of 0.45 × 10−2 Ω cm), in this family has been reported in the case of Mg-doped CuCrO2 (CuCrO2:Mg).8 In comparison with the best reported n-type TCO, Sn-doped In2O3, with a conductivity of the order of 104 S cm−1 (ref. 9), this amount of conductivity is very low. The spinel ZnRh2O4 (ref. 10) and distorted delafossite SrCu2O2 (ref. 11) are the other examples of p-type TCOs, with conductivities of 2.75 S cm−1 and 0.053 S cm−1 respectively.
Cr2O3 has been considered as a candidate p-type TCO host in several studies. Doping with Ni12–14 and with Li13,15 have been shown to induce p-type conductivity in Cr2O3. Cr2O3:N has received attention for applications in optoelectronic devices, in particular, as hole transporting layer in organic solar cells.16,17 Farrell et al.18 investigated the possibility of using dopants to create a p–n homojunction with Cr2O3. These authors studied the influence of Mg dopants and oxygen pressure in Cr2O3 as a p-type TCO.18 Arca et al.19,20 used a co-doping mechanism to obtain a Cr2O3-based p-type TCO. They investigated the conductivity and transparency of Cr2O3 by co-doping with Mg and N impurities. They found a resistivity of 3 Ω cm and an optical transmission up to 65% for a 150 nm thick Cr2O3 film. These properties are low compared to those reported for CuCrO2:Mg and n-type TCOs.
Chromia, Cr2O3, has the corundum structure, with a rather large experimental optical gap of 3.3–3.4 eV.21,22 However, the flat non-dispersed nature of the valence band of Cr2O3 causes a large hole effective mass, of the order of 12–13 me at the valence band maximum (VBM),23,24 resulting in the relatively poor conductivity of doped Cr2O3.
A general idea to improve the p-type conductivity in oxides was proposed by Hosono in 2007.3 He proposed to increase the VB dispersion by anion alloying, i.e., forming hybridized orbitals between O 2p states and chalcogen p orbitals (S, Se, and Te) which are more delocalized than O 2p orbitals. The hybridization is expected to lead to an increase in the VB dispersion, resulting in a smaller effective hole mass and, consequently, a higher mobility and conductivity. In this study we follow this idea to try to find new Cr2O3-based p-type TCO host candidates. We use first-principles techniques to investigate the effect of partially substituting oxygen atoms with sulfur. Since our main goal is to improve Cr2O3 as a p-type TCO host, we should keep in mind that increasing the VBM dispersion may close the gap and reduce the optical transparency of the host. In order to obtain both critical properties for a p-type TCO host, i.e. a large enough band gap (larger than 3 eV) and low hole mass, we consider different concentrations of sulfur. Applying state of the art ab initio techniques we study the compounds Cr4SxO6−x, with x = 1–5. The most advantageous properties are obtained for x = 2, Cr4S2O4, having a much lower hole effective mass (1.8 me) than Cr2O3 (12–13 me), and with a gap still larger than 3 eV (3.08 eV).
The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we present the methods and approaches we used in our work. In Section 3 we discuss the results and we end the paper with concluding remarks in Section 4.
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Fig. 1 (a) Unitcell of Cr2O3 (rhombohedral) and (b) Cr4S2O4 (monoclinic). The purple, red, and green spheres represent chromium, oxygen, and sulfur, respectively. |
The calculated lattice constants, magnetic moments, and direct band gap, calculated with the different DFT methods mentioned above, are compared with experiment in Table 1. For the PBE+U calculations we employed U parameters as proposed in the ref. 23, 32 and 33. Ref. 32 proposed U = 3 eV and ref. 33 used U = 5 eV and J = 1 eV for the on-site Coulomb-repulsion and exchange integral for the Cr d electrons. In ref. 23, the authors proposed a +U correction of UCrd = 3 eV and UOp = 5 eV for the Cr 3d and O 2p states by comparing the electronic density of states (EDOS) of Cr2O3 with their experimental spectra obtained using ultra violet photoemission spectroscopy and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The PBE and PBE+U methods tend to overestimate the lattice parameters while underestimating the band gap compared to experiment. We compared the band structure and density of states obtained using three U parameter values with experiment. The experimental valence band-width, measured by XPS, is about 9 eV with a small (second) gap inside the VB.23,46–49 We found that UCrd = 3 eV and UOp = 5 eV, proposed in ref. 23, gives a larger band gap, wider band width (i.e. almost 6 eV), and narrower second gap inside the valence band compared to the other U parameters and in better agreement with experiment. Henceforth, we use these U parameters for all our results in the case of PBE+U calculations. Fig. 2 and 3 show the band structures, total EDOS and partial density of states PEDOS of Cr2O3 calculated with the PBE, PBE+U, and HSE06 approximations. Since HSE06 overestimates the band gap (by about 1 eV) using the standard Hartree–Fock mixing parameter (α = 0.25), we tuned the α parameter. We found that the optimized value α = 0.17 gives the experimental band gap (3.4 eV). The calculated VB width obtained by HSE06 (about 7.22 eV) is wider than the PBE and PBE+U methods, in better agreement with experiment. HSE06 also gives the second gap in good agreement with the DOS obtained by Robertson et al. using the screened exchange (sX) hybrid density functional.50 In order to find a reliable predictor for the band gap of the Cr4SxO6−x compounds, we also calculate the band gap of Cr2O3 using two flavors of the GW approximation, G0W0 and scGW0, as indicated above. We used as input for these the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of both PBE and PBE+U. In Table 2 we summarize our results. Clearly, G0W0 largely overestimates the band gap whenever PBE+U results are used as the starting point, independently of the U values used. On the other hand, the band gap is underestimated when PBE results are used as a starting point. Updating G self-consistently (scGW0) on top of PBE as the staring point gives the direct band gap of 3.55 eV, which is close to HSE06 and experimental results. We also performed scGW0 on top of PBE+U, using the optimum U values mentioned before, and found a largely overestimated band gap of 4.489 eV. Fig. 4 shows the scGW0 quasiparticle energies (red dots) for several k-points on top of PBE band structure (blue lines). We see that scGW0 opens the gap by moving both the conduction and valence bands, up and down respectively. ScGW0 on top of PBE gives the wider band width (about 7.45 eV) compared to PBE, PBE+U, and HSE06 approaches, and closer to experiment. Also, the PBE second band gap tends to be closed by scGW0, again bringing it closer to experiment. Comparing these key properties, band gap, band width, and second gap, we conclude that scGW0 on top of PBE as well as HSE06 provide sound electronic structure and band gap values. Therefore, we use these approaches to obtain the band gap in the case of Cr4SxO6−x.
Method | a | α | μ | Eg |
PBE | 5.40 | 54.12 | 2.51 | 1.44 |
PBE+U (UCrd = 3) | 5.42 | 55.08 | 2.78 | 2.60 |
PBE+U (UCrd = 5) | 5.43 | 55.19 | 2.83 | 2.89 |
PBE+U (UCrd = 3, UOp = 5) | 5.40 | 55.01 | 2.80 | 2.80 |
HSE06 (α = 0.17) | 5.36 | 55.15 | 2.85 | 3.4 |
Experiment | 5.35 (ref. 39) | 55.12 (ref. 39) | 3.8 (ref. 40) | 3.4 (ref. 21 and 22) |
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Fig. 2 (a) PBE (b) PBE+U (UCrd = 3 eV, UOp = 5 eV) and (c) HSE06 band structure of Cr2O3. The VBM is set to 0. |
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Fig. 3 (a) PBE+U (UCrd = 3 eV, UOp = 5 eV) and (b) HSE06 calculated total (states per eV per unitcell) and partial (states per eV per atom) density of states of Cr2O3. The VBM is aligned to 0. |
Method | G0W0 | scGW0 |
PBE | 2.845 | 3.556 |
PBE+U (UCrd = 3) | 4.20 | — |
BE+U (UCrd = 5) | 4.58 | — |
PBE+U (UCrd = 3, UOp = 5) | 4.238 | 4.489 |
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Fig. 4 PBE band structure (full blue line) and scGW0 (red dots) for Cr2O3. The VBM of the PBE is set to 0. |
Compound | a, b, c | α, β, γ | μ | Eg |
Cr4SO5 | 5.38, 5.55, 5.55 | 55.92, 54.55, 54.55 | ±2.93, ±2.99 | 1.92 |
Cr4S2O4 | 6.08, 5.65, 5.65 | 57.31, 54.56, 54.56 | ±3, ±3 | 1.66 |
Cr4S3O3 | 6.21, 5.75, 6.04 | 56.66, 54.11, 55.41 | 3, −2.98, −3.04, 3.06 | 1.08 |
Cr4S4O2 | 6.37, 6.16, 6.16 | 55.72, 54.02, 54.02 | ±2.99, ±3.09 | 0.9 |
Cr4S5O1 | 6.43, 6.25, 6.43 | 55.76, 54.44, 55.76 | ±3.04, ±3.08 | 0.74 |
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Fig. 5 Band structures of Cr4SxO6−x (x = 0–5) calculated using PBE+U (UCrd = 3 eV, UOp = 5 eV). The blue and grey curves show the spin up and down. The VBM is aligned to 0. |
As can be seen in Fig. 5, increasing the concentration of sulfur atoms increases the dispersion of the VBM, i.e. lowers the hole mass, while closing the gap (the values of the fundamental band gaps are listed in Table 3). The blue (grey) curves in each panel show the band structure corresponding to spin up (down). In the case of Cr4S2O4 as well as Cr2O3, time-reversal symmetry is preserved, therefore the eigenvalues present Kramers degeneracy. But in the other concentrations, since that symmetry is broken, the band structure for up and down spin differ significantly. Inclusion of sulfur increases the magnetic moment of the Cr atoms. The calculated Cr magnetic moments are shown in Table 3 for the different concentrations. The magnetic moments for the other atoms are negligible. Cr4SxO6−x generally presents AFM order, except for x = 3 (Cr4S3O3), in which case the order is ferrimagnetic, with a total magnetic moment of −0.01 μB.
For a good p-type TCO, an optical band gap larger than 3 eV and a low hole effective mass are two critical key properties. Considering the PBE+U band gaps and VBM dispersions for the different concentrations of sulfur, we find that Cr4S2O4 presents the best chance for finding a good p-type TCO host among those compounds. Indeed, the PBE+U band gaps for x > 2 are too low to expect that a more accurate calculation will results in a gap above 3 eV.
In the next subsection we take a more careful look at the band gap and electronic properties of Cr4S2O4.
Method | a, b | α, β | μ | Eg |
PBE | 5.96, 5.62 | 56.77, 53.68 | ±2.55 | 1.09 |
PBE+U (UCrd = 3 eV, UOp = 5 eV) | 6.08, 5.65 | 57.31, 54.56 | ±3 | 1.77 |
HSE06 (α = 0.25) | 6.00, 5.58 | 57.28, 54.55 | ±2.95 | 2.89 |
scGW0 | 5.96, 5.62 | 56.77, 53.68 | ±2.66 | 3.08 |
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Fig. 6 The band structure of Cr4S2O4 calculated by (a) PBE+U (UCrd = 3 eV, UOp = 5 eV) and (b) HSE06. The VBM is aligned to 0. |
The effect of sulfur on the electronic structure can be better understood as follows. The total EDOS and the Cr 3d, O 2p and S 3p partial PEDOS calculated with (a) PBE+U and (b) HSE06 are shown in Fig. 7. We can divide the valence region into the two energy regions. The first region, with −7 eV < E < −2.8 eV, consists mainly of O 2p and Cr 3d electrons, with a smaller contribution from S 3p (PBE+U and HSE06 show almost the same contribution). The second region, close to the valence band maximum, with −2.8 eV < E < 0, shows the Cr 3d electrons play the leading role, with a smaller mixing of O 2p and S 3p electrons. The conduction band minimum (CBM) is mainly composed of Cr 3d electrons with very small contributions from O 2p and S 3p electrons. The partial density of states shows a significant mixing of O 2p and S 3p toward the VBM. This leads to delocalization of the hole states and increasing the dispersion of the VBM compared to Cr2O3 (see Fig. 8). The higher VBM dispersion leads to significantly smaller hole mass, 1.8 me compared to 13 me in Cr2O3 (i.e., more than 7 times smaller). An equally large increase in mobility can be expected. Furthermore, in Fig. 8 we align the Cr2O3 and Cr4S2O4 PEDOS according to the position of the O 2s level. This shows that replacing oxygen with sulfur shifts the VBM upwards and is the main reason for the band gap decrease with sulfur alloying. On the other hand, a higher VBM (smaller ionization potential) should make p-type dopability easier.3
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Fig. 8 Total (states per eV per unitcell) and partial (states per eV per atom) density of states of (a) Cr2O3 and (b) Cr4S2O4 calculated using HSE06. The VB is aligned to the O 1s orbital. |
We now address the stability of Cr4S2O4. We obtained the mixing enthalpy ΔH from the calculated total energy of each compound52
ΔH = 3Etot(Cr4S2O4) − 4Etot(Cr2O3) − 2Etot(Cr2S3) | (1) |
We found a mixing enthalpy of 144 meV per atom. The positive ΔH indicates that the ground state of Cr4S2O4 at zero temperature corresponds to phase separation to Cr2O3 and Cr2S3. However, at finite temperatures, the mixing entropy will tend to stabilize Cr4S2O4. Note, however, that the lattice mismatch between Cr2O3 and Cr2S3 is large nearly 23%. This is one of the main reasons why the mixing enthalpy above is high. But this large lattice mismatch can be exploited to stabilize Cr4S2O4. Indeed, if grown on suitable substrate (e.g. by epitaxy), phase separation can be avoided because of this would require overcoming high kinetic energy barriers.53 Al2O3 and stainless steel are popular substrates used to grow Cr2O3.18,54,55 These materials can also be appropriate substrates for Cr4S2O4. For instance, Al2O3 in its trigonal phase56 has only 4% lattice mismatch with Cr4S2O4 and is thus a reasonable candidate. Stainless steel is composed of different oxides, i.e. Cr, Fe, Ni, Co, and depending on growth conditions the surface can be covered by one of the oxides. In the case of, for example, Fe2O3 which has the same structure as Cr2O3 (corundum) and similar lattice constant (2% different) with Cr4S2O4, stainless steel could be a good candidate as well. Note, however, that deciding on a substrate requires the latter to have not only appropriate lattice constant but also suitable electronic and thermodynamic properties. This requires further works going beyond the scope of this paper.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |