Xiande Zhaoabc,
Daming Dongbc,
Yang Lic and
Chunjiang Zhao*bc
aChina Agricultural University, China
bBeijing Research Center of Intelligent Equipment for Agriculture, China. E-mail: chunjiangzhao@foxmail.com; Fax: +86-010-51503626; Tel: +86-010-51503654
cBeijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, China
First published on 31st May 2017
Domestic detergents are widely used and the detection of detergent residues on tableware is closely related to people's health. As is known to all, it is difficult to sample and measure the residual detergent on tableware. The purpose of this paper is to explore a rapid in situ detergent residues detection method. We have using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) measured the detergent on porcelain plate. Based on our previous research, we further studied the spectra of detergent in argon atmosphere, and compared them with that in air. We found the spectral characteristics of the cyanogroup (CN) were related to the air around the measuring point. It was indicated that CN could not as previously speculated be used as the LIBS detection feature of detergent. The improvement of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in argon environment was proved and we made a study of semi quantitative measurement by the peak height of 330.30 nm in argon atmosphere. An experiment measuring the detergent on tableware after washed was taken. It illustrated that the LIBS technology has promising potential applications for tableware cleaning process or food production process as a means of on-line detection.
Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a promising technology, because it does not require sampling and can detect almost all elements.16 It has a great advantage and potential in the field of on-line detection of materials in small area.17 The LIBS technology is easy to realize the miniaturization of in situ measurement.18,19 Using LIBS to detect detergent residue is a novel and appropriate application. This technology is more flexible and can be used for various shapes of tableware. It can measure very little detergent residue on the surface of tableware whether it is dry or fresh. And it has almost no damage to the tableware.
However, there is few literatures on the application of LIBS in household detergents, and our team is the first to apply this technique to the measurement of household detergents. We have done a preliminary study on monitoring detergent residues by using LIBS technology.20 In the previous study, we found three characteristic bands of detergent residues, and on this basis, we compared the spectral features of different brands of detergent, and compared the spectral characteristics of detergents on three kinds of substrates. We have proved LIBS can be used in the detection of the detergent residues on porcelain, bamboo and stainless steel tableware that often used in people's lives. And based on the data of three characteristic bands combining with the principal component analysis (PCA), we realized the qualitative analysis of the detergents had been diluted by different times.
In this paper, further study about the measurement of residual detergent on porcelain tableware using LIBS technology was explored based on the previous study. The main purpose of this study is: ① to explore the source of CN features of detergent displayed in spectra after excited by laser, and to determine whether it can be used for the measurement of detergents as previously speculated; ② to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of LIBS system in argon atmosphere, and to take semi quantitative measurements of detergent residue; ③ at last, simulated the actual situation in daily life, a measurement of detergent which has been washed by water will be carried out to verify the practicability of LIBS technology.
When the time being detected, the detergent on plate surfaces was ionized and vaporized by the high-power laser. Then plasma was produced. The high-temperature vaporized plasma would be broken down into atoms and ions. At the end of laser pulse, the plasma would be cooled and spread to the surrounding environment. The atoms and ions in the excited state would relax from high energy level to low energy level and the optical radiation of specific wavelength would be emitted. A quartz fiber is used to collect the spectrum signal and transmit it to the spectrometer.
Each time, we selected 12 sampling points and collected 12 spectra for each sample and averaged 12 spectra data to reduce the errors.
The data analyzing software used in this paper was Unscrambler 9.7 and the diagrams were drawn by OriginPro 2016 (32-bit).
According to the principle of LIBS system, after the laser beam focused on a target, the instantaneous radiation is mainly the bremsstrahlung, thermal radiation and scattered light on the object surface. When the sample has just been excited to plasma by the high energy laser, the atomic spectrum emitted from the plasma is submerged in the background noise signal. The baseline of the spectrum is high and the observed signal tends to be continuous spectrum. With the decrease of plasma energy, the bremsstrahlung and thermal radiation are weaker and weaker, while the atomic emission spectrum of the plasma is becoming stronger and stronger. At this time, more and more obvious and regular useful signals are emerge, which are characteristic peaks of each wavelength.
To form plasma successfully, the laser energy is required high enough to exceed the threshold of excitation. Both too low and too high energy laser pulses will cause the SNR reduction. So the detection ability of the system can be improved by optimizing the laser pulse excitation energy. When the energy of laser beam is at a relatively low level but just higher than the breakdown threshold we can get the best SNR.21 Meanwhile the LIBS system requires strict timing of spectral acquisition. It is important to choose the appropriate delay time to improve the SNR of the signal. It is necessary to consider the types, shapes and properties of samples, and the excitation energy is also a consideration. The excitation energy needs to be fixed and stable. To get the optimal SNR we need select the suitable laser excitation energy and match the acquisition delay time.
Fig. 3 shows the spectra of the dried detergent that dropped on a clean porcelain dish when it was liquid. Fig. 3(a) shows the spectra variation when the laser excitation energy decreased from 100% (150 mJ) to 30% (45 mJ). It can be seen that when the laser energy was 100%, the spectrum had a large number of peaks, but there was also a strong background noise signal which caused the baseline not smooth. With the decline of the excitation energy, the background noise signal decreased while the SNR increasing. When the laser energy was reduced to 30%, the baseline became smooth, but the spectrum has lost most of the useful characteristic peaks. In order to ensure a better effect, the laser excitation energy was optimized to 70% (105 mJ) in order to ensure the excitation of the spectrum. Fig. 3(b) shows the spectra change when the acquisition delay time extended from 0 μs to 10 μs. There was a strong light signal immediately after laser excitation. At this time, the signal contained strong bremsstrahlung and thermal radiation and so much useless background noise makes the signal appear continuous spectrum. Within 0–1 μs after laser excitation, the background noise signal decreased gradually with time, but the baseline near the signal peak was still lifted, and the peak was deformed. So this was not the right time to collect the spectral signal. When the delay time was more than 1 μs, the SNR increased and the baseline gradually became smooth. At the delay time of 7 μs, the baseline was almost a straight line and most of characteristic peaks were lost except some strong signal. Now it has been not suitable for the acquisition of spectral signal.
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Fig. 3 The variations of spectra with the changes of laser output energy (a) and acquisition delay time (b). |
In this study, a comprehensive consideration of the laser excitation energy and signal acquisition delay time was made. The laser energy has been set at 105 mJ (Fig. 3(a), blue line). In order to obtain the highest SNR and reduce the difficulty of the follow-up data processing, we set the signal acquisition delay time was 1.5 μs (Fig. 3(b), red line) at which we can obtain the highest SNR while retaining the most characteristic peaks.
The LIBS characteristics of detergent are clear, and the previous studies may be able to achieve qualitative and quantitative measurement using the three bands. In the last two decades, it has been shown that a certain number of diatomic molecular fragments such as C2 and CN also provide useful indications for identification of organic materials.22,23 But for LIBS of detergent, the formation cause of CN was not clear. The CN spectral lines are important features of the LIBS spectra of detergent. It is significant for the qualitative and quantitative measurement, so the formation mechanism of molecule CN is an important exploration of the research.
In this paper, we studied the source of CN in the LIBS spectrum of detergent. We collected the LIBS spectra of detergent respectively in air and argon atmospheres and compared the spectral peaks of CN in the two cases with that of blank dish. The CN band of detergent and blank dish under two atmospheres were displayed in Fig. 4.
In air atmosphere, the LIBS spectrum of detergent had obvious CN peaks, but the spectrum of the ceramic dish without detergent had no CN peaks. It was shown that the CN peaks can form when the detergent was stimulated by laser in air. While in argon atmosphere, there were four adjacent spikes in this band of the detergent LIBS spectrum, which was very similar to the characteristic of CN. But the relative intensity distribution of the four peaks was different from the range of CN peaks. The strongest intensity one in the four peaks was most close to the short wave direction and the lower peaks were closer to the long wave direction. It was opposite to the arrangement of the CN peaks which shows that the longer the wavelength, the stronger the peak intensity. Comparing the LIBS spectra of detergent and the blank plate in argon, it was found that the peaks at the band of 382–390 nm were almost same and unlike the spectral peaks collected in air who had obvious differences. Therefore, we inferred that the existence of air was the key factor to produce the CN molecules.
According to the above results, we analyzed when the detergent irradiated by high energy laser in air atmosphere, the molecule bonds of detergent around the laser action point were interrupted and lots of unstable ions were released. Then these ions contact and react with the high-energy excited air. In the reducing process of the plasma energy, a large number of C and N ions combined and existed as the CN molecules form which was relatively stable. When the molecular energy was reduced, the molecular spectrum was emitted to form the CN spectral characteristics.
Therefore, the characteristic band of CN at 382–390 nm has relationships with both the C, N elements in detergent and the surrounding air. So it cannot fully reflect the concentration of detergent. This band can be used to developed qualitative auxiliary measurements, but not enough to be taken quantitative measurements.
Under argon atmosphere, the spectral strength of background is also increased. It is due to the decrease rate of electron density and the reduction rate of plasma temperature are both slower in argon atmosphere than in air,24 and the intensity of continuous background radiations that caused by bremsstrahlung and recombination radiation are higher in argon atmosphere. Compared the LIBS spectra of detergent collected in argon atmosphere and that in air, we found obvious improvement of SNR at the spectral line position. Fig. 5 shows two emission lines of sodium at the wavelength of 328.28 nm and 330.30 nm. It can be seen that when the detergent was diluted 2000 times, it was almost impossible to detect the peak of the spectrum at 328.28 nm in air and the signal to background ratio (SBR) was only 1.77. The peak intensity at 330.30 nm was slightly stronger, but the SBR was only about 2.88. However, in argon atmosphere, the SBRs of the spectral peaks at 328.28 nm and 330.30 nm were increased to 3.05 and 6.79 respectively. Therefore, argon atmosphere has a significant signal enhancement for LIBS technology on the detection of detergent. When developing detergent residue detection equipment on the basis of LIBS technology, we can add an argon accessory for the device to create an argon atmosphere to reduce the detection limit and improve the detection ability of the equipment.
In the previous study,20 we have used principal component analysis (PCA) to realize the classification of four detergent concentrations at two spectral bands of 568–570 nm and 615–617 nm. However, due to the strong peak intensity in these two bands, it is easy to cause the detector signal response saturation and result in the spectral peaks deformation that affect the accuracy of quantitative measurement. Through careful study, we found that the characteristic peak of Na element at 330.30 nm has a good linear variation. The detergent after being diluted to different concentrations dropped on a plate and dried, then the measurements were performed in an argon atmosphere using LIBS and the result was shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6(a) shows the peak intensities of the spectra at the 330.30 nm position. We can see that the intensity of this wavelength was positively correlated with the amount of residual detergent; Fig. 6(b) shows the histogram with error bars of peak intensity at 330.30 nm. As can be seen from the graph, the spectral peak intensity decreased from 912.5 to 82.4 when the residual detergent was decreased from 70800 g cm−2 to 0 g cm−2.
Therefore, the LIBS technology has the potential to quantitatively measure the residual detergent on porcelain plates. However, when the residue of detergent is lower, the error of LIBS measurement is larger. In this experiment, the maximum standard deviation was 48. This may be because when the detergent concentration was reduced, the error caused by the uneven distribution of dried detergent on the surface of the porcelain dish was greater, which affected the accuracy of the LIBS measurement. In the actual measurement process, if the detergent concentration is low, we can reduce or even eliminate the measurement error caused by uneven distribution of detergent by multiple measurements at different locations. Therefore, in the development of portable LIBS detection equipment, the mobility of measurement points is a quite important design content.
We dropped original detergent on porcelain plate and dried it in natural condition. Then we put the plate into a water tank with flowing water. The water in the water tank was flowing at a rate of about 0.25 m s−1 and updating through the water inlet and outlet. The detergent attached on the porcelain dish was slowly dissolved into the water, and the dissolved portion would flow along with the water. The LIBS spectra in argon atmosphere were collected when the porcelain dish was immersed in water for a period of time. As shown in Fig. 7, the peak height at 330.30 nm was correlated with the soaking time of the detergent. The peak intensity decreased with the increasing of the rinsing time. When rinsing for 16 minutes, the amount of water used for flushing was about 21.6 L, at this time the spectral peak at 330.30 nm was very weak whose intensity was about 194.48, which indicated that there was still a small amount of detergent on the porcelain dish. Therefore, when using detergent to clean tableware, adequate amount of water should be ensured in order to reduce detergent residues.
LIBS is a reliable detection technology for the qualitative determination of detergent. It is effective to be used to determine whether there is any detergent residue on tableware. It can be used for developing the online rapid detecting equipment used in dishwashers or other food production lines, and it has very broad application prospects.
The LIBS technology does not need to sample, and can detect almost all elements. It is suitable for on-line measurement and has the characteristics of convenient and easy miniaturization. This technology can be used to develop a small on-line analysis equipment, installed in the food industry production line or household dish-washing machine, to realize the automatic measurement of detergent, which is very innovative and practical. The research on the method of LIBS technology for the detection of detergent, and the development of the rapid detection devices based on LIBS spectroscopy technology has a strong practical significance.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |