Ya Chena,
Ling Wangb,
Yanan Zhaib,
Heyin Chenb,
Yibo Doua,
Jianrong Li
Haoquan Zheng
*b and
Rui Cao
aBeijing Key Laboratory for Green Catalysis and Separation, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, P. R. China. E-mail: ruicao@ruc.edu.cn; jrli@bjut.edu.cn
bKey Laboratory of Applied Surface and Colloid Chemistry, Ministry of Education, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, China. E-mail: zhenghaoquan@snnu.edu.cn
First published on 23rd June 2017
A composite material of Pd–Ni nanoparticles supported on reduced graphene oxide (Pd–Ni/rGO) has been synthesised via an in situ reduction of PdO/Ni(OH)2 nanoparticles on GO. This Pd–Ni/rGO material is characterised by powder X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The molar ratio of Pd/Ni in the alloy nanoparticles can be fine tuned by changing the starting ratio of Pd/Ni precursors during synthesis. The bimetallic Pd3Ni/rGO exhibits high catalytic activity, selectivity, and durability toward the hydrogen generation from hydrazine, while corresponding monometallic (Pd/rGO or Ni/rGO) counterparts are either inactive or poorly active under analogous reaction conditions.
Ultra-small metal nanocatalysts (<7 nm) have received substantial attention, because they show high catalytic efficiencies in numerous reactions.29–33 However, the broad particle size distribution and the aggregation of metal NPs during reaction limit their applications. Supports can be used to solve this problem.34 Among all the supports, the reduced graphene oxide (rGO) is an ideal one because of its large surface area, good electrical conductivity, and excellent mechanical strength.35–37
Metal NPs/rGO composite materials have been synthesised and used as nanocatalysts. Impregnation and coprecipitation are current manufacturing methods to introduce metal NPs on rGO, where metal salts were first adsorbed on rGO and then reduced by NaBH4. The obtained metal NPs have a broad size distribution from a few nanometers to micrometers. Although the use of surfactant can narrow the size distribution, the catalytic activity decreases unfortunately.38–40 Recently, an in situ reduction approach has been developed.41–43 Instead of loading metal ions on rGO, metal oxide NPs with a narrow particle size distribution were loaded onto graphene oxide (GO). Metal oxide NPs and GO were then reduced to metal NPs and rGO, respectively, by NaBH4 in one pot. Here, we synthesise a composite material of Pd–Ni bimetallic NPs supported on reduced graphene oxide (Pd–Ni/rGO) via an in situ reduction of PdO/Ni(OH)2 NPs on GO. This novel catalytic system was found to display efficient activity and high selectivity for dehydrogenation of alkaline solution of hydrazine.
The same process was used as that used for the Ni/rGO composites, with the 1.21 mL of 0.1 M H2PdCl4 solution replaced by 2.18 mL of 0.1 M NiCl2 solution.
The reactions over Pd3Ni/rGO composites were carried out at different temperatures (303, 313, 323, 333 and 343 K) to evaluate their activation energies for the decomposition of hydrazine in aqueous solution under ambient atmosphere.
Fig. 2 shows the powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) patterns of Pd–Ni/rGO hybrid materials. There is no diffraction peak at 10.3°, corresponding to the (001) reflection of graphene oxide, which demonstrates the full reduction of GO. The diffraction peaks of Pd/rGO at 40.1, 46.1, 67.4, and 81.5° correspond to (111), (200), (220) and (311) facets of face centred cubic (fcc) crystal structured Pd NPs (Fig. 2, red bar, JCPDS 5-681), while the peaks of Ni/rGO at 44.8, 52.0 and 76.6° are assigned to the (111), (200), and (220) facets of Ni NPs. For Ni/rGO, the peaks of NiO can also be observed. Compared with the monometallic systems, no individual peak of pure Ni or Pd NPs was observed in the PXRD profiles of Pd–Ni/rGO. The representative diffraction peaks of Pd–Ni/rGO are coincidently located between peaks of Pd/rGO and those of Ni/rGO (Fig. 2), demonstrating that the partial Ni has entered into the Pd lattice and an alloy of Pd–Ni was formed. The crystal size of Pd–Ni/rGO is estimated to be 5 nm according to the Scherrer formula.44
The adjustment of pH by a solution of NaOH before reduction is important for the formation of Pd–Ni alloy NPs. In principle, Pd and Ni are miscible and can form alloy all over the phase diagram with fcc structures.45 However, if the pH was not adjusted, the PXRD pattern of the Pd–Ni/rGO is a combined crystalline feature of Pd and Ni, indicating the coexistence of these components (Fig. S1†).
The morphology and surface structure of Pd3Ni/rGO, that shows the highest activity in hydrogen generation from hydrazine (see results in catalytic reaction), were further investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) (Fig. 3). The TEM image shows a 2D nanosheet, which is the typical morphology of rGO (Fig. 3a). No big particle on nanosheet was observed, suggesting the homogenous distribution of Pd3Ni NPs on the rGO. Fig. 3b shows the SEM image and the energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) mapping of the same area. Both Pd and Ni elements were distributed in a well-dispersed pattern throughout the whole area. The atomic ratio of Pd/Ni is 2.71, which is consistent with the expected composition of Pd3Ni (Fig. S2†). The XPS of Pd3Ni/rGO exhibits characteristic signals for Pd0 and Ni0, indicating the coexistence of both metals (Fig. 3c and d).9 The binding energies in the Pd[3d5/2] for the bimetallic Pd3Ni/rGO nanocatalysts shifted to higher value demonstrating the alloy formation.16 The percentage of Pd0 and Ni0 species in Pd3Ni/rGO composites is calculated to be 82.35 and 76.21%, respectively. The oxidized Pd and Ni species in XPS may be formed during the sample preparation.
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Fig. 3 TEM image (a), SEM image and corresponding EDS mapping (b), and XPS spectra (c and d) of Pd and Ni of Pd3Ni/rGO catalyst, respectively. |
The spherical Pd3Ni NPs are well-dispersed on the rGO (Fig. 4a). The size distribution of Pd3Ni NPs on the rGO surface was measured from TEM images, showing a high uniformity with an average diameter of 4.3 and a standard deviation of ca. 16% (Fig. 4b). The metal NPs in metal NPs/rGO composites have similar particle sizes as the original metal oxide NPs have (Fig. S3†). High resolution TEM (HRTEM) image shows well-resolved lattice fringes in Pd3Ni NPs (Fig. 4c). The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) of Pd3Ni NPs on rGO gives a ring-like pattern (Fig. 4d), which suggests a random orientation of the Pd3Ni nanocrystals. The clear lattice fringes with an average value of 0.214 nm can demonstrate the crystalline nature of fcc Pd3Ni alloy, which is between the Pd (111) crystal plane (0.224 nm) and the Ni (111) plane (0.203 nm) (Fig. 4e–g). The loading of Pd3Ni is 34.19 wt%. It is worth emphasizing that the control of particle size of metal NPs with high loading (>30 wt%) is quite challenging. High loadings of metal NPs may induce the aggregation of NPs. In this work, the hybrid metal oxide NPs of PdO/Ni(OH)2 on GO were synthesised as precursors. The particle size of metal oxides was easy to control. Then, the in situ reduction approach were used. The particle size of NPs on GO does not change during the reduction. The in situ reduction approach shows advantages in the control of particle size compared to the post-reduction procedure.
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Fig. 4 TEM image (a), the average diameter and distribution (b), high resolution TEM image (c) and SAED (d) of Pd3Ni/rGO catalyst. (e, f and g) Enlarged image of three areas in (c). |
To investigate the dependence of activity and hydrogen selectivity on the Pd/Ni ratio, the Pd–Ni/rGO materials have been tested for the catalytic dehydrogenation of aqueous solution of hydrazine at 50 °C in the presence of 0.5 M NaOH (Fig. 5a). For all Pd–Ni/rGO nanocatalysts, an initiation release of gas can be observed as soon as the hydrazine was added. The amount of resulting gas was used to evaluate the selectivity towards hydrogen in this reaction. The activities of the catalysts were strongly dependent on the composition of Pd–Ni NPs, while monometallic systems, for both Pd/rGO and Ni/rGO, show poor catalytic activities (less than 0.2 equiv. of gas was release). When Pd was alloyed to Ni, the bimetallic system of PdNi3/rGO exhibits the activity for the dehydrogenation of hydrazine with the hydrogen selectivity of 54.2% and the turnover frequency (TOF) value of 27.88 min−1 at 50 °C (Fig. 5b). The catalytic activity of PdNi3/rGO is poor (1.5 equiv. of gas was released over 3 h). A higher hydrogen selectivity of 70.7% and a higher catalytic activity with the TOF value of 40.05 min−1 were observed, when the Pd:
Ni ratio further increased to 1
1. Among all catalysts, Pd3Ni/rGO exhibits the highest catalytic activity with TOF value of 140 min−1 and 100% hydrogen selectivity, which shows better selectivity than previously reported work.16 In order to obtain the activation energy (Ea) of the dehydrogenation of hydrazine catalysed by Pd3Ni/rGO, the catalytic experiments were carried out at temperatures ranging from 30 to 70 °C (Fig. 5c and d). The Ea was calculated based on following equation: Ea = RT
A/k, where k is chemical reaction rate, T is temperature in kelvin, A is pre-exponential factor and R is gas constant. The Ea was determined to be 54.84 kJ mol−1, which is close to the reported values.6,16 The as-synthesised Pd3Ni/rGO was tested in terms of durability in three cyclic usages (Fig. S4†). The loss of activities might be caused by leaching of nanocatalysts, where the loading decrease to 28.3% after three cycles. The functionalization of rGO with function groups may improve the stability of the catalysts.
The existence of Ni and Pd metals in an alloy state is a key factor behind the observed high catalytic performance.46 The monometallic Pd/rGO and Ni/rGO nanocatalysts show poor catalytic activity for the hydrogen generation from hydrazine, while the presence of both metals with inter-metallic Ni–Pd bonding on the catalyst active centres is vital for the activation of bonds in hydrazine for hydrogen generation. The rGO supports are also important, because they prevent the aggregation of Pd3Ni NPs during the dehydrogenation.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: XRD patterns and EDX of Pd3Ni/rGO, photographs of Na2PdCl4, PdO·H2O, NiCl2 and Ni(OH)2 and durability test of Pd3Ni/rGO after different cycles. See DOI: 10.1039/c7ra04390b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |