Wenyu Yangab,
Zhisheng Wangab,
Lei Chenab,
Yue Chenab,
Lin Zhangab,
Yingbin Linab,
Jiaxin Liab and
Zhigao Huang*ab
aCollege of Physics and Energy, Fujian Normal University, Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Quantum Manipulation and New Energy Materials, Fuzhou, 350117, China. E-mail: zghuang@fjnu.edu.cn
bFujian Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center for Optoelectronic Semiconductors and Efficient Devices, Xiamen, 361005, China
First published on 4th July 2017
Nano-scale silicon particles were successfully decorated uniformly on a LiFePO4@C electrode through utilization of spray technique. The electrochemical measured results indicate that the Si surface modification results in improved electrochemical performances for commercial 18650 cylindrical batteries, especially at elevated temperature, which is attributed to the fact that Si introduction can enable the LiFePO4 electrodes to suppress cylindrical battery degradation. Based on the analysis of structural characterization, it is revealed that the battery cathode with Si modification retains a better LiFePO4 phase and exhibits less Li+ loss. In addition, the negative electrode of the battery contains a better graphite carbon structure and a thinner thickness of SEI film due to Si decoration. Furthermore, the related high-temperature aging and degradation mechanisms of the batteries were discussed.
As a typical example, compared to pristine LiFePO4 electrodes, the electrodes decorated with nano-sized Si can display less coarsening degree, higher rate capability and better cycling performance, especially at elevated temperature.15 Guo et al.9 have exhibited that the LiFePO4/graphite soft-packed cell has noticeable capacity loss at high temperature even though several electrolyte additives have been added to greatly hold down Fe dissolution. It has been proposed that greatly consumption of active lithium results from continuous reformation/repairing of SEI layer, which was ascribed to SEI instability in electrolyte at elevated temperatures.16 In addition, the reports revealed that the degradation of LFP-LIBs is also leaded by the structural damage of active material resulting from the dissolution of Fe3+ into the electrolyte, impedance rise arising from the decrease of electrical conductivity for electrode sheet leaded by slack of contact between active particles, and lithium inventory loss associated with side reaction at electrode/electrolyte interface including the redox decomposition of the electrolyte, establishment of unstable solid electrolyte interface (SEI) films.17–19 Based on the preliminary understanding of aging mechanism for LFP-LIBs at high temperature, Si modification on the electrodes is an effective path to suppress the degradation of LFP and to obtain an excellent LIB performance.
Continuing with the above description, how to investigate the degradation of LFP materials and further to analysis the related aging mechanism is an eternal topic for the studies and application of LFP-LIBs.20,21 The phase transformations of LiFePO4 in Li+ intercalation/deintercalation have been investigated by means of XRD.22 However, it is difficult to exactly provide information about the surface properties of material. Fortunately, Raman spectroscopy (RS) has ability to detect the surface phase change for active cathode material accurately.23,24 According to previous research results, both internal and external modes were used to investigate the phase changes.25–27 In addition, Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM) has also been considered as a novel surface characterization technique to study the aging mechanism of battery material surface on nanoscale by measuring surface potential.28,29 The surface potential is generally the electronic work function (EWF) difference between the sample and the tip, which is sensitive to the structural and chemical changes for the surface chemical composition. It can effectively reflect the micro variation of the electronic structure, providing vital information about surface destruction. Thus, using effective analytical methods including MS and KPFM to discuss the above topic is useful and much needed.
However, most reports were based on the different types of button cells using very small amount of active materials, which may lead to deviation from the actual situation of the commercial LIBs. Thus, for commercial LFP-LIBs, it is critically urgent to realize the Si surface decoration on LFP electrodes by a simple route, and to further reveal their high-temperature aging mechanism via effective analytical methods. In this paper, Si modified LFP electrodes successfully prepared with the technique of ultrasonic spray, combined with the anodic graphite electrodes, have been assembled in commercial 18650 cylindrical batteries. Compared to pristine LiFePO4 electrodes, the 18
650 cylindrical batteries with Si modification can deliver obviously better LIB performances at room temperature and elevated temperature. It can be concluded that silicon surface modification implements suppression of degeneration of lithium ion batteries. Eventually, the aging and degradation mechanisms of the batteries were discussed by using effective analytical methods, such as RS and KPFM.
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Fig. 2 The discharging curves of batteries A (a) and B (b) at 0.5, 1C, 2C and 3C between 2.5 and 3.95 V, respectively; (c) the discharge plateaus voltage as a function of C-rate. |
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Fig. 3 The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of batteries A and B at fully discharge state down to 2.5 V during 100 cycles (a) at 25 °C and (b) 60 °C. |
To get more insight to the mechanism of Si modification suppression of capacity fading for the cycled 18650 cylindrical battery, the cycled battery A and B after 100 cycles at 60 °C were disassembled at fully discharge state. As found in Fig. 4, the three measured sites “1”, “2” and “3” on the anode and cathode electrodes for batteries A and B were chosen. Herein, the site “1” is the most near to the lead. Correspondingly, Fig. 5a and 6a compared the SEM images of graphite anodes for both batteries. Compared to the morphology at site “1” for the battery A in Fig. 5a, SEM image for battery B in Fig. 6a displays smoother surface without visible physical damage. The compact and smooth coating layer for electrode means that the battery B has relatively low contact resistance, thus improving the electrochemical performance at 60 °C. From Fig. 5c and 6c, it is also found that carbon, oxygen and phosphorus elements exist on the surface of anode except for iron element for both batteries. Here, it is suggested that oxygen comes from different organic and inorganic salts which are major components of SEI and phosphorus appearance comes likely from the reduction of PF6.34 Furthermore, Fig. 5b and 6b show element mappings of Fe for batteries A and B, respectively. From the figure, it is observed that Fe element is distributed uniformly on the both anodic electrode surfaces, which reveals that the dissolution Fe from LFP active material was deposited on the graphite anode surface. Especially, as confirmed by EDS, in comparison with 0.33 at% Fe deposition on site “1” of graphite electrode of battery A, that of battery B presents less value of ∼0.17 at%, indicating that Si modification effectively avoids the damage of active materials by means of the dangling bonds of silicon absorbing H+. It is worth mention that Fe deposition could catalyze the SEI formation on the surface of anode. And SEI continuous growth and rearrangement on carbon surface consume active Li+ simultaneously, which gives rise to the increase of the surface resistance. This is confirmed as a main reason to explain plenty of lithium loss during electrochemical cycles.35 It is not difficult to explain that the battery B with less Fe deposition content on the surface of the anode electrode has the better electrochemical performances. More Fe deposition intensifies the formation of thicker SEI and leads to more irreversible capacity loss. Due to brittle nature of thick SEI, the trace of cracking of anode electrode surface observed from Fig. 5a could also illustrate the existence of thicker SEI, further explaining that an amount of Fe element distributed on the anode electrode surface is associated with much irreversible capacity loss. On the other hand, EDS spectra at the site “2” and “3” for anode electrodes of batteries A and B were also detected. It is found that the sites “2” and “3” for battery A have 0.28 at% and 0.03 at% Fe contents. However, the sites “2” and “3” for battery B only own Fe contents of 0.04 at% and 0.0 at%, respectively. It demonstrates that the degree of degradation on different surface site is quite different. Moreover, it is clearly observed that the Fe contents of different sites on the anode electrode of battery A are all much more than those for battery B. These SEM and EDS measured results verify that silicon nanoparticle surface modification could prevent the cathode active materials from attacking of HF in the electrolyte and subsequently alleviates active Li+ loss.
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Fig. 5 (a) SEM images, (b) element mappings of Fe, and (c) EDS spectrum of anode at site “1” for battery A after 100 cycles, at 3C and 60 °C. |
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Fig. 6 (a) SEM images, (b) element mappings of Fe, and (c) EDS spectrum of anode at site “1” for battery B after 100 cycles, at 3C and 60 °C. |
To further explore the change of surface microstructure of graphite anode under high-temperature cycling, the aged electrodes were analyzed by XPS and Raman tests. Fig. 7a and b show C 1s XPS spectra of anode at site “1” for batteries A and B after 100 cycles at 3C and 60 °C, respectively. According to the report,35 the C 1s XPS spectra for both batteries were fitted well. The sharp peak around 284.5 eV is assigned to sp2− bonded graphite (C–C). At higher binding energy, the shoulder peak at 285.7 eV belongs to typical carbon atoms as C–C (or C–H). The peak located at 289.7 eV is attributed to CO3 from SEI film, which is generally considered as (CH2OCO2Li)2, ROCO2Li and Li2CO3.36 By calculation, we can get that the area ratios of the peaks at 284.5 eV, 285.7 eV and 289.7 eV for battery A are 26.0%, 44.2%, 29.8%, respectively; while they for battery B are 33.9%, 43.6%, 22.5%, respectively. Through comparing, it can be found that relative peak area at 289.7 eV for battery A is bigger than that of battery B, which means that battery A has thicker SEI film. Moreover, relative peak ratio at 284.5 eV for battery B is larger than that of battery A, which means that battery B retains better graphite carbon structure. Furthermore, Fig. 7c and d show the Fe 2p XPS spectra for batteries A and B. The typical characteristic peaks at 710.7 and 725 eV referring to Fe 2p3/2 and Fe 2p1/2, indicated the appearance of iron oxide on the surface of the anode for both batteries.37,38 Especially, the presence of satellite peak at about 718.3 eV further confirms the existence of Fe2O3 on the surface of the anode.39 Moreover, from the XPS spectra, the contents of Fe element deposited on both graphite anodes for batteries A and B are found to be 1.19 at% and 0.76 at%, which is consistent with the results from EDS. It also demonstrates that the more Fe deposition intensifies indeed the formation of thicker SEI, which leads to more irreversible capacity fading.40 Zheng et al.36 proposed that the decomposition production of LiPF6 reacting with amounts of protic impurities can initiate an autocatalytic decomposition of electrolyte components, which causes metal ion dissolution, damage of the SEI on the carbon anode, and final capacity decay of battery. When Si is introduced on the surface cathode as a physical isolating layer, the decomposition speed of electrolyte components is slowed down and the destruction degree of cathode material is alleviated since the HF could not easily react with the cathode material. Fig. 8 shows Raman spectra for site “1” of both graphite electrodes after test and fresh graphite electrode for comparison, respectively. Herein, the relative intensity ratios between D and G peaks are associated with the disorder degree in carbon structure.41,42 It is found that the ID/IG values for batteries A and B are increased drastically after tested at 60 °C for 100 cycles, implying that a large disorder degree was induced on the both graphite anode surface. Noticeably, compared to battery B, battery A with larger value of 0.834 for ID/IG, suffers from obvious capacity loss, which is attributed to the severe destruction and reformation of SEI layer happening on the anode surface resulting in great active lithium consumption. Thus, combined the varied results in Fig. 5a and 6a, the compact and smooth anode for battery B has a thinner SEI film and less Fe element deposition on the graphite surface than those of battery A, being responsible for the improved LIB performance.
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Fig. 7 The C 1s XPS spectra of anode at site “1” for batteries A (a) and B (b), and the Fe 2p XPS spectra of anode at site “1” for batteries A (c) and B (d), after 100 cycles at 3C and 60 °C. |
In addition to the analysis for the graphite anode, the XRD and Raman have been used to analysis the LFP cathodes. The data detected from sites of “1”, “2” and “3” for XRD and Raman results were shown in Fig. 9 and 10, respectively. As displayed in Fig. 9a and b, almost diffraction peaks are indexed to orthorhombic olivine LFP (JCPDS no. 40-1499). From figures, two diffraction peaks around 18° and 31° are assigned to the phase of FePO4. The existence of FePO4 reveals that some Li+ released from LFP phase were consumed by the formation of SEI layer on the anode surface, which leads to the decrease of reversible capacity of the battery. It is worth mention that the peak at 17.1° corresponding to LFP phase (denoted with plum blossom) is sensitive with the extraction of Li+. Especially, the peak at 17.1° belong to LFP phase on the site “1” for Si modified electrode remains, indicating that battery B has the lower loss of capacity, which is associated with relative improved LIB performances at elevated temperature. In other words, battery B possesses the lower intensity of FePO4 phase, demonstrating that battery B encounters a small degree of Li+ consumption. Meanwhile, the other XRD results detected from sites “2” and “3” also support the above conclusion of site “1”. Comparing these three sites, different intensity of FePO4 observed in different site displayed that the different site experiences different Li+ consumption, which also affected by the electrode temperature during cycling. Fig. 10a and b show the Raman spectra tested at those three sites from cathodes of both batteries after 100 cycles at 60 °C. At the sites “1”, “2” and “3” of cathode electrode for battery B, there still exist the scatting peaks near 953 cm−1, which is ascribe to the Ag mode of ν1 in the internal modes of LiFePO4. This means that the surface of cathode electrode with silicon surface modification retains largely the structure of PO43−. On the contrary, as seen in Fig. 10b, the peak at 953 cm−1 disappears while the two weak peaks at 908 and 959 cm−1 belong to the internal modes of FePO4 are observed for the cathode electrode of battery A. Meanwhile, the other three peaks around 174 cm−1, 244 cm−1, 305 cm−1 corresponding to characteristic one for the external modes of FePO4 were found. The appearance of the above three peaks means a phase change from LiFePO4 to FePO4 due to an amount of lithium-ion loss during high rate at elevated temperature. It reveals that silicon nanoparticle modification supports effective protection for the surface of cathode electrode of the battery, and suppressing effectively the consumption of lithium-ion.
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Fig. 9 XRD patterns of cathode surfaces at sites “1”, “2” and “3” for (a) battery A, (b) battery B after 100 cycles, at 3C and 60 °C. |
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Fig. 10 The Raman spectra of cathode surfaces at sites “1”, “2” and “3” for (a) battery A, (b) battery B after 100 cycles, at 3C and 60 °C. |
As we know, KPFM is a novel surface characterization technique to study the aging mechanism of battery material surface on nanoscale by measuring surface potential. Fig. 11 shows the surface height maps of site “1” of cathode for batteries A and B, respectively. From the figure, it is obviously observed that nano-scale silicon particles are still remained on the surface to hinder active material from being attacking even though experienced various cycles under elevated temperature. Within each surface potential map for site “1” of cathodes of batteries A and B, there exist no large difference in the contrast, as shown in Fig. 11c and d. However, their surface potentials and work functions have evident different. Fig. 12 shows the work function distribution curves of fresh LiFePO4@C, the aged LiFePO4@C and LiFePO4@C/Si. From the figure, one notices that the aged LiFePO4@C possesses larger work function and wider full width at half maximum (FWHM), which should be attributed to the increase of FePO4 phase on the surface of cathode due to the more loss of lithium ion during the battery aging. These results demonstrate again that Si modification effectively suppresses the consumption of Li+ due to on account of Li ions possessing the larger diffusion coefficient and less activation energy.43
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Fig. 12 The work function distribution curves of the cathodes for fresh LiFePO4@C, batteries A and B after 100 cycles, at 3C and 60 °C. |
As is well known, the capacity fading of lithium-ion batteries mainly result from the irreversible side reactions between electrode interface and electrolyte in the electrochemical system. In view of the potentials of the two electrodes, it is more possible that these side reactions occur on the negative surface. As a result, a complicated SEI containing inorganic and organic Li salt components deposits on the anode surface, which plays an important role in allowing Li ion to pass and efficiently preventing reductive decomposition of the electrolyte components.44 However, in practice, the stability and compactness of SEI is almost depending on either its chemical or physical properties.45 Especially when a certain amount of the Fe dissolution from lithium iron phosphate was electroreduced on the anode surface, it could catalyze the formation of the roughness SEI layer. Taking account for instability of SEI, especially solubility at elevated temperature, a continuous development and rearrangement of the SEI film is carrying on during repeated electro-chemical cycles, which consumes more active lithium-ion leading to loss of capacity. To explain the growth and rearrangement of SEI film on surface of anode under repeated electro-chemical cycles, three different mechanisms have been proposed by Tan et al.16 Combining the catalysis of Fe for the formation of SEI and a continuous development and rearrangement of SEI, it is not difficult to understand for evident capacity loss of battery A, especially at elevated temperature. From another perspective, the observation of relative more Fe element distribution on the surface of anode electrode of battery A means that cathode active material drastically suffer from the destruction of HF in the electrolyte. It is responsible for the capacity fading for battery cycled at high temperature. On the basic of the above discussion, it is proposed that silicon surface modification implements suppression of degradation of 18650 battery with LiFePO4 cathode material. Meanwhile, it improves also the rate, cycling performances of the battery at high discharge rate, especially at elevated temperature.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |