F. Kemper*ab,
E. Beckerta,
R. Eberhardta and
A. Tünnermannab
aFraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF), Albert-Einstein-Str. 7, D-07745 Jena, Germany. E-mail: falk.kemper@iof.fraunhofer.de
bInstitute of Applied Physics, Abbe Center of Photonics (ACP), Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Max-Wien-Platz 1, D-07743 Jena, Germany
First published on 25th August 2017
In this contribution in situ emission filter generation for, e.g. fluorescence light detection by morphology tailoring of silver nanoparticles within a polymer layer, is presented for the first time. After depositing a pretreated film of polyethylenimine containing spherical silver nanoparticles the composite layer was irradiated with green LEDs (peak wavelength 530 nm). This leads to a morphology change of the silver nanoparticles and therefore to a change in absorption properties of the resulting polymer film with an absorption maximum at 550 nm. This tailoring of silver nanoparticles embedded in a transparent polymer matrix could address many novel applications such as adaptable light filters for future lab-on-a-chip applications. A LED for fluorescence light excitation was used to illuminate the silver nanoparticles, which led to an increasing absorption of that particular light spectrum, and therefore in situ produced a fluorescence emission filter. The effect of the treatment time, the silver ion concentration, and the temperature at which the “light-shaping” was done was studied. The silver nanoparticles were investigated using UV/Vis-spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The observed nanoparticle shapes give reasons for a novel hypothesis of nanoparticle evolution. The forced plasmon oscillation seems to cause excited regions at the silver nanoparticles where adsorbed silver ions are preferably photoreduced. This results in the possibility of tailoring the morphology and therefore the optical properties of the growing nanoparticles.
In general, AgNPs can be synthesized using physical,10–13 chemical,14–16 photochemical,17–20 or biological methods.21–24 Chemical and photochemical reduction methods have been demonstrated to be the most appropriate to control the morphology and size of AgNPs. In this contribution photochemical synthesis is used to generate the AgNPs. It can be split into two main steps including the reduction of Ag salts like Ag nitrate (AgNO3) using a photo initiator,25,26 and preventing the forming AgNPs from agglomeration by adding a stabilizing agent.27 In the literature a variety of different stabilizing agents such as citrate, gallic acid, sodium dodecyl sulfate,28 and many polymers like poly(vinyl alcohol), polyethylene glycol, polyvinylpyrrolidone, poly(methyl methacrylate), and polyethylenimine29–31 (PEI) were investigated.
All these reduction and shaping methods are performed using a solvent as supporting matrix. Only a few methods report of solid polymers as a matrix to produce and stabilize AgNPs.18,32–35 In these cases the resulting nanoparticles appeared to be spherical with an absorption peak at ≈400 nm. Although morphology adapted AgNPs embedded within polymer layers could address a variety of applications there is no report about tailoring the nanoparticle morphology within a polymer layer, yet.
In this contribution we present a novel routine to grow and reshape AgNPs inside a PEI layer and thus tailor their absorption characteristics. This enables novel applications like in situ production of the emission filter in a lab-on-a-chip (LoC) fluorescence light detection setup.36 The emission filter is necessary to shield the detector from excitation light. In the past different light filter concepts for integration into LoC systems have been studied such as polarization filters,37 colorant filters,38,39 interference filters,39 and liquid crystal filters.40 All these filter concepts have different advantages and disadvantages. Colorant filters for example have a high transmission (>95%) in their transmission band compared to polarization filters (<50%). Their drawback is their potential use in only one special application and therefore the application dependent choice of specific colorants. By introducing silver nanoparticles as absorbing media this contribution presents a novel routine to overcome this issue. The surface plasmon resonance of the nanoparticles can be shifted within the visible spectrum, tailored to specific light absorption properties, and therefore replace many different colorants and production methods with one simple in situ tailoring.
As we showed earlier the morphology and therefore the absorption properties of silver nanoparticles in water can be tailored by illuminating them with VIS-light.41 The possibility of affecting their properties within polymer layers is discussed in this contribution.
The resulting pretreated seed inks were spin coated in air on microscope glass slides using an Ossila desktop spin coater at 500 rpm for 60 s. For better surface wetting and homogeneity the glass slides were cleaned and plasma treated before the deposition. To remove the solvent from the as deposited layers the samples were vacuum dried for 10 min. The thickness of the dried layers was measured with a white light interferometer and determined to be 500 nm. Afterwards, the samples were stored in nitrogen atmosphere to prevent the AgNPs from oxidation.
All samples were treated in air at room temperature or 70 °C in a self-made reaction chamber using two green high-power Cree LEDs with a peak emission at 530 nm. The LEDs were operated at 200 mA for different time periods. For spectra comparison and SEM sample preparation water based seed solutions containing 1 mM Ag, 1 mM I2959 and 5 mM sodium citrate dihydrate were also light treated at room temperature. To prepare the samples for the SEM observation the treated suspensions were drop-casted and dried on cleaned silicon wafers. The optical spectra of all samples were measured in the range of 320 nm to 860 nm.
To investigate the nanoparticle evolution and to identify the morphology of the AgNPs SEM-imaging has to be used. However, since the AgNPs within the PEI layers are embedded in a nonconductive matrix sufficient SEM-imaging is impossible. Furthermore, dissolving the coloured PEI-layers in ethanol or water led to an oxidation and decomposition of the AgNPs. Therefore, AgNP suspensions in water were prepared to enable this observation. By comparing the optical spectra of the treated suspensions and the PEI layers conclusions about the AgNP morphology within these layers are possible.
Fig. 2 Absorption spectra and corresponding samples of AgNP-suspensions (increasing irradiation time from left to right) illuminated with green light in the range of 20 min to 23 h. |
In advance all samples were treated with UV light to generate spherical AgNP seeds. The seed sample (0 min) shows a large absorption peak at ≈400 nm. This indicates the formation of spherical AgNPs.25 With increasing time of green light irradiation the peak at 400 nm decreases and an absorption peak at ≈560 nm increases after 20 min. Until a treatment duration of 120 min the absorption peak shifts to ≈575 nm and then back to ≈550 nm for 23 h of irradiation time. This indicates a nanoparticle evolution initiated by the green light exposure. The number of spherical shaped AgNPs decreases leading to the decrease of the peak at ≈400 nm whereas the number of differently shaped AgNPs increases.25 That means that the nanoparticles start to reshape while irradiation. During this evolution the AgNPs pass different morphologies which at the same time lead to changes in the absorption signal. The reshaping can only occur when the AgNPs grow at the same time. The whole process can be explained by excited regions at the AgNPs because of the forced plasmon oscillation during the green light irradiation. At these excited positions adsorbed Ag-ions get photoreduced, resulting in nanoparticle growth to a certain shape.26 The impact of irradiation treatment is also observable by a color change of the suspensions as shown in Fig. 2b. After green light irradiation the colour changes from yellow to purple and blue with increasing treatment time. The experiment was stopped after 23 h because the nanoparticles started to agglomerate (not shown here).
For explaining nanoplates of different sizes within our sample we suggest a novel evolution route of hexagonal and triangular nanoplates under constant LED irradiation based on the work of Maillard et al.26 and Stamplecoskie et al.25
The general evolution process can be split into three different phases (Fig. 4a). At first, spherical AgNPs form under UV-light irradiation.25 In a second step circular disc-like nanoplates form because of the irradiation with VIS-light.26 Fig. 3g shows that within our sample nanoplates with different diameters have approximately the same thicknesses. This indicates that at a certain point the particle growth only occurs in plane direction. In a third step these disc-like nanoplates grow resulting in different morphologies. Maillard et al.26 explained the growth mechanism with excited regions at the nanoparticles, where adsorbed Ag-ions get reduced. They assigned a key role to citrate. In their opinion the nanoplates grow in disc-like shapes until irregularities occur. Because of the formation of these irregularities other nanoparticle shapes start to form. We believe that in our case small disc-like particles grow to small triangular nanoplates. After finishing the triangular shape the nanoparticles will grow forming irregular hexagonal shapes, passing regular hexagons resulting in larger triangles again (see Fig. 4b). Therefore, all “evolution states” in many different sizes can be found within our sample (see Fig. 3h). To further verify this theory effective triangular shapes of hexagonal and triangular nanoplates were compared. Therefore, the long sides of the hexagons were extended until they overlapped. Fig. 5a shows triangular and hexagonal nanoparticles found in our sample and Fig. 5b the same particles with their effective triangular profiles indicated by the different coloured frames. The different frame colours correspond to different sizes of the disc-like nanoplates, at which the irregularities formed. By comparing these triangular frames between particles highlighted with the same frame colour the predicted size relation of the evolution theory was confirmed (compare Fig. 4b and 5b). The biggest nanoparticles show exactly four times the area of the medium sized nanoparticles which show exactly four times the area of the smallest nanoparticles. Therefore, it can be assumed that small triangles grow to hexagons and larger triangles as described before and in Fig. 4.
For comparison, samples without illumination were heated to 70 °C as well. For the non-irradiated samples there is a prominent increase of the absorption peak at ≈420 nm (see Fig. 6a labeled “dark”). This indicates a temperature driven growth and generation of spherical Ag-nanoparticles within the PEI-layer respectively. Compared to suspensions in water the absorption peak is slightly red-shifted because of the different dielectric behavior of PEI. The samples irradiated at 70 °C show a comparable behavior to the suspensions in water. We found an increasing absorption peak at ≈550 nm with increasing irradiation time. As shown before, this indicates the growth of triangular and hexagonal silver nanoplates. On the other hand an absorption peak at ≈420 nm increases as well, even more than after pure heat treatment of the samples. Regarding the irradiated suspensions in water this peak decreased indicating a decrease in the number of spherical nanoparticles. The further growth of these particles within the PEI-layers during irradiation could be influenced by Ag-atom diffusion on the nanoparticle surface which is supposed to have a more prominent impact on the nanoparticle growth in the PEI than for the nanoparticle growth in a solvent like water.
In water the nanoparticle growth is dominated by Ag-ion diffusion to and adsorption at the excited regions at the irradiated nanoparticles. The ions get photoreduced at the excited regions leading to directed nanoparticle growth. As a counterforce to this directed growing the reduced Ag-atoms start to migrate on the nanoparticle surface. Since the surface to volume ratio of the differently shaped nanoplates is larger than for nanospheres, the Ag-atoms will diffuse to positions at the particles corresponding to spherical shapes. However, the Ag-atom diffusion at the surface of the nanoparticles is too slow to prevent the spherical nanoparticles from changing their shape. Therefore, the plate-like particles grow dominantly.
Within the PEI-layer the diffusion of Ag-ions is much slower leading to a slower formation rate of the nanoplates. Even though the Ag-ions preferably reduce at the excited regions at the nanoparticles the Ag-atoms will migrate at the particle surface resulting in the reshaping of the forming nanoplates. The absorption peak at ≈420 nm (spherical nanoparticles) and a much larger peak at ≈550 nm (hexagonal and triangular nanoplates) of the measured spectra indicate that the Ag-atom diffusion at the nanoparticle surface is slower than Ag-ion diffusion to the nanoparticles. Therefore, the growth of the nanoplates is still faster than the reshaping to nanospheres. However, the Ag-atom diffusion has a measurable impact on the nanoparticle shaping. Therefore, both nanoparticle types will grow leading to increasing absorption peaks at ≈420 nm and ≈550 nm.
However, the elevated temperature still leads to a higher diffusion rate of the Ag-ions inside the PEI-layer, and therefore to an increased evolution speed of the hexagonal and triangular nanoplates compared to room temperature treatment. The very large absorption peak at ≈550 nm can be observed after only 5.5 h of constant irradiation (Fig. 6a). Longer irradiation periods lead to an increase of light absorption in the range of the whole measured spectra, and a color change of the films from light purple to grey occured. This indicates agglomeration of the nanoparticles also observable in water.25,26
Irradiation at room temperature also leads to a change in the absorption spectra of the layers, indicating a nanoparticle growth and reshaping as well (Fig. 6b). However, the diffusion of the Ag-ions within the PEI-layers is much slower than at 70 °C leading to longer evolution time periods. For increasing irradiation time an increasing absorption peak at ≈420 nm can be observed again indicating the generation and growth of spherical AgNPs. A second peak increases with increasing irradiation time starting from ≈570 nm observed after 6 h but shifting to ≈700 nm after 60 h. This behavior differs from the samples irradiated at 70 °C. A reason could be the low Ag-ion diffusion rate respectively the low Ag-seed generation rate at room temperature. Therefore, a smaller number of nanoparticles will consume more Ag-ions. This leads to a growth of a few big nanoplates instead of many smaller ones. We suggest the nanoparticle growth mechanism as schematically shown in Fig. 4b. Therefore, the growth of hexagonal and triangular plates of appropriate sizes for SPR at ≈550 nm is promoted for time periods up to 6 h. However, with increasing time the particles get much bigger. Since the SPR of the particles depends on their size and shape42 the growth of the nanoplates leads to a shift of the absorption peak to longer wavelength. With increasing time periods the variety of different nanoparticle morphologies and sizes increases. Therefore, the absorption peaks of many differently sized and shaped particles overlap, leading to a broad absorption signal within the whole measured spectrum. Nevertheless, the prominent peaks at ≈420 nm and ≈700 nm indicate a preferred nanoparticle shape evolution, too.
Sample ID | Ag concentration in solution |
A | 5 mg ml−1 |
B | 10 mg ml−1 |
C | 15 mg ml−1 |
D | 20 mg ml−1 |
Fig. 7 shows the absorption spectra of the treated samples normalized to the absorption peak of 60 h irradiation treatment of sample D. The principle trend of all concentrations is comparable. With increasing time an absorption peak at ≈420 nm increases indicating the formation and growth of spherical silver nanoparticles again. With increasing concentration absorbance increases as well. After 60 hours of treatment the sample A shows 26% absorbance and sample B 46% absorbance compared to the peak value of sample D. These values are in good accordance to the respective concentration ratio and therefore indicate a proportional nanoparticle formation and growth rate for all investigated concentrations. However, sample C shows 84% absorbance compared to the peak value of sample D. This might be caused by some inhomogeneity of the irradiation during the treatment. All samples show a shift of the increasing absorption peak starting at ≈570 nm after 6 h and shifting to ≈700 nm after 60 h of irradiation. This indicates a preferred nanoparticle morphology within these layers, too.
Fig. 7 Absorption spectra of the samples A, B, C and D treated for different time periods at room temperature. |
However, the absorption peak at ≈650 nm indicates different shapes and/or sizes compared to the previously found hexagonal and triangular plates. The spectra of sample C and D show more prominent peaks until 24 h of irradiation treatment than the samples A and B. The higher Ag-concentration and therefore the larger number of nanoparticles causes a faster nanoparticle growth. However, after 60 h the 420 nm absorbance peaks increased further whereas the ≈700 nm peak widens to an absorption band from 500 nm to 750 nm with a relative absorbance of 60% for both samples C and D. This indicates an increasing morphology and/or size distribution of the nanoplates. This distribution leads to a variety of different SPR of the nanoplates within the optical wavelength range of 550 nm to 700 nm.
For all samples a growing absorption peak at ≈550 nm can be observed after 60 h of constant irradiation treatment. This peak can be correlated to the triangular and hexagonal nanoplates again which also form during the irradiation at 70 °C.
To start the evolution within the PEI-layers we used two green LEDs operated at 200 mA for at least 1.5 h at 70 °C. A possible application could be adaptable light filters for lab-on-a-chip fluorescent light detection. Lab-on-a-chip applications in the point of care market address short times and relatively low light intensities for measurement. The introduced routine clearly shows its potential to tailor optical filter properties for the use in these applications.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |