Wai Hin Lee,
Carol Crean,
John R. Varcoe and
Rachida Bance-Soualhi*
Department of Chemistry, The University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, UK. E-mail: r.bance-soualhi@surrey.ac.uk
First published on 11th October 2017
This study used Raman spectro-microscopy to investigate the synthesis and degradation of radiation-grafted anion-exchange membranes (RG-AEM) made using 50 μm thick poly(ethylene-co-tetrafluoroethylene) (ETFE) films, vinylbenzyl chloride (VBC) monomer, and 1-methylpyrrolidine (MPY) amination agent. The data obtained confirmed the operation of the grafting-front mechanism. VBC grafting times of 1 and 4 h led to low degrees of grafting homogeneity, while 72 h led to extreme levels of grafting that resulted in mechanically weak RG-AEMs due to the excessive H2O contents. A grafting time of 16 h was optimal yielding a RG-AEM with an ion-exchange capacity (IEC) of 2.06 ± 0.02 mmol g−1 (n = 3). An excess of grafting was detected at the surface of this RG-AEM (at least within the first few μm of the surface). This RG-AEM was then degraded in O2-purged aqueous KOH (1.0 mol dm−3) for 14 d at 80 °C. Degradation was detected throughout the RG-AEM cross-section, where the Raman data was quantitatively consistent with the loss of IEC. A slight excess of degradation was detected at the surface of the RG-AEM. Degradation involved the loss of whole benzyl-1-methypyrrolidinium grafted units as well as the direct attack on the pendent (cationic) pyrrolidinium groups by the hydroxide anions.
Incomplete grafting can lead to RG-IEMs with lower than ideal functionalisation, which are then too ionically resistive for application. Radiation-grafting often involves the grafting-front mechanism, especially with thicker precursor films:6–8 this is where grafting initiates on the surfaces of the precursor films with the gradual penetration of the grafts into the bulk of the films (Fig. 1). As radiation-grafting involves the modification of solid polymer films (up to 150 μm thickness in the literature),1 it is essential to assess the uniformity of the monomer grafting (and any subsequent functionalisation) throughout the core of the resulting RG-IEMs.9 Techniques that have been used to study the uniformity of grafting include Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX)8,10 and Raman spectro-microscopy.6,9,11
Raman spectroscopy can achieve spectral resolutions down to ca. 0.3 cm−1 and is a powerful spectroscopy that both complements and supports other spectroscopies (vibrational, rotational, and electronic).12 As Raman spectrometers involve the use of lasers, the spectrometers are commonly coupled to (confocal) microscopic equipment that allows individual spectra to be recorded on different parts of a sample with spatial resolutions as low as ca. 1 μm diameter.13‡ As the cost of Raman instrumentation has generally decreased in the last 10 years§ and the familiarity with the technique has increased, the use of Raman spectro-microscopy is becoming more widespread and routine in the field of materials science. The use of Raman spectro-microscopy often has the advantage of requiring minimal levels of sample preparation. The primary disadvantage is that the quality of spectra is often degraded due to the presence of photoluminescence interferences such as fluorescence. If Raman equipment is available that possesses multiple laser wavelengths (λ), it is often possible to select a laser wavelength that minimises such interferences (but, obviously, this adds to the cost of the equipment).
Given the spatial resolution of Raman spectro-microscopy can be as low as 1 μm during routine measurements (and that previous RG-IEMs reported in the literature are typically up to ca. 150 μm in thickness),1 this technique can be a useful quality assurance tool for the study of the radiation-grafting homogeneity (especially through the membrane cross-section). Raman spectro-microscopic mapping has already been used to study RG-AEMs, but these experiments have typically taken 8–16 h per map (as Raman scattered light is of low intensity):6,9 this is non-ideal considering the life-times of expensive (£10k+) lasers is typically only a few thousand hours (of in use time).
Herein, the aim of this study is to investigate the optimum laser wavelength and spectral collection parameters that will allow for the more rapid and routine use of Raman spectro-microscopy in the study of each stage (grafting, amination) of the synthesis of RG-AEMs. This study will then use this knowledge to conduct an initial investigation into the homogeneity of the degradation of a RG-AEM when it is exposed to aqueous KOH (1.0 mol dm−3) at 80 °C for 14 d.
(1) |
Ex a final RG-AEM(Cl−) synthesised with x h grafting time;
Intx the pre-aminated ETFE-g-poly(VBC) membranes used to fabricate Ex;
AE16 the E16 RG-AEM(Cl−) that has been aged for 14 d at 80 °C in aqueous KOH (1.0 mol dm−3) solution that has been purged with O2 (see below).
(2) |
(3) |
a Theoretical smallest laser spot diameter calculated (1.22 × λ/NA) assuming the use of a 50× (NA = 0.75) objective: the 785 nm line laser was used with the pinhole applied to expose the sample to a well-defined laser spot (rather than a laser line) but this reduces the power at the sample. | ||||
Wavelength/nm | 785 | 633 | 532 | 457 |
Max. power/mW | 300 | 20 | 50 | 20 |
Colour | Near-IR | Red | Green | Blue |
Type | Line | Spot | Spot | Spot |
Grating/lines mm−1 | 1200 | 1800 | 2400 | 2400 |
Laser spot sizea/μm | 1.28 | 1.03 | 0.87 | 0.74 |
Filter cut-off/cm−1 | 50 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
In this study, the laser beam was focused on the sample using a 50× (NA = 0.75) objective to collect the backscattered light so the resulting laser spot diameter was ca. 1 μm (see Table 1). Other spectral collection parameters are presented in the figure captions (as appropriate). The raw data was processed using Renishaw's Wire 4.3 software: processing included baseline correction, smoothing, normalization, interpolation, and curve fitting of the peaks with the Gaussian–Lorentzian function to obtain accurate peak areas (where appropriate).
For the cross-sectional (through-plane) mapping experiments (Fig. 1), the membrane samples were held and pressed between two metal holders and fresh edges were obtained by sectioning using a scalpel. The membrane samples were mounted perpendicular to the sample-stage so that the exposed cross-sections are parallel to the stage. The stage was moved in the x- and y-direction under computer control. Cross-sectional maps were collected with point mapping using the instrument's static scan mode over the spectral range 600–1700 cm−1. Maps were recorded over 30 × 65 μm cross-sectional areas (all the same so that the experiments could be timed).
For the pre-aminated ETFE-g-poly(VBC) membranes, the optimised mapping parameters used are presented in Table 2 (for par-sampling where sample step size = theoretical min. laser spot diameter). Maps with different sample step sizes were also performed on a sample of Int4 to determine an appropriate step size to be used for mapping experiments (Fig. 2): both under-sampling (step size > theoretical min. laser spot diameter) and over-sampling (step size < theoretical min. laser spot diameter) were studied.
For the final E16 and the alkali-aged AE16 samples, cross-sectional maps were collected using the 785 nm line laser (pinhole applied, 300 mW power) with a step size of 1.28 μm (par-sampling) in both the x- and y-directions. These spectral maps were collected using a 50× objective, 5 s exposure times, and averaging over 2 accumulations (mapping time of 220 min).
a Number of H2O molecules per Cl− anion [not to be confused with laser wavelength λ], calculated as: λwater = WU (%)/(100 × 18.02 × IEC), where IEC is in mol g−1. | ||||
RG-AEM(Cl−)s | E1 | E4 | E16 | E72 |
Grafting time/h | 1 | 4 | 16 | 72 |
DoG (%) | 18 | 44 | 99 | 155 |
IEC (Cl− anion)/mmol g−1 | 0.91 ± 0.05 | 1.70 ± 0.06 | 2.06 ± 0.02 | 2.36 ± 0.07 |
WU (%) | 8 ± 3 | 79 ± 5 | 104 ± 7 | 145 ± 6 |
λwatera | 5 | 26 | 28 | 34 |
• Maximised intensity of the Raman scattered radiation to allow for more rapid collection of spectral data: this is dictated (at each wavelength) by the Raman efficiency and the highest level of laser power that can be applied that does not cause sample damage;
• Minimised level of fluorescence to facilitate spectral data processing and to ensure all relevant peaks are observed;
• Maximised spectral resolution to ensure adequate resolution of overlapping peaks;
• Ability to obtain the spatial resolution required, which is partially controlled by the laser spot diameter obtainable (Table 1): the minimum Airy disk diameter = 1.22 × λ/NA (where NA is the aperture of the objective being used).13
The intensity of Raman scattering is proportional to λ−4,16 hence, a shorter wavelength will yield a stronger Raman signal: the intensity of the scattered radiation with a 633 nm laser is only 27% of the intensity obtained with a 457 nm laser. For the higher wavelength laser, this intrinsic lower intensity can often be offset by increasing the laser power as long as sample damage does not occur (higher wavelength radiation yields less J of energy per photon). Fluorescence is commonly a decisive factor and arises from the coincidence of the excitation energy with electronic transitions. A way of avoiding this problem is to choose a longer wavelength (e.g. near-IR) with the compromise of lower spatial resolutions, or to move to UV wavelengths with the compromise of lower spectral resolutions and with the increased risk of sample damage occurring. Finally, the spatial resolution is especially important for point mapping, where a small laser spot diameter is often required.
Fig. 3 displays the Raman spectra of the Int16 membrane at the four-different wavelengths both with and without baseline correction and normalisation. We selected Int16 for this initial laser λ study as this pre-aminated membrane visually showed evidence (increase in opacity) of a high level of grafting. The use of 457 and 532 nm lasers led to moderate fluorescence, whereas the 633 and 785 nm lasers yielded spectra with minimal fluorescence. After baseline correction and normalisation, a number of Raman peaks were obtained with enhanced intensities with the 457 nm laser (especially the aromatic peak at 1612 cm−1) indicating an intriguing but small Raman enhancement effect. Therefore, the 457 and 633 nm spot lasers were down-selected for the characterisation of pre-aminated ETFE-g-poly(VBC) membranes using Raman cross-sectional mapping. The 457 nm laser could be used up to 10% maximum power before sample damage occurs, while the 633 nm laser could be used at maximum power.
Regarding the (orange-brown coloured) RG-AEM(Cl−)s, the Raman spectra recorded using 457 and 532 nm lasers showed excessively strong fluorescence backgrounds that could not be reliably subtracted (see Fig. S3 in the ESI†). In contrast, the 785 nm laser yielded spectra with lower levels of baseline noise. Furthermore, it was impossible to record adequate spectra with the dark brown AE16 sample with all but the 785 nm laser due to the very high levels of fluorescence observed. The 785 nm laser proved to be the only available option that was suitable for recording spectral maps of both the pre- and post-alkali-treated RG-AEMs. On the downside, the use of this longer wavelength laser (with pinhole applied to make it a spot laser) gave weak signals and so longer acquisition times were required (even when using maximum power).
Fig. 5 shows the interpolated Raman maps obtained using the 457 nm laser for cross-sections of Int4 with the following stage (x–y) step sizes: 0.5 μm (over-sampling), 0.74 μm (par-sampling) and 1.5 μm (under-sampling). Recall, Fig. 2 schematically highlights the difference between these sampling modes. Note, these maps were produced from different cross-sections of Int4, and so the grafting distributions show a natural level of variation. For Int4, the distribution of poly(VBC) grafts shows more intensity at the surface and the middle of the membranes with bands of slightly lower intensity separating these regions. It is hypothesised that this is an effect of the diffusion of monomer. The monomer fronts diffuse from both surfaces of the ETFE film to finally meet in the middle, which increases the concentration of monomer at this location: this leads to more rapid grafting for a period of time in the centre of the membrane. This effect was previously seen in a study that used propan-2-ol in the grafting medium,6 rather than the water used in this current study.
The data recorded using over-sampling demonstrated a higher fidelity Raman image, at the expense of experiment duration: map time was 220 min (compared to 30 min for the under-sampled image). A step size of 0.74 μm (par-sampling) was chosen for this study as it balances image fidelity with measurement time (map time of 110 min). Despite this, under-sampling may still be useful if a future necessity arose that required regularly conducted quality assurance measurements on a large number of samples (e.g. routine checks for homogeneous grafting of multiple batches of RG-AEM) or if measurements on larger cross-sectional areas of individual samples were desired: the fidelity of the under-sampled maps is still adequate for such tasks.
The Raman maps collected with the 633 nm laser are presented in Fig. S5 in the ESI:† with this laser, faster mapping times of 20 min, 40 min, and 76 min were obtained with under- (1.50 μm step-size), par- (1.03 μm), and over-sampling (0.74 μm), respectively. These mapping times were quicker as the 633 nm laser could be applied at higher powers (at the sample): 20 mW compared to the maximum 2 mW that could be used with the 457 nm laser (due to sample damage at higher powers). Par-sampling (stage step size of 1.03 μm) was again down-selected to map the distribution of the grafted poly(VBC) chains with the 633 nm laser.
Fig. 6 shows cross-sectional maps (457 nm, par-sampled) obtained with the pre-aminated ETFE-g-poly(VBC) membranes synthesised using increasing grafting reaction times (Int1, Int4, Int16, and Int72). Fig. S4 in the ESI† gives the box and whisker plots that summarises this data for all the pre-aminated ETFE-g-poly(VBC) membranes studied. For additional clarity, Fig. 7 presents line-map data (457 nm) taken from the centres of the cross-sectional maps.
Fig. 7 Line-map data for Int1, Int4, Int16, and Int72 taken from the centres of the cross-sectional maps presented in Fig. 6 (in the through-plane y-axis direction). |
From this Raman data, it was observed that Int1 (with the lowest DoG = 18%) contained poly(VBC) grafted chains at the surface and a relatively ungrafted core. Increasing the grafting time to 4 h resulted in a wider through-plane distribution of grafting in the resulting membrane (Int4), but the grafting distribution was still not fully homogeneous (discussed previously). As the DoG approaches a value of 99% (Int16), a more homogeneous grafting of the poly(VBC) chains was achieved. The 4-probe (in-plane) chloride-anion conductivities of fully hydrated E1, E4, and E16 (measured using the method described in ref. 9) were 14 ± 3, 39 ± 2, and 49 ± 2 mS cm−1 (n = 3), respectively, which is consistent with this Raman data.
Prolonging the grafting time to 72 h (Int72, DoG = 155%) led to higher grafting levels but this has detrimental consequences: e.g. E72 was observed to possess an excessive water content with λwater > 30 (Table 3), where λwater is the average number of H2O molecules per anion-exchange site. Prior studies have shown that not all of the H2O molecules are directly associated with the ionic groups: many H2O molecules are “non-useful” in that they form domains of water aggregates that lead to excessive RG-AEM swelling, which results in a weakening of the mechanical properties.19 Table 4 gives the results of a statistical analysis comparing the poly(VBC) grafting levels between Int16 and Int72 using all of the A1612/A835 peak area ratios recorded in the production of their Raman maps in Fig. 6. Int72 has a (statistically significant) higher amount of grafting than Int16.
a Test for normality.b Non-parametric two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test. | ||
ETFE-g-poly(VBC) | Int16 | Int72 |
Number of measurements | 3738 | 3738 |
Mean | 2.83 | 3.13 |
Standard deviation | 0.13 | 0.16 |
Relative standard deviation RSD (%) | 4.6 | 5.1 |
Confidence intervals | ±0.005 | ±0.005 |
D'Agostino–Pearson omnibus test:a p= | <0.0001 | <0.0001 |
Passed normality test (α = 0.05)? | No | No |
Mann–Whitney U test:b p= | <0.0001 | |
Means significantly different? | Yes |
All of the above indicates that the grafting front mechanism is operating when VBC is grafted onto 50 μm thick ETFE films. Additional maps, acquired using the 633 nm laser on different cross-sections of the pre-aminated ETFE-g-poly(VBC) membranes (Fig. S6 in the ESI†), confirm these observations. This Raman data is consistent with the bulk IEC values recorded for the final RG-AEM(Cl−)s that were made by the amination of Int1, Int4, Int16, and Int72: IECs increase in the order E1 < E4 < E16 < E72. However, this Raman microscopy data provides additional evidence that the homogeneity of grafting is poor at low grafting reaction times.
(1) Ratio = A900/A835: pyrrolidinium groups vs. ETFE;
(2) Ratio = A1612/A835: benzene rings vs. ETFE;
(3) Ratio = A900/A1612: pyrrolidinium groups vs. benzene rings;
(1) and (2) represent the homogeneity of grafting and (3) represents the homogeneity of amination of the benzene rings.
For the pre-alkali-aged E16, it was evident that functionalisation was less homogeneous compared to the grafting studies on Int16. This may be due to segregation of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic phases in the RG-AEM sample that occurs after the amination process.†† The obvious “health warning” must also be kept in mind in that the apparent lower homogeneity may be down to sampling: the specific cross-sectional sample of E16 that was mapped could have been a low homogeneity section of the RG-AEM. Fig. 9 gives the box and whisker plots for data extracted from the top row of Fig. 8.
Fig. 9 Box and whisker plot summarising the cross-sectional Raman spectral data (785 nm laser) for E16 (extracted from Fig. 8). The + symbols give the means, the middle horizontal lines give the medians, the boxes give the interquartile ranges, and the whiskers give the min and max values recorded. The numeric data presented gives the mean and sample standard deviations (n = 1248). |
The data on the alkali degraded AE16 (bottom row of Fig. 8) clearly shows that degradation is evident when the E16 was aged in O2-purged aqueous KOH (1.0 mol dm−3) at 80 °C for 14 d. This data also shows that the degradation occurs throughout the cross-section of the RG-AEM. Fig. S7 in the ESI† presents the box and whisker plots comparing the peak area ratios for E16 and AE16 (extracted from the Raman cross-sectional map data presented in Fig. 8). The larger variances seen in the AE16 data is due to the difficulty in reliably fitting all of the spectral data due to the significant fluorescence backgrounds encountered. Statistical analysis of the peak area ratio A900/A835 data (the ratio expected to change the most on RG-AEM degradation) is summarised in Table 5. This analysis shows that this peak area ratio data is significantly different for AE16 compared to E16 due to alkali degradation. The degradation observed was due to both: (1) loss of the positively-charged pyrrolidinium functionality (Scheme 2: nucleophilic hydroxide attack positions A, B, and C and Hofmann elimination attack position E); (2) loss of grafted benzene rings from the RG-AEM, complete with pyrrolidinium groups (Scheme 2: hydroxide attack position D). This is consistent with the observations reported in recent studies on both ETFE- and LDPE-based RG-AEMs.6,14
a Test for normality.b Non-parametric two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test. | ||
E16 | AE16 | |
Number of measurements | 1248 | 1248 |
Mean | 0.522 | 0.415 |
Standard deviation | 0.081 | 0.076 |
RSD (%) | 16 | 18 |
Confidence intervals | ±0.005 | ±0.004 |
D'Agostino–Pearson omnibus test:a p= | <0.0001 | <0.0001 |
Passed normality test (α = 0.05)? | No | No |
Mann–Whitney U test:b p= | <0.0001 | |
Means significantly different? | Yes |
Scheme 2 The possible sites that nucleophilic OH− anions can attack the grafted chains in RG-AEMs.6 |
Fig. 10 A diagram showing the sampling of the Raman spectra recorded on the surfaces of E16 and AE16 (ca. 1 cm2 samples in this study). |
Fig. 11 shows the results recorded on the surface of a sample of E16. This data shows good homogeneity with RSDs < 10% for all three peak area ratios. However, this Raman data shows that the surface analysis of E16 yields larger area ratios A900/A835 and A1612/A835, that are related to the level of grafting, compared to the cross-sectional analysis (Fig. 9). This suggests there is an excess of grafting directly at the surface of E16 (where the laser only penetrates a couple of μm into the membrane when focused on the surface). Therefore, for RG-AEMs, we strongly recommend that surface data should always be collected alongside cross-sectional mapping data (to obtain the fullest possible picture of the distribution of the grafted chains).
Fig. 11 Box and whisker plot summarising the surface Raman spectral data (785 nm laser) for E16. The numeric data presented gives the mean and sample standard deviations (n = 25). |
Fig. S8 in the ESI† presents the box and whisker plots comparing the peak area ratios from the surface analyses of E16 and AE16. Statistical data for the peak area ratio A900/A835 is summarised in Table 6. This analysis again shows that this diagnostic peak area ratio is significantly different for AE16 compared to E16 due to alkali degradation. There was a 25% loss of this peak area ratio on surface degradation, while only a 21% loss was observed in the analysis of the cross-sectional data. It is not unexpected that degradation would be more severe at the surface of RG-AEMs. AE16 possessed an IEC of 1.65 ± 0.17 mmol g−1 (n = 3), which was 20% lower than the 2.06 ± 0.02 mmol g−1 recorded for the pre-alkali treated E16. This (bulk) IEC data directly correlates with the loss of the peak area ratio A900/A835 in the Raman cross-sectional data.
a Test for normality.b Un-paired two-tailed t test with Welch's-correction (due to non-equal variances). | ||
E16 | AE16 | |
Number of measurements | 25 | 25 |
Mean | 0.843 | 0.63 |
Standard deviation | 0.066 | 0.15 |
RSD (%) | 7.9 | 24 |
Confidence intervals | ±0.027 | ±0.063 |
D'Agostino–Pearson omnibus test:a p= | 0.512 | 0.407 |
Passed normality test (α = 0.05)? | Yes | Yes |
F-test: p= | 0.0001 | |
Variances statistically different? | Yes | |
t-test:b p= | <0.0001 | |
Means statistically different? | Yes |
For the radiation-grafted anion-exchange membranes (RG-AEM), made from 50 μm thick ETFE films in this investigation, a vinylbenzyl grafting time of 16 h appears to be optimal (with the specific synthesis conditions used). The Raman data is consistent with the operation of the grafting front mechanism. Amination with 1-methylpyrrolidine was homogeneous and yielded RG-AEMs with ion-exchange capacities (IEC) of >2.0 mmol g−1. There was an excess of grafting at the surfaces of the RG-AEMs (at least in the first few μm). The level of degradation, measured using Raman spectro-microscopy of the RG-AEM cross-sections after ageing in hot aqueous alkali, matched the loss of IEC; however, the high levels of photoluminescence that occurs with the (dark-brown-coloured) alkali degraded RG-AEMs led to more problematic spectral analysis. Degradation occurred throughout the RG-AEM cross-sections but appeared to be more severe at the surfaces. The 457 and 633 nm laser wavelengths were the most useful for the study of the pre-aminated grafted membranes, while the 785 nm laser wavelength was the only option that could be used for the study of the pre- and post-alkali degraded RG-AEMs.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Additional data and Raman spectra/maps in support of the main article. See DOI: 10.1039/c7ra09650j |
‡ Sub-micron resolution can be less routinely obtained with the use of high cost equipment and low wavelength lasers, especially with the use of tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS), which couples atomic force microscopes with Raman instrumentation. |
§ Raman microscopes are still generally more expensive than for IR instrumentation (>£100k vs. <£50k). |
¶ The Renishaw Raman instrument used contains a 5th laser (244 nm deep UV) but this is not appropriate for this study: the laser damages the polymer samples, even at the lowest power setting. |
|| If determination of nano-scale phase segregations of hydrophilic vs. hydrophobic components is required, techniques such as small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are required. Such data is beyond the scope of this current study, which is focussed on the homogeneity of the grafting and degradation processes (where we show that micro-scale characterisation is sufficient). |
** This peak is only present with 1,3-disubstituted benzene rings (in the 3-VBC monomer and 3-VBC grafted chains) and is not observed for the grafted 4-VBC chains (recall that mixed 3- and 4-VBC monomers are being grafted). |
†† Note: with the use of the IR (785 nm) laser, the scale-bar for the A1612/A835 peak area ratio (middle column in Fig. 8) is compressed to the range 0–2, compared to the range 0–4 in Fig. 6, that was required to accommodate the higher ratios observed for Int72 with the use of the blue (457 nm) laser. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |