Atul Thakreab,
Jyoti Kaswanab,
A. K. Shuklab and
Ashok Kumar*ab
aAcademy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), CSIR-National Physical Laboratory Campus, Dr. K. S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi 110012, India. E-mail:
bCSIR-National Physical Laboratory, Dr. K. S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi 110012, India
First published on 24th November 2017
A robust unipolar resistive switching (URS) was successfully observed in sol–gel derived perovskite type Fe-doped strontium titanate (FeSTO) thin films, deposited on an ITO-coated glass substrate by a spin-coating technique. The surface topography of the films was characterized by atomic force microscopy that suggested a smooth surface with an average surface roughness nearly 1–2 nm. The crystal structure, URS phenomena, current–voltage characteristics, and dielectric and impedance behavior were analyzed for both high resistance state (HRS) and low resistance state (LRS). The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was also employed to investigate the valence states of the host and dopants elements. The Au/FeSTO/ITO device offers a large resistance ratio of HRS and LRS (Roff/Ron) around 105, long stable retention characteristics for 104 s, and a distinguished and large non-overlapping voltage window of ∼4 to 6 V for SET and RESET operations.
Among these studies on the RS phenomena in strontium titanate, most were limited to a single crystal, epitaxial thin films, and pure SrTiO3 fabricated by the expensive and complex physical deposition techniques. On the other hand, solution-based methods provide a very inexpensive and easy way to synthesize and fabricate oxide thin films. In this study, we present a very stable and robust unipolar resistive switching (URS) behavior in a sol–gel synthesized perovskite Fe-doped SrTiO3 thin film deposited by a spin coating technique on an ITO electrode.
The indium tin oxide (ITO)-coated glass slides were used as substrates. Initially, the 10 mm × 10 mm substrates were cleaned with acetone for two minutes and later by isopropyl alcohol for 10 minutes. The spin coater NXGM1 model was used for the thin film preparation at 5000 rpm for 30 s. The obtained thin films were annealed at 700 °C for one hour. For the electrical measurements, the top Au electrode was deposited through a shadow mask, having a diameter of 200 μm and a thickness of 20 nm, by a DC sputtering technique. The electrical measurements were performed using a microprobe system and an optical microscope. All the current–voltage and impedance spectroscopy measurements were performed using Agilent B2901a and Hioki 3532-50 LCR HiTester, respectively. The impedance spectroscopy measurements were performed with an oscillation voltage of 0.5 V and frequency ranges from 100 Hz to 1 MHz. The surface topography and the crystal structure were investigated by atomic force microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. An ultra-high vacuum surface analysis system equipped with a monochromatic Al Kα/non-monochromatic Mg Kα X-ray source and an EA125 electron energy analyser was utilized to carry out the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) study. The C 1s (284.8 eV) core level was used for binding energy (BE) and charge correction.
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Fig. 1 (a) The XRD data of the ITO coated glass substrate and the FeSTO thin film deposited on the ITO-coated glass substrate and (b) the AFM image of the top surface of the thin film. |
The energy band diagram for the Au/FeSTO/ITO resistive switching device is shown in Fig. 2(a). The energy band situation is for the FeSTO thin film with Au (work function is 5.1 eV) as the top electrode and ITO (work function is 4.4 eV)34 as the bottom electrode. The electron affinity of the FeSTO thin film is speculated to be ∼4.1 eV, as reported for STO.35,36 When the metal electrode and dielectric thin film is brought into contact, free charge carriers will flow until an equilibrium condition is achieved. In this electrode–dielectric interaction, due to a large work function of Au and FeSTO's n-type nature, a space charge depletion region and large barrier height are developed at the Au/FeSTO interface that forms a Schottky-type potential barrier.
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Fig. 2 (a) The energy band diagram of the Au/FeSTO/ITO capacitive structure, (b) Ti 2p XPS core level, and (c) Fe 2p XPS core level (dots) along with fitting component (patterned). |
Similarly, due to a low work function of ITO, at the ITO/FeSTO interface, the barrier height is almost negligible (0.3 eV), and an ohmic contact may be possible. The barrier height varies with a change in the magnitude and direction of the applied electric field. When a positive voltage is applied to the top Au electrode, the electrode-FeSTO junction is forward biased that lowers down the Schottky barrier height. Initially, the memory device is in HRS, and after the positive potential is applied on the top Au electrode, the oxygen vacancies present in the FeSTO film37 are pushed downwards towards the bottom ITO electrode; this eventually results in the formation of a series of conducting paths into the oxide film. This conducting filamentary path formation results in the LRS of the memory device. Later, the voltage sweep with an increased compliance current (100 mA) is applied; the temperature of the previously formed filament increases with the increase in the passing current due to the Joule heating effect,38 which results in the rupturing of the filament and RESET of the device. The rupturing and filament formation process are not homogeneous for each cycle of SET and RESET process and a set of devices that intrinsically develops a memory voltage window for SET and RESET process.
The XPS measurements have also been performed to analyze the valence states of the host and doped elements, which are shown in Fig. 2(b) and (c). In Fig. 2(b), two peaks at 458.2 eV and 463.9 eV belong to the Ti 2p3/2 and Ti 2p1/2, respectively.39 These peaks correspond to the Ti4+ oxidation state. In Fig. 2(c), we have shown the Fe 2p core level of the 5% Fe-doped SrTiO3 thin film. The Fe 2p core level has been fitted with two nearly Gaussian components. The peaks located at 708.9 and 710.4 eV can be assigned to Fe2+ and Fe3+, respectively.40,41 The calculated area% for Fe2+ and Fe3+ is roughly 60% and 40%, respectively, which suggests the presence of significant mixed valence states of Fe. It may indicate the presence of oxygen vacancies in the FeSTO thin film. This scenario has also been suggested by Wan et al. in the Cr-doped STO thin films.42
In the RS behaviour testing process, the top Au electrode was kept positively biased, whereas the bottom ITO electrode was kept negatively biased. Initially, the pristine FeSTO devices are in HRS and have the resistance in ∼MΩ. For switching the device into LRS, an initial electroforming voltage (∼8.5 V) has been obtained. At first, we have increased the applied potential through the device, which abruptly increases at ∼8.5 V, which in turn develops current filaments (Fig. 3(a) and (b)). This switching process from HRS to LRS is called the SET process. To the SET the device, a voltage sweep from 0 V to 10 V with a fixed compliance current of 1 mA was applied. Most of the devices show a lower SET voltage as compared to the electroforming voltage. To RESET the device, again a voltage sweep from 0 V to 4 V with a compliance current of 100 mA was applied. When the applied potential approaches ∼2.5 V, the current through the device drops abruptly, and hence, the resistive state of the device changes from LRS to HRS (RESET process). Herein, the maximum drawing current in the LRS state is near ∼30 mA in each SET operation, which is acceptable for the NVRAM applications.
For the application point of view, charge retention and endurance characteristics of the FeSTO thin film devices are shown in Fig. 3(c) and (d), respectively. For the retention characteristic measurement, a very low constant potential of 0.5 V with a compliance current of 1 mA was applied across the device for both HRS and LRS, and the respective currents were obtained. The obtained current values are almost constant in both the HRS and LRS states over 104 s. It concludes that the device exhibits an excellent retention characteristic. To carry out the endurance characteristic test for the devices, consecutive multiple SET and RESET operations were performed for up to 50 cycles. Herein, the FeSTO devices have shown very stable and repetitive endurance characteristics.
The conduction mechanism is analyzed for the FeSTO thin films. For both LRS and HRS, the I–V data were re-plotted as logJ vs. log
E and linearly fitted to investigate the space charge limited conduction (SCLC) mechanism for the resistive switching, as shown in Fig. 3(b). In the HRS state, for the lower applied field region (up to around 4V cm−1, in log scale), the slope value is nearly around ∼0.4, indicating a very high resistive state. Further increment in the applied electric field causes a gradual increment in the slope to 2.7; this indicates the space charge limited conduction (Child's law, I ∝ V2). The observed slope favours the trap-free SCLC conduction process. Later on, with a further increase in the applied potential, a free flow of sea of charge injection across both terminals of the devices takes place, which in turn results in the SET of the device, and the current approaches the compliance current; this indicates the formation of a conductive filament within the capacitive device, which dominates over the Schottky interface barrier between FeSTO and the top Au electrode. Thus, it signifies the filamentary resistive switching process. Similarly, for the LRS state, the measured slope of the logarithmic J–V characteristics is close to one, indicating an ohmic behavior. In the RESET process, the rupturing of the conducting filament can be explained by the Joule heating effect.43 The high passing current (around ∼30 mA) causes the increase in the temperature44 of the filament (∼800 K) and thus ruptures it at the reset voltage (VRESET). The relationship between the current density and the applied electric field is denoted by
JSCLC = (9/8)μεθE2/d |
The conduction mechanism is further explored by the impedance spectroscopy technique. In this measurement, after each SET and RESET operation, impedance, capacitance, phase angle, and tangent loss were determined in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 1 MHz at a constant AC voltage (0.5 V). The frequency response of capacitance and tangent loss are shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b), respectively. Fig. 4(a) shows that in the HRS region, the capacitance is almost linear and gradually decreases over the whole frequency range; this indicates a very high resistive device; on the other hand, for the LRS, the capacitance exponentially decreases in the lower frequency region and then gradually decreases in the higher frequency region. It indicates the presence of the formation of an ohmic conductive filament (CF) (free charge carriers), where Cp is decreasing with an increase in the frequency. The capacitance of the devices is almost the same for both HRS and LRS above 1 kHz probe frequencies; however, at the same time, these devices show many folds increase in tangent loss. These results suggest the formation of the conducting filament in LRS that creates several capacitors connected in parallel and hence a negligible change in capacitance with a large tangent loss (>1 kHz).
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Fig. 4 The frequency dependent plot of the capacitance (a) and tangent loss (b) in HRS and LRS for the FeSTO memory device. |
Fig. 5(a) and (c) show the frequency response of real and imaginary impedance for HRS an LRS, respectively. The impedance properties for HRS and LRS (see Fig. 5(a) and (b)) indicate a drastic decrease (∼2 × 103) in the impedance and a huge shift in the relaxation frequency (peak fmax) towards the higher frequency side. In Fig. 5(b) and (d), the Nyquist plots for HRS and LRS are shown, respectively. The obtained experimental data were fitted with an equivalent electrical circuit comprising a parallel combination of Rbulk (bulk resistance) and Cbulk (bulk capacitance) with the Rs (contact resistance) connected in series.
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Fig. 5 The impedance vs. frequency plot in HRS (a) and LRS (c). The Nyquist plot for the FeSTO thin films in HRS (b) and LRS (d) with an equivalent circuit fitting (solid orange line). |
The equivalent circuit fitting for the Nyquist plots show that there is a drastic change in the bulk resistance (Rbulk for HRS is ∼135 MΩ and for LRS is ∼9 kΩ) after the occurrence of the SET process, whereas there is a subtle change in the capacitance (Cbulk changes ∼20 pF in the resistive state transition process). The contact resistance is almost the same for both HRS and LRS (Rs ∼ 89 Ω). Thus, it indicates that the switching mechanism is driven by the formation of multiple ionic conducting filaments in the thin film.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |