H. Zhangab,
Z. H. Fuab,
D. Legutc,
T. C. Germannd and
R. F. Zhang*ab
aSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, P. R. China. E-mail: zrf@buaa.edu.cn
bCenter for Integrated Computational Materials Engineering, International Research Institute for Multidisciplinary Science, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, P. R. China
cIT4Innovations Center, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, CZ-70833 Ostrava, Czech Republic
dTheoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA
First published on 11th December 2017
The stability of the stacked two-dimensional (2D) transition metal carbides and their interlayered friction in different configurations are comparatively studied by means of density functional theory (DFT). At equilibrium, a larger interlayer distance corresponds to a smaller binding energy, suggesting an easier sliding between them. The oxygen-functionalized M2CO2 possesses much lower sliding resistance than the bare ones due to the strong metallic interactions between the stacked M2C layers. Compared to the parallel stacking order of M2CO2-I, the mirror stacked M2CO2-II possesses better lubricant properties. At strained states, normal compression substantially enhances the sliding barrier owing to more charges transferring from the M to O atom. Furthermore, the in-plane biaxial strain may effectively hinder the interlayer sliding, while the uniaxial strain fundamentally modifies the preferred sliding pathway due to anisotropic expansion of surface electronic state. These results highlight that the functionalized MXenes with strain-controllable frictional properties are promising lubricating materials because of their low sliding energy barrier and excellent mechanical properties.
With the emergence of novel 2D transition metal carbides, carbonitrides and nitrides, collectively referred as MXenes,12 their versatile chemistry, promising stability, superior mechanical strength and flexibility, and excellent electrochemical and remarkable electronic properties have brought much interest due to their potential applications including energy storage, electromagnetic interference shielding, reinforcement for composites, water purification, gas- and biosensors, and photo-, electro- and chemical catalysis.13 Nevertheless, the frictional properties and its atomistic mechanism in MXenes remain unclear, which needs further investigations ranging from engineering studies of micromechanical lubrication to atomistic simulations at nano-scale. In this aspect, some preliminary works have been reported more recently for some specific MXenes. For instance, Ti3C2 have been explored as additives for tribological applications, and the addition of Ti3C2 can reduce the adhesive wear and plow friction.14–16 Hu et al. reported the intrinsic interlayer coupling in pristine MXenes, and demonstrated that the functional terminations (OH, O, and F) weaken the interlayer coupling as compared with the bare counterparts.17
Although the equilibrium bonding characteristics have shown to play a critical role on the interface sliding of MXenes, the tunable effect of strain that was always ignored, must be included for the following reasons: (1) the profound strain effect on electrochemical and other functional properties have been widely reported. For example, Wang et al. reported a method to modify the catalytic activity by directly and continuously control the lattice strain of platinum catalyst.18 Yun et al. has revealed that the indirect to direct band gap transition of 2D materials may occur under the external strain.19 Zhao et al. studied the strain effect on the magnetic properties of monolayer MXenes and calculated the change of magnetic moment under strain for M2C.20 (2) It is generally recognized that the high pressure service environment is common for the lubricants, and therefore the frictional properties may be significantly modified in the complex strain environments. Accordingly, it is much necessary to further explore how the frictional properties and its atomistic mechanism of MXenes change under the applied strains. For this purpose, modern first principles method within framework of density functional theory has provided a unique solution to the related studies whether at equilibrium or under strains by extracting the potential energy surface (PES) associated with the interlayer sliding, providing an essential understanding of their tribological behavior.21
In this paper, we have firstly investigated the sliding energy barriers of the oxygen-functionalized M2CO2 (M = Ti, Zr, Nb, Mo, Hf, Ta, and W), and found that the Ti2CO2 possess the lowest barrier among them. Secondly, taking Ti2CO2 as a representative, we provide a comprehensive first-principles investigation on its stacking stability and interface sliding with different bilayer orientations at equilibrium by quantifying the relative adhesion energies and potential energy profile within the sliding plane. Thirdly, we extend our investigations on the variation of potential energy surfaces and minimum energy paths when the multiaxial loadings are imposed on the Ti2CO2. We found that the normal strain and biaxial in-plane strains increase the sliding energy barriers without changing the sliding path, while the uniaxial in-plane strain may modify the easiest sliding path by increasing the barrier parallel to the strain direction and simultaneously decreasing the barrier along the other orthogonal directions. These results suggest interestingly that a proper control of uniaxial strain may make MXenes possess the superlubricity. Finally, a comprehensive analysis of bond topologies and electronic structures is further performed to underline the atomic mechanism of the variation of energy barrier as the increasing strain. These results highlight that the functionalized MXenes are promising lubricating materials because of its low sliding energy barrier and excellent mechanical property.
Fig. 1 Geometric arrangement (a) and potential energy profile (b) for the linear translation of upper MXenes layer above a fixed one. The x-axis sliding energy barrier, the layer distance, the in-plane oxygen distance, and lattice constant of M2CO2 (M = Ti, Zr, Nb, Mo, Hf, Ta, and W) (c) at Min1. Geometric arrangements for the most relevant positions (Min1, Max, Min2, and Saddle) along the profiles are shown in Fig. S4.† The schematic diagrams of the layer distance and the in-plane oxygen distance are shown in Fig. S5.† |
Flexibility of 2D layered materials can be quantified by the critical strain at which the ideal strength reaches. In the case of biaxial tension strains, the equal tension strains are simultaneously applied in the zigzag and armchair directions. To be noted that the ideal strength sets up the upper limit of the material in reality, and can also be applied to many materials in experiments, especially in the 2D material.28 The applied strain is defined as ε = (a − a0)/a0, where a and a0 are the lattice constants of the strained and unstained materials, respectively. In the simulations of uniaxial stress, the geometry relaxation is performed for both the lattice basis vectors and the atomic coordinates by keeping the applied in-plane strain component fixed and relaxing the other in-plane strain component until their conjugate stress components, i.e., Hellmann–Feynman stresses, reach less than 0.1 GPa. For a 2D material, the dimensional length normal to the 2D layer is kept constant during the relaxation in order to keep a sufficient thickness of vacuum. Such relaxation scheme is accomplished by slightly modifying the VASP code with specific constraints of strain components. To make sure that the strain path is continuous, the starting position at each strain step must be taken from the relaxed coordinates of the previous step. Because the crystal symmetry may be changed and the Brillouin zone would significantly deform at large strain, we adopted a high energy cutoff of 600 eV and verified the convergence of tensile calculations with different k-point grids. A similar scheme for stress–strain calculation of 3D crystals has been described and thoroughly evaluated in our previous papers.29,30
Fig. 1 shows the calculated sliding energy barriers along the x-axis direction together with the variations of the layer distances, the distance of the in-plane adjacent oxygen atoms, and the lattice constants of M2CO2 (M = Ti, Zr, Nb, Mo, Hf, Ta, and W). It reveals that the sliding energy profiles of M2CO2 can be generally characterized by two different minima (labeled as Min1 and Min2) and two maxima (labelled as Saddle and Max), and their geometric arrangements are shown in Fig. S4.† When the transition metal species changes, a significant variation of energy barriers is closely related to the variation of the lattice constants. As shown in Fig. S5,† a larger in-plane distance of adjacent oxygens leads to a larger hollow among three adjacent oxygen atoms. As for Min1, the upper oxygen atom is located at the center of the triangle which connects the lower three adjacent oxygen atoms. Because of the coulombic force between the upper and lower oxygen atoms, a larger hollow leads to a smaller interlayer distance dS. As for Max, the interlayer distances dU of different M2CO2 are almost the same. Therefore, it is hard to switch from stable position to unstable position for M2CO2 with a larger lattice constant because of its further movement (dU − dS) between the two layers. Because they show strong similarity of the calculated energy barrier profile to that of the widely studied Ti2CO2, we shall take it as illustrative case in the following sections for comprehensive first-principles investigations on its stacking stability and interface sliding with different bilayer orientations.
In general, two kinds of configurations were proposed for the stacked Ti2CO2 bilayers, i.e., configuration I is stacked with bilayers in parallel sequence (see Fig. 2a), while configuration II corresponds to the anti-parallel stacking sequence with a mirror symmetry between the top and bottom layer (see Fig. 2b). It is seen that the two configurations cannot be transformed into each other by translational operation, but a rotation of 180 degree along z axis can get the transformation between the two configurations. To show the stacking orders more clearly in Fig. 2a and b, only six atom layers surrounded by the blue dotted box are shown in both side-view plot and top-view plot. Fig. 2c and d presents the calculated PES of the Ti2CO2-I and Ti2CO2-II as a function of the relative in-plane displacement along x and y directions. It is found that along the minimum energy pathway (MEP), the position marked by symbol “L” in both Ti2CO2-I and Ti2CO2-II corresponds to the minimum stacking energy, while the position marked by symbol “H” indicates the local maxima along the MEP. The position marked by symbol “M” in Ti2CO2-I corresponds a local minimum, indicating the occurrence of a metastable state. Fig. 3 shows the variation of relative energies with the in-plane displacement along path I and path II for Ti2CO2-I and Ti2CO2-II. It is seen that the energy barrier of Ti2CO2-II (0.019 eV) is nearly half less than that of Ti2CO2-I (0.045 eV), indicating a larger sliding resistance for the Ti2CO2-I.
The binding energy (Eb) is always used to quantify the work required to remove an individual layer from a multilayered host,34 providing an essential indicator for optimizing the processing procedure in the synthesis of a standalone 2D structure, as well as for understanding the underlined interlayer bonding nature. For clarity, the binding energy hereafter is referred to as the absolute value of the formation energy of a stacked multilayer from isolated monolayers by stacking in a certain ordered arrangement. The binding energy, Eb, is expressed as
(1) |
Table 1 presents the calculated binding energies Eb of Ti2CO2-I, Ti2CO2-II, Ti2C-I, and Ti2C-II, and compared with that of graphene, and the calculated PES of graphene and Ti2C are compared in Fig. S6 in the ESI.† It can be generally seen that the binding energy of configuration I is greater than that of configuration II for all MXenes, resembling the relative values of the sliding energy barrier and the interlayer distance between configuration I and configuration II. Therefore, a larger interlayer distance corresponds to a smaller binding energy, suggesting a lower sliding resistance. Furthermore, the energy barrier and binding energy of Ti2C is found to be much higher than those of Ti2CO2 and graphene, suggesting that the metallic bonding in the bare MXenes plays a crucial role in the enhancement of the sliding resistance.
Systems | ΔE (eV per cell) | Eb (meV per Å2 per cell) | a (Å) | dS (Å) |
Ti2CO2-I | 0.044 | 10.23 | 3.085 | 2.605 |
Ti2CO2-II | 0.017 | 9.75 | 3.083 | 2.656 |
Ti2C-I | 0.237 | 115.0 | 3.113 | 2.425 |
Ti2C-II | 0.099 | 112.7 | 3.102 | 2.830 |
Graphene | 0.002 | 9.20 | 2.464 | 3.535 |
Fig. 4c and d shows the variation of the energy barrier with normal strain changing from 2% to 14% for Ti2CO2-I and Ti2CO2-II, respectively. It can be seen that the MEP under normal strain is similar to that without strain. Compared to Ti2CO2-II, a nearly five times higher energy barrier is found for Ti2CO2-I to slide at different normal strains. To be noted that a general trend is observed that normal strain will increase the energy barrier. In order to underline the physics for the variation of energy barrier, we further investigate the electronic interaction between upper and lower layers via the Bader charge analysis. We calculated the charges of Ti and O atoms at the stable site (eS) and the transition site (eT) of Ti2CO2-I and Ti2CO2-II, and in Fig. 4a. Fig. 4b (as indicated in the dashed box), we presented the variation of charge difference (Δe = eS − eT) between the stable site (eS) and the transition site (eT) of Ti2CO2-I and Ti2CO2-II with normal strain. It is observed that more electrons transfer from Ti atom to O atom with the increasing normal strain, and totally the Δe of Ti2CO2-I is larger than that of Ti2CO2-II. In brief, the increasing trend of energy barrier is exactly proportional to that of charge difference, suggesting that the charge difference between the stable site and the transition site provides an electronic explanation on the sliding energy barrier.
Fig. 5 The variation of the energy barrier with biaxial strain (a, b), x-axis strain (c, d), and y-axis strain (e, f) for Ti2CO2-I and Ti2CO2-II. |
To gain a deeper insight into the effect of the strain, we consider the variations of energy barrier along the lengthened path and the shortened path under tension strains, respectively. In the geometrical aspect, the biaxial tension strain and tension along x-axis will lengthen the path from B to C, while the tension along y-axis will shorten that path and instead lengthen the path from A to B. As shown in Fig. 6a, the energy barrier of the corresponding lengthened path increases as the tension strain increases. Along the shortened path from B to C under tension along y-axis, it is seen that the energy barrier does not monotonically decrease as the strain along y-axis increases, but a minimum value is observed at the tension strain of 5%. To figure out why the minimum energy barrier appears at the tension strain of 5%, the deformed electronic structures are calculated at different strain states. Fig. 6d–f show the deformed band structures of Ti2CO2 under uniaxial tension along y direction. Because of the coupling effect between the bilayers, the upper and lower bands become much closer, and accordingly we focus on the most relevant 12 bands near the Fermi level. It can be seen that when the tension strain along y-axis is less than 5%, the gap increases with the increasing strain. As shown in Fig. 5f, the relative energy at x = 1.5 decreases as the increasing y-axial strain from 0 to 5%, which corresponds to a phase transformation accompanied by gap opening, i.e., the stable phase is gradually shifted from x = 1 to x = 1.5. The gap opening reaches the maximum and the system becomes the most stable state at the tension strain of 5%. After that, the strain leads to structural instability of the system so that its gap opening decreases and the barrier increases. Therefore, the ground state structure changes when the strain reaches a certain value under uniaxial tension in agreement with the variation of energy barrier, while the variation of gap opening shows an opposite trend before and after the structure change. In brief, the stretching of the path will increase the energy barrier along it, while the shortening of the path to a proper distance will generate the largest gap which can make the energy barrier close to 0. As shown at Fig. S8 in the ESI,† the stretching along the A–D path will produce the MEP from F to A to B. In a similar manner, the stretching along the B–E path, the MEP becomes from D to E and then to F, while the stretching along the A–D path, the MEP prefers from F to A and then to B. Therefore, the uniaxial strain may fundamentally modify the MEP due to anisotropic expansion of surface electronic state.
(1) The oxygen-functionalized MXenes with larger lattice constants are more difficult to slide because the larger oxygen hollow at the surface hinders its sliding.
(2) The bare MXenes is found to possess much higher sliding resistance than the oxygen-functionalized one due to the strong metallic bonds between the stacked layers.
(3) Compared to the parallel stacked M2CO2-I, the mirror stacked M2CO2-II possesses a better lubricant property due to their much lower sliding energy barrier.
(4) Normal compression may effectively enhance the sliding barrier, while the in-plane biaxial tension may effectively hinder the interlayer sliding owing to different charges transferring from M to O atom.
(5) The uniaxial tension strain will fundamentally modify the MEP due to anisotropic expansion of surface electronic state. The in-depth analysis of deformed band structures under uniaxial tensions indicates that the gap shows an opposite variation as compared to the energy barrier, and the barrier reaches the minimum at the certain uniaxial strain.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c7ra11139h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |