* and
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Chemie, Ruhr – Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany. E-mail: daniel.munoz@theochem.rub.de
First published on 20th March 2017
Nanoconfined liquids have extremely different properties from the bulk, which profoundly affects chemical reactions taking place in nanosolvation. Here, we present extensive ab initio simulations of a vast set of chemical reactions within a water lamella that is nanoconfined by mineral surfaces, which might be relevant to prebiotic peptide formation in aqueous environments. Our results disclose a rich interplay of distinct effects, from steric factors typical of reactions occurring in small spaces to a charge-stabilization effect in nanoconfined water at extreme conditions similar to that observed in bulk water when changing from extreme to ambient conditions. These effects are found to modify significantly not only the energetics but also the mechanisms of reactions happening in nanoconfined water in comparison to the corresponding bulk regime.
In the context of nanosolvation, it is of paramount importance to understand the different effects playing a role in such nanoreactors which makes them a completely different medium from the bulk. For instance, theoretical works based on statistical arguments13,14 have coined the term “nanoconfinement entropic effects” to describe the way in which chemical equilibrium is affected when considering only a small amount of molecules, observing a considerable shift w.r.t. the equilibrium in the macroscopic limit originating in the reduction in number of reactant–product mixed microstates. Along this line, there are extensive studies on nanoconfinement effects on chemical processes. In particular, a large body of work exists on water confined in reverse micelles.15 These are now commonly used as templates for nanoparticle synthesis,16 but also reactions have been studied in these confined spaces including oligomerization,17 conformational equilibria18 and especially proton transfer.19,20 However, unraveling the special chemistry observed in these systems is complicated by possibly strong interactions of both reactants and water with the charged or highly polar groups of the surfactant,19,20 which renders it difficult to separate nanoconfinement effects from those that depend on the specific nature of the interface.
More weakly interacting confining environments like carbon nanotubes21 or other inert nanopores clearly reveal nanoconfinement effects on water itself. Using such systems, studies relevant to biology expose strong solvent effects due to crowding and nanoconfinement on conformational equilibria of biomolecules.2,22–25 Most of them explain this role in terms of entropic factors, solvent entropy in nanoconfinement being much lower than in the bulk due to the more structured character of confined water. On the other hand, other studies consider the fact of the nanoconfined solvent, itself, having properties far different from bulk water as one of the possible explanations.26 In particular, several studies revealed the highly inhomogeneous and anisotropic nature of the polarization fluctuations of interfacial27–29 and nanoconfined21 water, but so far no direct link has been established between these observations and the fact that some physical/chemical processes in nanoconfined water differ greatly from those in the bulk regime. Moreover, similar studies30 of water confined by soft interfaces show remarkably different results compared to what is observed in water at hard interfaces.27–29 This observation strongly indicates that the vast existing experimental knowledge about water under soft confinement conditions, using e.g. micelles or lipid bilayers, may be more misleading than helpful when rationalizing the behavior of water in mineral confinement.
Based on all this evidence, it becomes clear that the distinct properties of nanoconfined water must greatly impact on any wet-chemical reaction occurring therein – yet this is largely ‘terra incognita’. Here, in order to disclose how nanosolvation affects chemical processes we have studied by means of large-scale ab initio MD simulations31 an extensive set of distinct chemical reactions in a realistic setup modeling a nanoconfined water lamella between mineral (mackinawite, FeS) sheets. The particular set of reactions (Fig. 1) moreover comprises a full putative ‘prebiotic peptide cycle’ in which an amino acid (glycine) is activated (via addition of carbonyl sulfide, COS, and subsequent formation of its N-carboxyanhydride, NCA) to yield a peptide upon condensation with another amino acid (glycine). Previously, this cycle has been extensively studied by us under different conditions such as bulk water at both ambient and extreme conditions32,33 and in the presence of a pyrite surface.34,35
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Fig. 1 Full reaction network underlying the prebiotic peptide cycle studied in nanoconfined water in comparison to bulk water. Each colored bubble shows reaction sequences studied in a separate simulation. Reactants/products are labeled with integer numbers, while decimal numbers indicate reaction intermediates or transition states. Reactions A–D comprise the ‘activation’ part of the cycle, in which glycine is transformed in the NCA 5, while reactions E and F are the ‘elongation’ part of the cycle resulting in diglycine 7. Reaction G is the back-reaction, i.e. peptide hydrolysis, studied in order to evaluate peptide stability at the different conditions (see text): AMB, unprimed species; HPW, single-primed species; NCW, double-primed species. In addition to the charge state of the reactive functional groups involved in the distinct chemical reactions as indicated in the scheme, the protonation state of non-reactive ‘spectator’ groups (see text) such as carboxyl can also change depending on the conditions. These details are not included in the scheme but exhaustively analyzed in Sec. V of the ESI.† |
As opposed to pyrite, mackinawite is an iron–sulfur mineral which presents a layered structure that forms cracks and can be easily exfoliated. It is found at deep-see hydrothermal vents,36 where the layered cracks can be intercalated by water, thus yielding realistic nanoreactor environments for studying prebiotic chemistry in hot-pressurized water within the so-called “Iron–Sulfur World” hypothesis.37,38 This setup allows us to study realistic nanoconfinement effects on many reaction classes including addition, elimination, cyclization, condensation and hydrolysis reactions using chemically inert39–41 inorganic slit pores in contrast to nanoconfinement using reverse micelles. All these reactions are found to display remarkable differences in nanoconfined water at elevated temperature and pressure conditions compared to the corresponding bulk solvation regime. Given the fundamental nature of the aforementioned reactions, the extracted findings will be of broad importance much beyond the specific case.
To set the stage, we will highlight the main aspects of the reaction cycle depicted in Fig. 1 in the sense of comparing the results in nanoconfined water at high temperature and pressure (NCW: 500 K and ∼20 MPa) to those previously obtained in the bulk solvent,32,33i.e. in hot-pressurized bulk water (HPW: 500 K and ∼20 MPa) and in bulk water at ambient conditions (AMB: 300 K and ∼0.1 MPa), for which the free energy profiles are compiled in Fig. 2; we refer to Secs. II and III-D in the ESI† for a thorough assessment of the reliability of our theoretical approach for estimating the (free) energy differences along the reaction paths, including an assessment of PBE compared to SCS–(RI)–MP2 (ref. 48 and 49) data for the reaction classes of relevance in the present context and extensive convergence tests for the metadynamics simulations.
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Fig. 2 Free energy profiles for the different reactions depicted schematically in Fig. 1. These relative free energies are provided in kJ mol−1 for nanoconfined water at high temperature and pressure (NCW, red circles), hot-pressurized bulk water (HPW, blue squares), and bulk water at ambient conditions (AMB, black triangles). Note that KBT500 = 4.2 kJ mol−1 (for NCW and HPW) and KBT300 = 2.5 kJ mol−1 (for AMB). Depending on the conditions, 7.1* and 7.2* correspond to the NCW (double-primed), HPW (single-primed) or AMB (unprimed) species in Fig. 1 for which the corresponding energies are reported (in red, blue, black). |
In the context of comparing reactions in nanoconfined spaces to reactions in reference systems, we note that studying the relevant reactions in the gas phase will not provide useful insights. This can be easily illustrated already for the first reaction step A being the glycine zwitterionic equilibrium: a glycine molecule in gas phase is neutral while the change to the zwitterionic form as preferred in aqueous environments requires the addition of several explicit water molecules,50,51 not to mention continuum solvation modeling that is unable to treat de/reprotonation reactions involving H-bonding solvent molecules as active ingredients. However, even the attempt to study de/reprotonation of glycine in aqueous environments using a microsolvation approach is doomed to fail because the H-bonding topology of the solvation shell has been shown recently to critically determine the conversion of neutral and zwitterionic forms because of the intimate coupling of the de/protonation reactions of the carboxyl and amino groups.52 This is in stark contrast to what happens in a bulk-like environment (as we indeed observe in our simulations, see below) where the de/reprotonation of these two groups is completely decoupled since the environment accepts and provides protons on demand. The particular de/reprotonation reaction A is just one striking example to illustrate our point. In conclusion, we consider such gas-phase-like calculations not to be appropriate in order to provide useful references for chemical reactions under nanoconfinement conditions, whereas our AMB and HPW systems serve this purpose as will be shown throughout the subsequent discussions.
These findings will provide the foundation for working out the general features of nanosolvation effects in the Discussion section, whereas the rich details of the individual reaction steps are elaborated in the ESI.† Note that in all reactions in NCW (Fig. 1) the stratified structure of the water lamella as described earlier39–41 is retained. Another common aspect in all of them is the absence of chemical interactions between both, solvent and solute molecules and the confining mineral sheets (as illustrated in Fig. 6, 8 and 9 in the ESI†).
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Fig. 4 Snapshots for the reaction C′. (a) N-Thiocarboxyl glycine 3; (b) intermediate 3.2; (c) product N-carboxyanhydride NCA 5 with the SH− leaving group. |
In distinct contrast to what has been observed earlier in the limit of bulk solvation, our results show that charged species are again stabilized in NCW – which therefore must be caused by nanoconfinement as such. Unfortunately, in several of the studied reactions this effect is at interplay with other effects, being mainly of a purely geometric/steric nature as will be discussed below. Given the breadth of distinct chemical reactions studied, the resulting complexity makes it unfortunately impossible to strictly quantitatively compute the corresponding energetic stabilization contributions of charged species in NCW including, in particular, the crucial transition states. We can, however, draw qualitative conclusions based on recent studies of interfacial effects on pure water that allow us to understand general trends that we broadly observe as a result of nanoconfinement.
It has been repeatedly shown that the parallel component of the dielectric tensor of water at hard interfaces at ambient conditions increases significantly when approaching the interfacial region from the bulk.27–29,55 This phenomenon even induces what is called dielectric superpermittivity of water confined within carbon nanotubes.21 Moreover, it can be analytically shown that the average polarization fluctuations (which are directly proportional to the usual static dielectric constant ε in the limit of bulk solvation according to eqn (4.8) in the ESI†) are dominated right at the interface by the unusually high value of the parallel component of the dielectric tensor of interfacial water,
A complementary perspective might be offered, at first sight, by considering the stratified nature of water in the slit pore with its locally enhanced density close to the confining walls.39–41 This could be considered to shift the system at constant temperature into another region of state points in an appropriately defined phase diagram of nanoconfined water. Yet, apart from non-trivial complications, the required increase of density or pressure is known to increase the dielectric constant in the limit of homogeneous liquid bulk water,57 which connects with the previous argument about enhanced polarization fluctuations at the interface as a possible origin of the charge-stabilization in NCW. Finally, we note that it has been recently shown30 that water confined by soft interfaces shows only a very small enhancement of ε∥, in stark contrast to the strikingly pronounced enhancement of ε∥ that has been demonstrated repeatedly for water at hard interfaces.27–29,55 This clearly suggests that water confined by hard surfaces, such as mackinawite sheets in the present case, possesses distinctly different properties from water confined in soft media. This implies not only that the extensive knowledge of (nano)confined water in media such as reverse micelles or lipid bilayers does not apply to water lamellae within mineral sheets, but also that further studies must be performed upon varying the material of the confining surfaces in order to understand the role and influence of the confining media on the properties of water hosted therein.
We must remark, however, that the charge-stabilization effect in NCW compared to HPW – regardless of its origin – is a direct observation based on our simulation results and is, moreover, consistently observed in all reactions in the same way as it is observed when comparing AMB to HPW. In some of the reactions, this is clearly realized when comparing the free energy profiles. A clear example is the zwitterionic vs. neutral equilibrium A of glycine: the neutral form 2 is seen to be stabilized upon raising temperature and pressure from AMB to HPW, whereas nanoconfinement destabilizes 2 greatly w.r.t. the zwitterionic species 1. In other showcases, such as for species 3.2 and 4.1 (being stabilized intermediates in NCW but high-energy transition states in HPW, see Fig. 2), this even results in a different mechanism for the same reaction depending on the conditions, i.e. stepwise in both NCW and AMB vs. concerted in HPW.
In contrast, in all those reactions where the free energy profiles for two different conditions are unexpectedly similar, for instance as encountered when directly comparing AMB to HPW in reaction B or HPW vs. NCW for reaction F, the protonation state of the non-reactive spectator group is different at the two conditions compared (being always neutral at HPW vs. preferentially anionic at AMB or NCW). In HPW, the spectator group can stabilize an otherwise negatively charged species by becoming protonated, thus producing an overall neutral species, while it remains deprotonated at AMB (or NCW) conditions, which readily explains unexpected features of the distinct free energy profiles of reaction B (respectively F) after considering the protonation states of species 2, 2.1 and 3 with the help of Fig. 7 in the ESI† (respectively of species 6, 6.1 and 7 in Fig. 11 in the ESI†); see Sec. V in the ESI† for a comprehensive discussion of all cases. Thus, non-reactive spectator groups can act like ‘buffers’ that minimize the impact of the changing conditions on the reacting charged groups (being directly involved in the ongoing chemistry) by changing the overall charge state of the reacting species independently from the ongoing reaction.
We conclude at this stage that all these details qualitatively confirm the general trend of an increased ability of NCW to stabilize charged or charge-separated (zwitterionic) species compared to HPW, as well as the associated changes of reaction mechanism, as a result of nanoconfinement.
Another key observation regards the two major trends revealed in the Results section upon comparing the free energy profiles in NCW vs. HPW. Firstly, the barriers in addition reactions (either inter- or intramolecular) are considerably lowered in NCW, while in elimination reactions they are only moderately lower or even higher. Secondly, the differences between NCW and HPW are less pronounced in reactions that involve bulky molecules than in those of smaller molecules. These two trends have a clear steric origin: in the case of intermolecular addition reactions, the two-dimensional nanoconfinement imposed by the mineral layers restricts the diffusion of the solvated molecules, thus favoring reactive encounters of the reactants compared to the bulk environment once they are close. Such is the case of reaction B, where analyses of the trajectories reveal that the reactants, glycine and COS, always reside in the same water layer. Roughly speaking, this leaves only two translational degrees of freedom for the relative position of one reactant relative to the other, as opposed to the three degrees of freedom in the bulk, thus leading to the pronounced changes observed in the free energies. A similar argument applies to the cyclizations C′ and D. The confining environment restricts the conformational landscape of these molecules: given their size, the fully stretched conformations are only possible if the molecule lies parallel or slightly inclined w.r.t. the mineral surface while folded conformations are possible regardless of the orientation (Fig. 4). This helps the reactants in adopting the necessary conformation for the formation of compact cyclic intermediates such as 3.2 (nicely visualized in Fig. 4) and 4.1, which therefore favors the corresponding reactions under NCW conditions. On the other hand, elimination reactions like C and F do not benefit from this dimensionality reduction, thus the smaller differences found for them between the NCW and HPW profiles.
The second trend has its origin in the steric hindrance coming into play in the reactions where bigger molecules are involved. Take for instance reactions B and E. In the first one, a glycine molecule reacts with a compact molecule, COS. Being a linear molecule, the C atom can be attacked by glycine's amino group from any angle except those at the ends of its axis. In contrast, in reaction E, glycine must attack the C2 atom of the NCA, a planar molecule of larger size. In this case, the attack is only possible along orientations roughly perpendicular to the plane of the heterocycle. Imposing nanoconfinement on B greatly facilitates this reaction (lowering the barrier in NCW by 50% w.r.t. HPW): while the diffusive modes are restricted by the mineral surfaces as previously explained, the small size leads to reactive encounters (Fig. 3). In contrast, for reaction E, there is a balance between the advantage of the molecules being pushed together and the disadvantage of the confining environment that hinders re-orientations of the reactants (Fig. 6), which could result in shielding the molecule's reactive sites. While the former facilitates the reaction in NCW w.r.t. HPW, the latter counteracts thus resulting in an only about 23% decrease of the overall barrier, in contrast to the huge 50% decrease of reaction B where no such hindrance exists. Similar steric influences are observed for reaction G, where a water molecule must attack an atom at the center of the dipeptide, which is more shielded (due to the confining surfaces in conjunction with closeby parts of the chain) compared to the terminal atoms which are involved in other reactions. It is noted that it is precisely this protection against water attack what renders peptide hydrolysis in NCW unfavorable with respect to HPW conditions, since the subsequent elementary steps are actually favored in NCW w.r.t. HPW (compare in Fig. 2 the relative barrier in NCW for going from 7.1′′ to 2 + 2, i.e. 42 kJ mol−1, vs. that barrier in HPW for 7.1′ to yield 2 + 2, i.e. 54 kJ mol−1).
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Fig. 6 Snapshots for the reaction E. (a) Glycine together with N-carboxyanhydride (2 + 5); (b) intermediate 5.1; (c) product N-carboxyldiglycine 6. |
Coming now back to the prebiotic peptide cycle, the dramatic drop in the free energy barrier for the key activation reaction C′ in NCW makes this simple process preferred over the indirect pathway C plus D. Thus, nanosolvation favors amino acid activation via direct cyclization over the most indirect isocyanate route (reactions C and D), which is preferred in AMB and HPW conditions. In addition, taking into account that the highest free energy barrier for the entire peptide formation process is significantly lowered in NCW, it is clear that nanoconfinement favors peptide formation, while peptide hydrolysis (i.e. reaction G) is hindered concurrently. Regarding further elongation of the dipeptide 7, this would take place via reaction of another NCA with the easily accessible terminal amino group of the dipeptide, whereas peptide hydrolysis will be sterically hindered since it requires water attack at the buried peptide bond. In consequence, polypeptide formation in aqueous conditions should be favored in NCW over both HPW and AMB conditions, i.e. nanosolvation favors the synthesis of peptides in aqueous environments.
This result along with our general conclusions will not only be of immediate interest to synthetic chemistry, but may have deep implications for prebiotic chemistry. While it is certainly out of the scope of this purely computational investigation into reaction mechanisms to contribute to origin-of-life research, it is interesting to see that layered minerals, like mackinawite or fougèrite, have been considered to provide habitats for the emergence of local metabolisms.58,59 In this context, it has been suggested that the water-filled interlayer nanometric channels offered by these minerals could not only serve to establish proton and electron gradients leading to the emergence of what has been called a ‘pyrophosphate synthetase nanoengine’58 (cf.Fig. 5 in ref. 59), but also as inorganic templates which would have facilitated the formation of peptide α-sheets and even amyloids58 (a speculation directly backed up by our present results for the peptide cycle), which in turn could have become protoenzymes by sequestering metals or inorganic clusters. We therefore emphasize that the unveiled peculiar chemistry taking place in nanoconfined water might provide new clues for better understanding the function of primordial inorganic membranes comprised of iron- and sulfur-rich layered precipitates36 which have been put forward to be precursors of molecular machines such as pyrophosphate synthetase.58,59
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Details on the theory and methods, computational setup, and exhaustive description of the results. See DOI: 10.1039/c6sc04989c |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |