Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan. E-mail: asukafujii@m.tohoku.ac.jp
First published on 11th January 2017
A two-center three-electron 2c–3e bond (hemi-bond) is a non-classical chemical bond, and its existence has been supposed in radical cation clusters with lone pairs. Though the nature of the hemi-bond and its role in the reactivity of radical cations have attracted great interest, spectroscopic observations of hemi-bonded structures have been very scarce. In the present study, the presence of a stable hemi-bonded core (H2S∴SH2)+ in (H2S)n+ (n = 3–6) in the gas phase is demonstrated by infrared spectroscopy combined with quantum chemical calculations. The spectral features of the free SH stretch of the ion core show that the hemi-bond motif of the ion core is maintained up to the completion of the first H-bonded solvation shell. All of the observed spectra are well reproduced by the minimum energy hemi-bonded isomers, and no sign of the proton-transferred ion core type H3S+–SH, which is estimated to have a much higher energy, is found. Spin density calculations show that the excess charge is almost equally delocalized over the two H2S molecules in the cluster for n = 3 to 6. This also indicates the hemi-bond nature of the (H2S∴SH2)+ ion core and the small impact of the formation of a solvation shell on the ion core.
One of the simple model systems to investigate hemi-bonded radical cations is (H2O)n+. In spite of many theoretical studies so far, however, hemi-bonded structures of (H2O)n+ have not yet been experimentally observed because of the strong competition of the formation of the proton-transferred H3O+–OH ion core type.7–10 On the other hand, (H2S)n+ seems to be more feasible for a hemi-bond study. Several theoretical studies of (H2S)2+ have predicted that the hemi-bonded structure (H2S∴SH2)+ is much more stable than the proton-transferred structure H3S+–SH (see Fig. 1) by ca. 50–100 kJ mol−1, depending on the level of theory.5,11–13 This preference for the hemi-bonded type structure in (H2S)2+ is in contrast to its analogues along period 2. Furthermore, an energy decomposition scheme has been applied to (H2S∴SH2)+, and it has shown that nearly 60% of the sulfur–sulfur bond is provided by the three-electron bond but that electrostatic attraction also makes a large contribution (∼40%) to the bond.14 This energy decomposition scheme neglects electron correlation. Therefore, we should note that dispersion may also play an important role in such a system.15
Despite these theoretical studies which predict the energetic superiority of the hemi-bonded structure over the proton-transferred structure, very few experimental studies have been reported on (H2S)n+ and their analogues. Until now, the sulfur–sulfur hemi-bond has been characterized only by EPR and UV-vis (transient) absorption.16–18 However, it is very difficult to directly extract structural information from these types of experiments. Spectroscopic evidence in the gas phase has been highly requested to examine the theoretical predictions of the sulfur–sulfur hemi-bond.
Recently, the weakening of a hemi-bond through the delocalization of the spin density beyond two nuclei centers has been suggested.17,19 This phenomenon implies the potential influence of hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) on the hemi-bond since charge transfer by orbital overlap frequently occurs with the formation of an H-bond.20 The influence of H-bonds (solvation) on the hemi-bonded ion core should be explored.
In this study, to address the issues proposed above, we report an infrared (IR) spectroscopic study of (H2S)n+ (n = 3–6) in the gas phase. The presence of the (H2S∴SH2)+ hemi-bonded ion core is revealed for all observed sizes, and the evolution of the solvation structure is characterized. The experimental observations are consistent with the favorability of the hemi-bonded ion core over the proton-transferred ion core in (H2S)n+ as predicted by recent theoretical calculations.12
With the solvation of the hemi-bonded ion core, the H-bonded SH stretch band of the ion core is expected to appear in the spectra. In the region below 2300 cm−1, a very broad absorption is seen, and this absorption is attributed to the H-bonded SH of the ion core. As the cluster size increases, weakening of the hydrogen bond of the ion core occurs as the (H2S)n+ cluster accommodates more H2S species, and a blue-shift of the broad absorption feature appears. However, the position of the peak is out of the reliable measurement range of our experimental setup.
To shed light on the structures of (H2S)n+ (n = 3–6), theoretical methods with a good balance between reliability and efficiency are required. The high reliability of the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ level has been demonstrated for various neutral sulfur-centered hydrogen bonded systems and for H+(H2S)n.21,23 Unrestricted wave functions for radical cations at the MP2 level tend to be contaminated by states of higher spin multiplicity. However, for (H2S)2+, it has been found that the unrestricted and restricted open-shell MP2 approaches, namely UMP2 and ROMP2, predict almost the same energy difference between the hemi-bonded and proton-transferred type structures, showing comparable accuracy with the results of CCSD(T), and the deviation of the spin angular moment 〈S2〉 value under UMP2 and ROMP2 is in the acceptable range.13 In the present work, besides the UMP2 method, a computationally cost-effective double hybrid DFT procedure, UB2PLYPD, is also employed. By including 53% HF exchange and a 27% perturbation correlation contribution, UB2PLYPD has been demonstrated to treat spin contamination well.24 Using these two theoretical approaches, an exhaustive conformational search generates both hemi-bonded and proton-transferred type low-lying structures on the potential energy surface. Details of the computational results are summarized in the ESI.† For all of the sizes we searched, the energy separation between the two ion core motifs is larger than 40 kJ mol−1 and the hemi-bonded type is the most energetically favourable of the two. Therefore, for the proton-transferred type isomers, only the most stable structure is included in the summary for n ≥ 4 (we should note that the structures of the proton-transferred type isomers are essentially the same as those of the corresponding H+(H2S)n, which have recently been reported by our group21). The predominance of the hemi-bonded type and the relative energy order are irrespective of the choice of the theoretical level, UMP2/aug-cc-pVDZ or UB2PLYPD/aug-cc-pVDZ (details are seen in the Table SI-1 in the ESI†). Essentially the same conclusion has also been reported by Do and Besley for (H2S)n+ (n = 2–4) by searching the isomers through the Basin–Hopping approach and subsequent structural optimization at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory.12 In our computations, the UMP2 method yields an 〈S2〉 value with a small average deviation of 0.021 compared to the exact value (0.75), and the spin contamination is not serious. Furthermore, the simulated spectra calculated using the UMP2 method show better agreement with the experimental spectra than those calculated using UB2PLYPD (details are shown in Tables SI-2 and SI-3 in ESI†). Thus, in the following, UMP2/aug-cc-pVDZ is utilized as the main theoretical method.
In Fig. 3, we compare the observed IR spectra of (H2S)n+ (n = 3–6) with the harmonic simulated spectra of the most stable isomers, which have the hemi-bonded ion core type (detailed comparison including higher energy isomers is provided in Fig. SI-1 to SI-4 in the ESI†). The frequencies of the harmonic spectra are convoluted with a Lorentzian function of 10 cm−1 FWHM, using a scaling factor of 0.942. The simulations reproduce well the observed spectra, supporting the qualitative assignments provided above. For the ν3 band, a non-negligible discrepancy between the observed spectra and simulations is found. The observed ν3 band intensity, relative to ν1, seems to be remarkably suppressed. The similar suppression of the ν3 band has been also reported in H+(H2S)n and many water analogues. This has been ascribed to differences in the internal rotation structure, dissociation yield, and transition intensity enhancement between the ν1 and ν3 bands.21,25–27
The spin densities of the most stable structures are shown in Fig. 4. The spin density (unpaired electron) is almost equally delocalized over the two H2S molecules, indicating the 2c–3e bond nature of the ion core. Upon solvation of the ion core, the positive charge gradually delocalizes over the solvent H2S moiety. Even after the completion of the first solvation shell at n = 6, however, the natural charge in the (H2S∴SH2)+ ion core is predominant, and this demonstrates the stability of the hemi-bond with respect to solvation (H-bond formation). The influence of the charge is also seen in the dissociation energy (D0), calculated using the basis set superposition error (BSSE) and zero point energy (ZPE) corrections. D0 is estimated to be 32.1, 30.2, 24.6, and 22.6 kJ mol−1 for n = 3 to 6, respectively. The gradual decrease reflects the charge delocalization of the ion core to the solvent H2S molecules. The D0 values of (H2S)n+ are lower than those of H+(H2S)n, wherein D0 in the first H-bonded solvation shell is 42.3 kJ mol−1 at the same level of theory.21 This is rationalized by the fact that the charge in H+(H2S)n is primarily distributed over the single molecule of the Eigen type core H3S+ while the charge in (H2S)n+ is shared by the two H2S molecules of the hemi-bonded ion core.
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Fig. 4 The spin density for (H2S)n+ (n = 3–6) (isovalue = 0.006), and the natural population analysis (NPA) charge distribution for the molecular component. |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Calculated relative energies of stable isomers of (H2S)n+ (n = 3–6), calculated harmonic frequencies of (H2S)4+ at the different calculation levels, comparison between the observed and simulated spectra of (H2S)n+ (n = 3–6). See DOI: 10.1039/c6sc05361k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |