Cerys A.
Rhys A.
Meleri M.
Kathryn A.
Catherine A.
Peter R.
b and
Dean A.
aSwansea University Medical School, Institute of Life Science 1, Swansea University, Swansea, UK. E-mail: cerys.jenkins@swansea.ac.uk; Tel: +01792 604843
bDepartment of Physics, Centre for Nanohealth, Swansea University, Swansea, UK
cDept of Colorectal Surgery, Morriston Hospital, Swansea, UK
First published on 1st November 2018
Vibrational spectroscopic techniques such as Raman spectroscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) have huge potential for the analysis of biological specimens. The techniques allow the user to gain label-free, non-destructive biochemical information about a given sample. Previous studies using vibrational spectroscopy with the specific application of diagnosing colorectal diseases such as cancer have mainly focused on in vivo or in vitro studies of tissue specimens using microscopy or probe based techniques. There have been few studies of vibrational spectroscopic techniques based on the analysis of blood serum for the advancement of colorectal cancer diagnostics. With growing interest in the field of liquid biopsies, this study presents the development of a high-throughput (HT) serum Raman spectroscopy platform and methodology and compares dry and liquid data acquisition of serum samples. This work considers factors contributing to translatability of the methodologies such as HT design, inter-user variability and sample handling effects on diagnostic capability. The HT Raman methods were tested on a pilot dataset of serum from 30 cancer patients and 30 matched control patients using statistical analysis via cross-validated PLS-DA with a maximum achieved a sensitivity of 83% and specificity of 83% for detecting colorectal cancer.
Raman spectroscopy (RS) is a vibrational spectroscopy technique providing unique spectral characteristics from the scattering of incident light interacting with the sample in question. When used appropriately it is a non-destructive technique that has been previously reported in pilot studies for the detection of cancer in both in vitro and in vivo studies.5–9 Previously, emphasis has been made on the use of Raman spectroscopy for histopathology applications and it has been shown that Raman spectroscopy can be used to accurately differentiate between diseased and healthy tissue in gastrointestinal, oral, breast and brain cancers.10,11 More recently, there have been studies exploring the potential of Raman spectroscopy to analyse biofluids for disease detection using plasma, serum and urine.12–14 These are more accessible than tissue samples traditionally used to perform Raman analysis. However, despite protocols being published to try and standardise RS analysis of biological samples, there is a lack of large biofluid serum RS studies towards clinical translation compared to similar FTIR applications.15,16 This includes studies into inter-operator usability and the effect of different sampling modalities and pre-analytical considerations for biofluid RS where these have been reported for FTIR.17,18 Another potential hurdle of biofluid RS are the lack of high throughput (HT) systems for different sampling modes, such as liquid and dry samples.
This study presents the development of high throughput (HT) platforms for liquid and dry serum RS for colorectal cancer detection. Currently the referral of symptomatic patients into secondary care is very high with only 3–5% of referrals ultimately being diagnosed with CRC. This provides the rationale for a blood test approach using Raman Spectroscopy. The HT platform has been developed for use as a potential triage tool in primary care for symptomatic patients with suspected colorectal cancer. The method has been refined using cell free serum in line with traditional pathology laboratory techniques. Serum has better long term stability than whole blood without the spectral contamination from cellular or coagulation factors. The principles of the HT platforms developed within this study are not limited to serum however and would be applicable to any biofluid sample. The HT platforms are tested in a pilot study and compared in a cohort of 60 patients (30 cancer and 30 healthy) using partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). This is in line with previous vibrational spectroscopic pilot studies for cancer detection.14,19–21 The work will investigate spectral reproducibility of serum Raman spectra in the liquid HT platform considering effects of sampling modality and freeze–thaw cycles on the diagnostic capability of the method. Clinical discrimination will be investigated and compared between methods using cross-validated PLS-DA. The results of this study show great potential for a HT Raman platform as a novel diagnostic tool for CRC detection.
Study group | Number patients | Mean age (years) | Number smokers | Number males | Number females |
Cancer | 30 | 67.7 ± 9.7 | 8 | 15 | 15 |
Control | 30 | 65.0 ± 12.8 | 3 | 13 | 17 |
Total | 60 | 66.4 ± 11.3 | 11 | 28 | 32 |
The spectral acquisition utilises rapid but multiple exposures to collect individual spectra which are then accumulated into one representative spectrum. This allows for assessment of sample degradation. Analysis of the spectra as a function of exposure confirms that the powers detailed below were suitable to preserve the integrity of the serum samples. Use of this acquisition methodology allows self-consistent checks of sample integrity in relation to the diagnostic model development.
The effect of temperature stabilisation on spectral reproducibility was evaluated in this work. Serum spectra were collected without the use of the temperature stabilised platform and compared to serum spectra taken using the platform. The temperature of the well plate is kept above the dew point to prevent condensation from forming when in use.
To highlight spectral variation due to inter-operator variability and the effects of temperature on the spectra, preprocessed spectra were subject to PCA analysis. PCA is an unsupervised analysis technique. PCA transforms spectral datasets under a matrix transformation such that the spectral variances are maximised. The transformed data are set up such that the principle components (PCs) of the transformation are in rank order of spectral variance. It is then possible to project the component scores and plot to investigate spectral differences. Loading plots on the PCs were also plotted to investigate the underlying spectral causes of the variation described by the PCs.
Processed spectra were also subject to partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). Briefly, PLS-DA is a multivariate analysis technique that can be used to investigate causes of differences and variances within datasets.26 It is based on partial least squares regression (PLS) and can be used on datasets that have binary groups (e.g. cancer vs. control). PLS regression can be used to form a linear multivariate model between two matrices (X and Y), where in our case X is the spectral dataset and Y is a set of observable variables. The discriminant analysis or (PLS-DA) is used where Y is known and a PLS regression model is built between a dataset matrix (X) and a ‘label’ matrix (Y) where the ‘label’ matrix contains numbers that correspond to groups within the dataset e.g. (1 = Cancer, −1 = Control). By cross validating PLS-DA models classification performance can be measured for a given dataset in terms of a confusion matrix. Therefore, this technique lends itself well to investigating the effect of different pre-analytical techniques by allowing the user to both investigate the causes of variance within a dataset via loadings and PLS-DA scores but also to quantify the result via giving a numerical performance to measure the magnitude of the changes. All spectra were analysed on a spectrum-wise basis as the dataset is relatively small.27 The number of latent variables chosen in the classification model for each was different. The number selected minimised the cross validation (CV) error. Post CV, sensitivity and specificity for detecting colorectal cancer were calculated from CV confusion matrices for each technique as follows:
Optimisation studies | |
Laser source | 785 nm and 532 nm |
Substrates | Glass, polypropylene, aluminium foil, calcium flouride |
Measurement position (dry) | Position across droplet |
Measurement environment (liquid) | Temperature stable vs. Non-temperature stabilised |
Inter-user variation (dry and liquid) | User 1 vs. user 2 |
Effects on diagnostic capability | |
HT methods | Dry vs. liquid |
Freeze–thaw cycles | Fresh vs. freeze–thawed |
Dry spectroscopic comparison | HT liquid Raman |
Liquid spectroscopic comparison | HT dry Raman |
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Fig. 1 Comparison of different potential substrates for dry HT serum Raman spectroscopy. Spectra are offset for clarity. |
The polypropylene slides and the calcium fluoride slide both showed large spectral contributions. The calcium fluoride disk had been used previously and cleaned showing that despite the low expected spectral contribution, calcium fluoride disks can undergo degradation. The glass slides tested are cheap and are already used commonly in a clinical setting, however, they have a large spectral response when excited within the NIR region. The aluminium foil and stainless steel slides showed the lowest spectral contribution when excited with a 785 nm laser.
Aluminium foil previously has been reported as a potential substrate for biofluid analysis with Raman spectroscopy.16,28 However, it can be subject to warping or crumpling effects while a droplet dries onto it. To combat this the aluminium foil substrate in this work was pressed and dimpled into a multi-well design minimising the warping and crumpling effects. This reduced dry droplet cracking and allowed HT dry droplet data acquisition with excellent SNR and good spectral reproducibility as seen in Fig. 2. One drawback of using a dry serum RS process is that serum components appear to segregate during the drying process leaving an inhomogeneous film with inherent spectral variability. This process can vary across different substrates. Therefore, the region in which spectral measurements were to be taken was optimised using PCA mapping. Dried droplets were mapped over the fingerprint region (610 cm−1–1720 cm−1). PCA maps were then generated and superimposed onto white light images of the droplets using a non-mean centred PCA algorithm with the most variable areas having brighter mapped colours as seen in Fig. 3. As expected with a non-centred PCA the first PCA map shows homogeneity across the sample representing the mean dry spectrum. When investigating the map across PC2 it is clear that there is a darker and therefore less variable region across the droplet just inside the outer ring. This least variable region was therefore selected as the optimal region in which to take spectral measurements to reduce spectral variability due to the sample drying effects.
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Fig. 2 Representative example of raw spectra data from the aluminium foil multi-well substrate (inset). |
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Fig. 4 PC score plot showing PC1 vs. PC2 (A) and loading plot (B) for inter-user variability study for the dry HT platform. |
The PC1 vs. PC2 plot shows that between the two users there is a general separation across PC2 with the spectra from each user grouping together. This implies that the largest spectral variances are due to inter-user variability. The associated loading plot for PC1 and PC2 shows that there are spectral variances mostly caused by the 1300 cm−1–1400 cm−1 spectral region. This is associated with a spectral contribution from the aluminium substrate in this region (Fig. 1). Therefore, despite optimisation of the region across a dried droplet in which users take measurements there are still differences in the substrate spectral contribution. Repeated tests by the users confirmed that the dried droplet approach leads to variances caused by which operator was taking the measurements. Therefore, when taking spectral measurements by the dry platform the user would need to be kept consistent for a given dataset to ensure spectral comparability.
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Fig. 5 Raman spectral contribution of empty plastic multiwell plate with and without a serum sample interrogated with (A) 785 nm laser excitation and (B) 532 nm laser excitation. |
To avoid the spectral contribution from a plastic system a 40-well stainless steel substrate was developed for HT serum RS. The stainless steel well plate allows rapid spectral collection from multiple liquid samples, offers a low Raman background contribution and, via employing the same protocols for the cleaning of surgical instruments, offers a re-usable and contaminant-free platform for sample handling. Fig. 6 shows a representative example of raw liquid spectral data collected using the developed HT platform from 785 nm (a), 532 nm excited serum (b) and the well plate design (inset).
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Fig. 6 Example raw spectral data taken from the stainless steel HT platform showing good SNR rand spectral repeatability with the 785 nm excitation (A) and the 532 nm excitation (B). |
Liquid serum spectra collected using the platform with both 785 nm and 532 nm laser excitation show good SNR, minimal substrate contribution and also good spectral variability within repeat measurements. The stainless steel design was therefore used a simple, cost effective HT substrate.
To demonstrate the effectiveness within the HT liquid serum platform, a comparative study of spectra from un-stabilised (variable with room temperature and sampling conditions) and actively cooled samples taken over an 8 hours period was carried out. With no stabilization in place, a large decrease in the sample volume was observed with an evaporation rate of approximately 10 μl h−1. Evaporation is greatly reduced with an actively stabilised and cooled sample. Spectra variability is largely reduced by the presence of cooling over the course of 8 hours with a maximum and mean spectral standard deviation a factor of 2.9× and 1.9× smaller than when no cooling present, respectively. This variability is shown by the comparative standard deviation from the mean processed spectra in Fig. 7A. The mean spectral standard deviation with no temperature control was found to be 0.0265, compared to the cooled sample which had a mean spectral standard deviation of 0.0138. This reduction in spectral variance is further demonstrated via PCA analysis. Fig. 7B is a PC1 vs. PC2 score plot of the same sample taken 8 hours apart in a non-temperature stabilised setting. The PC1 vs. PC2 score plot shows that spectra taken at time 0 were significantly separated along PC1 compared to spectra taken after 8 hours, with PC1 accounting for 86.78% of the overall spectral variance for the non-stabilised spectra. When compared to PCA analysis of spectra taken on the temperature stabilized platform (Fig. 7C) the overall variance of the temperature stabilised spectra is lower and the spectra show less overall variance. This is further shown when directly comparing the overall variance along PC1 for the non-temperature stabilised and the cooled spectra (Fig. 7D), where the overall spectral variance in the spectra taken in the cooled platform is almost half that of the temperature non-stabilised spectra. Although there is still separation in the PC1 scores of the sample when cooling is present, this is an amount of separation also commonly seen within spectra-spectra variability.
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Fig. 8 PC score plot (A) and loading plot (B) for inter-user variability study for the liquid HT platform. |
PLS-DA discriminatory models were produced for data from the dry and the liquid HT serum Raman platforms. PLS-DA model parameters were optimised according to minimising the cross-validation error within the models. All PLS-DA models were cross validated using k-fold cross validation with 5 folds. Receiver operating curves (ROC) were also generated from the predicted values from the 5-fold cross validation and the area under the curve (AUC) plotted for both the training set and the cross validated models.
Fig. 10A shows the cross-validated prediction scores against sample number for the 785 nm dry platform. The prediction shows a good separation between the PLS-DA scores for the cancer and the control patients. The loading plot for the 785 nm dry data shows that the LV1 shows spectral differences that match the difference plots generated in Fig. 9A and B. Fig. 10D shows that the cross-validated prediction scores for the liquid model is still well separated between the groups, but not as well as the dry data. The general trend and peak positions of the differences shown in the liquid loading on LV1 and the difference plot is also comparable. The HT liquid method with 532 nm excitation also shows good cross-validated separation but not quite as high as the 785 nm excitation data. However, the loading plot for LV1 for the 532 nm data matches almost exactly the difference plot shown in Fig. 9C. The area under the curve (AUC) for all of the cross validated PLS-DA models was higher than 0.8 indicating that all three techniques have potential to be considered ‘good’ learners.31 However, as reflected in the predictions vs. samples plots the 785 nm dry data had the highest AUC at 0.8834. Following the calculation of the cross validated PLS-DA models, sensitivities and specificities for the techniques to identify colorectal cancer within the serum samples was calculated for each HT Raman platform. Table 3 shows a comparison of the HT platforms in terms of the calculated CV sensitivities, specificities, analysis times and the effects of inter-operator variability.
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Fig. 10 PLS-DA score plot with associated loadings on LV1 and LV2 and the CV ROC curve for 785 nm dry platform (A–C), 785 nm liquid platform (D–F) and 532 nm platform (G–I). |
Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | User variable? | Total time (min) | |
785 nm dry | 83 | 83 | Yes | 80 |
785 nm liquid | 77 | 81 | No | 22.5 |
532 nm liquid | 77 | 78 | No | 16 |
With these patient samples, the dry 785 nm methodology yields the most effective diagnostic results with the highest sensitivity, specificity and AUC. Therefore, within a research laboratory with one user, this method may be considered optimal. However, when extended to considering aspects of translation the dry methodology exhibited inter-user spectral variability which would potentially cause a large variation in diagnostic results.
The liquid serum platform showed higher specificity with 785 nm excitation than with 532 nm excitation. The sensitivities were equivalent for 785 nm and 532 nm excitation. This is likely to be due to the spectra sharing some common spectral bands such as the phenylalanine and the carotenoid associated bands as seen in Fig. 6. Fig. 10 parts B, E and H show the loadings associated to the scores for each PLS-DA model. The bands shared within the spectra are also common in the PLS-DA loadings associated to the spectral discrimination. The PLS-DA models constructed within this work highlight the effective reproducible processes in the measurement platform and analysis routines. This enables high levels of discrimination at both wavelengths, even though the spectra themselves are different.
Finally, despite the liquid methodologies having a slightly lower sensitivity and specificity than the dry methods they are not affected by inter-user variability. Moreover the overall analysis time for the liquid methods is also quicker as there is no need to wait for the samples to dry.
Sensitivity (%) | Specificity (%) | Sensitivity change vs. fresh (%) | Specificity change vs. fresh (%) | |
785 nm dry | 72 | 78 | −11 | −5 |
785 nm liquid | 79 | 77 | +2 | −4 |
532 nm liquid | 77 | 77 | 0 | +1 |
To combat limitations with the dry HT platform, a stainless steel well plate with a temperature stabilisation stage has also been developed and optimised for liquid serum spectral acquisition. The stainless-steel well plate design shows minimal spectral contributions and allows automated sample collection for up to 40 patients per sample run. Furthermore, the platform is re-usable when subject to cleaning protocols consistent with surgical tools.
Stabilising the temperature of the liquid platform was shown to reduce the spectral variance and minimised evaporation effects allowing more reproducible data acquisition. The liquid HT platform was also compatible with more than one wavelength and showedless susceptibility to inter-user variation between spectra and was not as affected as the dry protocol by the freezing of samples. The maximum sensitivity and specificity achieved with the HT liquid platform was with the 785 nm laser using fresh samples at 77% and 81% respectively. The 532 nm excitation had lower discriminatory values than the 785 nm models but it had the quickest overall sampling time.
It is appreciated that one limitation of the work presented here is the lack of testing of diagnostic models with an independent testing set. However, the diagnostic values presented demonstrate the efficacy of the HT platforms developed and are encouraging for future studies. If HT serum RS is to be translated as a triage tool for colorectal referrals, diagnostic capability of the techniques, further studies with larger clinically relevant cohorts using more robust diagnostic algorithms and independent testing of patient cohorts will need to be carried out. Future work will include the evaluation of the HT diagnostic platforms in conjunction with machine learning based techniques in a large patient cohort. Furthermore, the effects of cancer stage, patient co-morbidities, medications and the limit of detection for serum Raman spectroscopy will be considered as well as the health economic considerations of HT serum RS as a triage tool for colorectal cancer referrals.
The new gains we have demonstrated in this study will continue to be advanced to establish early and effective diagnosis of colorectal cancer for patient benefit. The methodology is also being applied to validate Raman spectroscopy as key clinical tool for liquid serum biopsies.
Footnote |
† Present address: WestCHEM, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Technology & Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |