John C.
Douglas L.
h and
aDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA
bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA
cDipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Milano 20125, Italy
dResearch Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA
eMaterials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA
fMechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA
gDepartment of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan
hResearch Battery Technology, BMW Group, Munich 80788, Germany
First published on 20th February 2018
Lithium ion conductivity in many structural families can be tuned by many orders of magnitude, with some rivaling that of liquid electrolytes at room temperature. Unfortunately, fast lithium conductors exhibit poor stability against lithium battery electrodes. In this article, we report a fundamentally new approach to alter ion mobility and stability against oxidation of lithium ion conductors using lattice dynamics. By combining inelastic neutron scattering measurements with density functional theory, fast lithium conductors were shown to have low lithium vibration frequency or low center of lithium phonon density of states. On the other hand, lowering anion phonon densities of states reduces the stability against electrochemical oxidation. Olivines with low lithium band centers but high anion band centers are promising lithium ion conductors with high ion conductivity and stability. Such findings highlight new strategies in controlling lattice dynamics to discover new lithium ion conductors with enhanced conductivity and stability.
Broader contextReplacing organic liquid electrolytes with solid lithium ion conductors in Li-ion batteries can boost the energy density and also increase battery safety. Current research and development of solid-state lithium ion batteries has been catalyzed by recent breakthroughs in solid lithium ion conductors that have ion conductivities rivaling those of conventional organic liquid electrolytes. However, known fast solid lithium ion conductors are not stable against lithium ion battery electrodes. Of significance, no fast lithium ion conductor known to date is stable against positive electrode materials in lithium ion batteries. Therefore, it is of great importance to design new lithium ion conductors having not only high Li conductivity but also being stable during battery operation. Increasing ion mobility and stability of lithium solid conductors is not straightforward and progress in the past decades has been achieved primarily by trial and error. Structural and chemical tuning via isovalent or aliovalent substitution of cation and/or anion in given structural families has led to steady increase in the lithium ion conductivity, and recent discovery of superionic lithium ion conductors. In this article, we report correlations between lattice dynamics and ion mobility or stability against electrochemical oxidation, and highlight opportunities to search for fast, stable lithium ion conductors based on low lithium band center but high anion band center. With rapid advances in the computational capability, we envision these descriptors to be used in high-throughput studies to screen not only lithium ion conductors but also other technologically relevant ion conductors such as oxygen or sodium ion conductors. |
Increasing ion mobility and stability of lithium solid conductors is not straightforward and progress in the past decades has been achieved primarily by trial and error. Structural and chemical tuning via isovalent or aliovalent substitution of cation10,11 and/or anion18–20 in given structural families has led to steady increase in the lithium ion conductivity, and recent discovery of superionic lithium ion conductors.6–9 Recently a number of structure-based ion conductivity descriptors have been proposed to aid and accelerate the design of new superionic conductors including the volume of the unit cell10,13,21 the volume of lithium diffusion pathway,22 the anion in the structure,21 and the structure of the anion sublattices.23 For example, increasing lattice volume in the LISICON,10 NASICON-like,13 or perovskite14,21 structure can enhance ion conductivity and reduce activation energy.21 In addition, changing the anions by moving down in the periodic table (e.g. Li10GeP2X12, (X = O, S and Se)17 or Li3PX4 (X = O24 and S20)) and/or arranging anions in a body centered cubic lattice23 can increase lithium ion conductivity by reducing activation energy. Unfortunately, most of these descriptors have limited predictive power when applied across different structure families and chemistry of lithium ion conductors.21 Direct computation of Li-ion conductivity using ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) has also been pursued as a way to discover/design new materials with higher ionic conductivity.25,26 However, this method is computationally very demanding not to mention various practical limitations such as the need to extrapolate ionic conductivity from high temperature to room temperature. Moreover, no design principle is established for the stability of lithium solid conductors. Limited predictive power of reported conductivity descriptors and the lack of stability descriptor hampers the search for new lithium-ion conductors with enhanced conductivity and stability in order to meet all the requirements of solid-state lithium-ion batteries. In this article, we report a new approach to design lithium ion mobility and stability of lithium ion conductors using their lattice dynamical properties. We relate lithium ion mobility to lattice dynamics based on the following hypothesis: small energetic barrier for lithium ion migration (enthalpy of migration) is associated with large displacement amplitude from their equilibrium sites (Fig. 1a), rendering greater probability for lithium ions to explore multiple energy minima. Large excursions of mobile ions away from the equilibrium position are enabled in the soft atomic potential and also are associated with low phonon frequencies considering the Einstein model, where the amplitude of thermal displacement u of the ion is inversely proportional to the square of the frequency ωE using:27 〈|u|2〉 = 3kBT/mωE2, having kB, T and m denote the Boltzmann constant, temperature and the mass of the mobile species, respectively. In contrast, with a high migration barrier, the mobile species oscillate close to their equilibrium position with small thermal displacement amplitude and high frequency, and have low probability of hopping to adjacent sites. The hypothesis is supported by the following observations. The self-diffusion coefficient and the activation energy of metal atoms in body center cubic metal strongly correlate with the frequency of the longitudinal acoustic mode along the 〈111〉 direction (at reduced wavevector q = 2/3), being higher with lower frequency.28 Second, the computed migration enthalpy of oxygen diffusion via interstitialcy in rare-earth Ruddlesden–Popper phases shows strong positive correlation with reduced (more negative) force constant of the soft mode associated with the rotation of AO6 octahedra (A = rare-earth metal ions).29 Third, Wakamura has shown that the activation energy in Ag+, Na+ Cu+ and F− superionic conductors decreases with decreasing frequency of low-energy optical mode30 supporting the idea that low phonon frequency can be associated with high probability of ions hopping to the neighboring sites.21
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Fig. 1 (a) Schematic of the energy landscape of lithium ions in lithium ion conductors. The potential energy as a function of the migration pathway distance, where the minima correspond to the equilibrium positions while the maxima correspond to the bottleneck or transition state, where lithium ions come to be the closest to anions (b) low-temperature (LT) structure of LISICON (space group Pmn21). (c) High-temperature (HT) structure of LISICON (space group Pnma), where lithium and phosphorus occupy the tetrahedral interstices, leaving all the octahedral sites empty, within the distorted hexagonal oxygen sublattice. All the LiO4 tetrahedra point in the same direction in LT-Li3PO424 while LiO4 tetrahedra of HT-Li3PO424 point in the two opposite directions. (d) Room-temperature ionic conductivity of some representative LISICON included in this study (Li3PO4-Pnma,24 Li3PS4-Pmn21,20 Li3.4Ge0.4P0.6O4-Pnma,10 Li3.25Ge0.25P0.75S4-Pnma18 and Li10SnP2S12-P63/nmc8). |
We elected to study a series of lithium ion conductors in the LISICON family derived from Li3PO4, to test the hypothesis that their lattice dynamics can greatly influence lithium ion mobility and stability. Lithium ion conductivity can be increased by up to 15 orders of magnitude10,11,18,20,21via cation and anion substitutions in this structural family relative to Li3PO4 (Fig. 1d). We also included Olivine structure which has the same (distorted) hexagonal close packed of anion sublattice as the LISICON compounds but differ in occupancy of Lithium ions which are located in octahedral sites as opposed to tetrahedral sites in LISICON structure. Although substitution (doping) and defects may alter migration pathway and mechanism and the activation energy, we have selected lithium ion conduction in LISICON and Olivine, having similar one-dimensional channels of Li ions within hexagonal anion sublattice. Previous work has shown that in Olivine, these one-dimensional channels serve as the dominant pathway for lithium migration and govern ion conduction in this structure.50 In Lisicon, although the diffusion pathway is three-dimensional,31 previous study has shown that the enthalpies of vacancies migration along each crystallographic direction are very similar and on the order of 0.7 eV in both γ-Li3PO4 and β-Li3PO4.32 It should be mentioned that depending on the concentration of mobile specie, the dominant diffusion mechanism might be interstitial instead of vacancy diffusion considered here. Nevertheless, we believe that the trends that we propose here remain valid as long as one considers the same mechanism with similar diffusion pathway regardless of the compound chemistries and structures. Isovalent substitution of oxygen by sulfur anion can enhance the ionic conductivity by six orders of magnitude, having reduced activation energy from 1.324 to 0.52 eV,20 and additional four orders of magnitude by aliovalent substitution of phosphorus by germanium, with decreasing activation energy from 0.52 to 0.21 eV.18 In this work, we systematically study the lattice dynamics of LISICONs derived from Li3PO4 by measuring the phonon density of states (DOS) of 17 compounds and one olivine compound as well as computing the phonon DOS of more than 20 compounds which are isostructural to LISICON and 6 olivines. The reader is referred to the Table S1 in (ESI†) for a complete list of compounds included in this study. From these data, combined with the measured activation energy, computed enthalpy of lithium ion migration of LISICONs and computed potential for electrochemical oxidation, the descriptors for lithium ion mobility and stability for oxidation were proposed.
For computations, we used density functional theory based on the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE) generalized gradient approximation33 as implemented in the VASP package.34 The core electrons were treated within the Projector Augmented Wave (PAW) method.35 Migration barriers for a lithium ion hopping were calculated using the climbing-image nudged elastic band method36 in a 2 × 2 × 1 supercell for LISICON (space group Pnma) while for the LISICON (space group Pnm21), a 2 × 2 × 2 supercell was employed. A 2 × 2 × 2 k-point grid was used and the cutoff of the kinetic energy was set to the default values as set in the pseudopotential files. For phonon calculations, the same supercells were used with finer k-point grid (3 × 3 × 3) and a higher energy cutoff (520 eV) in order to obtain more accurate values of the force. We have also used a higher cut-off energy of 700 eV for phonon DOS calculations but haven’t found any significant change (Fig. S1, ESI†) indicating that phonon DOS calculations are already well converged at 520 eV of cut-off energy. We have also tested LDA functional for phonon DOS calculations and found that the main effect of is to shift all the modes especially the high-energy feature in the DOS to higher frequencies resulting in an upward shift of band center (Fig. S1, ESI†) in agreement with previous study.37 However, the magnitude of the shift is small and fairly constant across different chemistries and crystal structures suggesting that LDA functional will result in a rigid shift to slightly higher energy but will not affect the trend. Finite displacement method was used for phonon calculations and the total as well as the atom-projected DOS were extracted using the phonopy package.38
To quantify the average vibrational frequency of a given material, we defined the ‘phonon band center’ which is the phonon frequency weighted by the DOS. Mathematically, it is written as:
If we replace DOS(ω) in this expression by the total phonon DOS, we obtain what we called ‘total phonon band center’. Similarly, if we replace DOS(ω) by one of the atom-projected DOS for instance Li-projected DOS, we obtain the ‘Lithium phonon band center’ which can also be viewed as the centroid of the Li-projected phonon DOS. The stability windows were computed following the method proposed by Richard et al.16 using the data from Materials project database39 and Pymatgen software package.40 The stability window was computed by constructing the grand potential phase diagram and varying the chemical potential of Li until the grand potential of the electrolytes were above the convex hull.41 Measured phonon DOS of 17 LISICON and LISICON-like compounds can be found in Fig. 2–4 and Fig. S2 (ESI†), computed phonon DOS of some of these compounds and additional LISICONs available in the ICSD can be found in Fig. 2 and Fig. S3 (ESI†). The measured phonon band centers (100 K) was in excellent agreement with computed values for 7 stoichiometric LISICONs, one substituted LISICON Li3.25Ge0.25P0.75S4 (chemically similar to Li10GeP2S12) and Li4GeO4 (Cmcm), as shown in Fig. 3. A systematic red shift of the computed total band center with respect to the measured total band center can be partially attributed to a well-known issue of overestimated lattice parameters associated with GGA functional (PBE)33 relative to measured values, giving rise to softening of high-energy modes and thus the total phonon band center.
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Fig. 2 Measured phonon DOS and computed total and lithium-projected phonon DOS. Experimental phonon DOS collected at 100 K are shown on top while computed phonon DOS at 0 K on the bottom as well as the computed lithium-projected DOS (shaded). (a) Li3PO4 (Pnma) (b) Li3PS4 (Pmn21) (c) Li3.4Ge0.4P0.6O4 (Pnma) and (d) Li3.25Ge0.25P0.75S4 (Pnma). The measured phonon DOS data were obtained after background correction, optimizing lower and higher energy cut-off and details can be found in Fig. S4 (ESI†). The computed DOS were weighted by neutron scattering cross section of the different elements that make up the structures. The details of this procedure can be found in previous work.67 |
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Fig. 4 Measured phonon DOS as function of aliovalent substitution and temperature. (a) Measured phonon DOS of the series Li3+xGexV1−xO4 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1) (abbreviated as LGVO20, LGVO40 and LGVO80 for x = 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 respectively) measured at 100 K. (b) The phonon DOS of Li3PS4 (Pnma) measured at 100, 200 and 300 K, which shows marked broadening at ∼50 meV. (c) The phonon DOS of Li3PO4 (Pnma) measured at 100, 200 and 300 K, which shows little variation with temperature. (d) The phonon DOS of Li10SnP2S12 that are featureless measured at 100, 200 and 300 K. The measured phonon DOS data were obtained after background correction, optimizing lower and higher energy cut-off and details can be found in Fig. S4 (ESI†). |
Aliovalent cation substitution induces broadening of features in the phonon DOS, without significant softening. Phonon peaks, including the peak that primarily came from lithium ion vibrations in the range from 40–70 meV, was broadened systematically with increasing Ge substitution in Li3+xGexV1−xO4, where x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1 (Li3VO4, LGVO20, LGVO40, LGVO80 and Li4GeO4) in Fig. 4a. Similar broadening of lithium phonon DOS was observed for Li3.4Ge0.4P0.6O4 (Pnma) and Li3.25Ge0.25P0.75S4 (Pnma) upon substituting P with Ge in Li3PO4 (Pnma) and Li3PS4 (Pnm21), respectively, as shown in Fig. 2. On the other hand, isovalent cation substitution by heavier ions such as replacing P with V in Li3PO4 (Fig. S5a, ESI†) led to minimal downshifting of lithium band center but large downshifting of high-energy phonon modes involving non-mobile, structural cations, to the extent which shared similar energy to lithium phonon DOS in the case of sulfides (Fig. S5b, ESI†). Therefore, the broadening of lithium ion vibrations can be attributed to increasing disorder by introducing defects into the LISICON structure42 such as increasing partial occupancy in the lithium sublattice. This hypothesis is supported by marked broadening of lithium phonon modes observed for Li3PS4 upon increasing temperature from 100 K to 300 K while remaining phonon DOS features of less mobile PS4 units in Li3PS4 showed negligible changes, as shown in Fig. 4b. This broadening can be explained by greater lithium partial occupancy and large displacement amplitudes (anharmonicity)42 of lithium ions in Li3PS4 as expected from its low migration barrier (∼0.5 eV), in agreement with the concept discussed in Fig. 1a. Further support came from the observation that no broadening of lithium vibration modes at ∼50 meV was noted for Li3PO4 (Fig. 4c), since the partial lithium occupancy (or mobile lithium ion concentration) is low (∼2.05 × 108 cm−3 at 300 K using lithium vacancy formation energy of ∼1.7 eV),43 and small displacement amplitudes. Furthermore, Li10SnP2S12 (isostructural to Li10GeP2S12), with disordered lithium sublattice and liquid-like lithium ion conductivity at room temperature,8 was found to have phonon DOS so broadened that no peak feature was visible, which did not change upon heating from 100 to 300 K, as shown in Fig. 4d.
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Fig. 5 (a) Comparison between measured activation energy and measured (total) band center of 7 stoichiometric LISICONs and Li4GeO4 (Cmcm), where the activation energy contains contribution from the enthalpy of defect formation and migration enthalpy, and 8 substituted LISICONs with partial occupancy, where the activation energy is essentially the enthalpy of migration. The activation energy were measured using electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) (Fig. S6, ESI†), and are consistent with prior work Li3PO4 (Pnma),24 Li3VO4 (Pmn21),44 Li4GeO4 (Cmcm),45 and Li3+xGexV1−xO4 (x = 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6).10 Activation energy of Li3PS4 (Pnm21 and Pnma),20 Li4GeS4,19 Li4SnS4,68 and Li10SnP2S12 (P42/nmc)8 was taken from previous work. The blue and orange colours refer to the HT phase (space group Pmna) and the LT phase (space group Pmn21), respectively. (b) Correlation between computed enthalpy of migration and oxidation potential with computed phonon band center. The computed enthalpy of migration of 15 stoichiometric LISICONs known in the ICSD and 2 computed structures correlated well with the computed lithium band center at 0 K. |
As the total phonon band center can be weighted considerably for the vibrations of non-mobile species such as structural cations and anions, we further sought correlations between the band center of lithium-projected phonon DOS and activation energy. In addition, we computed the enthalpy of migration, which would allow us to systematically examine both stoichiometric LISICONs without partial occupancy and substituted LISICONs with partial occupancy. The downshifting of lithium phonon band center or average lithium ion vibration frequency was found to correlate with reduced migration barrier and thus greater lithium mobility, supporting the hypothesis described in Fig. 1a. Lithium ion migration enthalpy, which was defined as the difference between transition state energy and that of the initial/final configuration, was computed using nudge elastic band (NEB) calculations.36 Identical jump sequence along the diffusion pathway shown in Fig. 5b inset was used to compute the enthalpy of lithium ion migration even though this jump sequence might not be associated with the lowest migration enthalpy. In addition to 7 stoichiometric LISICON and one substituted LISICON in Fig. 3, we included 8 others stoichiometric LISICONs in the inorganic crystal structure database (ICSD) in Fig. 5b, which represent all stoichiometric LISICONs (excluding those containing transition metals) and two computed structures (Li2CdSiS4 and Li2CdGeSe4) to complete the series of Li2CdXS4 (X = Si, Ge and Sn) and Li2CdGeY4 (Y = O, S and Se). Decreasing computed lithium band center of 17 stoichiometric LISICONs and one substituted LISICON Li3.25Ge0.25P0.75S4 (chemically similar to Li10GeP2S12) was shown to markedly reduce the lithium ion enthalpy of migration of stoichiometric LISICON (computed) and Li3.25Ge0.25P0.75S4 (measured activation energy) from ∼0.85 to ∼0.15 eV, as shown in Fig. 5b. In contrast, the correlation with the computed ligand band center (Fig. S7a, ESI†) and total band center (Fig. S7b, ESI†) was poor. Similar to the trend of total band centers (Fig. 5a), replacing oxygen with sulfur had the largest influence in downshifting the lithium band center and decreasing enthalpy of lithium ion migration. The softening from ∼50 meV for Li3PO4 (Pnma) to ∼37 meV for Li3PS4 (Pnma) was correlated with a large drop in the migration barrier from ∼0.7 eV to ∼0.3 eV. Of significance, Li3.25Ge0.25P0.75S4 (chemically similar to Li10GeP2S12) were found to have the lowest measured (Fig. 5a) and computed enthalpy (Fig. 5b) of lithium ion migration of ∼0.2 eV, which is comparable to that of conventional liquid electrolytes used in lithium ion batteries1 and fast lithium ion conductors such as Li7P3S11,9 Li10GeP2S12,6 or Li9.54Si1.74P1.44S11.7Cl0.3.7 The softened or low average lithium vibration frequency and low migration barriers found for fast lithium conductors in this study, which would facilitate more frequent successful hopping of lithium ions also favor concerted hopping47 of lithium ions as opposed to isolated jumps in conventional ionic conductors. Therefore, computed lithium band center or the average lithium vibration frequency is proposed as one descriptor for lithium ion mobility for LISICONs and other lithium ion conductors.
Of significance, fast lithium ion conductors18 based on LISICONs such as Li3.25Ge0.25P0.75S4 have low enthalpy of lithium ion migration and softened lithium phonon DOS, which is accompanied with downshifted anion band center (Fig. S8f, ESI†). The correlation between lowered migration barrier with softened average lithium vibration frequency in Fig. 5b, and that between lowered oxidative stability with softened average anion vibration frequency in Fig. 6 highlight a trade-off between lithium ion mobility and oxidation stability for the design of lithium ion conductors. Moreover, extending the concept in Fig. 1a to anion mobility, lowered anion band centers can be accompanied by increased anion mobility, which can promote any solid-state reaction kinetics with electrode materials. Therefore, the interplay between lattice dynamics and ion mobility and stability highlights the need and opportunities to search for fast lithium ion conductors having low lithium band center but high anion band center which exhibit high ion conductivity and high oxidative stability in lithium ion batteries.
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Fig. 7 (a) Correlation between computed Li-band center and the computed enthalpy of migration including the Olivine structure. (b) Anion band centers and Li-band centers of Olivine compounds compared to LISICON compounds. (c) The Olivine is closely related to the LISICON structure by the fact that both have hexagonal anion sublattice but Li occupy octahedral interstice in Olivine unlike tetrahedral sites in LISICON. The jump sequence used to compute the migration barrier as well as the minimum energy pathway associated with this jump sequence in Olivine are shown in the inset. The enthalpy of migration in olivine was found to be lower than in LISICON. All the computed enthalpies of migration were calculated using the standard climbing image nudge elastic band method36 and the phonon band center is defined as the average phonon frequency weighted by phonon DOS. The blue and orange colours refer respectively to the HT phase (space group Pmna) and the LT phase (space group Pmn21), respectively while the red colour refers to the Olivine compounds. The filled circles are compounds that are known in the ICSD and/or computed in this work, where the lithium ion conductivity has not been measured experimentally. For more details, please refer to Table S1 (ESI†). |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c7ee03364h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |