T. D. Clemons*a,
M. Bradshawa,
P. Toshniwala,
N. Chaudharia,
A. W. Stevensonb,
J. Lynchbc,
M. W. Fearb,
F. M. Woodb and
K. Swaminathan Iyer*a
aSchool of Molecular Sciences M313, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia. E-mail: tristan.clemons@uwa.edu.au; swaminatha.iyer@uwa.edu.au
bFiona Wood Foundation and Burn Injury Research Unit, The University of Western Australia, M318, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia
cRoyal College of Surgeon's of Ireland, 123 St Stephen's Green, Dublin, Ireland
First published on 6th March 2018
An important histological difference between normal, uninjured dermis and scar tissue such as that found in keloid scars is the pattern (morphological architecture) in which the collagen is deposited and arranged. In the uninjured dermis, collagen bundle architecture appears randomly organized (or in a basket weave formation), whereas in pathological conditions such as keloid scar tissue, collagen bundles are often found in whorls or in a hypotrophic scar collagen is more densely packed in a parallel configuration. In the case of skin, a scar disables the dermis, leaving it weaker, stiff and with a loss of optimal functionality. The absence of objective and quantifiable assessments of collagen orientation is a major bottleneck in monitoring progression of scar therapeutics. In this article, a novel quantitative approach for analyzing collagen orientation is reported. The methodology is demonstrated using collagen produced by cells in a model scar environment and examines collagen remodeling post-TGFβ stimulation in vitro. The method is shown to be reliable and effective in identifying significant coherency differences in the collagen deposited by human keloid scar cells. The technique is also compared for analysing collagen architecture in rat sections of normal, scarred skin and tendon tissue. Results demonstrate that the proposed computational method provides a fast and robust way of analyzing collagen orientation in a manner surpassing existing methods. This study establishes this methodology as a preliminary means of monitoring in vitro and in tissue treatment modalities which are expected to alter collagen morphology.
There are a number of factors that are different between scar and normal uninjured dermis. With respect to collagen this includes collagen density, thickness of collagen fibres and orientation. Other differences, dependent in part on extent of the burn injury sustained but can include lack of adnexal structures and changes to elastin and other matrix proteins. Since collagen is by far the most dominant protein present in dermal matrix of both scar and normal skin and hence the majority of measurement techniques have been based on analysing different aspects of the collagen architecture. To date, accurate and reproducible methods for quantitatively assessing collagen architecture in scars are lacking. Histological stains, such as Masson's trichrome and picrosirius red have been used to identify collagen abundance in tissue sections which can then be used for qualitative assessments of collagen integrity between samples.13,14 Confocal microscopy followed by fractal and lacunarity analysis has been proposed as a superior tool for the discrimination of scar collagen versus normal tissue.15 The results from the analysis correlated well with transmission electron microscopy images of the collagen ultrastructure and this type of analysis has previously been reported to be accurate and reproducible when applied to neurons, alveoli and capillary beds.16–18 Recently, sophisticated methods exploiting frequency domain transformation and power spectral analysis have been employed to try and solve the problem of collagen morphology quantitation.19,20 Power spectral analysis estimates the power variation of an image over different frequency ranges. It describes in energy terms how closely two points are related in an image as a function of distance and orientation.21 Fourier transforms, in particular the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), has been used to estimate the power spectrum of images, and this approach has been directed at collagen fibre orientation and collagen bundle thickness and/or spacing.22–24
Research is continuing into new methods for quantitating collagen in scar tissue. Quinn, et al. recently developed an image analysis technique for the quantification of collagen alignment at a pixel-by-pixel level.25 This study was able to quantitatively assess significant differences between the collagen alignment in scars compared to normal tissue from rats at 2 and 6 months following the injury.25 However, there continues to be a need to develop more reliable, accurate and reproducible objective measures for collagen morphology. Here, coherency analysis is demonstrated to be a reliable method of quantifying collagen architecture and a highly effective alternative to existing objective scar assessment measures including Fourier analysis and collagen orientation index (COI) as a means of quantifying collagen alignment. A summary of current methodologies from within the literature and a comparison of their key findings with that of the coherency protocol outlined within this paper is provided in the ESI (See ESI Table S1†).
OrientationJ was designed to characterize the orientation and isotropic properties of a region of interest in an image, based on the evaluation of the structure tensor in a local neighbourhood.28 It is semi-automated and has four functionalities; a visual orientation representation, quantitative orientation measurement, corner detection and distribution of orientations.
In the visual orientation analysis mode, the user specifies a Gaussian-shaped window and the structure tensors are computed for each pixel in the image by sliding the Gaussian analysis window over the entire image.29 The local orientation properties are calculated according to the structure tensor and visualized as colour images with the orientation encoded in a hue-saturation-brightness map where hue is orientation, saturation is coherency, and brightness is the same as the source image. Quantitative orientation measurement mode the user specifies a sequence of regions of interest (ROIs) and the software will compute the value of orientation and coherency for that ROI in a spread sheet.29 The features of orientation are computed through a structure tensor, a field of symmetric positive matrices that encodes the local orientation and anisotropy of an image. These features include the size of the pre-filter used (Laplacian of Gaussian sigma), energy of the tensor, orientation and coherency. Corner detection mode computes the structure tensor of the image form, which the Harris Index is evaluated. From this, the local maximum of the Harris Index represents corners in the image.
In the distribution of orientations mode, the orientation is evaluated for every pixel of the image based on the structure tensor computation as previously described. A histogram of orientations is built, taking into account pixels that have a coherency larger than min-coherency and energy larger than min-energy. The histogram is a weighted histogram, where the factor of weight is the coherency itself.28 The min-coherency is expressed as a percentage because the coherency factor is an index between 0 and 1. The min-energy is expressed as a percentage of the maximum energy of the image.
The energy component of the ellipse is defined as:
Energy2 = gradX2 + gradY2 |
The coherency parameter C is defined as the ratio between the difference and the sum of the eigenvalues:28
C = λmax − λmin/λmax + λmin |
The aim of this quantitative analysis of collagen fibre orientation was to characterize the orientation and isotropic properties of a ROI in an image. This methodology aims to determine which directional derivative is maximized within the ROI. The value of the coherency indicates the degree to which the local features are oriented: Coherency is 1 when the local structure has one dominant orientation and 0 if the image is isotropic in the analysed ROI.28
The ellipse that OrientationJ draws in the measure function of the quantitative orientation mode is a visual representation of the features of the gradient structure tensor. If an analogy is made with the best ellipse that locally fits the structures of interest in the ROI, the ellipse is defined with 3 parameters; direction, size and elongation (ratio of major to minor axes). The features extracted from the gradient structure tensor also have these three features; orientation (or direction), size (similar to energy), and elongation (similar to coherency). The coherency takes into account the largest eigenvalue (major axis) and the smallest eigenvalue (minor axis). So, the coherency will be zero (minimum) when the ellipse becomes a circle, i.e. there is no elongated structure in this position of the image. The coherency will be one (maximum) when the ellipse becomes a line segment, perfectly elongated structure in the analysed position of the image.
In this analysis the “measure” tool is used and areas are selected with the rectangular select tool in ImageJ. This defines the region through which OrientationJ will create the best fitting ellipse that represents the image gradient. The coherency within the ellipse will be calculated and tabulated. When selecting regions for analysis, as much of the collagen is included as possible with the ROI as large as possible; serving to maximise the strength of the structure tensor at the detriment of spatial resolution and is especially useful if the image is noisy. This noise and spatial resolution reduction is reasonable for us to apply, if the alignment of collagen fibres within bundles is observed, and how coherent the individual bundles are, as opposed to features on each collagen fibre. This consideration must be independent for each image, as must the consideration for the size of the Laplacian of the Gaussian smoothing pre-filter. For this analysis sigma (sigma: standard deviation of the Laplacian of Gaussian pre-filter) was set to zero, so as to not ignore any high frequency inputs, as was done in a previous study investigating coherency in neuritis30
If the image analysis required is sensitive to noise (for example, second derivative measurement approximations such as the Laplacian isotropic spatial derivative, in which regions of the image of rapid intensity change are highlighted), then image smoothing using a Gaussian filter can be achieved using the measure function of OrientationJ by adjusting the value of sigma. The scale of the filter then defines what is classified as an edge and what is classified as noise. For example, it will make the distinction between a line and an object with two parallel edges. This is an important distinction when parallel objects will respond to a gradient function and output a high local coherency. For this reason, it must be adjusted for the quality of your image.
The collagen in the two initial images was deposited by human keloid scar fibroblasts and shows a comparison between unstimulated cells and those stimulated with TGFβ in the well-established ‘scar-in-a-jar’ in vitro model (Fig. 1). Example analysis on these images has been performed to demonstrate the advantages of coherency analysis and the limitations of current assessment methodologies.
The standard method for using image analysis to describe orientation can be achieved using the plugin called “Directionality” (http://fiji.sc/User:JeanYvesTinevez), which comes standard in Fiji, an image processing application based on ImageJ.31 This plugin is used to deduce the orientation of structures present in an image. It computes a histogram, which describes the amount of structures in a given direction. This method, as a typical Fourier type analysis, looks for periodic repeats in intensity in the image, generates power spectra and creates a histogram of angular distributions.31 Images with completely isotropic content will give a flat histogram and images that have a preferred orientation are expected to give a histogram with a defined peak at that orientation. The directionality plugin uses Fourier components analysis, based on the Fourier spectrum of an image. For a square image, structures with a preferred orientation generate a periodic pattern at +90° orientation in the Fourier transform of the image, compared to the direction of the objects in the input image. The plugin computes Fourier power spectra of a defined square area in the image. The area is analysed in polar coordinates and the power is measured for each angle using the spatial filters proposed by Liu et al.32 Along with the histogram of angles, the plugin also generates statistics on the highest peak found. To give some quantification for the directionality parameters, the peak is fitted by a Gaussian function, taking into account the periodic nature of the histogram.
In the table of statistics generated, the plugin reports the ‘Direction (°)’, which is the centre of the Gaussian, the ‘Dispersion (°)’, which is the standard deviation of the Gaussian and the ‘Amount’, which is the sum of the histogram from centre − standard deviation to centre + standard deviation, divided by the total sum of the histogram. The true histogram values are used for the summation, not the Gaussian fit. The goodness column reports the fit; 1 is an ideal fit, 0 is the lack of any fit. Using this plugin on test images of deposited collagen, the goodness was always arbitrarily low, which suggests that although the Gaussian is not well suited to the distribution, the plugin recognises this and can quantify to some degree, the uncertainty in the fit. This uncertainty is useful when looking at the ‘dispersion’, which is the standard deviation of the Gaussian peak. In an ideal world, this value could be used to illustrate the angular distribution of an image, and generate a number which would describe the collagen fibrils overall. Unfortunately, this is not the case for images which are not completely uniform, as in the case of most images obtained from a biological environment, and this ‘dispersion’ can be highly misleading. For example, the plugin lacks the ability for multiple peak detection and would therefore pick one peak for the Gaussian and disregard all other peaks. The value for the dispersion then is the standard deviation for the one chosen peak, ignoring the rest of the distribution. It is possible, and was observed with many tested samples, that a narrow Gaussian fit was returned from images that clearly displayed a wide distribution of orientations, which in turn can result in misleading interpretations.
The computed histogram describes the image variation (http://fiji.sc/File:Directionality_Example.png) but is ineffective if statistics on multiple peaks must be generated to return a quantifiable description of the angular distribution. Exporting the data from the table and using various equations to calculate an ‘intensity weighted angular deviation’ does not describe the entire distribution as the exported data is subject to rounding and the image is not well depicted by a sum of angular deviations from a chosen zero angle. A study by Liu et al. revealed that the ‘amount’ value underestimates the real proportion of structures with the preferred orientation.32 Using the pine image as an illustration (http://fiji.sc/File:Directionality_Example.png) it is easy to see that the proportion of needle leaves oriented at +60° is higher than 25%. Because the image is not completely uniform, the meaning of this ‘amount’ value is lost.
Coherency analysis is well suited to the particular structural arrangement present in samples of deposited collagen, because a randomly oriented, basket-weave structure of collagen would correspond to a minimum in coherency. If the collagen angular deviation changes from 90° in any direction, the coherency increases. Thus, this technique is better than the ‘distribution of angle’ analysis that is obtained from the directionality plugin. A perfect basket weave structure would give two distinct angles while a perfectly aligned sample would give only one distinct angle. As biological samples are often not highly uniform, distinguishing between the two would be more difficult than going from a coherence of zero (perpendicular) to a coherence of 1 (parallel). In addition, measuring the standard deviation (distribution) of the fitted orientation distribution curves will give misleading values in a two-peak system, i.e. low angle variation, when in fact it is at its highest variation (perpendicular). The ‘Directionality’ plugin and other similar standard methods of collagen morphology analysis use Fourier transforms which identify gross collagen changes associated with pathological states. However, they are not sufficiently sensitive to measure incremental changes in architecture seen in, for example, the progressive loss of normal architecture with chronological ageing or normal scarring of the skin.
However, the OrientationJ plugin gives a value for coherency without the disadvantages previously discussed involving the Gaussian fit. It can produce a hue-saturation-brightness (HSB) colour map (Fig. 3), similar to the colour survey in the ‘Directionality’ plugin, but the overall coherency value produced when looking at the entire image at once does not work well with large brightness gradients, e.g. non-uniform or sporadic collagen distribution as would be seen as defects in the image. To demonstrate the bias that this overall coherency leads to, images in which there was not a large amount of deposited collagen were analyzed. To solve this image bias, a series of ROI for the plugin to analyze were defined (Fig. 4). The ROIs were made large, so that they were more robust against background noise, as is a feature of structure tensor analysis.33 Because low-resolution structural differences are being observed (i.e. whole fibre variation and not pixel variation with each collagen fibre), the loss in spatial resolution caused by increasing the size of the analysis window in the ROI results in a significant reduction in noise. Additionally, by defining a set number of regions to analyze and taking the average, the likelihood that the measurement for coherency will be skewed one way or the other by spatial variations is reduced.
Images with a low signal to noise ratio can result in the calculated gradient distribution in the random space being affected by local variations in the structure tensor matrix. By expanding the effective radius of the function, the structure tensor is more resistant to background noise, at the cost of diminished spatial resolution.35 This analysis runs into potential problems with biological samples which have a low signal to noise ratio. An example of this is the non-stimulated control samples from the scar in a jar analysis where after 6 days of incubation only a small amount of collagen is deposited, making it difficult to find large regions of representative collagen deposition for coherency analysis. It is therefore inconclusive whether primary dermal scar fibroblasts under non-stimulating conditions will produce collagen as they might in an actual scar (in parallel bundles) or whether they will only produce that scar architecture when in a ‘scar-like’ environment, i.e. stimulated conditions.
The COI is the ratio of the long axis to the short axis on the ellipse which is calculated from the Fourier transform analysis of an image (Fig. 5). Applying a red-green-blue (RGB) look up table (LUT) to the FFT allowed for clearer definition and measurement of the long and short axis. The elongation of the ellipse is the quantitative measure of the image's alignment. The COI was originally defined as the ‘width/length ratio of the zeroth-order maximum power plot’.23 In most articles though, it is changed to ‘1 – (width/length ratio of the zeroth-order maximum)’. This intuitively appears more logical, with a completely isotropic image resulting in a COI of ‘0’, and a Fourier analysis of an image with perfectly parallel orientation resulting in a COI of ‘1’.19 Normal skin was found to have a significantly lower COI than scar tissue (0.26 versus 0.44, P < 0.001).39 In fact, when compared with normotrophic, hypertrophic and keloid scars, normal skin had a significantly lower COI, which indicates that collagen in all types of scars is organised in a more parallel nature.40 The results of COI analysis were compared to the developed coherency analysis on the example images for this study (Fig. 6).
Preliminary studies with Dupuytren scar cells reinforce that this technique remains suitable for these cell types also. Measured coherency shows a significant increase after the same TGFβ stimulation that was tested with this methodology (Fig. 7). This is especially relevant because of the way in which keloid and Dupuytren cells deposit collagen compared to ‘normal’ dermal scar fibroblasts. Keloid cells, for example, deposit collagen in tightly packed dense bundles. They also form acellular nodes of collagen parallel to the skin surface and have a much more aggressive pathology than normal scar fibroblasts.41 Dupuytren's disease is characterized by a dense, highly organized collagen matrix which orients longitudinally and contains nodules and myofibroblasts aggregates.42 This data shows that the computational quantitation works for highly variant amounts of collagen. It adds to the robustness of the technique as a tool for collagen assessment in a range of scar scenarios.
Further to the in vitro assessment, coherency analysis was also possible in comparing sections of normal skin tissue with that of scar and tendon. Here the coherency analysis was applied to the entirety of ten individual images of each tissue type and compared. It is well documented that tendon consists of aligned and tightly packed parallel bundles of collagen fibres. It is this architecture, which promotes high strength in the tissue along the direction of fibre alignment.43 Similarly, the effects of scarring on skin architecture is similar to that presented earlier where we see a deviation to more striated collagen architecture from the normal random orientation of healthy skin. In comparing the coherency analysis with images taken from rat tendon to that of normal rat skin a significant increase in the measured coherency is evident (Fig. 8).
In comparing the orientation of the scar to normal skin there was no significant difference observed. This however is not surprising with the impressive healing abilities of rats compared with humans, leaving little scar type tissue to assess and minimal changes to structure. Recent studies by Quinn et al. were in fact able to detect collagen architecture differences using a directional statistics method in a similar full thickness contact burn injury model in rats. However, these differences were only detected at time points beyond 2 months compared to this study where tissue was collected earlier (at 3 weeks post injury) for analysis and in turn also unable to detect significant changes at this early time point.25 It is anticipated that the use of porcine tissue as an in vivo model will provide measurable differences in the collagen architecture and similarly that these differences can be seen in human tissue samples as well as in more mature scars as seen in previous studies.25
Finally to investigate inter and intra-rater variability with the technique 2 blinded assessors were provided with 18 de-identified immunohistochemically stained images of TGFβ stimulated primary normotrophic collagen architecture similar to those as the focus in this study. They also analysed 50 images from human skin sections using the same approach. Rater 1 repeated the process twice while rater 2 only once to provide intra and inter-rater comparisons respectively. It was found that there was no significant difference in the measured coherency analysis of either the in vitro images or the images of rat skin sections (see ESI,† Fig. 1) further supporting the robustness of this technique.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Table comparing collagen quantification techniques following a burn injury as well as comparison of inter and intra-rater reliability of the coherency analysis provided. See DOI: 10.1039/c7ra12693j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |