Changkun Li,
Dewen Zhao*,
Jialin Wen,
Jie Cheng and
Xinchun Lu*
State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. E-mail:;
First published on 30th January 2018
As an ultra-clean wafer drying technique, Marangoni drying has been widely applied in the integrated circuits manufacturing process. When the wafer is vertically withdrawn from a deionization water bath, Marangoni stress along the meniscus, which is induced by the organic vapour, strips off the water film entrained on the wafer surface, and the wafer drying is thereby realized. In this work, a numerical model is presented that is comprised of the film, meniscus, and bulk regions for Marangoni drying. The model combines the transfer of organic vapour from air to water and the withdrawal of the wafer from the bath. The evolution of the entrained water film thickness, the tangential velocity, and the stress at the air–water interface are quantitatively investigated. The results reveal that the thickness of the entrained water film is reduced by more than one order of magnitude compared with the wafer withdrawn process without the Marangoni effect. In addition, owing to the receding of the contact line, it is found that the capillary pressure gradient dramatically increases, which contributes to the sudden increase in the tangential velocity in the dynamic meniscus. Moreover, the tangential velocity decreases in the static meniscus adjacent to the dynamic meniscus, which results from the redistribution of the interfacial concentration of the organic species driven by the Marangoni flow.
Huethorst and Marra14,15 observed the dynamic wetting behaviour of sessile droplet on the hydrophilic substrate in the organic vapour. The result showed that the Marangoni effect gives rise to the receding of the contact line and thus a nonzero apparent contact angle. Hernández-Sánchez et al.16 investigated the spreading of a circular thin region in the horizontal water film driven by the Marangoni effect through the continuous supply of isopropanol–water droplets. It was found that the law of radius growth and the depression in the film depend on the Marangoni stress and viscous force. In addition, the residual water film thickness after Marangoni drying was indirectly measured. In the vapour supplying ways of vapour blown at the meniscus and diffusion in semi-quiescent environment, the minimum residual thicknesses are 14 nm and 110 nm, respectively.14 The results suggested that the minimum residual film is much thinner than the thickness of 200 nm in the traditional spinning drying technology.17 These experimental investigations have elucidated the basic physical principle of Marangoni drying. However, it is difficult to conduct a direct observation or quantitative analysis of the dynamics of Marangoni drying, such as the interfacial flow and the stress in the meniscus under the geometries of the wafer withdrawn and gas–liquid mass transfer.
The numerical simulation has been an effective method to quantitatively examine the Marangoni-driven flow. The Marangoni effect induced by the surfactant in the solution during the dip-coating process has received considerable attention.18–20 The results revealed that the Marangoni effect realizes the thickening of entrained film, and the film-thickening factor is larger than one.21–23 Although Marangoni drying is similar to this issue, the solution of Marangoni drying are much challenging because of the dramatic reduction of entrained film thickness by 10 to 100 times compared with dip-coating without the Marangoni effect.24 The previous numerical investigations of Marangoni drying are based on lubrication approximation.25 Thess and Boos26 proposed a model for Marangoni drying, where the mass transport of the organic vapour was ignored and the distribution of surface tension was prescribed to be a linear function of position, and the results suggested that the residual film monotonically decreases in accordance with the surface tension gradient. Furthermore, Matar and Craster27 proposed numerical models which coupled the gas–liquid mass transfer behaviour of the organic vapour and the wafer withdrawn from a bath. In their work, the distribution of the surface tension and the morphology evolution in the thin film region were obtained. These studies emphasized the hydrodynamics of the thin film with the Marangoni effect and established the foundation for elucidating the Marangoni drying mechanism. However, the study of the flow field and the flow dynamics in the meniscus, which are significant to revealing the dynamic process of Marangoni-driven flow, have not been fully addressed in quantitative terms in Marangoni drying.
In this paper, a Marangoni drying model that considers the film, meniscus, and bulk regions is proposed. Firstly, the evolution of the thickness of entrained water film is investigated. In addition, the flow field in the meniscus and the time–spatial evolution of the tangential velocity at the whole interface are quantitatively examined. Furthermore, the Marangoni stress, Marangoni number, and capillary pressure gradient are analysed to interpret the evolution law of the interfacial flow mechanism. Moreover, the effects of the withdrawing velocity and vapour source on the drying performance are discussed. The results of this work are expected to contribute to the comprehensive understanding of the Marangoni drying process.
It is assumed that the organic vapour is diffused from a line-mass source at (x0, y0) in the quiescent environment referencing Matar's model,27 which corresponds with the regime of the ‘semi-quiescent vapour in the environments’ in previous experiments. In this work, it is assumed that the wafer is perfectly wetted with the contact angle of zero. Because the direct evaporation of water will give rise to the watermarks, the evaporation in Marangoni drying is inhibited.29 Therefore, the thermal Marangoni effect induced by evaporation is neglected.
uc = u(X, t) − u(Xm, t) | (1) |
The governing equations in the ALE frame are as follows:
(1) The two-phase flow is described by the Navier–Stokes equations and continuity equation,
![]() | (2) |
∇·u = 0 | (3) |
(2) The transfer of organic vapour from a line-mass source to the interface in air is described by the diffusion equation,27
![]() | (4) |
![]() | (5) |
Q0 is produced by line-mass source q0, which is shown as a point located at (x0, y0) in the two-dimensional model. It is given by:
![]() | (6) |
(3) In the DI water phase, the concentration of the organic species is governed by the convection–diffusion equation,
![]() | (7) |
(4) At the air–water interface, the concentration of the organic species satisfies the mass balance equation; that is,32
![]() | (8) |
(2) The flow at the lateral boundary (x = H1, −H2 ≤ y ≤ 0) in water is assumed to occur along the negative x direction, and the boundary stress is21
![]() | (9) |
The gravity in air is neglected; thus, the lateral boundary condition in air (x = H1, 0 ≤ y ≤ H3) is
![]() | (10) |
(3) The flow at the bottom boundary (y = −H2, 0 ≤ x ≤ H1) is assumed to occur along the positive y direction. Hence, we specify the boundary stress as follows:21
![]() | (11) |
(4) At the top boundary of the air phase (y = H3, hi ≤ x ≤ H1), we assume that the air above the water is infinite and the open boundary condition is utilized; that is,
Tg·n = 0 | (12) |
(5) At the air–water interface, the boundary stress is specified.33 The force balance in the normal direction is
(n·Tg − n·Tl)·n = σ(∇·n) − Π | (13) |
Π = A/(6πh3) | (14) |
(n·Tg − n·Tl)·t = −∇sσ·t | (15) |
(6) On the interface (0 ≤ s ≤ se), the kinematic condition is specified as30
![]() | (16) |
(2) The top and lateral boundaries in the water phase are the outflow boundaries; that is,
−n·Dl∇cl = 0 | (17) |
(3) The flux of vapour from air to the interface and from the interface to water are R1 and R2, respectively. Therefore, the net flux Rs at the air–water interface is27
Rs = R1 − R2 = (kgscg − ksgcs) − (kslcs − klscl) | (18) |
(4) The dependence of the interfacial concentration on the surface tension is described by an exponential equation,27,34
σ = σ0e−(βcs) | (19) |
![]() | (20) |
The movements of the nodes on the boundaries are specified as follows:
(1) On the bottom boundary, the displacements of the mesh in x and y directions are specified as zero: dx = 0 and dy = 0.
(2) On the lateral boundary and moving wall boundary, the displacement of the mesh in the x direction is fixed (dx = 0).
(3) On the exit boundary of water and the top boundary of air, the displacement of the mesh in the y direction is fixed (dy = 0).
In the second step, we choose the results of dip coating as the initial conditions to solve the Marangoni drying problem, which couples the two-phase flow with the gas–liquid mass transfer of the organic vapour. In this study, t = 0 s is the start time of blowing the organic vapour from the source. The value of the constants and range of the parameters are given in Table 1.
Constant | Value | parameter | range |
ρl (kg m−3) | 103 | V0 (mm s−1) | 0.4–20 |
ρg (kg m−3) | 1.205 | kgs (m s−1) | 10−2–1 |
μl (Pa s) | 10−3 | κ (1) | 0–0.01 |
μg (Pa s) | 10−5 | kls (m s−1) | 0–10−6 |
σ0 (N m−1) | 0.072 | q0 (mol m−1 s−1) | 10−4–10−2 |
Dg (m2 s−1) | 10−5 | β (m2 mol−1) | 0.5–4 |
Ds (m2 s−1) | 10−9 | ||
Dl (m2 s−1) | 10−9 | ||
A (J) | 10−19 |
Grid Number | Residual film thickness ht=te (μm) | Relative error (%) |
496![]() |
0.1368 | — |
585![]() |
0.1424 | 3.93 |
720![]() |
0.1469 | 3.06 |
806![]() |
0.1482 | 0.877 |
966![]() |
0.1484 | 0.135 |
As shown in Fig. 3b, the evolution law of h in the present model matches well with that of Matar, especially for V0 = 0.4 and 4 m s−1. Because of the difference of the vapour source position in the y direction, there is a deviation of V0 = 20 mm s−1 between these two models. However, the trend of the water film reduction is the same and the value of the film thickness is similar. These comparisons in this study verify that our model is correct and effective in investigating the evolution of water film thickness and the dynamics of Marangoni flow.
te = (H3 − HM)/V0 | (21) |
As shown in Fig. 4a, the entrained water film thickness monotonously reduces with continuously blowing of the organic vapour. The film thickness initially rapidly reduces and then becomes much slower since the film reduction leads to the increase in the viscous force, which resists the further film reduction. The parameters used were specified as kgs = 0.8 m s−1, ksg = kls = 0, κ = 2 × 10−4 and β = 3 m2 mol−1. As shown in the previous experimental results with the vapour supply method of ‘vapour diffusion in a semi-quiescent environment’, the residual thicknesses of entrained water film with the withdrawing velocity of 0.7 mm s−1 and 1.5 mm s−1 are 110 nm and 160 nm, respectively. In the present model, the thickness of residual film with V0 = 1 mm s−1 and q0 = 2.5 × 10−4 mol (m−1 s−1) is 148 nm, which validates that the prediction of the water film thickness using the present model is reliable. The thinning effect of water film thickness is more dramatic with the increase in the vapour source. Additionally, the increase in the withdrawing velocity leads to not only the increase of the viscosity force, but also the decrease of the necessary drying time. Therefore, the Marangoni effect is weaker and the residual film after drying remarkably thickens (Fig. 4b).
The maximum value of the tangential velocity Vmax increases and gradually flows away from the meniscus. In particular, the tangential velocity increases suddenly in the dynamic meniscus when the drying time t is large than 1.5 s and then it reduces to be smaller than that of t < 1.5 s in the static meniscus adjacent to the dynamic meniscus. This phenomenon is enhanced during the drying process. As shown in Fig. 6b, the maximum tangential velocities at the last moment of the drying process are located in the identical position for the same withdrawing velocity and thus for the same drying time. Furthermore, the maximum velocity at the last moment of the drying process increases with the vapour source, q0. Furthermore, the maximum tangential velocity of V0 = 5, q0 = 1.25 × 10−3 is much smaller than that in the case of V0 = 1, q0 = 2.5 × 10−4, although the total concentration of the blown organic vapour in these two cases are the same.
![]() | (22) |
As shown in Fig. 7a, the interfacial concentration decreases monotonously from s = 0 to the horizontal region, and the interfacial concentration at the whole interface increases with the continual supply of the organic vapour. The concentration at the contact line alters remarkably and thus the Marangoni stress is the largest. Furthermore, the concentration gradient in the static meniscus adjacent to the dynamic meniscus reduces gradually, and the Marangoni stress reduces correspondingly. Subsequently, another maximum point occurs in the static meniscus and gradually moves towards the horizontal. The evolution of the Marangoni stress accounts for the redistribution of the concentration driven by the tangential flow, which, in turn, gives rise to the reduction in the concentration gradient.37 This is the reason for the reduction in the tangential velocity in the static meniscus adjacent to the dynamic meniscus.
As shown in Fig. 7c, the interfacial concentration increases with the enhancement of q0 under the same withdrawing velocity. Moreover, the higher q0 gives rise to a higher velocity of Marangoni flow. Therefore, more organic molecules are carried along with the tangential flow from the higher concentration position to the lower one. As a result, the distribution of the interfacial concentration and the Marangoni stress in the meniscus for different values of q0 tend to be parallel to each other (Fig. 7c). This is the reason that the position of Vmax depends on the drying time (Fig. 6b).
![]() | (23) |
Owing to the immense variation in thickness from the film to the meniscus region, the single characteristic length in the Marangoni number is not available. Additionally, the real-time value of the film thickness (xh) is assigned to the h when xh is less than the capillary length (lc). Otherwise, lc is utilized and the expression is
![]() | (24) |
As shown in Fig. 8a, the Marangoni number in the film region is much smaller than that in the meniscus, and it decreases gradually in the static meniscus with time. Its maximum is away from the meniscus. Therefore, in the film region, the viscous force is the dominated factor with respect to the tangential velocity, whereas, in the meniscus region, the Marangoni stress becomes the dominated one because of the reduction of viscous force. The migration of the maximum value of the Marangoni number and the decrease in the static meniscus result from the redistribution of the interfacial concentration (Fig. 7b). Fig. 8b shows that the Marangoni number under the higher V0 is much smaller than that under the lower one, although the Marangoni stress is similar in the film and meniscus regions. This is the reason that the tangential velocity is much smaller under the higher V0 in Fig. 6b.
![]() | ||
Fig. 8 (a) Time–spatial evolution of the Marangoni number during the drying process. (b) Marangoni number at the last moment of the drying process with different values of V0 and q0. |
![]() | ||
Fig. 9 (a) Time–spatial evolution of the interfacial morphology at dynamic meniscus; (b) Interfacial morphology at the last moment of the drying process with different values of V0 and q0. |
In the previous study, it was found that the upward Marangoni stress along the meniscus resulted in the stretching of the dynamic meniscus and thus the decrease in the capillary pressure gradient.22 In contrast, in Marangoni drying the downward Marangoni stress may have induced the receding of the contact line and the shrinking of the dynamic meniscus, leading to a dramatic increase in capillary pressure. To verify this, the time–spatial evolution of capillary pressure was examined along the meniscus. Fig. 10a shows the capillary pressure (the negative value) from the film to the meniscus region, which changes dramatically in the dynamic meniscus. Fig. 10b shows that the rapid variation of capillary pressure in the dynamic meniscus leads to a high pressure gradient in the tangential direction, which drives the tangential flow from the high-pressure region to the low-pressure one. Consequently, it promotes the water flow from the film region to the meniscus and thus the reduction of the film thickness. The capillary pressure gradient is higher when the contact line recedes further; hence, it results in a more dramatically sudden increase in the tangential velocity. Furthermore, it is found that the pressure gradient is very small when t is smaller than 1.5 s, and then it increases dramatically. This is consistent with the evolution of tangential velocity in the dynamic meniscus in Fig. 6a1. Fig. 10c also indicates that the stronger Marangoni effect leads to a more remarkable receding of the contact line and a much larger capillary pressure gradient. As a result, the pressure gradient has an important effect on the tangential velocity, and this is the reason for the sudden increase in the tangential velocity in the dynamic meniscus.
The findings in this paper show that the residual film thickness after drying is monotonously reduced by more than one order of magnitude, and the evolution of entrained water film thickness agrees well with the previous studies. In addition, the time–spatial evolution of the tangential velocity shows the obvious differences in the film, meniscus, and horizontal regions, which result from the differences in the competitive behaviours of Marangoni stress and viscous force induced by the wafer withdrawn in these regions. Furthermore, the tangential velocity increases along the meniscus, and the maximum tangential velocity increases and moves towards the horizontal. Particularly, it is found that the tangential velocity increases suddenly in the dynamic meniscus and then decreases remarkably in the static meniscus adjacent to the dynamic meniscus. The sudden increase in the tangential velocity in the dynamic meniscus results from the receding of the contact line and the shrinking of the dynamic meniscus, which lead to the dramatic increase in the capillary pressure gradient in the tangential direction. The decrease in tangential velocity in the static meniscus adjacent to the dynamic meniscus results from the redistribution of the interfacial concentration of the organic species driven by the Marangoni flow and thus the decrease in the Marangoni stress in this region.
The analysis of the water film evolution with the parameters of withdrawing velocity and vapour source, as well as the discussion of Marangoni flow dynamics, are expected to provide useful guidance for the controlling of this process and the designing of the Marangoni dryer.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |