Chenxi Yi*,
Xiaoqing Du,
Yumeng Yang,
Benfeng Zhu and
Zhao Zhang
Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310027, China. E-mail:
First published on 24th May 2018
An electrochemical noise technique has been applied to describe the corrosion process of copper. The results show that the sampling frequency clearly changes both the energy distribution plot and the power spectral density spectra, which should be taken into consideration strictly and logically before an electrochemical noise test. The corrosion energy, (Ec), deduced using the fast wavelet transform method showed a similar variation trend with corrosion rate. Hence, the proposed parameter Ec represents the corrosion rate or severity.
From a physicochemical viewpoint, the electrode potential is defined as the change in Gibbs energy when a charged particle transfers from the infinite into an electrode, including both the electrical and chemical work done during the process, whereas, potential only consists of the electrical work in the above transfer process. Therefore, the variation in the electrode potential definitely comes from the energy exchange between the electrode system and the environment.8 Additionally, the energy is divided into potential energy and kinetic energy, and both of them can be converted into each other. Potential energy is “inert” and only reflects the stability of objects, meanwhile kinetic energy is “active” and directly depends on velocity. Similarly,9–11 the fluctuation of electrode potential always simultaneously consists of “slow DC drift” and a “fast random non-equilibrium fluctuation signal”. The former is the traditional electrode potential, which indicates the thermodynamic stability; whilst the latter is designated as electrochemical noise, which represents the speed of the electrode reaction.
EN data are usually analyzed using FFT (fast Fourier transform) and MEM (maximum entropy method) techniques to obtain PSD (power spectral density) plots,3,12 or using the FWT (fast wavelet transform) technique to obtain an EDP (energy distribution plot, i.e., the plot of the relative energy accumulated by each crystal vs. the crystal name) or an RP-EDP (re-plotted EDP by discounting the energy contribution of the smooth coefficient set from the ensemble signal energy).1 Three parameters can be obtained from PSD plots: the slope of the high frequency linear region (k), the critical frequency or the cut-off frequency (fc) and the low frequency plateau (W).13 Generally,3 k, fc and W of potential PSD are related to the severity of the corrosion to some extent. k is regarded as a source of mechanistic information and is used to differentiate between general and localized corrosion.13–15 For EDP plots, the interval range (or scale range) of each crystal (j) is given by,2,16
(C1j, C2j) = (2jΔt, 2j−1Δt) | (1) |
The mainstream EN practices17–20 establish the relationship between the EDP and corrosion morphology. However, the scale range is dependent on Δt (Δt = 1/f) and the features of the EDP may vary with different Δt even for the same corrosion morphology. Therefore, when obtaining an EDP, using a selection of adequate sampling frequencies (f) is logical.
While investigating the corrosion behaviour of mild steels in saturated calcium hydroxide with 20 g L−1 CaCl2, Searson and Dawson15 found that there existed a relationship between the corrosion rate (rcorr) (obtained from weight loss) and the standard deviation of the potential noise with a correlation of 10−5, i.e., standard deviation × 10−5 = rcorr (mpy). Although the comparison of short-term EN (1024 s in their work) with long-term weight loss (an average of several days) seems inappropriate, their pioneering work undoubtedly demonstrates a correlation between EN features and the corrosion rate.
Encouraged by Searson and Dawson,15 and based on previous reports21,22 that pitting definitely occurred when copper was immersed into chloride solutions, this study was devoted to finding the influence of the adopted EN sampling frequency on the characteristics of both EDP and PSD plots, which are obtained from MEM and FWT analyses of the same electrochemical potential noise, and especially to probing the correlation between the corrosion rate and the electrochemical noise energy.
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
EN was monitored as a function of time between the working electrode and the reference electrode (SCE) for the 1st hour, using the Powerlab/4sp (made in Australia) electrochemical interface through a GP amplifier controlled by Chart 5 software for the Windows XP operating system. This instrument is equipped with analog/hardware filters including an AA filter (anti-aliasing low-pass filters) to remove high frequency components before the signal is digitized, so that the acquisition of false data can be avoided.11 The EN records were collected at different sampling intervals (sampling frequency, f).
The weight loss of copper was measured according to the standard ISO 8407:2009, IDT. Copper coupons with dimensions of 100 mm × 80 mm × 0.2 mm were sectioned, and a water bath was used to maintain a specific temperature. SEM (SIRION, FEI Company, made in Holland) was utilized to examine the corrosion morphologies of the specimens.
Fig. 2 shows the RP-EDP plots with and without unitization for Cu corroding in 0.06 M HCl solutions. The maximum energy of RP-EDP is in D7–D8 when f < 4 Hz, while it is in D1–D3 when f ≥ 4 Hz. Considering Fig. 1 and 2, the characteristics of the RP-EDP plot are significantly influenced by sampling frequency. With increasing f, the maximum relative energy of the RP-EDP is in D1–D3 regardless of the corrosion ionic strengths.
Fig. 2 (a) EDj map (with unitization) and (b) EjD map at different sampling frequencies in 0.06 M HCl solution. |
Fig. 3 shows the PSD analysed using the MEM technique in different concentrations of NaCl and Fig. 4 shows the PSD in 0.06 M HCl. It is evident that PSD parameters (fc, W, and k) are also dependent on the adopted EN sampling frequency. In 0.06 M, 0.09 M and 0.12 M NaCl, these PSD parameters retain approximately equal values while f ≥ 8 Hz, whereas others (<8 Hz) are distinct from each other. Meanwhile the turning frequency point is 6.7 Hz in 0.03 M NaCl and 0.06 M HCl. These results are in accordance with the RP-EDP plots (Fig. 1 and 2), and also demonstrate the significant influence of the sampling frequency on the EN results.
From a physicochemical viewpoint, the corrosion process should mainly depend on the natures of both the material (such as resistivity) and the environment (such as ambient temperature and erosive particles), but independent of the testing tools (such as the adopted EN sampling frequency). Additionally, the optimal or appropriate EN sampling frequency may be related to the investigated materials and their environment, and also possibly the research target of the researchers. Considering Fig. 1–4, the optimal testing frequency should be 6.7 Hz in 0.03 M NaCl and 0.06 M HCl and 8 Hz in 0.06 M, 0.09 M and 0.12 M NaCl. Previous reports14,15,29,30 claimed that an EN sampling frequency of 1–4 Hz (Δt = 0.25–1 s) seems to be adequate, a reason for which may be that their efforts focused on the noise resistance deduced from PSD spectra of potential and current noise.
Fig. 5 SEM images of the Cu morphologies after corroding for 1 h in 0.06 M NaCl solutions at different temperatures: (a) 20 °C, (b) 25 °C, (c) 30 °C, (d) 35 °C and (e) 40 °C. |
Fig. 6 (a) Potential noise and (b) corresponding RP-EDP plots for copper corroding in 0.06 M NaCl at different temperatures (1st h, f = 8 Hz). |
Fig. 5 clearly shows the pitting corrosion type, and the diameter and depth of the pits increase with temperature, which intuitively represents an enhancement of the corrosion rate. Since the passivation time of a metastable pit is typically no longer than 20 s,31 and D8 mainly reflects the information of diffusion at f = 8 Hz,32 the sum of the energy (Fig. 6b) deposited in crystals D1 ∼ D7 (Ec), which represents the active pitting energy and therefore should reflect the severity of the corrosion of copper,8,33 is calculated and plotted versus the temperature (Fig. 7).
Ec = E1D + E2D + E3D + E4D + E5D + E6D + E7D | (5) |
rcorr (units mg cm−2 h−1) obtained from the weight loss is also repeatedly plotted in Fig. 7, and both rcorr and Ec increase with the elevation of the temperature. In other words, a good parallel relationship between the rcorr and Ec can be confirmed during the investigated timescale.
The corrosion energy, Ec, deduced from the FWT method, shows a similar variation trend with the corrosion rate. Hence, electrochemical noise offers a nondestructive on-line monitoring process, which can be easily carried out, and the proposed parameter Ec represents the corrosion rate or severity.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |