Zheng-Feng Zhanga and
Ming-Der Su*ab
aDepartment of Applied Chemistry, National Chiayi University, Chiayi 60004, Taiwan
bDepartment of Medicinal and Applied Chemistry, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung 80708, Taiwan. E-mail: midesu@mail.ncyu.edu.tw
First published on 10th July 2018
The group 9 organometallic complexes η5-CpM(CO)2 (M = Co, Rh, and Ir) and Si(CH3)3(H) have been considered as a model system to study their photochemical decarbonyl reactions as well as the Si–H bond activation reactions using the CASSCF and MP2-CAS computational methods. For the cobalt complex, three kinds of reaction pathways, which result in the same oxidative addition product, are investigated. Our theoretical finding demonstrated that after the photoirradiation, η5-CpCo(CO)2 loses one CO ligand without any difficulty to form either the triplet ([η5-CpCo(CO)]3) or singlet ([η5-CpCo(CO)]1) species. The former plays a decisive role in the formation of the final oxidative addition product. On the other hand, the latter plays no role in the production of the final product molecule, but its singlet cobalt center interacts weakly with solvent molecules ((Me3)SiH) to produce an alkyl-solvated organometallic complex, which is experimentally detectable. The present works reveal that both η5-CpRh(CO)2 and η5-CpIr(CO)2 should adopt the conical intersection mechanism after they are irradiated by light. Moreover, our theoretical examinations strongly suggest that for the 16-electron monocarbonyl η5-CpM(CO) (M = Rh and Ir) species, the insertion into a Si–H bond by the Ir system is much more facile and more exothermic than that for the Rh counterpart.
Theoretical considerations should thus help experimental chemists to gain a better understanding for the mechanisms of the photochemical decarbonylation reactions of the CpML2 complexes. Until now, however, there have been no publications on theoretical interpretations for such photochemical mechanisms.8–49 The lack of theoretical investigations could be because the sophisticated computational methods for such photochemical reactions studies have not been suitable until recently. In particular, the photochemical activated systems involve transition metal atoms (concerning the spin–orbit coupling). The current work thus undertakes an examination of the mechanisms for the photochemical CO-extrusion reaction of the group 9 d8 transition metal complex, η5-CpM(CO)2 (M = Co, Rh, and Ir) as well as its oxidative addition of a Si–H bond in trimethylsilane, eqn (1).
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The electronic structure of an organometallic “half-sandwich” complex of the type CpML2 having only 18 electrons in their valence shell has already been discussed elsewhere,52–54 and is shown in detail in Fig. 1. The active space that needed to properly represent the ground and the lowest excited states of Rea-Co-S0, Rea-Rh-S0, and Rea-Ir-S0 contains twelve electrons in eleven (bonding and antibonding metal d) orbitals. That is to say, according to the valence orbitals given in Fig. 1, the active space for the η5-CpM(CO)2 (M = Co, Rh, and Ir) complex at the singlet ground state can be described as (πCp/dx2−y2)2(πCp/dxz)2(πCp/dyz+py)2(dxy)2(dz2)2(dx2−y2)2 configuration with five low-lying virtual orbitals As a consequence, the state-averaged CAS(12,11) mode for the η5-CpM(CO)2 molecule is applied in the present study to resolve the stationary points on both ground and excited space. In addition, for the oxidative addition reactions, the active space of trimethylsilane is chosen as two electrons in two orbitals, i.e., one bonding σ(Si–H) orbital and one antibonding σ*(Si–H) orbital. As a consequence, the active space for the whole molecular system (η5-CpM(CO)2 + Si(CH3)3(H)) is referred to as CAS(14,13). For simplicity, in this work, [Si]1 stands for trimethylsilane at the singlet state (see below).
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Fig. 1 Valence molecular orbitals of the group 9 η5-CpM(CO)2 (M = Co, Rh, and Ir) complex. See ref. 45–47. |
Frequency computations based on the CASSCF level of theory for their oxidative addition reactions at the singlet ground state are utilized to examine all points calculated being either minima (the number of imaginary frequencies (NIMAG) = 0) or transition states (NIMAG = 1). The standards for the geometrical optimizations are limited to the maximum force and its root mean square, which are less than 0.00065 and 0.00005 hartree/bohr, respectively. Nevertheless, the computed energies rather than zero-point corrected energies and Gibbs free energies are shown in this work.
Considering the dynamic electron correlations, the multireference Møller–Plesset (MP2-CAS) algorithm,55–65 contained in the GAUSSIAN 09 program package,43 is carried out. As a result, the relative energies mentioned in this paper are those calculated at the MP2-CAS/Def2-TZVPD level, using the CAS/Def2-SVPD geometry. The active space for each point used in this study is stated above. In consequence, they are abbreviated as MP2-CAS and CAS, respectively. The Cartesian coordinates (CAS) as well as the CAS and MP2-CAS energetics are given in ESI.†
In order to compare the MP2-CAS MP2-CAS singlet-triplet energy difference for the η5-CpCo(CO)2 complex at different levels of theory, two kinds of density functional theory (DFT) and basis sets are used in this work. That is, B3PW91/Def2-TZVPPD,66,67 and B3LYP/DZP-DKH.68,69 The reason for choosing them is because they have been proved to be reliable for examining the relative energetics.70 Their Cartesian coordinates and energetics are also collected in ESI.†
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Fig. 2 Energy profiles for the photo-oxidative-addition reactions for η5-CpCo(CO)2 (Co-S0-Rea). The computational active spaces used in this work are described in Section II. All energies (in kcal mol−1) are given with respect to the reactant (Co-S0-Rea). For the crucial points of the CASSCF optimized structures, see Fig. 3. For more information, see the text. |
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Fig. 3 The CASSCF geometries (in Å and deg) for photo-oxidative-addition reactions of η5-CpCo(CO)2 (Co-S0-Rea). The computational active spaces used in this work are described in Section II. Their relative energies are given in Fig. 4. Some hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity. |
As seen in Fig. 2, the Co-T1-Min complex then undergoes a Co–CO bond cleavage (2.066 Å) via a transition state (Co-T1-TS1). From this transition state point, the intermediate complex may go forward three possible reaction pathways (i.e., path I, path II, and path III in Fig. 2) in order to undergo an oxidative addition reaction with trimethylsilane to produce the final insertion product (Co-S0-Pro).
In path I, as seen in Fig. 2, the triplet Co-T1-Min molecule can dissociate one CO ligand to produce two products: one triplet CO molecule and one singlet η5-CpCo(CO) intermediate (Co-S0-Int). The relative energy of the final products ([CO]3 + Co-S0-Int) is, however, estimated to be 87 kcal mol−1 above the irradiated energy (325 nm = 88 kcal mol−1).24–28 As a result, the present computational evidence reveals that the photo-excited energy of Co-S0-Rea at 325 nm is unable to generate one triplet CO and one singlet Co-S0-Int. Therefore, our theoretical finding anticipates that no such photoproducts can be detected in the photochemical activation reactions for η5-CpCo(CO)2, which has been confirmed by the available experimental reports.24–28 For convenience, the mechanism for path I of the Co-S0-Rea complex can be expressed as follows:
Co system-path I: Co-S0-Rea + [Si]1 + hν → Co-T1-FC + [Si]1 → Co-T1-Min + [Si]1 → Co-T1-TS1 + [Si]1 → Co-S0-Int + [CO]3 + [Si]1 |
In the second pathway, path II, the triplet Co-T1-Min complex can undergo one CO ligand cleavage to produce one singlet CO and one triplet Co-T1-Int intermediate through the transition state (Co-T1-TS1). The MP2-CAS data indicate that the Co-T1-Int + [CO]1 point is computed to be about 10 kcal mol−1 higher than that of Co-S0-Rea. Then, the triplet Co-T1-Int interacts with (CH3)3Si–H to generate the precursor complex (Co-T1-Cpx) in the triplet state. Subsequently, this triplet complex encounters a triplet transition state (Co-T1-TS1) through the Co-T1/S0-1 intersystem crossing to form the final singlet photoproduct (Co-S0-Pro). On the basis of the MP2-CAS computations, path II is anticipated to be energetically accessible. The reason for this is once the initial reactants (Co-S0-Rea + [Si]1) absorb light of 325 nm (= 88 kcal mol−1) wavelength, they can obtain enough energy to overcome the barrier height (5.7 kcal mol−1) from Co-T1-Cpx to Co-T1-TS2 in path II. In consequence, the mechanism for path II for both photochemical decarbonyl reaction and the Si–H bond activation reaction of η5-CpCo(CO)2 is given as follows:
Co system-path II: Co-S0-Rea + [Si]1 + hν → Co-T1-FC + [Si]1 → Co-T1-Min + [Si]1 → Co-T1-TS1 + [Si]1 → Co-T1-Int + [CO]1 + [Si]1 → Co-T1-Cpx + [CO]1 → Co-T1-TS2 + [CO]1 → Co-T1/S0-1 + [CO]1 → Co-S0-Pro + [CO]1 |
In path III, on the other hand, after the Co–CO bond breaking (Co-T1-TS1), the intersystem crossing from the triplet state to the singlet state comes about in the region of the T1/S0 intersection (Co-T1/S0-2), as depicted in Fig. 2. By way of this crossing point, the triplet η5-CpCo(CO)2 complex separates into one singlet η5-CpCo(CO) (Co-S0-Int) intermediate and one singlet CO molecule. Trimethylsilane is subsequently coordinated to the central cobalt atom of the Co-S0-Int species in the pattern of an η2 to generate a singlet precursor complex (Co-S0-Cpx). As a result, the Si–H bond of (CH3)3Si(H) is broken through a singlet transition state (Co-S0-TS1) to produce the final oxidative addition product (Co-S0-Pro). The MP2-CAS data reveal that the energies of intermediates (Co-S0-Int + CO + (CH3)3Si(H)), the precursor complex (Co-S0-Cpx + CO), the transition state (Co-S0-TS1 + CO) and the final insertion product (Co-S0-Pro + CO) relative to that of the starting materials (Co-S0-Rea + (CH3)3Si(H)) are computed to be 37, 18, 122, and 1.4 kcal mol−1, respectively. That is to say, the theoretical calculations indicate that the energy of Co-S0-Cpx (19 kcal mol−1) is much lower than that of its further activation barrier (105 kcal mol−1) from Co-S0-Cpx to Co-S0-TS1 in path III. Our computational evidence, therefore, predicts that this singlet cobalt precursor complex (Co-S0-Cpx) should be easily located, which has already been verified by the available experimental observations.24–28 Furthermore, the theoretical data given in Fig. 2 show that the activation energy of Co-S0-TS1 is 105 kcal mol−1 much higher than the irradiation energy (325 nm = 88 kcal mol−1) of the corresponding reactants (Co-S0-Rea + (CH3)3Si(H)). That is to say, compared to the excited promotion energy, the barrier height from Co-S0-Cpx to Co-S0-TS1 represented in path III cannot be surmounted. Accordingly, path III is energetically unfavorable for such photochemical oxidative additions of the η5-CpCo(CO)2 compound. Thus, the present theoretical investigations suggest that the mechanism of path III should proceed as follows:
Co system-path III: Co-S0-Rea + [Si]1 + hν → Co-T1-FC + [Si]1 → Co-T1-Min + [Si]1 → Co-T1-TS1 + [Si]1 → Co-T1/S0-2 + [CO]1 + [Si]1 → Co-S0-Int + [CO]1 + [Si]1 → Co-S0-Cpx + [CO]1 → Co-S0-TS1 + [CO]1 → Co-S0-Pro + [CO]1 |
In brief, the above computations reveal that once the η5-CpCo(CO)2 (Co-S0-Rea) molecule absorbs light, it can easily generate a coordinatively unsaturated 16-electron η5-CpCo(CO) fragment in either the triplet or the singlet excited state, via the loss of a CO molecule upon photolysis. In a similar way, this dynamic half-sandwich intermediate can easily undergo oxidative addition to the Si–H bond of H–Si(Me)3. Three reaction routes (paths I, II, and III) can be used for interpreting the mechanisms of such CO-photoextrusion reaction as well as the Si–H bond activation reaction. The present theoretical evidence demonstrate that only path II, which can form the triplet Co-T1-Int fragment, is the most energetically favorable reaction path for the photochemical reactions. On the other hand, both path I and path III, which can produce the singlet Co-S0-Int species, are energetically unfeasible for the generation of Co-S0-Pro. In other words, our theoretical investigations strongly indicate that it is only the triplet species, [η5-CpCo(CO)]3 (Co-T1-Int), that play a decisive role in the photochemical Si–H bond activation reaction by the organometallic compound, η5-CpCo(CO)2. These theoretical findings are in excellent agreement with the experimental observations reported by the team led by Harris.24–28
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Fig. 4 Energy profiles for the photo-oxidative-addition reactions for η5-CpRh(CO)2 (Rh-S0-Rea). The computational active spaces used in this work are described in Section II. All energies (in kcal mol−1) are given with respect to the reactant (Rh-S0-Rea). For the crucial points of the CASSCF optimized structures, see Fig. 5. For more information, see the text. |
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Fig. 5 The CASSCF geometries (in Å and deg) for photo-oxidative-addition reactions of η5-CpRh(CO)2 (Rh-S0-Rea). The computational active spaces used in this work are described in Section II. Their relative energies are given in Fig. 4. Some hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity. |
As seen in the left-hand side of Fig. 4, the MP2-CAS computational data indicates that the relative FC energies (kcal mol−1) of the electronic states increase in the order: Rh-S1-FC (57.8) < Rh-S2-FC (73.0) < Rh-T1-FC (78.0) < Rh-S3-FC (87.6) < Rh-S4-FC (94.7) < Rh-T2-FC (104.0) < Rh-T3-FC (104.5) < Rh-S5-FC (105.6). The MP2-CAS results reveal that only the energy of the first excited triplet state (i.e., Rh-T1-FC) is lower than that of its photoirradiated light (295 nm). In addition, we did not calculate the triplet energy surface for the photodecarbonyl reaction of the η5-CpRh(CO)2 (Rh-S0-Rea) complex in the present work. First, on the basis of the available experimental results,23,29,30 the photolysis of η5-CpRh(CO)2 generates only one singlet η5-CpRh(CO) fragment and one singlet CO molecule, i.e., [η5-CpRh(CO)2]1 + hν → [η5-CpRh(CO)]1 + [CO]1. Second, it is well understood that spin-allowed (e.g., singlet ground state → singlet excited state) absorption cross-sections are basically larger than those for spin-forbidden excitations (e.g. singlet ground state → triplet excited state). Due to the above two reasons, photoexcitation can promote the η5-CpRh(CO)2 complex from a singlet ground state a singlet excited state (such as, S4 or S3 in Fig. 4). Then, this excited complex relaxes to its singlet ground state. As a consequence, we focus the on the singlet state surface of the photodecarbonyl reaction of η5-CpRh(CO)2 from now on.
It has to be mentioned here that this work starting on the singlet surface of η5-CpRh(CO)2 does not imply its triplet excited states do not play a role in such a photochemical CO-extrusion reaction. In contrast, we understand the complexity of the photochemical behaviors of the η5-CpRh(CO)2 complex. In order to make the present study simpler and clear, we thus consider the singlet energy surface aspects separately. The photochemical behavior of the triplet excited state is considered later as an effect, which may or may not affect the photochemistry of the η5-CpRh(CO)2 complex.
On the basis of the above information, our computations therefore suggest that once the Rh-S0-Rea complex has absorbed the light, it will jump from the singlet ground state to the more highly excited singlet state (Rh-S4-FC) and then relaxes to the lowest excited singlet state (Rh-S1-FC). Accordingly, in this work we use the conical intersection (CI) concept,57–67 which considers the crossing between states of the same multiplicity (mostly commonly singlet–singlet), to explore the mechanism of the photochemical activation reactions of the Rh-S0-Rea system.
As shown in Fig. 4, after the vertical excitation procedure, the Rh-S0-Rea complex finally decays to the excited singlet Rh-S1-FC point but still maintains the ground-state geometry. Subsequently, this species relaxes to arrive at a Rh-S1/S0-CI point, from which the photoexcited rhodium complex decays nonradiatively to the singlet ground state.57–67 Our MP2-CAS findings suggest that Rh-S1/S0-CI is about 22 kcal mol−1 lower in energy than Rh-S1-FC. In Fig. 4, the directions of the derivative coupling and gradient difference vectors for the Rh-S1/S0-CI point are given. That is to say, funneling through Rh-S1/S0-CI via either the gradient difference vector or the derivative coupling vector can result in two different reaction routes on the singlet ground state surface. As shown in Fig. 4, the major contribution of the derivative coupling vector concerns the Rh–CO bond breaking, whereas the gradient difference vector involves vibrationally hot motion at the ground state configuration. As a result, the former allows the formation of the coordinatively unsaturated 16-electron η5-CpRh(CO) (Rh-S0-Int) intermediate and one CO molecule, both of which are in the singlet ground states. Indeed, this finding has been confirmed by the experimental observations, in which the photodecarbonyl reaction of Rh-S0-Rea finally occurs a singlet 16-electron organometallic η5-CpRh(CO) species.23,29,30
Subsequently, Rh-S0-Int interacts with Si(H)Me3 to form a singlet precursor complex (Rh-S0-Cpx), whose energy is predicted to be 7.6 kcal mol−1 above the energy of the corresponding reactants (Rh-S0-Rea + (CH3)3Si(H)). Then, Rh-S0-Cpx undergoes the oxidative addition into the Si–H bond of trimethylsilane via the transition state, Rh-S0-TS. Our computational findings suggest that the relative energies (kcal mol−1) of Rh-S0-Cpx, Rh-S0-TS and Rh-S0-Pro with respect to the corresponding reactants are 7.6, 67.2, and −5.4, respectively. As a result, from the reaction profiles given in Fig. 4, it is clear that the photoexcitation energy at 295 nm of the η5-CpRh(CO)2 reactant has sufficient internal energy to overcome the energy barrier from Rh-S0-Cpx to Rh-S0-TS. In brief, the theoretical observations demonstrate that the conical intersection mechanism plays a decisive role in the mechanism of the Si–H bond-activation reaction of photogenerated singlet η5-CpRh(CO) with trimethylsilane. Therefore, the mechanism of singlet photochemical oxidative addition reaction of η5-CpRh(CO)2 can be represented as follows:
Rh system: Rh-S0-Rea + [Si]1 + hν → Rh-S1-FC + [Si]1 → Rh-S1/S0-CI + [Si]1 → Rh-S0-Int + [CO]1 + [Si]1 → Rh-S0-Cpx + [CO]1 → Rh-S0-TS + [CO]1 → Rh-S0-Pro + [CO]1 |
In this work, the same computational method (MP2-CAS) is used to theoretically investigate the potential energy surfaces of η5-CpIr(CO)2 for its photochemical oxidative reaction. The computational reaction routes and the related geometrical parameters for the photoactivation reaction of Ir-S0-Rea with trimethylsilane are schematically represented in Fig. 6 and 7, respectively. To enable comparisons with the previous η5-CpCo(CO)2 (Co-S0-Rea) and η5-CpRh(CO)2 (Rh-S0-Rea) model systems, the irradiation of light to Ir-S0-Rea is assumed to be 295 nm (= 96.9 kcal mol−1), as shown on the left-hand side of Fig. 6.
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Fig. 6 Energy profiles for the photo-oxidative-addition reactions for η5-CpIr(CO)2 (Ir-S0-Rea). The computational active spaces used in this work are described in Section II. All energies (in kcal mol−1) are given with respect to the reactant (Ir-S0-Rea). For the crucial points of the CASSCF optimized structures, see Fig. 7. For more information, see the text. |
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Fig. 7 The CASSCF geometries (in Å and deg) for photo-oxidative-addition reactions of η5-CpIr(CO)2 (Ir-S0-Rea). The computational active spaces used in this work are described in Section II. Their relative energies are given in Fig. 6. Some hydrogen atoms are omitted for clarity. |
On the basis of the MP2-CAS computational data, Fig. 6 demonstrates that the lowest vertically excited energy state in the FC region is Ir-S1-FC (91.8 kcal mol−1), whose energy is notably lower than that of its irradiation of light (96.9 kcal mol−1). That is to say, the present theoretical observations indicate that the half-sandwich reactant complex (Ir-S0-Rea) is initially irradiated to its lowest lying singlet excited state (Ir-S1-FC). In the current work, we thus concentrate below on the singlet state channel for the photochemical activation reaction of Ir-S0-Rea with Si(CH3)3(H) from now on.
Subsequently, from the Ir-S1-FC point, this excited species relaxes to the conical intersection point (Ir-S1/S0-CI), whose energy is calculated to be about 52 kcal mol−1 relative to that of its corresponding reactant. Funneling through the Ir-S1/S0-CI point, several reaction routes on the ground-state energy surface may be foreseen by following its derivative coupling and the gradient difference vectors, which are already collected in Fig. 7. It is apparent from Fig. 7 that the main contribution of the gradient difference vector is the bending motions of two C–O bonds that result in a vibrationally hot Ir-S0-Rea molecule, whereas the derivative coupling vector corresponds to an Ir–CO bond cleavage. Therefore, following the derivative coupling vector from Ir-S1/S0-CI (Fig. 7) can give rise to the generation of one singlet CO molecule and one singlet half-sandwich monocarbonyl η5-CpIr(CO) intermediate (Ir-S0-Int). The MP2-CAS computations, which are given in Fig. 6, reveal that this Ir-S0-Int + CO + Si(CH3)3(H) point is 32.0 kcal mol−1 above the corresponding singlet reactants. Then the Ir-S0-Int species interacts with Si(CH3)3(H) to yield a precursor complex, Ir-S0-Cpx, whose energy is estimated to be about 18 kcal mol−1 with respect to the corresponding singlet state species. Finally, this activated complex undergoes its oxidative addition reaction via a transition state (Ir-S0-TS) to lead to the formation of a photoproduct, Ir-S0-Pro, as demonstrated in Fig. 6. Our MP2-CAS data indicate that the energy barrier from Ir-S0-Cpx to Ir-S0-TS and the reaction enthalpy of Ir-S0-Pro are estimated to be about 26 and −12 kcal mol−1, respectively. From the reaction profile given in Fig. 6, it is clear that the Ir-S0-Rea molecule has sufficient internal energy (38 kcal mol−1) to overcome the energy barrier between Ir-S0-Cpx and Ir-S0-TS (26 kcal mol−1) to reach the final insertion product (Ir-S0-Pro), after the photoexcited Ir-S0-Rea relaxes to the CI point (Ir-S1/S0-CI). Accordingly, the mechanism of the photoactivation reaction of η5-CpIr(CO)2 with trimethylsilane can be described as follows: [Si]1 stands for Si(CH3)3(H) at the singlet state.
Ir system: Ir-S0-Rea + [Si]1 + hν → Ir-S1-FC + [Si]1 → Ir-S1/S0-CI + [Si]1 → Ir-S0-Int + [CO]1 + [Si]1 → Ir-S0-Cpx + [CO]1 → Ir-S0-TS + [CO]1 → Ir-S0-Pro + [CO]1 |
(1) Our model computations demonstrate that upon absorption of a photon of light, η5-CpCo(CO)2 (Co-S0-Rea) is promoted vertically to one higher excited state and then relaxes to the triplet FC point, Co-T1-FC. From this point, this cobalt complex returns to the triplet minimum species, Co-T1-Min. After its photochemical decarbonylation, three important reaction pathways (paths I, II, and III) have been considered to examine its oxidative addition of a Si–H bond with Si(H)Me3. The theoretical observations indicate that Co-S0-Rea initiates from the excited triplet state surface and finally changes to the singlet ground-state pathway. In other words, the intersystem crossing between the triplet (T1) and singlet (S0) surfaces must play a vital role in describing the mechanisms for the photochemical CO-extrusion and oxidative addition reactions of the Co-S0-Rea complex. Our theoretical findings strongly suggest that path II is the most energetically favorable reaction route for such alkylsilane activation reactions. In particular, the computational examinations reveal that the triplet monocarbonyl species ([η5-CpCo(CO)]3) plays a dominant role, but the corresponding singlet intermediate ([η5-CpCo(CO)]1) plays no role, in the photochemical CO-extrusion reaction and its subsequent activation reaction for a Si–H bond in alkylsilane. The above theoretical conclusions have previously been verified by some experimental findings.24–36
(2) On the other hand, after the CO-photoextrusions of η5-CpRh(CO)2 (Rh-S0-Rea) and η5-CpIr(CO)2 (Ir-S0-Rea), our theoretical findings demonstrate that their half-sandwich monocarbonyl intermediates (Rh-S0-Int and Ir-S0-Int) should still proceed on the singlet energy surfaces. In other words, the conical intersection plays a central role in determining the mechanisms of their photochemical oxidative addition reactions with alkylsilanes.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8ra03866j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |