J. Thuriot-Roukos*a,
M. Bennisa,
E. Heusonb,
P. Roussela,
F. Dumeignila and
S. Paula
aUniv. Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, ENSCL, Univ. Artois, UMR 8181 – UCCS – Unité de Catalyse et Chimie du Solide, F-59000 Lille, France. E-mail: joelle.thuriot-roukos@univ-lille1.fr
bUniv. Lille, INRA, ISA, Univ. Artois, Univ. Littoral Côte d'Opale, EA 7394 – ICV – Institut Charles Viollette, F-59000 Lille, France
First published on 6th December 2018
For powder catalyst characterization, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), Raman, and X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometers and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) are available in high-throughput (HT) configurations, for example at the REALCAT platform to sequentially analyse multiple sets of samples. To remove the bottleneck resulting from the use of different sample holders for each equipment, a unique multi-well plate was developed. This paper details the design of such a plate including the selection of the fabrication material and the plate dimensioning based on the study of the 4 different physical interactions between matter and electromagnetic radiations for the aforementioned techniques. This new plate consists of a holder for removable wells enabling the avoidance of cross-contamination between samples. Raman, a focusing technique, has no strict constraint on the plate design. The number of wells, their geometry, spacing and dimensions were adjusted to deal with the constraints of IR optics. The well depth was set according to the XRF maximum penetration depth in the sample. The well diameter was optimized in order to obtain from the X-ray spot size the maximum achievable intensity. Poly-methyl-methacrylate (PMMA) was chosen as the material for the new plate due to its amorphous structure (no peak in XRD analysis) and ease with which it can be cut by a laser. Finally, the flatness of the multi-well plate was validated on the most challenging instrument: XRD. This new plate allows fast sample filling/preparation, requires small quantities of catalyst (50 to 80 mg) in each well and is compatible and convenient for HT experimentation.
Traditionally, the powder of a given catalyst is split into different samples which are used to fill four different sample holders. The geometry and characteristics of each sample holder complies with the constraint of the specific measurement technique it is dedicated to, and cannot be used interchangeably. Using multiple sample holders requires substantial quantities of sample powder and the process is time consuming. Consequently, to avoid the bottleneck in the HT characterization step, a unique multi-well plate has to be designed. The purpose of this study is to elaborate a single, versatile multi-well plate adapted to the aforementioned four characterization techniques, that enables (i) saving time and resources by preparing a single sample for the four analysis (ii) using a small amounts of sample and (iii) avoiding cross-contamination when filling side-by-side wells on a small-scale multi-well plate. This paper details the design of the novel and innovative plate including the selection of the fabrication material and the plate dimensioning based on the study of the four different physical interactions between matter and electromagnetic radiation and the constraints of each equipment.
Moreover, prior to set the multi-well dimensions, the limitation of each of the equipment had to be considered in terms of: (i) wavelength penetration depth, defined by the energy and the physical interaction (ii) resolution, defined by spectral range, the intensity of the source and especially by optical configuration and (iii) the multi-well plate holder design. Also, some practical needs have to be taken into account for the design. For instance, when filling wells located on the same plate leads to contaminations or loss of samples. The new design must respond to the scientific and practical issues.
At REALCAT, IR data are collected by diffuse reflectance (DRIFTs) for opaque powder catalysts. This mode is widely used for catalysts characterization.6 Mid-IR (MIR) light has a shallow penetration ability due to its low energy and is only able to probe the catalyst surface. With DRIFTs, the surface layer of the powder can be examined with a beam penetration depth of roughly 200 μm.7
Raman microscopy enables the study of heterogeneous systems at the micrometer scale.8 The penetration depth of the radiation varies from a few nanometers to a few micrometers depending on the nature of the sample, on the excitation wavelength and on how the Raman photons generated are retransmitted into the spectrometer via the confocal aperture.8 Solid phase Raman spectroscopy is merely a surface technique (probing depth is approximately equal to one wavelength, i.e., 0.5 μm for λ = 532 nm).9 Raman microscopy with multiple excitation wavelengths is a must for cross-disciplinary research environment and enables great flexibility during experimentation. The ability to change the excitation wavelength enables reducing or eliminating the fluorescence interference. For this reason, we use a tunable multi-laser system with three different wavelengths (532, 636 and 785 nm). The probing penetration increases when the wavelength increases. The green radiation (532 nm) has a reduced penetration depth in comparison with the red radiation (636 nm) and the near-infrared wavelength (785 nm), which penetrates deeper in the sample.10 Some studies have used different lasers to probe different penetration depths in the sample providing complementary information when applied to the same sample composed of different layers.10,11
To sum up for IR and Raman, the upper limit penetration depth in the heterogeneous catalyst characterization is at the micron scale. A sample layer of a few microns gives an accurate analysis for both techniques.
For XRF, the information depth is determined by the absorption of the fluorescence radiation in the sample itself.12 To produce a fluorescence event, the energy of the incident radiation must be higher than that of the absorption edge of the elements in question. The generated fluorescence photons suffer from absorption and scattering in their path through the sample, before being detected. Information depth is a function of the sample as well as the energy of the photon in question. The higher the energy of the photon, the further they can travel through a sample before reaching the detector. As they pass through matter, X-rays are attenuated according to the absorption coefficients of the elements in the sample.12 The attenuation length is defined as the depth into the material measured along the surface where the intensity of X-rays falls to 1/e of its value at the surface (where e ≈ 2.7183 is Euler's number).13 By calculating the attenuation length, the depth of penetration of X-rays through matter is calculated. The information depth can change in a wide range according to the analyzed element (its energy of fluorescence radiation) and the absorption in the matrix. To study the attenuation length, heavy and light elements (Sn, Br, Au, Ti and Si) mostly present in catalyst compositions are chosen in 4 different matrices or catalytic supports. The sucrose represents the organic matrix (light matrix), Al2O3 and MoO3 represent the usual catalytic supports and Pt represents a heavy matrix. The attenuation length of each element is calculated in Pt metal, Al2O3, MoO3 and sucrose using the calculator available on the website http://henke.lbl.gov/optical_constants/atten2.html (date of entry: September 11th 2018) and the results are presented in Table 1. In order to calculate, some information has to be input in the calculation tool: the M4 XRF incident X-rays beam angle with the sample (50°), the range of energy, the plot type, the chemical formula of the matrix and its density because of the relation between μ = A/ρ, where μ is the mass absorption coefficient, A is the linear absorption coefficient and ρ is the density of the material/matrix. The calculation tool gives a linear plot of the attenuation length (μm) in a material (e.g., Al2O3) versus the photon energy (keV) (range of energy). Taking into consideration the energy of an element (e.g., Sn with Kα of 25.3 keV), the meeting point between the element energy and the plot gives the attenuation length of this element is a given material. For example, in Al2O3 matrix, the signal from Sn would come from a depth of up to 1.9 mm, in the range between 1 keV and 30 keV. Table 1 shows that for light elements (Si and Ti) probing depths are restricted to few μm in all type of matrices whereas for heavy elements (Z > 30) probing depths can vary between a few microns for heavy matrices (e.g., for Sn in Pt) and a few centimeters for organic materials (e.g., for Sn in sucrose). Quantification for heavy compounds in light matrices (organic matrices) requires a depth of a few millimeters. For example, reliable quantification of Sn requires a minimum depth of about 2 mm in Al2O3. That also means that the analyzed volume of sample has to be representative of the material and this has to be guaranteed by adequate sample preparation (sample thickness).
Energy (keV) | Penetration depth (μm) | |||
C12H22O11, ρ = 1.59 g cm−3 | Al2O3, ρ = 3.95 g cm−3 | MoO3, ρ = 4.69 g cm−3 | Pt metal, ρ = 21.45 g cm−3 | |
Si-Kα 1.7 | 6.5 | 0.5 | 1.8 | 0.4 |
Ti-Kα 4.5 | 100 | 12.5 | 3.8 | 0.4 |
Au-Lα 9.7 | 1100 | 125 | 26 | 2.8 |
Br-Kα 11.9 | 2100 | 210 | 45 | 2 |
Sn-Kα 25.3 | 13500 | 1900 | 60 | 8.1 |
Furthermore, the M4 XRF uses Fundamental-Parameter model (FP) (a standardless method) for element quantification. Using the FP model permits the analysis with accuracy of any sample type. The relation between concentration and intensity of the fluorescence radiation was first developed by the Sherman relation.15 This semi-empirical equation combines theoretical physics and results of experimentation. To calculate, by using FP, the fluorescent radiation intensity of an analyte in a sample excited by a polychromatic X-rays radiation, many parameters have to be taken into account: measurement geometry, absorption coefficient of each element, enhancement, matrix effect, density and thickness of the sample.14 In order to use the FP for catalyst analysis, the sample is considered infinitely thick.12 Obviously, the thickness of the sample to be analyzed is very important. To get accurate results from XRF quantification, the sample should be thick enough (a few millimeters). The validation of the well thickness was made by comparing the results of quantification of Ni on SiO2 (common catalyst composition) in two wells having different thickness. The quantification of nickel in a SiO2 matrix shows an error of 25% on quantification of Ni in a thin plate (1 mm) relatively to a measurement in a well of 3 mm depth (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Ni/SiO2 XRF spectrum in a deep well (3 mm – blue curve) and in a shallow well (1 mm – green curve). |
It is worth mentioning that the anode element in the M4 XRF instrument (e.g., Rh or W) only affects the sensitivity for specific elements and not the information depth. Whereas the sensitivity depends on the number of photons above the absorptions edge of a given elements, the excitation of atoms is mainly governed by their absorption coefficient, which strongly depends on the photon energy.
For XRD, the penetration depth depends on the anode or X-rays tube wavelength and the sample composition. In order to evaluate this depth, calculations for 3 different X-rays wavelengths and different sample matrices were done. The choice of matrices is the same as for XRF study. AbsorbDX (Diffrac EVA V4.0) is used for this evaluation. The theory equations behind the software rely on the fact that, beside the scattering of X-rays, these latter are mainly absorbed by photoelectric effect. The X-rays attenuation in the samples follows the Beer–Lamberts laws and depends on the absorption coefficient of the sample and the X-rays wavelength (as for XRF). In a BBG, the thickness should be infinite for calculation of the intensity.16 To calculate the depth of the layer analyzed by X-rays, the chemical composition of the sample, its density, the anode element (Cu, Mo, Ag), the angle of incidence and the type of goniometer used (Bragg–Brentano) should be input in the software. Fig. 2 gathers the results of the penetration depth for the 3 anodes in 4 materials.
Fig. 2 shows that when the wavelength decreases, the penetration depth into the matter increases. Besides, X-rays penetrate deeper in light matrices than in heavy ones. For example for Ag anode, the penetration depth is around 9 mm when analyzing organic matrix. The D8 XRD device is equipped with a Cu anode. According to the results presented in Fig. 2 in the case of Cu, all the types of matrices, even the organic ones, can be accurately analyzed in a sample holder of 1 mm depth.
In summary, the probing depth for IR and Raman is at the micron scale for opaque powder catalysts. The sample holder depth is mainly constrained by the penetration depth of techniques that involve X-rays (Fig. 3). For XRD, a well depth of 1 mm is enough for all types of matrices when using a Cu anode. As already mentioned, XRF analysis requires a several mm depth of the sample for a quantitative analysis. But, as the quantity of catalyst synthesized is often restricted, a 3 mm depth for the sample holder was chosen and validated by the analysis of a light catalyst matrix (Ni/SiO2). This depth will enable the analysis of a wide range of heterogeneous catalysts. Only those composed of heavy compounds dispersed in an organic matrix will not be accurately analyzed (Table 1). For those catalysts (red zone in Fig. 3), Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) must be used to get accurate results of elemental analysis.
The polychromatic IR beam coming from the source passes through a diaphragm, an interferometer and a focal mirror before reaching the surface of the sample. Finally, it is reflected towards the detector. The focal length of the mirror before the interferometer is 100 mm and that of the module HTS-XT is 51 mm, hence the spot size on the sample is about half the size of the source diaphragm (Fig. 4). The maximum aperture for the diaphragm is 6 mm. Thus, the circular spot size is half of it, which is about 3 mm. For powder catalyst analysis, a diaphragm aperture of 2.4 mm is usually used leading to a 1.2 mm circular diameter illuminating the sample.
In Raman spectroscopy, the incident monochromatic light is inelastically scattered from a sample. When using a confocal Raman microscope, a very small sample area or volume, down to the micron scale, is analyzed. According to physics and under ideal conditions, the theoretical laser spot size is expressed as a function of the laser wavelength and the microscope objective magnification following the equation:17
Fig. 5 Spot diameter calculation for three lasers' excitations (λ = 532, 638 and 785 nm) and three objective types. |
Fig. 5 shows that the spot size increases when the wavelength increases. Note that using the objective with the smallest magnification (×10) results in relatively high spot diameters. For this technique, the larger spot size is less than 4 μm. At the μm scale, there is no constraint on the sample size for the well design.
For μ-XRF spectroscopy, the spot size is determined by the X-rays optics. In the Tornado M4, a poly-capillary optic is used with the Rh source. The capillary is a special type of total reflection optics. Poly-capillary optic is composed of a bundle of very thin single capillaries (inner diameter down to 1–2 μm each). All the capillaries are facing the source and collecting its primary radiation. They shape the beam and concentrate it to two small circular spots down to 20 μm or 200 μm diameter. During experiment, the choice of the spot size (20 or 200 μm) can be made, by the software, according to the sample size. For catalyst analysis, a 200 μm spot size is always selected in order to collect the maximum information on the sample. For the W source, a collimator is used. The collimator absorbs all the radiations that did not meet the collimator hole. However, these radiations penetrate the collimator without any changes in energy distribution. The spot size of a collimator is given by the diameter of the collimator. This size is limited by the captured solid angle of source radiation. For the Tornado M4, the spot size for the collimator is around 1 mm of diameter. Considering the two optics for XRF, collimator optic has the larger spot on the sample. Therefore, the diameter of the sample should be larger than 1 mm.
In reflection mode for XRD, X-rays generated by the source are shaped by the optics used on the diffractometer. The shape of the spot size is rectangular: the x value is defined by the divergence slit with motorized aperture and the y value can be controlled by the axial slit size (primary optic mounted on the anode). The motorized divergence slits keep the same illumination of the sample at all the angles to ensure a constant-surface condition. The larger the irradiated area, the greater the peak intensity. Therefore, the optimization of the X-rays spot size should be maximized on the whole sample area. The D8 XRD have a BBG that employs the θ:θ configuration: where the sample is stationary but the X-rays source and the detector are mounted on the goniometer arms that rotate around a common axis located at the goniometer center. The movements of X-ray source and detector arms are synchronized and have the same speed ensuring that the angles they form with the surface of the sample are decreased and increased equally. The goniometer center coincides with the measuring circle of the BBG. The sample should be located in the goniometer center and lies at a tangent to the focusing circle. Therefore, the sample surface must be rigorously flat. To be able to set the x and y coordinates of wells in the middle of the goniometer, each well was filled with scintillators ZnS:Cu (Fig. 6). Under the beam, a green light emission is induced enabling observation of the X-rays spot and each well position could then be adjusted in the center of the goniometer (Fig. 6). The z coordinates were set by matching the lines position of the standard reference silicon powder (NIST) with the Powder Diffractometer Files (PDF) from ICDD database.
Fig. 6 Analysis of ZnS:Cu on XRD to set the coordinates of each well in the center of the goniometer. |
The wells coordinates are registered in the software as a template. For automatic XRD analysis, the motorized plate places each well at the goniometer center according to the coordinates set in the software. On the other hand, to adjust the sample illumination, depending on the shape of the sample holder, the apertures of optics mounted on the tube were adjusted:
- Divergence slit with motorized aperture was optimized to fit in the center of the well: 8 mm (defines the x position);
- Slit optimized to fit in the center of the well: 8 mm (defines the y position);
- The square 8 mm × 8 mm is centered in the middle of the well and correspond to the maximum area illuminated by X-rays without touching the outer border of the well.
By analyzing the above constraints, the spot size for Raman is in the micron scale, while IR and XRF spot sizes are in the millimeter scale. The XRD spot size is optimized to 8 × 8 mm (Fig. 6) that guarantees high peaks intensity for catalyst analysis. The well diameter should then be optimized according to XRD, which imposes the largest one. The diameter of the circular well was hence set to 13.5 mm to include the XRD spot size. This diameter for the sample holder was also suitable for the other techniques as shown on Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 Circular well (in gray) with schematic representation of the spot shapes for the four different characterization techniques used. |
As aforementioned, the well diameter is chosen according to the XRD spot size. The internal diameter of the well is thus 13.5 mm to support the largest spot size of XRD (8 × 8 mm). As for the well depth, it is chosen according to XRF and XRD penetration depths. Three conditions contributed to the design of the depth: (a) XRD needs a large area of sample, but a 1 mm thickness is enough, (b) for XRF the analyzed sample area can be chosen by the operator, but XRF requires a few millimeters depth to guaranty accurate results for quantification and (c) small amount of catalysts are generally available. Combining these 3 conditions, a double depth well was designed. A 1 mm depth over the 13.5 mm diameter and in the middle of the circular well a 3 mm depth over 6 mm diameter (Fig. 8). This design enables accurate results for XRD for all types of catalysts. For automatic analysis by XRF, the multi-point mode is very often used. It consists of choosing the zone, the number and the coordinates of each point (200 μm each) prior to each analysis. By choosing to analyze the points in the center of the well (over the 3 mm depth zone), accurate results are obtained even when quantifying some catalysts composed of heavy elements in a light matrix. Furthermore, the double thickness enables limiting the amount of powder catalyst needed to fill the well (around 50 to 80 mg per well depending on the powder density).
For analysis, each well is filled with powder catalyst. The top loading of each well is very important in order to have a perfectly horizontal surface for XRD. Then, the wells are inserted on the PMMA plate and analyzed by the four non-destructive methods of characterization. Thus, one plate preparation can be used to carry out four different analyses on four different instruments successively, collecting important information on the catalyst properties in a very limited amount of time.
To test the new design of the plate, its 23 wells were filled with calcined Y2O3 and analyzed by XRD. Y2O3 was chosen because of the presence of peaks at low and high angles on the diffractograms. Thus, the shift of peaks can be representative for a wide range of samples. Fig. 11 shows all the diffractograms overlaid and presenting a shift in 2θ position. For this study a middle angle (2θ = 29.14°) was chosen to show the shift of diffractograms collected on the 23 positions of the plate (Fig. 11A).
Fig. 11 Representation of the shift (A) and the correction of the peak (B) for the XRD analysis of Y2O3. |
The shift is corrected for each well according to the reference (given by the PDF) in red (Fig. 11B). The maximum shift corresponds to 0.13°. By correcting the shift in degrees, the software Diffrac EVA V4.0 evaluates the displacement error in μm.
This displacement is reported for the 23 wells to visualize the error of flatness of the entire plate. Rows B and C have the lowest error. Row D shows a positive error contrarily to row A (Fig. 12). However, all errors have led to a shift in 2θ position less than 0.2°, which is an acceptable limit for identification in XRD. Therefore, this good result validates the multi-well plate on the most demanding instrument (XRD device).
XRD | XRF | FTIR | Raman | |
Penetration depth | 1 mm | 3 mm | μ Scale | μ Scale |
Spot size | 8 × 8 mm | 1 mm diameter | 3 mm diameter | μ Scale |
Plate size and dimension | Optimized template | No constraint | Optic alignment | No constraint |
The depth of the well is chosen according to X-rays method, the spot size is chosen according to XRD and the plate design according to IR. Raman, a surface probing technique and a focusing method, did not imply any constraint on the design of the well plate.
The multi-well was validated on the XRD, XRF, IR and Raman instruments but this paper highlights results obtained on X-rays techniques that were the most restrictive on the design.
This new versatile multi-well plate enables rapid, systematic and automatized characterization of powder catalysts using 4 different HT techniques in the reflection mode. This plate meets the constraints of spectroscopic techniques including the X-rays ones, which are the most stringent. The major features of this new multi-well plate are as follows: (i) 23 individual wells, which are easy to fill reliably and quickly with a flat surface, (ii) easy sample filling without cross-contamination, (iii) small quantities of catalyst needed (50 to 80 mg) and (iv) compatible and convenient for HT experimentation.
Finally, the preparation of one well plate for 4 characterization techniques led to a significant gain of time and resources, a very important factor when working in a high-throughput environment.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |