Michael L.
Grigore A.
Richard E. P.
d and
aDipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Informatiche, Università di Parma, I-43124 Parma, Italy. E-mail: stefano.carretta@unipr.it
bISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, OX11 0QX Didcot, UK
cInstitute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52425 Jülich, Germany
dThe School of Chemistry, Photon Science Institute, The University of Manchester, M13 9PL Manchester, UK
eInstitut Laue-Langevin, 71 Avenue des Martyrs CS 20156, Grenoble Cedex 9 F-38042, France
fThe School of Chemistry, The University of Manchester at Harwell, Didcot, OX11 0FA, UK
gJARA High-Performance Computing, RWTH Aachen University, 52062 Aachen, Germany
First published on 7th March 2018
The Cr7Co ring represents a model system to understand how the anisotropy of a CoII ion is transferred to the effective anisotropy of a polymetallic cluster by strong exchange interactions. Combining sizeable anisotropy with exchange interactions is an important point in the understanding and design of new anisotropic molecular nanomagnets addressing fundamental and applicative issues. By combining electron paramagnetic resonance and inelastic neutron scattering measurements with spin Hamiltonian and ab initio calculations, we have investigated in detail the anisotropy of the CoII ion embedded in the antiferromagnetic ring. Our results demonstrate a strong and anisotropic exchange interaction between the Co and the neighbouring Cr ions, which effectively transmits the anisotropy to the whole molecule.
SMMs containing CoII ions have been largely investigated in the last years, thanks to their potential for the production of very large magnetic anisotropies and thus higher blocking temperatures.20–22 However, the interpretation of magnetic data for polynuclear complexes containing CoII centres is often difficult, due to their important orbital contribution. In particular, there is now a literature on CoII-based SMMs, but the precise nature of the magnetic exchange in these systems is still a crucial open question that need to be investigated.20 There have been several papers studying homometallic complexes including CoII23,24 and lanthanides,25 where exchange interactions have been investigated with different spectroscopic techniques, but studies where a highly anisotropic ion is included in a larger polymetallic complex remain rare. Anisotropic ions (such as CoII) coupled with other magnetic ions are important building blocks to implement efficient and scalable quantum information schemes.26 Moreover, this kind of compounds is expected to display rich physics associated with the unquenched orbital degrees of freedom. For instance, in antiferromagnetic highly anisotropic ring-like clusters the low-frequency dynamics should be characterized by Néel Vector Tunneling.27–32 Thus, it is important to understand in detail the anisotropic exchange interactions involving a CoII ion embedded in a large polymetallic cluster.
In this work we exploit the octagonal heterometallic ring [NH2Me2][Cr7CoF8(O2CCtBu)16] (hereafter Cr7Co ring) as a model system to understand how the insertion of an anisotropic Co ion strongly coupled to the Cr ones affects the anisotropy of the whole molecule. Cr–Cr exchange interactions and the Cr zero-field splittings have been already determined in the isostructural Cr8 and Cr7M (M = Ni, Mn, Zn) compounds.32–35 Thus, the combination of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS) techniques with ab initio and spin Hamiltonian calculations,36 allows us to investigate in detail the anisotropy of the CoII ion embedded in the antiferromagnetic ring and the Cr–Co anisotropic exchange interactions. By combining EPR measurement on the isotructural Ga7Co compound with ab initio calculations, we demonstrate that the CoII ion in this environment is highly anisotropic and we are able to determine the spectroscopic splitting tensor gCo. We have then performed INS measurements on both powder samples of Cr7Co at different temperatures and on single-crystal samples with different applied magnetic fields. Neutron scattering intensities on single-crystal samples have also been measured as a function of energy transfer and neutron momentum transfer (Qx, Qy, Qz) with the 4-dimensional INS (4D-INS) technique.32,37 Guided by ab initio calculations based on the density-functional theory + many-body approach (DFT + MB),36 and thanks to the thorough set of INS measurements described above, we determine the Cr–Co isotropic coupling J and anisotropic exchange tensor D. In agreement with ab initio calculations, we find that Cr7Co is characterised by a strong and highly anisotropic Cr–Co exchange interaction, which effectively transmits the anisotropy of CoII to the whole molecule. As discussed in the last part of the paper, these results suggest a promising way to reach the strong coupling regime between photons and individual molecules,38 a crucial step for building a scalable molecule-based quantum information architecture.
The structure of Cr7Co is an octagon of metals bridged on each M⋯M edge by one fluoride and two pivalate ligands (Fig. 1). Therefore each metal is six-coordinate, with a F2O4 coordination sphere. At the centre of the ring is a dimethylammonium cation where the protonated N atom is involved in hydrogen-bonding to bridging fluorides. Using this cation and solvents the Cr7Co ring crystallises in a tetragonal crystal system with a four-fold rotation axis passing through the N-atom of the cation. This four-fold axis leads to the CoII ion being disordered about the eight metal sites of the ring, and to disorder of the cation.
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The first two terms in eqn (1) describe the dominant isotropic exchange interactions, while the third term corresponds to the axial single-ion zero-field-splitting term acting on Cr ions (with the z-axis perpendicular to the plane of the ring). The fourth and fifth terms take into account the anisotropic exchange interaction of the CoII ion with the two neighbouring Cr ions (labelled as s1 and s7 respectively), which is described by the traceless diagonal tensor Dlocal, referred to its local principal axis on each Cr–Co bond, with diagonal elements Dyy, Dzz and Dxx = −(Dyy + Dzz). The last terms in eqn (1) describe the Zeeman interaction with an applied magnetic field, where the spectroscopic splitting tensor is assumed isotropic for CrIII (gCr = 1.98) and anisotropic for the CoII ion (glocal). The local principal axis for both Dlocal and glocal tensors have been determined by the DFT + MB approach described below and are depicted in Fig. 1. The matrices R8,1−7 and R′8 in eqn (1) transform the Dlocal and glocal tensors from their local reference frames to the laboratory/unit cell reference system (see Fig. 1). At last, the delocalization of the CoII ion along the ring in the crystal (equal probability on each site) is taken into account in modeling the experimental results. Cr–Cr exchange interactions and Cr zero-field splittings have already been determined in the isostructural Cr8 and Cr7M (M = Ni, Mn, Zn) compounds, yielding JCr–Cr = 16.9 K and dCr = −0.44 K.33–35 Hence, here we can focus on CoII and Cr–Co interactions to extract JCr–Co, Dlocal and glocal by combining EPR and INS data with the spin Hamiltonian and ab initio calculations.
This method ensures an accurate description of strongly correlated systems (such as MNMs), as shown also by a recent study of a family of Cr7M compounds isostructural to Cr7Co.35 CoII (3d7 electronic configuration, S = 3/2) is embedded in a distorted octahedral cage of ligands (O and F). In perfect octahedral symmetry, spin–orbit coupling would split the twelve-fold degenerate ( = 1, S = 3/2) ground multiplet into a doublet, a quartet and a sextet.40 Here the distorted octahedral environment leads to a sequence of Kramers doublets, the lowest two being separated by about 180 K according to ab initio calculations (see details in the ESI†). Thus, at low temperatures we can restrict to the lowest-energy doublet and describe it as an effective spin 1/2. In this subspace, we obtain the spin Hamiltonian in eqn (1), with the principal axes of the Dlocal and glocal tensors sketched in Fig. 1. Our first-principles calculations predict an isotropic Cr–Co exchange constant of JCr–Co = 21 K and anisotropic exchange with Dzz = −11.2 K and Dyy = 10.4 K leading to (in K):
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These results show two directions where the Cr–Co anisotropic exchange is strong but opposite in sign and a third direction where it is almost one order of magnitude weaker. Finally, we obtain glocal = (5.4, 3.3, 2.9). These parameters have been used as a guide for the final determination of the spin Hamiltonian based on EPR and INS data. DFT + MB calculations also indicate the presence of a significant Dzialoshinski–Moriya (D–M) interaction. However, here this interaction acts only at the second-order through the S-mixing41 and its effects are much weaker than those of anisotropic exchange. Thus, in the following we only consider the isotropic and anisotropic parts of the exchange interaction to keep the model with the minimum number of parameters.
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Fig. 2 INS spectra for a Cr7Co single crystal collected on the IN5 spectrometer at T = 1.5 K with an incident neutron energy Ei = 1.9 meV (Ei = 8 meV in the inset) and integrated over the full measured Q range (black squares). The c axis of the single crystal is perpendicular to the horizontal scattering plane. Solid lines are simulations based on the spin Hamiltonian in eqn (1) with JCr–Co = 19 K and the local anisotropic exchange tensor obtained from the fitting of all the INS data. The delocalization of the Co ion along the ring is also taken into account in the simulations. |
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Fig. 3 Constant-energy plots of the neutron scattering intensity measured on IN5 with an incident energy of 1.9 meV and with a sample temperature of 1.5 K. (a) and (c) Show the experimental dependency of the neutron scattering intensity of the inelastic excitations observed at 0.1 meV, 0.5 meV respectively on the two horizontal wavevector components Qx − Qy, integrated over the full experimental Qz data range (−0.2 to 0.2 Å). (b) and (d) Show the corresponding calculations based on the spin Hamiltonian in eqn (1) with JCr–Co = 19 K and the local anisotropic exchange tensor obtained from the fitting of all the INS data. The delocalization of the Co ion along the ring is also taken into account in the simulations. The cross-section has been integrated over energy ranges centred around the observed transition energies: 0.07 meV < E < 0.2 meV for (a, b) and 0.34 meV < E < 0.66 meV for (c, d). The colour bar reports the transition intensity normalized for the maximum in each panel. |
INS experiments on IN5 provide information on the low-lying energy levels of Cr7Co up to 6 meV and measurements in temperature allow us to distinguish between transitions involving or not the ground state. However, they are not sufficient to unambiguously identify the Cr–Co exchange parameters. Indeed, IN5 data can be reproduced with a high-anisotropy model (in agreement with DFT + MB results), but also with a weak-anisotropy one. In both cases the antiferromagnetic exchange interactions lead to a S = 1 ground multiplet. In the high-anisotropy case both the 0.1 meV and 0.5 meV INS peaks in Fig. 2 are due to intramultiplet transitions within the ground S = 1 manifold and therefore a strong and rhombic anisotropic Cr–Co exchange is responsible for the large 0.5 meV splitting of the ground multiplet. In this case the cold transition at 1.8 meV is the lowest-energy intermultiplet transition, yielding a large JCr–Co value, of the same order as JCr–Cr. Conversely, if we assume that the 0.5 meV peak is the lowest intermultiplet transition, we have to consider a weak Cr–Co anisotropic exchange leading to a small splitting of the S = 1 ground state multiplet of only 0.1 meV. In order to solve this puzzle, we have performed a targeted INS experiment in applied magnetic field. We have measured a single crystal sample of Cr7Co on the LET44 spectrometer at the ISIS facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Didcot, UK), at T = 1.8 K and with magnetic fields B = 0 T, 2.5 T, 5 T and 7 T (experimental details are given in the ESI†). The behaviour of the INS excitations as a function of the applied magnetic field enables us to distinguish the two situations and to evaluate the anisotropy of the molecule. Fig. 4-a shows the high-resolution spectra collected on the LET spectrometer with an incident neutron wavelength Ei = 1.5 meV and with different applied magnetic fields, while the higher energy-transfer spectra with Ei = 3 meV are reported in Fig. 4-b. The cold transitions at 0.5 meV and 1.8 meV are clearly visible in the zero-field spectra. A decisive information about the anisotropy of the Cr7Co has been provided by the magnetic-field dependence of the position of the lowest-energy cold peak, detected at 0.1 meV at zero-field (see Fig. 2). This transition is not visible in the B = 0 T and B = 2.5 T LET spectra, as it is underneath the elastic peak. Nevertheless, the peak moves to higher energies by increasing the magnetic field and becomes clearly visible at 0.3 meV with B = 7 T (see Fig. 4-a). This lowest-energy INS excitation corresponds to a transition within the S = 1 ground multiplet in both the high-anisotropy and weak-anisotropy model. The small observed energy shift (from 0.1 meV to only 0.3 meV) with the application of a strong a magnetic field of 7 T can be explained only by the high-anisotropy model. Indeed, a much larger field-induced shift is expected in the weak-anisotropy one, almost twice as large as the one detected by INS measurements (energy levels as a function of the applied magnetic field calculated with the weak-anisotropy model are reported in Fig. S7 of the ESI†).
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Fig. 4 INS spectra for a Cr7Co single crystal, collected on the LET spectrometer with an incident neutron energy Ei = 1.5 meV (a) and Ei = 3 meV (b) at T = 1.8 K in different applied magnetic fields: B = 0 T (black squares), B = 2.5 T (red circles), B = 5 T (green triangles) and B = 7 T (blue triangles). Solid lines are simulations based on the spin Hamiltonian in eqn (1) with JCr–Co = 19 K and the local anisotropic exchange tensor obtained from the fitting of all the INS data. The magnetic field is applied in the plane of the ring (see Fig. S6 of the ESI†). |
The parameters of the spin Hamiltonian in eqn (1) have been determined by fitting all the INS data reported in Fig. 2 and 4, which are very well-reproduced with JCr–Co = 19 ± 2 K and a strong and rhombic Cr–Co anisotropic exchange term with Dzz = −10 ± 1 K and Dyy = 13.0 ± 1 K leading to (in K)
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As in the DFT + MB results, there are two directions where the Cr–Co anisotropic exchange is strong but opposite in sign and a third one where it is almost one order of magnitude weaker. The spin Hamiltonian results also yield a strong Cr–Co isotropic exchange interaction and are therefore in good agreement with DFT + MB predictions. It is worth to note that this model also reproduces the IN5 intensity maps in Fig. 3 and S4 of the ESI.†32,37,43 The calculated low-lying energy levels and their magnetic field dependence are reported in Fig. 5.
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Fig. 5 (a) Low-lying energy levels of the Cr7Co ring calculated taking into account the isotropic exchange terms of the spin Hamiltonian in eqn (1) with JCr–Co = 19 K (black lines). Red lines are obtained adding the ZFS term and the Cr–Co anisotropic exchange, given the local anisotropic exchange tensor in eqn (3). Since S is not a good quantum number for the full spin Hamiltonian, we have assigned to each level the total-spin value S with the major components in the corresponding eigenstate. (b) Magnetic field dependence of Cr7Co energy levels up to 7 T with the CoII ion on site 8. The magnetic field is applied in the plane of the ring (see experimental configuration in Fig. S6 of the ESI†). |
It is worth noting that the effective anisotropic exchange interaction in eqn (1) originates from the combined effect of the CoII ion zero-field splitting and of a real Cr–Co anisotropic exchange. In fact, our DFT + MB results show that the gCo tensor, which reflects the single-ion anisotropy of the CoII, and the Dlocal tensor, accounting for the effective Cr–Co anisotropic exchange, have different local principal axis (see Fig. 1). In order to better understand the effects of the Cr–Co anisotropic exchange on the magnetic behaviour of the molecule at low temperatures, we have applied second-order perturbation theory to project the Cr–Co anisotropic exchange interactions onto an effective S = 1 multiplet.41 With this procedure we have determined the principal axis of the effective anisotropy tensor acting on the S = 1. The easy-axis of the effective anisotropy lies within the plane of the ring and points in the radial direction from the centre of the ring towards the Co ion, whereas one of the two hard directions is perpendicular to the plane of the ring.
This study has allowed us to understand the nature of the Cr–Co anisotropic exchange interactions in the Cr7Co ring and their effects on the magnetic behaviour of the molecule. Moreover, it also represents an important starting point for the design of new systems where strong exchange interactions transmit the large anisotropy of CoII ions to the whole molecule. As a first attempt, more than one Co ion can be embedded in the antiferromagnetic ring to further increase the anisotropy of the cluster.47 Having fully characterized the Cr–Co anisotropic exchange, we are able to design the molecule in order to maximize the anisotropy-induced splitting of the ground states (which will be an S = 2 with two CoII ions within the ring). For instance, Co ions on opposite sites (e.g. sites 1 and 5 in Fig. 1) will produce a splitting about 40% larger than that obtained when the two Co ions have one CrIII in between (e.g. sites 6 and 8 in Fig. 1).§
The inclusion of anisotropic ions strongly coupled to high-spin ones (like MnII, FeIII or CrIII) in polymetallic clusters is important also in view of exploiting MNMs for quantum information processing (QIP). In particular, a crucial milestone would be to reach the so-called strong coupling between a single magnetic molecule and the quantized magnetic field (photons) of coplanar superconducting resonators.38 Indeed, this would allow the local control and read out of the molecule magnetic state38,52 and to implement QIP schemes similar to those used for superconducting qubits.53,54 The large spin-photon coupling needed to reach the strong coupling regime could be achieved with a molecule characterized by a large total spin and by a strong easy-plane anisotropy.38 These are often conflicting requirements, but the present results demonstrate that the inclusion of one or more anisotropic 3d ions in a high-spin polymetallic complex is a promising way of achieving this very important goal. At last, anisotropic ions coupled with molecular qubits can be used as a switch of the effective qubit–qubit interaction in the implementation of quantum gates.26
We have found strong anisotropic exchange interactions between CoII and the neighbouring Cr ions. Thus, our results demonstrate that the anisotropy of CoII is efficiently transmitted to the anisotropy of the whole Cr7Co polymetallic cluster through strong effective anisotropic exchange interactions.
This study is also a starting point for the design of new systems, where strong exchange interactions transmit the large anisotropy of CoII ions to the whole molecule. On the one hand, a rich physics is expected in these systems, due to unquenched orbital degrees of freedom (e.g. Néel Vector Tunneling in the low-frequency dynamics). On the other hand, the combination of high-spin ions strongly coupled to a few very-anisotropic ions like CoII represents a promising route for building scalable quantum information architectures.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Details of the experimental and theoretical procedures used and supplementary results. CCDC 1810773. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: 10.1039/c8sc00163d |
‡ E. G., A. C., P. S., G. A., and S. C. performed spin-Hamiltonian calculations, INS data simulations and fits, while A. C. and E. P. did DFT calculations. E. G., T. G., S. A., J. O., H. M. performed single crystal INS experiments and data analysis, while INS experiment on powders were performed by M. L. B., J. O. and H. M., M. L. B. did EPR experiments and simulations. All the samples were synthesized by G. T. and R. E. P. W., while the structure of the compound has been determined by I. J. V., E. G. and S. C. wrote the manuscript with inputs from all coauthors. |
§ Exchange of a protonated amine for an imidazolium cation enables the introduction of a second divalent ion in AF rings,48 although this does result in multiple isomers due to disorder of the divalent ion about the eight metal sites. However, this family of compounds exhibit considerable synthetic flexibility from which many derivatives are possible.49,50 Thus, opposing divalent sites can be obtained by changing the structure of the cycle.51 |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |