Gabriele C.
Thomas F.
Mark A.
Benjamin J.
b and
aDepartment of Chemistry and Centre for Scientific Computing, University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. E-mail:
bSchool of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
cChemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
dThomas Young Centre, London Centre for Nanotechnology and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London WC1E 6BT, UK
First published on 27th August 2018
Organic molecules such as steroids or amino acids form crystals that can facilitate the formation of ice – arguably the most important phase transition on earth. However, the origin of the ice nucleating ability of organic crystals is still largely unknown. Here, we combine experiments and simulations to unravel the microscopic details of ice formation on cholesterol, a prototypical organic crystal widely used in cryopreservation. We find that cholesterol – which is also a substantial component of cell membranes – is an ice nucleating agent more potent than many inorganic substrates, including the mineral feldspar (one of the most active ice nucleating materials in the atmosphere). Scanning electron microscopy measurements reveal a variety of morphological features on the surfaces of cholesterol crystals: this suggests that the topography of the surface is key to the broad range of ice nucleating activity observed (from −4 to −20 °C). In addition, we show via molecular simulations that cholesterol crystals aid the formation of ice nuclei in a unconventional fashion. Rather than providing a template for a flat ice-like contact layer (as found in the case of many inorganic substrates), the flexibility of the cholesterol surface and its low density of hydrophilic functional groups leads to the formation of molecular cages involving both water molecules and terminal hydroxyl groups of the cholesterol surface. These cages are made of 6- and, surprisingly, 5-membered hydrogen bonded rings of water and hydroxyl groups that favour the nucleation of hexagonal as well as cubic ice (a rare occurrence). We argue that the phenomenal ice nucleating activity of steroids such as cholesterol (and potentially of many other organic crystals) is due to (i) the ability of flexible hydrophilic surfaces to form unconventional ice-templating structures and (ii) the different nucleation sites offered by the diverse topography of the crystalline surfaces. These findings clarify how exactly organic crystals promote the formation of ice, thus paving the way toward deeper understanding of ice formation in soft and biological matter – with obvious reverberations on atmospheric science and cryobiology.
Biological ice nucleating agents also play a key role in the ever-growing field of cryobiology: in fact, the formation of ice in biological matter is the cornerstone of cryotherapy and cryopreservation,4,18i.e. the long-term storage of frozen biological material which is essential to enable cutting-edge technologies such as regenerative medicine.19,20 A number of organic crystals have been known to facilitate ice nucleation,21,22 and molecular crystals of steroids such as cholesterol (CHL)23 are used to boost the formation of ice when cryopreserving biological material.2,24 Importantly, CHL molecules also represent a major component (up to 40%) of animal cell membranes,25 thus prompting the question of whether this steroid can play a role as ice nucleator in the context of ice formation in biological matter.
However, the microscopic details of heterogeneous ice nucleation on CHL – and indeed on the vast majority of organic and inorganic compounds alike – remain remarkably poorly understood,7 although a substantial body of experimental work has been devoted to assess the ice nucleation ability of biological matter.22,26–32 In fact, the reason why many biological ice nucleating agents display a far stronger ice nucleating activity than most inorganic materials5,7 is still largely unknown. Partly, this is because obtaining molecular-level insight into the nucleation process is still a formidable challenge for experiments, and only very recently simulations of heterogeneous ice nucleation have become feasible,7,13,33–40 largely thanks to the capabilities of the coarse grained mW water model.41 Indeed, mW has played a pivotal role in enabling systematic investigations of ice nucleation on e.g. carbonaceous42 or hydroxylated organic surfaces.43 However, fully atomistic water models and enhanced sampling methods are often required to take into account the subtleties of the hydrogen bond network between water and complex impurities.44,45
In this work, we bring together experiments and simulations to take an ambitious step forward in furthering our understanding of ice formation on organic crystals. We focus on CHL, due to its relevance in cryopreservation and its role within cellular membrane, unravelling microscopic motivations for heterogeneous ice nucleation likely to be shared by many other organic crystals. We find via micro-litre droplet nucleation measurements (μl-NIPI) that CHL crystals display an outstanding ice nucleation ability (stronger than most inorganic ice nucleating agents), with freezing events initiating at very mild supercooling ΔTS = TMelt − T = 4 K down to ΔTS = 20 K. Scanning electron microscopy suggests that the activity of these crystals as ice nucleating agents across such a wide temperature range could be due to the diverse topography of the surface of the cholesterol crystals, which are likely to offer a variety of different nucleation sites. In order to get a molecular-level insight into the mechanism of ice formation on CHL crystals, we harness enhanced sampling simulations, focusing on the hydroxylated (001) face of cholesterol monohydrate (CHLM) – the most relevant surface (and polymorph, as discussed below) in biological scenarios. We find that CHL crystals facilitate the formation of ice in a non-conventional fashion: in contrast to what has been observed in the case of inorganic substrates such as e.g. carbonaceous particles42 or clay minerals,45 the flexibility of the CHLM surface and the large spacing of its hydroxyl groups prevent the formation of a flat, ice-like layer of water molecules at the water–crystal interface. Instead, the hydroxyl groups participate in the formation of 5- and 6-membered hydrogen bonded rings of water molecules forming peculiar molecular “cages” that provide an effective template for the nucleation of both cubic and hexagonal ice (a rare occurrence).
As a whole, our findings suggest that the formation of ice on CHL crystals originates from the ability of their flexible hydrophilic surfaces to trigger the formation of unconventional ice-templating molecular features. In addition, different nucleation sites potentially offered by the diverse topography of the crystal can further enhance the intrinsic ice nucleation potential of CHL surfaces. This insight could help to understand ice formation on a number of other organic compounds, from amino acid crystals46,47 to bacterial fragments48,49 – as they are all characterised by the presence of flexible hydrophilic surfaces displaying diverse topological features. In addition, organic crystals such as cholesterol are positioned “in between” inorganic and biological ice nucleating agents: they possess the order and the crystalline surfaces of the former, and the complexity and flexibility of the latter. This work thus paves the way to a molecular-level understanding of ice formation in biological matter, tackling a substrate (CHL crystals) that embeds unique features of very different classes of materials.
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Fig. 1 CHLM crystals promote the formation of ice across a wide range of temperatures. (a) Droplet fraction frozen as a function of temperature for 1 μl water droplets placed onto a CHLM substrate. (b) Ice-active surface site density ns (see text and Methods section) values for the same data reported for CHLM (CHL) in panel (a), together with ns values for kaolinite (KAO) from Herbert et al.,62 BCS376 feldspar (K-FELD) from Atkinson et al.,11 graphene oxide (GRA) from Whale et al.63 and single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCN) also from ref. 63. The uncertainty in terms of temperature associated with the CHLM data is ±0.4 K. |
In order to calculate the (surface) density of the active ice nucleation sites (ns, commonly used to compare the ice nucleating efficiency of different substances5) on the CHLM surface (reported in Fig. 1) we have used the following expression:
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The uncertainties associated with the values of ns have been calculated using Monte-Carlo simulations of possible active ice nucleation sites distributions, propagated with the uncertainty associated with A – as described in Harrison et al.12 These simulations generate a list of possible values for the number of active sites per droplet for a given experiment, given the observed freezing data. By repeating this process a great many times, a distribution of the possible active site distributions that can account for the freezing of each droplet is obtained. The error bars for the CHLM ns data reported in Fig. 1 are generated by propagating this distribution with the uncertainty in surface area of cholesterol per droplet and taking the 95% confidence interval of the resulting distribution. At high and low temperature ends of the reported data, where the Poisson uncertainty (i.e. the error originating from the Monte-Carlo simulations) is largest, the contribution of the uncertainty in surface area amounts to approximately 25% of total uncertainty in ns(T), with the Poisson uncertainty in the active site distribution accounting for the remainder of the error bars.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed on CHLM plates. These were mounted on copper tape, then coated with 2 nm of iridium. SEM was performed with an FEI Nova NanoSEM 450 in high vacuum mode, using an Everhart–Thornley Detector (ETD).
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Fig. 2 CHLM crystals display a diverse surface topography. SEM images of CHLM crystals, which predominantly expose {001} surfaces – consistent with what has been reported in ref. 54. It is quite clear that these plates possess numerous topographical features. |
The CHARMM36 (ref. 55) force field was used to model the CHL crystals, taking advantage of a recent update of this force field parameters explicitly with respect to CHL.56 In order to mimic the experimental conditions, we have constrained the system at the experimental lateral dimensions (detailed together with the computational geometry in the ESI†), and we have also restrained the positions of the hydrophobic tail of each CHL molecule (specifically, the carbon atoms C25, C26 and C27, see the inset of Fig. S1 in the ESI†) by means of an harmonic potential characterised by a spring constant of 10000 kJ mol−1. All the other atoms within the CHLM slab are unconstrained. We have verified that the thermal expansion of the crystal at 230 K (∼0.1% with respect to each lateral dimension) does not alter the structure nor the dynamics of the water–kaolinite interface. This setup is thus as close as we can get to the realistic (001) hydrophilic surface of CHLM within the CHARMM36 model. Implications of the flexibility of the CHLM slab are discussed in the ESI.† The interaction between the water molecules have been modelled using the TIP4P/Ice model,53 so that our results are consistent with the homogeneous simulations of ref. 57. The interaction parameters between the clay and the water were obtained using the standard Lorentz–Berthelot mixing rules.58
Extreme care must be taken in order to correctly reproduce the structure and the dynamics of the water–CHLM interface. The Forward Flux Sampling (FFS) simulations reported in this work rely on a massive collection of unbiased Molecular Dynamics (MD) runs, all of which have been performed using the GROMACS package, version 4.6.7. The code was compiled in single-precision, in order to alleviate the huge computational workload needed to converge the FFS algorithm and because we have taken advantage of GPU acceleration, which is not available in the double-precision version. The equations of motions were integrated using a leap-frog integrator with a time step of 2 fs. The van der Waals (non bonded) interactions were considered up to 10 Å, where a switching function was used to bring them to zero at 12 Å. Electrostatic interactions have been dealt with by means of an Ewald summation up to 12 Å. The NVT ensemble was sampled at 230 K using a stochastic velocity rescaling thermostat59 with a very weak coupling constant of 4 ps in order to avoid temperature gradients throughout the system. The geometry of the water molecules (TIP4P/Ice being a rigid model) was constrained using the SETTLE algorithm60 while the P_LINCS algorithm61 was used to constrain the O–H bonds within the clay. We have verified that these settings reproduce the dynamical properties of water reported in ref. 57. The system was equilibrated at 300 K for 10 ns, before being quenched to 230 K over 50 ns. This is the starting point for the calculation of the initial flux rate for the FFS algorithm, which lasted about 1.5 μs and thus allowed us to investigate the water–CHLM interface as well (see e.g.Fig. 3).
In Fig. 1a we report the fraction of frozen droplets as a function of temperature for CHLM. It can be seen that CHLM can induce ice nucleation at temperatures as warm as 269 K. This agrees with previous studies which have reported high nucleation temperatures for CHL in the immersion mode.2,24 In here, we investigate the ice nucleating ability of CHLM as a function of supercooling. As shown in Fig. 1a, the spread of nucleation temperatures for the CHLM sheets is very broad, with some of them freezing at temperatures as low as 252 K. To allow for a comparison of the efficiency of ice nucleation by CHLM with other known nucleating species we have calculated the ice-active surface site density (ns) for CHLM on the basis of the size of the contact patch of the water droplets with the CHL plates. As explained in greater detail in the Methods section, ns is a site specific measure of ice nucleation efficiency which does not take into account the time dependence of ice nucleation, on the basis that the impact of time dependence on heterogeneous ice nucleation is generally minimal.62,70,71 We have compared the ice nucleating efficiency of CHLM with that of e.g. kaolinite powder,62 which has commonly been regarded as an efficient ice nucleating agent in the past72 and of BCS 376 feldspar powder, which is known to nucleate ice highly efficiently11 and was likely responsible for earlier observations of efficient ice nucleation in kaolinite samples. It can be seen that CHLM nucleates ice far more efficiently than kaolinite and more efficiently even than the feldspar at warm temperatures. Thus, CHLM has the potential to be a highly efficient ice nucleating agent in immersion mode across a wide range of temperatures – which is the scenario typically encountered when dealing with cryobiological applications.
A water slab (∼40 Å thick) is in contact with the hydroxylated (001) surface of CHLM (CHLM−OH001), modelled as a single layer of CHL molecules. This surface is hydrophilic, due to the presence of amphoteric hydroxyl groups. As CHL molecules are relatively bulky and the crystal is held together by weak electrostatic interactions only, the arrangement of these –OH groups on the CHLM surface is characterised by a broad distribution of large OH–OH distances, ranging from 5.1 to 7.1 Å – as illustrated in Fig. 3a. Such a pattern of hydroxyl groups does not straightforwardly match any particular low-index Miller surface of either hexagonal or cubic ice. This is relevant, as a good structural match between a substrate and ice38 has traditionally been considered as a “requirement” of an effective ice nucleating agent.76
Interestingly, despite the presence of the hydroxyl groups, the density profile of the oxygen atoms of the water molecules on CHLM reported in Fig. 3b resembles that for water at hydrophobic walls.77 The enhancement (∼30% in Fig. 3b) of the density, within the first peak of the profile, compared to its value in the bulk of the water slab, is much smaller than that (typically a factor four or six) observed for e.g. water in contact with hydrophilic walls – or indeed water on kaolinite. This is because, the outer layer of the CHLM crystals is much more mobile/flexible than that of kaolinite: this is not surprising, as we are comparing a molecular organic crystal (held together by van der Waals interactions) with a (covalently bonded) clay mineral. Importantly, it is reasonable to assume that a similar degree of flexibility characterises the majority of organic crystals containing long molecules such as steroids. This is relevant to ice formation because, as discussed in e.g.ref. 43, the structural fluctuations of organic/biological ice nucleating particles can strongly affect the kinetics of ice nucleation. In fact, we have shown in ref. 45 that the same argument holds in the case of kaolinite as well: for instance, a “frozen” kaolinite surface (atoms are kept fixed during MD simulations) leads to nonphysically fast ice nucleation rates.
Because of this flexibility of the CHL molecules and the low-density of hydroxyl groups at the water–CHLM interface, we did not observe (within a 200 ns time scale) the formation of an ordered, ice-like over-layer of water molecules, in contrast with what is generally found in the case of idealised crystalline surfaces,78 carbonaceous particles42 or kaolinite crystals.44,45 In fact, most inorganic substrates are characterised by surfaces where atomic/molecular species are tightly packed, and can thus potentially provide a high density of functional groups for supercooled water to interact with, typically by forming a more or less ordered overlayer sitting on top of the crystalline surface. In the case of the water–CHLM interface, however, water molecules can partially infiltrate the outer layer of the CHLM surface (see Fig. 3a and b) due to the relatively large spacing between the CHL molecules and the flexibility of the surface itself. As a net result, despite the absence of a flat overlayer of ice-like water molecules, the amphoteric character of the hydroxyl groups does facilitate the formation of a network of hydrogen bonded rings of water molecules as well as hydroxyl groups, as illustrated in Fig. 3c. In particular, we observe the emergence of 6-membered rings of hydrogen bonded water molecules and hydroxyl groups. These rings are the building blocks of both hexagonal (ice Ih) and cubic (ice Ic) ice, and are the most abundant species in bulk water. Note that the occurrence of these rings is actually even more pronounced in the proximity of the CHLM–water interface (red/orange points/curve in Fig. 3c). Surprisingly, there is also an increase in the number of 5-membered water/hydroxyl rings at the crystal–liquid interface. Pentagonal rings are thought to frustrate the homogeneous formation of ice;79 however, in this case both 6- and 5-membered rings alike contribute to the formation of ice-like fluctuations such as the “cage” shown in Fig. 4a. These cages are indeed the building blocks of ice Ic (see Fig. 4b and c), and involve hydrogen bonds between water molecules and hydroxyl groups, as depicted in Fig. 4d and e. Thus, in this heterogeneous nucleation scenario, the presence of 5-membered rings in not detrimental; on the contrary, they lead to the formation of ice-like fluctuations of the water network at the water–CHLM−OH001 interface.
We note that the emergence of these cages is the reason why we have chosen to consider as the “interfacial layer” those water molecules within 5.0 Å from the average position of the oxygens of the CHL hydroxyl groups – as illustrated by the shaded region in Fig. 3b. As shown in e.g.ref. 80, the definition of this water layer can have an impact on the analysis of the structure of – in this case – the water–CHLM interface. While the interfacial layer can be chosen on the basis on indicators such as the first or second minimum of the density profile (see Fig. 3b), we have found that the rather generous cutoff of 5.0 Å is sufficient to accommodate the substantial extent of the hydrogen bonded cages depicted in Fig. 4d and 3e. We have also verified that by choosing the second minimum of the density profile (∼7 Å) our results, including the trends within the rings statistics reported in Fig. 3c, are basically unchanged.
Our findings thus contribute the growing body of evidence40,43,78 that the structural mismatch argument alone cannot be deemed as neither a sufficient nor a necessary criteria to assess, let alone to predict, the ice nucleating ability of a given substrate.38 This is bound to be especially true in the case of biological ice nucleating agents such as macromolecules,17 where the notion itself of a lattice mismatch is ill defined. In fact, we argue that organic crystals such as cholesterol lie halfway in between inorganic (e.g. mineral crystals) and biological (e.g. bacterial fragments) ice nucleating agents, as they are characterised by the relatively flat and (in this case) –OH regularly patterned surfaces of the former while showing the flexibility of the latter. This is particularly relevant for CHL, which is a substantial component of animal cellular membranes25 and could thus contribute to promote the heterogeneous formation of ice in biological matter – a possibility we will investigate in future work. In this respect, it is interesting to note that very recent simulations81 suggest that ice can bind to antifreeze proteins via “anchored clathrate” motifs not dissimilar to the molecular cages discussed above.
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In this way, the (exceedingly small) total probability P(λice|λ0) for a certain MD trajectory to reach the ice basin is decomposed in a collection of (manageable) crossing probabilities which we compute by a large number (103 to 105) of unbiased MD trial runs from λi−1 to λi. Further details about the FFS algorithm can be found in the ESI.† We note that we have used the same water model (TIP4P/Ice) at the same strong supercooling (ΔTS = 42 K) as employed previously to compute the homogeneous ice nucleation rate and the heterogeneous ice nucleation rate on kaolinite, a clay mineral of relevance to atmospheric science. As such, we can compare directly our results with those of ref. 44 and 57.
From the very early stages of the nucleation process, we observe a strong preference for ice to form at the water–CHLM−OH001 interface – as opposed to within the bulk of the water slab. In fact, ∼75% of the pre-critical ice nuclei we observe as natural fluctuations of the supercooled water network (λ = 0) sit on top of the CHLM−OH001 surface. The calculated growth probability P(λ|λ0) as a function of lambda, together with the fraction of ice nuclei that can be found at the water–CHLM−OH001 interface are reported in the ESI (Fig. S2b†). By the time the FFS algorithm has reached λ = 125, no nuclei within the bulk of the water slab survive. We have observed a similar trend in the case of ice nucleation on the hydroxylated (001) basal face of kaolinite,44 but the fraction of ice nuclei at the water–kaolinite interface at the initial stages of the FFS algorithm was much smaller (∼25%). This suggests that pre-critical ice-like fluctuations, which we have recently investigated in the broader context of heterogeneous crystal nucleation,95 are much more likely to occur at the surface of CHLM compared to kaolinite.
The mechanism of ice nucleation at the water–CHLM−OH001 interface is illustrated in Fig. 5: the early stages involve the formation of elongated, almost one dimensional, linear, chain-like ice nuclei preferentially along specific directions (see ESI†), due to the particular arrangement of the –OH hydroxyl groups on the CHLM−OH001 surface. However, larger nuclei (corresponding to increasing values of λ) progressively assume a more isotropic shape, as indicated by the evolution of the asphericity parameter α (equal to 1 and 0 for a infinitely elongated rod and a perfect sphere respectively) as a function of λ. At the same time, the 1D character of the nuclei evolves toward a more compact geometry, with a significant growth along the [001] direction (z-axis) normal to the water–CHLM−OH001 interface, as demonstrated by the trend of the dimension ΔZ of the ice nuclei along that axis, also reported in Fig. 5. The resulting morphology of the ice crystals, though, remains to be investigated because of the emergence of finite size effects. Overall, the evolution of the ice nuclei within the early stage of ice nucleation at the water–CHLM−OH001 interface possesses some similarities with the case of ice formation on kaolinite,44 where ice nuclei spread into a 2D, planar geometry before stacking additional ice layers along the normal to the water–kaolinite interface, once the critical nucleus has been reached. Thus, these findings suggest that the nature of the early stages of heterogeneous ice nucleation at strong supercooling (ΔTS = 42 K) has a strong anisotropic character, in stark contrast with the assumptions prescribed by classical nucleation theory (CNT).96
In fact, CNT does not take into account the molecular structure nor the “chemistry” of the substrate: these aspects are only implicitly included into the value of the contact angle of the ice nuclei with respect to the substrate. However, microscopic features such as the particular arrangement of the hydroxyl groups on the CHLM surface can influence the shape and the energetics of the ice nuclei. In the case of ice on CHLM, water molecules at the water–cholesterol interface find convenient to harness the directionality of the –OH pattern (see Fig. 3a and 3 in the ESI†) to form anisotropic ice nuclei (see Fig. 5 and 3 in the ESI†), which are likely to be characterised by a much smaller interfacial energy if compared to the hemispherical shape predicated by CNT in the case of perfectly flat, featureless substrates. We note however that in order to probe this aspect of CNT quantitatively, it would be desirable to improve the current enhanced sampling techniques to take into account milder supercooling – and thus larger critical ice nuclei.
The ice nucleation rate on the CHLM−OH001 surface obtained from our FFS simulations is 1027±3 s−1 m−3, about 20 orders of magnitude larger than the homogeneous ice nucleation rate at the same supercooling – calculated via FFS simulations using the same water model.57 This spectacular enhancement of the kinetics of ice formation is due to the small heterogeneous critical nucleus size , which we estimate (as discussed in detail in the ESI†) to contain 250 ± 50 water molecules – a number consistent with the predictions of CNT (see ESI† and ref. 44). Interestingly, these results are very similar to what we have previously obtained in the case of ice formation on kaolinite,44 where we calculated
= 225 ± 25. However, it has to be said that the FFS simulations performed in this work (as opposed to the case of kaolinite44) may be suffering from finite size effects (discussed in the ESI†), which could both enhance the kinetics of ice nucleation (as the ice nuclei feel the influence of their periodic images) and/or hamper the growth of ice crystals (as the simulation box most likely does not match the periodicity of the growing ice crystal). Our estimates of
have therefore to be taken with care.
The fact that the kinetics of ice formation on the CHLM−OH001 surface seems to be comparable with that of an inorganic crystal such as kaolinite is not entirely unexpected, as the (001) hydroxylated surface of kaolinite also presents –OH groups at the water–crystal interface which are capable of templating the formation of ice-like structures. However, supercooled water on kaolinite forms a dense, hexagonal ordered overlayer of ice-like molecules sitting on top of the hydroxyl groups,45 while, as we have discussed in the previous section, water molecules can partially infiltrate the CHLM−OH001 surface to form 5- and 6-membered hydrogen bonded rings, resulting in a much less ordered and way less dense overlayer. As both substrates (kaolinite and CHLM) are characterised by the presence of hydroxyl groups which facilitate the formation of ice, the much faster kinetics of ice nucleation we have observed experimentally for CHLM compared to kaolinite (especially at mild supercooling, Fig. 1b) is likely to be due to the different surface topography of the two compounds.
Interestingly, despite the predominance of ice Ic within the growing ice nuclei, ice Ih can still form and grow along a specific direction (the [111] of the cubic phase) on top of ice Ic crystals (which in turn grow along the [100] direction, normal to the plane of the water–CHLM−OH001 interface), as illustrated in the insets (right side) of Fig. 6. The coexistence of ice Ic and ice Ih is thus likely to result in ice Isd crystals at strong supercooling. However, at milder supercooling ice Ih fluctuations are expected to become more relevant, and in fact experimental evidence suggests that the macroscopic crystalline habit of ice crystals grown on CHLM at ΔT = 2 K is indeed that of ice Ih.22 Importantly, we did not observe such a competition between ice Ic and ice Ih in the case of kaolinite, where the cubic polytype is basically absent throughout the whole nucleation process.44,45 In fact, we argue that, in the case of CHLM crystals, different nucleation sites (whose exact nature remains to be determined) could promote chiefly ice Ic or ice Ih according to the different degree of supercooling, thus contributing to unravel the strong ice nucleating ability of CHLM crystals along such a wide range of temperatures. This argument would suggest that the multi-component nature of ice nucleation on biological matter could be at least partially attributed to a greater variety of nucleation sites – as well as the specific templating effect of functional groups acting as hydrogen bond donor and/or acceptors with respect to supercooled liquid water. Moreover, we have shown in this work that some of these functional groups – such as the hydroxyl groups characterising the water–CHLM−OH001 interface – can even promote a different ice polytype at the same time, possibly according to different supercooling.
Finally, we note that, in agreement with previous simulations of ice nucleation,43,45 the flexibility of the CHLM−OH001 has an impact on the extent and the structure of the ice-like fluctuations at the CHLM−OH001–water interface, and that the anhydrous crystalline phase of CHL also displays substantial ice nucleating potential. These two aspects are both addressed in detail in the ESI.†
Surprisingly, we find that CHLM crystals, despite being exceptionally good ice nucleating agents, do not provide a conventional template for ice to form. Specifically, molecular simulations reveal that, as opposed to what has been reported for supercooled water in contact with simple model substrates (e.g. Lennard-Jones crystals, which allow to rapidly explore different surface geometries78) and/or inorganic materials (such as carbonaceous particles,42 or clay minerals44,45), water on the (001) hydroxylated surface of cholesterol monohydrate (the most abundant interface in aqueous environments) does not form an ordered, dense, ice-like overlayer. Instead, due to the flexibility of the CHLM surface and its relatively low density of hydroxyl groups, water molecules partially infiltrate the crystal, forming a network of both 6- and 5-membered hydrogen bonded rings. The latter involve water molecules as well as hydroxyl groups provided by CHL molecules. While some of these structural features (particularly pentagonal rings) are known to hinder homogeneous water freezing, we find that they actually facilitate the heterogeneous formation of both hexagonal and cubic ice on CHLM crystals. In fact, enhanced sampling simulations suggest the emergence of stacking disordered ice (a mixture of the two polytypes) at the water–CHLM interface. This is in stark contrast with what we have previously observed in the case of e.g. the clay mineral kaolinite, where only the hexagonal polytype was observed along the whole nucleation process.44 In fact, more often than not a given crystalline substrate nucleates exclusively one of the two ice polytypes.7,13 Moreover, we find that the nucleation rate of ice on CHLM crystals is basically identical to that we have previously calculated in the case of kaolinite – at the same strong supercooling (ΔTS = 42 K). Kaolinite and CHLM are both characterised by an hydrogen bond network capable of facilitating the formation of ice nuclei: thus, the substantial difference in the ice nucleating ability we observe experimentally for these two compounds is most likely rooted into their surface topography. In fact, the ns data reported in Fig. 1b suggest that two populations of potentially different ice nucleating sites may coexist on the CHLM surface. The change in the slope of the CHLM data is reminiscent of that observed for freezing spectra for birch pollen,17,100 which has been attributed to the presence of two different ice nucleating macromolecules.101 Similarly, we argue that there may be two different broad classes of ice nucleating sites on CHLM, represented by the two different slopes in the freezing spectra. Due to the spatially sporadic nature of the highly active sites, which are not present in every millimetre diameter droplet, it seems likely that these two different classes of ice nucleation sites are related to specific defects or the diverse topography of the CHLM, rather than any factors related to the bulk molecular structure of CHLM.
In addition, the emergence of stacking disordered ice phases during the heterogeneous formation of ice has been experimentally observed,99 and consequently ascribed to different crystal growth regimes. Our results offer the intriguing prospect that the nucleation process itself may favour, in some cases, the formation of stacking disordered ices. Thus, we argue that the dramatic ice nucleation ability of certain organic materials may be traced down not only to the formation of a network of hydrogen bonds between water and the nucleation sites, but also to the capability of specific surfaces to promote at the same time different ice polytypes as a function of supercooling. In order to verify this hypothesis, though, we would need to investigate ice nucleation on CHLM at milder supercooling. To this end, an heterogeneous seeded molecular dynamics approach is currently being validated.102 Our results also suggest that organic crystals sit in between inorganic and biological materials, when it comes to promoting the formation of ice: substrates like CHLM are characterised by relatively flat surfaces exposing an array of amphoteric functional groups, much like several inorganic ice nucleating agents (e.g. kaolinite, feldspar, hydroxylated graphene), but the flexibility of the surface and the low density of such functional groups is typical of biological nucleating agents such as macromolecules and bacterial fragments. This is especially relevant in the case of CHL, a molecule which is not only used in crystalline form as an ice nucleating agent in cryopreservation applications, but that significantly contributes to the composition of animal cell membranes as well.
In summary, the experiments and simulations presented in this work indicate that cholesterol crystals are incredibly efficient ice nucleating agents, active across a broad range of supercooling. We show that such strong ice nucleating activity is due to the intrinsic potential of the flexible amphoteric surfaces of CHLM to form unconventional ice-templating molecular structures. It is likely that microscopic structural features of the crystals could further enhance the ability of CHLM (and potentially of other organic crystals) to form ice, by offering a diverse array of nucleating sites. In fact, we believe that for an ice nucleating agent to be very efficient, a combination of interfacial “chemistry” and surface topography is generally required. This interplay could thus be the key to understand the heterogeneous formation of ice on molecular organic crystals, and it may provide a starting point for the investigation of ice in soft and biological matter at the molecular level. In particular, tailoring the microscopic structure of the substrate and modifying the nature as well as the density of hydrogen-bonding functional groups at the water–substrate interface can be seen as two different routes to engineer the ice nucleating ability of novel cryoprotectants, the design of which, at the moment, largely relies on the high-throughput screening of whole libraries of different compounds. The absence of a proper structure-to-function paradigm is perhaps the most pressing challenge in cryobiology: this is why future work will be devoted to assess whether and how hydrogen-bonding functional groups other than hydroxyls would be equally effective to enhance the kinetics of heterogeneous ice nucleation.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8sc02753f |
‡ School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK. |
§ School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 |